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Hendra Eka Putra

Program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Batusangkar
Korespondensi: Jl. Simpang Bendang No. 2 Tigo Tumpuak Lima Kaum Batusangkar


Vocabulary learning is very necessary and an indispensable part of any language

learning process. In the ESL context, vocabulary not only supports the four
language skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing, but also mediates
between ESL students and content-area classes in that the students often find that
lack of vocabulary knowledge is an obstacle to learning. This article focuses on
and discusses effective strategies for teaching vocabulary to young learners which
greatly assist English language learners in their journey of language acquisition
and also expedite the language learning process

Kata kunci: effective strategies, vocabulary, young learners

INTRODUCTION ing of vocabulary in order to understand

new concepts.

ocabulary teaching and learning
are constant challenges for Furthermore, vocabulary is
teachers as well as learners positively related to higher-status
because historically there has been occupation (Marzano, 2004, as cited in
minimal focus on vocabulary instruct- Zwiers, 2008). It can be said that
ions in the ESL classroom. Due to this, vocabulary acquisition is necessary to
an increased emphasis on vocabulary academic, social, and professional
development is crucial for the English successes. The more diverse, creative
language learners in the process of and effective teaching strategies the
language learning. teacher in the English classroom
Since the focus of this article relies employs, the richer the students’
on the effective strategies for teaching language becomes and the more likely
vocabulary to young learners, it is they will experience successes with the
crucial to highlight the importance of content and will be able to communicate
vocabulary instruction in the ESL with various registers.
classroom. Stahl in Taylor (1990) found Therefore, through this article the
that vocabulary instruction directly writer tries to give information about
improves comprehension. He also effective strategies for teaching vocab-
declares that as the difficulty of words in ulary to young learners. It will also
a text increases, the understanding of the discuss how important vocabulary is and
text decreases; therefore, it is critical for what the language learners should do to
the learners to have a deep understand- get many vocabularies in order to

182 Ta’dib, Volume 14, No. 2 (Desember 2011)

facilitate them communicate with the major topic in the field of psycho-
world. linguistics and neurolinguistics.


According to Hornby (1974: 959), NEED VOCABULARY?
vocabulary can be defined in three ways: Academic comprehension will
total number of words (with rules for improve if the learners know the
combining them) which make up meaning of words. Words are building
language, range of words known to a blocks of communication. When the
person and containing a list of words learners have a great vocabulary, they
with definition or translation. Similarly, can improve all areas of communication,
Nunan (2003: 130-132) defines vocab- namely: listening, speaking, reading, and
ulary in three ways: multi-word unit, writing. When students have a higher
word families and core meanings. academic vocabulary development, they
While, Gardener in Adger (2002) can tolerate a small proportion of
states that vocabulary is not only unknown words in a text without
confined to the meaning of words but disruption of comprehension and can
also includes how vocabulary in a even infer the meaning of those words
language is structured. It means that it from rich contexts.
relates to how people use and store Besides, without some knowledge
words and how they learn words and the of vocabulary, neither language product-
relationship between words, phrases, ion nor language comprehension would
categories of words and phrases. be possible. It means that the growth of
Then, Cummin in Herrel (2004) vocabulary knowledge is one of the
states that there are different types of essential pre-requisites for language
vocabulary. They are listening, speaking, acquisition and this growth of vocab-
reading, and writing vocabulary. ulary knowledge can only be possible
Listening vocabulary refers to all the when teachers employ effective vocab-
words an individual can recognize when ulary teaching strategies which are the
listening to speech. Speaking vocabulary objectives of this article.
refers to all the words an individual can Green (2009:1) declares that there
use in speech. While, reading vocabulary are some importances of vocabulary.
refers to all of the words an individual First, vocabulary has become a powerful
can recognize when reading a text. Then, insight to raise achievement. To be
writing vocabulary includes all the successful in learning acquisition, the
words an individual can employ in learners should have much vocabulary.
writing. Second, vocabulary plays importance
Consequently, vocabulary is role in the four English skills. In
positively related to lexicon which refers listening ability, it gives ease for the
to a reference book containing an learners to comprehend what the other
alphabetical list of words with inform- persons speak. In speaking and writing,
ation about them and can also refer to it gives chance to the learners to expand
the mental faculty or power of vocal their ideas. In reading, it also helps the
communication. It is supported by learners to comprehend the text easily.
McCarthy in Taylor (1990) who states Third, the creation of words is a tool for
that the role that mental lexicon plays in increasing learning. It means that
speech perceptions and production is a vocabulary is very important to improve
the four language skills: listening,
Hendra Eka Putra, Effective Strategies for Teaching Vocabulary… 183

