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Define the following:-

1.Object :The things which has weight and occupies space is called
,table etc.
2.Material:The matter from which objects are made up of are called
materials.Ex.paper,wood , plastic etc.
3.Density:It is mass per unit volume.Its SI unit is kg/metre cube.
It tells us about the heaviness of the object.If the density of the object is less than the
density of water then that object will float in water.
D =mass /volume
4.Malleability:a property due to which any substance can be beaten into thin sheets is
called malleability.
5.Ductility :a property due to which any substance can be drawn into wire.
6.Miscible liquids:two or more liquids which completely get dissolve with each other and
form a single layer are called miscible liquids.Ex: water and lemon
7.Immiscible liquids.two or more liquids which do not dissolve with each other and form
different layers are called immiscible liquids.Ex:oil and water.
8.Transparent material:such materials which allow all the light to pass through it are
called transparent material. We can see through it clearly. Ex air, clean water,glass etc
9.Translucent material:such materials which allow the light to pass through it partially
are called translucent material.We can see through it partially .Ex butter paper,coloured
glass etc
10.Opaque material:such materials which do not allow any light to pass through it are
called opaque material. We can not see through it at all. Ex wood,metal etc.
11.Lustre: shiny appearance of the material is called it's lustre.
Q.What is grouping or sorting?
Ans.Process of separation of material and putting them in different classes or group
on the basis of similarities and dissimilarities of their properties is called grouping or
sorting. It is required in order to:
1.have a systematic knowledge of things
2.have general idea about all the members of a group know how the members of the group differ from those of the other group.

Q1.a.Differentiate between transparent , translucent and opaque object.
b.malleability and ductility
Q2.Name five objects which are made up of wood and five objects made up of plastics.
Q3.Define density ?
Q4.Give example of one miscible liquids and one immiscible liquids.
Q5.Why sorting of material is required?

[Chapter- Food : where does it come from ?

Ingredients- materials required to prepare Dish are call ingredients .eg spices oil ,salt
Edible- The things which we can eat without causing any harm to our body are called
edible. Eg Rice , dal etc.
Nectar- district juice of flower which is collected by honey bees to make honey is called
Sprouted seeds- the seeds from which small white structures come out after being
Herbivores- the animals which eat only plant and plant products are called herbivores .
example- cow ,goat.
Carnivorous-animals which eat only the flesh of other animals are called carnivorous.
Eg lion , Tiger etc.
Omnivorous - animals which eat both plant and plant products and flesh of other
animals are called Omnivores. Eg Dog, cat etc.

Class work - Question and answer

Q- do you find all living beings need the same kind of food ?

A- no , all living beings do not need the same kind of food . Eg.. Habib was need only
plant and plant products while carnivores eat only the flesh of other animals whereas
how Omnivores was eat both plant and plant products as well as flesh of other animals.

Q- Name five plants and their parts that we eat.

Gram- seed
Brinjal- fruit
Carrot- root
Spinach- leaves
Potato- stem

Q how do bees make honey ?

A- bees collect nectar from the flowers and take it to the beehive. In the beehive convert
the next into honey e and store it as their food and use it throughout the year.

Q- why should we not eat all the plants growing around us ?

A- we should not eat all the plants growing around us because some of them might be
poisonous and can cause harm to our body .


Q- what are the ways to avoid wastage of food ?

Q-Draw and label a diagram showing parts of a plant.

Q -Draw a diagram showing showing sprouted seeds

Chapter – 01
Understanding Diversity
We human beings are quite different from each other.This is because of the
different styles in which we present ourselves. From nature, mankind inherits a variety
of things. These include plants, trees, flowers, birds,
animals, religion, race, culture and color. If you observe we human beings speak different
languages,have various types of food,celebrate different festivals,practice different religions.

 Diversity: The differences in race, religion, caste,languages,living style,professions etc.

is known as diversity.
 Despite having diverse culture,languages,types of food ,festivals,religion etc, many
things are similar except we do them in different ways. It means more or less all of
us do the same thing but just in a different way. We can understand this by
following examples:
(i)Different ways in which people pray- Some of us pray through singing a hymn.
Some of us offer namaz. Some of us worship idols
(ii)Different ways in which people dress- In Bihar women wear sarees, kurta and
salwars.In Gujarat women wear ghaghra cholis. In Manipur women wear a fanek.
(iii)Different ways in which people greet each other- In Bihar, Uttar Pradesh many
peple say ‘Namaste’. In Jharkhand many Adivasis says ‘Johar’ to greet each other.
In Punjab many people say ‘Satshri Akaal’.
From above given example it is very clear that we are doing the same thing
only the way , the process is different.

Can Friends be Different:

Nothing stops people from different backgrounds from becoming friends. In your book ,there is a
story given about two friends – Samir Ek and Samir Do.Both of them were different from each
other as Samir Ek was a rich Hindu boy and he use to go to the school and thus was familiar with
English language. but on the other hand his friend Samir Do was practising Islam relihon and he
didn’t go to school because he was poor.He didn’t know to speak English and could speak in
Hindi language only. He use to sell newspapers in order to earn money. Here from this small
story, we can clearly observe that both of them were quite different from each other in respect of
their religion, financial status and standard of living but still these differences didn’t prevent
them from becoming friends.

