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ISSN: 2279 - 0594

Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research

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CODEN: - JBPRAU (Source: - American Chemical Society)
Index Copernicus Value: 72.80
PubMed (National Library of Medicine): ID: (101671502)
Volume 7, Issue 2: March-April: 2018, 54-60

Review Article
Dr Debasis Panigrahi
Associate Professor, Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, Faculty of Ayurvedic Sciences, Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University
Received 14 March. 2018; Accepted 04April. 2018

The term Sulfur or Sulphur derived From the Sanskrit word "Shulvari"(Shulva + Ari) meaning enemy of
shulva or copper metal(Anti-copper). Sulphur occurs free in abundant quantities and hence was probably
known to ancients. The Greek and Roman were familiar with the uses of sulphur oxides in fumigation and
Almost all Acharyas included Gandhaka in Uparasa Varga. Gandhaka seems to be best among all Rasa and
Uparasa varga dravya.1 It is also believed that only Gandhaka is able to form all types of Lauha into Bhasma
form.2 Acharya Shyamsundaracharya praises Gandhaka in a unique way under heading 'Gandhaka
Pradhanyam' in his classic.3
As per modern medical science, sulphur regulates the sodium/potassium electrolyte pump within each cell.
It also helps in detoxification and is a vital part of immune system. Sulphur is a component of insulin and it
functions along with thiamine and biotin in a normal sugar metabolism. It also helps in tissue repair. It has
been referred to as 'Nature's beauty mineral' as it keeps hairs, skins, fingernails strong and healthy. It
maintains skin's elasticity.
Almost all Rasashastra classics have quoted Karma of Gandhaka as Deepana, Pachana, Rasayana, Vrishya,
Balya, Aamdoshanashaka, Vishaghna. As per Rasa Ratna Samucchaya, "Gandhashma ati rasayanah"4 and
"Haret rogan kustha mrityu jaradikan"5. Gandhaka Kalpa of Rudrayamala mentions the use of Gandhaka as
Rasayana and longevity by its use in 'Kalpakrama'.6 Daily up to 1 Prastha Gandhaka has been advised in
'Kalpakrama'. Kakachandishwara Kalpa Tantra reveals almost all herbal drug kalpa except one, which is
'Gandhaka Kalpa'. It shows Gandhaka as "Vikhyato jaravyadhivinashakah" and mentions some Gandhaka
kalpa for Rasayana purpose also.7 Shuddha Gandhaka, as per Rasa Ratnakara, Rasayana Khanda,
administered as 'Kramana Yoga' along with Godugdha for 'Shrikantha Rasa'8 and 'Mritasanjivani Gutika'9. It
indicates that use of Gandhaka as Rasayana had begun in earlier times.
Keywords: Gandhaka, Sodhana, Gandhanasana, Satwapatana

INTRODUCTION: extensively in Parada related processes and as a

Gandhaka was known to Indian since olden days. ingredient in various formulations. 10
Vedic literature shows no mention of Gandhaka. Nirukti
No synonym of it was found in any Veda. It was
"Tivra gandhatvam iti gandakah". 11
first used by the Aryans for medicinal and
fumigation purpose, later on followed by the The substance which possesses strong smell is
Greeks and the Romans. Our ancient treatise called Gandhaka. Due to its pungent odour, it is
Charaka, Sushruta and Astanga Hridaya Samhita known as Gandhaka.
has used Gandhaka both internally and externally
According to rasa literature, gandhaka stands next
in skin disorders. In the Rasashastra classics,
to Parada in importance. It is also considered as an
Gandhaka holds a very important place and is used
essential agent for the various processes of Parada

*Corresponding author: Dr Debasis Panigrahi || E-mail:

Dr Debasis Panigrahi, Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research

such as Murchhana, Jarana etc. It is believed to As per Rasa Ratna Samucchaya, origin of Gandhaka
impart many desirable properties to Parada and is from Goddess Parvati's Raja (menstruation
reduces its toxic effects.12 Gandhaka has been blood) indicating its 'Agnikari' guna. It is originated
included in Uparasa varga and is the foremost drug at the time of 'Samudra Manthana' with Amrit.
of this group.13
Vernacular Names
Mythological origin
Table 1: Showing Vernacular Names

