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bitter fruit

of the tree of woe

the first ones
Aneishi Eight compound eyes glimmer above wicked
mandibles. Aneishi are shorter than humans,
Though considered First Ones by the human- standing between four and five and half feet tall,
oids of Exodus and driven into exile with their but somewhat broader through the torso and
masters, the Aneishi ally with the Exodites, head. To an Aneishi’s enemies, its most notable
Khaynites and the Brotherhood of Khayne only physical feature is its web-spinner, a protrusion
for the sake of mutual fears and hatreds. They on the back of its thorax that produces sticky,
are wild cards among the First Ones, a savage silk-like material.
people neither slaves nor citizens of the dark
demesne but vital to its success. Though the
Kobura subrace of Sobeka were likely created in
Aneishi have few relations with other races,
an attempt to obsolete the Aneishi, these spider-
and what few they have are generally hostile.
like humanoids remain indispensable to their
They cooperate with the Khaynites and Exodites
because the humanoids of Exodus are their
shared enemies, but there is no love lost between
Personality: the races. Aneishi despise slave races such as the
Aneishi not only operate outside the confines of Sobeka and harbor long-standing hatred for the
First One society, they all but eschew society in humanoids of Exodus who drove the First Ones
general. Most prefer solitude to the company of from their ancient dominance.
either their own kind or any other. Aneishi are
somewhat cold and distant even from their own
emotions; they seem to feel hates and loves less
strongly than most other intelligent creatures, and
are virtually immune to fear. The Aneishi
have a complex social structure, a
web of elaborate, long-distance
dominance games and social
plays, but this is imperceptible
to other races because it comes
into play only when a pair of
Aneishi chance to meet. Both the
Aneishi’s solitary lifestyle and the
elaborate society it masks lead most
Aneishi to be taciturn. When an
Aneishi speaks, he does so because
he has to - and even then, his words
are often many-layered in cryptic
meanings and implications. Few
non-Aneishi can tolerate this behavior,
much less comprehend it, which only
serves to reinforce the creatures’ reti-

Physical Description:
The Aneishi resemble anthropomor-
phic spiders. They have only two arms
and two legs, but their bodies are covered with a
sturdy brownish carapace and short, bristly hairs,
and their faces are more arachnid than humanoid.
Alignment: Adventures:
Aneishi are at once disciplined and indepen- Aneishi are by far the most likely First Ones to
dent, restrained and unbound. Most tend toward leave the service of their dark masters, for they
neutrality between law and chaos. Cruel, intol- answer to none but themselves. Nonetheless,
erant predators, the Aneishi are generally evil, Aneishi adventurers are rarely accepted into
although theirs is the more natural wickedness humanoid society - their appearance is too
of the savage than the calculated depravity of thedisturbing, their manner too secretive, for human-
more powerful First Ones. oids to put full trust in them. For an Aneishi,
an ‘adventure’ is just a particularly long hunt
Aneishi Lands: through difficult and unfamiliar terrain; most
A handful of Aneishi still dwell in Exodus, but adventuring Aneishi look upon their traveling
most have withdrawn to the hidden realm of the companions as a huntsman does his hounds.
First Ones. In both cases, Aneishi avoid civi- Aneishi have little use for material wealth and
lization, lairing in the deepest caverns and the little care for the plight of others, but they
darkest woods. Aneishi prefer to dwell in regions welcome a challenge: a mercenary might chance
where their climbing ability gives them an advan- fighting a dragon for its horde and a knight to
tage, such as mountains, caves and old-growth protect his fief, but an Aneishi does so simply
forests. They dislike strong heat and cold, and because it is the most difficult opponent he can
most settle in temperate regions. find.

Religion: Aneishi Racial Traits

Unlike the other First Ones, the Aneishi pay • +4 Dex: Aneishi are much more agile and
no homage to the blood god Khayne and his precise than other humanoids.
dreadful clergy. Aneishi have few, if any, clerics; • Monstrous Humanoid: Aneishi are
their religion is maintained by their druids, whose Monstrous Humanoids with the First One
wanderings in the deepest wilderness have lain subtype. Aneishi are not subject to spells or
bare nature’s darkest secrets. Aneishi of all effects that affect humanoids only, such as
professions honor the druids, who hold high posi- charm person or dominate person.
tions in the ephemeral social web of their race, • Aneishi base land speed is 30 ft. Aneishi
but they do not give them offerings or sacrifices; also have a climb speed of 30 ft.
the druids, even more than other Aneishi, are • Darkvision: Aneishi can see in the dark up
expected to fight to survive. to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white
only, but it is otherwise like normal sight,
Language: and Aneishi can function just fine with no
Aneishi speak their own language, a complex light at all.
series of clicks and hisses given context by an • Climber: Aneishi have a +8 bonus on Climb
equally elaborate array of gestures and phero- checks. They can always choose to take
mones; humanoids can at best approximate this 10 on a Climb check, even if distracted or
method of communication. Aneishi dislike threatened.
learning other languages, but those who regularly
• Fearless: Aneishi have a +4 racial bonus on
deal with the other First Ones generally speak
saves against fear.
Exodite, and some few know Common.
• Webcasting: An Aneishi can throw a web
three times per day. This is similar to an
attack with a net but has a maximum range
Aneishi have no names of their own. They refer
of 30 feet, with a range increment of 10
to each other by terms of rank, and even these are
feet, and is effective against targets of up to
only relative to the other Aneishi around them.
Medium size. The web anchors the target in
Aneishi who deal with outsiders usually acquire
place, allowing no movement. An entangled
names or nicknames in the local language,
creature can escape with an Escape Artist
although they use them only to placate their
check ((DC 10 + ½ the Aneishi’s character
level + the Aneishi’s Con modifier) or burst
the web with a Strength check ((DC 10 + ½
the Aneishi’s character level + the Aneishi’s
Con modifier). Both are standard actions. Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.
The web has 6 hit points plus 1 per class
level of the Aneishi and takes double damage Class Features
from fire. Aneishi can also create sheets of All of the following are class features of the
sticky webbing from 5 to 60 feet square. Aneishi Paragon class.
They usually position these to snare flying
creatures but can also try to trap prey on the Precognition ((Ex): Aneishi Paragons seem to
ground. Approaching creatures must succeed possess uncanny awareness of their surround-
on a DC 20 Spot check to notice a web, or ings. An Aneishi Paragon gets an Insight bonus
they stumble into it and become trapped as to Initiative and Reflex saves equal to 1 + his
though by a successful web attack. Attempts Wis modifier (if positive). As long as he is able
to escape or burst the webbing receive a +5 to use Supernatural (Su) abilities and is wearing
bonus if the trapped creature has something light or no armor, the Aneishi Paragon is treated
to walk on or grab while pulling free. Each as having Uncanny Dodge as the barbarian class
5-foot-square section has 6 hit points, hard- feature.
ness 0, and takes double damage from fire. Dexterity Increase (Ex): An Aneishi Paragon
An Aneishi can move across its own sheet gets +2 Dex at 2nd level.
web at its climb speed and can determine the
exact location of any creature touching the Spellcasting: At 2nd level, the Aneishi Paragon
web. gains new spells per day as if he had also gained
a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to
• Automatic Languages: Aneishi and Exodite.
before adding the prestige class. He does not,
Bonus languages: Common, Elven, Goblin,
however, gain any other benefit a character
Khaynite, Sobeka and Sylvan.
of that class would have gained, except for an
• Level Adjustment: +1. Aneishi are more
increased effective level of spellcasting. If a char-
powerful than most races.
acter had more than one spellcasting class before
• Favored Class: Ranger. A multiclass becoming an Aneishi Paragon, he must decide to
Aneishi's ranger class does not count when which class he adds the new level for purposes of
determining whether he takes an experience determining spells per day.
point penalty. Aneishi are natural woodsmen,
equally at home in the canopy of trees or the Improved Precognition (Su): A 3rd level
caverns beneath the earth. Aneishi Paragon’s precognitive abilities expand.
In addition to Initiative and Reflex saves, he
gains the (1 + Wis modifier)) Insight bonus to
Aneishi Paragon attack rolls and Armor Class. As long as he is
able to use Supernatural (Su) abilities and is
Class Information wearing light or no armor, the Aneishi Paragon
The following information pertains to the Aneishi is treated as having Evasion as the monk class
Paragon class. feature.

Hit Die
The Aneishi Paragon gains 1d8 hit points per Exodite
level. The character’s Constitution modifier The most human-looking of the First Ones,
applies. Exodites are an ancient race of humanoids who
served as defenders of law - and tyranny - in pre-
Class Skills human Exodus. While the other First Ones fled
The Aneishi Paragon’s class skills (and
( the key the surface of Exodus entirely, many Exodites
ability for each skill
skill) are: remained, lurking in the shadows to which they
are so attuned. Only now, as plans that have
Climb (Str), Concentration (Con Con),), Craft (any)
germinated for over a millennia begin to bear
( ), Hide ((Dex), Intimidate (Cha
(Int Cha),), Jump
dreadful fruit, have these dangerous beings
(Str), Knowledge (dungeoneering), ), Knowledge
emerged into the light to menace the people of
(nature)) ((Int), Move Silently ((Dex), Spot (Wis),
Survival (Wis), ), Use Rope ((Dex).

Personality: Alignment:
Most Exodites are stern, dour and withdrawn. Because Exodite culture is intensely focused on
Their culture places a premium on the search self-perfection and discipline, most Exodites are
for personal perfection, and Exodites tend to lawful. Beneath his icy exterior, however, an
consider communicating with the members of Exodite’s soul seethes with volcanic rages and
other races - or even each other - a burdensome burning passions. An Exodite is actually more
break from their disciplines. Exodites acknowl- likely to be chaotic than neutral, for if his disci-
edge others only to keep a tally of the offenses pline slips in the slightest, he will likely give in
they have committed and the suffering required to the surging chaos of his inner self. Regardless,
to even the scales; an Exodite not engaged in the vast majority of Exodites are inclined by
scheming, practice or meditation usually spends nature and nurture toward evil.
his time contemplating the litany of woes he
intends to inflict on his enemies.

Physical Description:
Exodites are tall, elegant and muscular human-
oids. Their skin is the color of polished obsidian;
because most constantly hone their bodies
for battle, their flesh is as hard as the rock it
resembles. Exodite eyes are usually also glossy
black, although rare red-, purple- and blue-
eyed Exodites sometimes appear. Exodites are
completely hairless and have elf-like pointed
ears; which many have mistaken them for dark
elves. Exodite culture encourages the creatures
to carve painful but imposing ritual scars in
their bodies; studying an Exodite’s network of
scar tissue tells a trained observer much about
his standing and role. When traveling outside
the domains of the First Ones, Exodites typi-
cally wear heavy, concealing cloaks to hide their
nature. The older and more powerful an Exodite
becomes, the more intense his connection to the
Plane of Shadow grows. Exceptionally powerful
Exodites sometimes appear to be clothed in solid
shadows, and darkness always seems deeper
when it hides an Exodite. Exodites have a much
higher body temperature than most humanoids.

Exodites make up the majority of the ‘civilian’
population of the First Ones and have authority
over the servant races of Aneishi and Sobeka,
while themselves serving the enigmatic
Khaynites. Exodites despise any who do not
share their passion for self-perfection; they
consider most of the races of Exodus, including
their subordinates among the First Ones, little
more than beasts. Even their respect for their
Khaynite masters is grudging at best, and many
Exodites see themselves as first among the First

Exodite Lands: The Exodite Bladestaff
Exodites encountered in mainland Exodus are
Exodites favor a weapon of their own devising,
nomads of the shadows, infiltrating the society
called the bladestaff. It is not the most powerful
of humanoids. In the dark realm where the First
weapon in Exodus, but it is perhaps the most
Ones still hold sway, Exodites are everywhere.
They are the main citizens of that bleak demesne,
though outnumbered many times over by the The Exodite bladestaff is a two-hand exotic
members of their slave races. Exodites seem double weapon. Its primary claim to fame is that,
to prefer warm, arid climes to cold or wet ones. by shifting his grip, its wielder can deal slashing,
They are equally at home above or below ground. piercing or bludgeoning damage with either end.
The Exodite bladestaff is a special monk weapon.
Religion: Exodites treat it as a martial rather than exotic
Most Exodites are followers of Khayne, the
weapon, and all Exodites with monk levels are
blood god of the Khaynites. To the Exodites,
proficient in its use.
Khayne is less a god of slaughter and sacrifice
and more one of war and dominance. Religious Exodite bladestaves cannot be bought by
Exodites believe Khayne is an ascended mortal outsiders; on the black market, they typically sell
and strive to follow his example. However, many for about 300 gp.
Exodites eschew paying even token respect to the
god of the First Ones; these nihilists believe only Dmg (S): 1d4/1d4
in their own perfection of body and mind, their Dmg (M): 1d6/1d6
only gods those they create of their crude flesh Critical: 19-20
by incarnate will. Type: S,P,B

Language: able ally - but to an Exodite, an ‘ally’ is simply a

Exodites speak their own language, which also stepping-stone on the path to self-perfection.
serves as the common tongue for the First Ones.
Most Exodites also speak modern Common. Exodite Racial Traits
• +2 Str, +2 Dex: Exodites are considerably
Names: more physically adept than other races.
Exodites do not have clan or family names. An • Medium: As Medium creatures, Exodites
Exodite receives a personal name shortly after have no special bonuses or penalties due to
birth; only if he is accepted into a dojo or the size.
tutelage of a master is he considered worthy of a • First Ones: Exodites are Humanoids with
second name. the First One subtype. Certain spells and
effects affect creatures with this subtype
Male Names: Daak, Kaoth, Maruk, Oroth,
Roath, Thaok.
• Exodite base land speed is 30 ft.
Female Names: Ara, Kath, Kahsa, Madu, Thaa. • Darkvision: Exodites can see in the dark up
Dojo Names: Aath, Gahta, Naal, Odam, Vaar. to 120 feet. Darkvision is black and white
only, but it is otherwise like normal sight,
Adventures: and Exodite can function just fine with no
Most Exodites do not ‘adventure’ in the conven- light at all.
tional sense. They do, however, complete • Shadow Affinity: Exodites have a +2 racial
missions for their masters, go on journeys of self bonus to Hide checks.
discovery, seek worthy foes to challenge, and • Shadow Jump: Exodites can travel between
hunt offenders to punish. The strange admixture shadows as if by means of a dimension door
of the savage and the ascetic that drives a typical spell. The limitation is that the magical
Exodite inclines him to a nomadic existence. transport must begin and end in an area with
Any adventurers who can bring themselves to at least some shadow. An Exodite can jump
trust an Exodite will find him an extremely valu- up to a total of 10 feet per level each day in
this way. At higher levels, this amount can
be split among many jumps, but each one, no
matter how small, counts as a 10-foot incre- Hit Die
ment. The Exodite Paragon gains 1d8 hit points per
• Uncanny Agility: Exodites have a +2 racial level. The character’s Constitution modifier
bonus to Reflex saves. applies.
• Weapon Familiarity: Exodites treat the
Exodite bladestaff as a martial weapon. Class Skills
Exodite monks are automatically proficient The Exodite Paragon’s class skills (and the key
with the Exodite bladestaff. ability for each skill
skill) are:
• Automatic Languages: Exodite and
Balance ((Dex), Climb (Str), Disguise (Cha),
Common. Bonus languages: Cavian,
Hide ((Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Move
Cynean, Goblin, Elven, Khaynite.
Silently ((Dex), Survival (Wis),
), Tumble ((Dex).
• Level Adjustment: +1. Exodites are more
powerful than most races. Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
• Favored Class: Monk. A multiclass
Exodite's monk class does not count when Class Features
determining whether he takes an experience All of the following are class features of the
point penalty. Exodites are naturally drawn Exodite Paragon class.
to principles of discipline and self-perfection. Cloak of Shadows: An Exodite Paragon gains
Cloak of Shadows as a bonus feat.
Exodite Paragon Monk Abilities: Exodite Paragon levels stack
Almost all Exodites strive for perfection of the with Monk levels for purposes of unarmored AC
self - for oneness with the shadows, for mastery bonus, Flurry of Blows and unarmed damage.
of body and mind. They do not, however, stack for purposes of other
monk abilities, such as Slow Fall or Ki Strike.
The Exodite Paragon comes far closer than most
to achieving this goal. Ex): An Exodite Paragon
Dexterity Increase ((Ex
gets +2 Dex at 2nd level.
Exodite Paragons focus on what they call the
dual masteries: shadowcrafting to enhance their Ex): An Exodite Paragon
Strength Increase ((Ex
stealth and supernatural power, and martial arts gets +2 Str at 3rd level.
to improve their bodies and lethality. The combi- Swiftness of Shadows ((Su): A 3rd level Exodite
nation makes them some of the most dangerous Paragon can use Shadow Jump or other dimen-
warriors and assassins on Exodus. sion door effects as a swift action.
Like Exodites in general, the race’s Paragons are This is a Supernatural (Su) ability.
constantly torn between their quest for domi-
nance of self and world and their servitude to
the more powerful Khaynites; like their lesser Khaynite
kin, Exodite Paragons tame with iron discipline
The undisputed masters of First One society,
the destructive impulses of their nature. These
the Khaynites are both a race and a priesthood,
dichotomies are only heightened in the Exodite
an entire species dedicated to the worship of
Paragon. He is the most deadly agent of the
the grotesque god of blood, Khayne. Depraved
First Ones - and hopes to surpass their god. He
and sadistic, the Khaynites are also brilliant and
is the picture of steely resolve - and contains
mighty, and to defy their will invites tortures
within him all-consuming rage. Many Exodites
beyond imagining. The Khaynites have long
go mad or perish when they attempt this delicate
desired a return to glory in Exodus, and after two
balancing act.
thousand years of exile, they are prepared to fight
with all their formidable resources to effect that
Class Information return.
The following information pertains to the Exodite
Paragon class.
The iconic Khaynite is a cruel, domineering
creature, relishing in his own power no more
than he does the powerlessness of his subjects. and even more bizarre body modifications, the
To Khaynites, mastery over intelligent beings basic form of Khaynites is sickly seductive to
eclipses all other concerns; everyone is either most humanoids, who find themselves at turns
master or slave, and to be a slave is as intoler- repulsed and fascinated by these creatures who
able as to be a master is delicious. Khaynites were and would be once more their masters.
also have a strong hedonistic streak. Since most
of their pleasures involve the pain of others - Relations:
and, in many cases, an admixture for themselves Khaynites dominate or die. Amongst themselves,
as well - their lusts are almost as dangerous as they constantly vie for power - but compared
their ambitions. If the Khaynite character were to their treatment of outsiders, they are
not twisted enough by their nature and their saintly toward each other. A
inculcation into the gruesome rites of Khaynite will never accept
Khayne’s cult, their childrearing prac- orders from a member of
tices would assure their monstrousness. another race and is loath to
Young Khaynites begin training almost take suggestions. Nor will
from birth in the dark arts. Siblings
play lethal games with each other
and each others slaves. Young adults
master transmutation magic and are
encouraged to experiment upon their
own bodies. Less than half of each
generation of Khaynites reaches
adulthood, but those who do are
the most depraved, ruthless and

Khaynites are basically humanoid,
and may have once been closely
related to humans. They are tall,
often six or seven feet, and their
muscle mass is higher than
normal. Dissolute life leaves many
Khaynites looking more massive
than muscular, but even the
most degenerate possess hidden
reserves of strength - the better to
force physical as well as mental
submission. Most Khaynites
are extremely pale; females in
particular have almost translucent
flesh. Into this flesh, all adult Khaynites
graft an astonishing array of piercings and
stranger decorations, sometimes including
parts of other creatures kept in psuedo-
life by dark magic. Many Khaynites,
particularly those who follow or aspire
to the sanguine path of the race’s most
powerful spellcasters, install spigot-
like piercings directly into their
veins, making bloodcasting rituals
more convenient. In spite of these

he tolerate defiance of any kind; the slightest hint Language:
of sarcasm or resentment in a servant earns brutal Khaynites speak their own language, a deriva-
retaliation. Only the more numerous exodites, tion of Abyssal, which is also the language of
whose support the Khaynites require, are allowed their pawn-priests in the Brotherhood of Khayne.
the slightest freedom. Khaynites consider the Most also speak Exodite and either Sobeka
entire world theirs to do with as they will, and or Common, and many know other languages
those regions where their mastery is not acknowl- besides. Khaynites tend to have deep, powerful
edged as provinces in rebellion. In many ways, voices due to their large frames.
they have never adjusted to the loss of their
ancient empire - and, perhaps, never will. Names:
Khaynites deride such fripperies as family ties
Alignment: as signs of weakness. Instead of names devoted
Most Khaynites behave little better than mortal to clan, family or affiliation, Khaynites are
fiends, indulging in brutal whims and bizarre given one personal name at birth and acquire
passions that rival those of demons. Khaynites more by killing or subjugating other Khaynites.
are almost always Chaotic Evil. The few who Most Khaynites emerge from childhood with
do not subscribe to these ways rarely survive to between two and four names, often those given to
adulthood. siblings they betrayed and murdered. A Khaynite
continues to collect names his entire life; most
Khaynite Lands: many-named Khaynites are extremely powerful,
Khaynites rule the dark demesne of the First although a few, by picking on the weakest
Ones with an iron fist (sometimes literally), members of their race, manage to acquire the
where they are held in check, if at all, only by seeming of power without actually possessing it.
the mass of exodites. Khaynites care nothing Because of the custom of taking the names of the
for climate or terrain. A cave, a mountain, a slain and enslaved, Khaynites make no distinc-
forest, a coast - all are the same to a Khaynite, as tion between male and female names.
long as he can claim total control over them. To
Khaynites, the whole of Exodus and beyond are Names:
‘Khaynite lands.’ Bikhari, Khuralu, Meshurr, Nhubat, Sauthoss,
Ygarku, Ygnoth, Zautoloss.
The twisted religion of the Khaynites is central to Adventures:
their culture. Even the name of their race comes Khaynites rarely travel the lands they intend to
from Khayne, the blood god of Exodus, who, dominate, leaving such activities to their minions.
the Khaynites believe, created them to be the When a Khaynite goes abroad, he usually
earthly vessels of his power. In essence, all adult does so sheathed in illusion and transmutation
Khaynites - excepting the rare renegade - are magic, assuming a form unlike his own to pass
priests of Khayne, though not all are divine spell- among the humanoids. Even the rare renegade
casters. Individual Khaynites conduct their own Khaynite who flees his wicked kin must employ
rituals - and bloody rituals they are, involving such deceptions. Both renegade Khaynites and
the sacrifice of countless slaves and captives. those who are abroad in search of some coveted,
There is no formal hierarchy in Khaynite reli- usually magical, prize are extremely valuable
gion; power shifts are constant and violent. allies, for their magical powers exceed those
Khaynites also control the broader Brotherhood of any other humanoid. Khaynites prize magic
of Khayne, the humanoid clergy of which items more than material wealth, especially
secretly, and in most cases unwittingly, learn favoring items that impart new arcane secrets.
from and subordinate themselves to Khaynite
masters. The Khaynites do not spread their faith Khaynite Racial Traits
in the hopes of attracting converts; they consider • +2 Str, +4 Int, +6 Cha: Khaynites are
themselves the only true vessels for Khayne’s extremely intelligent and possess unparal-
power, with all other ‘worshippers’ being merely leled force of personality; most are also
deluded pawns. larger and stronger than average humanoids.