How Do we Explain emergence of Diversity:

(i) Men initially led a nomadic life. They used to move in search of new lands or trades.
(ii) In later stages, when they started settling down they started changing a little and also retain
some of their own cultures. Men began to cooperate and intermingled with each other.
(iii)History also shows how different culture influence human beings for their growth. Diversity
exists when people adapt their lives to the geographical area in which they live.
For example - Living near the sea is quite different from living in a mountaneous area. We can
understand this better through the examples of two different regions such as Ladakh and Kerela .
 Ladakh-
 It is a newly formed union territiory of India(formed on 31st october 2019).
 It is a mountaneous area and a very little agriculture is possible.
 It is because, this region does not receive any rainfall and is covered with snow
for most part of the year.
 There are very few trees that can grow in this region.
 For drinking water, people depend on the melting snow during the summer
 The main occupation of the people of Ladakh is sheep rearing and they produce
Pashmina wool.
 In Ladakh mostly Muslims and Buddhist people live and they sing and perform
the Kesar Saga, a local version of the Tibetan national epic.
 Ladakh was considered a good trade route because it had many passes through
which caravans travelled to Tibet. Textiles, spices, raw silk and carpets etc were
traded from here.
 Ladakh is also known as “Little Tibet”.
 Kerela-
 It is located in the south west corner of India and is surrounded by the sea on one
side and hills on the other side.
 On the foothills of Kerela , a number of spices such as pepper, cloves, cardamoms
etc are grown.
 These spices attracted the traders , therefore many travellers came such as
Arabs,English etc.
 Because of all these historical influences, people here practice different religions
such as Islam, Christianity, Hinduism , Buddhism etc.
 Here, the main occupation is fishing. Nets used for fishing is called Cheena-Vala.
 The utensil used for frying fishes is called Cheenachatti and is believed that the
word Cheen could have come from China.
 Famous festival celebrated here is Onam and boat race is an important part of this

· Diversity and Interdependence:

(i) Within a social group, diverse types of activities are performed depending on their
skills, interests and education.
(ii) To fulfill one’s needs people depend on others.
(iii) With the onset of globalization, the concept of interdependence between diverse
areas has got a boost.
· Unity in Diversity:
(i) India is a land where unity and diversity go hand in hand.
(ii) When the British ruled over India, men and women participated in the struggle for
freedom even though they were from different religions,cultures castes etc.
(iii) The britishers tried their best so that they could divide Indians because of huge
differences prevailing in India and then continue to rule on us. but the people showed
how they could be different and yet be united in their battle against the British.
(iv) Songs and symbols that emerged during the freedom struggle serve as a constant
reminder of our country’s rich tradition of respect for diversity.
(v) Indians joined hands against ‘Phirangi Sahebs’ to liberate the country.
(vi) Pt. Nehru in his book, ‘Discovery of India’, wrote that Indian unity is not something
imposed from outside by rather it is something deeper and within its folds.
(vii) Our Indian national flag was used as a symbol of protest against the British by people
(viii) India’s national anthem, composed by Rabindranath Tagore, is another expression of the
unity of India.

Understanding Diversity
Answer the following questions:

1.What do you mean by ‘Diversity’?

2.What is Ladakh also known as?

3.Give an example of diversity in India.

4. Where are Pashmina shawls woven?

5. Who wrote the book Discovery of India?

6. Who composed our national anthem?

7. What is cheena-vala?

8.What is cheenachatti?

9.List any three ways in whichSamir Ek and Samir Do were different?

10.What do you think living in India with its rich heritage of diversity adds to your

11.Discuss about the differences and similarities between Ladakh and Kerela.
Chapter – 1 History

What, Where, How and When ?

History: History is a chronological account of events as they took place in the past.The word
“History” comes from the ancient greek command histe,’know this’.The greeks were among the
first people to write history. Herodotus who wrote about the wars between the Greeks and the
Persians is regarded as “Father of History’.

Why should we study History:

