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A phenomenological mathematical model of hysteresis

Article  in  COMPEL International Journal of Computations and Mathematics in Electrical · December 2001

DOI: 10.1108/EUM0000000005771

68 1,453

1 author:

Jenõ Takács
University of Oxford


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20,4 A phenomenological
mathematical model of
1002 J. TakaÂcs
Received February 2000 Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Revised June 2000,
September 2000 Keywords Hysteresis, Mathematical modeling
Accepted September
Abstract This paper starts with the description of a purely mathematical model of the
saturation curve and the hysteresis loop based on the fundamental similarities between the
Langevin function the specified T(x) function and the sigmoid shape. The T(x) function which is
composed of tangent hyperbolic and linear functions with its free parameters can describe the
regular anhysteretic magnetisation curve. Developed from this function the model describes not
only the regular hysteresis loop but also the biased and other minor loops like the ones produced by
the interrupted and reversed magnetisation process and the open ``loops'' created by a piecewise
monotonic magnetising field input of diminishing amplitude. The remanent magnetism as the
function of the interrupted field co-ordinates is predicted by the model in this mathematical form
for the first time. The model presented here is based on the principle that all processes follow the
shape of the T(x) function describing the shape of the major hysteresis loop of the ferromagnetic
specimen under investigation. The model is also applicable to hysteretic processes in other fields.

The mathematical description of the hysteresis is one of the fundamental
problems of ferromagnetism. The investigation into the phenomenon produced
a number of approaches, like the Preisach model (accommodation, wiping out
property, moving model, vector model etc.), vector hysteresis based on Stoner-
Wohlfarth model, each contributing to the understanding of the phenomenon
without creating the full picture of it.
Ferromagnetic substances are generally solids, characterised by two
important properties, namely the Curie point and also that the atoms of these
materials have large dipole moments. When the sample is subjected to an
external magnetic field the domains tend to align in the direction of the field
and by doing so the volume of the domains with moments in the direction of the
field will increase. When the field is removed not all the domains will move
back to their original random state. The overall state of the sample will be
different from that of the beginning and this is the magnetic history called
hysteresis. When the external field is large the magnetisation is no longer
proportional to the applied field and tends to a constant saturation value. A
general overview of the different hysteresis models can be found in Hysteresis
Models in Electromagnetic Computation by IvaÂnyi (1997).
A number of mathematical approaches had been made to formulate the
COMPEL : The International Journal
for Computation and Mathematics in behaviour of ferromagnetic substances. One of the first theories was put
Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, Vol. 20 No. 4, 2001,
pp. 1002-1014. # MCB University
The author is indebted to Professors A.J. Moses, J.G. Booth and K. O'Grady for their valuable
Press, 0332-1649 suggestions and comments on the manuscript.
forward by Langevin (1905). Although this theory was developed for Mathematical
paramagnetism it was later extended to ferromagnetism by Weiss (1906; 1907). model of
The resulting function, called Langevin function, describing the saturation hysteresis
effect for the anhysteretic curve, is shown in equation (1):
L…x† ˆ coth…x† 1=x …1†

A closer scrutiny of this theory, however, reveals some shortcomings, like it 1003
only applies strictly to gaseous substances. Solids obey the Curie-Weiss law.
Based on quantum mechanical approach Langevin's theory was modified. The
new theory produced a new function, called Brillouin function (Brillouin, 1927)
shown in equation (2):
B…x† ˆ C1 coth…C1 x† C2 coth…C2 x† …2†

