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Prepared By
Syed Khurram Ali

Automotive Engineering Department
SE, AU-037

submitted to
Syed Khurram Ali

Automotive Engineering Department NED UET

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Syed Khurram Ali

Preface 4

Sura: Al Maaida, verse # 6 5

Medical Benefits of Performing Wudu 7

Preventive Cleansing 13

Other Researches 15

Other Benefits of Wudu 17

The Preventive and Healing Wonders of Wudu 19

Conclusion 24

Bibliography 25

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Syed Khurram Ali

Almighty Allah has given us Islam as the complete code of life. Every ac-
tion in accordance to Shariah, that is, Qura‟an and Hadith has a lot of blessings
for the life after death and also for this worldly life. Alhamdulillah, being a
Muslim we have complete faith that there can be nothing better than the life
style as defined in Shariah. We do not need any scientific proves and phenome-
nal interpretations. But to show the non believers the originality of Islam, scien-
tific interpretations may prove useful.

Although it is beyond our abilities to explore all the beneficial blessings

which we get from Shariah, but we may try to stumble across some of them and
bring them in front of world.

In this report I have tried my best to cover up a very limited topic “Bene-
fits of Ablution”. I have only mentioned the medical and scientific benefits of
Wudu. In this respect, I have explored internet and scanned books to include re-
searches which have scientifically proved ablution miraculously beneficial, if
performed as defined in Shariah.

I decided to discuss this topic, as cleanliness is the best way to avoid dis-
eases. And doubtlessly the method prescribed in Shariah is the only true method
of purifying oneself physically and spiritually also. These scientific benefits
may attract a non Muslim to do wudu. For Muslims, these scientific advantages
are not the main reasons why we do wudu. We do wudu, because it is a com-
mandment from Allah, in order to be clean in prayer.

Syed Khurram Ali

SE, AU-037

Automotive Engineering

Batch: 2010-2011

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Sura: Al Maaida, verse#6

O you who believe! when you rise up to prayer, wash your faces and your hands as far as the
elbows, and wipe your heads and your feet to the ankles; and if you are under an obligation to
perform a total ablution, then wash (yourselves) and if you are sick or on a journey, or one of
you come from the privy, or you have touched the women, and you cannot find water, betake
yourselves to pure earth and wipe your faces and your hands therewith, Allah does not desire
to put on you any difficulty, but He wishes to purify you and that He may complete His favor
on you, so that you may be grateful.

Fourteen centuries ago, our Prophet(peace and blessings be upon him), gave us a pre-
scription of 26 washing movements to be carried out 5 times a day, a total of 130 daily wash-
ing movements, to grant us optimum health.

Before a Muslim performs his prayers, he carries out the ablution movements men-
tioned in the above verse as well as others, which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah
be upon him) has shown us.

Before offering the prayer one must be in good shape and pure condition. It is neces-
sary to wash the parts of the body which are generally exposed to dirt or dust or smog. This
performance is called ABLUTION (Wudu') and is preferably carried out as follows:

1. Declare the intention that the act is for the purpose of worship and purity, start by saying

2. Wash the hands up to the wrists, three times.

3. Rinse out the mouth with water, three times.

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4. Cleanse the nostrils of the nose by sniffing water into them, three times.

5. Wash the whole face three times with both hands, from the top of the forehead to the bot-
tom of the chin and from ear to ear.

6. Wash the right arm three times up to the far end of the elbow, and then do the same with
the left arm.

7. Wipe the whole head.

8. Wipe the inner sides of the ears with the forefingers and their outer sides with the thumbs.
This should be done with wet fingers.

9 Wash the two feet up to the ankles, three times, beginning with the right foot.

At this stage the ablution is completed, and the person who has performed it is ready to start
to start his prayers.


 I have verified the above mentioned verse and it‟s translation.

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Medical Benefits of performing Wudu

Benefits of washing the hands
In Wudu, the hands are washed first and there are many benefits. People hold many
things in their hands causing bacteria to spread and grow. If the hands are not washed during
the day, there is a possibility of getting many kind of skin diseases.
Like: Hot spots, itchy skin, eczema, bad skin.

When we wash our hands, rays come out from the tips of our fingers and create a cir-
cle around our hand and due to this, our inner electrics come to motion, which make our
hands more beautiful. These rays results in an increased speed in the flow of the electric cur-
rent within the body, and to an extent an electric current gathers in the hands. By performing
ablution properly, such flexibility is produced in the finger that activates one's talent to trans-
fer the creative abilities present within one onto paper or canvas i.e. artistic abilities.

Washing the hands also prevents the transmission of many contagious diseases.