(i) We should study history as it tells us about our past and the sum total of the experience of our
ancestors including the incidental discovery of fire.
(ii) It gives us understanding about our ancient culture and lifestyle.
(iii) It helps us to solve the problems of the present day world.
(iv)It informs us about the evils that have been prevailing in the society, such as slavery, racial
discrimination, poverty, disease etc. and how man has been trying to fight against these evils in
order to rid human society of these.
(v)It enables us to accept diversities of races, languages,religions and culture,etc. It gives us a
message of mutual tolerance and respect for each other.
(vi)It generates a feeling that the whole human race is one family and there exists a brotherhood
among us.
Time frames of History:
(i) Historians use chronological sequence for a better understanding. Birth of Jesus
Christ has been taken as year zero.
(ii) Any event before Christ is called Before Christ (BC) and any event after the birth of
Jesus is called Anno Domini (AD).
(iii) Timeline of history is divided into three stages –
(a) Prehistory – The Prehistory is the early period of history for which there is no written
record. Unwritten sources like tools, weapons, coins, jewellery,cave paintings and
drawings, as dug out from below the earth are the evidence for the pre-history period.
(b) Protohistory –The period between prehistory and history, during which a culture or
civilization has not yet developed writing ,but other cultures have already noted its
existence in their own writings is understood as Protohistory. This period differs from
country to country. In India, we have accepted that this period of history began when
the people here started producing cereals.
(c) History – History period is a period for which we have a written record. Literary and
Documentary sources such as Manuscript, Memoirs, Chronicles,Religious and Secular
texts, Travelogues and Accounts of Foreigners help us in understanding our history.

Where did people live:

(i) People lived near river valleys. This was because rivers provided water for all
(ii) Traces of life were found near Sulaiman and Kirtar hills in North West.
(iii) Traces of life even existed along Ganga. Mahajanpadas like Magadha, Kashi, Vajji,
etc. flourished 2500 years ago.
(iv) The Himalayan mountain has acted as natural barrier between India and Central
Asia since ages.
How was the name India Derived:
(i) Our country is called India and Bharat.
(ii) The origin of the word India comes from the name of the river Indus, in Sanskrit it is
known as Sindhu. The Iranians or the Greeks , who came through the North-West about
2500 years ago, called the Indus as the Hindos or the Indos. The land to the East of the
Indos river was called India.
(iii) Bharat was used by the people of North India in the Sanskrit composition Rigveda.

How do we know about the past:

(i) Archaeologist and historians study several sources to tell us about the past. There
are two sources –
(a) Archaeological sources (b) Literary sources

Archaeological sources:
Archaeology is the science relating to the study of things left behind by the people in the past.
Archaeologists call these things as evidence or source. The study of human history and
prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of physical remains is known as
archaeology and the person who is engaged in this work is known as archaeologist.
Archaeologists use sources like-
(i) Tools and Weapons –Man used tools for his life and social development he made
crude tools from the hard stone.
(ii) Megaliths –These are the huge or large stones used to mark burial sites. They inform
us about the religious beliefs and customs of the early man.
(iii) Shelters –Besides caves, the early man used wood, branches of trees, hides, bones of
large animals to make his shelters.
(iv) Animal Bones – Animal bones and skeletons inform us about the vegetation,climate,
temperatures etc. of the region. It helps us to know that the early man lived by the
side of the lakes and rivers or near the water sources.
(v) Pottery, Artefacts,Cave Paintings and Jewellery-These are called the cultural items of
evidence and give us a lot of information about the lifestyle and the customs of the
early man.
(vi) Old buildings and Monuments –Historical buildings,
monuments,temples,forts,palaces, granaries etc. also inform us about the lifestyle and
culture of early people.
(vii) Coins –The study of coins is called ‘Numismatics’.From these coins, we know about
the period, the age and the chronological order of the rulers. We also learn about the
personal qualities of the rulers, about the span of their rule and the extent of their
(viii) Edicts and Inscriptions – An edict is a royal command. Such official orders were
engraved on metals,stones, rocksor pillars.These are called Edicts.
Certain important acts or events relating to kings were also engraved. These are called
Thus, Archaeology is a very important source to reconstruct past history,
especially of the prehistoric period for which no written record is traceable.

Literary Sources-
A handwritten record of an event is called a Manuscript (this comes from the latin word
’manu’, meaning hand). These were specially written on palm leaf, or on specially prepared
bark of a tree known as the birch, which grows in the Himalayas. The first written script was
in the form of pictures of objects like the Sun and the Moon.This script was called Pictogram.
In the ancient times, learned people wrote on stones, clay tablets, dry leaves of trees like the
Bhojpatra of India, and the parchments i.e. the skin of goat or sheep.
Written record of ancient India can be divided broadly into the following categories:
(i) Religious and Secular Texts – The four Vedas namely Rigveda, Samveda, Yajurveda
and Atharvaveda of the early vedic period are very important written sources of
ancient history. Ramayana and Mahabharata throw a light on later Vedic life, rites
and rituals, customs and traditions and the value system of that period.
(ii) Memoirs – These are the biographical and historical accounts written from the
personal knowledge about a certain ruler by the author close to him.
(iii) Chronicle –A chronicle is an account of event in order of time.These were kept by
certain rulers in their courts.
(iv) Travelogues and Accounts of Foreigners – These were the first hand accounts or
compilation of experiences of the visitors , visiting to a certain place or country.

Who studied sources of History:

(i) There were two groups of people who studied history. One was called archaeologist
and the other group was called historians.
(ii) Archaeologists studied remains of buildings made of stones, bricks, paintings and
(iii) The other group called historians were the people who studied the past and used
information found in inscriptions, seals and scripts.

