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Brie Marijanich

KINS 4306

Journal Week 5

Monday (2/03) 9:00am-3:00pm; 6 hrs

For some reason, the sound equipment in the forensic interview room has been having some

issues since we moved locations, so for a majority of the day, Shannon and I were in there

helping them test the sound so that they could make adjustments.

Tuesday (2/04) 9:00am-4:00pm; 7 hrs

The sound equipment was still having some issues, so we continued to assist them wherever we

were needed. We also helping the on-site counselor make some folders for when she has patients

come in.

Wednesday (2/05) OUT

Wednesday I woke up feeling really sick. My lymph nodes were swollen, my nose was stuffy,

and I had a migraine. I wasn’t sure what was wrong with me, but I texted my supervisor and let

her know that I wasn’t feeling good and didn’t want to get anyone else sick. I ended up staying

home the whole day.

Thursday (2/06) 9:00am-4:00pm; 7 hrs

I woke up Thursday morning feeling a little better, so I decided to go into work to try it out. That

morning we continued to test the sound equipment. At lunch, my migraine came back, so I asked

my supervisor if I could work on our project from home, which she was more than okay with.
Friday (2/07) 12:00pm-4:00pm; 4 hrs

Friday Shannon and I continued to work on our project, but it was only half the day because she

went to the wellness center and I was home sick for the beginning of the day. Because we got

behind on our hours from being sick, we talked to our supervisor about making up the hours, and

she gave us a few things to work on over the weekend.

Saturday (2/08) 10:30am-12:30pm; 2 hours

Shannon and I got together for a little bit to work on our project, brainstorming goals and

objectives for our ideas.

Week Hours: 26 hrs

Cumulative Hours: 155 hrs

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