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Digital signature forming and keys protection based on person's


Conference Paper · March 2012

DOI: 10.1109/ICITeS.2012.6216593


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1 author:

Ahmed B. Elmadani
Sebha University Libya


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International Conference on Information Technology and e-Services 2012

Digital Signature forming and keys protection based

on person’s Characteristics
Ahmed B. Elmadani
Dept. of Computer Science Faculty of Science
Sebha University
Sebha Libya

Abstract—In today's commercial environment, establishing a leaving the legal definition, and so their importance,
framework for the authentication came with different challenges, somewhat confused [4].
need of secure document exchange, secure bank transactions, and
other e-commerce needs. Challenges are in term of DS is implemented by attaching a digital code to an
confidentiality. Digital signature (DS) is the only means of electronically transmitted message that uniquely identifies the
achieving it. This paper shows a method in signing and verifying sender. DSs are equivalent to traditional handwritten
a document digitally online. A document is first signed, using a signatures in many respects[2], properly implemented DSs are
Secure Hash Algorithm – 160 (SHA-1), then protected by more difficult to forge than the handwritten type. DS schemes
sender’s keys. The receiver verifies the signature using keys in the sense used here are cryptographically based, and must
stored in the smart card (SMC) that is derived from his be implemented properly to be effective [4]. DSs can also
fingerprint. This paper investigates DSs techniques that is based
on use of SMCs. It shows how true user identity can be verified
provide non-repudiation, meaning that the signer cannot
when used keys are derived from human characteristics. The successfully claim they did not sign a message, while also
obtained results were translated in term of speed and security claiming their private key remains secret; further, some non-
enhancement which is highly in demand of e-commerce society. repudiation schemes offer a time stamp for the DS, so that
even if the private key is exposed, the signature is valid
Keywords-component; Digital Signature, Hash Function, nonetheless [2]. Digitally signed messages may be anything
Public key system, and SHA-1. that can be represented as a bit or a string, examples include
electronic mail, contracts, or a message sent via some other
I. INTRODUCTION cryptographic protocol [3].
Digital Signature (DS) is a mathematical scheme for There are few commercial applications that supporting a DS,
demonstrating the authenticity of a digital message or as an example Adobe, Excel, MS Outlook and etc...
document [1]. DS gives a recipient reason to believe that the
message or document was created by a known sender, and that There are many common method in DS, one of them is to use
it was not altered in transit. DSs are commonly used for a Public Key Cryptography, DSs are created and verified by
software distributions, financial transactions, and in other cryptography. Public key cryptography employs an algorithm
cases, where it is important, to detect forgery and tampering using two different, mathematically related "keys" [5], one
"public key" for creating a DS or transforming data into a
seemingly unintelligible form, the other key "private key" for
The purpose of a DS is to guarantee that the individual verifying a DS or returning a message to its original form [1].
Disadvantage of this method is, if many people need to verify
sending the message or document really is who he or she
the signer's DS, the public key must be available or distributed
claims to be. Where the goal is to facilitate both e-government
and e-commerce applications over the Internet [1]. DSs are to all of them, probably by the means of distributing it in an
especially important for electronic commerce and are a key on-line repository or directory where it is easily accessible [4].
component of most authentication schemes. To be effective, Thus, although many people may know the public key of a
DSs must be non forgeable. There are a number of different given signer and use it to verify that signer's signatures, they
encryption techniques to guarantee this level of security [2]. cannot discover that signer's private key and use it to forge
DSs, but they can try[3].
DSs are often used to implement electronic signatures, a
broader term that refers to any electronic data that carries the Another fundamental process, named a "hash function", is
intent of a signature [1], but not all electronic signatures use used in both creating and verifying a DS. Hash function is an
DSs [11] In some countries, including the United States, India, algorithm which creates a digital representation or a
and members of the European Union, electronic signatures "fingerprint" in the form of a "hash value" of a standard length
have legal significance [3]. However, laws concerning which is usually much smaller than the message's length but
electronic signatures do not always make clear whether they nevertheless substantially unique to it. Any changes to the
are digital cryptographic signatures in the sense used here, message lead to producing an invariably different hash value