speaking, reading, and writing. Fourth, will learn everything around them rather
vocabulary instruction is a vocal point of than only focusing on what are being
learning. It is supported by Lehr (2004: taught. Third, their understanding is not
1) who states that there is an urgency to only from explanation but also from
provide instructions that equip learners what they see and hear. Supeniati (2007:
with the skill and strategies that is 1) states that the children respond the
necessary for lifelong vocabulary language well through concrete things
development. Thus, the teacher’s (visual) rather than abstract things.
approaches should be maximized in Fourth, they generally display an
vocabulary learning in order to enrich enthusiasm for learning and a curiosity
the learners’ achievement. At last, about the world around them. Fifth, they
vocabulary instruction is not only as an have a need for individual attention and
excellent advance organizer but also approval from the teacher. They need to
must be taught in context. It means that understand what it means to learn, and
the teacher cannot even begin to design they need a good attention from their
techniques in the classroom without teacher to make them more understand.
considering the contexts of learning. Sixth, they are keen to talk about
themselves and respond well to learn
their own lives as main topics in the
NATURE OF YOUNG LEARNERS classroom. At last, they have limited
According to McKay (2006: 1), attention span; unless activities are
young learners are children who are in extremely engaging they can easily get
primary and elementary school. This bored, loosing interest after ten minutes
opinion is supported by Hoesein in or so.
Daristya (2008) who states that young Furthermore, Supeniati (2007: 1)
learners are the students of elementary states that young learners are children
school who are at grade four up to grade who will be enthusiastic if they are
six. taught using fun activities or being
Then, Purwaningsih in Daristya involved in activities. It means that the
(2008) states that young learners are the learners will enjoy learning English if
learners in elementary school of aging 9- they are faced with fun condition which
10 years old who are learning English as make them interested and enthusiastic.
a foreign language. It means that in In addition, Lafever (2007: 27)
terms of age, young learners are between states that young learners at transition
the ages of approximately five and level (ages 5-8) generally have
twelve. characteristics like keen and enthusiastic,
curious and inquisitive, outspoken,
imaginative and creative, active and like
CHARACTERISTICS OF YOUNG to move around, interested in explora-
LEARNER tion, learning by doing hands-on
According to Harmer (2003: 38), experience and holistic, and natural
there are some characteristics of young learners searching for meaningful
learner. First, the children respond to messages. It means that they will learn
meaning even if they do not understand well if they are involved in the process
individual words. This means that they of learning.
do not focus on the meaning of word per
word, but they will catch the meaning of
the whole sentence. Second, they often
learn indirectly rather than directly. They
184 Ta’dib, Volume 14, No. 2 (Desember 2011)