Benefits of washing the mouth

First the hands are washed therefore they become clean from bacteria. If the hands
were not washed properly the bacteria would travel into the stomach via the mouth causing
many illnesses in the stomach.

Due to air many germs travel into our mouth and some bacteria stay in the mouth
from bits of food left in between the teeth.

If the mouth is not washed or cleaned properly including using a miswaak, these ill-
nesses might occur.


 Swelling of the mouth as a first sign of AIDS. (Usually it takes about 8 to 10 years to
notice symptoms of AIDS).or Thrush and mouth lesions.

 Moniliasis (is an infection of the mouth caused by a yeast called Candida albicans) of
the mouth and lips.

 If the person is not fasting it is Sunnah to gargle. The one who gargles water will not
get Tonsillitis (an infection of the tonsils and will often, but not necessarily, causes a
sore throat and fever) and will be saved from many throat illnesses.

By rinsing the mouth we attain hygiene of the mouth, which leads to prevention of

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tooth diseases. The roots of the teeth become stronger and the teeth become whiter and shini-
er. The sense of taste becomes stronger and one remains safeguarded against many diseases.

It is proven that it protects mouth and throats from inflammations, gingivitis and teeth
decay and erosion by removing the remaining of food. It is medically confirmed that 90% of
those who lose their teeth, they face this because they don‟t clean their mouth & teeth. The
pus material and the rottenness get mixed with the slaver and food. The stomach and the di-
gestive system suck them. Then they get distributed to different parts of the body by the help
of blood, consequently it causes many types of disease. It is proved that the rinsing-out of
mouth strengthens some muscles of the face and makes the face circled.

The use of Miswaak and its benefits

The use of the miswaak is frequently advocated in the Hadith (the traditions relating
to the life of Muhammad). Situations where the miswaak is recommended to be used in-
clude, before religious practice, before entering one's house, before and after going on a
journey, on Fridays, before sleeping and after waking up, when experiencing hunger or
thirst and before entering any good gathering.

In addition to strengthening the gums, preventing tooth decay and eliminating tooth-
aches, the miswaak is also said to halt further increase in decay that has already set in. Fur-
thermore, it is said to create a fragrance in the mouth, eliminate bad breath, improve the sense
of taste and cause the teeth to glow and shine.

In addition, claimed benefits not related to the teeth and gums include sharpening
memory, curing headaches, creating a glow on the face of the one who continually uses it,
strengthening the eyesight, assisting in digestion and clearing the voice.

To add to that, the following Hadith shows that Prophet Muhammad indirectly en-
couraged us to use the miswaak (Islamic tooth brush) at the time of abolition.

"Narrated Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib (and others), the Prophet said: If it wasn't too hard for
my ummah, I would have commanded them to use the miswaak at every time of prayer &
ablution." (Targhib Wa-Al-Tarhib, 1/133 - Isnad Classed As Sahih by Mundhiri - Source. Al-
so Found In: Sheikh Albani - Sahih Jami Al Sagheer, 5318 - Classed As Sahih Hasan & In
Musnad Ahmad, 13/255 - Classed As Sahih By Ahmed Shaker - Source).

This helps remove food particles in the teeth even more to add to the washing of the
mouth done in ablution. Additionally:

"Scientific studies confirm the benefits of the miswaak. Sinnegrin, tannic acid, and sodium
carbonate in the root act as natural antiseptics. Other properties include anti-inflammatory
substances, fluoride, and silicon which helps cleans the teeth." (Kathy Cuddihy - An A to Z
of Places and Things Saudi - Stacey International, 2004 - Page 151).

"Miswaak toothpaste is scientifically formulated from pure extract of the Miswaak plant,

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'Salvadore Persica‟ the famous 'Toothbrush Tree' for centuries. The astringent and bactericid-
al properties Miswaak help reduce tooth decay, fight plaque and prevent gum disease." (Fran-
cis Cherunilam - International Business: Text and Cases - PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2007 -
Page 556).

Damage caused by the toothbrush

According to research, 80% of illnesses are caused due to bad teeth or the stomach.
Sometimes the teeth are not cleaned properly and therefore many germs settle in the gums.
These germs travel to the stomach and cause many illnesses. Remember! The toothbrush is
not an alternative to the Miswaak. Experts have researched that: -

 After the toothbrush has been used the first time, germs settle on the brush and even if
it is washed with water, the germs multiply.
 The toothbrush also removes the natural brightness and whiteness of the teeth.
 When a toothbrush is used, the gums gradually move from their place which causes
gaps in between the gums and the teeth making it easy for the food to be caught in be-
tween them and which in turn gives room for bacteria to grow. Many illnesses are
caused due to this and amongst them is weakness of the eyesight. In some cases, one
can lose their eyesight permanently.