The difference between the Langevin and the Brillouin function is small and
the Brillouin function approaches the Langevin function as a limit when C2
tends to zero. On a large scale with the appropriate choice of constants both
functions describe the saturation effect well enough. The closer investigation,
however, shows that both functions can have possible discontinuity at x = 0.
We know from experience, however, that both the anhysteretic and the
hysteresis curve are continuous in this region so the two functions above need
careful handling in practical applications.
Several other models have been developed to explain the ferromagnetic
behaviour. All these new approaches have contributed further to the
understanding of the phenomena (Jiles, 1998; Chiakazumi, 1986).
It is the well known regular shape of the hysteresis loop and its theoretical
model which this paper is concerned with. In the following it will be shown that
by using certain functions, mimicking the sigmoid shape of the hysteresis loop
as it is often called, one can formulate not only the saturation hysteresis, but
can also put into mathematical form other phenomena associated with
ferromagnetism. In the past there have been a number of attempts to describe
magnetisation and hysteresis in a mathematical form. A number of methods,
starting with the obvious way of using power series (Bauer, 1975) to
approximate its character, followed by rational polynomials and functions,
have been tried already (Trutt et al., 1968; Widger, 1969). Some of these models
are based on the physics of ferromagnetics, others only attempted to model the
shape of either the saturation curve or the hysteresis loop. One of the most
popular is the Preisach model, which dominates the literature (Mayergoyz,
1991; Della Torre, 1998; 1999; Preisach, 1935).
The cornerstones of this theoretical model are as follows. With the available
free parameters, most regular ferromagnetic materials and their properties can
be described by the combination of hyperbolic and a linear function (function
T(x) defined later), which fairly well matched to the reversible and irreversible
components of hysteresis. Where the process does not drive the sample into
deep saturation as in most practical applications, the linear term can mostly be
COMPEL neglected. Once the major hysteresis loop of the material has been formulated
20,4 the change in the magnetic state will follow a congruent path every time and in
every case and for every change, small or large. No other concession or
approximation has been made so far in the following calculations.
Although this mathematical model was primarily developed for describing
the magnetic hysteritic phenomena of a known sample, it is applicable not only
1004 in ferromagnetics, but other fields of science. Hysteretic phenomena are
encountered in mechanical engineering, optics, control engineering, neural
networks, to name just a few.

The magnetic saturation curve

By looking at the shape of the Langevin and the Brillouin functions, several
models as alternatives spring into mind. Most of them have been tried with
varied success. These models are ranging from power series, through
exponential functions to tan-1 function introduced by Karlqvist (1954) and used
for solving some problems associated with ferromagnetism. The use of
hyperbolic tangent function so far has not been considered. It will be shown,
however, that the character of ferromagnetic phenomena follow the tangent
hyperbolic function and as such the characteristic curves of ferromagnetism
can be deduced from and described by the combinations of these functions.
The two functions, Langevin and Brillouin, show striking similarities to the
T(x) function defined below in equation (3) and plotted in Figure 1 for the
constant values of A0 = 0.006, B0 = 0.8 and C0 = 0.416667:
T…x† ˆ A0 x ‡ B0 tanh‰C0 xŠ …3†

These well fitting graphs demonstrate that by appropriately selecting the

constants in function T(x) one could fit the other two functions, therefore any
regular saturation curves, to a required accuracy. In most ferromagnetic
problems, however, not involving extreme saturation, the first linear term can
be neglected, leaving only the tanh function in the expression. For simplicity in
the following we will regard A0 as negligible compared to other quantities.

Figure 1.
The Langevin, the
Brillouin and the T(x)
The hysteresis loop Mathematical
By appropriate selection of A0, B0, C0 and a0 (defined later) most regular model of
hysteresis loops can be fitted with hyperbolic functions. By equating B0 and C0 hysteresis
to unity, which we can do without changing the general validity of the
mathematical model, since they only change the scale of the functions f+ and f±,
we can regard the quantities in the following expressions as normalised.
In order to develop the mathematical expression of a hysteresis loop from 1005
equation (3) we have to translate the T(x) function horizontally by ‹ a0 as well
as vertically by b1 in opposite directions, as shown in equation (4):
f‡ ˆ tanh…x a0 † ‡ b1 for ascending branch …4a†

f ˆ tanh…x ‡ a0 † b1 for descending branch …4b†

here the measure of the horizontal shift a0 represents the value of the coercive
force, where the hysteresis loop intersects the horizontal axis. The value of b1 is
determined by xm the maximum value of x where the two curves f+ and f±
intersect. By equating f+ and f± at x = xm, b1 can be calculated in the following
b1 ˆ ‰tanh…xm ‡ a0 † tanh…xm a0 †Š=2 …5†

The resulting hysteresis loops are plotted in Figure 2 for the numerical values
of: a0 = 1 and xm = 3 with the initial or virgin magnetisation curve which is
given in equation (6):
fs ˆ tanh…x†‰1 2C3 sech…x†2 Š …6†

A family of hysteresis loops are depicted in Figure 3 for four xm values of 3, 1.5,
1 and 0.5. The loci of the points of intersections of the hysteresis curves, f1 are
described in mathematical form by the expression in equation (7):
fl ˆ ‰tanh…x ‡ a0 † ‡ tanh…x a0 †Š=2 …7†

Figure 2.
A major hysteresis loop
with the virgin
magnetisation for a0 = 1,
xm = 3 and C3 = 0.4
COMPEL This is where the extrema of the major and all minor hysteresis loops lie and is
20,4 known as the anhysteretic magnetisation curve. This curve is also shown in
Figure 3.
The dependence of the anhysteretic curve (equation (7)) on the coercive force
a0 is depicted in Figure 4. The curves are plotted for successive a0 values 0.5,
1.0, 1.5 and 2.
1006 Every hysteresis loop is attached to an anhysteretic path, running between
the two intersections at xm and ± xm. With the knowledge of one half of the loop
and the anhysteretic path, the return path can unambiguously be determined
from equation (7). Although the shape of the anhysteretic curve is similar to
that of the virgin magnetisation, they are two different curves, describing
different physical properties and formulated in different mathematical
expressions as equations (6) and (7) show.

