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Vietnam National University – HCMC

Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology

Faculty of Transportation Engineering

Course Syllabus


Số tín chỉ 3 ETCS 5.0 MSMH TR2152 Học Kỳ áp dụng 20-1

Số tiết/Giờ Tổng tiết Tổng giờ học LT BT/TH TNg TQ BTL/TL/ TTNT DC/TLTN/ SVTH
TKB tập/làm việc DA LVTN
45 145.5 30 15 23 98
Phân bổ tín chỉ 2 0.5 0.5
Môn không xếp
Tỉ lệ đánh giá BT: 10% TN:% TH: % KT: 20% BTL/TL: 20% Thi: 50%
- Bài tập lớn 20%: Sinh viên làm bài tập lớn theo nhóm. Thời gian Kiểm Tra 60’
Hình thức đánh - Bài tập 10%: Sinh viên làm bài tập tại nhà, nộp bài đúng hạn.
giá - Kiểm tra 20%: Giữa kỳ, tự luận, thời gian 60 phút.
- Thi 50%: Cuối kỳ, tự luận, thời gian 90 phút.
Thời gian Thi 90’

Previous lecture Thermodynamic and Heat Transfer
Parallel lecture Internal combustion engine mechanics
Training Automotive engineering & Technology
Traning level Undergraduate
Subject level 2

1. Course Objectives
Provide to student the fundamental knownledge in operarting principles, theoritical and real cycles, and performance
characteristics of internal combustion engine as the basis for other subjects of the field of automotive engineering
technology and for R&D activities of internal combustion engines.

2. Course outline
This subject presents the opearting principles and fundamentals of internal combustion engine such as: thermodynamic
and ideal cycles. It introduces fuels for internal combustion engines. It is followed by the real fuel-air cycles including:
intake, compression, combustion and exhaust process. Mixture formation and related systems. Analysis of energy balance,
heat transfer, tribology in IC engines. Evaluation analysis of the engine performance and emission characteristics are
shown. Latest technologies for internal combustuion engines are also covered.

3. Learning resources
[1] Internal Combustion Engine, V. Ganesan, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
[2] Introduction to Internal Combustion Engine,
[2] Internal Combustion Engine, Colin R. Ferguson, John Wiley & Sons, Inc 1986.
[3] Internal Combustion Engine Handbook-Basic, component, systems and perspective, R. V.
Basshuysen and Fred Schafe, SAE International, 2004.

4. Course learning outcomes

No. Course learning outcomes CDIO
L.O.1 Overview of IC engines 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,
L.O.1.1 Historical review, definition and classification of reciprocating piston 1.1.5, 1.2.5,
engines. 1.3.2, 2.1.1,
L.O.1.2. Definition and meaning of engine performance parameters. 2.1.3
L.O.1.3 Mastering the operating principle of 4-stroke and 2-stroke engine with spark
ignition type and compression ignition type.
L.O.1.4 Calculation of engine perfomance parameters.
L.O.2 Thermodynamic cycles of IC engines 1.2, 2.1
L.O.2.1 Applying thermodynamic to calculate the basic parameters of ideal cycles 1.2.5, 2.1.1,
and their analysis. 2.1.3, 2.1.5
L.O.2.2 Comparison of cycles and analysis of thermal efficiency and mean effective
pressure of cycles.
L.O.3 Fuels for IC engines 1.1, 2.1
L.O.3.1 Understanding and analyzing fuels for IC engines. 1.1.5, 1.1.6,
L.O.3.2 The requirements of fuels for IC engines and its effects on engine 2.1.1, 2.1.3
L.O.3.3 Understand the definition of engine working fluids and analysis of limitation
compression ratio and effective compression ratio of ICE
L.O.4 Real cycles of IC engines 1.1, 1.3, 2.1
L.O.4.1 Analysis of difference in thermodynamic cycles and real cycles. 1.1.5, 1.1.6,
L.O.4.2 Comprehensive understand and analysis of the characterized parameters of 1.2.4, 1.2.5,
exhaust-intake-compression process. 1.3.2, 2.1.1,
L.O.4.3 Comprehensive understand and analysis of the characterized parameters of 2.1.3
combustion process in spark ignition engines.
L.O.4.4 Comprehensive understand and analysis of the characterized parameters of
combustion process in compression ignition engines.
L.O.5 Operating modes and performance characteristics of IC engines 2.1, 2.2
L.O.5.1 Analysis of the optimized regimes of IC engines. 2.1.1, 2.1.3,
L.O.5.2 Analysis of full-load curves and low-midle load of IC engines. 2.2.1, 2.2.3
L.O.5.3 Understand how to determine the performance characteristics of IC engines
by the experiments to build up the engine maps.
L.O.6 Energy balance, heat transfer, and tribology in IC engines 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1,
L.O.6.1 Analysis of energy balance and energy losses in IC engines. 1.1.5, 1.2.5,
L.O.6.2 Analysis of heat transfer in IC engines. 1.2.8, 1.3.2,
L.O.6.3 Analysis of tribology and lubricants in IC engines. 2.1.1, 2.4.4
L.O.7 Modern technologies in ICE 1.1, 1.2, 2.1,
L.O.7.1 Understand and analysis of the latest technologies of new fuels for IC 1.1.5, 1.1.6,
engines 1.2.5, 1.2.8,
L.O.7.2 Understand and analysis of the optimization of engine structure and mixture 2.1.1, 2.4.4
formation process.
L.O.7.3 Understand and analysis of the technologies for emission control for vehicles
L.O.8 Realize 'work-ready engineer' and benefits of internal combustion engines 3.1, 3.2