• First Ones: Khaynites are Humanoids with Knowledge (dungeoneering)) ((Int), Knowledge
the First One subtype. Certain spells and (religion)) ((Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft
effects affect creatures with this subtype ( ).
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
• Khaynite base land speed is 30 ft.
• Darkvision: Khaynites can see in the dark Class Features
up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white All of the following are class features of the
only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, Khaynite Paragon class.
and Khaynites can function just fine with no
light at all. Bloodcast ((Su): A Khaynite Paragon may cast
• Damage Reduction 5/Silver: The magi- additional spells by spilling blood. Every spell
cally-altered bodies of Khaynites resist most level the Khaynite Paragon wishes to access costs
injury; silver weapons, however, deal normal 1d4 points of Con damage. A Khaynite Paragon
damage to a Khaynite. cannot access spells of a level higher than he
• Powerful Caster: Khaynites are innately could normally cast, nor can he cast spells not on
magical creatures, and their self-modifica- his list of spells known; he can only cast addi-
tion rituals have only served to increase their tional spells from his list of spells known.
natural powers. A Khaynite gets a +5 bonus At 1st level, the Khaynite Paragon can only draw
to caster level in any spellcasting class in upon his own blood, the magical power of which
which he has at least one level. This ability he is intimately familiar with. Beginning at 2nd
does not grant additional spells or spell level, he can draw blood from any helpless crea-
levels. ture to fulfill the requirements of this ability.
• Automatic Languages: Khaynite and
Exodite. Bonus languages: Abyssal, Aneishi, Spellcasting: When a new Khaynite Paragon
Common, Infernal, Locari, Necryos, Sobeka. level is gained, the character gains new spells per
day as if he had also gained a level in a spell-
• Level Adjustment: +3. Khaynites are much
casting class he belonged to before adding the
more powerful than the most races.
prestige class. He does not, however, gain any
• Favored Class: Sorcerer. A multiclass other benefit a character of that class would have
Khaynite's sorcerer class does not count gained, except for an increased effective level
when determining whether he takes an expe- of spellcasting. If a character had more than one
rience point penalty. Khaynites are innately spellcasting class before becoming a Khaynite
magical, and must demonstrate their aptitude Paragon, he must decide to which class he adds
with it or perish before reaching adulthood. the new level for purposes of determining spells
per day.
Khaynite Paragon Aberrant Form ((Ex): At 3rd level, the Khaynite
Paragon completes the most depraved, but vital,
Class Information of his ritual transformations.
The following information pertains to the
Khaynite Paragon class. A Khaynite Paragon who completes his transfor-
mation loses the Humanoid type and gains the
Aberration type. He retains the Khaynite and
Hit Die First One subtypes. He also gains a +2 Inherent
The Khaynite Paragon gains 1d6 hit points per
bonus to the physical ability score of his choice.
level. The character’s Constitution modifier
His appearance is forever altered by the trans-
formation, but on an almost imperceptible level
- a subtle shift in the shape and color of the eyes,
Class Skills a slight translucence to the skin, perhaps the
The Khaynite Paragon’s class skills (and
( the key vague impression of something, organ or parasite,
ability for each skill
skill) are: moving beneath the Khaynite Paragon’s flesh.
Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (any) Completing this transformation takes one full day
( ), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha),
(Int and requires the sacrifice of at least five intel-
Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana)) ((Int), ligent ((Int 3+) creatures, the expenditure of 5,000
gp in rare oils and reagents, and the loss of 500 ture and are surprisingly strong. Due to their
XP. Until the Khaynite Paragon can complete forked tongues, Kobura tend to speak in hissing,
his transformation, he gains no benefits from this sibilant tones.
class feature.
Kobura serve the First Ones, partner with the
Sobeka, Kobura Kroca, and kill each other and anyone else. This
The smallest of the First Ones, Kobura are simple social order has been bred into the Kobura
a subrace of Sobeka bred for scouting and since before the fall of the First Ones’ ancient
foraging. These small snakemen range ahead of empire, and most hold to it without question.
every First One army, preparing the ground for
more powerful creatures and assisting them via Alignment:
ambushes and surprise attacks. Outside of First Kobura were bred for malice and cruelty, and
One service, Kobura are nomadic predators, less this aspect of the Khaynites’ breeding program
organized but hardly less dangerous than their was clearly a success. Most Kobura are evil,
soldierly brethren. and, except in their obedience to the First Ones,
Kobura have been bred for subservi-
ence for countless centuries - indeed, Kobura dwell in the First Ones’ dark
their race may have been magically demesne; they can be found
created to serve the Khaynites. While milling about the strong-
this manifests itself as stolid obedience holds of Exodites and
in the Kroca, in the Kobura it leads Khaynites, running
to obsequiousness. Unlike humanoid
servants whose fawning is often
directly proportionate to their disloy-
alty, most Kobura genuinely mean
the compliments they heap upon their
masters. Among those they consider
equals, however, the Kobura are ruth-
less and conniving. Though they do
not fear death, they seek prestige,
and have been known to abandon
comrades to a gruesome fate to
advance their own cause.

Kobura are serpentine human-
oids, about four feet long from
tail to fanged mouth. Kobura fangs
are usually not strong enough to do any
real damage to humanoids, although some
train to improve the lethality of their bite.
Kobura are covered with soft, leathery
scales, usually in mottled patterns of
green and brown. A Kobura’s slim
arms and legs themselves resemble
serpents or tentacles more than
ordinary limbs, though they end
in five-fingered hands, have a
roughly humanoid bone struc-
errands for the greater First Ones. Independent Kobura Sobeka Racial Traits
Kobura settlements invariably gravitate toward • Kobura are astonishingly
steaming jungles and misty swamps, where the physically adept, their coiled power belied by
Kobura are most comfortable. their slim frames.
• Small: As a Small creature, a Kobura gets
Religion: a +1 size bonus to AC and attack rolls and
Kobura follow the Brotherhood of Khayne, a +4 size bonus to Hide checks, but he uses
offering regular supplication and sacrifices to smaller weapons than humans, and his lifting
the blood god. The majority of Kobura are and carrying capacities are only three quar-
not especially devout, feeling, perhaps rightly, ters what a human's would be.
that Khayne is a god best venerated from some • Monstrous Humanoid: Kobura Sobeka are
remove. Kobura renegades, who are more likely Monstrous Humanoids with the First One and
to become spellcasters, tend to adopt a kind Reptilian subtypes. Sobeka are not subject to
of survival-of-the-fittest animism, filling their spells or effects that affect humanoids only,
metaphysics with nature spirits who share their such as charm person or dominate person.
skulking, sinister nature.
• Kobura base land speed is 20 ft.
• Bite: Kobura have a bite attack which deals
1d3 + ½ Str damage. A Kobura can use
Kobura speak Sobeka, the language of the First
its bite as its primary or attack, or, while
Ones’ reptilian slave races. Many Kobura,
wielding a weapon, as a secondary natural
including all officers, learn to speak Exodite.
attack at a -5 penalty.
Since the return of the First Ones to Exodus,
Kobura have begun to pick up modern Common • Darkvision: Kobura can see in the dark up to
to better spy on their humanoid enemies. 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only,
but it is otherwise like normal sight, and
Names: Kobura can function just fine with no light at
Kobura have only one name, which they are all.
given upon hatching. Unlike the larger Kroca • Cold Vulnerability: A Kobura takes an extra
Sobeka, the Kobura rarely change their names 50% damage from Cold.
later in life. Kobura names are words in the • Elasticity: A Kobura can bend and twist his
Sobeka language; they tend to favor somewhat body in unnatural ways and squeeze through
more complex constructions than their kin. very tight spaces. He gains a +10 racial
bonus on Escape Artist checks. In addition,
Male Names: Aos, Kudet, Nedet, Seta, Zag. a Kobura can move at no penalty through
Female Names: Ber, Liset, Nefet, Ressa, Zu. passages intended for creatures one size
category smaller than himself and at ½ speed
Adventures: through passages intended for creatures two
Kobura live an adventurous life. The foragers size categories smaller than himself.
and scouts of the First One armies, they are • Ravenous: A Kobura requires double the
accustomed to living off the land, taking what normal amount of food and water to sustain
they need, avoiding pursuit, and exploring himself each day. If he does not consume
dangerous and contested areas. Kobura are adequate sustenance for more than 24 hours,
rarely sent on missions that require penetration he suffers 1d4 points of Con damage that day
the exodites prefer-
deep into enemy territory (the and each day thereafter. The damage heals
ring to take these tasks upon themselves),
themselves so most normally, but continues to accrue until the
Kobura who join with non-First One adventurers Kobura can eat and drink its fill.
will be renegades. These escaped slave-soldiers • Automatic Languages: Exodite and Sobeka.
have little hope of survival, since they are hunted Bonus languages: Aneishi, Common,
as evil vermin by humanoids and as traitors by Draconic, Gnomish.
the First Ones, so joining a competent band of • Level Adjustment: +1. Kobura Sobeka are
adventurers may actually increase their lifespans. more powerful than most races.
• Favored Class: Rogue. A multiclass
Kobura's rogue class does not count when
determining whether he takes an experience the Sobeka, were slave-soldiers, but willingly
point penalty. Kobura are naturally stealthy sublimated themselves in return for more chances
and adept at striking from ambush. to catch and devour their favored prey. The
modern Kroca are much like their ancestors - but
centuries of selective breeding in the dark realm
Kobura Paragon of the First Ones have fashioned them into truly
perfect soldiers, unquestioning in their obedience
Class Information and unrivalled in their might. When the First
The following information pertains to the Kobura Ones explode back into the history of Exodus,
Paragon class. the implacable Kroca march at the forefront of
their armies.
Hit Die
The Kobura Paragon gains 1d6 hit points per Personality:
level. The character’s Constitution modifier Kroca run hot and cold. At rest, they are lazy
applies. beasts, preferring to bask in the sun or lounge in
mud pits. Roused to action, they explode with
Class Skills savage force and unparalled brutality. Kroca are
(and the key
The Kobura Paragon’s class skills (and man-eaters, preferring the taste of humanoid flesh
ability for each skill
skill)) are: to all other foods, and their constant, ravenous
hunger is the only thing that rouses them from
Dex), Listen
Craft (trapmaking)) ((Int), Hide ((Dex
their indolence. Only countless centuries of
), Move Silently ((Dex), Spot (Wis), ), Survival
selective breeding temper this violent duality;
(Wis), Swim (Str),
), Tumble ((Dex).
the modern Kroca serve the greater First Ones
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier. without question.

Class Features Physical Description:

All of the following are class features of the Massively muscled and usually between seven
Kobura Paragon class. and eight feet tall, Kroca Sobeka tower over
humanoids. The Kroca’s hunched form is almost
Dexterity Increase ((Ex): A Kobura Paragon gets
dwarf-like in proportion, broad-shouldered and
+2 Dex at 1st level, and again at 3rd level.
squat; scales as hard as tempered mail cover the
Improved Elasticity ((Ex): A Kobura Paragon’s creature from head to toe. Kroca heads extend
racial Elasticity improves, granting him a +15 forward from shoulder-height and end in a
bonus on Escape Artist checks. He also has a +4 perpetually grinning mess of fangs. Kroca also
bonus on Grapple checks. The bonus to Escape sport powerful tails they use to keep their balance
does not stack with)
Artist checks overlaps (does with) the on land and as rudders while swimming.
bonus from Elasticity.
Sneak Attack ((Ex): A 2nd level Kobura Paragon
Kroca live and die for the Khaynites and
has 1d6 sneak attack, as the rogue class feature.
Exodites, in partnership with their brother
This stacks with other sources of sneak attack,
Sobeka. Other races simply die. This simple
such as rogue levels.
code serves the Kroca well. It does not recom-
Bonus Feat ((Ex): At 3rd level, a Kobura mend them to other races, however - especially
Paragon gains either Constrictor or Poison Sacs in concert with the Kroca habit of devouring
as a bonus feat. You need not meet the prerequi- slain and captured enemies, the latter while they
sites for either feat. are still alive. Legends of Kroca brutality have
lingered for thousands of years in Exodus, all
of them deserved, and these creatures are feared
Sobeka, Kroca perhaps disproportionately to their actual danger
In the pre-human era, the soldiers of the First - perhaps.
Ones were immense crocodilians, man-reptile
hybrids with an insatiable hunger for humanoid
flesh. These man-eaters, the Kroca subrace of
Alignment: much more comfortable speaking Sobeka, the
Despite being more intelligent than most of the language they share with their kobura brethren.
savage humanoids, the Kroca Sobeka are also However, most Kroca speak or at least under-
more bestial; left to their own devices, most stand Exodite, and a few also master Common.
concern themselves only with catching and
devouring any humanoid they can get their jaws Names:
around. Kroca are strongly inclined to both Kroca are simple creatures and favor simple
chaos and evil. name. Kroca have only one name, but that
name may change over the years; at hatching, a
Kroca Lands: Kroca will be named by its mother, but Kroca
The Kroca have no lands of their own. If their who achieve some memorable feat usually
race was ever independent of the First Ones, take a name that calls it to mind in the Sobeka
they may have once reigned in some primeval language.
swamp or jungle, but now they serve the whims Male Names: Aos, Kut, Mat, Ro, Zag.
of their dark masters. Kroca lands are the lands
of Exodites and Khaynites - and the lands the Female Names: Ber, Emm, Hes, Mer, Zu.
Kroca, by mean force, rip from the heart of
humanoid kingdoms. Kroca prefer, and fight Adventures:
best in, hot, wet conditions, especially on coasts Kroca rarely undertake special operations in the
or rivers where their ability to service of the First Ones, so Kroca
attack from land or adventurers generally come
water gives them an from the small but growing
incalculable edge. ranks of renegades. Most
Kroca who rebel against
Religion: their masters are no
The Kroca instinct to follow less savage and blood-
orders extends to their spiri- thirsty; they
tual life. Simple creatures, object to the
the Kroca are inclined to disci-
bloody shamanism amongst
themselves, but gladly
sublimate themselves to the
worship of Khayne, whose ruth-
less cruelty is like their own writ
large. Most Kroca are extremely
devout followers of the blood
god, although they do little
to demonstrate that devo-
tion aside from killing the
Khaynites’ enemies. A
few Kroca renegades
practice animism,
personifying the
natural cycle of kill
or be killed in the form
of savage, bloodthirsty

Kroca mouths
struggle to form the
words of humanoid
races; the creatures are
pline of First One rule, not the cruelty. on size (such as improved grab or swallow
Nonetheless, a few Kroca do manage to suppress whole) can affect him. A Kroca can use
their ravenous hunger for humanoid flesh and to weapons designed for a creature one size
fight beside allies of other races. Only adven- larger without penalty. However, his space
turers live far enough outside society for a Kroca and reach remain those of a creature of his
to win their trust; those Kroca renegades who do actual size. The benefits of this racial trait
not live as murderous bandits drift to the adven- stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and
turing life almost by necessity. spells that change the subject’s size category.
• Ravenous: A Kroca requires double the
Kroca Racial Traits normal amount of food and water to sustain
• +4 Str, +4 Con, -2 Cha: Kroca are born itself each day. If he does not consume
soldiers, stronger, tougher and hardier than adequate sustenance for more than 24 hours,
most humanoids. They are also bred to he suffers 1d4 points of Con damage that day
follow orders, and tend to lack force of and each day thereafter. The damage heals
personality. normally, but continues to accrue until the
• Monstrous Humanoid: Kroca Sobeka are Kroca can eat and drink his fill.
Monstrous Humanoids with the First One and • Swimmer: A Kroca has a +8 racial bonus on
Reptilian subtypes. Sobeka are not subject to Swim checks to perform some special action
spells or effects that affect humanoids only, or avoid a hazard. He can always choose to
such as charm person or dominate person. take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted
• Racial Hit Dice: Kroca begin play with one or threatened. He can use the run action
level of Monstrous Humanoid. This grants while swimming, provided he swims in a
them 1d8+Con hit points, +1 base attack straight line.
bonus, (2 + Int) x 4 skill points, a base • Automatic Languages: Sobeka. Bonus
Reflex save bonus +2 and a base Will save languages: Common, Exodite, Giant,
bonus of +2. The Kroca's class skills are Khaynite, Orcish.
Intimidate (Cha), Survival (Wis) and Swim • Level Adjustment: +1. Kroca Sobeka are
(Str). A Kroca is proficient in all simple more powerful than most races.
weapons, light armor, and shields (except • Favored Class: Barbarian. A multiclass
tower shields). Kroca's barbarian class does not count when
• Kroca base land speed is 20 ft. Kroca also determining whether he takes an experience
have a swim speed of 20 ft. point penalty. Kroca are savage, semi-feral
• Darkvision: Kroca can see in the dark up to warriors.
60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only,
but it is otherwise like normal sight, and
Kroca can function just fine with no light at Kroca Paragon
all. Kroca Paragons are the largest, strongest, most
• Cold Vulnerability: A Kroca takes an extra brutish examples of their race. They often serve
50% damage from Cold. as shock troops in the armies of the First Ones,
• Hold Breath: A Kroca can hold his breath trusting to sheer mass to overwhelm foes who
for up to 8 minutes without suffering ill might resist either rage or fighting skill.
Because they tend to exemplify the physical gifts
• Powerful Build: The physical stature of
of the Kroca race - often at the expense of mental
Kroca lets them function in many ways
faculties -, Kroca Paragons enjoy a comparatively
as if they were one size category larger.
lower social standing than the paragons of other
Whenever a Kroca is subject to a size modi-
races; their masters see the,, even more than their
fier or special size modifier for an opposed
kin, as extremely useful but expendable beasts of
such as during grapple checks, bull
check (such
war. Nonetheless, the Kroca Paragon’s reputa-
rush attempts, and trip attempts),
attempts the Kroca
tion for dim-wittedness is not entirely deserved,
is treated as one size larger if doing so is
and many of these mighty creatures are unfairly
advantageous to him. A Kroca is also consid-
labeled dullards because they trust to their
ered to be one size larger when determining
strength to see them through.
whether a creature’s special attacks based
Regardless of their position in First One society,
Kroca Paragons are terrifying foes for other
races. Bigger than ogres and considerably
smarter and more skilled, a Kroca Paragon at
the height of his powers can bring down most
giants in single combat and tear through a small
company of armed men.

Class Information
The following information pertains to the Kroca
Paragon class.

Hit Die
The Kroca Paragon gains 1d10 hit points per
level. The character’s Constitution modifier

Class Skills
(and the key
The Kroca Paragon’s class skills (and
ability for each skill
skill) are:
Climb (Str), Intimidate (Cha), ), Knowledge
(nature)) ((Int), Listen (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the
Kroca Paragon class.
Fast Swimmer: A Kroca Paragon’s Swim speed
is increased by 10 ft. He gains a +4 racial bonus
on Swim checks in addition to the usual +8 bonus
for having a Swim speed.
Strength Increase: At 2nd level and again at 3rd
level, a Kroca Paragon’s Strength increases by
Size Increase: At 3rd level, a Kroca Paragon
becomes Large sized. He loses the Powerful
Build racial ability and instead gains all the
penalties and drawbacks of being a Large crea-
ture, including a space/reach of 10 ft./10 ft. and
armor class and attack penalties.

feats of the
first ones
Aneishi Feats Feats
Experienced Aneishi possess both the ability
and the inclination to become true masters of Above The Law - General
the wilderness, able to trail the most alert prey You are resistant to spells cast by lawful charac-
- animal or humanoid - across miles of trackless ters or creatures.
wasteland, to snare their victims in inescapable
webs, and to overpower them when they are at Prerequisites: Wisdom 15+, Divine spell caster
their weakest. level 5th+, Any chaotic alignment
Benefit: You gain spell resistance 10 + your
Exodite Feats character level from all spells cast by lawful
Powerful Exodites seek perfection through two characters or creatures.
separate, but often intersecting paths: pursuing
the promise of immortality through their connec-
Agonizing Spell - Metamagic
tion to the Plane of Shadows and tempering their
Your damaging spells are unusually painful.
volatile inner minds with unbreakable discipline.
Benefit: When you apply this metamagic feat
Khaynite Feats ( “base
to a spell that deals hit point damage (the
Khaynites are the masters of blood magic, spell”),
), all creatures that suffer at least 1 point
masterful transmuters and overpowering of damage from the base spell must immediately
enchanters. Their dark sorcery and the favor of attempt an additional Will save against the base
their grotesque god once elevated them to rule This extra save is always a Will
spell’s DC. (This
over all Exodus, and though their numbers are save regardless of whether or not the original
much reduced, their powers remain as great as spell allowed a different type of save, or indeed
ever. whether or not the original spell allowed a save
at all.) Any creatures that fail this extra saving
Kobura Feats throw suffer a –1 penalty on all attack rolls,
Kobura are masters of guerilla warfare, a tactical saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks as
asset far beyond their apparent fighting skill. The pain courses through their bodies. Creatures that
First Ones encourage - and often force - them to succeed on the extra Will save do not suffer any
train in abilities that will make them more effec- additional ill effects, but they still suffer all of the
tive in this role. effects that they would have suffered from the
base spell.
Kroca Feats The extra saving throw and effects forced by this
Much more than most races, Kroca can leverage feat do not interact in any way with those of the
their great physical strength to gain advan- base spell; it is possible to fail the saving throw
tage over foes and rivals. Experienced Kroca against the base spell and succeed on the saving
warriors learn techniques derived from both their throw against this feat, or vice versa. The effects
humanoid and crocodilian sides. of this feat last for the entire duration of the base
spell, or for one full round (if the base spell has
a duration of Instantaneous or a duration of less
than one round

An agonizing spell uses up a spell slot one level Prerequisites: Spell Focus (necromancy), spell
higher than the spell’s actual level. caster 7th+, ability to cast animate dead.
The effects of this feat are considered mind- Benefit: You may cast animate dead at will,
affecting pain effects. however, you only need touch a corpse and there
is no material component when using this ability.
Alien Understanding - Khaynite Only one undead creature may be animated
You are able to more easily bend undead and each time this feat is used, though you may still
extraplanar creatures to your will, making your control multiple undead.
spells harder to resist.
The maximum number of undead you may
Prerequisites: Khaynite control is equal to 2 HD per caster level.
Benefit: When you cast a spell or manifest a
Arachnid Legs - Aneishi
psionic power that allows a Will save against
You have four additional large arachnid type legs
an undead creature or an extra-planar creature
like your primordial ancestor, the spider.
), that creature does not add its Wisdom
bonus (if any)) to its Will save. If the creature has Prerequisites: Aneishi
a Wisdom penalty, then the penalty is doubled
Benefit: Aneishi with this feat have 4 additional
when making Will saves against spells you cast
spider like appendages that come out of the side
or powers you manifest.
of their body. With these additional legs the
Aneishi is able of movement on vertical surfaces
Amphibious Lifestyle - Sobeka or even upside down along ceilings, leaving
Your hide is slightly permeable, allowing you to
the Aneishi’s other hands free. The speed is of
absorb a small amount of oxygen through your
this wall crawling is 20 feet. Severely slippery
skin from the surrounding aquatic environment.
surfaces—icy, oiled, or greased surfaces— make
Prerequisites: Sobeka, Constitution 14. the spiderlegs useless.
Benefit: You may hold your breath underwater
Arcane Affinity - Metamagic
for 10 minutes, plus 1 minute for each point of
You can refresh your mind quickly, preparing
your spells in less time than normal.
Normal: Any character can hold her breath for a
Prerequisites: Wisdom13+, wizard only
number of rounds equal to twice her Constitution
score. Benefit: When preparing spells from a spellbook,
you require half the necessary time. In addition,
Special: This feat may only be taken at character
you can write a new spell into your spellbook in
half the time.
Anatomist - General Normal: A character preparing all of his spells,
You know where to strike to get the most takes 1 hour to complete the process. The process
damage. of writing a new spell into a spell book requires 1
day, plus 1 additional day per spell level (0-level
Prerequisites: Sneak attack class ability. spells require 1 day).
Benefit: Once per day, when you roll weapon
damage, you may reroll any and all of your Arcane Instincts - General
including any bonus dice of
damage dice (including Your natural talent for magic manifests itself in
damage)) that initially resulted in a natural 1. an innate knack for understanding magic items
and effects.
You must keep the result of the reroll and may
not use any other ability to roll any damage die a Prerequisites: Khaynite
third time.
Benefit: Use Magic Device and Spellcraft are
always treated as class skills for you.
Animation By Touch - General
You may now animate corpses into skeletons or
zombies by touch.
Arcane Knack - Khaynite you grasp an item and concentrate, you can feel
You can perform a few simple spells without arcane energies flow through it.
really thinking about it. Prerequisite: 4+ ranks in Use Magic Device
Prerequisites: Charisma 13; Khaynite skill.