History,Chapter - 1

What,Where,How and When?

Define the following:







Answer the following questions:

1.What are manuscripts?

2.What do you mean by archaeologists?

3.Why do archaeologists look for bones of animals,birds and fish?

4.Where is Sulaiman hills located?

5.How are dates counted?

6.How was the name India originated?

7.Why do you think ordinary men and women did not generally keep records of what they did?

8 List any two differences between manuscripts and inscriptions.

9.Describe at least two ways in which you think the lives of kings would have been different from those of farmers.

10.What are the different ways to find out about the past? Describe briefly.

Students! Have you ever wondered why human beings are considered to be
superior than other creatures on earth?
It is their sense of thinking, creativity, logical ability and socialization skills that
make them superior when compared to the other existing creatures of this world.
Humans differ from each other on the basis of civilization, region, race, caste,
etc. They have different types of characteristics and each of its intelligence &
characteristics has a different purpose and application which develops and
changes with the need. This is similar in the case of computers also. There are
various categories of computers to serve different kinds of purposes which have
developed and changed with the passage of time.
Computers vary from each other on the basis of processing speed, storage
capacity; areas of Application, etc.Computers also vary in size, from large sized
computers which can occupy an entire room to a palmtop that is even smaller
than the size of your lunch box. Computers can be broadly categorized into:-

SUPERCOMPUTERS:- Supercomputers are the fastest computers and have

a large data storage capacity. It has multiple processors which are based on
parallel processing architecture for achieving high speed. A Supercomputer can
execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a second. A Supercomputer is
made for some special purposes as it has higher establishment cost than other

Some examples of the Indian supercomputers are PARAM 2000 (First lndian
supercomputer), ANURAG. The first supercomputer is renowned as CDC 6600
which was designed at Control Data Corporation (CDC) in U. S. A. by Seymour


The five fastest supercomputers (at this time) of the world are: Tianhe-2 (China),
Titan (United states), IBM Sequoia (United states), Fujitsu K-Computer (Japan)
and Mira (United States).
Do you know? Speed of Supercomputer is measured in FLOPS (Floating Point Operations Per Second.

USES:- Supercomputers are large in size, and can support more than 1000
users at a time. They are used:
a) In highly sophisticated areas such as meteorology, space research, satellite
managements etc.
b) In performing tasks that involves intense numerical calculations such as
Weather forecasting, Aerodynamics, Simulations or complex calculations.

MAINFRAME COMPUTERS:- A mainframe is a very large size

computer which is capable of supporting hundreds or even thousands of users
simultaneously. It is designed for specific purposes. It has very high storage
capacity and can process a large set of data quickly in comparison to other types
of computers. Mainframes are very expensive. They are sensitive to variations in
temperature, dust, etc.


Some examples of Mainframe computers are IBM 4381, CDC Cyber series, etc.

USES:-Mainframe computers are used:

a) To link nation-wide networks through satellites.
b) In advanced scientific researches, nuclear studies and weather forecasting.
c) In the organizations hike banks, government departments etc.

MINICOMPUTERS: A minicomputer supports the working of several

users at a time. It has a larger memory, high storage capacity & larger computing
power than a microcomputer.

Examples of minicomputers are HCL Magnum, VAX 7500, etc. used:

USES:-Minicomputers are
a) For data processing and research work. m In big organizations, for Computer
Aided Designs, industrial applications, storage of huge data, etc.
b) In engineering firms and colleges as it supports networking of a large number
of computers.


A microcomputer is meant for personal or single user. It is a small size computer
that has a microprocessor chip as its CPU. It was first developed by IBM
(International Business -Desktop computers as they are designed to be used by
individual users. Microcomputers are comparatively common, economical and
easier to use. Operating system like DOS, MS-Windows, Linux, MAC OS etc.
Easily run on such types of computers.

Some examples of microcomputers are IBM PC100, 200 Apple Macintosh,

personal computers which are used at home, schools and offices including
desktops, laptops and tablet PC.

USES:- Microcomputers are used:

a) In cyber cafes for surfing the web.
b) For spreading the computer education in schools.
c) In offices for processing of letters and maintenance of salary records of
employees, etc.
d) In banking and commercial sectors for keeping the database of transactions of
e) For editing photographs, creating graphics, playing music, computer games,
A 'Mobile' is a hand-held, portable & wireless telecom device. The prime
functionality of a mobile phone is to make Voice call, short Message service
(SMS) and Multimedia Message Service (MMS). However, with the
advancement of computing technology, such computer phones are commonly
known as 'Smart phones' that provide Internet services such as web browsing,
email, etc.

Console Game is a device that is primarily designed to play games with the help
of keyboard & joystick that is displaced on a TV or Monitor. The player interacts
with the game through a handled controller i.e. ‘Joystick’. Some of the examples
of console game are Xbox, PlayStation series etc.

An embedded computer is a combination of computer & other devices
(including mechanical) that is designed or made to serve a predefined or specific
work. Some common examples of embedded computers include ATMs, Washing
Machine, Microwave Oven, etc.