5. Learning strategies & Assessment scheme

 Assignments: 10%
 Midterm exam: 20%
 Seminar: 20%
 Examination: 50%
6. List of expected instructors
 Dr. Huynh Thanh Cong Faculty of Transportation Engineering
 Dr. Pham Tuan Anh Faculty of Transportation Engineering
 Dr. Hong Duc Thong Faculty of Transportation Engineering
 Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Dung Faculty of Transportation Engineering
 Dr. Tran Quang Tuyen Faculty of Transportation Engineering

7. Lesson plan
Week/ Contents Detail learning outcomes Teaching and learning Assessment
Chapter activities activities
1, 2/ I Introduction to L.O.8.1 – Introduction to  Tutor: - List of student
ICE tutor, students, and - Self-introduction groups.
- History of ICE information of subject - Cirriculum of subject
- Definition of heat - Introduction to requirements
engine and ICE - Build up the student groups
- Basic schema of  Students:
ICE - Practice under the assigned
- Classification of groups
ICE - Subject discussion
- Principle of 4- L.O.1.1 – Milestone of ICE  Tutor:
stroke and 2-stroke development - Introduction to ICE
SI/CI engine. milestone
- Introduction to
the characteristics Class work:
parameters of ICE - Provide the reference
materials to students.

 Students:
- Group discussion for
important milestone of ICE

- Reading
requirement for Assignments:
students: 10 hours - Team work to learn about
key points of modern ICE
- To do the assignments and
submit the report in the next

GHW #1

L.O.1.2 – Mastering the  Tutor:

definition, classification, and - Introduction to define the
terminologies of ICE terminologies of ICE

Class work:
- To input the attendant points.

 Students:
- Group disscussion
L.O.1.3 – Mastering the  Tutors:
schema and principle of - Introduction to schema and
engine operation for both 4- principle of engine operation
stroke and 2-stroke with SI for both 4-stroke and 2-stroke
and CI type. with SI and CI type

- To input the attendant points.

 Students:
- To do assignments and Quiz
submit the report in the next AIC #1
L.O.1.4 – Mastering the  Tutors:
characteristics parameters of - Introduction to the
ICE characteristics parameters of
ICE and how to determine
these parameters.

- To input the attendant points.

 Students:
- To do assignments under
3, 4/ II Air standard L.O.2.1 – Introduction to air  Tutor:
cycles and their standard cycles - Introduction to Chapter 2.
- General  Students:
- Thermodynamic - Group discussion on
of ICE thermodynamics and
- Air standard characteristics of cycles.
+ Otto cycle L.O.2.2 – Understanding,  Tutor:
+ Diesel cycle analyzing, and comparison of - To present the air standard
+ Sabathe cycle cycles: cycles and how to calculate
+ Cycle + Otto cycle the characteristic parameters
comparison. + Diesel cycle
+ Sabathe cycle Assignments:
- Requirements for + Cycle comparison. - To input the attendant points.
students: 10 hours
 Students:
- To do assignments and
submit the report in the class. Quiz
AIC #2
5, 6/ III Fuels for ICE L.O.3.1 – Introduction and  Tutor:
classification of fuels (liquid - Introduction to fuels for ICE.
- Introduction and gas fuels). - Classification and
- Classification of - The requirement of fuels for requirement of fuels for ICE.
fuels ICE
- Fuels for SI  Students: Home
engines. - Learn how to different about assigments
the fuel properties. GHW #2
- Fuels for CI - Effects of fuels on engine
engines. performance characteristics.
- Working fluids - - To do assignments and
for ICE submit the report in the next
- Definition of class
effective L.O.3.2 – Analysis of fuels for  Tutor:
compression ratios SI engines and CI engines. - Show the reqquirement of
fuels for IS engines and CI
- Requirements for
students: 10 hours  Students:
- Group discussion
L.O.3.3 – Mastering the  Tutor:
definition of working fluids - Present the definition of
and determination of cycle working fluid in ICE.
parameters. - How to determine the cycle
- Determination of A/F ratio.
- Definition of effective
compression ratio for SI
engines and CI engines.
 Students:
- Q&A
Mid-term exam. Multi-point choice question in 45 minutes.
7, 8, 9/ The actual cycles L.O.4.1 – Difference between  Tutor:
IV - Introduction the actual cycle and the fuel- - Present how different
- Properties of the air cycle. between the actual cycle and
actual cycles. the fuel-air cycle.
- Analysis of
Difference between  Students:
the actual cycle and - Group discussion
the fuel-air cycle. L.O.4.2 – Understanding and  Tutor:
- Gas exchange analysis of gas exchange - Show the important
process process parameters of gas exchange
- Combustion process.
process in SI
engines.  Students:
- Combustion - Group discussion
process in CI L.O.4.3 – Understanding and  Tutor:
engines. analysis of combustion - Introduction to combustion Quiz
process in SI engines process in SI engines. AIC #3
- Requirements for
students: 10 hours.  Students:
- Group discussion and quiz
L.O.4.4 – Understanding and  Tutor:
analysis of combustion - Introduction to combustion
process in SI engines process in CI engines.