Benefits of washing the nose

The lungs need air free from pollution and it should contain 80% moisture and should
be more than 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 C).To attain this type of air, Allah has blessed us
with a nose. To make the air moist, the nose creates a quarter of a gallon of moisture and the
hair in the nostrils stop dirt going inside the lungs. There is a microscopic brush in the nose.
This brush contains small particles which kill the bacteria that travel through air and enter the
nose. These particles also defend lysozium (are a family of enzymes which damage bacterial
cell walls by catalyzing hydrolysis....), which also assist and save the eyes from infection.

Due to rinsing of the nose regularly with water in wudu, the nose is cleaned from dirt
so the risk of illnesses is minimized.
After a microscopic investigation to a microbe plant for those who regularly perform
ablution and those who are not regularly performing it, the modern science confirmed that the
noses of those who perform ablution regularly remained clean, pure and empty from any mi-
crobes. Therefore, the microbe plants established for them, appeared clean and empty from
any microbe. Whereas, the microbic plants of those who do not perform ablution exposed a
huge amount of different types of harmful microbes such as cluster microbes, rosary mi-
crobes which spread quickly and organic microbes which cause many kinds of diseases.
Some cases of self poisoning results from the harmful microbes which stays in the nose cavi-
ty. These microbes enter into the digestive system and the blood circulation and create in-
flammations and diseases.
Therefore, Islam, asked Muslims to inhale water into the nose three times during each

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Benefits of washing the face and arms

Washing the face and the two hands up to the elbows is of a great benefit in removing
dust and microbes as well as sweat from the surface of the skin. This also cleans the skin
from the fatty substance secreted by skin glands, and which is usually a very suitable place
for the proliferation and sustenance of germs.

The hidden wisdom in washing the face is that the tissues of the skin gain elasticity;
the skin becomes soft and fine. The closed pores caused by dirt and pollution are opened. The
face becomes attractive and radiant. If the blood circulation is too slow or too fast, it is
brought back into balance. When the water enters the eyes whilst washing the face it
strengthens the eye muscles. The whiteness of the eyeball is increased and the pupil becomes
shiny. The one who regularly performs ablution has attractive and beautiful eyes. Wiping the
hands over the face with water three times provides the mind with peace

There are three major veins in the elbow that are connected to the heart, liver and the
brain. The elbow usually stays covered with clothing and if water and air does not reach these
parts, one may suffer from mental problems.

When the moisture reaches to these veins in the elbow it strengthens the heart, liver
and the brain. Also by washing the arms including the hands, a link is created in between the
person and the particles of light and so the particles begin to flow making all the body parts

This has already been explained by the prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him)
who said, “When a person wakes up from sleeping, he should not dip his hand into the vessel
(food – water) before washing it thrice.” It is also found that blood circulation at limbs is
weaker because they are far from the center of blood pumping (the heart). Therefore, its
washing will be a kind of a massage which helps to activate the blood circulation at these re-
mote areas of the body consequently makes the person more vigorous. All these show the
value of ablution that a Muslim performs. (Scientific Miracles in Islam and Sunnah Naba-
weya) Dr. Ahmed Shawqi Ibraheem the member of the Royal Medical Association in London
and the consultant of International and heart diseases says that scientists came to know that
the fall of the light in the water during ablution and also on the dots of water on the body
gives birth to negative Ions and reduces the positive Ions and consequently it relaxes the
nervous and muscles pain as well as tension and anxiety. This fact is confirmed also by an
American scientist who says: “water has a magic effect- even the dazzle of water on face and
hands – he means ablution – is the best means of achieving relaxation and eliminating ten-

Washing the hands up to the elbows has the hidden benefit that this action establishes
a direct connection between one and the stored lights within the chest. A flow is established
in the stock of lights. This action strengthens and provides energy to the tissues of the hands
and arms.

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Benefits of wiping the head

There is a major vein in the body that lies between the back of the head and the neck.
This vein has connection with the spinal cord, the brain and the small veins throughout in the

When one wipes the back of his neck, the rays from his hands are passed in to the spi-
nal cord and the small veins causing various body parts to strengthen.

The brain sends out signals to the body so the body functions.
Our brain is always floating in the fluid. This is why we are always moving and it does not
affect the brain.

If the brain was rigid it would have collapsed by now. Some small veins run from the
brain to the back of our neck, which then run to the rest of our body. Wiping the neck pre-
vents one from fever.

