LA Pro Express Issue 1 - 15, Version 2

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THE LOS ANGELES PROfESSIONAL ExPRESS Issue No. 1—16  Thursday, December 23, 2010


some economic program, whatever being there—is thus quite inappro- Unless it’s dealing with specially
the effect on dental visits and fees. priate. The regulated field encom- protected constitutional rights and
The inability to draw a precise line passing the conduct is critical. If interests, Congress usually seeks to
between the permissible and the there were no overarching insurance enact legislation based on what is
you’ve-gone-too-far doesn’t blow out system under the Act, the govern- generally the case, and doesn’t have
the clear cases. Serious issues of ment couldn’t just step in and tell to calibrate matter to exclude every
law and value necessarily involve one person or another to buy insur- imperfection. Absolute precision is
this sort of imprecision. ance. So, one can see that inactivity not required in such regulation, and
If one chooses not to purchase is pretty active. Standing there if a few people are scooped in who
health insurance, he or she simulta- doing nothing is fine when you’re are self-paying or otherwise not a
neously—“actively”—elects to be a alone. Standing there doing nothing drain, it doesn’t defeat the program.
free rider in at least two ways: re- when someone needs to be warned This is long-standing and fairly un-
questing future emergency services, about an oncoming train is some- controversial commerce clause
which are more expensive than thing else. Of course, the point here doctrine and in most areas of legisla-
insured expenses, which the taxpay- is that “inactivity” has to be assessed tion, absent a serious impingement The United States Constitution, or supreme law of the land, was adopted on
ers pay for; and opting into the insur- in context—not that refusing to buy on a right or interest that triggers September 17, 1787 at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Penn-
ance system later, without being insurance is just like letting someone heightened scrutiny. sylvania and thereafter ratified by each state. Jacob Shallus, then Assistant
blocked by exclusions for preexisting get run over by a train. I’ve heard some say, “Universal Clerk to the Pennsylvania General Assembly, scribed the original document.
conditions, again when treatment is The idea of deferred action is health coverage is the morally A 1937 investigation revealed that the founders paid a total of thirty dollars to
more expensive. This is deferred instructive here. The supposed right thing to do because every- “clerks employed to transcribe & engross” the Constitution. According to the
Professor Michael H. Shapiro is a action, not inaction. Characterizing inactivity of not buying insurance body in this, the wealthiest coun- National Constitution Center, the U.S. Constitution is the world’s oldest written
Professor of Law at the University of the omission to obtain health insur- now is tantamount, in the real world, try in the world, should have ac- constitution still in use by any nation in the world. The National Archives and
Southern California Gould School of ance as mere inaction or noneco- to the later activities of going to the cess to medical care when re- Records Administration in Washington, D.C. houses the original document,
Law. Professor Shapiro earned his nomic activity consciously disre- ER or opting into insurance without quired.” Is there a place for the comprised of seven articles and the first ten amendments, which such ten
B.A. and M.A. from the University gards what we all know to be true exclusions. This is doing. It isn’t not contemplation of morality during amendments are also known as the Bill of Rights.
of California, Los Angeles and about health care as an institution in -doing or merely “existing.” You are a constitutional analysis?
earned his J.D. from the University of this country and the manner in which You want a review of the last few sion. But proponents can argue that Motel v. U.S., the Court upheld the
Chicago Law School, where he was people interact with that institution.
How does doing nothing – not
“The negative ex- centuries of jurisprudence and legal
theory? There is no formal role for
it’s immoral to be a free rider and
impose avoidable costs on everyone
Civil Rights law’s requirement that if
the hotel is indeed in business and
an associate editor of the University ternalities here are
of Chicago Law Review. At Gould, purchasing health insurance, pure moral analysis in constitutional else. Neither point should be made serves anyone, it cannot exclude
Shapiro specializes in bioethics and kicking back at home on the
couch – fall within the sphere of
the resources law. (The theoretical possibility of
exceptions has to be for another
solely in moral terms except in the
legislature or in public discourse.
persons on the basis of race.
