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DATE: 23/3/2020



Rearrange the paragraphs to form a story.

Write an exposition of about 350 words on the given topic.

"It was Sunday morning ..."

After lunch, I packed my bag to return home. I thanked Zulkifly and his family because they
had generously packed some food and fruits for me to eat on my journey back. Then, Zulkifly
sent me to the bus stop. We waited for about half an hour before the one and only bus
available on that day came along. I bid goodbye to Zulkifly and boarded the bus to continue my
journey back home. It was a splendid Sunday for me.

As I was reaching the bus stop, I saw a huge crowd swelling by the roadside. They all made a
dash when they saw a bus coming. People were pushing and shoving, trying to get to the best
seats first. Some passengers were holding onto the safety rails. The unlucky ones managed to
put their foot on the foothold and left everything else to luck. There was no need of pushing
ourselves inside, thanks to the full force effort by those who tried to board the bus after us. It
was Sunday; everybody wanted to go to the town so the bus was jam-packed to the maximum.

It was Sunday morning. I had decided to visit my friend, Zulkifly who lived in a village in
Sungai Petani, Kedah. The place was quite far off from my house in Butterworth and the taxi
driver would have charged me a very high rate. So 1 thought, why not take a little trouble
travelling by a local bus for a cheaper rate?

Finally, the bus reached a corner where Zulkifly's house was situated. 1 got down from the
bus and walked towards his house. Zulkifly warmly welcomed my arrival. 1 could see that the
welcome was genuine because village people are frank and friendly people. His mother then
came out and brought us hot tea and some local delicacies to eat.

By the way, it was my first visit to a village. Zulkifly's village was situated in a rural area
which was about ten kilometres away from the main bus station in Sungai Petani. Therefore, I
had to take another bus to go to the village. Only one bus went there in the morning and
returned in the afternoon.. I got into the bus and found a seat for myself. Again, the bus passed
through green fields all around. I had never come across so much green space anywhere in the

After a while, I went to his backyard. It was a very spacious area and the breeze was blowing
gently. The greenery made me feel very peaceful. I saw a pond and some little boys were
bathing there and enjoying themselves in the water. I lingered in the backyard for quite some
time and soon it was lunchtime. Zulkifly's mother had cooked a vast amount of delicious food
for lunch. The vegetables tasted very fresh and she also had cooked fresh fish from the river.

The journey took me four hours. When I entered the state of Kedah, I saw rice fields on
both sides of the roads. The rice fields stretched all the way to the horizon and beyond. The tall,
green rice plants were swaying in the wind. When someone from the townside visits a village, it
seems that he has come to a different planet. Life moves so fast in the city that the residents
feel hard to keep pace with it. Cars spreading poisonous black smoke every where and
everyone seems to be running from place to place. He may use a car, motorbike or a bus.
Animals and birds on the other hand seem to have disappeared or migrated to some other


DATE: 24/3/2020

Underline the given words in the essay.

You are going to write a composition about what happened on the day your little
sister, who is sixteen years younger than you, was born. Use the notes below to
write your composition.

pregnancy unexpectedly groaning collapsed outstation

ambulance rushed hospital emergency surgery
premature intensive care experience relieved nursery

When writing the composition, you must remember to:

• use all the notes given
• write in paragraphs

• Dad arrived and we went in to see Mother together

25 June 2010 is one of the most eventful days in my life. It is the day of my little sister's birth.
I remember it as if it was yesterday. That morning, only my mother and I were home. My father
was away on a business trip. My mother was only in her 7th month of pregnancy and we had
nothing to worry about or so we thought.

It was about 11.00 a.m.that Saturday morning. My mother was busy preparing lunch in the
kitchen. I was in our patio, doing homework when I heard a loud groan. A little taken aback, I

ran to the kitchen as the groans grew louder. I found my mum lying in a pool of water, clutching
her heavy belly. She told me in a frightened voice that she thought the baby was coming early.
For a few moments, I froze in panic. I then quickly called the ambulance and waited beside my
mother who now was crying loudly in pain. I tried to calm her down.

After about 10 minutes, the ambulance arrived. They quickly carried my mother on a
stretcher into the ambulance. I was asked to ride with her and to try and keep her calm, I was
so worried about my mother and my little unborn sibling's safety. We made it to the hospital
and my mother was taken to the Emergency Department. I was informed that the baby was not
doing well and that an emergency surgery would have to be performed immediately to save the
baby. I tried calling my father for the third time that day and was finally able to contact him. I
explained the situation to him. He reminded me to stay brave and he would be home soon. It
took the doctors almost two hours to deliver my little sister as she was premature. She had to
be placed in Intensive Care. Fortunately the surgery went well and I was informed that both my
mother and sister would be home soon.

