Pharmacotherapy For Neuropathic Pain A Review PDF

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Pain Ther (2017) 6 (Suppl 1):S25–S33

DOI 10.1007/s40122-017-0091-4


Pharmacotherapy for Neuropathic Pain: A Review

Diego Fornasari

Received: September 19, 2017

Ó The Author(s) 2017. This article is an open access publication

Abstract: Neuropathic pain, comprising a understanding of the mechanism of action of

range of heterogeneous conditions, is often currently available drugs is an essential step
severe and difficult to manage, and this may towards an effective clinical approach that aims
result in a chronic condition that negatively to tailor therapies both to the specific neuro-
affects the overall functioning and quality of pathic disease and to the needs of an individual
life in patients. The pharmacotherapy of neu- patient. This review provides an overview of
ropathic pain is challenging and for many current drugs available for the treatment of
patients effective treatment is lacking; there- neuropathic pain with an emphasis on their
fore, evidence-based recommendations are mechanism of action.
essential. Currently, there is general agreement Funding: Pfizer, Italy.
on which drugs are appropriate for the first-line
treatment of neuropathic pain, whereas debate Keywords: Anticonvulsants; Antidepressants;
continues regarding second- and third-line Gabapentin; Mechanism of action;
treatments. First-line drugs for neuropathic pain Neuropathic pain; Opioids; Pregabalin;
include antidepressants (tricyclic antidepres- Serotonin–noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors;
sants and serotonin–noradrenaline reuptake Tricyclic antidepressants
inhibitors) and anticonvulsants acting at cal-
cium channels (pregabalin and gabapentin).
Second- and third-line drugs for neuropathic INTRODUCTION
pain include topical lidocaine and opioids.
Although efficacious in the treatment of neu- Neuropathic pain comprises a wide range of
ropathic pain, opioids are not considered to be a heterogeneous conditions caused by lesions or
first choice because of adverse drug reactions diseases of the somatosensory system, either at
and, more recently, because of concerns about the peripheral or at the central level. Neuro-
abuse, diversion, and addiction. A clear pathic pain is often severe and difficult to
manage, resulting in a chronic condition that
Enhanced content To view enhanced content for this
article go to negatively affects the overall functioning and
20DCF060253B492B. quality of life in patients and leads to a high
economic burden for the individual and society.
D. Fornasari (&) The use of effective therapies to control pain
Department of Medical Biotechnology and and its consequences is, therefore, of primary
Translational Medicine, Università degli Studi di importance. Many different clinical practice
Milano, Milan, Italy
e-mail: guidelines have been published in the last
S26 Pain Ther (2017) 6 (Suppl 1):S25–S33