Of course, the motel was actively
in constitutional law, and in particu- you’ll consume for
lar, medical and legal ethical issues actions which congress may con- time.) When they interpret constitu- The question is whether such opt- in business, and this was a lot more
surrounding reproductive, genetic, stitutionally regulate? Isn’t there which you do not tional provisions, the courts do have out decisions are part of what we economically active than simply
and behavior control; death and some requirement that the subject to investigate traditional views on traditionally understand as highly being a member of a group most of
dying; organ transplantation; and of regulation be an activity in pay the cost—but what is right and wrong. For exam- protected liberty and whether avoid- whom will eventually need services
research and experimentation. interstate commerce? the taxpayers do. ple, there is nothing in the constitu- ing the impairment of a valid public within the healthcare market, so I
As I said, the key idea is that if tion about proof beyond a reasona- program is a rational governmental wouldn’t press the comparison, but
What critique can be made of the there is an overall valid program That’s free riding.” ble doubt in criminal cases, but in goal. Even if there is no precise it’s still a case of forcing a transac-
court’s opinion in VA v. Sebelius? surrounding your “inactivity,” it is American tradition we think this is a precedent for such a requirement, it tion within a field of activity to pro-
The court was seized by the con- utterly different from simply standing pursuing a course of conduct creat- moral necessity embedded in the is clearly within existing doctrine: it mote the public good.
cept of “passive inactivity”—the idea in the rain soaking up nature—which ing negative externalities. ideas of both justice and utility, and just never came up before because It’s worth an extra comment on
that if a person chooses not to do a is its own form of action. Everyone The negative externalities here so this moral sentiment is held to be we never had a nationwide insur- free riding and moral analysis. It’s
certain thing in commerce (e.g., not is simultaneously doing and not- are the resources you’ll consume for embedded within the due process ance system, so there’s nothing widely understood, if not always
purchase health insurance), then doing different things. But one is which you do not pay the cost—but clauses, without being there in haec remarkable about the absence of a followed, that everyone has a duty
that person remains outside com- active or inactive with respect to the taxpayers do. That’s free riding. verba. Pretty active, huh? There is case on all fours. By the way, there not to be a free rider. A free rider is
merce, be it of an inter- or intrastate something. If you’re active with The drumbeat about “inactivity” is very little interpretation without used to be a federal law, based on one who consumes resources for
nature. The court therefore believed respect to standing in the rain, just playing with words. There are “activism.” It’s an analytically use- the militia clauses of the constitution, which he did not pay a price.
that aggregating the choices of you’re inactive with respect to sitting different kinds of inactivity, within less term of opprobrium, whatever requiring persons to buy muskets if
individuals to abstain from this form inside by the fireplace. If you’re different networks, having different its rhetorical value. It’s important to they were designated as militia (CONTINUED below, next page)
of commerce simply adds up a “inactive” with respect to buying impacts. Whether as a matter of remember that the constitution is not members by the state. Required
bunch of zeros, equaling zero eco- insurance, then—within the sur- policy the Act embeds a good sys- itself value neutral; we have it not purchase! And, in Heart of Atlanta
nomic activity. This blunts the idea rounding program—you are active tem, all things considered, however, just to create a reasonably orderly
of a bunch of small effects adding up
to a big one. Penalizing a person for
with respect to self-insuring or visit-
ing the ER or opting in at a later
does not directly affect the constitu-
tional analysis, at least in this case.