Performing Masah
The hairs on the head act as antennae within the human body, every conscious person
acknowledges that „human‟ is the name given to a store of information. Until one does not
receive the information concerning an action he cannot perform that action. We only eat
when we are hungry and we only drink water when we feel thirsty, we only lie in bed to sleep
once we receive the information that our body now needs to rest. We only feel happiness
when we receive any information concerning happiness. Similarly, the feeling of anger or
annoyance is reliant upon receiving the information concerning anger or annoyance.

When we make intention to perform ablution it actually makes us attentive towards

the fact that we are performing this action for Allah. By the time we have fulfilled the funda-
mentals of ablution and have reached the stage of performing Masah our minds are attentive
towards Allah and away from all else. When we wipe our hands over our head the hairs on
our head acting as antennae receive all information which is contrary to all kinds of impurity,
grief and those things which distance us from Allah. Our mind only accepts that information
which is directly related to Allah and helps us get closer to Him.

Masah of the Neck

Spiritualists have divided the human body into six parts. One part is the jugular vein.
The words of Allah are that „I am closer to you than your jugular vein (vein of life)‟. This
vein of life is situated between the head and neck. By wiping the neck with water (performing
Masah) our body attains a particular kind of energy that is linked to the spinal cord (within
the backbone) and human joints. When a person performs Masah, an electric current after en-

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tering through the hands gets stored in the jugular vein and after traveling through the back-
bone spreads to the nervous system of the whole body. Through this method the nervous sys-
tem obtains energy.

Benefits of washing of feet

As we have already stated, the brain receives information and this information is then
transferred through waves to the various organs of the body. Every wave of information has
an existence. By existence we mean that it stays in motion. The law is that whether it is light
or water, the flow of it is necessary. When a person washes his feet the buildup of excess
lights within him, which are poisonous, form a flow and are earthed through the feet and as a
result the human body is safeguarded from poisonous matter.

Scientific research has proved that blood circulation in upper limbs from the hands to
the forearms, and in the lower limbs from the feet to the legs is weaker than it is in other or-
gans, being peripheral to the centre of regulating blood circulation, namely, the heart. So
washing these limbs with massaging at every ablution help strengthen the blood circulation in
these parts, thus increasing the vitality and activity of the body. Science has proved the effect
of sun rays, particularly the ultra violet ones, in causing skin carcinoma. This effect decreases
very well with the consequence of ablution, as it constantly dampens the surface of the skin
with water, particularly the parts exposed to such rays. This helps protect the surface and in-
ternal layer cells of the skin from the harmful impact of rays."


 Dr. Sharif Kaf Al-Ghazal - Medical Miracles of the Quran - The Islamic Foundation,
2006 - Pages 91-92




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Preventive Cleansing
From a non-alternative medicine perspective, Mukhtar Salem, in his book titled 'Pray-
ers: a Sport for the Body and Soul', speaks about the health benefits of every aspect of ablu-
tion. He does not speak about the Biologically Active Spots BASes in one's body, but never-
theless, he describes the preventive benefits of ablution.

Ablution, he says, helps prevent skin cancer. This is his explanation: the areas that are
washed during ablution are the parts of the body that are most prone to be exposed to pollu-
tion, whether it is pollution from the internal secretions of the body on to the skin surface,
such as sweat, or whether it is external. Ablution, removes this 'pollution' five times a day,
and hence maintains a clean outside layer of skin, which in turn helps the cells underneath to
function properly.
Also, washing with water helps invigorate the ends of the blood vessels, as well as the
nerves and glands that are near the skin surface, and hence helps them perform their functions
efficiently.[Salem, Mukhtar, Prayers: A sport for the soul and body, CAIRO, The Arab Mod-
ern Center (1990), pg. 52.]

The obvious reason behind washing the mouth during ablution, Salem says, is to re-
move the food particles, which could cause teeth and gum problems. That is also one of the
reasons why miswaak (brushing one's teeth) is also encouraged before ablution.

When washing one's nostrils, one is also performing a preventive health measure as
the germs trapped in the nostrils are removed and do not pass on to the respiratory system.

According to a study conducted by a team of doctors in Alexandria University, the

Prophetic tradition, which urges the exaggeration of washing the nostrils by introducing the
water in the nostril then, blowing it out, positively affects the inner coating of the nostrils.
Those who carried out the washing in the correct form had clean, shiny nostrils with no dust
clinging to the small hair inside. However, those who did not perform ablution had light col-
ored, greasy nostrils and their nostril hairs fell off easily.