 Students:
- Group discussion
10, 11/ Performance L.O.5.1 – Mastering the  Tutor:
V curves of ICE principle and the method to - Show the engine
- Introduction. determine the engine performance curves for both
performance curves for both
- Performance full-load and local load full-load and local load
curves of ICE. conditions. conditions.
- Operating modes
of ICE.  Students:
- Engine maps. - Group discussion
L.O.5.2 – Understanding and  Tutor:
- Requirements for analysis of operating modes of - Show the operating modes of
students: 10 hours ICE. ICE.
 Students:
- Group discussion
L.O.5.3 – Understanding and  Tutor:
analysis of - Show the
engine/performance maps. engine/performance maps.
 Students: Quiz
- Group discussion and quiz AIC #4
12/ VI Energy balance L.O.6.1 Analysis of energy  Tutor:
and Heat transfer balance and energy losses in - Show the energy balance in
in ICE IC engines. ICE.
- Introduction. - Show the heat transfer in
- Heat balance in ICE
ICE. L.O.6.2 – Understanding and
- Heat transfer in analysis of energy balance and  Students:
ICE. heat transfer in ICE - Group discussion

- Requirements for
students: 5 hours
13/ VII Engine friction L.O.6.2 – Understanding and  Tutor:
and lubrication determination of components - Show components of engine
- Introduction of engine friction, total friction friction, total friction works,
- Components of works, Friction Mean Friction Mean Effective
engine friction. Effective Pressure and the Pressure and the mechanical
- Total friction mechanical friction friction.
- Friction Mean .  Students:
Effective Pressure - Group discussion
- Mechanical L.O.6.3 – Understanding and  Tutor:
friction analysis of lubrication and and - Show lubrication and and
- Lubrication and function of lubrication in ICE function of lubrication in ICE
function of
lubrication  Students:
- Group discussion and quiz
- Requirements for
students: 5 hours
14, 15/ Modern L.O.7.1 – Understanding and  Tutor:
VIII technologies in analysis of technologies for - Present the technologies for
ICE alternative fueled engines, alternative fueled engines,
- Lean burn learn burn engines, hybrid learn burn engines, hybrid
engines system. system.
- Hybrid engines
- Charging  Students:
- Group discussion
- Down-sizing L.O.7.2 – Understanding and  Tutor:
- DI technologies. analysis of the optimizing - Show the optimizing
- HCCI, RCCI,CAI technologi for: technologies for:
- After-treatment + Charging in ICE + Charging in ICE
and catalyst + Downsizing + Downsizing
converter. + Direct Injection + Direct Injection
 Students:
- Requirements for - Group discussion
students: 10 hours

L.O.7.3 – Understanding and  Tutor:

analysis of the technologies - Show the technologies for
for aftertreatment and catalyst aftertreatment and catalyst
converter in ICE. converter in ICE.
 Students:
- Group discussion and quiz
- Final exam is designed in 90 minutes.
- Quiz (20%) = 4 quiz x 5% /quiz
- Assignment (10%) = 02 assignments x 5%/assignment.
- Learning outcome (L.O.6) is evaluated by the class discussion under groups.

8. Contact information
Department/Faculty Department of Automotive Engineering
Office C3 Building, HCM City University of Technology, 268 Ly Thuong Kiet Street,
District 10, HCM City.
Phone (08).38.655.979
Instructor Dr. Huynh Thanh Cong

HCM City, Date Month Year 2016

Dean Head of Department Syllabus in charge

Dr. Nguyen Le Duy Khai Dr. Tran Huu Nhan

Dr. Huynh Thanh Cong

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