Benefit: You may choose a number of 0-level Benefit: You can detect magic items by grasping
arcane spells from the wizard/sorcerer spell list an item and concentrating. After one minute,
equal to one-half your Charisma bonus (rounded
( make a Use Magic Device check (DC 20). If you
down, but minimum 1).1 You may cast each of succeed and the item is enchanted, you sense the
these spells once per day as a spell-like ability. power that flows through it as well as one school
You may not choose any spell with a casting of magic involved as if you had succeeded at a
time of longer than 1 full round, any spell that Spellcraft check while casting detect magic.
has an XP component, or any spell that requires The DM makes your check secretly.
a costly material component. Your caster level
for purposes of the chosen spells is equal to your
Artistic Agony - General
Charisma bonus.
Your skills with the tools of your trade are
Special: You may gain this feat more than once, legendary. It is said you could make stone cry.
choosing new spells each time.
Prerequisite: Profession (torturer
(torturer)) 3 ranks.
Arcane Leech - Khaynite Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all Intimidate,
You can draw temporary vitality out of a charged Use Rope, and Profession (torturer)
( ) checks.
magic item.
Attune Weapon - Khaynite
Prerequisites: Khaynite, Arcane Instincts, Heal 5
The magic in your blood allows you to attune
ranks, Use Magic Device 5 ranks
yourself to a magic weapon, giving you an added
Benefit: By making a successful Use Magic advantage when wielding it.
Device check ((DC 25 + caster level of the item
Prerequisite: Khaynite, Charisma 15+, Use
drained)) you can draw the energy out of a tempo-
Magic Device 5 ranks,
rary magic item and use it to invigorate yourself.
On a successful check you gain 1d4 temporary Benefits: When you wield a magic weapon to
hit points per caster level of the item drained. which you are attuned, you gain a +1 insight
This automatically uses one-shot items such as bonus on attack and damage rolls. You must
potions and scrolls, and drains two charges from spend at least 24 hours with a weapon before you
item such as wands and staves. can attempt to attune to it. Attuning a weapon
requires a successful Use Magic Device check
If you fail the Use Magic Device check by 10 or
((DC 20). You can be attuned to only one weapon
more, you draw out the energy but fail to control
at a time.
it. You suffer 2d6 points of damage.
Augment Animation - General
Arcane Resistance - Khaynite Undead you create are more powerful than
Your magical nature makes it easier for you to
resist the effects of arcane magic.
Prerequisites: Spellcaster level 4th.
Prerequisites: Khaynite, Charisma 13+
Benefit: Undead you create, such as through
Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus to saving throws
animate dead, create undead, or create greater
against the effects of arcane spells or spell-like
but not summoned or called undead
undead (but undead)
gain a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength,
Toughness as a bonus feat, and a +1 luck bonus
Arcane Sensitivity - General to AC. These effects are permanent. The price of
Your skill at activating magic items comes not any costly material component needed for these
only from training and study but also from your spells is increased by 50%.
innate ability to detect magical auras. when

Aura of Darkness - General Prerequisites: Dexterity 17+, Dodge, Mobility
Undead creatures near you are protected from the Benefit: When moving out of or within the
adverse effects of sunlight. threatened area of creatures of Large or greater
Prerequisites: Divine spellcaster level 9th+ size that have a natural reach of at least 10 feet,
you can move freely through one additional
Benefit: You are surrounded by an unholy square without provoking an attack of opportu-
shadow that emanates from you in a 50 ft. radius. nity. You also gain a +1 dodge bonus to Armor
Any creature standing in the shadow that is Class against opponents with a natural reach of
harmed or affected in any way by sunlight is 10 feet or more.
treated as being in darkness. The aura does not
hamper vision in any way, nor does it confer any Normal: When moving out of or within a crea-
special protection from Sun spells such as searing ture’s threatened area, a character can move one
light, sunbeam or sunburst. square without provoking an attack of opportu-
Special: You must have access to a domain
such as Darkness, Night, etc., depending on the Blessing of Khayne - Khaynite
campaign. Clerics worshipping domains such as While you lack the talents of a fully-fledged
good and sun cannot take this feat. sorcerer, you are capable of manifesting some
minor magical abilities.
Baneful Aura - First Ones
Your presence fills your enemies with fear and Prerequisites: Khaynite, Charisma 13+
doubt. Benefit: Select two 0-level spells from the
Prerequisite: First Ones Subtype sorcerer’s spell list. You may cast these two
spells once per day each. You suffer spell failure
Benefit: Any enemy that comes within 50 ft. of penalties for wearing armor. You are treated as
you must succeed on a Will saving throw ((DC a 1st level caster for all spell effects depending
10 + one-half your Hit Dice + your Charisma on level. This stacks with any arcane spell caster
modifier) or take a -1 penalty on attack rolls and levels you have.
saving throws against fear effects. The penalty
lasts as long as they remain within your aura. Black Mage’s Soul - General
This is a mind-affecting fear effect. A creature You possess a soul fragment that was once a
that successfully saves against the effect remains mage who trafficked in dark magic. Through
immune to your baneful aura for 24 hours. This need or desire, you have tapped into some of the
ability is always active. knowledge and skill of this soul fragment.

Beserker - General Prerequisite: Patchwork Soul (of an evil align-

You are known to your fellows as a berserker ment only).
and radiate an aura of menace to all those around Benefit: You gain Knowledge (arcana),
you. Knowledge (the planes), and Knowledge (reli-
Prerequisite: Ability to Rage. gion) as class skills. You also receive a +1 insight
bonus on all saving throws against spells and
Benefit: You may rage 2 additional times effects from the school of Necromancy.
per day. Due to your reputation and wild-
eyed appearance you suffer a –2 penalty to all Special: Should any divination spell attempt to
Charisma-related skills except Intimidate, which determine your capacity for arcane spellcasting,
receives a +1 bonus. there is a 50% chance that it will detect a strong
ability within you (the potential of the soul frag-
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. ment) instead of your normal result, even if you
Its effects stack. are not truly an arcane spellcaster.

Between the Feet - General Blighted Spell - Metamagic

Your expertise at battling larger creatures gives You may taint your spells with raw blighted
you combat abilities that help you negate their energy.
reach advantage.
Prerequisite: Any two metamagic feats, must be Furthermore, the blood of an individual can only
of evil alignment. give you this bonus once. After you have tasted
a specific individual’s blood, it will no longer
Benefit: Blighted spells add a component of
benefit you; you need the blood of another indi-
blight damage in addition to the usual spell
vidual to use this feat again.
effects. The additional damage is 1d6 per die of
damage the original spell does, and is subject to
the same saving throw rules as the original spell.
Blood Drain - Aneishi
You can drain a target of life giving blood.
For example, a 12th level sorcerer casts a
Prerequisites: Aneishi
blighted magic missile. The magic missile
normally does 5d4+ 5 damage, so the blighted Benefit: An Aneishi drains blood, dealing 1d4
version deals 5d4+ 5 plus 5d6 blight damage points of Constitution damage in any round
with no saving throw. If the same sorcerer casts when it begins its turn attached to a victim by
a blighted fireball it deals 10d6 fire damage plus a grappling attack. An Aneishi can only deal a
10d6 blight damage with a Reflex save for half maximum of 12 points of Constitution damage
damage. then they will detach itself with the Aneishi’s
appetite satisfied and be unable to us this feat for
A blighted spell uses up a spell slot four levels
24 hours. This ability does not affect elementals,
higher than the spell’s actual level.
plants, or creatures that lack a Constitution score.
Blinding Spittle - Biological
Two small holes in the front of your fangs allow
Blood of Khayne - Khaynite
The blood of Khayne or his legendary fiendish
you spray toxic venom from your mouth.
or half-fiendish ancestor offspring is said to run
Prerequisites: Venom glands or natural poison through your veins.
ability delivered through a bite attack, base
Prerequisites: Khaynite, Non good-aligned crea-
Fortitude save bonus +6.
Benefit: As one of your poison doses for the
Benefit: For all effects related to a race, you
day, you may spray a 15’ cone of venom from
are considered to be an evil subtype. You, for
your mouth. All creatures caught in the area of
example, can overcome damage reduction as if
DC 10
effect are allowed a Reflex saving throw ((DC
your natural weapons and any weapons you wield
+ one-half your character level or Hit Dice +
are evil-aligned.
your Constitution modifier)) to avoid the effects.
Those who fail the Reflex save must succeed on Special: You may only take this feat at 1st level.
at the same DC
a Fortitude save (at DC)) or be blinded
for 1d4+1 rounds. Creatures immune to poison Body To Mind - Khaynite
are immune to this effect. You can surprise opponents by drawing upon the
magical energy latent in your body, but only at
Blood Drinker - Aneishi severe cost to yourself.
Aneishi believe that drinking the blood of their
victims gives them great power. Prerequisites: Khaynite, caster level 6th.

Prerequisites: Aneishi Benefits: As a swift action, you can take any

number of points of temporary ability damage
Benefits: You benefit from ingesting blood. If to your Str, Dex and Con. You can immedi-
you drink a pint of fresh blood, you gain a +1 ately cast a spell you know of a level up to the
morale bonus to all attack and damage rolls, skill among of temporary ability damage you took to
and ability checks, and saves for one hour. The each ability. You may apply metamagic feats
blood must have come from an individual that without increasing the casting time, although they
was living within the past four hours. You can increase the spell’s level normally.
only gain this bonus a maximum of once per day,
and it does not exceed +1 no matter how much You cannot use this feat to cast a spell with
blood you drink. a normal casting time longer than a standard

You cannot use this feat to cast a spell of a higher Prerequisite: Sobeka.
level than the highest level you could normally
Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus on Sense Motive
and Intimidate checks made against creatures of
If using this feat would reduce one of your abili- any non-Sobeka species. But suffer a -2 to all
ties to 0 or less, your abilities are reduced to 1, diplomacy checks when dealing with non-Sobeka
instead, and the spell fails. races.
Ability damage suffered from this feat returns at
a rate of 1 point to each ability per hour.
Callused Skin - Khaynite
Your skin is thicker and tougher than most other
members of your race either through training,
Boon of Khayne - Khaynite heredity, or constant abuse.
While you lack the talents of a fully-fledged
sorcerer, you are capable of manifesting some Prerequisites: Khaynite
low-level magical abilities.
Benefit: You gain a permanent non-magical +1
Prerequisite: Khaynite, Charisma 13+, Blessing ( any).
increase to your existing natural armor (if
of Khayne, Spellcraft 9 ranks This increase stacks with any natural armor
bonus you already have, and it also stacks with
Benefit: Select any 1st or 2nd level spell from
effects that provide an enhancement bonus to
the sorcerer’s spell list. You may cast this spell
natural armor, such as the barkskin spell, as well
once per day. You suffer spell failure penalties for
as with other magical natural armor bonuses
wearing armor. Spells gained from this feat are
such as from an amulet of natural armor).
(such armor).
in addition to those gained from any arcane spell-
caster levels you have. Special: Creatures that do not normally have
(such as humans)
natural armor (such humans have an effective
Bull Rush Strike - General natural armor bonus of +0, which is increased to
You gain an extra attack against a foe you bull +1 by this feat.
Chameleon Skin - Sobeka
Prerequisites: Strength 13+, Improved Bull
You have mastered the ability to control the
Rush, Power Attack
pigment cells found along the surface of your
Benefit: Whenever you successfully bull rush body. To a limited degree, you can change your
an opponent, you immediately get a single free color to blend in with your surroundings.
attack at your highest attack bonus.
Prerequisites: Sobeka, Hide 5 ranks
Special: A fighter may select Bull Rush Strike as
Benefit: As a full-round action, you can change
one of his fighter bonus feats.
your skin tone to match your surroundings. This
gives you a +5 circumstance bonus on all your
Butcher - General Hide checks as long as you remain in the same
type of surroundings. You may not gain the bene-
Prerequisites: Cleave, any evil alignment. fits of this feat if you are wearing armor heavier
than light armor.
Benefit: If you deal a creature enough damage
with a melee attack to make it drop (typically Cloak Attack - Fighter,
by reducing it to below 0 hit points or killing it),
you may forego the extra attack that you would General
normally receive from the Cleave feat to instead You have learned to use your cloak as a weapon.
gain 10 temporary hit points. Prerequisites: Dexterity 15, Cloak Use.
These temporary hit points last for a maximum of Benefit: You may use your cloak to attack in
1 hour. melee. Wielded aggressively, a cloak can deal
1d3 points of nonlethal damage. You do not have
Calculating Gaze - Sobeka the level of control necessary to use your cloak in
Your cold and lidless eyes are unnerving to those special attacks (such as trip or disarm attempts).
not of your species.
Your cloak is treated as a two-handed weapon Cold-Blooded - Sobeka
when resolving disarm attempts made against Due to some primeval throwback your blood is
you, and your cloak may only be sundered by more closely aligned to that of lesser reptiles.
slashing weapons. You may gain weapon-specific
feats and choose your cloak, including Weapon Prerequisite: Sobeka
Focus. Your cloak is always considered a light Benefit: When in areas where the tempera-
weapon, which means that you may use the ture is 100 degrees F or greater, you gain a +1
Weapon Finesse feat with it. In any round where morale bonus on all attack rolls, damage rolls,
you use your cloak to attack, you lose all defen- and Reflex saves. Conversely, when in areas of
sive bonuses gained from the Cloak Use feat. 40 degrees F or lower, you suffer a -1 morale
penalty on all attack rolls, damage rolls, and
Cloak of Shadows - Exodite Reflex saves.
You are wreathed in shadowy power, making you
difficult to detect or strike. Concealed Spell - Metamagic
Prerequisites: Shadow Jump 30 ft. or more, Cha The caster has learned to pass off manipulating
13+. the components of casting a spell as some other
Benefits: As long as you remain in an area of at
least partial shadows, you get a +2 circumstance Prerequisites: Dexterity 15+
bonus on Hide checks and have 10% conceal- Benefits: Whenever the caster casts a concealed
ment. spell, it’s obvious he is doing something, but
This is a Supernatural (Su) effect. observers must make a Spot check opposed by
his Perform check to realize he is casting a spell.
Special: You may take this feat up to five times. Spells that have obvious effects (such
( as a fire-
Its effects stack. ball)) are just as obvious once they have been
cast. Characters who make Spellcraft checks to
Cloak Use - Fighter, General determine what spell he is casting suffer a -2
You have leaned to use your cloak to deflect penalty to their roll. A Concealed spell takes up
attacks. the same spell slot as normal.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13.
Constrictor - Kobura
Benefit: You can use a cloak or similar-sized Your body is highly effective at snaring oppo-
piece of cloth as a method of defense, gaining a nents and crushing the life from them.
+1 shield bonus to your AC. Gaining this bonus
requires active use of the cloak to deflect attacks Prerequisites: Kobura, Str 13+.
and confuse your attackers; if you undertake any Benefits: You gain Constrict 1d6 + Str as an
action other than an attack or defense action (i.e.
( attack option. Whenever you succeed at a
casting a spell, drinking a potion, etc.)
etc.) this bonus grapple check, you may deal this much blud-
is lost until your next turn. You do retain the geoning damage in addition to whatever other
bonus in any round during which you do nothing effects the grapple check would have.
but move. Whenever you use the total defense
action, the bonus increases to +2. Once you have grappled an opponent, he must
succeed at a grapple check to speak or cast a
You may wield a weapon in one hand while using spell with a verbal component.
a cloak for defense, but your other hand must be
completely empty (itit is used to grip the cloak
cloak), You also gain a +2 bonus on grapple checks.
or you cannot gain the benefits of this feat. You
may wear a buckler and use a combat cloak at the Contaminated by Darkness -
same time, but you may not use the buckler for Khaynite
defense in the same round that you are using your Evil pollutes your spells and spell-like abilities.
cloak for defense.
Prerequisites: Exposure to unholy blight, evil

Benefit: You take a –2 penalty on all Charisma from the simple to the amazing. Though most
checks and Charisma-based skill checks made wizards consider fetishes to be “hedge magic,”
when interacting with creatures of good align- these items are able to tap into the divine as well
ment. When you cast a spell that deals hit point as the arcane, a feat that is beyond the power of
damage, you may choose to allow evil to taint the most spellcasters.
spell. This does not change the casting time or
Crafting a fetish takes one day for each 1,000
spell components, but it causes half of the spell’s
gold pieces in its market price (round up). To
damage to be treated as unholy, which cannot be
craft a fetish, you must spend 1/25 of the item’s
resisted by normal means.
market value in experience points and expend
The spell also gains the [Evil]
[ descriptor. incense and spices costing one-third its market
However, allowing the taint into your magic has price.
a price. You must succeed on a Fortitude save
The creator must know the recipe for a particular
DC 15 + spell level
((DC level)) upon completing the spell
fetish before being able to create it. Unlike most
or become sickened for one round per spell level.
types of magic items, fetishes have specific
Failing the save does not cause you to lose the
components that are required to create them,
above and beyond the usual prerequisites. These
components are listed as part of the item creation
Counterspelling Adept - information for each individual fetish. The crafter
General must collect the fetish’s components before
You are skilled in the arts of foiling another’s attempting to create the fetish.
These components vary and may range from
Prerequisite: Improved Counterspell, Spellcraft feather of a hawk
the simple ((feather hawk)) to the grotesque
6 ranks and the ability to cast 1st level or higher entrails of a bound infernal
(entrails infernal) to the exotic
spells. (distilled dreams).
Benefit: When attempting a counterspell action
against an opponent’s spell, you may use any Craft Lesser Fetish - Item
spell of the same school as the opponent’s spell. Creation
You have learned to create small fetishes to store
The spell you use must be of equal or higher
level than the opponent’s spell.
Prerequisite: Caster level 1st.
Normal: Without this feat you may only counter-
spell with the same spell the opponent is using. Benefit: This feat works exactly like the Scribe
Scroll feat but utilizes a different medium. All
gold piece, experience point, and other costs and
General, Magical restrictions are identical to the Scribe Scroll feat.
Your counterspells cause your victim to take Non-Shamans trying to activate a fetish must
arcane damage. succeed on a successful caster level check ((DC
equal to the caster level of the fetish).
Prerequisite: Improved Counterspell
Creation of a lesser fetish may not be combined
Benefit: When you successfully counterspell a with items made through the use of the Craft
spell, the caster of the spell takes force damage Fetish feat.
equal to 1d4 points per level of the spell coun-
tered. Craft Shadow - Exodite
You can create equipment from shadow.
Craft Fetish - Item Creation
animal charm)
You can create any fetish (animal charm Prerequisites: Exodite
whoseprerequisites you meet. Benefit: You can craft shadow into non-magical,
Prerequisites: Caster level 3rd. non-living, non-mineral materials, such as
clothing, rope, leather, or wood. Items created
Benefit: Crafting a fetish is a very ritualistic out of shadow are obviously made of shadow,
method of creating magical trinkets that range but otherwise function exactly like their normal
counterparts. They possess the ghost touch Crafted shadow items last for a number of
ability, and can be picked up, moved, and used minutes equal to your Hit Dice before dissolving
by corporeal and incorporeal creatures. back into shadow.
Creating an item out of shadow takes 1 full round
per pound of weight. For example, creating a
Crocodile Tail - Sobeka
Your thick flattened tail gives you an advantage
greatclub takes 8 rounds. Items which weigh less
in the water.
than 1 pound can be created as a standard action.
You must make an appropriate Craft skill check Prerequisite: Strength 13, Sobeka
to create complex items or those that require a
high degree of craftsmanship, such as armor or Benefit: Your movement rate increases by 5ft.
weapons. while swimming.

Crafted shadow items last for a number of Special: Your tail must be intact to make use of
minutes equal to your Hit Dice before dissolving this feat.
back into shadow.
Daemonic Appearance -
Craft of the Wise - General Khaynite
The caster’s magic is rooted in his Wisdom and The blood of demons and devils flows in your
insight. veins. This Infernal heritage is impossible to
disguise, mutating you little by little into a copy
Prerequisites: Khaynite, Wisdom 13+. of your ancestors. To the layperson, you may
Benefit: The caster uses his Wisdom score as very well be a demon walking the world.
the key ability score for all arcane spell use, Prerequisites: Khaynite; each individual trait has
including maximum level of spells he can cast one additional prerequisite feat.
and bonus spells per day. This feat only affects
arcane spells that he casts without preparation Benefit: Choose one of the following traits and
(such as the spells of a bard or sorcerer), not apply the listed modifier; the exact physical
arcane spells that require preparation (such as appearance of each trait is left up to you.
those of a wizard
• Daemon Eyes - You must have the Infernal
Special: The caster can take this feat only at 1st Devil Eyes) feat. As a spell-like ability,
Taint ((Devil
level. you may create a fear effect on any one
creature within 5 feet. You may create this
Craft Shadow - Exodite effect once per day, plus a number of times
You can create equipment from shadow. per day equal to your Charisma modifier (if
negative, treat it as a positive number for
Prerequisites: Exodite this purpose). Your caster level is equal to
Benefit: You can craft shadow into non-magical, your character level. The DC is equal to 10
non-living, non-mineral materials, such as plus one-half your character level plus your
clothing, rope, leather, or wood. Items created Charisma modifier (again, treat a negative
out of shadow are obviously made of shadow, number as if it were positive).
but otherwise function exactly like their normal • Horns of the Beast - You must have the
counterparts. They possess the ghost touch Infernal Taint (Massive Horns) feat. Your
ability, and can be picked up, moved, and used gore attack now deals 1d8 damage (modified
by corporeal and incorporeal creatures. by your Strength). This gore attack counts as
a normal attack made with a natural weapon
Creating an item out of shadow takes 1 full round and follows all of the rules for natural weap-
per pound of weight. For example, creating a onry. However, once per encounter you may
greatclub takes 8 rounds. Items which weigh less make a free gore attack in addition to your
than 1 pound can be created as a standard action. regular attacks. You also gain a +2 circum-
You must make an appropriate Craft skill check stance bonus to all Intimidate checks.
to create complex items or those that require a
• Razor Teeth - You must have the Infernal
high degree of craftsmanship, such as armor or
Taint (Wicked Teeth) feat. Your bite attack
now deals 1d6 damage (modified by your
Strength). This bite attack counts as a normal 2d8 points of additional damage (all modi-
attack made with a natural weapon and fied by Strength, as usual). You also gain
follows all of the rules for natural weaponry. a +2 stability bonus on all opposed checks
However, once per encounter you may make made to resist a bull rush or trip attack, as
a free bite attack in addition to your regular the powerful muscles in your legs make you
attacks. You also gain a +2 circumstance difficult to move.
bonus to all Intimidate checks.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times.
• Wicked Sting - You must have the Infernal Choose a different trait each time you take it. The
Prehensile Tail
Taint ((Prehensile Tail)) feat. Your tail thickens penalties associated with this feat stack. As with
and grows a stinger made of sharpened most natural weapons, the weapons described in
bone. You gain the ability to use your tail this feat threaten a critical hit only on a natural
in combat, dealing 1d6 points of piercing 20 and deal double damage on a critical hit,
damage on a successful sting attack. Your unless otherwise noted.
tail has a 5’ reach, and you may make attacks
of opportunity with it, but it may not be
used for trip attacks unless you also have
Dark Master - Khaynite
Your advanced studies in evil subjects have
the Tail Attack feat. The sting counts as a
granted you mastery over evil magics.
normal attack made with a natural weapon
and follows all of the rules for natural weap- Prerequisites: Dark Occultist.
onry. Once per day, immediately following
a successful sting, you may inject poison Benefit: Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all
into the wound as a free action. The victim saving throws against Evil spells you cast. This
must succeed on a Fortitude save ((DC 10 stacks with the benefits of the Dark Occultist feat
plus one-half your character level plus your and any other relevant feats, such as Spell Focus.
Constitution modifier) or suffer Strength
damage from the poison (1d4 primary / 2d4 Dark Occultist - Khaynite
secondary). You are immune to your own Your studies of evil subjects increase your
poison, but this does not grant you immunity mastery over evil magic.
to any other type of poison, including the Prerequisites: Intelligence 13+, evil alignment
poison of other Khaynite with this feat. The
poison from your stinger cannot be harvested Benefit: Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all
or collected in any way, shape, or fashion. saving throws against Evil spells you cast. This
You may not use your sting in combat if you benefit stacks with that provided by other feats,
are wearing heavy armor or if your tail is such as Spell Focus.
hidden, covered, or otherwise unable to move
freely. Death Roll - Kroca
• Wicked Claws - You must have the Infernal When you latch onto an opponent, you can
Taint (Sharp Claws)) feat. The damage from plunge into a brutal death roll capable of crushing
your claw attacks increases to 1d6. Your a humanoid - or tearing one apart.
claws become especially sharp, and now Prerequisites: Kroca, base attack bonus +6,
threaten a critical hit on a roll of 19-20. Your Strength 17+.
claws are treated as normal natural weapons
and follow all of the rules for natural weap- Benefits: When using your bite attack in a
onry. grapple, you can initiate a death roll. If your
• Hooves of the Beast - You must have the grapple check succeeds, both you and your
Cloven Hooves)
Infernal Taint (Cloven Hooves feat. Thanks opponent fall prone, and your opponent takes
to the power of your legs, your charge attacks normal grapple damage plus 1d8 + ½ Str slashing
are particularly devastating. When charging, damage and 1d8+ ½ Str bludgeoning damage.
you gain a +4 bonus to hit instead of the If your opponent is submerged under water
normal +2. If you also possess the Horns of by falling prone (3 ft. of water for a Medium
the Beast feat, you may use your gore attack humanoid),
humanoid DC
), he must make a Fortitude save ((DC
when making a charge; if the gore attack = damage dealt by your grapple check and death
hits, it deals its normal 1d8 damage plus roll) or immediately begin drowning.