Computer processes data, on the basis of pre-loaded or given set of instructions
to produce multiple types of information, which can be stored, retrieved and used
as and when required. It is made up of several electronic components that
function together as per the set of instructions to provide result or produce
information with high speed and accuracy.
It accepts input from the user, does arithmetical calculations and logical
comparisons (process) over it and produces output in the form of information.
Input means the feeding of raw data into the computer. One can feed data (input)
through input devices.
Output is the desired information or result that is received from the computer
after the processing of raw data. The information is received through output
Processing is the manipulation of data. It includes calculation, comparision,
decision making, etc.Processing is performed with the help of predefined
instructions called ‘Programs’. It is done inside the CPU which is also known as
the ‘Brain of the computer’.The CPU constitutes of hardware component and the
functional component.


The functional component of CPU performs:

a) Arithmetical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.)
b) Logical operations (AND, OR, NOT).
c) Internal data movements (Moving of data between various parts).
d)Data manipulation (Accepting data, processing, storing, generating
To perform these functions, CPU constitutes:

ARITHMETIC LOGIC UNIT: ALU performs arithmetical calculations (I. e.,

addition, subtraction. division, multiplication) and does logical comparisons
(like, equal to (-), not equal to (!-) greater than or equal to (> =), etc.).
MEMORY UNIT: MU is the main storage that holds data, instructions (that are
being interpreted and executed), intermediate results and final results which are
ready for output. The data and instructions are passed from the main storage into
the ALU. All instructions or data are stored in the memory unit before being used
by the ALU or the CU. The main storage is divided into a number of memory
locations where data are stored.
CONTROL UNIT: CU co-ordinates and directs the operation of the hardware
devices. It also co-ordinates the flow and execution of the data and instructions,
that are fed into the computer', memory.


1. Fill in the blanks:
(a) A............................ can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a
(c)............... Is a hand held, portable & wireless device which is used to
(d).............. Is the medium of communication through which we communicate
with the understandable language.
(e) a type of software that helps to convert program code into machine
understandable language.
2. Select the most suitable alternative:
(a) IBM 43 81 is an example of which type of computer? —— ,
(i)Supercomputer (ii) Minicomputer (iii)Mainframecomputer (iv) Microcomputer
(b) The first Indian Supercomputer was?
(i) Tianhe-2 (ii) ANURAG (iii) PARAM 2000 (iv) None of these
(c) A program which translates high level language program into machine code
line by line is:
(j) Compiler (ii) Assembler (iii) Interpreter (iv) None of these
3. Expand these abbreviations:
(a) FLOPS (b) IBM (c) NRCPC (d) CDC
4. Write short notes on:
a) Embedded computer
(b) Console Game
5. Answer the following questions:
a) Write about different types of computer with relevant examples.
b) Explain the working of CPU?
c) Write about three functional components of CPU?
d) Write short notes on Mobile.

Notes] Class 6 Geography Chapter 1 The Earth in the Solar System

Celestial Bodies: the sun, the moon plus all those objects shining in the night sky are called celestial

Stars: They have their own heat. They radiate a large amount of light ex. the Sun.

Constellations: Basically, these are patterns formed imaginary outlines by the group of stars ex. Ursa
Major, Saptarshi.

Pole Star: There is one star which always remains in the same position wrt the earth. Our ancestors used
this star to navigate the route. They knew that this star indicates north direction. Hence it is called North
Star or Pole Star.

Planets: Planets are celestial bodies. They do not have their own heat or light. They are lit by the star ex.
the earth.

Rings: Belt of small debris. You can see them with the help of a powerful telescope.

The Solar System = The Sun (head of the family) + Eight Planets + Satellites + Other Celestial Bodies in
the vicinity.

The Sun: Ultimate source of energy for our family i.e. the solar system. It is made up of gases and these
gases are hot. The sun is the centre of the solar system.

Planets of the Solar System: Eight of them. Can you name them in a comment below?

Hint: My Very Efficient Mother Just Served Us Nuts

Orbits: Planets move around the sun in a fixed path. These paths are elongated and called orbits.

Geoid: Earth-like shape (flattened at poles and bulged at the equator)

Moon: The moon is the only natural satellite of the earth. The moon moves around the earth in about
27 days

Asteroids: small rocky bodies orbiting the sun. Large numbers of these, ranging enormously in size, are
found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

Meteoroids: a small body moving in the solar system that would become a meteor if it entered the
earth’s atmosphere.

Meteorite: Large piece of rock or metal from space that has landed on Earth
Galaxy: A galaxy is a huge system of billions of stars, and clouds of dust and gases. There are millions of
such galaxies that make the Universe.

Full Moon: Poornima.

New Moon: Amavasya

Some Fun Facts That You Should Know

Word PLANET comes from the word Plantetai which means the wanderer.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have rings around them.