Repeated washing of the face invigorates the facial skin cells and helps prevent early
wrinkles as well as having a cleansing effect on the inside of the eyes, which prevents eye
infections, says Salem. Washing the ear helps rid them from wax accumulation, which may
cause ear infections as well as affecting the inner ear, which eventually causes body imbal-

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The Prophetic tradition of encouraging one to wash between the toes while washing
the feet, is also extremely important, says Salem, as it prevents the foot, which in our modern
times is trapped most of the day inside shoes, from acquiring athlete‟s foot.

Over all, he adds, ablution also has an exercising effect on all the muscles involved in
its movement, which are thus being stimulated five times a day or even more according to

Extinguishing the Fires of Anger

Prophetic tradition, with regards to ablution, is also ecologically friendly, as the
Prophet (peace be upon him) repeatedly encouraged water conservation, even if ablating from
a running river. Ibn Majah related that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said,
'There is a shaytan (devil) for ablution called `walhan', meaning greedy, avoid the waste of


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Syed Khurram Ali

Other Researches
In an article titled "Muslims Rituals and their Effect on the Person's Health", Dr. Ma-
gomed Magomedov, assistant to the department of the Man's General Hygiene and Ecology
in the Daghestan State Medical Academy, speaks about how ablution stimulates the biologi-
cal rhythms of the body and specifically Biological Active Spots (BASes), very much like the
idea behind Chinese reflexotherapy. Man's internal organs, in their turn, present a no less so-
phisticated bio-energetical whole; they all have indissoluble multi-channel bilateral connec-
tions with the skin, which hosts special spots, whose functions resemble those of buttons on
"control" and " recharge boards" responsible for particular organs. These spots are called bio-
logically active spots (BASes). While pointing out to the similarities between ablution and
the science of Chinese reflexology in his fascinating article, Dr. Magomedov also states the
main different points. To become a doctor in reflexology, he says, one has to take a 15 to 20
year course of study, incomparable with the simple learning techniques of ablution.

In another comparison, reflexotherapy was primarily used to cure diseases and very
rarely for prevention, while, as we shall see, ablution has many preventive benefits. There
was also a negative side to reflexotherapy, he says, one that is not found in ablution; a patient
was exposed to traumas since doctors used cauterization. (Cauterization is a medical term de-
scribing the burning of the body to remove or close a part of it.)

"The majority of the most powerful BASes are being washed during the Muslim ritual. It is
not the doctor, who had studied for many years, who does it, but every Muslim by himself.
Besides, praying five times a day obliges a Muslim to take the preventive measures against
diseases beforehand."
According to Dr. Magomedov, Chinese medicine says that there are more than 700
BASes, and sixty-six of them have quick reflex therapy effects and are named the drastic (or
aggression or antique or prime-elements) spots. Out of these sixty-six spots, sixty-one of
them are located in zones required for Wudu while the other five are located between the an-
kle and knee.

When the face is washed during Wudu, it "recharges" such organs as the intestines,
stomach and bladder, in addition to having a positive effect on the nervous and reproductive
systems, says Dr. Magomedov in his findings, adding that the BAS responsible for the osse-
ous system, intestine, nervous system, lumbar area, stomach, pancreas, gall-bladder, thyroid
gland, solar plexus and others are situated on the right leg, another area reached during Wu-

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When a Muslim washes his left leg, the BAS responsible for the work of the pituitary
gland is stimulated. This gland is located in the brain and regulates the functioning of the en-
docrine glands and controls growing.

In the ear's cochlea are hundreds of BASes that "harmonize the work of almost all or-
gans, decrease high blood pressure and relieve tooth and throat pain."Ear ablution is consid-
ered Sunnah (Prophetic tradition). Washing the ear helps in getting them free from wax ac-
cumulation, which may cause ear infections as well as affecting the inner ear, this eventually
causes body imbalances. Another aspect that Dr. Magomedov stresses on is that Prophetic
tradition emphasized the importance of massaging and applying pressure during ablution,
which is something that has a scientifically-grounded explanation.

Dr. Magomedov said that his studies were triggered by his solemn belief that the five
time-a-day Muslim prayers were bound to have not only an "indisputable spiritual effect" but
were also bound to "have a purely physical healing effect as well."


