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4 ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL General Certificate of Edueation Ordinary Level w MATHEMATICS 4008/2 PAPER 2 % ‘Monday 16 JUNE 2003 ‘Morning 2 houuts 30 minutes Additional materials: ‘Answer paper Geometrical instruments Graph paper (3 sheets) Mathematical tables. ** Plain paper (1 sheet) TIME 2 hours 30 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your name, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces provided on the answer paper/answer booklet. ‘Answer all questions in Section A and any three questions from Section B. Write your answers on the separate answer paper provided. Ifyou use more than one sheet of paper, fasten the sheets together. Electronic calculators must not be used. All working must be clearly shown. It should be done on the same sheet as the rest of the answer. Omission of essential working will result in loss of marks. If the degree of accuracy is not specified in the question and,if the answer is not exact, the answer should be given to three significant figures. Answers in degrees should be given to one decimal place. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES ‘The anmber of marks is given in brackets { } at the end of each question or part question. Mathematical tables may be used to evaluate explicit numerical expressions. This question paper consists of 10 printed pages and 2 blank pages. 3. Zimbabwe Schoo! Examinations Council, ezIMsEC 12003 [Turn over’ 2 Seetion A [64 marks] Ansiver all the questions in this section. . 2 (a) Simplify 8 ~ Fots. B] (6) Solve the equation 2 B) (©) Find the numerical value of we 2 ify = 8, r=4and t=2, giving the answer as a mixed fraction. 2 @ Simplify = + a, giving the answer in its lowest terms. B) (a) Given that P = G 3) and Q= (es a find the value of x ifthe determinant of P is 20, vl (ii) the inverse of Q. 2] (b) Given that A C B, @ —drawa clearly labelled Venn diagram for the sets A and B, el Gi) onthe same diagram, shade the set A'NB. oy () §={x:2sx=10, xisa integer}. A= {x:5sx<10}. B= {x: xis a prime number} C= {xix isa perfect square}. () —_Listthe elements of B. Ql (il) Write down the set A’. 1] Gil) Find a(BN it sooa 12003 (@) Simplify 3(m- 4n) - 2m + 6n). re) (b) Solve the equation 2x? + 5x-3=0. BI (© © Given that \F— e = 4, express fin terms of e and 4. BI @) A i> B In the diagram AB is parallel to DC and O is the centre of the circle, Given that BAC = 46° and OCD =22°, find @ Aco, 2] (i) ~—-déo, 2) (ili) reflex Adc. (2) (b) Mrs Moyo invested $12 060 for 27 months at 20% simple interest per annum, Calculate the simple interest she earned. BI (© _Itis given thaty varies partly as x and partly as the square of x. () Express y in terms of x and constants ¢ and k, tt] (ii) Given that when y = 35, x = 5 and when y= 27, x = — 3, find the value of ¢ and the value of k. B) 40082.32008 + [Turn over 4 5 Ais the point (~3; 5) , B is the point (4; 2), Cis the point (u; v) and O is the origin. (a) Find () AO, 0) (i) BA, R) Gi) (AB, 2 (iv) the value of u and the value of v if OABC is a parallelogram, BI (0) Find the equation of the straight line passing through points A and B. B} (@ R Q P ‘Ss In the diagram PQ: PR=2: 5. Given that the area of triangle QRS is 1Sem?, find the area of triangle PRS. 2) (b) on The pie chart above represents the results of a Mathematics test graded A, B and C. () Find the numerical value of the angle of sector B, B) 40087212003, 5 i) Given that 15 students got an A, find the total number of students who wrote the test. wy (ii) Tfone student is chosen at random, find the probability that the student gotan A. ul (iv) _Ifinstead, two students are chosen at random, find the probability that each one gota C. BI sooen 1003 [Turn over 6 Section B [36 marks] Answer any three questions in this section Each question carries 12 marks. 