Deceptive - General save). If you wish to try and resist such an effect
You are naturally treacherous and deceptive. then you must resist it in its entirety; you cannot
choose to be cured of some but not all of you
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all Bluff checks. diseases.
In addition, the DC to resist spells you cast with
the Charm descriptor increases by +1. This bonus Special: Most diseases require a living host.
stacks with that provided by other feats, such as Undead characters cannot make use of this feat.
Spell Focus.
Dominating Demeanor - General
Diseased - General You can crush the spirits of those around you
You can store a single disease and transmit it to with but a single glare.
another host. Prerequisite: Iron Will.
Prerequisites: Constitution 15+, any evil align- Benefit: You gain a +5 bonus on Intimidate
ment checks.
Benefit: Your body is able to store a single
disease. Domineering Spell - Metamagic
You can force magical the victims of your
Any time you are not currently carrying a disease enchantments to bow by sheer force of will.
and you are exposed to one, if you succeed on
the saving throw to resist becoming infected, you Prerequisites: Caster level 13th, Cha 19+,
may instead accept the disease and become a Intimidate 11 ranks.
carrier. You suffer no ill effects from the disease
Benefits: You can substitute an Intimidate check
that you are carrying and automatically succeed
for the save DC of any Enchantment spell. If it
on any saving throws you might be required to
was not already, it becomes Language-dependent.
make against that same disease for as long as you
are a carrier. You do not, however, gain any other A Domineering Spell takes up a spell slot one
special resistance or immunity to other diseases. higher than normal.
The carried disease changes its method of infec- Special: Khaynites have a particular affinity for
tion to Contact. You may then transmit the this type of metamagic; a Khaynite spontaneous
disease to another creature with a successful spellcaster does not increase the casting time of a
which provokes attacks
melee touch attack (which Domineering Spell, provided he applies no other
of opportunity unless you have the Improved metamagic feats to it.
Unarmed Strike feat).
If the attack hits, it deals no other damage, but
Dragon’s Hide - Sobeka
Your hide is thicker and tougher than normal.
you transmit the disease from your body to the
creature struck. That creature must then imme- Prerequisites: Sobeka, Toughness, Constitution
diately make the normal saving throw for the 13.
disease or it becomes infected. Regardless of
whether the creature struck succeeds or fails on Benefit: Over the years you have seen your share
its save, this drains the disease from your body, of battles, or perhaps you have purposely allowed
leaving you free to become a carrier for another others to beat upon your scaly hide. No matter
disease. If your touch attack misses, then you do the method, the result is the same: your hide has
not lose the disease and may attempt to use this become as strong as steel. You gain a +1 inherent
feat again on a subsequent turn. increase to your existing natural armor.

If you are the recipient of any spell or effect Special: You may not gain this feat more than
(such as remove
that would cure you of disease (such once.
disease or heal
heal)) then you also lose any disease
that you are currently carrying. Most such effects Dragon’s Roar - Sobeka
do offer you the option of attempting a saving You can let loose a bestial howl, temporarily
throw ((for example, remove disease allows a increasing your Strength.
Fortitude save if the target of the spell does not Prerequisite: Sobeka
wish to be affected, while heal allows a Will
Benefit: As a move action you let out a might Benefits: Creatures caught in your webs
roar. You gain a +2 enhancement bonus to are considered Helpless against all attackers
Strength for one round, but afterwards you are (although they can still attempt to escape and
fatigued for 1d3 rounds. A second use of this feat take mental actions normally).
while you are fatigued leaves you exhausted.
Escape Plan - General
Emulate Feat - General You always keep an eye on the exits and one last
Through observation, you can replicate the trick up your sleeve. Your enemies may not know
effects of a feat for which you qualify. that you can’t be kept behind bars, but they’re
about to find out.
Prerequisites: Concentration 20 ranks.
Prerequisites: A total of 30 skill ranks in Bluff,
Benefit: As a full-round action, you can observe
Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, and Move
another character make use of a feat for which
you would ordinarily qualify, then make a DC 25
Concentration check. If you succeed, you may Benefit: Once per play session, you receive a
use that feat, though only in the following round. +10 competence bonus to one Bluff, Climb,
Escape Artist, Hide, Jump or Move Silently
Special: You may only use this feat to emulate
check. This check must be made while attempting
General feats.
to avoid or escape capture.
Emulate Skill - General Extra Webcasting - Aneishi
Through observation, you can replicate another’s
Prerequisite: Aneishi
Benefit: Each time you take this feat, you
Prerequisites: Concentration 15 ranks
can use your ability to turn or use webcasting
Benefit: As a full-round action, you can observe increases four additional times per day than
another character make use of an untrained normal.
skill or a trained skill in which you have ranks,
Normal: Without this feat, an Aneishi can typi-
then make a DC 20 Concentration check. If you
cally use webcasting three times a day.
succeed, you can make a single skill check in the
following round using the other character’s ranks
in that skill
Fanatic - General
You are obsessed by a cause, and you are only at
your best when you are pursuing it.
Enslaved - General
You have spent time toiling away under harsh Benefit: Choose a cause. You receive a +2
masters but due to a quirk of fate, the will of the circumstance bonus to any roll you make that
gods, or perhaps your own ingenuity you have directly advances this cause. You receive a –1
survived and find yourself free. penalty to every other roll. This includes attack
rolls, saves, skill checks, and even damage.
Prerequisite: Constitution 13
Your cause must be specific, it must involve clear
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to Fortitude and
and definite action, and it cannot center on your
Will saves, but suffer a –2 penalty to all saves
own ambition or self-interest. “Kill every orc in
verses fear effects.
the world” is an acceptable cause, but “Destroy
Special: Must have been captured or enslaved at all monsters” is not specific enough. “Further
some point in your adventuring career or alterna- the glory of my god” is too vague, but “Convert
tively this feat can be taken at first level to repre- everyone in the land to the worship of my god” is
sent your character’s personal history. acceptable. “Become king of England” is too self
interested, but “End the rule of the evil William”
Ensnaring Ambush is acceptable. The GM is sole judge of whether
Your webs are even stickier than most, wrapping a cause qualifies for this feat and whether an
opponents up and leaving them unable to resist. action you are taking advances your cause. Your
own survival never directly advances your cause.
Prerequisites: Webcasting ability.

After all, if you fall, other believers will surely Final Act - General
rise to take your place. Prerequisite: Die Hard, Endurance

Fast Reptilian Form - Sokeba Benefit: When reduced below zero hit points and
You can change to your primordial or serpentine still conscious, you gain a +2 bonus to strength
form faster than normal. and a +1 morale bonus to saves verses fear for as
long as you remain below zero hit points.
Prerequisite: Primordial Form or Serpentine
Form Forge Shadow - Exodite
Benefit: You may change into your primordial or You can create durable equipment from shadow.
serpentine form or back to your normal form as a Prerequisites: Intelligence 13, Craft Shadow
standard action.
Benefit: As the Craft Shadow feat, except that
Note: It takes a full round action to change you can also forge shadow into mineral mate-
forms. rials such as stone, crystal, or metal (but
( not rare
metals such as adamantine or cold iron).
iron Your
Feast of the Heart - First Ones shadow items last for a number of minutes equal
By feasting on your enemy’s heart, you tempo- to your Hit Dice x 10 before dissolving back into
rarily boost your physical prowess. shadow.
Prerequisites: First Ones subtype, Fortitude save
+4, Will save +4. Forked Tongue - Sobeka
Your people are known for talking out of both
Benefit: You can absorb some essence from sides of their mouth. You are an expert at telling
a slain enemy that is your own size category bits of the truth, but never truly lying… techni-
or larger by consuming its heart (a full-round cally.
action) within 1 minute of its death. This essence
grants you a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength, Prerequisite: Sobeka
Dexterity, or Constitution ((your choice) for 24 Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all Bluff and
hours. You can use this ability only once per slain Diplomacy checks.
enemy, but you do not have to be the one who
killed the creature in order to gain this bonus Frightful Ambush - Aneishi
from its heart. This ability works only if the slain Your surprise attacks are so startling and terrible,
enemy was a living creature that had a heart or they leave foes unable to react.
similar organ. Constructs, undead, and creatures
without discernable anatomies have no suitable Prerequisites: Aneishi, Charisma 13+, Improved
body parts that you can eat. Initiative.
Benefits: If you act in a surprise round, any
Fiendish Ancient Form - Sobeka opponent who did not act in that surprise round
Your primordial or serpentine form is tainted by must make a Will save ((DC 10 + ½ hit dice +
supernatural evil. Cha). Creatures who fail their saves are either
Prerequisites: Primordial Form or Serpentine Panicked (if they have fewer hit dice than you) or
Form, evil alignment, base Fortitude save +4. Shaken (if they have as many or more hit dice)
for the first round of combat.
Benefit: You gain certain fiendish abilities in
primordial or serpentine form, and your primor- Special: If multiple characters with this feat
dial or serpentine form appears fiendish. While in act in a surprise round, opponents must only
primordial or serpentine form, you gain damage make a save against the attacker with the highest
reduction 5/magic, plus acid, cold, or electricity Frightful Ambush save DC; however, each addi-
resistance 5 (your choice each time you assume tional character with Frightful Ambush who acted
primordial or serpentine form). You also gain in the surprise round adds +2 circumstance bonus
the extraplanar and evil subtypes, and your aura to the DC, as though using the Aid Another
increases in strength to match that of an outsider. action.

Furious Assault - General involve attacking you, but it does not have to be
You are skilled at quickly overwhelming your stupid about how it attacks you - it will use the
opponents with a sudden attack. best tactical option available (charging, making a
melee attack, making a ranged attack, casting a
Prerequisite: Improved Initiative, Base Attack spell that can deal damage to you, etc.)
Bonus +1
This is a mind-affecting effect but it is not
Benefit: On the first round of any combat, you language-dependent. Targets that have the Still
may declare a furious assault. You gain a +2 Mind class feature or an Intelligence score of 2 or
bonus to all melee attack and damage rolls during lower are immune to this ability. This ability may
that round. only be used once per target per day, since a foe
The furious assault relies on savagery and only succumbs to such tactics once.
brutality that leaves your defenses open, so you
suffer a –2 penalty to your Armor Class until the Godless - General
beginning of your next turn. You may not use You are more resistant than normal to divine
the Weapon Finesse or Combat Expertise feats magic.
when making a furious assault, and you lack the Prerequisite: No patron deity.
precision needed to make sneak attacks until the
beginning of the next round. Benefit: You gain spell resistance equal to 5
+ your character level against divine spells of
Furious Charge - General any kind. If a divine spell penetrates your spell
You headlong assaults are a terror on the battle- resistance, you gain a +2 bonus on any saving
field. throws allowed against it. You may not volun-
tarily suppress your spell resistance to receive
Prerequisites: Power Attack the benefit of any divine spell. In addition,
Benefit: When performing a charge action, add you cannot be raised, resurrected, or otherwise
1.5 x your Strength modifier or 2 x your Strength restored to life via any divine magic once you
modifier if you are using a two-handed weapon, die.
to the damage of a successful melee attack.
But due to the reckless nature of this attack the Godslayer Strike - Exodite, Ki
defender gains an attack of opportunity upon the Your fists transcend morality, incarnating your
character performing a furious charge, this is in will upon the broken bodies of your enemies.
addition to any attacks of opportunity provoked Prerequisites: Exodite, Ki Strike (lawful
through moving through a threatened area. Stunning Fist, Wis 13+, non-good alignment.
Normal: When performing a charge action, add Benefits: By expending one of your daily uses
your Strength modifier or 1.5 x your Strength of Stunning Fist, you can, as a free action, grant
modifier if you are using a two-handed weapon, your unarmed strikes a single alignment enhance-
to the damage of a successful melee attack. ment. Your unarmed strikes count as Anarchic,
Axiomatic, Holy or Unholy until the beginning of
Goad - General your next action.
You can provoke a target to attack you.
This is a Supernatural (Su) effect.
Prerequisites: Charisma 13+.
Benefit: As a standard action you may attempt Grotesque Spell - Metamagic
to goad a target into attacking you. This uses Your transmutation spells have particularly terri-
the same mechanics as feinting in combat ((you fying and disturbing manifestations.
make a Bluff check which is opposed by a special Prerequisites: Caster level 10th, Cha 17+.
Sense Motive check where your target also gets
to add its base attack bonus).
). The target must Benefits: When you cast a transmutation spell,
be able to both see and hear you and must be any creature that can see the spell’s target,
within 90 feet of you. If you win the opposed including the target itself, must make a Will
check, the target must attack you on its next turn. save ((DC equal to the spell’s) or be Sickened
The target may not take any action that does not for 1 round. The Sickened effect is a Mind-
affecting Fear effect, but the original spell is not. Benefit: Whenever you make an attack of oppor-
Aberrations are immune to this effect. tunity, you gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls. In
addition, if your attack results in a critical threat,
A Grotesque Spell uses up the same level as a
you gain a +4 insight bonus on the confirmation
normal spell.
Special: Khaynites have a particular affinity for
Special: A fighter may select Improved Combat
this type of metamagic; a Khaynite spontaneous
Reflexes as one of his fighter bonus feats.
spellcaster does not increase the casting time of
a Grotesque Spell, provided he applies no other
metamagic feats to it.
Improved Sacrificial Casting -
All Khaynites are immune to the effects of You are a master at drawing the life energy from
Grotesque Spell. the dying to fuel your spells.

Hard to Handle - Sobeka Prerequisites: Sacrificial Casting and Charisma,

You have spent most of your life with people Intelligence, or Wisdom 17+
trying to throw you out of places they think you Benefit: When using the Sacrificial Casting
don’t belong. As a result, you are one wriggly feat, you may apply its effects to any spell you
little bugger. know, even if you would not normally be able to
Prerequisites: Kobura Sobeka, Escape Artist 5 cast the resulting spell. The effective spell level
ranks. may not exceed 9th, however, so you could not
for example) a quickened firestorm in this
cast ((for
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to your opposed manner.
rolls made to resist being grabbed, grappled,
held, or pinned by other creatures. You may use Improved Scent - General
your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength You’ve honed your sense of smell to unparalleled
modifier when making these kinds of grapple levels.
Prerequisite: Scent ability (either
(either as a special
Special: You lose the benefits of this feat during quality or from the Scent feat).
any grapple that you initiate or on any subsequent
grapple check made during a grapple that you Benefit: The range of your Scent ability doubles.
initiated. You receive a +2 bonus on Survival checks made
to track by scent.
Head-butt - General such as troglodyte musk
Overpowering scents (such musk)
Your broad skull and cranial ridges lend a nasty may be detected at four times the normal range.
surprise to your unarmed strikes.
Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike. Improved Toxins - General
To the dismay of your opponents, your body has
Benefit: Once per round, when performing an begun to manufacture more powerful venom.
unarmed strike against a humanoid opponent
up to one size larger than you, you may make Prerequisite: Venom Glands or natural poison
a head-butt instead and add 1.5x your Strength ability, base Fortitude save bonus +11.
modifier to the damage if successful. Benefit: The save DC of your poison increases
Special: Head-butt may not be combined with a by +2.
Flurry of Blows. Special: This feat may be taken more than once.
Its effects stack.
Improved Combat Reflexes -
General Indomitable - General
When a foe gives you an opening, you know Your courage cannot be shaken.
where to hit where it counts.
Prerequisites: Iron Will.
Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes
Benefit: You are immune to fear effects.
Information Network - General Infravision - Sobeka
You have a network of contacts and informants You have honed your ability to detect body heat
that keeps you up to date. When you need infor- to perfection. You can now function in total dark-
mation, they can provide it to you. An informa- ness by observing the ambient heat of the envi-
tion network can be expensive, but not knowing ronment and that left by your quarry.
the latest can be far more costly.
Prerequisites: Sobeka, Scent, Improved Scent.
Prerequisites: Intelligence 13+, Charisma 13+
Benefit: You gain the infravision extraordinary
Benefit: Choose a city to be the center of your ability. Infravision is the extraordinary ability
network. You receive a +2 competence bonus to to see with no light source at all. Infravision is
Gather Information checks within your network’s based on the heat patterns emitted by all living
reach. You may use your Gather Information skill things and the natural heat (or coolness) of the
without spending your own time and effort. ((A surrounding environment. Infravision is function-
lackey does the legwork for you.)
you.) This feat may ally the same as darkvision, but it is in color,
be taken multiple times to expand your network’s with objects colored in relation to their relative
reach and speed up its response time. Successive temperature: reds and oranges for high heat,
levels do not increase the Gather Information blues and greens for cooler temperatures. The
bonus. range of infravision is specified in the creature’s
text; if no range is specified, then the default
The response time of a network may vary by up
range is 60 feet.
either shorter or longer)
to 25% (either longer) as determined
by the GM. Infravision does not allow you to see anything
you would not see otherwise. Invisible objects
Gathering information is an art, not an exact
are still invisible, illusions appear real, and you
science. This table shows how far the network
are still subject to gaze attacks. Magical darkness
reaches, based on the number of times the feat
spoils infravision, just as it spoils darkvision.
has been taken. How quickly information can be
dd), or
gathered is measured in hours (h), days (d), The presence of a light source that emits heat
weeks (w). like a torch or lantern)
(like lantern) spoils infravision, but
Feat City Province Nation Continent World (such as that
magical light that emits no heat (such
1st 12 h — — — — created by continual flame)
flame) and cold sources of
2nd 6h 1w — — — such as the phosphorescent glow of many
light (such
3rd 3h 3d 1w — — types of underground mosses and fungi)
fungi) do not.
4th 1h 1d 3d 2w —
5th * 12 h 1d 1w 2w Your infravision extends to a range of 60 feet.
*- Immediately; you’ve known this since last
week, and just remember it right now.
Innate Spell - Metamagic
With dark rituals and mysterious abilities, you
Special: An information network costs money to imbue yourself with the ability to cast certain
maintain. The more powerful you are, the larger spells as if they were natural abilities.
and more expensive a network must be to be
Benefit: You can permanently sacrifice a spell
useful to you. For every level of this feat that you
slot to gain one spell of that level as a spell-like
have, your information network costs you 50 gp
special ability. A spell-like special ability cannot
per month. If you fail to pay this expense, you
be counterspelled and cannot be used to counter-
lose the use of this feat until you catch up on the
spell. It has no verbal, somatic, material, or focus
missed payments.
requirements, and requires no memorization or
If you are part of an organization, that organiza- preparation. In all other respects, it is like the
tion will usually pay this cost for you. Whether spell as you would normally cast it, with caster
it does or not — and whether it sends you into a level based on your normal caster level. You can
dungeon to get the money it needs to pay your cast the spell once per day.
information network — is up to the GM.
Spells that require XP for casting cannot be made
into innate spells. Once a spell is chosen as an
innate spell, it can never be changed, and the

spell slot can never be regained, not even through Khaynite’s Cry - Khaynite
a wish. Merely hearing this awful sound is often enough
to cause enemies to flee in terror.
Inquisition Spell - Metamagic
You can cast spells so that they do not affect or Prerequisites: Charisma 13+, Base Attack Bonus
injure your allies. +3

Prerequisites: Spell caster level 1+. Benefit: As a free action, you may emit a terrible
shout, causing all opponents within a 30-foot
Benefits: When casting a spell with the cone to be affected as if by a scare spell (Will
Inquisition Spell feat, a spell caster may desig- DC 10 + one-half your character level + your
nate up to four other creatures as being part of his Charisma modifier). This ability cannot be used
inquisition. Spells cast with this feat never harm, while you are currently engaged in melee. This is
affect or hamper members of the spell caster’s a sonic, mind-affecting extraordinary ability.
inquisition, even if they are the targets of the
spell or are caught within its area of effect. An Khaynite’s Cry can be used a number of times
inquisition spell takes a spell slot one level higher per day equal to your Charisma modifier.
than the normal version of the spell.
Larger Primordial Form -
Intelligent Strike - General Sobeka
You know where to strike an enemy to make it Your primordial form is of unusually large size.
Prerequisite: Primordial Form
Prerequisites: Power Attack, Base Attack Bonus
Benefit: Your primordial form is one size cate-
+6, Intelligence 13
gory larger than your normal form. You gain a
Benefit: A number of times per day equal to +2 size bonus to Strength, a -2 size penalty to
1+ your Intelligence modifier, when performing (minimum Dex 1),
Dexterity (minimum 1), and a -1 penalty to
a full attack action, you may chose to add 1d4 AC and on attack rolls because of your increased
points of damage to each successful hit against size. If the size of your primordial form increases
your opponent. from Medium to Large, it has a space of 10 feet
and a natural reach of 10 feet; otherwise space
Iron Skin - Khaynite and reach are unchanged.
Your skin is much thicker and tougher than other
members of your race, but at the cost of visible Larger Serpentine Form -
and significant disfigurement. Sobeka
Prerequisites: Callused Skin, base Fortitude save Your serpentine form is of unusually large size.
+6. Prerequisite: Serpentine Form
Benefit: You gain a permanent non-magical +1 Benefit: Your serpentine form is one size cate-
increase to your existing natural armor. This gory larger than your normal form. You gain a
increase stacks with the increase provided by the +2 size bonus to Strength, a -2 size penalty to
Callused Skin feat, for a total increase in your Dexterity (minimum Dex 1), and a -1 penalty to
base natural armor of +2. AC and on attack rolls because of your increased
Because of the increased thickness and rough- size. If the size of your serpentine form increases
ness of your skin, along with your many plainly- from Small to Medium, it has a space of 5 feet
visible calluses and scars, you suffer a -4 penalty and a natural reach of 5 feet; otherwise space and
on NPC reaction checks and on social skill reach are unchanged.
checks in any situation where the GM feels that
your leathery appearance would cause you to be Lesser Shadow Form - Exodite
perceived unfavorably. Your ghost form is shadowy and indistinct.
Prerequisites: Exodite
Benefit: In any condition of illumination other
than bright light, you can disappear into the
shadows, gaining concealment (20% miss Lizard Climb - Sobeka
chance). You can move along vertical surfaces with
incredible agility.
Lethal Constriction - Kobura
When your coils close around an opponent, his Prerequisites: Sobeka, Dexterity 13, Climb 8
death is all but assured. ranks, Dodge, Mobility.

