ES Unit1 1

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EMBEDDED SYSTEMS - PROCESSORS = [Pro [Processor the heart of Aer aH embeded syste [ler processing the data Tne Stem. tis the baste unit that takes inputs and prodeces an output [Peroprocessars and micros er cmbedel system designe, tis necessary to have tie now edge of Bath roconteollers ' rs ina System jf Processor has two essential units — | + Prgrom How conteetuniccy => [oy + Peecntion Unit E07 I ‘The CU includes a fteh unit for fe the instcuetions por ar fetching instrutions from the memory. The EUThas circuits that implement i ‘Hons pertaining to data transfer operation and date conversion from ane form to anther. (The EU includes the Arithmetic and -al Ur as prot si aed as att rn !s processor runs the ey frommemory. sof fetch and executes the instructions in the same sequence as they are fetched {types of Processors Processors ean be ofthe folowing eategories ~ + General Purpose Processor GPP © Microprocessor © Microcontroller © Embedded Processor «Digital Signal Processor © Media Processor + Application Specific System Processor ASSP. + Application Specific Instruction Processors ASTPs «GPP cores or ASIP cores on ether an Application Specitic Integrated Circuit ASIC ora Very Large Scale Integration VEST circuit ‘Microprocessor 1g CPU. In adition, may also have other units such as coach Pipelining waits that help in faster processing of insthtion, ‘loating point processing arithmetic unit, and Fe as tse cto Timer | | com mrocontrollr is a single-chip VLSI unit to, omputational enpabiiies a ‘aled mierocomputer) which, although having limited Possestes enhanced input/output capability anda numberof en-ehi erie ROM ‘Serial COM Port, Microcontroller Single task oriented. For example, a washing "HsehineTs designed for washing clothes ony. RAM, ROM, 1/0 Ports and Timers cannot be Added etemally. These components are tobe embeded together ona chip andar fed in numbers. Designers can decide the number of memary ot 1/0 ports esd Fed umber fr menu ac /O makes « rcrogontol el foralinited tapi tsk Exel suport tetera menor sd1/0 por Meron eighth and cheaper hese niceprocsr tered pnesheeand thn tices costlier. zi ——— devices require more space and theirpower Amierocontrolle-based sytem EMBEDDED SYSTEMS URE TYPES. roles wrewith 8-bit data bus So they can support externa a meas fa.64i nd w architectures efered as Harvard = S block then the areliteture is refered as Von. Yon Neumann Architecture in ou Ney arctic at fit proposed by spt ent og Neer a ec oe sal bo rh Sa ? semoy, oF performs read/vaite aan i ‘Ser simulteouly, shar Interface Unit Processor and Built-in Registers secture supports simple hardware. It allows the nse ofa single, sequential memory. Today — re memory acces ties, aod we employ avery fas but small amount of memo OEY area for program in STrUCons and dag prams Needed to be loaded by an operator Der lavo nso make the ame Control space cn Decode Instruction ction and data using internal ata buses, allowing, ud not boot itself In a Harvard architecture, =a PC stack Register ‘Space memory tbe shared by both code and data, ssor needs to fetch code ina separate dock ecleand ata in another clock eycle. So it requires two clock ees eee rece eee ‘Simple in design. SC and RISC Processor and | agar Register interface -—— Harvard Architecture ‘Separate memories for code and data, Single lock eyleissuficient, as separate ‘uses are used to acces code and data, Slower in speed, thus more time- consuming (Complex in design, Automobile:Embedded Systems PReaac] (ial a ma eseo ede Sy > eee on Application epemlent procesors anc enc purpose processor which we f somputers > Restioted memory > Low manufacturing ost > Low power Consumption haracteristes of embaldesysems? "Catan Bealeton cia nlty.Te dope of sophiseon sr) (CPpliance wo apptianss 1 mau fae Pe TRAST Tne ane ube ap DM ed ti he ag ‘operation, we shall comeback wo this point sigh ltr o > They shou have in many ese closer examination > Im muny cases the appliances uses application dependent processors and not general purpose process) hich we find in computers Soi > They need to work with restricted memory 9 ‘Manufacturing cost: Ther ae two aspects 9900230333 ia! ow manutictiring cst ‘ass maths then what ve need optimize sa prduetion marketing cot \s > Bi you are tying to develop a very sesiaized appisatin then we ean invest in NRE as well _may compensate et for high proton cot e » Say, for example, if am desiging an automated syst fran aera I can invest money 1) |,» Svetopment, I can use highly sophisticated equipments, but the same Meili knot with me {Ne am designing a cll phone, alow coat cll phone aiming io serve a mass maker 9 9 2 Fit