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Diocese of Imus Catholic Educational System, Inc.

Office of the Superintendent of Diocesan Schools

St. Jude Parish School, Governor’s Drive, Trece Martires City

April 6, 2020

Dear school directors and principals,


Please be informed of the following decisions made by the school directors that will hopefully guide our
school operations in the days to come. The decisions are in bold letters. Next are comments or notes to
elaborate or clarify the decisions.

1. For April 16-30, all personnel shall be given their salaries, even without reporting for wok, as
long as the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) is enforced. [We define ECQ as quarantine
when employees are also demanded to stay at home. The government may announce a
selective community quarantine which may allow employees to report for work but keep
students still at home.]
2. From May 1 onwards, all tenured personnel shall be given their salaries, even without
reporting for work, as long as the ECQ is enforced. [Salaries from May 1 onwards shall follow
the 2019-2020 computation – until conditions normalize. Adjustments will be made later.
Outside ECQ, regular policies on salary and attendance shall be observed.]
3. From May 1 onwards, all non-tenured personnel who expressed intent to continue serving our
schools shall be given their salaries, even without reporting for work, as long as the ECQ is
enforced. [Outside ECQ, regular DICES policies on “no work, no pay” for non-tenured employees
will apply.]
4. All personnel may avail of their Jan-Apr 13th month pay, if they apply for it. Those who will
leave the school may be given their Jan-Apr 13th month pay only when they are cleared by the
school. [Instead of applying for a loan, we can advance to our employees their Jan-Apr 13 th
month pay. This is also the invitation of the government/DOLE to employers. But this shall be
given only to those who will apply for it. The amount shall be deducted from their regular 13 th
month pay which shall be given in December.]
5. All employees who expressed an intent to leave our schools shall serve and shall be paid only
up to April 30, 2020 – with or without ECQ. [These employees should be able to complete their
requirements for clearance by April 30. While they will be given their April 30 salary without a
clearance, their 13th month pay and other benefits from the school will only be given upon
completion of all clearance requirements.]
6. Except for positions with terms governed by other policies (e.g. Directors, Chaplains and
Principals), members of the 2019-2020 Administrative Council shall end their terms on April
30, 2020. Their benefits as administrators shall consequently end also on April 30. [It is then
imperative that schools shall be able to constitute the 2020-2021 administrative council on or
before April 30.]
Given these decisions,

1. Understandably, we are spending beyond our budget so as to guarantee that every DICES
personnel shall survive this ECQ. Hopefully, when conditions return to normal, we can get our
hands together to encourage collection of unpaid school fees from our students (though not
immediately as they also suffered from ECQ). For now, we can pray and work to recruit the
students, and also the teachers and staff, that we shall need. Hopefully, our enrolment will not
be seriously affected by this pandemic. Also, consider cost-saving activities in 2020-2021 that we
may need to institute. We may consider cancelling non-essential school activities to cut on

Together we shall surpass this crisis and become better Gurong DICES. I join you in praising and thanking
the Lord for his saving sacrifice on the cross and his glorious rising from death – for us. A blessed Easter!
In malasakitan and Christian excellence in education, I remain

Sincerely yours,


Superintendent of Diocesan Schools [OSDS Communications 2020-16]

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