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iGreen Project Winter 2019

School Roadshow

Keynote speakers : Team member of iGreen Project (EP, LV, OC)

Materials : Environmental issues in the world, especially Indonesia and Bandung; Sorting waste

A. General Description
iGreen Project is a social project hold by a not-for-profit organization, AIESEC
Local Committee Bandung, this project’s goal is to raising eco-awareness and
environment understanding within team , volunteers, and to the citizens of Bandung
through a sustainable project. This project focused on increasing waste management
knowledge among Bandung citizens and empowering a village in Bandung.
iGreen Project align with the SDGS number 11, Sustainable Cities and
Communities. By 2030, reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities,
including by paying special attention to air quality and municipal and other waste
management. We cooperate with all stakeholders to build awareness about zero waste
management into something beneficial for the economic thorough several activities.
In general, this project will be held for six weeks, specifically on December 15th
until January 27th 2020 and will involve local and international volunteers. On that period
of time, iGreen Project has a lot of activities, including School Roadshow. School
roadshow a workshop, addressed to students in high school, brought by team member of
iGreen Project, in order to provide knowledge and new insights especially in matters of
environmental issues and sorting waste habit. In the end, student are expected to
implementing this habit in their daily life.
B. Types of Event
The agenda consists of seminar and games held at SMP Darul Hikam Bandung.
The whole activity will be held on the same day, on Wednesday, January 9 th 2020. The
material will be delivered in English but LVs and OCs will translate it to Bahasa
Indonesia if it is needed.
C. Participants
Participants involved are consisted of 8 Exchange Participants (EP), five local
volunteers (LV), five Organizing Committees (OC), one Project Manager of iGreen
Project, and students of SMP Darul Hikam.
D. Target and Material Direction
Materials that will be delivered on school roadshow are :
1. Environmental issues in the world, especially Indonesia and Bandung
2. Type of waste
3. Flow of trash
4. 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)
E. Time and Place
Training for Trainers will take place in :
Place : SMP Darul Hikam (Address : Jl. Tubagus Ismail - Depan No.78, Sekeloa,
Kecamatan Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40134)
Date : January 9th, 2020
Time : 07.00-12.00 WIB
F. Rundown Event

Time Duration Description

07.00-07.30 30’ Gathering at School
07.30-08.00 30’ Greeting with School officer and students
08.00-08.15 15’ Preparation
08.15-09.30 75’ Educate class to class
09.30-10.00 30’ Games session
10.00-11.00 60’ Focus Group Disscussion
11.00-11.30 30’ Conclusion
11.30-12.00 30’ Farewell with school

G. Closing
Here is the Term of References for School Raodshow of iGreen Project Winter
2019. It is expected to be a guideline and to be fulfilled and/or developed later in the
seminar. Thank you.

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