Hysteresis loop with dc bias

In practical applications the ferromagnetic component is often exposed to the
combination of constant (dc) and varying (ac) magnetic field. The effect of this
is a change in the shape of the hysteresis loop. In the following, only the static

Figure 3.
A family of hysteresis
loops with the
magnetisation curve for
a0 = 1 and xm = 0.5, 1,
1.5 and 3

Figure 4.
magnetisation curves for
a0 = 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2
hysteresis will be considered where the shape of the loop is not a function of the Mathematical
time, therefore is not affected by viscosity. By introducing a constant additional model of
term d0 in the field variable x in equation (5), we can formulate the new hysteresis
hysteresis loop mathematically in the following way. Owing to the dc bias the
intersecting points of the two curves in the first quadrant will shift by b2 and
by b3 in the third one as equation (8):
f‡ ˆ tanh…x a0 † ‡ b2 for increasing x values …8a†

f ˆ tanh…x ‡ a0 † b3 for decreasing x values …8b†

At the positive intersection point, f+ and f± (positive extremum) will be equal,

and this gives the condition for calculating the expression of b2 as shown in
equation (9):
b2 ˆ …tanh‰xm ‡ d0 ‡ a0 Š tanh‰xm ‡ d0 a0 Š†=2 …9†

where xm represents the maximum field again, the sample is subjected to

without the additional d0 bias.
Following the same argument, one can calculate b3 for the third quadrant
from the negative value of the field maximum as shown in equation (10):
b3 ˆ …tanh‰ xm ‡ d0 ‡ a0 Š tanh‰ xm ‡ d0 a0 Š†=2 …10†

Taking tangent hyperbolic transition between b2 and b3 one can derive

expressions which will satisfy all the conditions above for the biasing as shown
in equations (11) and (12):
tanh‰ xm ‡ d0 a0 Š tanh‰x a0 Š
b10 ˆ b2 ‡
tanh‰ xm ‡ d0 a0 Š tanh‰xm ‡ d0 a0 Š
tanh‰xm ‡ d0 a0 Š tanh‰x a0 Š
tanh‰xm ‡ d0 a0 Š tanh‰ xm ‡ d0 a0

tanh‰ xm ‡ d0 ‡ a0 Š tanh‰x ‡ a0 Š
b20 ˆ b2 ‡
tanh‰ xm ‡ d0 ‡ a0 Š tanh‰xm ‡ d0 ‡ a0 Š
tanh‰xm ‡ d0 ‡ a0 Š tanh‰x ‡ a0 Š
tanh‰xm ‡ d0 ‡ a0 Š tanh‰ xm ‡ d0 ‡ a0 Š

After replacing b2 and b3 in equation (8) with b10 and b20 from equations (11)
and (12) respectively we arrive at the expression in equation (13), which
describes now the hysteresis loop with dc bias. In Figure 5 there are plotted
graphs of hysteresis loops with bias for the following values:
a0 ˆ 0:5; d0 ˆ 0:2 and xm ˆ 3; 1:5; 0:75 and 0:5

Figure 5.
Family of hysteresis
loops with bias for d0 =
0.2 and xm = 3, 1.5, 0.75
and 0.5