Sanskrit Gandhaka English Sulphur

Persia Gogird, Gangird Bengali Gandhaka, Gandrak
Gujarati Gandhaka Hindi Gandhaka or Bali
Assamia Kiburit Marathi Gandhaka
Telugu Gandhakamu Kannada Gandhaka
Tamil Gandhakamu Punjabi Gandhaka
Burma Kau Latin Brimstone
Arab Kibrika Malyalam Baliranga

Synonyms can be classified as follows-
Table 2: Showing Synonyms

Sr. No. Synonyms Synonyms

According to
1 Bhavartha Gauripushpa,Gauribija,Shivaraja, Daityendra
2 Upama Bali,Balivasa,Balivatsa,Shukapuccha,Navneeta,PitaGandhaka, Vasakar,
3 Swabhava a)Vaigandha,Gandhaka,Atigandha,Kruragandha,Gandhesh, Putigandha,
Saugandhika, Gandhamadana, Gandhamaadan, Sugandho,Gandhapashana,
Gandhashma, Divyagandha.
b) Leli, Lelitaka, Lelitaka vasa, Lelinaka, Lelinaa.
4 Karya a)Action on dhatu-Dahtuha, Dhatuvairi, Dhatumari, Lohahara.
b) Action on Tamra – Shulbashatru, Shulbari, Shulbaripu
c) Action on Parada – Vata, Rasabandhaka, Sutajita, Sute, Rasagandhaka
5 Gunas Veeryaprada, Kushthari, Pamari, Krimighna, Jantuha, Kitaghna,
Kitanashana, Nikrintaka.

Rajasthan, Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra,

Sulphur occurs in Free State near volcanoes and in
Varieties of Gandhaka
combined state in different minerals and mental
ores.The United States has been the leading On the basis of colour, Rasashastra classics
producer of sulphur since 1900. Most of it is classified Gandhaka into 4 types (Below table no.
produced in Louisiana and Texas. The other 1). Chemically, Gandhaka is of single type.
countries that produce sulphur include Canada,
Showing varieties, qualities of Gandhaka
Japan, Poland, Soviet Union, Chili, Philippines,
according to different Acharyas
etc.In India sulphur is found as a mineral in Bihar,

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Dr Debasis Panigrahi, Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research

Table 3: Showing the Varieties according to various classics

Name of the texts Rakta (Red) Peeta (Yellow) Shweta (white) Krishna (Black)

Colour like Haridra,

Rasa Tarangini - - -
Soft like Butter
Greenish yellow
Rasamritam - - -
(Like Amalaki)
Rasa Paddhati - Amalaka chhavi Inferior -
Rasa Chintamani - Amalasara Shwetabh peeta -
Rasarnava, Rasaratna
Shreshtha Madhyama Adhama -
Samucchaya, Rasendra, Purana,
Rasayana Sara, Rasendra
Purana, Rasendra Bhaskar, Br. Raktamlasara Peetamlasara Loniya -
RasaRaja Sundara
RasaRatna samucchya, • Shukatundakhya or • Shukapiccha, • White in • Black in
Rasendra, sara samgraha, shukachanchunibha amalsara colour, colour
Ayurved prakash, Yoga ratnakar, • Shreshtha • Shrestha or khatika • Durlabha
Rasakamadhenu, Rasendra • Useful in Dhatuvada medium quality • Lowest • Jaramrityu
purana, Rasa jala nidhi, Br. Yoga • Used for quality hara
tarangini, Rasendra bhaskara, medicinal • Used for
Rasa chandanshu, Rasa prakash purpose Lepana and
sudhakara, Br. Rasa raja Dhatumarana
sundara, Bhava prakash,
Rasedra chudamani