aspects what we call on reer ngogering cst which sata the development son that system. The other apes Fe RTF ot aking each uni. Ivers are \9 77 choice will therefore Hee ‘Realtime operation: What is the realtime operation? ‘ > The basic definition is that operations must be completed by deadlines, > Soi have a deadline, areal time operation must be completed within dcdlin, 2 nodded Stems Chandra Sekar. Assist Professir TCE tans -Diiferent Types of Embedded Systems: FmbadedSprime Chandre SekharG. Assist Profewor ECE Bhat Vidvapecth’s Co NewD > Whee wo ind of eine deat > adel in en 5 ° Fete iti tg es ml > Inahard eal tine syn pate cannot rally mis dadine I yon king nia lo ooo if miss dealing es > GEDLIt mis Sadie ten thee en bea cata Gre oer hdc sysens, we can a tines mis deine. Sec for example, @ Fippent abe video ona lptp even ifwe cannot decode frame in ine, nohing tart Son coy kde uvictncosioe Be * PAD 7aams a alo maltirae tatreee those embod systems it exving ips Son {ical words and inputs can come at ifn an . Se they need to handle dieret tips and we ll them therfore rite systems, ‘Ber also various application dependent requlrements n many case, ist ake for exp sirraf stem with definitely ned ful tneranee S Ais for medial equipment when we are monn cris aint ng an embeded syste ened alent, Pr, ryoms must eae hems mast dP x economic damage openon aswel as property e rte, they are dicated systems then he sgn consideration obviously dileret besa 2 not expected tobe programmed on a regula asi. So whl we, he Programmable systems would be ely wedding the igh fine ofthe system. An > That means one proganmed the systems ate expt to exces nite for alae dation of witout wsers intervention. And ey are expected tobe proprannied or designed fr specific task therefore they are basically what we call dedicated stems. Z > Lets classify the examples we have cen ino diferent iypes. General Computing Type, Control. Type. Signal Processing Type and Communication and Networking Typo. > ‘Some are similar to general computing, ike PDA, video games, stop boxes, automatic teller mache |_| > Why they are similar to general computing? > They are similar to general computing sinply because if you take PDA, the majority ofthe tsio™ you do isa restricted form ofthe task that you do ona computer, 3 > ‘Simitar thing is withthe video games, you provide the input; he user provides the input nd it ex some output a > ‘They are not really sensing extemal environment on its own as well as they are not activating Ft erecta nner acing ncmees notin > C= be sod along wth the CPU 3 wets sym He et 4 F po oo ma | ren] ; ye snbfect a snag a5 ° » [Aaron ” 7a INTEWAGE o ik i. @ » Letus look at now, a more complex structure of the embedded system. 4 > We have seen the simplest mode! and now we shall make it more complex because we have", understood; what are is requirements, we have also reviewed some ofthe examples. ® > Now, let us look ata more complex example, So, what are the things which ae involved here? Wy Seas e. atl suena aT aE ts > This AD conversion blocks actually provides an i er the sar tee a DA coven ny acinly provides intr to eaten, bee ah embedded gsm which sae. covroment expel 0 ede senor gu and acta teats Yo change te ex va > So, these two ae very essential and integral component in majority of your embedded syst hhave shown an FPGA or ACIC block. Why? Because in many cases; my CPU may not hive tit his to execute my softwar, saying real ime cansains. Under hose ercumstanees might ned sp Airdvareto come or interfaced with my CPU. So tha an be implemented onan FPGA andl > Now, letus lok at ther issues; on is obviously, onthe CPU we need to implement, with the CPU) human intrfse; i you ae talking about any kind of reading tobe obaine though the embe, a siems, any control function to be altered by the human users [needa human interface, So inert come an inportant component Soy wil ind in mye, yous a Le 1 oa smple LED based informative colour codes by which the we can be informed of wil happening inside. Also there are diagnostic tos, why dignosic tools? Because ths, ang ded Stems Chandra Sekhar. Assist Profesor ECT Embedded Systems - Processors , Get an embed Proeing the de Pore PSMA thas unt hat ne ing and odes aot IiGRPCESOR and micron eaaet SPMEM desir, ie nectar to have he ewig ot“) Processors in a System s A possi a yo estentialuniy— Progam Flow ContolUni(eey, Sean > Be in SE ort cams tom Be Te ‘Pe igstrtions pertaining ta dua tansfer penis at oe te Processor is th ee es 5 SS orn offen ego nanan oe ane my Types of Processors eo A Processors canbe ofthe following categories x > General Purpose Processor (GPP) ° Zea ee 2 DeSean ae eres 0 Embedded Processor Zi Say ° ‘A Application