f‡ ˆ tanh…x a0 † ‡ b10 for increasing x values …13a†

f ˆ tanh…x ‡ a0 † b20 for decreasing x values …13b†

Minor loops
Within the major hysteresis loop of a ferromagnetic material an infinite number
of minor loops can exist. Minor loop is a collective name of all the loops which
have at least one extreme different from the major loop extreme. As such it can
be divided into subcategories, depending on the properties of the minor loop in
question. One category of minor loops have been discussed earlier with various
xm and dc bias and such family of loops is shown in Figure 5. Their positive
and negative extremes are located on the anhysteretic magnetisation curve and
at least one of the extreme end values less than the field required to bring the
sample into saturation. The unbiased minor loops are located at points
symmetrically around the origin when the excitation is symmetrical around the
zero line. When, however, the excitation is superimposed on a dc bias then the
loops are shifted towards the first (positive bias) or the third (negative bias)
quadrant. Further minor loops can be formed when a cycle is interrupted at a
certain point of the loop and the field is reversed. These minor loops will also be
closed at the extreme of the original loop. Minor loops can also be made by
gradually reducing the amplitude of the excitation while the B-H curve is
cycling around the hysteresis loop. This minor loop category will also satisfy
the following criteria. It will be formed by a continuous string of reversal
curves but open at the beginning and the end. All the points of reversals will be
located on the anhysteretic magnetisation curve.
The first category can be described by equation (4). For the biased loops the
mathematical expression is equation (13) and a family of loops is shown in
Figure 5 for positive dc bias.
Supposing the magnetisation is interrupted and reversed at an arbitrary xr
point, either on the ascending or the descending part of the hysteresis loop, then
the relationship between the induction (f+ or f±) and the excitation field (x) by Mathematical
using equation (4) can be described by the following expressions: model of
f‡ ˆ tanh…x a0 † ‡ cu for increasing x values …14a† hysteresis

f ˆ tanh…x ‡ a0 † cd for decreasing x values …14b†

The expressions for cu and cd are given below in equations (15) and (16).
tanh…xm a0 † tanh…x a0 †
cu ˆ c1 …15†
tanh…xm a0 † tanh…xr a0 †

tanh… xm ‡ a0 † tanh…x ‡ a0 †
cd ˆ c1 …16†
tanh… xm ‡ a0 † tanh…xr ‡ a0 †

c1 ˆ tanh…xr ‡ a0 † tanh…xr a0 † b1 …17†

where b1 is defined in equation (5).

As one can see, after reversal the magnetisation will follow the path of the
descending part of the hysteresis loop starting from the point of reversal.
A set of curves showing the effect of reversed magnetisation on the ascending
side of the hysteresis loop is shown in Figure 6 (first order reversal curves). The
normalised values of the field at the reversals xr are 2, 1.5, 1, 0.5, 0 and ± 0.5.
A similar set of first order reversal curves, showing the reversals on the
descending part of the hysteresis loop, reversing at the corresponding normalised
excitation field values of ± 2, ±1.5, ±1, ± 0.5, 0 and 0.5 is depicted in Figure 7.
When a ferromagnetic sample is cycled around the hysteresis loop with
diminishing amplitude of excitation, then xm the excitation field amplitude
during one half of the cycle can vary by the following function:
xm ˆ xm0 …1 † x …18†

Figure 6.
Minor loops starting
from the reversal points
representing the relative
field values of 2, 1.5, 1,
0.5, 0 and ± 0.5
COMPEL where xm0 is the amplitude of the normalised field at the beginning and D
20,4 represents the linear decrement in the amplitude as specified above. This
function will satisfy the conditions that xm = xm0 when D is zero and also when
x = ± xm0 at the beginning. At every reversal point the final amplitude for the
finishing and the new starting amplitude for the starting curve can be
calculated as:
1  n
xmr ˆ xmn 1 …19†

where n is the number of reversals whose value is running from one to the total
number of reversals made.
By substituting xm (see equation (18)) into equation (4) for the first curve one
gets the following expressions:
f‡ ˆ tanh…x a0 † ‡ b1 …20a†

f ˆ tanh…x ‡ a0 † b1 …20b†

where now:
b1 ˆ ‰tanh…xm0 …1 †  x ‡ a0 † tanh…xm0 …1 † x a0 †Š …21†
following the substitution of equation (18) into equation (5). These so far describe
the first step in the process. The amplitudes for the following steps can be
calculated by replacing xm0 with the expression in equation (19). The calculated
hysteresis curve with diminishing amplitude where D the decrement value is 0.1
is shown in Figure 8.
All points of reversals are located on the anhysteritic magnetisation curve.
The calculation presented here is for a constant decrement but it is also
applicable to any other set of piecewise monotonic inputs.