when the same hash function is used. Hash functions enable referenced public key [9]. Verifying also relies on a formula.
the software for creating DSs to operate on smaller and Here, the formula depends on three inputs [10]: the sequence
predictable amounts of data, while still providing robust of characters representing the supposedly originally signed
evidentiary correlation to the original message content, electronic data, the public key of the signing party, and the
thereby efficiently providing assurance that there has been no value representing the supposedly authentic DS. The output of
modification of the message since it has been digitally signed. the formula is a simple answer: yes or no. 'Yes' signifies that
Secure Hash Algorithm – 128 (SHA-1) and Message Digest the DS is indeed an authentic DS on the presented electronic
Version 5 (MD5) are commercial algorithms using a concept data and it is associated with the party linked to the public key
of Hash Function [13]. Hash function, in sometimes fails being used [3]. This insures two critical results:
because of collision (two documents got same hash vale) [12].
 The digital signature can be uniquely associated with
MD5 designed by Ronal Rivest, produces a 128-bit hash
the exact document signed, because the first input is
value, it has been discovered to have security flaws, and there
the precise sequence of characters representing that
are many research work on developing fixes and more secure
alternatives such as SHA-1[13]. SHA-1 is a secure hash
algorithm – 160. Produces 160-bit hash value. It is designed  The signature can be uniquely associated with the
by NIST & NSA in 1993 revised 1995 as SHA – 160, US signing of individual because the second input is the
standard for use with digital signature algorithm (DSA) private key, that only, that individual controls.
signature scheme. Standard is FIPS 180-1 1995, it has an The term smart card (SMC) refers to a plastic card with a
internet reference RFC3174. SHA -1 replaces MD4/MD5 standard dimension defined by ISO 7816. The SMC basically
which is vulnerable to many known attacks [12]. NIST have
contains three elements [6]:
issued a revision FIPS 180 – 2 adds three additional hash
algorithms SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512. Designed for  A microprocessor chip, with an operating system
compatibility with increased security provided by the written permanently to the ROM. This manipulates
advanced encryption standard (AES) cipher[12]. the stored data in it.
 A volatile or non-volatile storage unit. This may use
DS can also be generated by your email software and your a ROM or RAM OR EPROM/EEPROM. The size of
private key, working together. Your message's signature the memory may range between 1 to 8 KB. Since this
generates according to standards either Secure/ Multipurpose is too small, a SMC can store only vital information.
Internet Mail Extension (SMIME) or Pretty Good Privacy  An I/O module, which allows to read or write from or
(PGP), so the receiver must also have that standard supported. to the SMC.
The SMIME standard is supported by Netscape Messenger (a
part of the Netscape browser), and Outlook Express, which The name “Smart card” is termed because of it’s intelligent IC
comes with Microsoft's Internet Explorer. Eudora supports chip which can store and process data securely, such as
PGP but not SMIME[5]. The use of digital signatures usually fingerprint or cryptography keys. The present generation of
involves two processes, one performed by the signer and the SMCs can store up to 40 KB and the on-board process is a 16-
other by the receiver of the DS: bit processor, which can run at 10MHZ [6]. Most of signature-
creation systems are currently based on SMCs, which store all
DS Creation is a process of obtaining value using a hash necessary cryptographic information of a user (e.g., keys and
function, the value is unique and derived from both the signed certificates)[1]. However most of existing DS systems,
message and a given private key. For the hash result to be provide signature without proofing true identity[15], because
secured, there must be only a negligible possibility that the they stand on using keys that anyone can use[8]. Therefore
same DS could be created by the combination of any other document have to be signed in such a way that proofs the true
message or private key. Generally speaking, a DS can be identity to avoid many attacks reported in [16]. This can be
thought of as a numerical value represented as a sequence of done only by using user’s personal characteristics for example
characters and computed using a mathematical formula. The fingerprint and Iris[7].
formula depends on two inputs: the sequence of characters
representing the electronic data to be signed, and a secret As we mentioned previously, this paper focuses only on
number referred to as a signature's private key, associated with security of smart card and their use in digital signature. We
the signing party and which only that party has access to. The have studied extensively in the past years (particularly system
resulting computed value, representing the DS, is then using digital signature) one of them is [1], the investigation
attached to the electronic data just as a paper signature shows the use of two types of smart cards:
becomes a part of a paper document [3].  The first type is based on typing PIN or keys to the
keyboard compare them with stored ones in the smart
DS Verification is a process of checking the DS with the
card to gain access to the system and perform DS.
reference to the original message and a given public key,
thereby determining whether the DS was created for that same  The second type is based on scanning the PIN or keys
message using the private key that corresponds to the from smart card and perform DS.