When my father came home, I was so relieved that all had gone well for my family. I will
never forget the day my sister arrived earlier than planned.


DATE: 25/3/2020
Fill in the blanks with the given words .
Write a story that ends with :
“… They looked at each other and smiled meaningfully.”

nasty exasperation trivial imperfections, sheepishly

guilt escalated revenge repentance sympathetically

The bus stopped. The driver waited patiently for a passenger to board the bus. The
passenger, a young lady of about 28, was making her way up the steps of the bus.

Isa was sitting at a seat next to the exit door. He looked at his watch. The time was ticking
away and he was running late for work. Anger was building in him as he thought about the lady
passenger who was holding the bus up. As the minutes passed, his anger …………………………...

Looking at the man next to him, who was noticing his irritation, Isa remarked, "What do you
think is taking that lady passenger so long to board a bus? She is probably too fat or lazy. I hate
such people who do not think of other passengers who need to get to work in the morning!"

The man sitting next to Isa looked at him and smiled. He said, "Young man, patience is
virtue. Do not get upset for such ……………….. 'things."

Isa retorted, "Well, I am just tired of silly people like the lady who spoils people's day. I have a
……………….. boss, you know! He will be after my case if I arrive late at work!"

The man smiled ………………………… at Isa and comforted him by saying that it was not the
end of the world. He advised Isa not to take things too seriously. Just then, the bus moved as
the lady found a seat at the back of the bus.

"At last!" said Isa in ……………………….. He quickly turned around and threw dagger looks at
the lady, who fearfully turned her face away.

The irony was that Isa had gotten up late that morning. He had missed his usual early bus.
As if the passenger next to him read his thoughts, he asked Isa, "Did you wake up late this

Isa's eyes revealed a feeling of ………………... "Did you?" persisted the man. Isa felt as if
someone had caught him with his pants down!

"Yes, slightly late," Isa responded. "Well, you see, whenever we run into problems, it is
usually our fault," the man replied philosophically.

Being adamant, Isa still blamed the lady and people like her for delaying people in the
mornings. The man just smiled and shook his head. He reminded Isa that getting upset over
trivial matters only increases stress and pressure. He also added, "People could have health
problems, a weak heart or maybe handicapped." The man wanted Isa to calm down.

Turning around, Isa looked at the lady again. She ……………………. turned away. Facing the
man, Isa argued that (he lady looked young and healthy. He insisted that there was no excuse
for her to take such a long time to board the bus. The man next to him looked at him and
smiled. Isa returned the man a sarcastic smile.

The bus proceeded its journey. After about ten minutes, someone from the back of the bus
rang the bell. The bus pulled to a stop at the bus stop. The lady got up and walked towards the
exit door. Isa wanted his ……………….. He looked fiercely at her and almost uttered some hurtful
remarks when he noticed that the lady had only one leg! She was on crutches.

A feeling of absolute shame and guilt turned his face red in ………………………... Isa smiled at
the lady. But she turned away in fear, and tried her best to get off the bus quickly. Isa's mistake
and guilt tore at his conscience.

The man next to Isa placed his hand on Isa's shoulder in a comforting way and said, "Such is
life 't shows us our own …………………….. so that we can become better people!"

"Yeah, that was some lesson I learned today," Isa replied with mixed feelings of shame and
regret. He turned and looked at his new-found friend. They looked at each other and smiled


DATE: 26/3/2020
Correct all the errors.
Write a story : An unexpected visitor

It was almost 6.00 p.m. clock in the evening. Sarika snuggle on her couch reading the last
few pages of a thriller. She had hardly been able to put the Stephen King novel down since she
start it 3 days ago. Just then she heard a knock on the door. She frown, a little irritated with her
mother for forgetting her house keys.

She opened the door ready to greet her mother. She was take aback to see a strange man
At the door. She had never see the man before and yet there was a funny familiarity about him.
"Can I help you?" Sarika asked a little apprehensively. The stranger stared at her, taking his time
to study her. He was smile yet his eye* were well up with tears. His odd facial express" made
Sarika uncomfortable. "You... you are Sarika."He muttered repeat more to himself than her.