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Other Benefits of Wudu

Wudu protects the body from mycosis in the toes, skin infections and suppurations as
well as pus accumulations. It also minimizes possibility of skin cancers, as it removes chemi-
cal substances from the skin before they accumulate thereon. That is why skin cancers are
rare in Islamic countries. Also, massage of the different parts of the body, which is done in
Wudu stimulates blood circulation and causes more blood to flow through the whole body,
particularly to the brain and kidneys. Ablution also protects from tooth decays, eye infections,
sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, pelvic infections and other bacterial infections

Wudu and Depression

Depression is on the rise in the western countries and more mental asylums are be-
coming full with patients. Psychiatrists are always investigating cures for depression. A Paki-
stani psychiatrist who holds a diploma in Western Germany states, `A seminar took place in
Western Germany on a cure for depression without the need of medication. ` A doctor attend-
ed this seminar and surprised the audience by saying that he was treating his patients by mak-
ing them wash their face 5 times a day and within a short period of time the treatment started
to have an effect. He then treated another group of patients by making them wash their hands,
feet and face 5 times a day and they also started to recover from their illnesses. At the end of
the speech the doctor said, `I confess that fewer Muslims suffer from depression as they wash
their hands, face, and feet many times in a day by performing Wudu.`

Wudu and high blood pressure

A heart specialist says with importance that those who have high blood pressure
should be made to perform Wudu and most definitely, the blood pressure will become nor-
mal. A Muslim doctor says, `The best cure for depression is Wudu. ` Western doctors treat
their patients by placing water on some parts of their body, which is just like Wudu.

Doctor for the mentally ill

Someone has stated that,

I was doing my Wudu at a place in France; a man was stood looking at me closely.
After I had finished, the man asked me, `Who are you and where are you from? ` I replied, `I
am a Muslim and I am from Pakistan.` He asked me, `How many mental institutes do you
have in Pakistan?` I was shocked at this question but I replied, `Maybe 2 or 4.` He asked me,
`What did you just do now?` I replied, `Wudu`. He then asked, `Do you do this every day? ` I
replied, `Yes. In fact 5 times a day. ` He was puzzled and he said, `I am a surgeon in a mental

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institute and I have done a lot of research about this illness. It is in my knowledge that the
brain sends out all signals to the body and the body functions. Our brain is always floating in
fluid. This is why we are always moving and it does not affect the brain. If the brain was rigid
it would have collapsed by now. Some small veins run from the brain to the back of our neck,
which then run to the rest of our body. If hair is over grown and the back of the neck remains
dry, these veins will also remain dry and there is a risk that the brain of that individual stops
functioning and that person becomes mental. Therefore, I have learnt that one should moisten
the back of the neck at least twice a day. I noticed that while you were washing your hands
and face you also did something to your neck. Indeed, you people cannot become insane. `


 Wudu and Science by Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadri


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The Preventive and Healing Wonders of

Before a Muslim performs his prayers, he carries out the ablution movements men-
tioned in the above verse as well as others, which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah
be upon him) has shown us.

Interestingly enough, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also en-
couraged doing ablution before going to bed. This same ritual is also encouraged by Yoga
experts who say that washing important motor and sensory organs such as the hands, arms,
eyes, legs, mouth and private parts before sleep using cool water relaxes the body preparing it
for a deep sleep. [Avadhuta, Vedprajinananda, Yoga Health Secrets]

Stimulating the Biological Rhythms

In an article titled 'Muslims Rituals and their Effect on the Person's Health', Dr. Ma-
gomed Magomedov, assistant to the department of the Man's General Hygiene and Ecology
in the Daghestan State Medical Academy, speaks about how ablution stimulates the biologi-
cal rhythms of the body and specifically Biological Active Spots (BASes), very much like the
idea behind Chinese reflexotherapy. Presently we know that a man is a complex system of
electromagnetic fields, meridians, biological rhythms and so on. Man‟s internal organs, in
their turn, present a no less sophisticated bio-energetical whole; they all have indissoluble
multi-channel bilateral connections with the skin, which hosts special spots, whose functions
resemble those of buttons on 'control' and 'recharge boards' responsible for particular organs.
These spots are called biologically active spots (BASes). [Magomedov, Magomed, Muslim
Rituals & their effect on the person‟s health]

While pointing out to the similarities between ablution and the science of Chinese re-
flexology in his fascinating article, Dr. Magomedov also states the main different points. To
become a doctor in reflexology, he says, one has to take a 15 to 20 year course of study, in-
comparable with the simple learning techniques of ablution.

In another comparison, reflexotherapy was primarily used to cure diseases and very
rarely for prevention, while, as we shall see, ablution has many preventive benefits. There
was also a negative side to reflexotherapy, he says, one that is not found in ablution; a patient
was exposed to traumas since doctors used cauterization.

'The majority of the most powerful BASes are being washed during the Muslim ritual. It is
not the doctor, who had studied for many years, who does it, but every Muslim by himself.
Besides, praying five times a day obliges a Muslim to take the preventive measures against
disease beforehand.'[Magomedov, Magomed, Muslim Rituals & their effect on the person‟s

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According to Dr. Magomedov, Chinese medicine says that there are more than 700
BASes, and sixty-six of them have quick reflex therapy effects and are named the drastic (or
aggression or antique or prime-elements) spots.