Prerequisites: Kobura, Constriction, Strength Benefit: You can always take 10 on Climb
15+, Dexterity 13+, sneak attack +1d6. checks, even when distracted or threatened.
As well, when climbing within a chimney, in
Benefits: When you use a grapple check to a corner, or any other location where you can
damage a pinned opponent, you also deal sneak brace against two walls (whether opposite or
attack damage. perpendicular), you can move up or down at half
speed by bounding from one surface to the other
You also gain a +2 bonus on grapple checks.
without the normal accelerated climbing penalty.
If you make an accelerated climb, you move at
Leverage - General full speed and make a single Climb check at a
You can topple foes much larger than yourself.
–5 penalty. Additionally, you can make a vertical
Prerequisites: Improved Bull Rush. charge attack against an opponent at the top or
bottom of the area to be scaled.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on the Strength
check you make to initiate a bull rush or overrun. Normal: You move at one-quarter your normal
As well, you can make bull rush attacks against speed when climbing, or at half speed with a –5
creatures up to two sizes larger than you are, and penalty on the Climb check.
if grappled by a creature larger than yourself, you
gain a +4 bonus on your grapple checks. Magic Body - Khaynite
Magic surrounds and protects you.
Special: A fighter may select Leverage as one of
his fighter bonus feats. Prerequisites: Khaynite
Benefit: Gain +2 hit points for every metamagic
Living Contagion - General or item creation feat you have. Whenever you
Your body is a repository for a host of diseases.
take a new metamagic or item creation feat, you
Prerequisites: Diseased gain +2 hit points.
Benefit: You gain the ability to store a number
Masochistic Ecstasy - General
of different diseases within your body. You must
Experiencing pain brings you pleasure.
be exposed to each disease you wish to store as
explained by the Diseased feat. You may store Prerequisites: Great Fortitude.
one disease per point of Constitution bonus
Benefit: Whenever you take the maximum
(minimum 2). ). When you attempt to infect other
possible hit point damage from a single attack in
creatures with the diseases you carry, you may
combat (i.e. all the damage dice rolled as part of
elect to retain your status as a carrier instead of
the attack come up with their maximum values),
releasing the disease. If you choose to release the
you gain a +2 morale bonus on all your attack
disease as part of the attack, however, then the
rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability
save DC for the target creature to avoid infection
checks for one round per character level. These
is increased by +2. You may infect a maximum
bonuses do not stack with each other; instead the
of one creature per day with each disease that
duration is merely reset.
you carry, without needing to be reinfected your-
self. You may still only deliver one infection per
touch attack, but you may choose which disease Masquerade Spell - Metamagic
you will attempt to spread each time you make For fear of those that hate spellcasters, you have
an attack. learned to hide your spellcasting within other
Prerequisites: Bluff 2 ranks, Perform (any) 5
ranks, caster level 1st,
Benefit: You have mastered the art of casting You must produce sound for any spells with a
spells inconspicuously, and you can mingle the verbal component. You must have one hand free
verbal and somatic components of spells into to perform gestures for any spells with a somatic
your performances so skillfully that others may component (using a plucked string instrument,
not realize that you are casting at all. such as a harp or lyre, fulfills this requirement),
and you must have any required material compo-
The fact that you are delivering a performance
nent or spell focus readily available during your
is obvious to everyone in the vicinity, but the
fact that you are casting a spell is not obvious. A
masqueraded spell cannot be identified through a
Spellcraft check unless the person attempting to
Massive Build - Kroca
Even among the mighty paragons of your race,
do so also has the Masquerade Spell feat. Unless
your size and strength are legendary.
the magic spell visibly emanates from you, or
observers have some other means of determining Prerequisites: Kroca, base attack bonus +10,
its source, they will not know you cast a spell. Strength 25+, Large size
Unlike most metamagic feats, casting a masquer- Benefits: You regain the Powerful Build special
aded spell does not increase the spell slot quality. The damage of your natural weapons
required to cast the spell, nor do spells need to increases by one die type.
be prepared in advance with this metamagic feat.
You may truly use it “on the fly,” but the spell Normal: Kroca Paragons lose the Powerful Build
always requires at least one full-round action to special quality upon becoming Large size.
cast, even if its casting time is normally shorter,
due to the time required for your performance. Metamorphic Healing - Sobeka
You heal damage when you change form.
You may only use this feat when using Perform
(sing) or Perform (oratory) for spells with verbal Prerequisite: Primordial Form or Serpentine
components. In the case of spells without a Form
verbal component, Perform (dance) or Perform Benefit: Once per day, when you use your ability
(any musical instrument)) may be used. Because to change shape into you primordial or serpentine
you are trying to maintain the quality of your form, you may heal up to 10 points of damage to
performance at the same time you are casting the yourself.
spell, you must succeed on a Perform check (DC
15 + level of the spell you are trying to cast) or Special: You may take this feat multiple times.
the spell fails. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take it,
you may use this ability one more time per day.
This feat can be stacked with other metamagic
feats, which may result in removing the need Mind To Body - Khaynite
for one or more of the spell’s components. Your magical powers can temporarily enhance
For example, you may combine the use of this your body, greatly increasing your physical
feat with the Silent Spell or Still Spell feats. prowess at the cost of your sorcery.
Regardless of the actual components of the
final spell, you must still deliver a performance Prerequisites: Khaynite, caster level 6th.
in some fashion in order to use this feat and
Benefits: As a swift action, you can lose any
disguise the fact that you are casting.
number of spell slots, beginning with your
Normal: Without using this feat, spellcasting can highest level spell slots. For every spell slot lost,
usually be recognized by observers, and those you gain a +1 bonus to your Str, Dex or Con.
who can see or hear the spellcaster can make a
The bonuses from this feat last 10 minutes per
Spellcraft check to identify the spell being cast.
caster level.
Special: If you choose to use this metamagic
Special: Using this feat causes your muscles to
feat with a Perform skill that involves a musical
bulge and twist into strange and alien shapes.
instrument, the instrument must be present, and
You suffer a -4 penalty on Bluff and Diplomacy
you must play the instrument during the spell-
checks, but get a +2 bonus to Intimidate checks.

Murderous Precision - Fighter, fragment’s alignment instead of your actual align-
ment. Because the fragment constantly fights
to reassert its sentience and independence, your
For you, killing is an art form, and you love prac-
mind is slightly more difficult to read or control,
ticing it on a helpless canvas.
giving you a +1 bonus on Will saves against all
Prerequisites: Non-good alignment, base attack mind-affecting spells and effects.
bonus +5.
Benefit: You may make a coup de grace attack
Peripheral Vision - Sobeka
Your naturally wide-angle field of view has given
on a helpless opponent as a standard action. You
you an uncanny knack for noticing things on the
still provoke attacks of opportunity as normal.
edge of your visual range.
Normal: Rendering a coup de grace requires a
Prerequisite: Sobeka
full-round action.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on all Spot checks
No Soul - First Ones made to detect a moving target or object.
You have not soul and with that makes you
immune to many soul destroying attacks Plaguebearer
You carry a more virulent strain of disease than is
Prerequisites: First Ones Subtype, Evil
normal for one of your species.
Prerequisites: Must have a disease special attack
Benefit: You have no soul and with that you are
immune to such attacks like energy draining, Effects: Add +1 to the DC of all saving throws
magic and Trap the Soul for example. against your disease special attack. In addition,
add +1 to the ability damage inflicted by the
Overseer - General disease. This bonus applies to each type of ability
You can coordinate the efforts of many people damage. For instance, if your disease inflicted
working on a single project. 1d3 Dexterity and Wisdom damage, then with
this feat it would inflict 1d3+1 damage to both
Prerequisite: Charisma 13+
Benefit: When others assist you in making a
Craft check using the aid another action, they Poison Sacs - Kobura
bestow a +4 bonus on your check. In addition, Your latent poison sacs are developed enough to
one willing assistant may pay up to one-half the harm creatures as larger or larger than yourself.
experience point cost required when crafting
Prerequisites: Kobura, Con 13+.
a magic item. For example, a willing assistant
could pay up to 461 XP when you craft a nine Benefit: If you deal damage with your bite, the
lives stealer. The assistant cannot pay experience target must make a Fortitude save ((DC 10 + ½
points in this way if doing so would reduce his your hit dice + your Con modifier) or contract a
character level. mild poison. Your poison deals 1d2 initial and
secondary damage to the ability score of your
Patchwork Soul - Background choice.
When the gods poured out the pieces of your soul
You must choose the type of ability score damage
to make your life, one of those pieces was more
your poison deals when you first select this feat;
resilient than the others and maintained a frag-
it cannot be changed later.
ment of its old identity. Though the fragment is
not truly conscious, it still retains skills, memo- Special: You can take this feat multiple times.
ries, or tidbits of knowledge that might surface Each time you take the feat, the ability damage
over time. from your poison increases by one die type.
Benefit: The extra piece of spirit muddies your
aura. Choose an alignment other than your own Power of Khayne - Khaynite
(representing the soul fragment’s alignment in Your innate connection to the flow of magic
its former life). There is a 50% chance that any increases the power of arcane items in your
attempt to read your alignment will return the possession.
Prerequisites: Khaynite, Charisma 15 Psychic Cannibal - Psionic
Benefit: All magic items in your possession You can feed on another creature to steal some of
increase in caster level by 1. This may simply its psionic energy.
make the magical effects of the item harder to Prerequisites: Manifester level 1st, evil align-
suppress (in the case of an item targeted with ment.
dispel magic) or it may increase the range and
( the case of a wand of
abilities of the item (in Benefit: You may use a special version of the
magic missiles).
missiles coup de grace action to drain creatures of their
psionic energy. As with a normal coup de grace,
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. the target creature must be helpless and the use
Each time the caster level of your arcane items of this ability is a full round action that provokes
increases by 1. attacks of opportunity.

Predator - General Roll the damage as normal for an automatic

You project an aura of pure menace, capable critical hit, but instead of dealing that damage to
of frightening people with nothing more than a the target, you gain a number of temporary power
scowl and a snarl. points equal to the amount of damage rolled. The
victim loses a number of power points equal to
Prerequisites: Intimidate 5 ranks. the number of temporary power points you gain.
The victim does not get a saving throw, does not
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all Intimidate
lose any hit points, and is not at risk of dying.
checks. You can demoralize an opponent as a
You cannot steal more than the total number of
move action, rather than a standard action.
power points that the victim currently has avail-
(any excess “damage” is wasted
able (any wasted).
Primordial Form - Sobeka
Due to some unknown reason, you are able to Except for the changes described here, this ability
transform into your race’s ancestral forbearer, the works like the mindfeeder weapon enhancement
crocodile. from the Expanded Psionics Handbook. Unlike
a mindfeeder weapon, this ability will work on
Prerequisites: Kroca Sobeka
(if they have a power point
undead creatures (if
Benefit: As a full round action, you may change reserve)
reserve ) and you may use it more than once per
your shape to that of a crocodile. A true seeing day, but you must make another coup de grace
spell or ability reveals the creature’s natural form. attack each time.
A Kroca Sobeka using alternate form reverts to
Temporary power points remain for a number
its natural form when killed, but separated body
of minutes equal to your manifester level. Like
parts retain their shape.
temporary hit points, you expend these points
first, and temporary power points do not stack
Prodigy - General with each other; they overlap.
You were born with an inherent understanding of
some of the powers of the world around you. Thus, if you use this ability while you still have
some temporary power points remaining from a
Prerequisite: Caster or manifester level 1st. previous usage, you gain only the better of the
Benefit: Once per day, you may increase your two values: either your current number of tempo-
caster or manifester level by 2 for all purposes rary power points, or the new influx of temporary
relating to a single spell you cast or power you power points, whichever is higher.
manifest. This does not increase the spell or
power’s casting time. Pull Into Shadows - Exodite
You can carry unwilling passengers into the
You may not exceed the normal maximum shadow realm with you.
damage dice of the spell or power by means of
this ability. Prerequisites: Cloak of Shadows, Shadow Jump
70 ft. or more.
Benefits: If you are pinning a grappled opponent,
you may carry him with you via Shadow Jump
or other dimension door effect as a swift action. is still trapped in the cocoon. The web has 9 hit
The size limitations remain the same as for points plus 1 per class level of the Aneishi and
willing passengers. takes double damage from fire.
If you attempt to use this ability on a creature
with a dimensional anchor effect, you complete
Reactive Caster - General
You can counter an opponent’s spells with great
the jump without the creature, suffer 2d6 points
efficiency and quickness.
of damage, and are no longer considered grap-
pling. Prerequisites: Combat Casting, Improved
Counterspell, Spellcraft 10 ranks.
This is a Supernatural (Su) effect.
Benefit: Once per round, when you make a
Quickened Counterspell - successful Spellcraft check to identify a spell
General being cast, you may counter that spell as an
Prerequisites: Counterspelling Adept or immediate action. You must spend two prepared
Improved Counterspell, Ability to cast 4th-level spells or spell slots of the same level (or higher)
spells. as the spell you are counterspelling, but the spells
you use to counter do not have to be from the
Benefit: You may make one counterspell attempt same school as the spell you are countering.
each round as a free action, instead of a standard
action. You cannot use this feat if you are flat- Normal: You must use the ready action to coun-
footed, unconscious, or in any other situation terspell an opponent’s spell.
where you would be denied the ability to react to
your opponent. On your next action after using Red Dragon Breath - Sobeka
this feat, you may only take a single move action You can breathe strange fire, either as part of
or attack action. your bite attack or as a breath weapon.
Prerequisite: Primordial Form or Serpentine
Rapid Sniping - General Form
You can quickly conceal yourself when sniping
with a ranged weapon. Benefit: You can manifest white or eerie green
flames in your mouth. These flames have two
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Hide 5 ranks, base possible effects:
attack bonus +6. Benefit: If you begin your turn
hidden at least 30 feet away from your target, you • Flaming Bite: As a free action in conjunc-
can take the full attack action and then hide again tion with a successful bite attack, you may
hough you take a –10 penalty
as a free action (though deal +1d6 points of fire damage in addition
on the Hide check
check). to your normal bite damage.
• Breath Weapon: As a standard action, you
Normal: When sniping, you hide as a move may breathe a 5-foot cone of fire that deals
action, which allow allows you only a single 1d6 points of damage per character level you
attack with the attack action. possess (maximum 5d6, Reflex half, DC 10 +
1/2 your character level + your Constitution
Razorweb Cocoon - Aneishi modifier).
You are able to create razor sharp webs that cause
damage if you try to escape from the cocoon. These two effects draw from the same pool of
fire damage dice each day. For example, a 9th-
Prerequisites: Aneishi, Web Cocoon level character could use this feat to produce one
Benefit: Works the same as web cocoon, but 5d6 breath weapon and four +1d6 bite attacks, or
when an individual attempts to escape or burst a 5d6 breath weapon and one 4d6 breath weapon,
the web, the difference to the DC and the person or nine +1d6 bite attacks, or any combination
and their result, whether it is positive or negative totaling no more than 9d6 points of damage each
that is the amount of dame they will take. For day. Dragon’s Breath is a supernatural ability.
example a character tries to burst through the
web; the web has a DC 23 and the player rolls Rending Talons - General
16 and the player takes 7 points of damage and Your claws shred opponents into a bloody pulp.

Prerequisites: Claws, Power Attack. Prerequisites: First One, Any one metamagic
feat, any evil alignment.
Benefit: When performing a full attack action,
if you successfully hit an opponent with two Benefit: When you successfully perform a coup
claw attacks, you may immediately rend that de grace on a creature with an Intelligence score
opponent as a free action, inflicting an additional of 3 or greater, and the victim dies as a result,
1d6 + one-half your Strength modifier points of you gain a number of “spell levels” that you can
damage. use to power the use of metamagic feats. The
amount of energy you gain is equal to one-half
Special: This ability may be used when fighting
the victim’s total character level or Hit Dice
with two weapons (claws)
( or in combination with
(rounded down, minimum 1) plus any applicable
a flurry of blows. You may not rend the same
special modifier (see the table). You expend these
opponent more than once in a single round, even
spell levels to pay for the cost of spontaneously
if you have enough claw attacks to activate this
applying metamagic feats you know to spells
feat more than once.
you cast without increasing the effective spell
If spontaneously using metamagic feats
level. ((If
Reptilian Empathy - Sobeka increases the casting time of your spells, then
You gain an empathic bond with reptiles. that does not change as a result of using this
Prerequisite: Primordial Form or Serpentine feat.))
Form You cannot increase the effective level of any
Benefit: You can communicate and empathize spell above the normal maximum spell level
with normal or dire reptiles. This ability grants that you can normally cast. You may store these
you a +4 racial bonus on checks made to influ- bonus spell levels for a maximum of one minute
ence a reptile’s attitude and allows the commu- per character level.
nication of simple concepts as well as (if the
animal is friendly) commands, such as “friend,”
“foe,” “flee,” and “attack.” Special Modifier Bonus Levels
Good alignment +2
Reptilian Regeneration - Sobeka Neutral alignment +1
The Sobeka blood coursing through your veins Evil alignment +0
provides a limited degree of healing capability Child +3
not seen in the warmbloods.
Young Adult +2
Prerequisites: Sobeka, Endurance Adult +1
Benefit: You heal at twice the normal rate for Middle Age +0
natural healing. Old –1
Venerable –2
Reptilian Speech - Sobeka Example: Suppose a 9th-level dark-kin sorcerer
You perfect the ability to speak in your primor- who has kidnapped a young woman is fleeing
dial or serpentine form. from his pursuers. Finding himself trapped in a
Prerequisite: Primordial Form or Serpentine dead-end alley, he yanks free a knife and turns
Form to face the guards who cluster at the mouth of
the alley. On his action, the sorcerer performs a
Benefit: You can speak normally in your primor- coup de grace attack on his captive, killing the
dial or serpentine form. Thus, you can cast poor girl. She was a 1stlevel Commoner with a
spells with verbal components and use items that lawful good alignment. The dark-kin therefore
require a humanoid voice. gains one free level for the one Hit Die, plus two
more for her alignment, plus two more because
Sacrificial Casting - First Ones she was a young adult, for a total of five effec-
If you sacrifice an intelligent being, you may tive spell levels. He can store these levels for up
use a metamagic feat you already know without to nine minutes, and may use them to apply any
adjusting the level of the spell. metamagic feats he knows to any of his spells
without increasing the effective spell level, up to
a total of five effective level increases, as long as Benefit: You may sculpt a runic item of any spell
the total effective level of any modified spell does you know. Runic items are small pieces of wood,
not exceed 4th level. metal, or stone, onto which you are able to carve,
sculpt, or otherwise scribe spells. Runic items
Sadistic Glee - General are activated exactly as if they were scrolls and
Causing pain brings you pleasure. use all of the same rules and restrictions. The
creation times, gold piece costs, and experience
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +3, any evil point costs for sculpting runic items are exactly
alignment. the same as those for scrolls, except that you
Benefit: Whenever you deal the maximum must also succeed on a Craft check ((DC 10 plus
possible hit point damage from a single attack in twice the level of the spell being sculpted
sculpted) at the
(i.e. all the damage dice rolled as part of
combat (i.e. conclusion of the creation process or the item
the attack come up with their maximum values),
values), is flawed in some way and the spell does not
you gain a +1 morale bonus on all your attack function when the item is activated. Runic items
rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability may not contain more than a single spell and are
checks for one round per character level. These consumed when the spell contained within is
bonuses do not stack with each other; instead the released.
duration is merely reset.
Seductive - General
Savage Display - General You are alluring and know how to use your
You know how to use your size, strength and sensuality to get what you want.
savage ferocity to intimidate those around you. Prerequisite: Charisma 15+
Prerequisites: Strength 13+, Size medium or Benefit: You get a +1 bonus on all Charisma-
larger based social skill and ability checks against living
Benefit: You may add your Strength bonus to creatures of a chosen gender. Only creatures
your Intimidate checks instead of your Charisma whose Intelligence score is at least 5 are affected.
bonus. This bonus does not apply to any skill or ability
check made in combat.
Scamper - General Special: You may take this feat a second time
Your size and lithe form give you the ability to and choose the other gender.
move quickly while attempting to hide or move
quietly. Serpent Blood - Biological
Prerequisites: Move Silently 5 ranks, Hide 5 The Sobeka blood flowing through your veins
ranks, size Small or smaller grants you a natural resistance to toxins and
Benefit: You may Hide and Move Silently
normally when moving up to your normal speed Prerequisite: Sobeka

Normal: Creatures attempting to Hide or Move Benefit: You gain a +4 racial bonus on saving
Silently at speeds greater than one-half their throws made to resist poisons of any type.
normal movement suffer a –5 penalty on their Special: This feat may only be taken at character

Sculpt Runic Item - Item Serpentine Form - Sobeka

Creation Due to some unknown reason, you are able to
You can carve runes of power into wood or stone transform into your race’s ancestral forbearer, the
objects, from which you can then cast spells. viper snake.
Prerequisites: Craft (stonemasonry,
stonemasonry, wood- Prerequisites: Kobura Sobeka
working, or metalworking)) 5 ranks, caster level
1st. Benefit: As a full round action, you may change
your shape to that of a viper snake. A true seeing
spell or ability reveals the creature’s natural form.
A Kobura Sobeka using alternate form reverts to Prerequisites: Aneishi or Kobura, Dex 13+, Hide
its natural form when killed, but separated body 4 ranks, Move Silently 4 ranks.
parts retain their shape.
Benefit: You get a +3 bonus on Hide and Move
Silently checks in natural areas, and a +1 bonus
Shadow Form - Exodite in other areas.
Your ghost form possesses properties of shadow.
Prerequisites: Lesser Shadow Form. Steel Cloak - Fighter, General
Your cloak technique has evolved to the point
Benefit: In any condition of illumination other
where your cloak should be regarded as a
than full daylight, you can disappear into the
dangerous weapon.
shadows, gaining total concealment (50%
( miss
chance ). Artificial illumination, even magical, Prerequisite: Cloak Attack.
does not negate this ability. A daylight spell,
Benefit: When using the steel cloak technique,
however, will.
you attack exactly as detailed in the Cloak Attack
feat except you now deal 1d6 points of lethal
Shadow Missile - Exodite (slashing
slashing)) damage with each hit. Monks often
You can quickly create missile ammunition from
refer to this technique as “steel cloth” and can
treat a cloak as if it were a monk weapon when
Prerequisites: Craft (weaponsmith
weaponsmith)) 5 ranks, fighting in this manner.
Craft Shadow, Dexterity 13+
Your cloak may be used to disarm an opponent.
Benefit: You can craft shadow into any type of You receive a +4 bonus on opposed attack rolls
normal weapon ammunition, such as arrows, when attempting to disarm someone using your
crossbow bolts, or shuriken. Ammunition created (including the roll to avoid being disarmed
cloak (including
out of shadow is obviously made of shadow, but if your own disarm attempt fails).
otherwise functions exactly like its normal coun-
Your cloak may also be used to make trip attacks.
terpart. It possesses the ghost touch ability, and
If you are tripped during your own trip attempt,
can be picked up, moved, and used by corporeal
you may drop the cloak to avoid being tripped.
and incorporeal creatures.
Shadow ammunition can be created as a free Specialized Spell - Metamagic
part of any attack or reload action, or as a swift You have created a specialized spell as your
action. If not used immediately, shadow ammuni- trademark.
until the end of your
tion lasts for a single round (until
Prerequisites: Spell Focus (any)) or Domain
Focus (any); Spellcraft 15 ranks.
Shadow Slide - Exodite Benefit: Choose one spell from a school or
You move farther with your Shadow Jump. domain for which you have the appropriate Spell
Focus or Domain Focus feat. You may manipu-
Prerequisite: Exodite
late that spell on the fly in one of three ways. You
Benefit: Add an extra 20 feet to the distance that may add +1 to each die of damage or healing,
you can shadow jump per day. you may add +1 to the spell’s saving throw DC,
or you may cast the spell at +1 caster level.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Additionally, you may alter the visual effects of
Each additional Shadow slide feat adds an extra the spell. For example, you may create magic
20 feet to the distance that you can shadow jump missiles that look like screaming skulls. These
per day. visual changes do not have any game-mechanical
effect, but they should be distinctive enough to
Skulker - Aneishi, Kobura allow others to recognize the spell as being some-
You slip through the wilderness like a killing what unique. This feat does not make the spell
ghost, all but invisible in your natural environ- take up a higher slot. However, for spontaneous
ment. casters, it does increase the casting time as is
typical of metamagic feats.