Specific Insruction Processors (ASIPs) ~~ GPP core(s) or ASIP core(s)on cher an Application Specific Iterated Circuit (ASIC) ora Very L Seale negation (VAS) a & 8 Microprocessor****** {single VLSI chip having aCCPU)In addition, itmay also have other units such as com Aosting point procesingarhmetc unt, and pipening unis tht lp in faster processing of instuctoney Eater generation microprocessors fec-and-eerte cee was gue bya clock equency of oer ¢y MHz Processors now operate at a lock frequency of 2GH Microcontroller***#*####*** q A mrocotolr is single-hp VSI ania ced mirocompte) which, sldoug ving ng computational capabilites, possesses enhanced inpwvoutput capability and a numberof on- Special features in instruction set eliminate small jumps in code to obtain the best flow through pipeline 3-stage pipeline: Fetch — Decode - Execute 7 y bt ef etkeng bub © Three-cycle latency, 2/440 ro] Deh yet) 7 one instruction per cycle throughput, .,,c orth? - ; 5 manufest a 9 5-stage pipeline: Stages: 7 a Reduces work per cycle => - allows higher clock frequency * 4 Separates data and instruction memory => reduction of CPI (average number of clock Cycles Per Instruction) CISC and RISC CISC is a Complex Instruction Sct Computer. It is a computer that can address a large number of instruct, Tn the early 1980s, computer designers recommended that computers should use fewer instructions with sit constructs so that they can be executed much faster within the CPU without having to use memory. ‘computers are classified as Reduced Instruction Set Computer or RISC. CISC vs RISC***** The following points differentiate a CISC from a RISC — cisc RISC Fmibedled Systems Chanda Sekhar G, Assist, Professor ECE Bhrrati Vidyapeeth’s ¢ of instructions, Easy to program | program, } Simpler design of compiler, considering larger set of Complex design of compiler. instructions, Many addressing modes causing complex instruction Few addressing modes, fix instruction 4 formats, format. Instruction length is variable Instruction length varies. 9° Higher clock cycles per second. Low clock cycle per second. ae . Emphasis is on hardware, Emphasis is on software. 3 t Control unit implements large instruction set using micro- Each instruction is to be executed by program unit, hardware. q Slower execution, as instructions are to be read from Faster exccution, as each instruction is to 4: memory and decoded by the decoder unit, executed by hardware. or Pipelining is not possible. Pipelining of instructions is possible, considering single clock cycle. 2 Embedded Systems - Tools & Peripherals > . a Compilers and Assemblers > Compiler: A compiler is a computer program (or a set of programs) that transforms the source code written in a programming language (the source language) into another computer language (normally bina: * format). The most common reason for conversion is to create an executable program. The name "compile Ay primarily used for programs that translate the source code from a hi level language (c.g., assembly language or machine code). Cross-Compiler: If the compiled program can run on a computer having different CPU or operating 2 system than the computer on which the compiler compiled the program, then that compiler is known as 2° cross-compiler. iglevel programming language toa lor e Decompiler: A program that can translate a program from a low-level language to a high-level langua #y called a decompiler. » Language Converter: A program that trarislates programs written in different high-level languages i 'e normally called a language translator, source to source translator, or language converter. A compiler is likely to perform the following operations — o —* Preprocessing &* Code generation e wt Parsing + Code optimization ~~ Semantic Analysis (Syntax-directed translation) e e Fmbeiled Systems Chandia SekharG, Assist, Professor EC E Bharsti Vidyapeeth’s College of Engy.. New D @ e Assemblers: An assembler j *\ programy that takes basic computer instruetions (called as assembly language) and converts them into a Pattern of bits that the mputer’s processor can use to perform its b: erations. An assembler creates objGe p : op nbler creates object code by translating assembly instruction mnemonics into opcod esolving symbolic name, i resolving symbolic names to memory locations, Assembly language uses a mnemon level machine operation (opcode), Debugging Tools in an Embedded System Debugging is a methodical proce . electronic hardware, so that it works as expected. Debuggi because a small change in one subsystem can create bu systems differ greatly in terms of their development ti following debugging tools ~ VO Simulators U7 Emulator <2 Microcontroller starter kits Simulators