15 years to help clinicians choose appropriate analgesic action has been reported for TCAs
drugs for the management of neuropathic pain since the 1960s. Pain relief has since been
[1]. When considering the inherent limitations described in depressed and non-depressed
that are introduced when large amounts of patients with chronic pain. The relief can be
homogenous studies are combined [2, 3], more rapid in some patients and appears to
emphasis needs to be placed on guidelines that occur at a lower dose than the antidepressant
incorporate practical recommendations made effect [6]. An early concept of the mechanism of
on clinically based evidence. The overwhelming antidepressant analgesia was that these drugs
majority of these guidelines are the result of an are capable of potentiating the activity of the
evidence-based approach, sometimes accompa- descending inhibitory pathways extending
nied by a consensus statement. There is cur- from the brain stem to the dorsal horn of the
rently general agreement on which drugs are spinal cord, mainly by inhibiting the reuptake
appropriate for first-line treatment of neuro- of serotonin and noradrenaline that descending
pathic pain, whereas the debate regarding sec- fibers release into the spinal synapses between
ond- and third-line drugs is still open, especially nociceptors (or first-order neurons) and the
concerning weak and strong opioids. Although spinothalamic neurons (or second-order neu-
efficacious in the treatment of neuropathic rons). At this level, neurotransmitters can inhi-
pain, opioids are not considered to be a first bit synaptic transmission between first- and
choice because of adverse drug reactions and, second-order neurons directly, by binding to
more recently, because of concerns about abuse, membrane receptors expressed on the surface of
diversion, and addiction [4]. First-line drugs for these neurons, as in the case of noradrenaline
neuropathic pain include antidepressants (tri- that binds alpha-2 adrenergic receptors. Alter-
cyclic antidepressants [TCA] and serotonin–no- natively, they can activate interneurons that in
radrenaline reuptake inhibitors [SNRI]) and turn release inhibitory substances such as
anticonvulsants acting at calcium channels endogenous opioids or gamma-aminobutyric
(pregabalin and gabapentin) [5]. acid (GABA), as in the case of serotonin at its
metabotropic receptors or noradrenaline at
Compliance with Ethics Guidelines alpha-1 adrenergic receptors [7]. Recently, some
studies highlighted a possible peripheral mech-
This article is based on previously conducted anism for the action of antidepressants. Bohren
studies and does not involve any new studies of and colleagues examined the effect of nora-
human or animal subjects performed by the drenergic lesions at different levels of the ner-
author. vous system and concluded that the analgesic
properties of long-term nortriptyline rely on the
peripheral noradrenergic system (whereby the
FIRST-LINE DRUGS sympathetic fibers sprouting in the dorsal root
FOR NEUROPATHIC PAIN ganglia that accompany the nerve injury are the
source of noradrenaline) [8].
Antidepressants The most effective antidepressants for neu-
ropathic pain appear to be TCAs, in particular
desipramine, amitriptyline and its metabolite,
Antidepressants are among the oldest drugs
nortriptyline, and imipramine. TCAs are rela-
used for the treatment of neuropathic pain and
tively ‘‘dirty drugs’’ that affect multiple targets
have been the subject of many randomized
and have pleiotropic effects. This lack of selec-
controlled trials. They originally came to be
tivity contributes to their efficacy. For instance,
used in the treatment of chronic pain, and in
it has been shown that amitriptyline can act as a
particular neuropathic pain, because some of
local anesthetic by blocking voltage-gated
the patients suffering from chronic pain are also
sodium channels [9]. Antidepressants may have
depressed, and these drugs relieve pain as well
additional mechanisms of action by modulating
as depression. However, an independent
the immune system, which is heavily involved
Pain Ther (2017) 6 (Suppl 1):S25–S33 S27

in neuropathic pain. Moreover, TCAs may terminals, where they control neurotransmitter
directly interfere with central sensitization by release. Being voltage-sensitive, they open in
blocking NMDA receptors in the spinal cord (see response to action potentials arising from the
Kremer et al. [10] for a review on the pharma- periphery and allow the influx of calcium ions,
codynamics of antidepressants). TCAs have which is essential for the fusion of synaptic
been proven to be efficacious in several neuro- vesicles and release of neurotransmitters into
pathic conditions, including painful polyneu- the synaptic cleft (Fig. 1). This is the general
ropathy, post-herpetic neuralgia, peripheral mechanism by which these channels are
nerve injury, and painful diabetic neuropathy involved in neurotransmitter release in the
[5]. spinal cord and in various areas of the CNS.
On the other hand, the multiple actions of
TCAs are also responsible for many adverse drug
reactions that limit their use. In particular,
anticholinergic effects are a major concern
because of the risk of cardiotoxicity, limiting
the dosage to less than 100 mg/day; they also
include dry mouth, orthostatic hypotension,
constipation, and urinary retention. In order to
overcome these problems, selective SNRIs, in
particular duloxetine, have been introduced in
the treatment of neuropathic pain. SNRIs have
been proven to be efficacious in several neuro-
pathic conditions including painful polyneu-
ropathy, post-herpetic neuralgia, painful diabetic
neuropathy, and low back pain [5].
Duloxetine has shown consistent efficacy in
painful diabetic neuropathy and low back pain
[11, 12]. Dosing of duloxetine is simple with
60 mg once or twice daily appearing to be
equally effective. Nausea is the most common
adverse effect of duloxetine, which appears to
be reduced by lowering the dosage to 30 mg
once daily for 1 week before increasing to 60 mg
once daily.