Just then her mother arrived home. She rushed past the stranger into the house. She
pushed Sarika into the house and shouted at the stranger. "What are you doing here? I told you
to stay away from us." Sarika looked at her mother questioningly. She wondered why her
mother was be so rude to this stranger. "I have every right to see her, Meena. She is mine and
you should not have take her away from me," exclaimed the man, tears stream down his face.

"Get out!" Screamed her mother angrily trying to push the man away from their door but
he was too strong. She begin hitting him hard on his chest but he would not budged. For a few
minutes, they were totally unaware of Sarika staring at them dumbfounded. Sarika's mother
continued pounding on the man's chest and soon she began to sob uncontrollably, collapsing in
a bundle of tears at his feet. Sarika too began to cry in fear. "Sarika, darling, please stop crying,"
console the stranger. Sarika glance up at the man. As she continued look at him, recognition
began to dawn on her face.

"Papa....Papa," she uttered hesitantly. The man nodded and moved towards her. He
reached forward and grabbed Sarika, pull her into his arms. He hold her tightly ignore her
mother's feeble protests in the background.

It was a long time before Sarika's father loosened his hold on Sarika and lead her to the
couch. They sit there staring at each other. "I know you could never forgot me," he said smugly.
He was right. Although it had been more than twelve years since she had seen her father, she
had not forgot him. And now as she sat beside him, all the memories, she locked away came

flood back to her. She remembered her home in Germany, her school, her grandparents and
even her toys but most of all she remembered the angry arguments between her parents. They
fight almost daily and they were so unhappy. She remembered her mother crying frequently
and on one night leave their home. They flow on an aeroplane for many hours. She
remembered missing her father and her life in Germany for a long time but soon her longing for
her German connections stopped and she began to be happy with her new life in Malaysia.

She was overjoy at being reunited with her father. She loved him and had miss him so
much. She could not believed that the unexpected visitor had turned out to be her very own
father. She was not too sure how her mother feel but she did not wanted to worry about it. All
she knew was that her life was going to change dramatically yet again.


DATE: 27/3/2020

Rearrange the paragraphs to form a story.

Write a story that ends with : “ ...I said a silent prayer in my heart.

Suddenly, three men dressed in black appeared at the bank door. They pushed Sandhu to the
ground and entered the bank by force. Before any of the other employees even realized what
had happened they pulled black stockings over their faces and pointed revolvers at the staff

I stared helplessly as 1 knew the men would amass almost a million ringgit in cash, the
estimated takings for the day. As the seconds ticked away, 1 began to fear the alarm trigger had
not functioned and policemen on duty at the station a block away from the bank had not been
alerted, Unknown to me, the police had already surrounded the bank and were just waiting for
the robbers to leave the bank. They had barricaded every exit and there was no way they could
escape. They had also surprised the robber accomplice who was waiting with their escape car a
few doors from the bank.

I quickly pressed the emergency alarm trigger under my desk and stood up. l hoped the
robbers had not seen my hand reach under my desk as I got up. I began to tremble in fear as one
the robbers pointed his gun directly at me and shouted to all of us. "Get on the floor...Now!"
Another one of the robbers had already used the back of his gun to hit Sandhu's head causing
him to collapse.

The robbers’ confidence at the success of their mission began to grow as they assumed
everything was going according to their plans. They gathered their loot, removed their stocking
masks, and stopped out of the bank door straight into the team of police officers, waiting to arrest
them. Two officers entered the bank and quickly untied the bank staff members. They also

helped to take Sandhu to the hospital. I thanked the police for responding to the alarm and I said
a silent prayer in my heart .

It was almost 4.00 p.m. in the afternoon. Trust Bank's employees had just served the last few
customers and were beginning to close their accounts for the day. Sandhu, the security guard
signaled me, the Branch Manager to let me know he was going to lock the bank doors the
moment the clock struck 4pm..

We fell to the floor behind a counter obediently, too afraid to defy the armed men. The
robbers then proceeded to tape our mouths with masking tape and tie our arms and legs tightly
with a thick rope, ignoring our feeble, helpless protests and struggles. As soon as they were sure
we the bank staff members would not give them any trouble, the masked men began to collect
the stacks of cash from the bank's drawers into sacks.


Comments: Which story do you like the best and why? Give at least 3 reasons for your


Prepared by
Pn R Mageswarie Ratnam


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