Special: You may gain this feat more than once, Strand In Shadows - Exodite
but you must choose a spell from a different You may abandon a defeated enemy in the
school or domain each time. You may not have endless darkness of the Plane of Shadows.
multiple specialized spells from the same school
or domain. Prerequisites: Cloak of Shadows, Pull Into
Shadows, Shadow Jump 110 ft. or more.
Speed of Shadows - Exodite Benefits: When you force a grappled opponent to
You flit between shadows at dizzying speed. become your passenger using Pull Into Shadows,
Prerequisites: Swiftness of Shadows, Shadow you may attempt to strand him on the Plane of
Jump 100 ft. or more, Dex 18+. Shadows during the dimension door effect.

Benefits: You can use Shadow Jump or other A stranded opponent must deal with the dangers
dimension door effects as a free action any of the Plane of Shadows and cannot follow your
(up to the limits of
number of times per round (up trail back to your plane of origin. However, if he
the ability).
). You can use dimension door effects possesses plane-shifting abilities of his own, this
during a move action, incorporating them into ability will not keep him from returning under his
normal movement. own power.

(Su)) ability.
This is a Supernatural (Su The opponent may make a Reflex save ((DC 10 +
½ your level + your Charisma modifier)
modifier) to avoid
this effect.
Spider Wings - Aneishi
You have developed a technique for weaving This is a Supernatural (Su)
( effect.
webs between your arms and legs, creating a
parachute / glider of sorts that gives you limited Subtle Scrying - General
ability to glide. You are harder to detect when you are scrying
Prerequisites: Aneishi someone.

Benefits: You can use one of your webcasting Benefit: When you scry upon a subject, the
usages to spin webs between your arms and Difficulty Class for the subject to notice your
legs that allow you to glide. As a full-round scrying sensor is 30 rather than 20.
action, you can glide up to 50 feet per round with Special: You can take this feat multiple times;
average maneuverability, descending 5 feet for each time the Difficulty Class to notice the sensor
every 10 feet of horizontal distance. You can take increases by 10.
no other actions while gliding. You cannot glide
more than 50 feet in a round, and you cannot Sustain Incantation -
glide less than 50 feet in a round unless you
touch down. If you fall, you automatically break
You can sustain a spell through concentration.
into a glide.
Prerequisite: Concentration 5+
Sticky Web - Aneishi
Benefit: When you cast a non-instantaneous
Some Aneishi have a special gland that makes
spell with the Concentration metamagic, you can
them capable of producing exceptionally sticky
extend the spell duration by concentrating upon
webbing. This makes it all the more difficult for
it. The amount of time that you concentrate on
their prey to disentangle itself from their webs.
the spell is not counted against the total duration
Prerequisites: Aneishi of the spell. Once your concentration is broken
((purposefully or otherwise) the regular duration
Benefits: The webs you create with webcasting
ensues. Effectively, the spell has a duration of
are extremely sticky. Those that are trapped prey
Concentration + (normal duration).
attempting to escape with an Escape Artist or
Strength check receive a –4 penalty to their roll.
Swift - General
You are fast on your feet.

Benefit: Whenever you take a double move gained access to some of the knowledge and skill
action or a run action, your base land speed of this soul fragment.
increases by +10 feet. You do not get this benefit
Prerequisite: Patchwork Soul (of a neutral or
if you take a single move action.
evil alignment).
Tail Slap - Kroca Benefit: Sleight of Hand, Disable Device, and
You have better control over your tail than most Open Lock are class skills for you. Additionally,
Kroca, allowing you to use it as a weapon in you receive a +1 insight bonus to Spot, Listen,
combat. and Sense Motive checks. You also receive a +1
insight bonus to initiative.
Prerequisites: Kroca, Dex 13+, Balance 4 ranks.
Special: In addition to gaining the skills that
Benefits: You gain a tail slap as a secondary
your soul fragment retains from its former
natural attack. Your tail slap deals 1d8 + ½ Str
existence, you have been afflicted with a bit of
bludgeoning damage. If used in a trip attempt,
its paranoia, which is what led to its original
you get a +4 circumstance bonus on the roll.
downfall. The paranoia of the thief’s soul frag-
ment means that any failed Sense Motive check
Tempered Rage - Exodite that the GM deems appropriate will give you
Your volcanic rage is bound by iron discipline the worst possible interpretation of the target’s
- chained when unwanted, loosed to devastating generally, that they are plotting against
motives ((generally,
effect when needed. you).
you ). Trusting the person in any way will require
Prerequisites: Exodite, Still Mind class feature, a Will save (DC 20). Additionally, once per game
Wis 15+. session, the GM may request that you roll a Spot,
Listen, or Sense Motive check (DC 20). Success
Benefits: You can acquire levels in classes that indicates that you have “noticed” a threat where
require a Chaotic or non-Lawful alignment even none exists.
if your alignment is Lawful.
Examples include: taking a diplomat’s nervous-
In addition, monk and barbarian levels stack for ness when recruiting your services in some deli-
purposes of the rage and flurry of blows class cate matter as a sign that he is setting the group
features, and you can multiclass freely between up for an ambush, or wrongly interpreting an
these classes. Thus, if you have 6 levels of innocent gesture from a peasant as a threatening
monk and 5 levels of barbarian, you would have gesture or the precursor to an attack.
Greater Rage 3/day as an 11th level barbarian
and Greater Flurry of Blows as an 11th level Tip Cut - Fighter, General
monk. Other class features, such as the barbar- You have leaned to use the tip of piercing melee
ian’s damage reduction or the monk’s slow fall weapons to inflict slashing damage.
ability, do not stack.
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus with selected
Thickened With Age - Sobeka weapon.
After multiple sheddings, your scales have Benefit: You learn versatility with a single type
enlarged and matured, finally reaching their of one-handed piercing weapon or with the
maximum potential. rapier. The weapon’s sharp tip can be used to
Prerequisites: Dragon’s Hide, base Fortitude cut instead of pierce. When fighting with your
save bonus +9. chosen weapon, you may choose to deal slashing
damage instead of piercing damage.
Benefit: You gain an additional +2 inherent
bonus to your existing natural armor. This bonus Special: You may gain this feat more than once.
stacks with the bonus given by the Dragon’s Hide Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this
feat ((for a total bonus of +3). feat, it applies to a different one-handed piercing
weapon (or to the rapier).
Thief’s Soul - General
The soul fragment you possess was once an unre- Touched by Evil - Khaynite
pentant thief. Through need or desire, you have The taint of evil protects you.

Prerequisites: Exposure to unholy aura, evil destroyed by bright light. After using your
alignment. umbral tentacles ability, you must wait 1d4
rounds before being able to use it again.
Benefit: You gain a +1 deflection bonus to AC, a
+1 resistance bonus on saving throws, and spell
resistance equal to your total character level.
Uncanny Reaction - General
You think so quickly on your feet that it almost
These benefits only apply against spells with the
seems supernatural. You are often in motion
Good]] descriptor that target you or include you
before anyone else knows what is happening.
in their area of effect.
Prerequisites: Alertness, Improved initiative.
Tree Snake - Kobura
Benefit: Whenever you roll initiative, roll two
You can slink up trees and inclines at great speed,
checks instead of one (adding all of your usual
the better to get the drop on your foes.
modifiers to both rolls).
rolls). You may then choose
Prerequisites: Kobura, Climb 4 ranks. which of the two initiative checks you wish to
(This does not neces-
use as your final result. (This
Benefit: You have a Climb speed of 10 ft. You
sarily have to be the higher roll, as sometimes it
get a +8 bonus on Climb checks, and may always
is more desirable not to go first, depending on
take 10 on Climb checks, even if distracted or
the situation.)
Unholy Spell - Metamagic
Tumble Strike - General With a favorite of the gods, this feat allows the
You can execute a series of somersaults to
caster to inflict horrid destruction upon infidels.
increase the effectiveness of your charge.
Prerequisite: Any Evil alignment.
Prerequisite: Tumble 10 ranks, Spring Attack.
Benefit: Any spell augmented with this feat gains
Benefit: When making a charge attack, you take
the Evil descriptor. If the spell inflicts damage,
no penalty to your AC. As well, your charge need
then half the damage inflicted is considered to
not be in a straight line, allowing you to move
be unholy damage instead of the normal damage
around obstacles, change direction, and so on.
type. An Unholy Spell uses up a spell slot one
If your attack at the end of the charge misses,
level higher than the spell’s actual level.
you may attempt a DC 25 Tumble check to keep
moving if you have movement left.
Venom Glands - General
Normal: When you attack as part of your charge, You produce an extremely caustic substance in
you take a –2 penalty to AC. You must have a your saliva, which most creatures find highly
clear path toward the opponent, and nothing can poisonous.
such as difficult terrain
hinder your movement (such
Prerequisites: Bite attack as part of your natural
or obstacles).
weaponry, base Fortitude save bonus +5
Umbral Tentacles - Exodite Benefit: Your bite attack now delivers a toxin on
You can cause an area of shadow to spawn a a successful hit. Any creature bitten must succeed
mass of writhing tentacles. on a Fortitude Save ((DC 10 + one-half your
character level or Hit Dice + your Constitution
Prerequisites: Charisma 13, Lesser Shadow
modifier) or take 1d6 points of temporary
Strength damage (with no secondary effect).
Benefit: By touching an area within darkness or
This ability may be used 3 times per day. You
shadows, you can cause it to spawn a mass of
must declare the use of this ability before you
tentacles, as the spell black tentacles. Your caster
make your attack roll. If you do not hit with your
level for this effect is equal to your Hit Dice.
bite attack, the use is wasted.
The DC for saving throws against this ability
is equal to 10 + one-half your Hit Dice + your
Charisma modifier. Unlike the spell, the tenta-
cles must remain in shadows, and are instantly

Venom Immunity - Sobeka Prerequisites: Caster level 12th, any two
By repeatedly dosing yourself with stronger and metamagic feats, non-good alignment.
stronger poisons, you have increased your body’s Benefit: A warped spell has all of its hit point
natural ability to deal with poisons and toxins. damage changed to unholy, which bypasses all
Prerequisites: Serpent Blood, base Fortitude forms of energy resistance. Additionally, crea-
save bonus +9 tures with the Good subtype take half again as
much (+50%) damage from a warped spell,
Benefit: Whenever you fail a saving throw regardless of whether or not the spell allows a
against poison, you may immediately make a saving throw or if the save is a success or failure.
second save. You only receive one extra chance A warped spell uses up a spell slot two levels
to save per poison exposure. This is an extraordi- higher than the spell’s actual level.
nary ability.
Weaponbond Spell - Metamagic
Villainous - General You can deliver touch spells through a melee
You have learned to bully and steal to survive. weapon.
Prerequisite: Non-good alignment. Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +4, caster level
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all Intimidate 3rd.
and Sleight of Hand skill checks. Benefit: You can alter any touch spell with a
casting time of one standard action so that it can
Visions of Lives Past - General be delivered with a melee weapon attack. You
Your connection to your past life is stronger then make a single attack with the chosen weapon as
normal. Your soul remembers something of its a swift action in the same round that you cast the
past existence. You gain knowledge from these spell. If the attack hits it both deals the weapon’s
memories. normal damage and delivers the spell’s effects.
Benefit: Once per day, at the GM’s discretion, Your weapon holds the charge of the spell until
you may make a memory check to see if you its duration expires or until you successfully hit
remember anything relevant to the area or situ- with your melee attack.
ation you are in. To make a memory check, roll
1d20 and add your character level and your Weakness Strike - General
Charisma modifier. This ability is somewhat You know where to target in an individual to
similar to a bardic knowledge check, although exploit their weaknesses.
the memories you gain are fragmented and Prerequisites: Wisdom 15+, Heal 8 ranks,
disjointed. Improved Critical, Weapon Specialization
These brief visions tend to focus on events and Benefits: When you attack a monster that may
individuals with strong emotional ties to the have a specific weakness (susceptibility to silver
person and their history. for example) and you succeed with a critical hit
with a specific item vulnerability you will do
Versatile - General triple damage and what every effect the vulner-
You learn skills more readily than your peers. ability does.
Prerequisite: Wisdom 13
Web Cocoon - Aneishi
Benefit: Choose any two cross-class skills to You are able to web your opponent in a cocoon
become class skills for you. of webs.
Special: You may gain this feat more than once. Prerequisites: Aneishi
Each time, you select two additional cross-class
skills to become class skills for you. Benefit: In exchange for one of your uses of
webcasting, you may attack with a webbing
Warp Spell - Metamagic cocoon that covers one individual target with
You can cast spells using the raw stuff of the webbing, trapping them in a cocoon making
Infernal planes. them entangled. This is a ranged touch attack
with a range of 30 feet, with a range incre-
ment of 10 feet, and is effective against targets You also gain the spell-like ability to hover,
of up to Large size. An entangled creature can which functions as the levitate spell except as
escape with an Escape Artist check ((DC 15 + noted here. You may use this ability once per day,
½ the Aneishi’s character level + the Aneishi’s but only when you are not encumbered by more
Con modifier) or burst the web with a Strength than a light load. Unlike the spell, this effect is
check ((DC 19 + ½ the Aneishi’s character level personal only ((you cannot levitate anything other
+ the Aneishi’s Con modifier).
modifier Both are standard than yourself, but you can carry objects and even
actions. The web has 6 hit points plus 1 per class creatures as long as your total encumbrance does
level of the Aneishi and takes double damage not exceed a light load
load). This effect requires a
from fire. standard action to activate, a standard action to
deactivate, and has a caster level equal to your
Web Hide - Aneishi total character level. The duration is one minute
Certain Aneishi develop web glands across their (unless you end the effect
per character level (unless
hide. With these glands they weave a special hide sooner).
sooner ).
of webbing around their skin, which makes them
Armor and clothing fashioned for you costs an
more durable without affecting their agility.
extra 50% to create, as you must have the armor
Prerequisites: Aneishi fitted to accommodate your wings. This cost
increase applies only to the base cost of the item,
Benefits: You can use one of your webcasting including craft enhancements such as masterwork
usages to spin a web hide. You then receive a +1 or greater masterwork costs. It does not affect
natural armor bonus for the rest of the day. You special materials costs or magical enhancement
must spin a new web each morning. costs. Existing items may be retrofitted for you
by paying 50% of the base cost.
Web Line - Aneishi
Some Aneishi have learned to spin a web rope If you are wearing armor or clothing that has
instead of a net. not been modified to allow your wings to pass
through, then you do not gain any of the benefits
Prerequisites: Aneishi of this feat because your wings do not have the
Benefits: You can use one of your webcasting freedom to move and therefore do not work.
usages to spin a 100-foot-long web line capable
of carrying up to five times your body weight. Wings of the Devil - Tainted
With a ranged touch attack (50 50 ft. range incre- You have large bat-like wings.
ment),), you may use this ability to shoot a webline Prerequisites: Wings of the Fiend.
at a target. If it hits, you can use your movement
action to make an opposed Strength check to reel Benefit: Your wings have grown to a larger size,
in the target at a rate of 10 feet per round. You 5 feet tall with a 10-foot wingspan. You gain a fly
receive a +4 bonus to this check. The target can speed of 40 feet with good maneuverability. This
escape with the normal Escape Artist or Strength is an extraordinary ability and replaces the levi-
check for escaping your webcasting. You can tate portion of the Wings of the Fiend feat.
release the web line at any time as a free action.
Your wings are quite substantial and cannot
You can also use the webline as a rope.
easily be hidden, which will no doubt affect your
interactions with the superstitious folk. You have
Wings of the Fiend -Khaynite a -10 penalty on Disguise checks to appear as
You have a pair of small bat-like wings anything except an Infernal.
protruding from your back.
You cannot wear any armor or clothing that
Prerequisite: Daemonic Appearance (any
( one has not been modified to allow your wings to
type). pass through, because they are too bulky. (See
Benefit: You grow wings that are 3 feet tall and the Wings of the Fiend feat for the cost to have
have a 6-foot wingspan. While not capable of armor and clothing made or modified to accom-
true flight, your wings are useful for jumping and modate your wings.)
hovering. You gain a +2 bonus on all Balance
and Jump skill checks.
Writhe and Coil - Sobeka
Your serpentine body makes you impossible
to hold on to and naturally adept at squeezing
through tight spaces.
Prerequisite: Kobura Sobeka.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Escape Artist
checks and a +2 bonus on all grapple checks.

spells of the
first ones
Agonizing Confrontation Fortitude save ((DC is 10 + spell level + your Int
Evil, Fear, Mind-Affecting]
Mind-Affecting modifier).
Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V Bleeding Wound
Casting Time: 1 standard action Necromancy
Range: Medium (100
(100 ft. + 10 ft./level
ft./level)) Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Target: One creature Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 standard action
Saving Throw: Will half, see text Range: Close (25
(25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Spell Resistance: Yes Target: One creature
Duration: 2 rounds/level
This spell rips the target’s spirit from his body,
Saving Throw: None
splitting the target into a living, corporeal crea-
ture and an incorporeal ghost. For the spell’s Spell Resistance: Yes
duration the target’s spirit hangs over his body, This powerful necromantic spell accelerates
taunting him. The targeted creature suffers 2d4 injuries to living tissue, making wounds more
points of Wisdom damage (half damage on a serious. With this spell even a small cut can
successful Will save)) and remains shaken for the cause a subject to bleed to death, as the wound
no save is allowed to resist this
spell’s duration (no resists all attempts to stop the flow of blood.
effect). A ranged touch attack must be made against
The spirit cannot be targeted or affected by any the subject. If successful, the subject will lose
means, magical or mundane. one extra hit point every time it takes damage
from any source, each round, for the duration of
the spell. This effect does not apply to subdual
Arcane Poison
damage. Stopping this bleeding requires magical
healing or a Heal check ((DC 15). This spell has
Level: Sor/Wiz 5 no affect on undead, constructs, or outsiders.
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action Material Component: Bladed weapon buried with
a corpse for at least one year.
Range: Touch
Target: Living creature touched
Bolster Undead
Duration: Instantaneous; see text Necromancy
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; see text Level: Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 4
Spell Resistance: Yes Components: V, S, M
You conjure a potent mineral poison into Casting Time: 1 standard action
your hand that you can use to infect a subject Range: Medium (100100 ft. + 10 ft./level
by making a successful melee touch attack. Targets: 1 undead creature per 2 caster levels
The poison deals 2d6 points of temporary Duration: 1 minute/level
Constitution damage immediately and another
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
2d6 points of temporary damage 1 minute later.
Each instance of damage can be negated by a Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