Figure 7.
Minor loops starting
from the reversal points
representing the relative
field values of ± 2, ± 1.5,
± 1, ± 0.5, 0 and 0.5
model of

Figure 8.
Minor hysteresis loops
with decreasing field
amplitude with the
decrement of 0.1

Remanent magnetism
When the exciting magnetic field is interrupted during the process of
magnetisation, then the magnetisation of the sample will not stay the same but it
declines to a value below the value determined by the field at the point of
interruption on the hysteresis loop. The shape of the path followed by the
magnetisation between x = xi and x = 0 has not been explained and all textbooks
normally show a straight line between the two points representing the excited
and the remanent magnetic state. With this model, by applying the hyperbolic
tangent rule this path can be expressed in exact mathematical terms. Supposing
the interruption of the field happened on the ascending side of the hysteresis
loop, then the field will decline on a path imaging the descending part of the loop
starting at the point of interruption. The original path, described by equation (4),
should be shifted to the point of intersection as described in equation (22) below:
f ˆ tanh‰x ‡ a0 Š b1 ‡ c4 …22†

The constant c4 can be calculated by equating f+ and f± at x = xi thus:

c4 ˆ tanh‰xi a0 Š tanh‰xi ‡ a0 Š ‡ 2 b1 …23†

By substituting c4 from equation (23) into equation (22) we get an expression

for the return path.
To the descending part of the hysteresis loop the same logic applies to c5
constant shown in equation (24); both paths can be expressed in mathematical
form as shown below.
c5 ˆ tanh‰xi ‡ a0 Š tanh‰xi a0 Š 2 b1 …24†

and the two path equations are:

f ˆ tanh‰x ‡ a0 Š b1 ‡ c4 …25a†

f‡ ˆ tanh‰x a0 Š ‡ b1 ‡ c5 …25b†
COMPEL In Figure 9 a major hysteresis loop is depicted with declining paths starting
20,4 from the point of interruption values of ‹ 2, ‹ 1.5, ‹ 1 and ‹ 0.5. The value of
the remanent magnetism in each case is marked by the intersection of the path
of decline with the vertical axis of magnetisation.
From Figure 9 it is obvious that there are two possible excitation field values
for every state of remanent magnetism, which is another way of stating the
1012 well known multivalued relationship between the exciting field and residual
flux. By equating f+ and f± in equation (25) with zero and solving the resulting
equations for xi the two field values can be calculated for every value of
remanent magnetism. The expression for xiu, the corresponding value of
interruption on the ascending part of the hysteresis, is shown in equation (26):
tanh‰a0 Š ‡ Mr b1
xiu ˆ arctanh …26†
2 tanh‰a0 Š tanh‰a0 Š3 ‡ …Mr b1 †tanh‰a0 Š2

In the same way, xid, on the descending part of the hysteresis, is:
tanh‰a0 Š Mr b1
xid ˆ arctanh …27†
2 tanh‰a0 Š tanh‰a0 Š3 …Mr b1 †tanh‰a0 Š2

The remanent magnetisation curves against the co-ordinates of the normalised

field of interruption, predicted by the model, are depicted in Figure 10 for the
xm values of 3, 2, 1 and 0.5.
Although the two curves, the magnetisation versus field and the remanent
magnetisation versus field, are fairly similar, in fact they represent different
information. The knowledge of the first is necessary to calculate the second, but
the first can not be calculated from the full detailed knowledge of the second.
This model has been developed initially as a theoretical tool to describe
hysteresis and phenomena associated with hysteretic processes. The
indications are, however, that its applications can be far reaching and its
potential application could extend to areas such as analytical design procedure

Figure 9.
The paths of remanent
magnetism for
interruption field co-
ordinates of ‹ 2, ‹ 1.5,
‹ 1 and ‹ 0.5
model of

Figure 10.
Calculated remanent
magnetisation versus
field of interruption for xm
values of 3, 2, 1 and 0.5

of magnetic components, or the formulation of accommodation and magnetic

viscosity. The investigation in these directions is already showing positive

At the start this paper the theoretical task to show that the regular saturation
and the hysteresis curves basically follow the tangent hyperbolic function was
set. The model formulated here, built on this principle, employs the
combination of linear and hyperbolic functions, where the dominant term in
most cases is the tangent hyperbolic function. By using the same functions, the
major and minor hysteresis loops with the anhysteretic curve were formulated
and the effect of the dc bias on the hysteresis loop was described
mathematically. Following that, the effect of field reversal and the problem of
open minor loop for a set of piecewise monotonic inputs with fixed decrement
were described in mathematical terms. The same mathematics applies to the
case of incremented field amplitude. In the final section the mathematical
formulation of the phenomenon of multivalued remanent magnetism is given,
thus describing the remanent magnetisation loop analytically. The model
followed only one rule, that the effect of any ferromagnetic process, which the
ferromagnetic specimen is subjected to, will follow always the same function,
namely the one which describes the major hysteresis loop, however small or
large the effect might be. Basically, all changes or minor loops can be derived
mathematically from the equations describing the major hysteresis loop.

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