Pluto is a dwarf planet, though, till August 2006, Pluto was considered a planet

Only earth supports life because it has water and air, the temperature is neither too hot nor too cold
and optimum to sustain life.Only one side of the moon is visible to us on the earth.

Neil Armstrong was the first man to step on the surface of the moon on 21 July 1969.

Light travels at the speed 300000 km per second and it takes 8 minutes for the light to reach to the
earth from the sun.

 The universe is too big it is beyond our imagination.


1. How long does it take to go from a new moon to a full moon?

Q2. Name few dwarf planets.

Q3. Which is the third nearest planet to the sun?

Q4. Which is the closest celestial body to our earth?

Q5. Name the natural satellite of the earth?

Q6. Where are the most asteroids found?

Q7. How many times can we see full moon in a month time?

Q8. How long does it take for the moon to complete one revolution?

Q9. What is a geoid?

Q10. Why do the stars look so small in the sky?

Q11. From where does Earth receive heat and light?

Q12. What is the speed of light?

Q13. How much time light takes to reach the earth?

Q14. Who are called astronomers?

Q15. What cast shadow on the moon?

Q16. What is a Pole Star?

Q17. What is a galaxy?

Q18. How can we locate the position of the pole star?

Q. 19. What do animals and plants require in order to grow and survive.

Q 20. Prepare a chart of the Solar System.











 L’HYMNE NATIONALE –La Marseillaise is the national anthem of france.

 LA MONNAIE UNIQUE EUROPEENE –L’eurois the currency of france.

 LES VINS – France is very famous all over the world because of its wine.some of the
famous wines of france are:
a) Le Bordeaux

b) Le bourgogne

c) le Beaujolais

 LES FROMAGES – France is largest exporter, consumer and producer of cheese. There
aremore then 10,000 types of cheese in france. Some of the famous cheese of france
a) Le camembert
b) Le Roquefort
c) Le brie
d) Le gruyere

Les accents
There are five accents in French that we use on letters for changing the meaning and sound of
same word having different meaning of sound.

1. L’ACCENT AIGU –it is used on letter E and it gives sound of (a) when it is
used over letter E. for example:

a) École – we pronounce it as acol

b) Éléphant – we pronounce it as alephon

2. L’ACCENT GRAVE –it is used on A,E,U, but sound changes only on letter E.
for example:

a) Mère – we pronounce it as maire

b) Règle – we pronounce it raigl

3. L’ACCENT CIRCONFLEXE– It is used over all the vowels. That is A,E,I,O,U

and on H also. For example

a) Aîgu
b) Hôtel

4. L’ACCENT CEDILLE – it is used under letter c. it changes the sound

Sehfrom keh.
For example:

a) Çava – we call it s ava

b) Français – we call it fransais.

5. L’ACCENT TREMA – It is used over e, u and I when 2 vowels come together

and both need to be pronounced separately.
For example

a) Noël
b) Heroïne


Youall are aware about ponctuations as you all have studied in English,, so same
ponctuations we use in French only words are different. And it is given in your just need to leran.. so learn it properly.

Things to do
 All Exercises of Leçon 0.
 Learn these things about france.
 Revise previous year topics
 Self introduction learn and write minimum 10 lines.

NAME OF CHAPTER – Ich, du, wir …


In this chapter you will learn ………

1. To greet others
2. To introduce yourself .
3. Countings and numbers.
4. To differentiate between formal and informal forms of questions.
5. German Verb conjugation.
6. Making german sentences.
7. Practice exercises based on chapter .

So here we start……….

1. German greetings.

1.Wie heißt du? ( what is your name?)

Ich heiße Stefan . ( I am Stefan)

Grüß dich! ( Nice to meet you)

2. Wer bist du? ( who are you?)

Ich bin Tina . ( I am Tina.)

3.Woher kommst du?( where are you from?)

Ich komme aus Deutschland. ( I am from Germany.)

4.Wo wohnst du in Deutschland?( where you live in Germany?)

Ich wohne in Berlin . ( I live in Berlin.)

5.Wie alt bist du?( How old are you?

Ich bin vierzehn jahre alt. ( I am 14 years old.)

6. Wie geht’s ? ( How are you? – informal)

Mir geht es gut. ( I am fine.)

7. Wie geht es Ihnen?( How are you? – formal )

Mir geht es gut. ( I am fine .)

8. Was bist du von Beruf? ( what is your profession?- informal)

Ich bin ein Student von beruf.

9. Wo lernst du Deutsch?( where are you learning German?)

Ich lerne Deutsch an der DPS Ranchi.

10 Was ist dein Hobby?( what is your hobby?)

Mein hobby ist bücher lesen.( My hobby is reading books. )

Now go for Assignment………

You will write your introduction in German in minimum ten sentences.
After written the introduction , you have to remember it. It will take
some time but after 4-5 times you will easily remember it. when you
will remember it successfully clap for yourself.