The spell invigorates undead with negative creatures within the affected area and hold them
energy, increasing the effectiveness of their tight for the spell’s duration.
special abilities (if any). The cater may affect one
Every creature within the area of the spell must
undead creature per 2 caster levels, increasing
make a grapple check, opposed by the grapple
the DC of the targets’ abilities (those that may
check of the tentacles. Treat the tentacles
be saved against) by +1 per 3 caster levels, to a
attacking a particular target as a Large creature
maximum of +5.
with a base attack bonus equal to your caster
Material Component: A finger bone and a level and a Strength score of 19. Thus, its grapple
length of used burial shroud. check modifier is equal to your caster level +8.
The tentacles are immune to all types of damage.
Burning Water Once the tentacles grapple an opponent, they
Acid, Water]
knock the target prone and hold him fast until the
Level: Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 5 spell expires or is dismissed.
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action The tentacles only grapple those creatures that
are within the affected area when the spell is first
Range: Close (25
25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area: Two 10-foot cubes of water/five levels (S)
Duration: One minute/level Others may enter the affected area without fear
Saving Throw: Reflex half of attack even as the tentacles are holding their
targets secure.
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell transforms a large amount of water Charnel Fever
into a burning, caustic acid, although the acid [Evil]
Necromancy [Evil
emits no fumes or smell to betray its nature—it Level: Sor/Wiz 1, Clr 2
looks just like normal water. Components: V
If cast upon an area of water that is part of a Casting Time: 1 standard action
larger body of water, the water and acid do not Range: Touch
mix. Thus, the spell can create an area of hidden Target: One creature
danger in a lake or large pool. Anyone touching Duration: One hour per level of the caster
the water suffers 1d6 points of acid damage. Saving Throw: Will half
including anyone swim-
Anyone immersed in it (including
Spell Resistance: Yes
ming through the affected area)) suffers 10d6
points of acid damage, although a successful A target affected by this spell takes on a
Reflex save reduces the damage by half. powerful, evil fever that affects his actions as
long as the fever holds. During this time the
Burst of Tentacles subject suffers a –1 circumstance penalty on all
Conjuration (Creation attack rolls, save rolls, skill checks, and ability
Level: Sor/Wiz 6 checks.
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action Chains of Anti-Magic
Range: 60 ft.
Level: Sor/Wiz 8
Area: Cone-shaped burst
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous and 1 round/level ((D)
(see below) Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Saving Throw: None Target: One creature or object
Spell Resistance: No Duration: 10 minutes/level ((D)
Saving Throw: Reflex negates
This spell summons a swarm of thick, fleshy Spell Resistance: Yes
tentacles that fire forth from the caster’s
outspread hands. The tentacles wrap about any You wrap the target in magical chains that
not only bind with the strength of real chains
(rendering the victim immobile and helpless) but When the spell expires the corpses drop to the
suppress any active spells, spell-like abilities, or ground, breaking into numerous bloody, broken-
supernatural abilities, including magic items. bits. The entire affected area, and all adjacent
squares, is treated as difficult terrain as anyone
Further, this spell keeps the target from activating
entering the area must move through the scattered
any new spells, spell-like abilities, or super-
body parts.
natural abilities, or being affected by those that
others cast. Material Component: The head of a good
aligned cleric.
Corpse Flesh
Necromancy [Evil] Crucify Foe
Level: Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 1 Evil
Necromancy [Evil]
Components: V, S Level: Clr 6
Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S, DF/M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 standard action
Target: Creature touched Range: Close (25
(25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Duration: 1 minute/level (D) Target: One creature
Saving Throw: Will negates Duration: 1 round/level ((D)
Spell Resistance: Yes Saving Throw: Reflex negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell transforms the targeted creature’s
skin into dead flesh, the skin withering and The ground erupts beneath the feet of the chosen
dying within a split second and inflicting 2d4 target as a mass of bony arms shoot up from
points of Charisma damage. Once the spell the earth, grasping at the target. If the target
ends the target’s flesh reverts to live flesh but fails a Reflex save the bones grab him and lift
remains scarred, the scars slowly healing (as the him into the air, gripping him tight as the skel-
Charisma damage is healed
healed). etal monstrosity instantly takes the shape of a
crucifix. The crucifix holds the target helpless,
Corpse Storm draining the life from his body by inflicting 1d2
Necromancy [Evil] points of Constitution drain each round. At the
Level: Clr 8, Sor/Wiz 7 spell’s expiration the target drops to the ground,
Components: V, S, DF/M prone and exhausted.
Casting Time: 1 standard action Material Component: A rusted nail extracted
Range: Long (400
400 ft. + 40 ft./level
ft./level) from a crucifix.
Area: 100 ft. radius spread
Duration: 1 minute/level ((D) Crucify Foe, Mass
Saving Throw: None Evil
Necromancy [Evil]
Spell Resistance: No Level: Clr 9
Target: One creature/level, no two of which can
The affected area is bombarded by a rain of be more than 30 ft. apart
corpses – four corpses per level of the caster
– that spin and swirl in the air, carried by a This spell functions like crucify foe, except that it
black cloud of negative energy. Characters and affects multiple creatures.
creatures within the affected area are panicked
for as long as the spell persists and suffer 3d6 Curse Weapon
points of bludgeoning damage each round as they Transmutation
are knocked around by the mass of corpses. All Level: Clr 2
panicked characters and creatures in the affected Components: V, S
by the flying bodies)
area are treated as cornered (by bodies Casting Time: 1 standard action
and may only use the total defense action until Range: Touch
the spell ends.
Target: Weapon touched
Duration: 1 min./level
Saving Throw: None If the spell’s subject makes a successful Will save
Spell Resistance: No when the spell is first cast the duration is reduced
to half.
This transmutation makes a weapon strike true
against good-aligned characters and creatures. This spell may only be canceled by break
The weapon is treated as having a +1 enhance- enchantment or remove curse.
ment bonus for the purpose of bypassing the
damage reduction of good creatures or striking Delay Disease
good incorporeal creatures (though
( the spell Healing)
Conjuration ((Healing
doesn’t grant an actual enhancement bonus).
bonus Level: Clr 2, Drd 2, Rgr 2
The weapon also becomes evil, which means Components: V, S, DF
it can bypass the damage reduction of certain Casting Time: 1 standard action
(This effect overrides and suppresses
creatures. (This Range: Touch
any other alignment the weapon might have.)
have. Target: Creature touched
Individual arrows or bolts can be transmuted, but Duration: 1 hour/level
(such as bows)
affected projectile weapons (such bows) don’t Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
confer the benefit to the projectiles they shoot.
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
In addition, all critical hit rolls against good
The subject becomes temporarily immune to
opponents are automatically successful, so every
disease. Any disease in its system or any disease
threat is a critical hit. This last effect does not
to which it is exposed during the spell’s duration
apply to any weapon that already has a magical
does not affect the subject until the spell’s dura-
effect related to critical hits, such as a keen
tion has expired. Delay disease does not cure any
weapon or a vorpal sword.
damage that disease may have already done.
Death’s Lingering Shadow Desecrate Corpse
Necromancy [Evil]
Necromancy [Evil
Level: Clr 6, Sor/Wiz 5
Level: Clr 2
Components: V, S
Components: V, S, M, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100100 ft. + 10 ft./level
Range: Touch
Target: One creature
Target: Corpse touched
Duration: 1 hour/level ((D)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will partial, see text
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
Spell Resistance: No
This spell binds a cloud of dark, negative energy
This spell curses a corpse in the name of the cler-
to the targeted creature, the cloud following him
ic’s deity, making it easier to turn into an undead.
for as long as the spell persists. For the spell’s
A corpse that has been desecrated counts as 1/2
duration the target brings pain and suffering
of its normal HD for purposes of undead anima-
to wherever he goes. All characters and crea-
tion and control limits when using the spells
tures within a number of feet of the target equal
animate dead, create undead, and create greater
to 5 times the caster’s level suffer 1 point of
undead. In addition, a desecrated corpse reduces
Constitution damage each minute that they
the cost (in onyx gems) of animating the corpse
remain within the target’s proximity.
by 1/2.
Additionally, any hit point damage dealt to
Desecrate corpse counters and dispels consecrate
characters or creatures within the affected area,
corpse. At the DM’s option, it does so only if the
including the target of the spell, is doubled for
caster succeeds at a caster level check of 1d20
the spell’s duration.
+ caster level against the original caster’s caster
Once the spell ends the subject is fatigued and 11 + spell’s caster level
level check (11 level).
suffers a number of points of Constitution drain
Material Component: A vial of unholy water
equal to one-half the caster’s level.
that must be sprinkled over the corpse.
Devein Distortion field constantly emits fluctuating
Necromancy [Death] pulses of sound and vibration designed to confuse
Level: Clr 6, Death 6 creatures reliant upon blindsight, sonar, or trem-
orsense to gather sensory information from
Components: V, S, DF
their immediate vicinity. Although the spell’s
Casting Time: 1 standard action target visually appears unaltered, the conflicting
Range: Short (25
25 ft. + 5 ft./level
ft./level) signals generated by the spell grant its recipient
Target: One living creature a 20% miss chance from attacks from creatures
Duration: Instantaneous reliant upon any of the abilities identified above.
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Because spells such as see invisibility and true
Spell Resistance: Yes seeing necessitate normal vision, they prove inef-
fective against this spell if the creature possesses
Calling upon the powers of unlife to aid you, no functional visual organs.
you draw out the creature’s veins with one swift
motion, literally pulling them out through the Erase Memories
skin to land at your feet as the victim dies in (Compulsion)) [[Mind-Affecting]
Enchantment (Compulsion
unspeakable agony. Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Even if the creature succeeds at its Fortitude save Components: V, S, M
it still takes 3d8 points of damage +1 per caster Casting Time: 1 standard action
level. Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Diseased Wound Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Will negates
Level: Sor/Wiz 1, Clr 2
Spell Resistance: Yes
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action You cloud the target’s mind, temporarily blocking
Range: Close (25
25 ft. + 5 ft./level
ft./level) access to most of his memories. He remembers
his name and all of his personal abilities (skills,
Target: One creature
feats, class abilities, languages, and so on)
on) but
Duration: Ten minutes per level of caster
(including friends, family,
not his personal history (including
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates or enemies),), homeland, or goals.
Spell Resistance: Yes
Material Components: A mixture of herbs worth
A vicious, black knife fires from the caster’s 10 gp, which must be fed to the target within one
open hand, slamming into a single target . . . but hour of casting this spell.
causing no visible damage. The subject becomes
susceptible to any disease that depends upon Eternal Sickness
injury for infection. For the duration of the spell Necromancy [Evil]
the target suffers a –4 penalty on all Fortitude Level: Sor/Wiz 9
checks against diseases that are spread through
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Distortion Field Range: Close (25
25 ft. + 5 ft./level
Target: One creature
Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2 Duration: Permanent
Components: V Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Casting Time: 1 standard action Spell Resistance: Yes
Range: Touch Black, ghostly tendrils shoot forth from the cast-
Target: Creature touched er’s hands, encircling a single target selected by
Duration: 1 minute/level the caster. The target of this spell must succeed
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) a Fortitude save or be forever wracked with a
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) terrible, vile sickness. The subject suffers a –4
circumstance penalty on all attack rolls,save rolls,
skill checks, and ability checks and a permanent Range: Touch
loss of 2d6 Con and 1d6 Str. Target: Creature touched
The effects of this spell can be cured/reversed Duration: 10 min./level ((D)
only through a wish or miracle or the powers of a Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
demigod. Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Material Component: The still-beating heart of Feign death allows you or a single creature you
a diseased man. touch to fall into a cataleptic state that resembles
death. While in this state, the subject can hear,
Explosion of Gore smell, and taste, but cannot feel or see.
The subject need not eat, breathe, or drink while
Level: Clr 1, Death 1, Evil 1 affected by this spell.
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action Any damage suffered while in this state is halved.
Additionally, the subject is immune to paralyzing
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
and mind-affecting effects, energy drain, and
Effect: One Small or Medium corpse/level in a poison (so long as initial and secondary damage
20-ft.-radius spread; see text both occur while the subject is affected by feign
Duration: Instantaneous death; if secondary damage occurs after the spell
Saving Throw: Reflex negates (blindness
(blindness only);
only); has ended, the subject is affected by the poison
see text normally).
Spell Resistance: No
Material Component: The finger of a corpse.
Summoning negative energy into a dead body,
you cause a corpse of Small or Medium size Feign Death, Mass
to explode in a shower of gore and bone. Each Necromancy
exploding corpse causes 1d4 points of damage Level: Clr 6, Drd 7, Sor/Wiz 6
(no save) to every creature within a 5-foot radius Range: Close (2525 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
and covers the creature with gore, blinding it Targets: One creature/level, no two of which can
unless it succeeds at a Reflex saving throw. be more than 30 ft. apart. This spell functions
A blinded creature cannot see, takes a –2 penalty like feign death, except that if affects multiple
to Armor Class, loses Dexterity bonus to AC (if(if creatures.
), moves at half speed, takes a –4 penalty
on Search checks and on most Strength- and Freeze
Dexterity-based skill checks, and has all checks Transmutation [Cold, Water]
and activities that rely on vision automatically Level: Sor/Wiz 6
(50% miss
fail; opponents have total concealment (50% Casting Time: 1 standard action
chance)) against a blinded creature. Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
A blinded creature can take a full-round action to Area: Five 10-foot by 10-foot by 1-foot areas of
wipe the gore from its face and clear its vision, or water/level
a move -equivalent action to restore most of its Duration: One hour/level
–1 penalty on attack rolls, Search checks,
vision (–1 Saving Throw: None
and Spot checks). Spell Resistance: No
This spell only works on true corpses, not undead With a blue-white flash of light around your
such as zombies or skeletons, which are already eyes, you freeze a large amount of water. The
under the influence of negative energy. main use of this spell is to freeze the water’s
surface, although one could stack the 10-by-10-
Feign Death by-1 squares atop one another to freeze a small
Necromancy body of water all the way down to the bottom.
Level: Clr 3, Drd 3, Sor/Wiz 3 A 12th level caster could create an ice bridge up
Components: V, S, DF/M 10 feet wide and 1 foot thick
to 600 feet long (10 thick)
Casting Time: 1 standard action across a body of water, for a party to walk across.
The water freezes over the course of 1 round. Duration: 3 rounds/level
Creatures in the water can make a Swim check Saving Throw: Will half
((DC 15) to get on top of the ice or swim down Spell Resistance: Yes
below it before the water completely freezes
(assuming there is an unfrozen area large enough This powerful necromantic spell overwhelms a
below the ice to accommodate them). Whether a wounded character or creature, tearing existing
creature moves up or down to avoid the ice is up wounds deeply. With this spell even the smallest
to it. Creatures with a natural swim speed auto- of wounds can bring a subject to near-death or,
matically succeed. sometimes, all the way to the grave.

Creatures that do not succeed are trapped, at A ranged touch attack must be made against the
least partially stuck in the ice. To get free, the target. If successful, for the duration of the spell,
ice around the creature needs to be destroyed each time the target suffers damage from any
inflicting 36 points of damage on the ice will do
(inflicting source he suffers 2 additional points of damage
so)) or broken (Strength
(Strength check, DC 15 + caster each round until the spell ends. This effect does
level to do so).
so). not apply to subdual damage. This spell has no
effect on creatures that are immune to critical
Fuse Skeletal Remains hits.
Necromancy When first affected by this spell the target may
Level: Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 3 make a Will save that, if successful, reduces the
Components: V, S additional damage to one point per round.
Casting Time: 1 standard action Material Component: A handful of stitches
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) removed from an unwilling victim’s wound.
Target: One creature
Duration: 2 minutes/level ((D) Gather Corpses
Saving Throw: Will negates Necromancy
Spell Resistance: Yes Level: Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S
You summon skeletal remains from beneath the
ground, hundreds of bones shooting forth from Casting Time: 1 standard action
the dark soil and flying toward your chosen target Range: Medium (100 100 ft. + 10 ft. level
where they pierce his body, fusing directly to Target: One corpse/level
his skeleton. Instantaneously the spell’s target is Duration: 1 minute/level
transformed, encased in a shell of skeletal frag- Saving Throw: None
ments that increase his size category by one step, Spell Resistance: No
provides him with a thick, bony shell of armor
that grants the target with DR one-half caster This spell calls out to the dead, causing one
level (round down)/–,
)/–, and provides the target corpse per caster level that is within range to
with a +2 size bonus to Strength. Once the spell levitate into the air on a cloud of negative energy.
expires the subject is fatigued and suffers 1 point These corpses move toward your position at
of damage for each minute that the subject was the rate of 5 ft./round, each one dropping into a
affected by the spell. square adjacent to you as soon as they reach you.
For the duration of this spell the target’s type As long as a corpse does not enter a square adja-
changes to undead. cent to your position it will continue to follow
you, moving in as direct a path as possible. The
Gaping Wound instant a corpse enters a square adjacent to your
Necromancy position – or the spell ends – the corpse drops to
Level: Sor/Wiz 3 the ground and remains there, still dead.
Components: V, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Ghostly Overrun
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Level: Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 2
Target: One creature
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action move through the glue very slowly. Each full
Range: 30 ft. round devoted to moving allows the creature
Area: Cone-shaped burst to make a new Strength check or Escape Artist
Duration: Instantaneous check. The creature moves 5 feet for each full 5
points by which the check result exceeds 10.
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No An entangled creature cannot run or charge and
takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and a –4
A cone of black, negative energy flies forth from penalty to Dexterity.
your hands, instantly transforming into a dark
cloud of incorporeal warriors that charge all char- The spell can also be used to create a sticky
acters and creatures within the affected area. coating on an item.

These ghostly warriors attempt unavoidable Material objects not in use are always affected by
overrun attacks on all affected characters and this spell, while an object wielded or employed
creatures, each attempt made as if the caster were by a creature receives a Reflex saving throw to
physically there, making the overrun attempt avoid the effect. If the initial saving throw fails,
himself, plus the benefit of the Improved Overrun the creature is immediately stuck to the item.
feat. Attempts to remove the object from the creature’s
hand, or to pick the item up if it is stuck to
If the ghostly warriors are successful in their something, take a full round and require a DC
overrun attempt, knocking an opponent prone, 20 Strength check. Note that attempts to pick the
they fade into nothingness just a few feet beyond item up will likely cause the creature attempting
their target’s prone form. For each overrun it to become stuck to the item.
attempt that fails, the ghostly warriors rebound
back and slam into the caster, dealing 1d6 points Gust of Ash
of nonlethal damage as the caster’s body absorbs Evocation
the ghostly energy.
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Glue Components: V, S, M
Conjuration (Creation) Casting Time: 1 standard action
Level: Sor / Wiz 2 Range: Close (25
(25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Components: V, S, M Area: Cone
Casting Time: 1 standard action Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Medium (100100 ft. + 10 ft./level
ft./level)) Saving Throw: Reflex partial
Effect: One object or a 20-ft.-square Spell Resistance: Yes
Duration: 1 round/level ((D) A billowing cone of hot ash bursts from your
Saving Throw: Reflex negates; see text outstretched hands to the maximum range of
Spell Resistance: No the spell. The intense blast of searing, fine
particles causes 1d6 points of fire damage (up to
A glue spell covers a solid surface with a layer a maximum of 10d6
10d6) and temporarily blinds the
of sticky translucent adhesive. Anyone in the victim for one round. A successful Reflex save
effect’s area when the spell is cast must make a halves the damage and negates the blindness
Reflex save. If this save succeeds, the creature effect.
is entangled, but not prevented from moving,
though moving is more difficult than normal for Arcane Material Component: A small piece of
being entangled (see below).). If the save fails, fool’s ash.
the creature is entangled and can’t move from its
space, but can break loose by spending 1 round Id Assassin
and making a DC 20 Strength check or a DC 25 Enchantment (Compulsion)) [[Mind- Affecting]
Escape Artist check. Level: Sor/Wiz 8
Once loose (either by making the initial Reflex Components: V, S, M
save or a later Strength check or Escape Artist Casting Time: 1 standard action
check), a creature remains entangled, but may
check Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One living creature Target: One humanoid creature; see text
Duration: 1 round/level ((D) Duration: 1 round/level ((D); see text
Saving Throw: Will negates Saving Throw: Will negates; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes Spell Resistance: Yes
You tap into the target creature’s subconscious This spell afflicts the subject with either tremen-
mind, releasing its darkest, most primitive, and dous pain or tremendous pleasure. In either case,
most violent self. On a failed save, the creature the subject collapses, falling prone and becoming
finds itself engulfed it in a waking nightmare helpless to the feeling (either screaming out in
of violence and self-loathing, experiencing the pain or pleasure). The subject is completely
(as the spell
effects of confusion (as spell). The strain on helpless and can take no actions while under the
mind and body reduces the target creature’s effec- influence of the spell. Each round on its turn, the
tive Constitution score by 2d6 points, slaying it if subject may attempt a new saving throw to end
it’s Constitution drops to 0 or less. (This is a full-round action that does
the effect. (This
not provoke attacks of opportunity.)
While the effect lasts, the victim also takes 1d4
points of damage each round as the result of its Arcane Focus: A bramble for pain, a pussy
inner turmoil. When the spell ends, the target’s willow for pleasure.
effective Constitution score returns to normal, but
any damage taken from the spell remains. Inflict Illness
Material Component: A metal or glass mirror
twisted into a distorted shape. Level: Clr 1, Drd 1, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S
Id Seizure Casting Time: 1 standard action
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] Range: Touch
Level: Sor/Wiz 1 Target: Living creature touched
Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1 standard action Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Spell Resistance: Yes
Target: One humanoid creature The subject falls immediately falls ill, becoming
Duration: 1 round/level ((D); see text sickened and suffering a –2 penalty on all attack
Saving Throw: Will negates rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill
Spell Resistance: Yes checks, and ability checks for the duration of the
You tap into the target creature’s subconscious,
releasing primitive urges that short circuit its
mind and leave it disoriented. The creature is
Inflict Pain
unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate on
spells, or do anything else requiring attention, Level: Clr 2, Drd 2, Sor/Wiz 3
and can take only a single move action each turn. Components: V, S
In lieu of its move action, the target creature can Casting Time: 1 standard action
attempt a new saving throw as a full-round action Range: Touch
that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Target: Living creature touched
Material Component: A disk or sphere of Duration: 1 round/level
crystal or metal on a string. Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Inescapable Pain/Pleasure
Unbearable pain wracks the subject, making
it nauseated and unable to attack, cast spells,
Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 3 concentrate on spells, or do anything else
Components: V, S, F requiring attention. The only action such a char-
Casting Time: 1 standard action acter can take is a single move action per turn.
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Infected Touch 10 + the spell’s level
level) or lose the spell. Unlike
Necromancy [Evil] normal fog, only a strong wind (21+ mph) or
Level: Sor/Wiz 4, Clr 5 stronger can disperse irritating fog, and it does so
in 1 round.
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action Material Component: A boiled poison oak or
Range: Touch poison ivy leaf.
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous Lust for Undeath
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Level: Clr 4
Spell Resistance: Yes
Components: S, DF
A bolt of gray energy fires from the caster’s Casting Time: 1 full-round action
hand. The caster must make a touch attack Range: Close (25
(25 ft. +5 ft./level
against a target and if the attack succeeds the
Area: 10-ft.-burst +5 ft./level centered on the
target must instantly make a Fortitude check ((DC
10 + caster level
level)) or contract an evil disease
known as Wizard’s Touch. This disease has an Duration: 1 hour/level
incubation period of 1d4 hours and inflicts 1d6 Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless
Constitution damage. Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless
Material Component: The eye of a humanoid By virtue of this spell, the targeted undead gains
individual who died from the effects of any +2 turn resistance or has its existing turn resis-
disease. tance increased by +2. When cast at 11th level,
the bonus increases to +3. When cast at 15th
Irritating Fog level, it increases to +4, and at 19th level, it
Conjuration (Creation) increases to +5. You can affect a maximum of 2
Level: Drd 3, Sor/Wiz 3 HD per caster level.
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Maggot Infestation
Necromancy [Death]
Range: Medium (100100 ft. + 10 ft. level
Level: Clr 6, Death 6
Effect: Fog spreads in 20-ft. radius, 20 ft. high
Components: V, S, DF
Duration: 1 min./level
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Saving Throw: None
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Spell Resistance: No
Target: One living creature
A bank of fog billows out from the point you Duration: Instantaneous
designate. The fog obscures all sight, including Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within Spell Resistance: Yes
attacks have a 20%
5 feet has concealment (attacks
miss chance).). Creatures farther away have total One living creature of your choice within range
concealment (50%50% miss chance, and the attacker dies instantly as thousands of maggots burst
can’t use sight to locate the target).
target simultaneously from its flesh, ripping it apart and
causing it to collapse in a bloody heap.
In addition, any living creature that enters the
fog is irritated by the scratchy nature of the fog, The target is entitled to a Fortitude saving throw
which causes the creature to itch uncontrol- to survive the attack. If the save is successful, the
lably. The creature suffers a –2 penalty on all maggots instead burst out of the creature’s mouth,
attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, causing 2d4 points of temporary Constitution
skill checks, and ability checks for as long as it damage. Obviously, the subject might die even if
remains in the fog and for 1 round thereafter. it succeeds on its saving throw.
Spellcasters attempting to cast a spell while in the
Mirror Portal
fog must succeed at a Concentration check ((DC
Level: Sor/Wiz 7 Range: Touch
Casting Time: 10 minutes Target: Creature touched
Range: Touch Duration: 1 minute/2 levels
Targets: Two mirrors Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Duration: One day/level Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Saving Throw: None You bestow upon the creature touched the ability
Spell Resistance: No to animate dead, as per the spell for a number of
You create a one-way magic passage between times equal to your caster level, for the spell’s
any two mirrors. Once you cast the spell, the duration. When the spell expires, any skeletons
mirrors can be moved any distance apart. Anyone or zombies created by the targeted creature
stepping into one mirror comes out the other. To immediately fall under your control. The limit
make the passage two-way, cast the spell twice. of undead that you may control increasing by
4 HD per level of the creature targeted by the
A creature or object must be able to pass through effect of necromancer’s touch. Undead created
the mirror physically, as if it were a doorway, so by the target of necromancer’s touch crumble to
it is important that the mirrors are big enough. dust 24-hours after their creation, at which point
If you look through one mirror, you see a blurry the total number of HD of undead that you may
view of whatever is reflected in the other mirror, control reverts to normal.
as well as the normal reflection.
Material Component: The hand of a slain
Molten Blast necromancer.
Summoning [Earth, Fire]
Level: Sor/Wiz 5 Negative Energy Shield
Necromancy [Force
Casting Time: Standard action
Level: Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 3
Range: 80 feet
Components: V, S, M
Area: 80-foot line
Duration: Instantaneous, but see text This spell functions like shield, except that the
Saving Throw: Reflex half protective disk is created entirely of negative
Spell Resistance: No energy and appears as a semi-solid form of black
fog and any characters or creatures that come into
You create a tiny gate to the elemental plane contact with the shield suffer 1d6 points of nega-
of lava, a place where earth and fire mingle. tive energy damage.
Lava jets through the gate like a small volcano.
Though the lava loses some of its fiery heat as it Material Component: A skull fragment from an
transfers into the Material plane, it still inflicts intelligent humanoid.
1d6 points of fire damage per caster level, to a
maximum of 15d6. Obscure Portal
In addition, targets who fail their Reflex saves get Level: Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 4
covered in a thin layer of rocky, stiff residue as Components: V, S, M
the lava cools. These victims suffer a –4 penalty
Casting Time: 1 standard action
to Dexterity until they spend a full round action
chipping the rock away. Removing the rock Range: Touch
requires a creature to drop its guard as it pulls the Target: One planar portal touched
coating from its body, thus provoking an attack Duration: 1 min./level ((D)
of opportunity. Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
Necromancer’s Touch
This spell completely conceals a single, touched
planar gate or portal, making it impossible to see
Level: Clr 7, Sor/Wiz 8
or sense.
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Creatures and spells that permit the identification The subject’s skin breaks out in horribly oozing
of planar gates are ineffective and unable to sense and itchy pustules. The subject can take no
the location of the concealed gate. Any power other action for the duration of the spell except
lesser than that of a deity cannot pierce the veil to scratch the itch, taking a -2 penalty to Armor
created by this spell; the gate can still be seen but Class and losing his or her Dexterity bonus (if
its nature as a portal to other dimensions cannot any).
be detected.
Material component: A pinch of sawdust or a
Material Component: A feather from a dimen- small feather.
sion other than the one the targeted gate exists in.
Plague of Boils
Necromancy [Evil]
Noxious Stench Level: Clr 2
Conjuration (Creation Components: V, S
Level: Sor/Wiz 4 Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, F Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 standard action Target: Living creature touched
Range: Touch Duration: Instantaneous
Target: Creature object touched Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Duration: 1 hour/level ((D) Spell Resistance: Yes
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates The subject’s body immediately becomes covered
Spell Resistance: No in pus-filled inflammations. The subject takes
a -2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage
The recipient is enshrouded in the smell of
rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability
freshly rotting corpses. The smell radiates
checks immediately. Each additional day the
outward to a 10-foot radius and any living crea-
plague of boils is active the subject must succeed
ture (except the recipient) within the area of
at a further Fortitude saving throw. Further fail-
effect must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw
ures of the saving throw increase the penalty by 2
or become nauseated (unable to attack, cast
(i.e. to -4 then -6 then -8 etc.).
spells, concentrate on spells, or do anything
else requiring attention; only take a single move A plague of boils can be removed through a
action per turn)) for as long as they remain within remove disease spell or by a successful Heal
the area of effect and for one round thereafter. remove disease; the DC is the spell’s DC
check (remove DC).
Those that succeed at their Fortitude saving
–2 penalty on all attack
throw are still sickened (–2
Plant Blight
rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill
checks, and ability checks)) as long as they remain Level: Drd 6, Pestilence 6
within the area of effect and for one round there- Components: V, S, DF
after. Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Target or Area: 1 acre per level or one target
Focus: A piece of rotting flesh.
plant (see text)
Oozing Itch Duration: Instantaneous
Necromancy Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2 Spell Resistance: Yes
Components: V, S, M This spell can be used one of two ways. It can
Casting Time: 1 standard action target normal plants, reducing their potential
Range: Touch production over the course of the following year
Target: Living creature touched to 10–40% (1d4 x 10%) of normal. Or if cast on a
Duration: 1 round/level single plant creature or animated plant, the target
suffers a permanent loss of 10% of its hit points
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
every month until it dies or the spell is countered
Spell Resistance: Yes
by plant growth, which stops the progression of if moving at half speed, DC 15 if moving at full
the blight but doesn’t restore lost hit points. speed, and DC 20 if running or charging).
The material rained forth by this spell remains,
Rain of Bone clinging to the creatures’ clothing, hair, etc. until
Conjuration (Creation)) [[Archaic]
cleaned off or otherwise removed (consider this a
Level: Sor/Wiz 3/Nec 1 strong scent for purposes of Tracking through the
Components: V, M use of the scent ability).
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Material Component: a small vial of bodily
Range: Medium (100(100 ft. + 10 ft./level
Area: 20 ft. radius
Duration: Instantaneous Ray of Debilitation
Saving Throw: Reflex half Necromancy
Spell Resistance: Yes Level: Sor/Wiz 1
The targeted area is immediately pounded by Components: V, S
thousands of bones that rain down from the sky. Casting Time: 1 standard action
All characters and creatures within the affected Range: Close (25
(25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
area suffer 1d6 points/level damage, and are Effect: Ray
shaken for 1d4 rounds. The bones remain behind, Duration: 1 min./level
covering the affected area in a layer almost a foot Saving Throw: None
deep; all movement within the affected area is cut
Spell Resistance: Yes
in half.
A gleaming ray springs from your hand. You
If a successful Reflex save is made the character
must succeed on a ranged touch attack to strike
or creature takes only half damage.
a target. The subject takes a penalty to Dexterity
Material Component: The finger bone of a equal to 1d6+1 per two caster levels (maximum
human child. 1d6+5).
1d6+5 ). The subject’s Dexterity score cannot
drop below 1.
Rain of Putrescence
Ray of Paralysis
Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2 Necromancy
Components: V, S, M Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S, M
Range: Long (400
400 ft. + 40 ft./level
ft./level) Casting Time: 1 standard action
Area: Creatures and objects within 20-ft.-radius Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
spread Effect: Ray
Duration: 1 round/level Duration: Instantaneous, see text
Saving Throw: None Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: No Spell Resistance: Yes
A heavy rainfall of fecal waste falls in the area Imbuing you with negative energy, this spell
of effect, reducing visibility and making things allows you to fire a crackling ray of negative
slippery. The rainfall of waste obscures all sight, energy at a single target. You must succeed on a
including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature 5 ranged touch attack to strike. The subject is para-
attacks have a 20%
feet away has concealment (attacks lyzed for 1d6+4 rounds if it fails a Fortitude save.
miss chance).). Creatures farther away have total
Material Component: A pinch of earth from a
concealment (50%50% miss chance, and the attacker
ghoul’s lair or a pit of flesh from a ghoul.
cannot use sight to locate the target).
Any creature attempting to move within or Ray of Paralysis, Greater
through the area must succeed at a Balance check Necromancy
((DC 5 if moving at one-quarter speed, DC 10 Level: Sor/Wiz 6

