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Brie Marijanich

KINS 4306

Week 1 Journal (01/06-01/10)

Monday (01/06/2020) 10:00am-12:00pm; 1:00pm-3:00pm (4 hours)

Monday was my first day on the job, and I was so excited to get started and get to know

everybody in the office. Mrs. Joanna, the site supervisor, emailed me and asked me to be in by

10:00am that morning. When I arrived she showed the other Georgia College intern (Shannon)

and I where we could set up our things. It was really cool that when we showed up we had our

own desks. Mrs. Joanna gave the two of us a confidentiality sheet that needed to be signed, and

she also gave us a paper full of online training modules that needed to be completed before we

are allowed to have any patient contact. That morning we were able to watch two forensic

interviews on the same case. Then, we took a one-hour lunch break, and for the remainder of the

afternoon, we worked on the trainings before we left for our class at 3:30.

Tuesday (01/07/2020) 9:00am-12:00pm; 1:00-4:00pm (6 hours)

On Tuesday, unfortunately there were not any interviews that afternoon while we were

there, so for the entire day, I worked on the online training modules. We have a lot of trainings to

get finished; there are about over 50 of them.

Wednesday (01/08/2020) 9:00am-12:00pm; 1:00pm-3:00pm (5 hours)

Wednesday morning, there were 2 forensic interviews scheduled, so when I arrived to the

office, I went straight back to the viewing room to watch the interviews. One began at 9, and the
other one began around 11, which took until lunch time. When I got back from my lunch break, I

did trainings until I left for class at 3:30.

Thursday (01/09/2020) 9:00am-12:00pm; 1:00pm-4:00pm (6 hours)

On Thursday, there were not any interviews, so for the whole day I worked on trainings,

which after a while can get pretty exhausting.

Friday (01/10/2020) 9:00am-12:00pm; 1:00pm-5:00pm (7 hours)

Friday was the longest day of the week. The whole morning we worked on more online

training modules. After lunch, we got to watch an interview that they did that morning. We did

not start watching it until around 3 o’clock, and it ran really long. Since it was longer than

expected, we ended up staying late, which worked out because we needed the hours.

This week was a good first week overall, and I really enjoyed the environment! Everyone

is so welcoming of Shannon and me. I appreciate how they include us with watching the

interviews, so we know what their work is like.

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