Null- 0 elf - 11

Eins- 1 zwölf - 12

Zwei- 2 dreizehn -13

Drei – 3 vierzehn - 14

Vier – 4 fünfzehn - 15

Fünf – 5 sechzehn - 16

Sechs – 6 siebzehn - 17

Sieben – 7 achtzehn - 18

Acht -8 neunzehn - 19

Neun -9 zwanzig – 20

Zehn -10


1.Wie heißen Sie?( what is your name?- formal)

Wie heißt du ?( what’s your name?- informal)

2. Woher kommen Sie? ( Where are you from?- formal)

Woher kommst du?( where are you from? – informal?

3. Wo wohnen Sie ?( where do you live at? Formal)

Wo wohnst du?( where do you live at? Informal)

5. Wie alt sind Sie? ( how old are you?- formal)

Wie alt bist du? ( how old are you? – informal)

NOTE- So in the formal way you have to write ‘Sie’ form and in the
informal way you have to write ‘du’ form. In the next one you will get
to know the verb conjugation so that you will not have any problem in
‘du ‘ and ‘Sie’ form.

5.German Verbs from this chapter and their meaning in English.

1. heißen- to be called

2. Sein- to be

3. lesen – to read

4. ergänzen – to complete

5. fragen – tao ask

6. antworten – to answer

7. sagen – to say

8. spielen – to play

9. hören – to listen
10. sprechen – to speak

11. schreiben – to write

12.wiederholen – to repeat

13. singen – to sing

14. verbinden – to match

15. arbeiten- to work

6. Schreiben Sie Fragesätze.

1. Kommst – woher - du ?
2. Heißen – Sie - wie ?
3. Sind – Sie - Pilot ?
4. Von Beruf – Sind – Sie – Was ?
5. Geht – Ihnen – Wie – es ?
6. Sie – komme – aus – Deutschland ?
7. Du – heißt – Wie ?
8. Aus – Italien – kommst – du ?
9. Er – ist – Arzt ?
10. Name – ist – Wie – Ihr ?

Note: let’s do some Exercise work.

7. Ergänze : bin oder bist ?

a. Wer --------- du ?
b. ---------- Du Stefan ?
c. Nein , ich -------- Hans.
d. Wie alt ---------- du ?
e. Ich -------- 13.
f. ----------- du 13 ?
g. Nein, ich ---------- 14.

8. Schreib Sätze !

a. Heiße – Martin – ich

b. Du – wer – bist ?
c. Bin - ich Klaus.
d. Bist – alt – wie – du ?
e. Bin – ich – 12 .

9. Ergänzen sie die Fragewörter!

Was, wie, wo, woher, wie.

a. Guten Tag, --------- geht es Ihnen ?

b. ------------ kommen Sie ?
c. ------------ wohnen Sie ?
d. ------------ Sind Sie von Beruf ?
e. ------------- Ist Ihre Adresse ?

10. Wie vie list das ?

a. Vier plus neun = dreizehn
b. Elf minus acht = -----------
c. Dreizehn minus zwei = -------------
d. Sieben plus acht = --------------
e. Zwei mal sechs = ---------------
f. Drei mal sechs = ----------------
g. Siebzehn minus sieben = --------------

Note: If you have any problem to understand in notes or Assignment ,

you can talk to me or leave a message.

Contact no. – 7488990423


Spanish Study Material for Class VI from 1st April to 15th April

1. Leccion- 1 (QuéSorpresa!)
In this chapter, we are going to learn Saludar (to greet), Presentarnos (to
introduce ourselves), Deletrear (to spell out)
a. This chapter gets you very basic texts to study and learn such as:
Article as : Un, Una, Unos, Unas, El, La, Los, Las.
For article, we have some practice oriented materials here which we need
to practise and learn.
b. We would learn “saludar” and “presentarnos” for these, we would have
materials for practice and learn.
c. We would learn verbs ‘ser and estar’ and below are practice material :





1. Natural Numbers - All the counting numbers are called Natural Numbers. The
set of these numbers are represented by N. Thus, N = { 1,2,3,......} is the set of
Natural Numbers.

2. Whole Numbers - All counting numbers together with 0 form the set of Whole
Numbers. The set of these numbers is represented by W. Thus, W= {0,1,2,3,....} is
the set of Whole Numbers.

3. Integers - All the natural numbers, 0 and the negatives of all counting numbers
form the set of Integers. The set of these numbers are denoted by Z OR I. Thus, Z
= { ......, -3 ,-2,-1 ,0 ,1, 2 ,3........} is the set of Integers.

4. Fraction - A number a / b, where a ,b are integers , b is not equal to 0 is called a


5. Rational Numbers - A number of the form p/ q where q is not equal to 0, and p

and q are Integers is called a Rational Number. All Integers as well as fractions can
be expressed in this form. So all Integers and Fractions are Rational Numbers. The
set of rational numbers is denoted by Q.

eg. 4/5 , -8/9 , 5 , -5 , 3.

6. Prime Number - A number that has only 2 factors : 1 and itself eg : 2 ,3 ,5 ,7 ,11
, 13 , 17 ,19 ,23 , 29 ,31 ,37 ,41 , 43 , 47 , 53 ,59 ,61 , 67 , 71 ,73 ,79 ,83 ,89 ,97.