Anticonvulsants Acting at Voltage-Gated

Calcium Channels

Pregabalin and gabapentin are both derived

from GABA, but they have no effect on the
GABAergic system. Their mechanism of action
includes binding to the alpha-2/delta-1 subunit
of the voltage-gated calcium channels in several
areas of the central nervous system (CNS) and
spinal cord in which these channels are
expressed, and this is sufficient to explain their
analgesic, anxiolytic, and anticonvulsant phar-
macological properties [13]. Voltage-gated cal- Fig. 1 Spinal synapse between the nociceptor and the
cium channels are localized on presynaptic spinothalamic neuron Reproduced with permission from [30]
S28 Pain Ther (2017) 6 (Suppl 1):S25–S33

Voltage-gated calcium channels are comprised instead influence the number of available cal-
of different subunits: the alpha subunit is cium channels in the plasma membrane.
responsible for the formation of the pore Brainstem structures, from which descend-
through which calcium ions enter into the cell, ing modulatory fibers originate, may be a key
whereas the alpha-2/delta-1, beta, and gamma target of the analgesic action of gabapentinoids,
are accessory subunits. The alpha-2/delta-1 because alpha-2/delta-1 expression is very high
subunit is responsible for the trafficking, local- in these areas. Microinjection of gabapentin
ization, and stabilization of the channel in the into the locus coeruleus (LC) reduced neuro-
plasma membrane. Interestingly, it has been pathic pain behaviors in rats, whilst different
demonstrated that the alpha-2/delta-1 subunit responses in the LC and spinal dorsal horn were
binds at one site to the alpha-1 subunit and at evoked by gabapentin administered intra-
another site to thrombospondin, a protein of venously in rats with and without L5–L6 spinal
the extracellular matrix which is produced by nerve ligation [14]. From this, it was concluded
activated astrocytes. Since in experimental that gabapentin reduced presynaptic GABA
models of neuropathic pain thrombospondin release in the LC but not in the spinal dorsal
appears to be upregulated, it is possible to horn. Studies using animal models have sug-
speculate that the activation of astrocytes in the gested that presynaptic release of GABA in the
spinal cord as a consequence of nerve injury LC is reduced by alpha-2/delta-1 ligands and
and the abnormal secretion of thrombospondin that this restores descending noradrenergic
promote the stabilization of voltage-gated cal- inhibition after nerve injury [15]. Therefore, the
cium channels at the presynaptic terminal antinociceptive activities of pregabalin and
(Fig. 2). Indeed, it has been shown that the gabapentin are also associated with descending
number of voltage-gated calcium channels noradrenergic and serotonergic activity, through
increases in neuropathic pain conditions and which pain transmission in the spinal cord is
may sustain an aberrant neurotransmission in modulated. Although the general mechanisms
the spinal cord. Therefore, it is likely that of action of pregabalin and gabapentin are
gabapentinoids, by binding to the alpha-2/ similar, important differences exist in terms of
delta-1 subunit, destabilize the macromolecular pharmacodynamics [16]. Pregabalin has greater
complex that keeps the calcium channel on the binding affinity for the alpha-2/delta-1 subunit,
surface of the presynaptic terminal, promoting and therefore its analgesic potency in neuro-
its internalization [13]. Thus, gabapentinoids pathic pain is higher compared with gaba-
have no direct effect on the currents, but pentin, thus justifying the utility of converting
from gabapentin to pregabalin if the first drug is
not effective enough. Major differences also
exist in terms of pharmacokinetics, especially
absorption. The system-L protein family [L-type
amino acid transporters (LAT)] enables the
transport of large neutral amino acids, includ-
ing phenylalanine, leucine, isoleucine, and
valine; intestinal absorption of gabapentin and
pregabalin is also facilitated by this protein
family. Results from preclinical studies suggest
that gabapentin is transported exclusively by
the LAT1 transporter. This results in dose-lim-
ited absorption, which may be due to saturation
of the facilitated transport process. An addi-
tional pathway also appears to mediate the
absorption of pregabalin, resulting in a high
Fig. 2 Mechanism of action of pregabalin and gabapentin level of absorption into the bloodstream
Reproduced with permission from [13] [16]. This obviously reflects on bioavailability,
Pain Ther (2017) 6 (Suppl 1):S25–S33 S29