society but to promote liberty, equali-
ty, fairness, justice, and utility or BAD COMIC OF THE WEEK
choosing not to purchase health date. By the way, much of this also ap- welfare—all of which are moral
insurance, as the MEC provisions The Commerce Clause does not plies to the employer mandate, values. The stance of the courts is
require, regulates inactivity, and, as say anything about activity, where which we’re not discussing here. that it is an empirical and a legal fact
the argument concludes, Congress activity is defined as buying and This is mentioned less often, per- that the constitution—and much of
cannot regulate this choice unless it selling rather than choosing not to haps because people are less con- law—embeds moral values, and the
has a substantial impact on inter- buy or sell. The Commerce Clause cerned with regulating businesses task of the court is to determine how
state commerce. grants Congress the authority to than individuals. society views these values. In prac-
Well, how did the court get it regulate “commerce” among the How about the people who self tice, it’s true, the concepts are sys-
wrong? states. Commerce comprehends insure and actually pay for their tematically ambiguous and not easily
Not purchasing health insurance conduct, and that includes both own medical treatment, or those susceptible to empirical verification,
is not like standing around watching deciding to do one thing and decid- who refuse medical treatment on so the judge’s own values will come
the grass grow. Whatever one is ing not to do something else within a religious grounds? Haven’t we to be used as a kind of proxy for
doing, there are an infinite number of network of organized activity. You now lumped their inactivity into societal values. This is pretty dan-
things one is not doing, but some of don’t have to be “in motion” to be in the sphere of things that may be gerous, but there is no help for it
them may need to be done to main- commerce. In this sense, requiring regulated by Congress despite because all important concepts are
tain an otherwise valid surrounding “activity” under the commerce clause the fact that their inactivity does seriously ambiguous and vague.
system. The Act’s insurance system would be judicial “activism.” Take not cause them to overtly enter The view that it is simple to dis-
is a field or network within which we that, inactivists! interstate commerce? cern right and wrong in all contested
all reside, and everything we “do” or In any case, the significance of If by some chance an uninsured policy issues is … simple. It remains
“don’t do” affects everyone else— the not-doing depends on the con- person never gets sick, or pays for improper, however, to invoke pure
like magnets within a magnetic field. text. The impact of many people all health care herself, or eschews moral analysis as an overarching
(OK, the analogy is overdone, but it choosing to remain uninsured and all medical care no matter what— non-legal determiner of legal inter-
gets the idea across.) Regulating getting their medical care in ERs is and some might do this—it hardly pretation. And if it were otherwise,
health insurance is not the same so not the same as many people not defeats the overall program. There morality could be used to further
thing as requiring everyone to brush eating broccoli, which lots of people is no right to a perfect degree of either side of the argument. The
their teeth after every meal—that’s a don’t. The oft-made argument that individuation in this situation, and opponents of the mandate complain O’REILLY’S TOP FIVE LIST:
hamfisted argument. Not brushing
your teeth doesn’t go to destroying
the individual mandate penalizes
someone simply for existing—for
individuation is impossible anyway:
we can’t predict the future that way.
that it is immoral to force someone
to make a particular economic deci- DUMB STATEMENTS OF 2010
The following top is borrowed from evidence of that. I am evidence of
As businesses slow down, so
does the touring calendar. While Box.HARDAnother
LA at The Music The O’Reilly Factor airing on the Fox that. I have been called the first
installment of the
News Channel, December 17, 2010. Asian legislator in our Nevada State
some musicians celebrate Christmas By Brandon Dorsky, Esq.  Entertainment Columnist HARD Series featuring DJ Falcon, 5. Speech by then Speaker of the Assembly.”
– others are just saving their energy Mr. Oizo, Congorock, Sean Per- House, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) 2. In May 2010, United States
for New Year’s Eve. If you’re staying ers with Grand Elegance are the to "Passing Me By" in the last few ry and of course Destructo - plus in March, 2010: “The final healthcare Attorney General, Eric Holder
in LA through the end of the year – cheaper, eastsider indie preferred weeks. other artists. Expect tweekers into legislation that will soon be passed responding to questions from Rep.