Out of these sixty-six spots, sixty-one of them are located in zones required for ablu-
tion while the other five are located between the ankle and knee.

Thus, ablution becomes a kind of treatment complex, which includes the hydro mas-
sage of the BAS, their thermal and physical stimulation. [Magomedov, Magomed, Muslim
Rituals & their effect on the person‟s health]

The BASes in the face (which are washed during ablution) 'recharge' such organs as
the intestines, stomach and bladder, in addition to having a positive effect on the nervous and
reproductive systems, says Dr. Magomedov in his findings, adding that the BAS responsible
for the osseous system, intestine, nervous system, lumbar area, stomach, pancreas, gall-
bladder, thyroid gland, solar plexus and others are situated on the right leg, another area
reached by ablution.

The left leg has the BAS responsible for the work of the pituitary gland, the brain or-
gan that regulates the functioning of the endocrine glands and controls growing. In the ear's
cochlea are hundreds of BASes that 'harmonize the work of almost all organs, decrease high
blood pressure and relieve tooth and throat pain.' Ear ablution is considered Sunnah (Prophet-
ic tradition). Another aspect that Dr. Magomedov stresses on is that Prophetic tradition em-
phasized the importance of massaging and applying pressure during ablution, which is some-
thing that has a scientifically-grounded explanation.

Dr. Magomedov said that his studies were triggered by his solemn belief that the five-
time-a-day Muslim prayers were bound to have not only an indisputable spiritual effect' but
were also bound to 'have a purely physical healing effect as well.'

Some Scientific Studies:

In a scientific study carried out by a number of medical professors of a university of
one of the Arab Muslim countries it was confirmed that a person who performs Wudu five
times a day cleanses his nose from germs, dust and other connected things. It was also con-
firmed that those who do not perform Wudu are more liable to a number of different kinds of
germs, nearly 11 kinds of germs.

Undoubtedly, Wudu protects the body from mycosis in the toes, skin infections and
suppurations as well as pus accumulations. It also minimizes possibility of skin cancers, as it
removes chemical substances from the skin before they accumulate thereon. That is why skin
cancers are rare in Islamic countries.

Also, massage of the different parts of the body, which is done in Wudu, stimulates

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blood circulation and causes more blood to flow through the whole body, particularly to the
brain and kidneys. Moreover, Wudu‟ prevents mal-function of the central nerve system and
activates memory. In this context, it goes without saying that in Islam Salat (Prayer) is not
proper or acceptable away from purity of body, garments, and place of prayer. To this effect,
Abi Malik Al-Ash‟ari, quoted Allah‟s Messenger, (PBUH), as saying, “Cultic purity consti-
tutes one half of Faith. (Invoking), „Praise belongs to Allah!‟ fills the Scale (of man‟s good
deeds). (Invoking), „Glory and Praise belong to Allah!‟ fills all that is between the heavens
and the earth. Salat (Prayer) is light. Charity is evidence. Patience is enlightenment. And the
Quran is a proof either for you or against you. Everyone goes along (a different wake of life),
purchasing one‟s own self: either setting it free (from sins and misdeeds) or jailing it (in sins
and misdeeds).” [Narrated by Muslim (223), At-Tirmithi (3517), Ibn Majah (280), Ahmad
(22953), and Ad-Darimi (653)]

By virtue of statistics carried out by the International Health Organization, the number
of people that suffer from diseases caused by impurity or dirtiness was amazingly
300,000,000 people. Intentionally or unintentionally, however, Muslims, who are command-
ed to perform Wudu, are free from such diseases, simply because Wudu prevents such dis-
eases of impurity that are, therefore, unknown among Muslims.

Moreover, a scientist informs us the following:

"The process of washing the organs usually exposed to dust is no doubt of a great signifi-
cance to public health. These body parts are exposed all day long to numerous numbers of
microbes counted in millions in every cubic centimeters of air. These microbes are in a con-
stant offensive state against the human body at the exposed areas of skin. In ablution, mi-
crobes are taken by a surprise sweep from the surface of the skin, especially with perfect
massaging and enough pouring of water, as guided by the Prophet. Following such a process,
no dirt or germs are left on the body except what Allah decrees.

It has been rightly said: “Making use of something is not part of the knowledge there-
of.” In other words, it is possible that you perform Wudu by way of obedience to the Lord,
Allah, All-Mighty, and, hence, you reap the good fruits thereof, even though you may not
know all, or any, of the benefits of Wudu‟. If you desire to get the benefits of Allah‟s Divine
Commands, all you have to do is to obey them, believing that they are the Absolute Good
coming from Allah, All-Mighty, Most Gracious.

