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Mindfulness for Parents and Children

Instructor Course Overview

Kendra Croom This is a free, 3-week course offered to parents by Jefferson Community & Technical
College. Each lecture will be 1 ½ hours. In this 3-week course we will be discussing
Mindfulness and how it can help you and your children live more positive lives. We
will also practice some mindfulness exercises together and learn some excellent
318-884-6603 mindfulness exercises for children.

Email Required Text

KendraHamilton1@Purdue Handouts and further reading materials will be provided.
Course Materials
Office Location
 Pencil and a notebook.
Jefferson Community &
Technical College, Room 8

Course Dates and Time

Saturday, May 1st, 9am

Saturday, May 8th, 9am

Saturday, May 15th, 9am

Course Schedule

Week Subject Practice Problems

Week 1 Introduction to Mindfulness. What is mindfulness? How is it
Week 2 Mindfulness for Parents How can parents practice
mindfulness throughout their
busy days? How is this beneficial
to themselves and their children?
Week 3 Mindfulness for Children What are some mindful exercises
for children? How is this
beneficial for them?

Homework Policy
Journal: You will keep a daily journal log of your mindfulness practices. Be sure to right down any questions or
concerns to bring to class the following week. When the 3-week course is over you can continue to log your
mindfulness and contact me with questions through your mindfulness journey.

Additional Information

We live in a busy, busy world. Let us slow down together and learn how mindfulness can benefit our daily lives.

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