7 () Li c A ° In this question take x to be 2 In the diagram, OAD and OBC are sectors of concentric circles centre O. OA =6 cm, OB = 7m and COB = 60°. Calculate () the area of sector OBC, Ql (ii) the area of the shaded part. BI 0082 12003 co P In the diagram, P, R and S are points on the circumference of a circle. PQ is, a tangent 3em Jong, SR= 4em and RQ=x em. SRQ is a straight line, Name, in correct order, the triangle that is similar'to triangle PQR. [1] ‘Using ratios of corresponding sides of the similar triangles, form an equation in x and show that it reduces to x7+4x-9=0. Zi (iii) Solve the equation 27 +4x~9=0 giving the answers correct to two decimal places. [4] Answer the whole of this question on a sheet of graph paper. Parallelogram P has vertices at (~6; 2), (~4; 2), (~2; 4) and (~4; 4). Parallelogram Q has vertices at (2; 10), (2;8), (0; 6) and (0; 8). Using a scale of 2cm to represent 2 units on each axis, draw the x and y axes for -6< x56 and -10,ys10. (a) Draw and label parallelograms P and Q. 2) (6) Describe fully the single transformation which maps parallelogram P onto parallelogram Q. BI (©) Parallelogram P is mapped onto parallelogram R by a shear of factor 2 with the x-axis invariant, Draw and label parallelogram R. BI (a) Parallelogram $ has vertices at (3; -1), (2; ~1), (1 -2) and (2; ~2). @ Draw and label parallelogram S. (ii) Describe fully the single transformation which maps parallelogram P onto parallelogram 8. (4) aR [Turn over 10 8 Answer the whole of this question on a sheet of plain paper. Use ruler and compasses only for all construction and show clearly all the construction arcs and lines in a single diagram. @) ) Construct (i) _ triangle ABC with AB = 9em, AC = 8,Sem and BAC=120 the locus of points equidistant from A and B, iii) the locus of points equidistant from AB and BC, (iv) the locus of point Q, on the same side of AB as C, such that the area of triangle ABQ = 18cm?, () the perpendicular from B to CA produced. Shade and label the region R, inside the triangle ABC, such that the area of triangle ARB2 18cm”. North A 7 B In the diagram, A, B, and C are three points on level ground such that A is due west of B. Given that AB = 7km, AC = 9km and BC = 10km, calculate @ Asc, (ii) the bearing of B from C, (iii) the area of triangle ABC, giving the answer in hectares, (iv) the distance C is to the east of A. 008212003 Q) 2] 2] BI 21 Ct) a) 2) Bl 3) ree 9 Answer the whole of this question on a single sheet of graph paper. The velocity v m/s of an object at time t seconds is given by v= (1 - t)(t - 4) Below is an incomplete table of values for v=(1 - H(t - 4). t+] o}i}2]|3]4] 45/5 Jo v | -4f p | 2] 2] 0] q |-4 |-10 (a) Calculate the value of p and the value of q. () —_Usinga scale of 2 to represent 1 second on tHe horizontal axis and 2em to represent 2m/s on the vertical axis, draw the graph of ‘v= (I-t)(t- 4) for0sts6and -10svs4 (© Use your graph to estimate (the velocity when the acceleration is zero, (ii) the time when the acceleration is zero, : ii) the acceleration when t= Owt (iv) the distance covered by the object from i) O Q] 2) [Turn over 10 B05 Cc In the diagram, ABCDEFGH is a water trough with base BCHG. The cross-section ABCD js an isosceles trapezium with AD parallel to BC, AD = 2,5m, BC = 0,5m and AB =DC. The trough is 4m long. (@) Given that the area of the trapezium, ABCD, is 3m’, calculate @® the height A, (23 Gi) the Iength of AB. 2) (b) The interior of the trough was painted at a cost of $70 per m?, Calculate the cdst of painting the interior. (©) Find the capacity of the trough giving the answer in litres. 2 (@) In this part of the question take x to be 2 The trough was filled with water from a cylindrical reservoir of base radius 5m. Calculate the drop in the water level of the reservoir giving the answer in centimetres. Bl 4008212003,

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