Code is tested for the MCU / system by simulating it on the host computer used for code develop Simulators try to model the behavior of the complete microcontroller in software. to represent each in a computer program or a pi ing is difficult when subsystems are tightly co igs in another. The debugging tools used in emb ime and debugging features. We will discuss hi Functions of Simulators A simulator performs the following functions — + Defines the processor or processing device family as well as its various versions for the target s3 * Monitors the detailed information of a source code part with labels and symbolic arguments 4 execution goes on for cach single step. + Provides the status of RAM and simulated ports of the target system for each single step executio| + Monitors system response and determines throughput. : + Provides trace of the output of contents of program counter versus the processor registers. + Provides the detailed meaning of the present command. + Monitors the detailed information of the simulator commands as these are entered from the keyb selected from the menu. + Supports the conditions (up to 8 or 16 or 32 conditions) and unconditional breakpoints. + Provides breakpoints and the trace which are together the important testing and debugging tool. + Facilitates synchronizing the internal peripherals and delays. Microcontroller Starter Kit A microcontroller starter kit consists of — + Hardware board (Evaluation board) + Sometimes, an IDE and code size limited + In-system programmer evaluation version of a compiler. + Some software tools like compiler, assembler, linker, ete. A big advantage of these kits over simulators is that they work in real-time and thus allow for easy input/o kits over simulators pe nt and the cheapest option to de functionality verification. Starter kits, however, are completely suffi simple microcontroller projects. Embedded Systems Chandta Sekhar G. Assist, Professor ECE Bh peeth’s College of Engg. New D Ns ; oe Emulators: An emutator is aha fanetions of one computer system on oO Lora software program or can be both which emulates the (the guest) ina er ci er $0 thatthe emulated behavior closely een nea Emulation refers t 0 the ability of g a & computer prog : mul rst i gram in an el Program or device. Emulation focuses on x ability to maintain a close, work on tiny Kind a connection to the authenticity of the digital objeet, An emulator helps the us Work on a Application or operating syste a Siaulary © sole its original nena ee erating system on a platform in a similar way as the software runs @) 5 Lo, 9S Peripheral Devices in Embedded Systems:" Embedded systems @ communica il i i Marcate with the outside world via their peripherals, such as following &mins; -ystem (the host), different from the fir -mbles the behavior of the real system (the guest) Bari Communication Interfaces (SCI) like «Timers like PLL(s), Capture/Compare * RS-232, RS-422, RS-485, etc. me Processing Units. 4 * Synchronous Serial Communication * Discrete [0 aka General Purpose e Interface like I2C, SPI, SSC, and ESSI Input/Output (GPIO) A 2 Universal Serial Bus (USB) + Analog to Digital/Digital to Analog + Multi Media Cards (SD Cards, Compact (ADC/DAC) e Flash, ete.) + Debugging like JTAG, ISP, ICSP, BD} | + Networks like Ethernet, LonWorks, etc. Port, BITP, and DP9 ports i + Fieldbuses like CAN-Bus, LIN-Bus, 4 PROFIBUS, etc. 4 Criteria for Choosing Microcontroller: While choosing a microcontrolle. make sure it mects the task at hand and that it is cost effective. We must sce whether an 8-bit, 16-bit or 32, microcontroller can best handle the computing needs of a task. In addition, the following points should be: kept in mind while choosing a microcontroller ~ {2 Speed — What is the highest speed the microcontroller can support? {Packaging ~ Is it 40-pin DIP (Dual-inline-package) or QFP (Quad flat package)? This is importay terms of space, assembling, and prototyping the end-product. \Power Consumption ~ This is an important criteria for battery-powered products. mount of RAM and ROM on the cl ‘ount of I/O pins and Timers on the chip. Xe €ost per Unit ~ This is important in terms of final cost of the product in which the microcontrol to be used. i Total Silicon Area — Area of size of the chip needed to fabricate all the components shoul: minimized Further, make sure you have tools such as compilers, debuggers, and assemblers, available with microcontroller. The most important of all, you should purchase a microcontroller from a reliable source. Embedded Systems Chandra Sekhar G. Assist, Professor ECE Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Colles of Ege... New Dy

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