 Even though, the use of smart cards are increased, we exchanged by the sender denoted as User1 in the
see their use do not proof the true identity, because proposed system by signing the document and sent in
PIN can be given to anyone, at the same time anyone a secured channel. Process will be explained in next
can hold scanned smart card to gain illegal system paragraphs.
 Exists systems using smart card equipped with
person’s characteristics are time consuming [6] or
temple match, which means, memory space
consuming as in [17].

Therefore, it is important to have system which solves

mobility[18], but DS high performance and memory space
saving have to be taken in account. Of course, other solutions
exist, however, they are out of the scope of this paper. In our
proposed DS system we will introduce a system using
fingerprint but it is not based on used temple. Secure
signature-generation system using SMCs to protect DS from
attacks mention in[14][17] will be considered. Then to
improve use of biometrics in order to proof true user identity
as in [15], avoid consuming memory space as in [6] by
constructing keys from user’s fingerprint.


The following paragraphs will discuss proposed algorithm,
experiment and obtained results.
Figure 1. User1 authentication, Hash calculation, and keys
A. Proposed Algorithm protection (sender’s side).
Sequence of DS calculation in our new system for any given
message are described as following:
 Users have to obtain a SMC card, that contains
information about their fingerprints and other access
control information.
 Receiver has to obtain two keys (pub1, prv1)using his
SMC and fingerprint, the two keys are derived from
user's fingerprint.
 The receiver sends his public key to the sender.
 Once sender receives public key (pub1) from the
receiver, he repeats the above sequence points 2- 3 to
obtain his own two keys (pub2, prv2).
 The sender then, selects message, calculates HF1
using equation (1) shown in 2,4. SHA-1 is used
because of its stability, and also it attacks resistance
compared with other hash functions. An encryption
will be performed to HF1, pub2 and M using pub1.
Then sent them back to the receiver.

 The receiver once he receive the encrypted message,

decrypts them to get HF1, Pub2, and M.
 Receiver calculates the HF2 of the received message
M using equation (2) shown in 2.4.
 Using HF1 and HF2 receiver calculates differences
between the two hashes that is the value of ¥ by
applying equation (3) shown in 2.4. If the resulted
value equals to zero, that means message is signed by
the sender and it is not modified, otherwise message Figure 2. User2 authentication, received message decryption. Then
Hash calculation to verify digital signature (receiver’s side).
was modified. Figure (1) illustrates trust information

In Figure (2) a receiver denoted as User2 after authenticating
himself using fingerprint and obtained smart card, he decrypts
received message then verifies digital signature.

B. Users system access

Users are accessing the system through their SMC. As shown
in Figure (3) user 's information cryptography public keys, and
his fingerprint are embedded on the user's SMC chip. In SMC
chip two Keys are stored, one is a public key (pub) and
another is a private key (prv), the two keys were generated
using information related to the user's fingerprint. To access
the stored information as shown in Figure (3) user has to
provide his fingerprint through the fingerprint reader.

C. keys generation
Any registered user has a valid SMC card, the valid SMC
card is obtained by providing personal fingerprint to
fingerprint reader. A process as shown in Figure (4) will be
used to generate two cryptography system keys from the
fingerprint, keys and other information and embedded them
into the SMC card for further use using fingerprint writer.

