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FMP: Brief

Information on client/ competition


Raindance Film Festival is the largest independent film festival in the UK

Early Deadline 24TH April 2020 Entry fee £25

Regular Deadline 22ND May 2020 Entry fee £35

Late Deadline 6TH July 2020 Entry fee £50

Outline of the final idea

For my final idea, I have decided that I am going with a short film. The short film will be about a
young boy’s life and how it has changed after the coronavirus. From being outgoing and living life to
being stuck in his own home, the tension between everyone starts to increase. He tries to stay in
contact with all his friends by going on a call with them each night. As the days go he becomes really
bored, he tries many things to keep him entertained. He decides to start recording what he gets up
to. One night he gets into an intense argument with his girlfriend and ends up not calling each other
for a while, Little does he know that that would be the last time he would be able to talk to her
again, as the lockdown finally ends, he tries calling her to see if they can fix their relationship but she
doesn’t answer, he tries calling her parents. This is when they tell him that she committed suicide.

I feel like this would be a very impactful short film as it can be very close to home for some people.

Rules and regulations

- Narrative short
- Under 45 mins
- Labelled as PAL or NTSC

Target audience

For my targeted audience, I have chosen the ages of 13 to 20. This is because I feel like my short film
will have the biggest impact on this age range as they are the most outgoing and free with spending
time with their friend and being outside having fun not having to worry about money and stability. I
feel like this can have an impact as the current generation rely heavily on their friends and social
media. This can change their mental health as it becomes more unbalanced and they believe more
things on social media because they start spending more time on it.
Production schedule

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