7. Composite Number- A number that has more than two factors. Eg 4, 6 ,8 ,9 ,12
,14 ,15 , 16 etc.
8. Twin Prime - Two prime numbers are Twin prime if there is only one composite
number between them or if they differ by 2. Eg 3,5 ; 5,7 ; 11,13 ; 17,19; 29,31.

9. Prime Triplet - A set of consecutive three prime numbers that differ by 2. Eg 3

,5 ,7.

10. Coprime Numbers - Two numbers are coprime if they do not have a common
factor other than 1. Eg 2,3 ; 4,5 ; 28,31 ; 6,11.

11. Perfect Number - If the sum of the factors of a number is twice the number.
Eg 6,28.

Factors of 6 are 1,2,3,6.

Sum of factors are 1 + 2 + 3 + 6 = 12.

12 is twice 6.

Factors of 28 are 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, 28.

sum of 1+2+4+7+14+28 = 56.

56 is twice 28.


INDIAN ---Ten =10

Hundred = 100

Thousand = 1000

Ten Thousand = 10,000

Lakh = 1,00,000

Ten Lakh = 10,00,000

One Crore = 1,00,00,000

Ten Crore = 10,00,00,000

Hundred Crore = 100,00,00,000


Hundred =100

Thousand = 1000

Ten Thousand = 10,000

Hundred Thousand = 100,000

One Million = 1,000,000

Ten Million = 10,000,000

Hundred Million =100,000,000

One Billion = 1,000,000,000


Q1. Write the following numbers in Indian System of Numeration.

i ) 42,007 ii ) 4,05,045 iii ) 35,42,012 iv )


Q2. Rewrite each of the following numerals with proper commas in the
international system.Also write the number name of each in the international
system of numeration.

i ) 513625 ii ) 4035672 iii ) 65954923 iv ) 70902005

Q3. Write each of the following in expanded notation.

i ) 3057 ii ) 12345 iii ) 10205 iv ) 235060

Q4. Determine the product of the place values of two fives in 450758.

Q5. Determine the difference of the place values of two 7 s in 257839705.

Q6. Determine the difference between the place value and the face value of 5 in

Q7. Fill in the blanks:

i) 1 lakh = ten thusand

ii) 1 lakh = thousand

iii) 1lakh = hundred

iv) 1 lakh = ten

v) 1 crore = ten lakh

vi) 1crore = lakh

vii) 1 crore = ten thousand

viii) 1crore = thousand

ix) 1 crore = hundred

x) 1crore = ten

xi) 1million = hundred thousand

xii) 1 million = lakh

Q8. How many four digit numbers are ther in all?

Q9. Write the smallest and largest 6 digit numbers. How many number are
between these two.

Q10. How many 8 digit numbers are there in all?

Q11. Write the smallest 3 digit number with unique digits?

Q12. What is the largest 5 digit number with unique digits?

Q13.Write the smallest 7digit number having four different digits?

Q14.Write the greatest 7 digit number having three different digits?

Q15. How many lakhs make a billion?

Q16.Arrange the following numbers in ascending order:

i) 102345694 , 8354208 , 6539542 , 63547201, 12345678.

ii) 1808090 , 1808088 , 181888 , 190909 , 16060666.

Q17. Arrange the following numbers in descending order:

i) 56943300 , 56943201 ,5695440 , 56944000 , 5694437.

ii) 1020216 , 1020308 , 1021430 , 893245 , 893425.

Q18.Round of each of the following numbers to the nearest tens

i)84 ii)984 iii) 998 iv) 10,908 v)28925

Q19. Round of each of the following numbers to the nearest hundreds

i) 3,985 ii) 8,079 iii) 28,826 iv) 43,68,973 v) 7,42,898

Q 20. Round of eachof the following numbers tothe nearest thousands

i) 2,401 ii) 4,278 iii) 9,567 iv) 20,963 v) 4,36,952

Q21.Estimate the following by rounding off each factor to nearest hundreds

i) 730 + 998 ii) 796 - 314 iii) 875 - 384

Q 22. Estimate the following by rounding off each factor to nearest thousands:

i) 12,904 + 2,888 ii) 28,292 - 21,496

Q23. Estimate the following by rounding off each number to its greatest place

i) 439 + 334 + 4,317 ii) 8,325 - 491

iii) 1,08,734 - 47,599 iv) 898 x 785

v) 9 x 795 vi) 87 x 317

Q24.Find the estimated quotient for each of the following by rounding off each
number to the greatest place:

i) 878 /28 ii) 745 /24 iii) 4489 / 394.

Q25. Simplify each of the following

i) 124 - ( 12 - 2) x 9

ii) (13 + 7 ) x ( 9 - 4 ) - 18

iii) 210 - ( 14 - 4 ) x (18 + 2 ) - 10

note: use BODMAS rule.

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