As ray of paralysis, but the subject is paralyzed footradius volume of the wooden item or plant is
for 1d8+6 rounds and also suffers 1d4+1 points rotted and destroyed.
of Constitution damage if it fails its saving throw.
Magic items made of wood are immune to this
Material Component: The hand of a ghoul. spell.
You may employ rotting touch in combat with a
Realign the Heavens successful melee touch attack. Rotting touch used
Necromancy [Evil,
[ Fear, Mind-Affecting]
in this way instantaneously destroys 1d6 points
Level: Clr 9, Sor/Wiz 9 of Armor Class gained from wooden shields
Components: V, S, XP and ironwood armor or shields (to the maximum
Casting Time: 1 standard action amount of protection the armor or shield offered
Range: See text through decay.
Target: See text Weapons in use by an opponent targeted by
Duration: 1 minute/level the spell are more difficult to touch. You
Saving Throw: Will partial, see text must succeed on a melee touch attack against
Spell Resistance: Yes the weapon. A wooden weapon that is hit is
During the dark of night, by stretching your
hands to the sky and releasing this powerful spell Note: Striking at an opponent’s weapon provokes
into the heavens, you tap into the plane of nega- an attack of opportunity. Also, you must touch the
tive energy, releasing a vast cloud of death that weapon and not the other way around.
grabs the very stars and the moon and shifts their
Against a wooden or plant creature, rotting touch
positions. All who look up into the heavens for
instantaneously deals 3d6 points of damage +1
the duration of this spell are immediately affected
(maximum +15)
per caster level (maximum +15 per successful
as if you had cast fear on them.
attack. The spell lasts for 1 round per level, and
Additionally, evil gains the upper hand for as you can make one melee touch attack per round.
long as this spell persists – all evil-aligned char-
acters and creatures beneath the affected sky Scentblock
gaining a +4 profane bonus to attack and damage Transmutation
rolls while all good aligned characters and crea- Level: Druid 1, Ranger 1, Sor/Wiz 2
tures suffer a –6 penalty on all saves, and attack Components: V, S
and damage rolls. Casting Time: 1 standard action
XP Cost: 1,000 XP. Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Rotting Touch Duration: 10 minutes/level
Transmutation Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Level: Drd 3 Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action The target creature ceases to give off any scent
at all. Creatures with the scent ability cannot use
Range: Touch
it to detect the subject of the spell, although they
Target: One non-magical wooden object or plant can still use sight, hearing, and other methods.
or the volume of the object or plant within 5 ft.
of the touched point)) or one plant creature Targets with abilities based on strong smells
Duration: See text (such as troglodytes) cannot use those abilities
Saving Throw: None while this spell is in effect. The spell does not
block strong smelling substances ((garlic, skunk
Spell Resistance: No
musk, and the like) applied to the target after
Any wooden item or plant you touch becomes casting.
instantaneously decayed and rotted, effectively
destroyed. If the wooden item or plant is so Scry Blast
large that it cannot fit within a 5-foot radius, a 5- Evocation [Force]

Level: Sor/Wiz 6 Material Component: Ascrap of diseased flesh.
Casting Time: Standard action
Range: See text Slime Burst
Target: One creature being scried Evocation
Duration: Instantaneous Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Saving Throw: Reflex negates (see text) Components: V, S, F
Spell Resistance: Yes Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Once you have successfully found a subject Area: 10-ft. radius
with a scrying spell or device such as a crystal
Duration: Instantaneous
ball, this spell allows you to channel a blast of
destructive energy through the scry sensor at the Saving Throw: Reflex negates
subject. The energy inflicts 1d4 points of damage Spell Resistance: Yes
(maximum 10d4).
per two caster levels (maximum 10d4). Because You cause an existing slime hazard – with a
this spell allows you to hurl damage upon a foe CR equal to or less than your caster level – to
from great range without putting yourself at release arrows of slime outward in all directions,
risk, many covet and fear it. However, the truth centered on the slime. Creatures within 10 feet
is, scry blast does involve a risk to yourself. If must make a successful Reflex saving throw or
the target makes a successful saving throw, the else suffer the effects of the targeted slime.
energy rebounds back through the scry link and
you may attempt a Reflex saving
strikes you ((you Focus: An existing natural, hazardous slime.
throw to negate the attack
Slime Touch
In any event, a scry blast ends a scrying attempt.
Conjuration (Creation)
You must cast a new scrying spell to scry the
target again, or use your crystal ball once more. Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S, F
Sickened Flesh Casting Time: 1 standard action
Necromancy Range: Touch
Level: Sor/Wiz 2, Clr 3 Targets: Living creature or metal or wood object
Components: V, S, M touched
Casting Time: 1 round Duration: Instantaneous; see text
Range: Medium (100100 ft. + 10 ft./level
ft./level) Saving Throw: None
Area: 20 ft. cloud. Spell Resistance: None
Duration: 1 round per level of the caster A touch from your hand infects the target crea-
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates ture or object with green slime, doing 1d6 points
Spell Resistance: Yes of permanent Constitution damage to living
creatures or any other beings with a Constitution
A black, noxious vapor pours forth from the score. It also does 2d6 points of damage against
caster’s opened mouth, spreading quickly and wood or metal, ignoring metal’s hardness but not
blackening the skin of all in the area who fail that of wood. It does not harm stone or any other
their Fortitude save. The affected victims suffer material.
2d4 points of damage (+1+1 point per level of the
caster, maximum +10)) and are knocked prone Unlike the green slime encountered in dungeons,
due to the agonizing pain. the green slime from this spell does damage the
moment it touches the creature or object. A crea-
For the duration of the spell those affected must ture that is reduced to 0 Constitution has become
continue to make Fortitude checks, suffering the a puddle of green slime.
effects of the spell each time the check fails.
Getting rid of green slime is difficult. Direct
Additionally, the cloud lingers for the duration exposure to sunlight kills it within one round
of the spell and any who enter the area of effect (although it still does 1d6 points of Constitution
must succeed a Fortitude save or be affected by damage before it is burned away) while a remove
the vile cloud. disease spell destroys it instantly. The only other
remedy is to burn or freeze it; anything that deals or the target contracts this terrible disease that
cold or fire damage destroys the green slime (and inflicts 3d6 points of damage.
will deal damage to the victim as well).
Material Component: The wings of a dead
Focus: A bit of green slime in a stone or glass insect.
container ((for safety).
Teleport Block
Spectral Symbiosis Abjuration
Necromancy Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Level: Clr 6, Sor/Wiz 5 Casting Time: 1 round
Components: V, S, DF/F Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels )
Casting Time: 1 standard action Area: Three 10-foot cubes/level
Range: Touch Duration: One hour/level
Target: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
Duration: 1 minute/level Spell Resistance: No
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless
You create an area in which no teleportation spell
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless
(harmless) will work, either coming in or going out.
This spell binds a spiritual force to the targeted
character or creature for the spell’s duration, Teleport Redirect
during which time the subject appears as a [Teleportation]
Evocation [Teleportation
though the
terrible, spirit-like version of himself (though Level: Sor/Wiz 5
subject does not become an incorporeal crea- Casting Time: Standard action
ture). Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels )
The targeted character or creature gains a +2 Area: 20-foot-diameter sphere
inherent bonus to any three abilities (target’s Duration: One hour/level
choice) and possesses a fear aura that affects all Saving Throw: None
characters and creatures that come within 30 ft. Spell Resistance: Yes
of the subject. Those that enter the fear aura’s
area of effect must make a successful Will save If any teleportation spell is cast within the radius
DC 10 plus the caster’s level
((DC level)) or be affected as of this spell, or if the area of the spell is the target
though by the fear spell from a sorcerer of the of a teleportation spell, the destination of the
caster’s level. teleport spell is redirected to a location you chose
when you cast teleport redirect. For example,
Arcane Focus: A handful of dirt from a grave. you cast teleport redirect in a steward’s council
chamber with a prison cell as its destination.
Swarming Sickness Now, if a person in the throne room attempts to
Conjuration [ use its teleport ability, it ends up in the cell.
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S, M Teleport Tracer
Casting Time: 1 standard action Divination [
Range: Close (25
25 ft. + 5 ft./level
ft./level) Level: Sor/Wiz 6
Area: One creature Casting Time: Standard action
Duration: Instantaneous Range: Medium (100
100 feet + 10 feet/level
Saving Throw: Reflex half Target: One teleportation spell
Spell Resistance: Yes Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
The caster summons a swarm of disease-ridden
insects that surround a target, biting, stinging, Spell Resistance: No
and infecting the victim with a brutal disease You immediately know the destination of the
commonly known as Black Corpse. The disease’s most recent teleportation spell cast within the
DC (18) must be surpassed by a Fortitude check range. You know the location well enough to

teleport to it immediately with no chance of error, Target: One living creature
although this spell confers no ability to teleport. Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Unmind Spell Resistance: Yes
Enchantment (Compulsion)) [[Mind-Affecting]
Level: Sor/Wiz 9 The target creature’s bowels completely evacuate,
Components: V, S, M with predictable results, if it fails its Fortitude
saving throw. So violent is this action that the
Casting Time: 1 standard action
creature is immediately stunned (drops every-
Range: Medium (100 (100 ft. + 10 ft./level
ft./level) thing held, can’t take actions, takes a –2 penalty
Target: One creature to AC, and loses Dexterity bonus to AC AC) until the
Duration: Instantaneous caster’s turn next round.
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes Vile Stench
Conjuration (Creation)
Unmind disrupts all the recipient’s higher mental
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
functions, effectively removing its Intelligence
score and reducing it to a state of sheer instinct. Components: V, S, F
The affected creature is unable to use any skill, Casting Time: 1 standard action
cast spells, activate magic items, use spell-like Range: Touch
abilities, use class features, understand language, Target: Creature or object touched
or communicate coherently. Duration: 1 hour/level ((D)
Extraordinary or supernatural abilities aren’t Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
affected, but the creature may not be able to Spell Resistance: No
effectively use or control them. The subject can The recipient is enshrouded in an awful smell
use weapons it has in its hands or carries on its reminiscent of the foulest sewers. The smell radi-
person at the time the spell takes affect (though ates outward to a 10-foot radius and any living
it fails to recognize other weapons as such), but (except the recipient)
creature (except recipient) that enters the
it takes a –4 nonproficiency penalty with such area of effect must succeed at a Fortitude saving
weapons whether it normally has proficiency or throw or become sickened (–2 (–2 penalty on all
not. attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws,
The subject’s natural weapons (including skill checks, and ability checks)) for as long as
unarmed strike) remain unaffected. they remain within the area of effect and for one
round thereafter.
While the spell is in effect, the subject remem-
bers who its allies and enemies are, and can Focus: A small bit of garbage.
follow and even protect them. Likewise, it can
attack enemies, though it’s limited to simple Violent Retching
tactics such as a mindless undead or vermin Necromancy
would use. The subject becomes immune to all Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2
mind-affecting and language-dependant effects. Components: V, S
The subject remains in this mindless state until a Casting Time: 1 standard action
heal, limited wish, miracle, or wish spell is used Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
to cancel the unmind effect. Target: One living creature
Material Component: A padlock. Duration: 1 round/level; see text
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Vacate Bowels Spell Resistance: Yes
A target failing its Fortitude saving throw empties
Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1 its stomach, vomiting and dry heaving forcefully;
Components: V, S consider the target nauseated (unable to attack,
Casting Time: 1 standard action cast spells, concentrate on spells, or do anything
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) else requiring attention; only action is a single
move action per turn) for the duration of the Because it is a supernatural disease, once a
spell. A creature succeeding at its Fortitude save target is infected with wasting touch the disease
is merely sickened (–2 penalty on all attack rolls, continues to afflict the victim until the victim
weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, reaches Constitution 0 (and dies). Attempts to
and ability checks) for 1 round as it fights back cast any conjuration (healing) spell (including
the urge to retch. all manner of cure spells) on a creature afflicted
with wasting touch must succeed on a caster level
Volcanic Wave check. The DC for this check is 10 + the caster
Evocation [Fire]
[ level of the caster that afflicted the creature (i.e.
Level: Sor/Wiz 4 if an 11th level cleric cast the wasting touch, then
Components: XP, V, S the DC is 21).
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Water Ray
Range: 40 ft.
(Creation) [Water
Conjuration (Creation Water]
Area: Cone
Level: Clr 1, Drd 1, Water 1
Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, S
Saving Throw: Reflex half, see text
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Spell Resistance: Yes
Range: Close (25 ft.+5ft./2 levels)
Casting the volcanic wave spell unleashes a Effect: Ray
torrent of flaming lava that instantly engulfs the Duration: Instantaneous
affected area. Any characters or creatures caught Saving Throw: None
within the cone suffer 2d4 points of fire damage
Spell Resistance: No
per caster level (maximum 24d4).
A tight beam of water springs from your hand.
Additionally, all affected characters and crea-
You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to
tures suffer an additional 1 point of damage for
strike your target. A creature struck by this ray
a number of rounds after being hit by the spell
takes 1d8 points of damage +1 point per two
equal to one-half the caster’s level (round down).
(maximum +10).
caster levels (maximum +10).
A successful Reflex save reduces the initial
damage to half though the secondary damage Water Spray
remains at 1d6/round. Water]]
Conjuration (Creation) [Water
XP Cost: 100 XP per caster level. Level: Clr 0, Drd 0, Water 0
Components: V, S
Wasting Touch Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft.+5ft./2 levels)
Level: Clr 4, Destruction 4 Effect: Spray of water
Components: V, S, DF Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 standard action Saving Throw: Reflex negates
Range: Touch Spell Resistance: No
Target: Living creature touched A spray of water shoots from your hand. It is of
Duration: Instantaneous sufficient quantity to soak a creature of Medium
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; see text size or smaller. On a successful ranged touch
Spell Resistance: Yes attack you can extinguish a torch or other unpro-
tected light source of similar size or smaller;
Your touch inflicts the target with a horrible, you can extinguish protected light sources (i.e.
supernatural wasting disease. The saving throw lanterns) 50% of the time.
against this disease is the same as for a normal
10 + spell level + Wisdom modifier).
spell (10 modifier The If you succeed at a ranged touch attack against
disease has an incubation period of 1minute a creature you strike the creature’s eyes and
and causes 1d6 points of Con and 1d6 points of the creature is dazzled for 1 minute unless it
Strength damage. succeeds at a Reflex save. Sightless creatures as

well as creatures already dazzled are not affected point per three caster levels (maximum +5 at 15th
by water spray. level). You do not add your Strength modifier or
any other modifier to the whip’s damage. This
Water Tell damage can be either lethal or nonlethal ((your
Divination choice at the time of casting, can be changed
Level: Drd 5, Water 5 once per round as a free action) and is not
Components: V, S, DF affected by a creature’s armor or natural armor.
Casting Time: 10 minutes The water whip remains until the spell’s duration
Range: Personal expires, you dismiss it, or you are disarmed or let
Target: You go of the whip to avoid a trip.
Duration: 1 min./level Written By Joshua Cole and Louis Porter Jr.
You gain the ability to communicate with a body All mechanics on all pages is Open Game
of water (aa lake, river, stream, etc.).
etc.). The body of Content as defined by the Open Gaming License.
water relates to you who or what has touched it
as well as what lies within it. The water relates
complete descriptions if asked.
A body of water’s perspective is limited to things
that come in direct contact with it, so it wouldn’t
be able to tell you about the buildings of a fishing
village but it could tell you about the boats and
the fishermen that ply its waters and where they
lie at anchor or enter it, thus enabling you to infer
the location and size of the fishing village.
At the DM’s option, the knowledge that can be
gained from a large body of water such as a sea
or ocean is limited to things from within a radius
of 1 mile per caster level.

Water Whip
Conjuration (Creation) [Water]
Level: Clr 2, Drd 2, Water 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round/level ((D)
A whip made entirely of water appears in your
hand. You use it as you would an ordinary whip;
it is a melee reach weapon, you provoke attacks
of opportunity when you use it, and you can use
the water whip to make trip attacks and disarm
You are automatically considered to be profi-
cient with the water whip; this proficiency does
not extend to actual whips. You use either your
Strength or Dexterity modifier, whichever is
higher, for attack rolls with the water whip.
Unlike an ordinary whip the water whip strikes
for 1d8 points of slashing damage per hit, +1



CON CHA FORT _________ CON CHA FORT _________

AC TOUCH REF _________
AC TOUCH REF _________
_________ _________
_________ _________
_________ _________
_________ _________
_________ _________
Attacks (#) Attacks (#)

© 2007 LOUIS PORTER JR. DESIGN Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.
Special / Notes Special / Notes





CON CHA FORT _________ CON CHA FORT _________

AC TOUCH REF _________
AC TOUCH REF _________
_________ _________
_________ _________
_________ _________
_________ _________
_________ _________
Attacks (#) Attacks (#)

Special / Notes Special / Notes



Bluff Bluff




Silently Silently
Search Search
Motive Motive
Spot Spot
_________ _________
_________ _________
Languages Languages

© 2007 LOUIS PORTER JR. DESIGN Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.
Special / Notes Special / Notes


Bluff Bluff




Silently Silently
Search Search
Motive Motive
Spot Spot
_________ _________
_________ _________
Languages Languages

Special / Notes Special / Notes



A house divided



+ + + + + +





 APPRAISE  INT = + +
 BALANCE  DEX* = + +
 CLIMB  STR* = + +
FORTITUDE = + + + +
REFLEX = + + + +  CRAFT  ( _______________) INT = + +
 CRAFT  ( _______________) INT = + +
WILL = + + + +
 CRAFT  ( _______________) INT = + +
neoexodus CHARACtER SHEEt


 DISGUISE  CHA = + +
GRAPPLE = + + +
 HEAL  WIS = + +
 HIDE  DEX* = + +
 JUMP  STR* = + +
 KNOWLEDGE ( ___________) INT = + +
AMMUNITION __________________________      
 KNOWLEDGE ( ___________) INT = + +
 KNOWLEDGE ( ___________) INT = + +
 KNOWLEDGE ( ___________) INT
 KNOWLEDGE ( ___________) INT = + +


AMMUNITION __________________________        PERFORM (______________) CHA = + +
 PERFORM (______________) CHA = + +
 PROFESSION ( ___________) WIS = + +
 PROFESSION ( ___________) WIS = + +
 RIDE  DEX = + +
 SEARCH  INT = + +
AMMUNITION __________________________      
 SPOT  WIS = + +

 SURVIVAL  WIS = + +
 SWIM  STR* = + +

 TUMBLE DEX* = + +


AMMUNITION __________________________      
 USE ROPE  DEX = + +
ATTACK ATTACK BONUS DAMAGE CRITICAL  ______________________ ___ = + +

 ______________________ ___ = + +

 ______________________ ___ = + +
 Denotes a skill that can be used untrained.
 Mark this box with an X if the skill is a class skill for the character.
* Armor check penalty, if any, applies. (Double penalty for Swim.)
AMMUNITION __________________________      

© 2007 LOUIS PORTER JR. DESIGN Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.









neoexodus CHARACtER SHEEt












0: 0



LOAD LOAD LOAD HEAD GROUND DRAG Inital Languages = Common + racial
MAX LOAD languages + one per point of Int Bonus


SP— 7th:

GP— 8th:

© 2007 LOUIS PORTER JR. DESIGN Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this Forged in Magic, Copyright 2002, Paradigm Concepts, Inc.
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symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich
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7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product
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