Vaishya, Kshudra,
Ananda kanda Kshatriya Vipra, ashma
madhyama adhama

Hence Gandhaka Shodhana should be done prior

Acceptable Variety of Gandhaka
to use.
As per Ayurveda Prakash20, Gandhaka which is
Impure Sulphur Effects (Ashuddha Gandhaka
having colour of parrot tail feathers, similar to
sevana doshas)
Navneeta, Masrina (Mridu), Snigdha (unctuous in
nature), Kathina (hard) is considered as shrestha or As per Ayurveda Prakasha23, if Ashuddha
grahya Gandhaka. Gandhaka is taken internally it produces many
undesirable effects in the body i.e. vitiation of
As per Rasa Taragini21, the best quality of
Pitta and Rakta dosha, Jwara, Bhrama Charma
Gandhaka should be clean without physical
roga, and destroys roopa, virya, bala, and shukra.
impurities (Nirmala), Lustrous, smooth on touch,
It is mentioned in Rasa Ratna Samucchaya24 that if
its consistency like Navneeta, it should be coloured
ashuddha form is administered internally and
like tail feathers of parrot (Shukapiccha) or similar
apathya sevana continues, then it destroy the
to turmeric (Rajanisamaprabha), these qualities
body like Halahala visha.
are observed only in Amalasara Gandhaka so that
should be taken for Rasa yoga preparation. Purification (Sodhana) of Gandhaka
Blemishes of Gandhaka(Gandhaka Doshas) There are several methods for the Shodhana of
Gandhaka as mentioned in different texts. The
Gandhaka has mainly two types of impurities
commonest method consist of heating upto
a. Physical impurities like sand, small stones, etc. melting stage with ghrita on fire and then pouring
(Shilachurna) through a cloth into cow milk taken in a container
b. Arsenic, Haritala (Visha) and then washing it with hot water. The process

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should be repeated for 3 to 7 times and every time (mentioned by Acharaya Nandi). The supporting
fresh dugdha and ghrita should be used. quotations are as follows-
The process of Shodhana removes the physical, a. 'Gandhakancha swabhavena satvarupam'
chemical impurities and reduces the toxic effects. (Rasendra Mangala26)
Chemical impurities are eliminated through
b. 'Na Chasya Satva madadhyat satvarupo hi
evaporated dissolution and blinding with ghrita
Gandhakah' (Anandakanda27)
milk, whereas physical impurities are removed by
filtering through the cloth. c. 'Gandhako hi swabhavena Rasarupah
swarupatah' (Rasarnava28)
Deodorizing Sulphur( Gandhaka Gandhanashan
Vidhi) d. 'Gauripushpa bhavastatha krimiharah
satvatmako veeryakritah' (Rasa ratna
According to Rasendra chintamani25, do powder of
Gandhaka first, mix it with dugdha and heated till
it becomes thick in consistency. Then add But Anandakanda30 and Rasakamadhenu31 quoted
Suryavarta (Hurhur or Tilparni) swarasa and heat methods of Gandhaka Satvapatana. By going
again. Then this molten Gandhaka pour into Trifala through these methods, they seem to be the
kwath. Due to this procedure, Gandhaka loose its method of Gandhaka Shodhana. Nowadays
typical smell (Gandha). Gandhaka Satvapatana has become obsolete.
This procedure has also been depicted by Pharmacological and Therapeutic properties of
Ayurveda prakash, Rasa chandanshu, Rasendra Gandhaka
purana, Br. Rasa raja sundara, Rasendra bhaskar, After delving through Rasashastra classics, the
Rasa dhatu prakash, Rasa tarangini. pharmacological and therapeutic properties of
Sulphur Essence Extraction( Gandhaka Gandhaka described the most, are enumerated as
Satvapatana) follows-
As per Rasashastra classics, Gandhaka is already
Satva like (i.e. Satvarupa) as that of Gairika

Table 4: Showing Properties

Rasa Madhura, Katu, Tikta, Kashya

Guna Sara, Snigdha
Virya Ushna
Vipaka Katu and / Madhura (Rasa prakash sudhakara32)
Doshakarma Kapha vatahara, Pittavardhaka
Mahabhuta dominance Agni, Prithvi
Karma Vrishya, Deepana, Pachana, Rasayana, Shoshan, Vishaghna, Krimighna,
Balya, Aamdoshanashak, Divya Drishti Karaka.
Rogaghnata Kushtha, Kandu, Visarpa, Jwara, kasa, Shwasa, Dadru, Kshaya, Amajeerna,

Action on Dhatu It acts on all Dhatus by its Rasayana property. It activates all Dhatwagnis.