which for gabapentin decreases at higher action potentials. The number, localization,
dosage. subtype expression, and activity of these chan-
Other pharmacokinetic parameters are simi- nels are altered in different forms of neuropathic
lar for the two drugs and deserve to be discussed pain [18]. Because topical lidocaine can pene-
because of their impact in clinical practice. Both trate no deeper than 8–10 mm, it is therefore
drugs do not undergo metabolism by phase I or indicated in well-localized neuropathic pain. Its
phase II enzymes and are excreted unmodified efficacy has been documented in different types
by the kidneys. This implies that the two drugs of localized neuropathic pain, including
are not prone to pharmacokinetic drug–drug post-herpetic neuralgia, painful diabetic neu-
interactions and, specifically, are not substrates ropathy, post-surgical and post-traumatic pain
of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) system, which is related to incision of the skin [19]. The most
involved in the metabolism of many other common adverse effects of lidocaine are mild
drugs. This is of significant clinical value, local reactions due to its topical application.
because the two drugs can be safely used in Lidocaine’s lack of systemic absorption and of
comorbid patients on pharmacological poly- drug interactions can be particularly beneficial in
therapy. For the same reason gabapentin and older patients [19].
pregabalin can be safely used in combination
with other analgesic drugs used in the treat-
ment of neuropathic pain. Gabapentinoids have Opioids
been proven to be efficacious in several neuro-
pathic conditions such as post-herpetic neural- Strong opioids, such as morphine, oxycodone,
gia, painful diabetic neuropathy, painful and hydromorphone, and weak opioids, such as
polyneuropathy, and low back pain. tramadol, are efficacious when compared with
In general, pregabalin and gabapentin are other drugs used for neuropathic pain and are
well tolerated. The most commonly reported similar to antidepressants in terms of the
adverse effect of pregabalin is dizziness, fol- numbers needed to treat [5]. Nevertheless, they
lowed by somnolence, dry mouth, edema, and have always been considered second-line drugs
blurred vision, with treatment discontinuation [1], and more recently third-line drugs [5], due
due to somnolence occurring in 4% of patients. to adverse drug reactions and concerns about
For gabapentin, dizziness and somnolence abuse, diversion, and addiction. Tapentadol
occur in more than 20% of patients and are the represents a new class of dual opioid analgesics,
most commonly reported adverse effects; other combining a less potent agonistic activity at
adverse effects include confusion and peripheral mu-opioid receptors with inhibition of nora-
edema. For both drugs, adverse effects are drenaline uptake, and exploiting the synergy
dose-dependent and reversible [16]. between the two mechanisms. The innovative
pharmacodynamics and a favorable pharma-
cokinetic profile make tapentadol a unique
SECOND- AND THIRD-LINE DRUGS opioid analgesic. However, the paucity of
FOR NEUROPATHIC PAIN available studies prevented tapentadol from
being included in the most recent systematic
Topical Lidocaine review and meta-analysis on neuropathic pain
[20–22]. For this reason it will not be further
Lidocaine, in the form of 5% patches, was effi- discussed in this review.
cacious and had an excellent tolerability profile The analgesic effect of opioids is due to their
in randomized controlled trials of patients with action in the brain, brainstem, spinal cord, and,
post-herpetic neuralgia and allodynia, as well as under certain circumstances, on peripheral
in patients with allodynia due to neuropathic terminals of primary afferent neurons. All
pain [17]. Lidocaine blocks voltage-gated sodium endogenous opioid peptides, including b-en-
channels that are expressed by nerve fibers, dorphin, enkephalins, and dynorphins, bind
which are responsible for the propagation of to seven transmembrane G protein-coupled
S30 Pain Ther (2017) 6 (Suppl 1):S25–S33