unfortunately your options are limited, option. Those seeking nostalgia Rebelution at House of Blues Falcon, young people on that stuff
but they are still pretty good. might want to see Flock of Sea- Anaheim. Only reggae tinged New Miley Cyrus was smoking, people
will deliver successful reform at the Ted Poe (R) in a House hearing
On Christmas, sonic Santa Claus gulls at Brixton South Bay. Years Eve event I'm aware of in town who like electronic music but don't local level. But we have to pass the regarding the controversial Arizona
gifts us dubstepper Datsik and hard NEW YEAR’S EVE OPTIONS - and whether it is the only one or bill so that you can find out what is in immigration law which the Attorney
really like dubstep, girls in yetti boots
to define Busdriver at The Music On the final day of the year, the musi- not, it is the best. The young quartet and people who will regret not goingit away from the fog of the controver- General’s office filed suit against
Box and Infected Mush- cians come out to party again. If you is killing it and this will be their last LA to Together As One. sy.” Arizona to invalidate as unconstitu-
room at Avalon. My guess is you’ll want to go see music, just check out performance before they embark on Camp Freddy at The Roxy. The 4. Former BP Chief Executive tional. Rep. Poe: “Have you read
probably see a lot of Jewish people our list that includes a few pointers their Winter Greens Tour in late Officer Tony Hayward in May 2010: the Arizona law?” AG Holder: “I have
final night of Freddy's Friday residen-
that like to party hard. and what you might expect to en- 2011. Expect UCSB graduates and cy that has seen the likes of Steven“We’re sorry for the massive dis- not had a chance to – I have glanced
Tuesday the 28th, Project Blowed counter at each show. under-graduates home for the holi- Tyler and other rockstars parade prruption its cost their lives. We’re - at it, I have not read it.” Rep. Poe:
hosts their party with Rusko, 12th Planet, Diplo, Major days, Silverback Management crew through the legendary Strip ven- There’s no one who wants this thing “It’s ten pages - it’s a lot shorter than
guests Freestyle Fellowship, A- Lazer, Wolfgang Gartner and more (shout outs - they're cool), hipsters ue. Expect fans of Camp Freddy, over more than I do – I’d like my life the health care bill which was 2,000
Team, Nocando, 2Mex, Dibia$e and at Together As One. This event is into dub-soul, rastafarians and lot of Sunset Strip regulars, and at least back.” pages long. I’ll give you my copy of
more. It’s a local hip-hop heads end for the fans of dubstep, wild parties people who want to talk to Sampson one person hungover from Crash 3. U.S. Senate Candidate for Ne- it if you’d like to have a copy . . .”
of the year must do and definitely the and those that enjoyed EDC. Expect ("fly me to the moon..."). Kings and The Duke Spirit at The vada, Sharron Angle (R) October in 1. Late 2009 on the House Floor,
best eastside option for mu- lasers, people dressed in lingerie and NOFX at The Wiltern. The LA Roxy the night before. March 2010, while addressing 150 Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL): “The
sic. SMOG hosts its final Dubtroit no one over the age of 35. formed American punk rock band will The Raveonettes, Autolux, School Hispanic high school students: “I Republicans’ health care plan for
installment for 2010 at Detroit Bar – Pharcyde at Key Club. Heard it be playing music from their extensive Night DJs at Standard Holly- don’t know that all of you are Latino. America – ‘Don’t get sick!’ If you get if you’ll be in may have all members and a full catalogue, including, hopefully, some wood. The pricier choice for the Some of you look a little more Asian sick America, the republican health
Orange County. band. This is for fans of old school material from the recent "Cokie The hipster elite. Definitely for those who
The night before NYE, The Roxy hip-hop, those looking for a quality - Clown" release. Expect die hard dig Mondays at Bardot. to me. I don’t know that. What we care plan is this: ‘Die Quickly.’
hosts a rock fiasco with The Duke but not too rowdy live music experi- punk fans, people in their 40s trying know is that we are a melting pot in That’s right, the Republican’s want
spirit and Crash Kings. Long Beach ence. Expect anyone who's driven to relive college experiences, fans of Be in the know—Sign up for the 2011 this country. My grandchildren are you to die quickly if you get sick!”