Shuddha Gandhaka (1/2 Pala) has been extensively i. Shuddha Gandhaka (1 Karsha) taken with
used as a ingredient in various formulations. It has Ghrita and Ushnodaka cures diseases caused
also been extensively used singly with some by Kapha Dosha.33
Anupana or Sahapana e.g. as – ii. taken with Godugdha for 7 days cures Kandu,
Pama, Vicharchika.34

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Dr Debasis Panigrahi, Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research

iii. Shuddha Gandhaka (1 Nishka) taken with Discussion

Godudgha enhances 'Shaurya & Vira bhava' if From the time of Vedic era, there was no usage of
taken for 1 month and cures all diseases and sulphur internally or externally. Rudrayamala
makes Divya Drishti and Dirghayu if taken for 6 Tantra mentions its internal use for Rasayana
months.35 purpose. But its 'Kala Nirdharana' remains to be
iv. Shuddha Gandhaka taken with Madhu and debatable. In Samhita period, therapeutic
abstain salt and sour food makes 'Navinikarana application of it externally and internally for the
of Sharir' i.e. it rejuvenates.36 diseases Kustha, Krimi, etc. gives indications that
the Acharayas were well known of the therapeutic
v. Rasa Tarangini mentioned the 'Amayika properties of Gandhaka.
prayoga' of Shuddha Gandhaka vividly in
various diseases internally and externally with According to Rasa literature, Gandhaka stands next
suitable Anupana or Sahapana.37 to Parada in importance. It is an essential agent for
the various processes of Parada such as
That means, Shuddha Gandhaka has been singly Murchhana, Jarana etc. It is also considered
employed by Rasacharyas to cure diseases and important agent for Ranjana of Parada, Pakajarana
also for Rasayana purpose. of Bija and Bandhana of Parada.41 It is one of the
Dose of Gandhaka38 most essential Bida dravya and also get mention in
most of the Bida yoga 42,43,44.
1-8 Ratti (125 mg to 1 gram)
In Rasashastra texts, white, red, yellow and black
Vehicles (Anupana/ Sahapana)
varieties of sulphur are found mentioned of which
Dugdha, Ghrita, Bhringaraja swarasa, Trifala yellow (Amalasara) variety is recommended for
kwath. medicinal use. Latest texts like Rasamritam and
Rasa Tarangini described only one variety i.e.
Management of Complications
Peeta (Amalasara) Gandhaka.
Br. Rasa Raja Sundara39 say that suppose the
As far as dose of Shuddha Gandhaka is concerned,
complications have arises by Gandhaka
except Rasa Tarangini, no any Rasashastra classics
administration then Godugdha with Goghrita
have mentioned its dose. But, while giving
should be administered. Acharya Siddhinandana
Gandhaka singly with some Anupana as Kalpa or
Mishra40 suggests its matra as- 1 litre Dugdha +
Yoga, we have come across its doses mentioned in
100gm Ghrita in divided doses for two weeks.
these Granthas as ½ Nishka, 1 Karsha or 1 Pala.
Pathya Nowadays, dose of Shuddha Gandhaka mentioned
Jangala pashu-pakshi mamsa, Chhaga mamsa. by Rasa Tarangini45. (i.e. 1 to 8 Ratti) seems to be
Milk, Ghrita, Wheat, Rice, etc. appropriate. Like Gairika, Gandhaka is also 'Satva
rupa'. But Anandakanda and Rasakamadhenu
Apathya quoted methods of Gandhaka Satvapatana.
Lavana, Amla, katu, Vidahi Padartha, Shaka, Pulses, Mostly the media used for Gandhaka Shodhana,
Kshara, Kanji etc. Anupana of Shuddha Gandhaka and dravya used
Toxicity for management of complications caused by
Gandhaka Sevana quoted same as Godugdha and
As far as its toxicity is concerned, sulphur is known Goghrita.It shows that Rasacharyas wanted to
to be of having low toxicity and poses very little if slowdown its 'Agnikari' guna and also to reduce its
any risk to human health. Sulfa drugs, i.e. toxic or adverse effects. It also throws light on
Sulfonamides can cause adverse drug reactions; Rasahsastriya principles.
the most common adverse reaction is ranging
from various benign rashes to life threatening Reference
'Stevens-Johnson Syndrome'. However incidence 1. Rasarnavam - 11/82, edited by Dr. Indradev
of this 'sulfa allergy' is approximately only 3%. Tripathi with 'Rasachandrika' Hindi
commentary, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series
Office, Varanasi, 2nd edition, 1978.