receptors, which are divided into three classes: chronic non-cancer pain reported a rate of dis-
mu, delta, and kappa receptors. Opioid recep- continuation due to adverse events of 22.9% for
tors are coupled to inhibitor G proteins, with oral opioids and 12.1% for transdermal opioids
receptor activation inhibiting the adenylate [26]. There was a significant difference in dis-
cyclase as well as the intracellular production of continuation rates for orally administered weak
cAMP. However, the coupling of opioid recep- (11.4%) compared with strong (34.1%) opioids.
tors to calcium and potassium channels is However, many studies in this Cochrane review
thought to be a central mechanism of analgesia specified that most adverse events were minor
production by both endogenous and exogenous and some of them diminished over time [26].
opioids. The most frequent adverse drug reactions to
In the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, mu opioid therapy are nausea and vomiting (tend
receptors make up the majority of opioid recep- to diminish with increasing tolerance), consti-
tors with over 70% of the presynaptic location pation (remains a constant problem), pruritus,
occurring at the central terminals of nociceptors respiratory depression (very uncommon), dry
(C and A delta fibers). Opioid receptors located mouth, urinary retention, drowsiness, and cog-
postsynaptically on dendrites of second-order nitive impairment. Drowsiness and cognitive
spinothalamic neurons and on interneu- impairment should be considered, along with
rons make up the remaining 30%. Interneurons constipation, the most serious adverse drug
are predominately responsible for the release reactions to opioids, because they can seriously
of endogenous opioids beta-enkephalin and affect the patients’ quality of life. Over the last
endorphins, which act on mu receptors in the few years, addiction, diversion, and abuse have
dorsal horn of the spinal cord. The activation of become the subject of a worldwide debate that
interneurons is dependent on the activity of started in the USA in response to the persistent
descending pathways or, in a direct manner, by increase of deaths due to unintentional over-
descending fibers. Inhibition of calcium ion dose. A detailed discussion of this issue is
channels is caused by the activation of presy- beyond the scope of this review. Although the
naptic mu receptors, thus preventing neuro- risk of addiction is inherent to opioids, its rele-
transmitter release. Activation of potassium ion vance in patients suffering from chronic pain,
channels is caused by the activation of postsy- who take these drugs for pain relief, remains to
naptic mu receptors resulting in the efflux of be elucidated. It is likely that people with a
potassium ions and hyperpolarization of the previous experience of drug abuse or people
projecting cell. Therefore, stimulation of with psychiatric diseases, such as depression or
mu-opioid receptors in the spinal cord is an schizophrenia, are at higher risk of developing
effective mechanism of blocking synaptic trans- addiction after taking opioids. In other patients
mission, which restricts the number of nocicep- who take opioids for pain relief, the risk is
tive stimuli reaching the thalamus and cortex, in probably very close to that in the general pop-
which a conscious perception of pain occurs [23]. ulation [27]. Nevertheless, the use of appropri-
In spite of their efficacy, the role of opioids ate tools to identify at-risk patients prior to
in the long-term treatment of nonmalignant initiating treatment with opioids, constant
pain is controversial for a number of reasons, vigilance on the behavior associated with opi-
including concerns over tolerability, possible oid assumption, and frequent re-evaluation of
development of tolerance to the analgesic the balance between risks and benefits of
effect, and the risk of addiction [24]. A system- long-term opioid therapies should become a
atic review of randomized controlled trials of normal attitude among physicians [27].
oral opioids for chronic nonmalignant pain
indicated that approximately 50% of patients Other Drugs
experienced an adverse event with opioids and
more than 20% discontinued treatment because A number of additional drugs have shown effi-
of adverse events [25]. A more recent Cochrane cacy in the treatment of neuropathic pain;
review of long-term opioid management of
Pain Ther (2017) 6 (Suppl 1):S25–S33 S31

