3 - 1 Intro 2 General Safety Practices

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3SLA – Laboratory Technician – Safety at Work – Ms Alarcon


Why is safety important?

• Here you have some real posts: **

Martin J Pitt, Chemical engineer concerned with safety

Author has 6k answers and 6.2m answer views
Originally Answered: What is the importance of lab safety?

It depends on the lab. Many laboratories contain methods of killing, maiming or seriously
injuring people, by fire, poison, explosion, asphyxiation, electrocution, disease, machinery,
sharp objects and simple physical hazards such as trips and falls (e.g. slipping on some
spilled liquid and banging your head on the corner of a bench.)
If you would prefer not to be killed, maimed or seriously injured then you should take lab
safety seriously. 1.8k views ·

Howie Mann, Software Engineer at SafetyCulture (2017-present)

Lab environments expose workers to numerous hazards including chemical, biological,

physical and radioactive hazards. This makes labs a hazardous place to work. By following
proper safety procedures you can help to prevent or eliminate hazards.

• A laboratory is an inherently dangerous place, with fire hazards, dangerous chemicals, and risky
procedures. No one wants to have an accident in the lab, so it is imperative to follow lab safety
rules (rule · 1 or Golden Rule). Whether it is listening to your instructor or lab supervisor or following
a procedure in a book, it's critical to listen, pay attention, and be familiar with all the steps, from start
to finish, before you begin. If you are unclear about any point or have questions, get them answered
before starting, even if it is a question about a step later on in the protocol. Know how to use all of
the lab equipment before you begin.

Why is this the most important rule? If you do not follow it:

• You endanger yourself and others in the lab.

• You could easily ruin your experiment or contaminate a sample.
• You put the lab at risk of an accident, which could damage equipment as well as harm people.
• You could get suspended (if you're a student) or fired (if you're a worker or researcher).

The Importance of Lab Safety – In School and Career

Whether you’re on the job or just learning, lab safety is priority number one! Safety precautions taken
in the laboratory could actually save someone’s life. But did you know that lab safety begins during your
career training? The importance of lab safety starts in school and continues throughout your career.
Here’s why:

It really can save lives.

When lab safety procedures aren’t followed, people can get hurt –or worse. Lab equipment and chemicals
that are improperly handled can result in personal injury and even death. Chemical spills, toxic fumes, needle
pricks, and fires can harm lab workers, while errors in how medications are handled and distributed can
harm patients.

Lab safety protects property.

Fires can occur when lab safety procedures are not followed. Chemicals that are improperly stored or
handled can react with one another to cause fires and explosions. The subsequent property damage can
affect the lab, all of the work performed there, and all of those depending on what that lab does.

It protects equipment.
It may seem like extra work to clean and store that microscope to the exacting standards that your
instructor insists upon, but it’s that way for a reason. Taking care of equipment ensures that it does the job
it needs to, while extending its usefulness for as long as possible.

Proper lab safety prevents cross contamination.

Disease and bacteria are spread when lab procedures are not followed. The instruments used by students
and professionals must be fully cleaned and sterilized to prevent the dangerous spread of germs.

It ensures accurate record keeping.

The records you keep are vitally important. Proper lab safety ensures that patient information, procedures,
and medications are accurate, up-to-date, and available to all the healthcare professionals treating the
patient or researchers working on a project.

Lab safety helps the facility and the profession.

Proper lab safety ensures the good reputation of the lab, healthcare facility, clinic, or pharmacy you work
in. When people believe you work in a professional and safe environment, they’re more likely to trust you
and what you do. And what you do for your individual employer also reflects well on the industry, as a

😊 REMEMBER & LEARN: Summarize the most important ideas: Why is safety important? What
is the Golden Rule? Which consequences do misusing equipment/not following safety procedures etc
have? What are the 4 most important ones? Which are the benefits of a safe laboratory or a safe
working environment?

Also think about…

1. Types of hazards in a Lab

2. Types of accidents that may happen

😊 Be ready to talk or write about these questions


😊 Warming up: Watch one video about General Laboratory Practices (GLP) or safety
procedures. You can surf the net or use the suggestions below:

• Good Laboratory Practice – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TADfGsai3Ro

This is a non-wording or mute video. You can try to explain what happens with your own words

• Health and Safety Essentials: Laboratory Best Practices


Very clear and visual with a touch of humour. Easily understood

• REGLAS DEL LABORATORIO - Dua Lipa "Parodia de Nuevas Reglas"

If you feel like having some cheering up moments

• Science STYLE Cover - Taylor Swift Acapella Parody


If you have some difficulty understanding what is said, try this one on science! Very, very
slow, easy to understand

😊 Task 3: Publish a brief post on the virtual forum. Share your ideas about the video.

😊 Obtain some information on safety rules for your class notes. Visit ThoughtCo/Lifelong
learning website - lab safety rules - https://www.thoughtco.com/important-lab-safety-rules-608156

😊 Task 4: Read and list the 10 safety rules explained on that site. Add some info if
needed. If possible, attach the image at the top of the article. Try with a screen capture.

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