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2. Ibid - 7/150 Sanskrit commentary by Shri Haridatta Shastri

3. Rasayana Sara (1st part), Parada Prakaranam – and 'Rasa Vigyana' Hindi
Sh. No. 46-66, P. 87-94, Shri Shyamsundara- commentary by Pt. Dharmananda Shastri,
charya Vaishya, Chaukhamba Krishnadas edited by Shri Kashinath Shastri, Motilal
Academy, Varanasi, 7th edition, 2005. Banarasidas,New Delhi, 11 th edition, Reprint
4. Rasa Ratna Samucchaya - 3/16, Acharya 2000.
Vagbhata with 'Suratnaujwala' Hindi 16. Rasa Bhaishajya Kalpana Vigyan, Gandhaka - P.
commentary by Shri. Ambikadatta Shastri, 182-195, of Shri. Santosh Kumar Sharma,
Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi, Sharan Book Depot, 6 th edition, 2005.
4th edition, 1970. 17. Ayurvediya Rasashastra, 2nd Chap. - P. 416-
5. Ibid - 3/45 418, of Prof. S. N. Mishra, Chaukhambha
6. Rudrayamala, Parada Kalpa, Dr. Laxmikant Orientalia,
dwivedi, 1991, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur Varanasi, 5 th edition, 1994.
7. Kaka Chandishwara Kalpa Tantra – P. 52 & 53 18. A text book of Rasashastra, 13th chap. - P. 217,
(Gandhaka kalpa), edited by Pt. Batukanath Vd. Vilas Dole and Vd. Prakash
Sharma and Pt. Ramakrishna Sharma, Paranjape,Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan,
Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi, Delhi, 1 st edi, 2006.
1st edition, 1986. 19. Ayurvediya Rasashastra, 6th chap. - P. 241 (by
8. Rasa Ratnakara, Rasayana Khanda – 2/86, Dr. C. B.Jha) , Shri. C. B. Jha, Chaukhamba
Nityanatha - Rasa Khanda, edited by Dr. SurabharatiPrakashana, Varanasi, 1 st edition,
Indradev Tripathi with 'Rasachandrika' Hindi 2006.
commentary, Chaukhamba Orientalia, 20. Ayurveda Prakash - 2/20, of Acharya Madhav
Varanasi, 1st edition, 1985. Upadhyay, edited with 'Artha
9. Ibid-3/9 Vidyotini' (Sanskrit) and 'Artha
10. Bhartiya Rasashastra, 2nd part, Uparasa Varga - Prakashini' (Hindi) commentaries by
P. 281-282, Pt. Vishwanath Dwivedi, Shri. Gulraj Sharma Mishra, Chaukhamba Bharti
Sharma Ayurved Mandir, Datiya (MP). 1st Academy, Reprint 1999.
edition, 1977. 21. Rasa Tarangini - 8/4, Shri Sadananda Sharma
11. Shabda Kalpa Druma, Part II - P. 301, Shri. Raja with 'Prasadini' Sanskrit
Radhakant Dev Bahadur, Vol. 1-5, commentary by Shri Haridatta Shastri and
Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi, 'Rasa Vigyana' Hindi commentary
1961. by Pt. Dharmananda Shastri, edited by Shri
12. Rasadhyay of Acharya Kankalay Yogi, with Kashinath Shastri, Motilal Banarasidas, New
Champakkrit Sanskrit Vivratti, edited by Pt. Delhi, 11 th edition, Reprint 2000.
Ramakrishna Sharma and 'Rasaprabha' Hindi 22. Rasa Jala Nidhi, Part II, 2nd chapter - P.131,
commenatry by Dr. Indradev Tripathi, edited and translated by Shri. Bhudev
Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, 2nd Mukherji, Avani Prakashana, 1 st edition, 1928.
edition, 1982. 23. Ayurveda Prakash - 2/18, of Acharya Madhav
13. Rasa Hridaya Tantra of Bhagvat Upadhyay, edited with 'Artha
Govindpadacharya, edited by Shri. Daulatram Vidyotini' (Sanskrit) and 'Artha
Rasa-shastri with 'Mugdhavabodhini' Sanskrit Prakashini' (Hindi) commentaries by
commentary by Chaturbhuja Mishra, Gulraj Sharma Mishra, Chaukhamba Bharti
Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, 1st edition, Academy, Reprint 1999.
1989. 24. Rasa Ratna Samucchaya - 3/22 , Acharya
14. Rasa Ratna Samuchhaya - 3/1, Acharya Vagbhata with 'Suratnaujwala'
Vagbhata with 'Suratnaujwala' Hindi commentary by Shri. Ambikadatta
Hindi commentary by Shri. Ambikadatta Shastri, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series
Shastri, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series Office,Varanasi, 4 th edition, 1970.
Office,Varanasi, 4 th edition, 1970. 25. Rasendra Chintamani - 5/7,8, of Shri.
15. Rasa Tarangini, 8th Chap. - P. 174-175, of Shri Dhundhukanath with 'Mani Prabha'
Sadananda Sharma with 'Prasadini' Sanskrit commentary of Shri. Maniram