however, these were either single randomized Although new innovative molecules are
controlled trials or their efficacy was inconsis- needed for the successful cure of neuropathic
tent across multiple randomized controlled tri- pain, a deeper understanding of the mechanism
als. These drugs represent the third or even of action of currently available drugs is an
fourth line of treatment options for neuropathic essential step towards an effective clinical
pain and include specific antidepressants (e.g., approach that tailors therapies both to the
bupropion) and antiepileptic drugs (carba- specific neuropathic disease and to the needs of
mazepine, lamotrigine), and topical low-con- an individual patient.
centration capsaicin. In general, these drugs
should be reserved for patients who are unable
to tolerate or who fail to respond to first- and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
second-line medications.
This supplement has been sponsored by Pfizer,
Italy. The article processing charges for this
publication were also funded by Pfizer, Italy.
Diego Fornasari thanks Georgii Filatov and Dr
The pharmacotherapy of neuropathic pain is
Melanie Gatt, PhD, of Springer Healthcare
challenging and for many patients effective
Communications, who provided English edit-
treatment is lacking. There are several reasons
ing of the manuscript. This medical writing
for this, including insufficient knowledge on
assistance was funded by Pfizer, Italy. The
efficacious drugs and their appropriate use in
named author meets the International Com-
clinical practice. Neuropathic pain is also asso-
mittee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) cri-
ciated with interference with sleep, depression,
teria for authorship for this manuscript, takes
and anxiety that, if not properly treated, will
responsibility for the integrity of the work as a
negatively influence the responses to analgesic
whole, and has given final approval to the ver-
drugs. Therefore, evidence-based recommenda-
sion to be published.
tions for the pharmacotherapy of neuropathic
pain are essential. However, when choosing a
drug, physicians should also take into consid- Disclosures. Diego Fornasari reports receiv-
eration comorbidity, prioritizing the use of ing honorarium from Pfizer, as well as honoraria
those drugs that can satisfy more than one or lecture fees from the following pharmaceu-
medical need, as for instance gabapentinoids in tical industries: Alfa-Sigma, Angelini, Bayer,
the case of interference of pain with sleep, or Grunenthal, Ibsa, Janssen, Kiowa Kirin, Lund-
SNRI in the case of associated depression. On beck, Molteni, Mundipharma, Recordati,
the other hand, comorbidities are also a practi- Scharper, Spa, and Teva.
cal problem, because patients taking many
medicines are at higher risk of drug–drug Compliance with Ethics Guidelines. This
interactions that may be responsible for adverse article is based on previously conducted studies
drug reactions or therapeutic failure. Since a and does not involve any new studies of human
large number of drug–drug interactions involve or animal subjects performed by the author.
metabolism by the CYP enzymes, drugs which
Data Availability. Data sharing is not
do not undergo metabolism by CYP or do not
applicable to this article as no datasets were
undergo liver metabolism at all, as in the case of
generated or analyzed during the current study.
gabapentinoids, are preferable to other drugs.
This holds true in the case of combination
Open Access. This article is distributed
pharmacotherapy, in which two or more anal-
under the terms of the Creative Commons
gesic drugs are co-administered when one is not
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
enough, a therapeutic strategy that seems to
License (
have evident advantages [28, 29].
by-nc/4.0/), which permits any noncommercial
S32 Pain Ther (2017) 6 (Suppl 1):S25–S33

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