Figure 4. keys generation, embedding keys and fingerprint

information to the smart card (SMC).

where SHA-1 is a secure hash algorithm 160, which produces

160-bit hash value. It was used for its stability and secrecy
[12]. To calculate the hash values in the receiver’s part, he
uses this equation:

HF2 = SHA-1(pub1+pub2+Doc) (2)

To calculate the differences between two hash vales (HF1 and

HF2), equation (3) is used to obtain value of ¥ as following:

¥ = HF1 - HF2. (3)

E. Digital signature calculation

In order to sign any document (Doc), sender calculates the
hash value of the Doc using equation (1). HF1 is the resulted
value of using SHA-1 algorithm with combination of Doc and
users two public keys and selected Doc ( i refer to any version
Figure 3. User system access by providing his SMC card and
fingerprint tip. of SHA algorithm that may used to calculate Hash). Keys are
sender’s public key (pub1) and receiver’s public key (pub2). In
Figure (5) shows combining of Doc and users keys, that used
D. DS Equations used to calculate values to perform the digital signature. The signed Doc with other
To calculate the hash values of the given document, the cryptography keys will be sent to the receiver for verification
following equations are used: purpose.

HF1=SHA-1(pub1+pub2+Doc) (1)

 using the received message (Doc), sender's public key
(pub1), and his public key (pub2), the receiver calculates
the hash value HF2 .
 Receiver then compares the received HF1 with the
calculated HF2, if the two values are equal, that means
Doc has not changed and an expected user has signed it.
In Figure (2) we show sequence of digital signature
H. How proposed system works
User to gain access to the system, has to authenticate himself
as in Figure (3) using his fingerprint. A valid user will be able
to access the stored cryptography keys and use them for
encryption or decryption and in signing documents. Two users
to exchange information and to sign any document, sender
will must first ask for the receiver’s public key (pub2). A pub2
key will be used in DS creation together with sender’s pub1
key. DS will be created using equation (1) as shown in Figure
(1), then encrypted using receiver's pub2 key and sent to the
receiver. The receiver, once he received the encrypted
message, decrypts’ it with his private key (prv2) as shown in
Figure (2), then calculates new DS using equation (2). A
comparison of the two signatures is performed using equation
Figure 5. Digital Signature calculation using SHA-1i algorithm and user keys. (3). Results will be used to insure that document was changed
or not and signed by the expected user.
F. Document and digital Signature protection
To avoid security violence, the Doc and calculated signature I. Proposed system against existing systems
have to be protected. Therefore, we use user's public key Research shows that there are some previous work done to
(pub1) to encrypt all out- going messages. In Figure (6) avoid keys attack transferred from card reader to the system
document (Doc), pub1 key and calculated HF1 in the sender and in user proofing identity. Table no. (1) shows some
side are encrypted using pub1 key and sent to the receiver. systems concerned in DS with smart card based, that provided

Table 1 previous research and their drawback

Ref. Used Drawback
No. Algorithm
1 Introduces PIN Does not provide true user
protection by identity
processing it on the
card reader
6 Cryptographic Keys In such a way true user
used in DS are derived identity was proofed but
by extracting system is time consuming
fingerprint minutiae at
each user system access
14 The algorithm protects PIN was protected from
DS creation against Trojan Horse in forming DS,
tampering and Trojan but true identity not solved
17 X.509 Digital certificate Biometrics are used in
combined with public- authentication but does not
private keys embed in used in DS processes.
smart card and uses
finger template to
access them to perform
Figure 6. Digital Signature and document protection using pub2 key. DS

G. Digital Signature Authentication by previous research and their drawback. In contrast to old
Receiver has to be sure that the received document (Doc) was systems, access in our new system will be only through
not changed, modified, or signed by others. Sequence of personal characteristics fingerprint, this means nobody can
authenticating the received message are described below and gain access or key retrieval unless authentication is true and
shown in Figure (2) as following: no tampering takes place in proposed system, so user true

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Tutorial. UPM University Malysia in 2003. He worked in computer science
department Sebha University (Libya),
[4] Digital Signature (2010).
from 1997 to 1999 as Assistant lectuerar and head department,
[5] Youd D. (2009). What is digital signature.
from 2003 – 2008 as lectuerar at the same department,
[6] Lin Y. Maozhi X and Zhiming Z. (2007). Digital signature systems
based on smart card and ¯Fingerprint feature. Journal of Systems from 2009- till now as asistant prof. and lecturar at the same
Engineering and Electronics Vol. 18, No. 4, 2007, pp.825-834. department..
His main research interests include cryptography, information security ,
imaging, digital signature and biometrics fingerprint.

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