grizzly rockers The Growl- West on Sunset Blvd. while listening opener Dead To Me. Blast at! Email the editor your own top five list—

THE LOS ANGELES PROfESSIONAL ExPRESS Issue No. 1—16  Thursday, December 23, 2010


A senior executive at Halliburton [international oil companies]." Na- that the Iraqi police stopped the
in Iraq alleged in a private diplomat- land wrote. convoy and showed a letter from
ic cable that security companies are The document, written nine the Ministry of Interior (MOI) stating
operating a "mafia" to “artificially months after British troops handed that as of January 12, personal
inflate their outrageous prices," over command of their base in security teams now faced a more
according to a recent document Basra to the US army, does not restrictive weapons regime. The
published by Wikileaks. name the Halliburton manager. situation was eventually resolved,
Written by a senior diplomat in According to the leaked diplomat- and the convoy was released, but
the US's Basra office, the confiden- ic cable, it cost around six thousand [the British national] said that this
tial diplomatic cable discloses the dollars to hire a security firm for four episode could presage a more
hostility between private security hours in Basra in January. A typical restrictive posture towards security
firms, oil corporations and the Iraqi trip would include four security firms 'in retaliation or the Blackwa-
government as coalition forces pull agents, drivers, and four armored ter verdict'," wrote Naland.
out from defending foreign industry vehicles. A recent visit by a member The cable also says that security
interests. of Iraq's government from Baghdad companies are being encouraged
John Naland, chief of the recon- to Basra and back cost about by the Iraqi government and the oil
struction team in Basra province, twelve thousand dollars, the cable companies to employ more Iraqis
wrote in January this year that stated. and fewer westerners in frontline
several oil company representatives Hostilities between private securi- jobs.
complained of "unwarranted high ty companies and the Baghdad "According to XXXXXXXXXX
prices" given an improving security government had increased in Iraq [sic], the GOI [government of Iraq]
situation since 2008. following the decision by the US is anxious to 'get rid of all the white
"Halliburton Iraq country manag- courts in December 2009 not to faces carrying guns' in their
er decried a 'mafia' of these compa- prosecute anyone for the Blackwa- streets," it reads.
nies and their 'outrageous' prices, ter killings of 17 Iraqis in Baghdad Afghan authorities last week
and said that they also exaggerate in September 2007. arrested a British private security
the security threat. The source for this information company employee and sentenced
"Apart from the high costs for was a British security company him to eight months in jail, the latest
routine trips, he claimed that Halli- boss, whose name has been re- move in the government's crack-
burton often receives what he says dacted. down on private security firms.
are 'questionable' reports of vulner- "According to [the British nation- Global Strategies Group consultant Above: Private security contractors near the Rumala oil fields pose for a photograph on a rooftop. Courtesy AFP.
ability of employees to kidnapping al] a China National Petroleum Michael Hearn was arrested last
and ransom. He said that he recent- Company (CNPC) security team Wednesday for allegedly failing to
ly saw an internal memo from their was stopped in Basrah [sic] city by register weapons with the govern-
security company which tasked its
employees to emphasize the persis-
tent danger faced by IOCs
the Iraqi police in a 'clear attempt to
disrupt and cause panic to the
clients.' [The British national] said
By Edgar Tenenbaum | Staff Writer LA(id) Realationship Advice
From our Dearest Sex Advisor
strong enough. Not all government est. It might even garner the votes of
(CONTINUED from first page)
action is struck under strict scrutiny.
What if I agree with the objective
of the Act, but as an advocate of
several conservative Justices. If it
doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. True,
as a lawyerly tactic, one generally
Dear Dearest Sex Advisor,
My boyfriend’s mother is a raging
alcoholic. Is it neCESSary for me to
same geografuckal region, and
share the same twisted perversion of
reality. When she first met me, she
near misses and misters materi-
al<o>zed in the skies, twinkling like
the stars in her eyes.