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Sharma, Shri. Dhanwantari Mandir, Sharma, Shri. Dhanwantari Mandir, Ratangarh

Ratangarh(Raj.), 1 st edition, 1933. (Raj.), 1st edition, 1933.
26. Rasendra Mangala - 2/38, of Nagarjuna, 1 st 35. Ayurveda Prakash - 2/35 (2nd Gandhaka kalpa),
Part, translated by Shri. Harishankar Sharma Acharya Madhav Upadhyay, edited with 'Artha
& forwarded by Acharya P. V. Sharma, Vidyotini' (Sanskrit) and 'Artha Prakashini'
Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi, 1 st edition, (Hindi) commentaries by Gulraj Sharma
2003. Mishra, Chaukhamba Bharti Academy, Reprint
27. Anandakanda, Kriyakarana Vishranti, Prathama 1999.
Ullasa, Shri. Manthana Bhairava, edited by Shri 36. Rasayana Sara (1st part), Parada Prakaranam,
S. V. Radhakrishna,Shastri, Tanjore Saraswati Sh. No. 62 - P. 93
Mahal Library, Tanjore, 1 st edition, 1952. 37. Rasa Tarangini - 8/40-58 (Shuddha Gandhaka
28. Rasarnava - 7/72, edited by Dr. Indradev Aamyika Prayoga)
Tripathi with'Rasachandrika & #39; Hindi 38. Rasa Tarangini - 8/39
commentary, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 39. Brihat Rasa Raja Sundara, Gandhaka
Office,Varanasi, 2 nd edition, 1978. Prakaranam - P. 57, Pt. Dattaram Chaube,
29. Rasa Ratna Samucchaya - 3/16 Gyan Sagar Press, Kishangarh (Raj.), 2nd
30. Anandakanda, Kriyakarana Vishranti, Prathama edition, 1984.
Ullasa, Shri. Manthana Bhairava, edited by Shri 40. Ayurvediya Rasashastra - P. 427, Prof. S. N.
S. V. Radhakrishna Shastri, Tanjore Saraswati Mishra, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, 5th
Mahal Library, Tanjore, 1st edition, 1952. edition, 1994.
31. Rasa Kama Dhenu, 2nd Dhatusamgrahapada - 41. Rasa Hridaya Tantra - 3/20, of Bhagvat
4/52,53, Vol. II, compiled by Shri. Chudamani Govindpadacharya, edited by Shri. Daulatram
Mishra, translated by Gulraj Sharma Mishra, Rasa-shastri with ' Mugdhavabodhini
Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi, 3rd edition, ' Sanskrit commentary by Chaturbhuja
2007. Mishra, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, 1
32. Rasa Prakash Sudhakara - 6/37, of Acharya st edition, 1989.
Yashodhara Bhatta with 'Siddhi Prada & 42. Rasa Prakash Sudhakar - 1/92, Acharya
#39; Hindi commentary by S. N. Mishra, Yashodhara Bhatta with 'Siddhi Prada' Hindi
Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi, 2 nd commentary by S. N. Mishra, Chaukhamba
edition,1998. Orientalia, Varanasi, 2nd edition, 1998.
33. Rasa Ratna Samucchaya - 13/78 43. Ibid - 1/92
34. Rasendra Chintamani, Kushtha Rogadhikar - 44. Rasa Ratna Samucchaya - 8/86
9/9, Shri. Dhundhukanath with 'Mani Prabha' 45. Rasa Tarangini – 8/39
Sanskrit commentary of Shri. Maniram

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