INDICATORS OF A GOOD means that some words can be used in a

VOCABULARY MASTERY FOR wide variety of circumstances. For
YOUNG LEARNERS example, the word help can be used to
According to Sumarni (2008: 10), ask for help, to describe how people
there are some indicators that learners work with others, to describe how
can master vocabulary. They are as knowledge, tools, and to indicate
follows: material that can make people’s work
1. The learners are able to recognize easier and so on.
vocabulary in its spoken and written Focusing on the vocabulary in the
forms. most appropriate way means the first
2. The learners are able to recall it at principle looks at what words to teach
will. When they need it, they can and learn. This principle looks at how
retrieve the vocabulary. they should be taught and learned.
3. The learners are able to relate the Therefore, the teachers need to clearly
vocabulary to the real object or differentiate the way they treat high
concept. frequency words from low frequency
4. The learners can spell the vocabulary words clearly. While, giving attention to
correctly. the high frequency words across the four
5. The learners are able to pronounce strands of a course, high frequency
words, and they can use those words vocabulary should get deliberate
in good pronunciation. attention through teaching and study and
6. The learners know in what ways it
should be met and used in
can combine with other words to be communicating messages in listening,
correct sentence. speaking, reading and writing.
Then, encouraging learners to
reflect on and take responsibility for
PRINCIPLES OF TEACHING learning refers to the learners need to
VOCABULARY TO YOUNG realize that they have to be responsible
LEARNERS for their own learning. Taking this
responsibility requires knowledge of
Teaching English vocabulary to what to learn and the range of options
young learners can be started by for learning vocabulary, skill in choosing
introducing vocabulary to them. Teach- the best options, and the ability to
ing vocabulary to young learners should monitor and evaluate progress with those
be interesting and fun in order to interest options.
them to learn and improve their In addition, Schmitt in Ikah (2006:
motivation in learning English, especial- 13-14) states some key principles of
ly in mastering English vocabulary. teaching vocabulary. They are building a
According to Nunan (2003: 135- large sight of vocabulary, integrating the
141), there is a set of guiding principles new words with previous words,
that can be applied in a variety of providing a number of encounters with a
teaching and learning situations. They word, promoting deep level of process-
are focusing on the most useful ing, facilitating imagination, making
vocabulary, focusing on the vocabulary new word ‘real’ by connecting them to
in the most appropriate way, giving the students’ word in some way, using
attention to the high frequency words various strategies, and encouraging
across the four strands of a course, and independent learning strategies.
encouraging learners to reflect on and Based on the theories, teacher
taking responsibility for learning. should master those principles before
Focusing on the most useful vocabulary
Hendra Eka Putra, Effective Strategies for Teaching Vocabulary… 185

applying teaching in the classroom. And, 7. Using Demonstration

s/he has to use them based the students’ Demonstration refers to the actions
need to the vocabulary in order to help done by a teacher.
them to communicate in real life 8. Using Presenting Lexical Set/
communication both spoken and written Enumeration
form. Sets of related words can be
presented to refer to the meaning of
the cover term as well as to the
EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES FOR words involved in the same group.
YOUNG LEARNERS Games help to avoid the monotous
There many strategies can be used learning process. There are many
by a teacher in teaching vocabulary to games can be applied by a teacher
young learners. Here, there writer will such as cross word puzzle, guessing,
show some of the strategies proposed by and so on.
some experts. Manandhar (2009: 1) 10. Using Audio/Visual
states that there are some strategies of Many words can be more easily
teaching vocabulary to young learners. presented by a tape recording or
They are as follows: video rather than the above
1. Using Realia mentioned ways.
Realia refers to real objects or things. Next, Nunan (2003: 141) states
Generally, any objects of things can that there are four principle strategies
be carried out into school to that can be employed in teaching
represent the meaning. vocabulary. They are meaning focused
2. Using Matchstick Figure input activities, deliberate learning
Matchstick figure is known as activities, meaning focused on output
pinmen. It refers to simple sketch activities, and fluency activities.
rather than a real picture drawn in Deliberate learning activities involve
fully artistic manner. learning to use vocabulary learning
3. Using Picture strategies of word cards, guessing
Picture relates to the object that meaning from context, using word parts
cannot be brought easily into the and dictionary use. A professional
classroom, so unavailable object in teacher may select one of them for their
the locality can be represented by teaching target to promote the learners’
using picture. successful in learning.
4. Using Synonyms Furthermore, Herrel in Henriksen
Synonyms mean words that refer to (1999) proposes several effective
more or less the same meaning of strategies for teaching vocabulary to
thing. young learners. They are in the
5. Using Antonyms following.
Antonyms refer to the opposite 1. Guessing meaning from context
meaning of a specific object or thing. To employ this strategy, there are
Mastering it will help learners to many strategies that can be applied
know new vocabulary. by a teacher in a classroom, namely:
6. Using Definition a. Definition
Some words especially in advanced A definition gives the meaning of
level can be taught by giving their words. A writer may use phrases
meanings. or statements to define some-
thing. The key words used to
186 Ta’dib, Volume 14, No. 2 (Desember 2011)