Our discussion focuses on the federal-state separateness, have argues “this is beyond current doc- go visit her in the hospital during the dismissed me as another egotesticle My thoughts are whipped from liquid
constitutionality of a law in the United fears in light of the Supremacy trine” before one argues “we die holidays when all she does is yell at scoundrel, another of the countless to ice, and then into gold. Cummer-
States, where each person has the Clause, that states’ rights would under this doctrine and it should be me? villainous civilians, but something cials have crapitalized and com-
right – by virtue of laws imposed at be totally swallowed by the fed if replaced with sounder rulings.” -Mama Drama about the glimerence in my eye, mode-ified anything worthwhile
every level of government (local, this law is permitted to stand. Recall that in a federal system beamed straight from my heart, that’s ever been tried. Cynical Trials
state and federal) – to receive stabi- After all, if inaction is grounds for there is a federal government; we Dear Dramamine, caught her at10ion for long enough and Errors of Judge Mints. Men-
If your relationship with your boy- to allow me to transmit a vortext thol8 and wait, ignore the rapid
lizing care in some emergency room. finding effects on interstate com- aren’t just a loose aggregation of friend is serious, you should accump message. passing of the dates, hear the clink-
Everyone gets sick sometime, and a merce, and the growth of marijua- separate nations, however much (oon)any him while he visits his “I’ve got glockoma, all I see are ing of the plates.
substantial portion of those who na in one’s own house is a feder- some would like to see the Articles of mother because there are probably guns.” It was the most earnest at-
make use of emergency room laws ally regulable matter per Gonzales Confederation restored. There is a few rarer joys in her bleak world than tempt at cum-unication I could con- Assuredly,
will not pay their bill; they are neither v. Raich, then what remains out- spectrum of types of federalism, and being able to lash out at you for trive, given all the pressure, I can’t Vitus S. Hearn
insured nor can they afford to pay side the scope of Congress’s in one type, the federal government stealing away her precious son, believe that I survived. Time shoots
the cost of their visit. Free riding is powers? Surely, the Constitution is expected to do things that the using him for all the things that laws past me like bullets, light grazes and Happy Holedays:
dangerous to all of us. That’s why does not grant Congress plenary states would like to do but can’t very and customs
the Act has the individual mandate— powers. well do separately. If you think, for have prohibit-
to keep the payers from paying too This is the proves-too-much argu- philosophical or other reasons, that ed her from
much. As David Lazarus of the L.A. ment, and I’ve already said that the states shouldn’t do certain things, expressing.
Times said, “there’s safety in num- analogy to making people eat broc- that’s another matter. Also, chances
bers.” (L.A. Times, 12/21/10.) coli or brush their teeth is quite a bit Switching gears, there are numer- are your
Why mention this if moral analysis off. There is no algorithm to show us ous cases pending before federal b o y f ri e n d ’ s
isn’t directly relevant? Because it’s where to “draw a line” here, but recall district courts across the country mother's alk-
instructive in guiding us through that we’re discussing “inactivity” with challenging the Act and its MEC holeic prope-
doctrine. If you think of why free respect to an overall, otherwise valid provisions. How do we know nisty for par-
riding is morally wrong, you get a program (whether you like the pro- which of these we should follow, oxysms has
clue as to why a legislature would try gram or not) that might be shattered or which will end up in the Su- given him a
to blunt it—and legisla- preme Court? sizable share
tures are where moral I don’t think it’s pos- of trauma
considerations in law “There used to be a fed- sible to tell in ad- from
mama, much
making are supposed to vance—it depends on
be addressed. And if the eral law, based on the mi- the configuration of more severe
than the
legislature decides to each case and how it
enact something, based litia clauses of the consti- relates to the other onslaught of
insults she
on the legislators’ moral cases. The Court han-
views (yes, they also do tution, requiring persons dles this in lots of differ-
bestows upon
you. You are
horse trading), the con- ent ways. Sometimes it
stitutional question is to buy muskets if they consolidates cases, but
ostensibly a
source of
whether the legislature— focuses on a particular
in this case Congress— were designated as mili- one—e.g., Brown v.
cumfort for
him, so be
has the constitutional Board of Education strong and
power to implement its tia members by the state. (holding segregated support him
moral position. If there is schools to be inherently during the
no special right to opt Required purchase! “ unequal) was decided time of crysis
out, then the question is via a “consolidated that is the
whether Congress could rationally without the individual mandate. opinion” deciding the determinative holiday see-
believe that the economic impact of That’s a major factor and allows a rule for all the cases. Alternatively, son and use
free riding in imposing unjustifiable fairly clear decision. We don’t have the Court could take all the cases, the wounds
costs on the rest of us is sufficiently to be able to decisively answer all write an opinion deciding one of caused by
great to permit regulation under the contested cases in order to validate them, and remand the others to the familial pain
commerce clause. The answer is the clear ones. If someone believes lower courts to be decided in light of and suffering
yes, and we don’t have to—and that the Act or the MEC provisions the decided case. But on this specif- as a scatalyst
indeed are not supposed to—revisit are bad economic policy, bad moral ic issue, you need to talk to a federal that (con)
the moral considerations that policy or unconstitutional, he or she courts person. fuses you to-
(supposedly) informed the legislative should take the only sound course of Finally Professor Shapiro, much get-her.
