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Lee Richard C.


All throughout the meeting that we have in this so-called NSTPtwo subject, I never
thought that I will take into liking this subject for the reason that I am the type of student who
does not want to meddle with other people’s businesses and does not want to be involve in
such commotions. But here I am tasked to be one of the speakers in our proposed project plan.
NSTPtwo is really an eye opening subject for it will allow you to converse with different types of
people, get involved with them, participate in wonderful activities and such that will make you
discover that you have this side of yours that you want to reach out to people and help solve
their problems even in the smallest of ways. I chose this picture of mine as the main picture for it
depicts the word “Action”. The word “action” is the one I chose because we, the A1C individuals,
chose to act in this community not only we are required but more importantly we take into liking
of this area. We have interacted to the people residing here and felt the urge to really help them
with the best of our abilities especially the families who are living in the “tramo”. The A1C people
makes me want to do better because there was an instance where I take a break and just stand
at the corner of the room, I watched them continue their work and they are not bothered even if
some of them are hungry, tired and the other things that they are feeling because all I see is that
the eagerness in their eyes to make the proposed project to be successful as possible. The
reason why I shared these things as my personal accomplishments, I saw the growth that each
and everyone of us had during the activity, some of them grow in attitude, some of them grow in
terms of how they treat other people and some of them grow in other aspects too. That activity
helped us to grow differently but all I can say is that it did helped us to be better individuals. With
that being said, making the A1C to interact with the people living in Barangay Sto. Cristo is the
best experienced that we have for we learned a lot of lessons that made not only better
students, individuals, brother, sister but most importantly a better human being that will definitely
be in action to help people when other people needs help.

rubric for grading:

Criteria Description Above Meets Approachin Below Rating

expectation expectation g expectation
s (3) expectation s
(4) s (1)
Content The report presents an in-
depth analysis and articulate
clear connections between the
learning experiences.
Organization The development and
presentation of ideas is logical.
There is a smooth transition
from one idea to another.
Format* The report subscribes to the
required format including the
title, picture, & one-word

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