provide a definition are: ”are/is swallowing gum can be

knows as,” ”are/is described dangerous”.
as,” and “are/is defined as.” h. Background Knowledge
b. Restatement Experience and background
The writer may use other words, knowledge about the text plays
phrases or sentences to provide an important role in vocabulary
meaning of difficult words. The comprehension. For that reason,
key words used in restating it is important for teachers to do
something: “in other words”, schema-building before learners
“that is”, “that is to say,” and so read a text.
on. 2. Teaching collocations
c. Punctuation marks Vocabulary knowledge does not
The writer usually uses involve just knowing the meaning of
punctuation marks to describe the a word in isolation, but includes
meaning of unfamiliar words. knowing the word that usually co-
The writer will write unfamiliar occurs with it. These words that co-
words and then use punctuations, occur with high frequency are called
words, phrases or sentences to collocation, e.g. heavy rain, strong
explain new words. Punctuation coffee but not powerful coffee, a
marks are-commas, “” inverted brief discussion but a short man.
commas, ( ) parentheses, ; Collocations help learners to define
semicolon and: colon. For the semantic area of a word such
example, Family members antonym, synonym, hyponym, and
(siblings) should always stick word formation.
together. 3. Teaching word family
d. Examples Development in lexical semantics
Examples help learners to and the mental lexicon have
understand the meaning of new prompted the development of
words. The key words are “such semantic field theory, semantic
as,” “like,” “for example,” “for networks or semantic grid strategies
instance,” and “is/are” are used which present and organize words in
by an author. term of interrelated lexical
e. Contrast meanings. A simple example of a
Contrast shows the opposite semantic field is the set of kinship
meaning of new words. The key term such as father, mother, brother,
words are such as “but,” sister, son, daughter, uncle, and aunt
“instead of,” “even though,” “in or the various body parts learned as
contrast to,” “yet,” and “in spite a subset.
of” are used by an author. 4. Recycling content
f. Similarity It means that if the learners are
The writer may also use signal actively involved in processing the
words of similarity such as lexical item (intentional meaning),
“like,” “similarly,” “in the same they are likely to remember it. It is
way,” “as,” and “just as”. therefore the teachers’ responsibility
g. Surrounding words to create meaningful contexts in
Words surrounding the new which learners have the opportunity
vocabulary might provide clues to recycle and reuse the vocabulary
to the meaning of the new words. they have learned.
For example, “Children are too
young to understand that
Hendra Eka Putra, Effective Strategies for Teaching Vocabulary… 187

5. Keeping a vocabulary journal something that is meaningful to

It is important for language learners them.
to record the words they learn or 12. Semantic mapping
encounter. Vocabulary journals can This strategy can be used to motivate
serve as a reference source in and and involve students in thinking,
out of the class. Once learners record reading and writing. It enhances
the target vocabulary, it becomes vocabulary development by helping
easy for them to remember or use it. them to link new information with
6. Eliciting previous experience. This is done by
Through this, the learners can call making an arrangement of words in
out or write the target word. This can a picture, which has a key concept at
be in the form of definition, the centre and related words and
antonyms or synonyms. This activity concepts linked with it.
enables the learners to express 13. Categorizing words
meaning and explore knowledge of It can be done by asking the learners
the target vocabulary deeply. to categorize words. Categories can
7. Contextualization include action verb-to run, run on
The learners can learn to use the gasoline; nouns-knight, night;
word in sentences through gap filling auxiliary verb-will- future tense, a
activity, story-building or role- will, be, bee; adjectives-round, round
playing activity. of applause; and prepositions-in, to,
8. Labeling two, too.
Here, the learners can label various
parts or objects in class. This activity CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION
can be extended at home or
immediate environment. Conclusion
9. Personalization Based on the discussion above,
This process is also known as deep- those effective strategies will provide the
processing. The learners can teachers to use one of possible strategies
visualize themselves doing a specific in their teaching. The teacher can use
activity relating to the target them in order to help or guide the
vocabulary, e.g. Learners imagine learners to have much vocabulary.
themselves rowing a boat. So, the Having much vocabulary will help the
target vocabulary is the word ‘row’. learners to participate in all classroom
10. Learning vocabulary by identifying activities that need English.
productive pre-fixes and post-fixes
Learning the most common Suggestion
productive pre-fixes and post-fixes Since the goal of teaching
can enable learners to understand a vocabulary to young learners is to
thousand other academic words, mediate the learners to have much
which use one or more of those word vocabulary, it is important to the
parts. Word part clues are highly teachers to select effective strategies in
memorable because they are simple their teaching activities. Due to this way,
to understand, e.g. the word bi the successful of strategy choice to be
means 2 and anti means against. used will influence their success in
11. Association teaching.
Learners can learn to associate the
new vocabulary or target word with
something they already know or
188 Ta’dib, Volume 14, No. 2 (Desember 2011)

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