process. So that’s one way to see constitutional argument under pre- discussion has been made regard- She and I
how moral analysis filters into consti- sent conditions: concede that the ing whether the MEC provisions is cum from the
tutional doctrine. If there were a program is valid under the doctrine tax or penalty, and if it is a penal-
special right or interest triggering as is—as I said, the absence of an ty, the argument goes, the MEC
heightened scrutiny, then the ques-
tion would be whether the govern-
ment has an important or compelling
interest that is substantially furthered
exact precedent obviously cannot be
itself determinative—and then pro-
pose that the doctrine be changed on
the ground that the doctrine is consti-
provisions are unconstitutional
because they penalize citizens for
not doing. What say you?
The analysis is not very different
Samten Dakpa was victimized by Dakpa escaped from police cus- hold a paint brush without pain for
by narrowly tailored means to reach tutionally unsound, and that the from the one we just conducted. the communist Chinese police for tody, crossed the border into Nepal the first time in years. His left hand
its goal. How to rate this importance change be implemented by in part, Inaction is coupled with another painting classic Tibetan images as and then to India before finally is still badly scarred and has limited
or compellingness sounds like a by overruling certain cases, including action. My colleague and former a teenager. The Chinese police , arriving in the United States in mobility.
moral issue, but as a jurisprudential Wickard v. Filburn. That case held chief of staff at the Joint committee intent on suppressing Tibetan cul- 2003, a dozen years after his tor- "Just these two fingers are stuck
matter, the court’s task is to deter- that a farmer, Roscoe Filburn, who on Taxation, Professor Ed Kleinbard, ture, arrested, beat and tortured ture. here and I cannot open more than
mine if these interests can, within grew wheat to feed his farm animals has published an extensive analysis Dakpa, shoving his hands into a "When Sampten first came to us, this," Dakpa said as he tried to
traditional U.S. moral and policy for home consumption, was required of this issue in “Constitutional Krep- coal-burning oven. he was in excruciating pain, both stretch out his hand. "Middle finger,
beliefs, be rated strong enough to to abide by nationally-imposed limits lach.” "It was like a barbecue," he said, physically and emotionally. He if I try to open strongly, it hurts a
overcome the constitutional claim- on wheat growth because his individ- describing the painful burns on his could barely use his hands," said Dr lot." This spring surgeons plan to
ant’s interest. Note that even if a ual wheat growth, when aggregated Thank you Professor Shapiro for hands. CNN International reported, Allen Keller of the Bellevue Hospital operate on the left hand.
specially protected constitutional with that of all other farmers, would your many insights and for help- “Police shoved a rifle butt into Center at New York University. "He As a result of torture, Dakpa
interest were at stake and that regu- disrupt the federal quota devised to ing the Pro Express fulfill its edu- his mouth, forced him to stare at would try to paint and he could says he has nightmares in which
lating “economic activity” is presump- help iron out business cycles. cational mission. We hope to the sun and beat him when he barely hold a paint brush. When he he is chased along an icy river.
tively unconstitutional, the govern- This change-the-doctrine argu- have you back. was unable to keep a cockroach did, he would get terrifying memo- The ice cracks and he falls into
within a small circle, using a ries of the torture he endured." the freezing water.
ment’s program can still survive ment would be more straightforward, stick.” Doctors performed surgery on By Yuri Isacov | Staff Writer
heightened scrutiny if its interests are if more uphill, and it would be hon- Interview by Zein E Obagi Jr Dakpa's right hand, allowing him to

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