1) Blood Circulatory System:

"Blood vessels are the essential part of the circulatory system. Blood vessels resemble flexi-
ble tubing, dividing into thinner branches as the distance from the heart increases. Various
aspects of our life cause the blood vessels to harden and become constricted. If the thinner
tubes in particular become hardened and lose their elasticity, pressure and workload upon the
heart are increased. In medical term it is known as arterio-sclerosis. Sclerotic development is

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considered to be the basis of aging and body deterioration.

Practical Measures:
Hardening and narrowing of the blood vessels does not happen all at once, but over a
long period of time. The vessels furthest from heart, such as those in brain, feet and hands,
are more vulnerable to the process that begins slowly in these locations and goes no continu-
ously with the passage of time.

Water gives rise to temperature gradient, which causes blood vessels to have a sort of
exercise by alternately contraction and dilation. Hence water ensures flexibility and visor of
the vessels away from the heart by dilating them when hot and contracting them when cold. It
also forces nutrients, deposited in tissues as a result of sluggish circulation, back into the
bloodstream by the virtue of the temperature difference.

There is no doubt, as we see when Muslims daily wash their hands, feet and face in
wudu rite is really a favor to them from the creator.

2) Immune System (Lymphatic Circulation):

The lymphatic system (whose vessels are ten times thinner than those, which conduct red
blood cell) keeps all the point of the body within the protection of the immune system. Any
bacteria, alien object or cancer cell, which may have invaded the body, is destroyed by the
leucocytes (white blood cells) in the lymphatic circulation.

Thus we see that the structure of the immune system is reinforced through wudu. In fact the
way wudu is performed so specifically (step by step) clearly aims at lymphatic system. The
reasons are as follows:

For the lymphatic system to function properly even a single point in the body must not be ne-
glected, which is assured by the full ablution. The most important center for stimulating the
lymphatic system is the nasopharyngeal region behind the nose and tonsils. Washing these
spots is especially ordered.

Stimulation of the both sides of the neck has great influence on the lymphatic system and is
also part of wudu.

Thus we see, the lymphocytes are transported to the farthest reaches of the body and, after
passing through intensive biological training, patrol each point in the body many times a day.
If they meet a bacterium or the cancer cell, they destroy it. Is this not a divine blessing of the
first quality?

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3) Static Electricity
The body normally has balance of static electricity. However the atmospheric conditions as
well as plastic clothing and the products common in our daily life adversely affect this bal-
ance. Most of us are aware of this electricity when getting out of the car or after sitting on a
plastic chair. Irritability and facial wrinkles are the best known ill results, though there are
many psychosomatic illnesses arising from it.

The worst influence of static electricity is exerted continuously on the small sub-cutaneous
muscles (under the skin), finally rendering them inoperative, which is why wrinkles are set

These bad effects due to imbalance of static electricity can be simply avoided by doing the
wudu several times a day. At this point many readers would have divined at least one of the
reasons for the radiant appearance of those who have done wudu all their lives.



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After hearing the scientific facts about Wudu one must be pleased but, I would like to
state that science is all based upon a person own presumptions. Scientific research does not
remain the same as it is changed every so often. In reality, the orders of Allah and his Be-
loved Messenger (Peace be upon him) will always remain. We should not act upon the Sun-
nah to gain the scientific benefits. We should do this to please Allah. Therefore we should not
do Wudu to lower our blood pressure or becoming fresh, or keep a fast so that we can diet, or
gain Islamic knowledge just to pass time. Those who have these types of intentions will not
receive any reward for these acts. If we do these things only to please Allah then we will be
eligible for His blessing and surely will receive those benefits as well. Therefore, to receive
all the revealed and disclosed benefits of Wudu one should only consider the intention of
pleasing Allah when he performs Wudu.

To sum up, when man commits himself to Allah‟s Divine Religion, he is made to live
in utmost happiness and prosperity, utmost welfare and protection, utmost security and safe-
ty, and utmost success and achievement. This is because welfare, all welfare, prosperity, all
prosperity, success, all success, excellence, all excellence, and wisdom, all wisdom, are in
obeying the Lord, ALLAH, All-Mighty, Most Gracious.

Syed Khurram Ali

SE, AU-037

Automotive Engineering

Batch: 2010-2011

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 Dr. Sharif Kaf Al-Ghazal - Medical Miracles of the Quran - The Islamic Foundation,
2006 - Pages 91-92






 Wudu and Science by Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadri



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