Invisibility Paper Final

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Technology of Human Future

Dhirendra Mishra Ankit vimal jain
Poornima Institute of Engg. And Technolgy, Jaipur

Nature, are expected to report the results in

ABSTRACT near future. . The concept of invisibility
would involve surrounding the object by a
“Invisiblity” has not remained a thing of "metamaterial" . Meta-material is a type of
science fiction movie or story. Imagine when composite material that has unusual
one will be able to disappear in the air and electromagnetic properties. According to the
no one is able to see him like the Harry researchers, light rays incident on the
Potter invisibility Cloak. Scientist has material would be bent around the object,
discovered the devices which are able to only to emerge on the other side in exactly
bend the light around three dimensional the same direction as they began. Although
objects making them to “disappear”. The the work is only theoretical, the researchers
materials used for the invisibility devices are reckon that materials invisible to radio
artificially designed and research are being waves could be produced within five years.
carried out since than the idea strike the
mind of thinkers of invisibility. The 2. META-MATERIAL
breakthrough could lead to systems for
The new "meta-materials," whose physical
rendering anything from people to large
structure bends visible light in a way that
objects, such as tanks and ships, invisible to
ordinary materials don't, may help efforts to
the eye – although this is still years off. The
make an invisibility cloak that could guide
day is not for away when we have
light around an object so that neither a
invisibility cloak large enough to hide us.
reflection nor a shadow would be created.
1. INTRODUCTION Researchers have developed meta-materials
that show these unusual light-bending
The things which our eyes are not able to abilities for other parts of the
see are considered as “ Invisible”. Light is electromagnetic spectrum, notably for
neither absorbed nor reflected by the objects, microwaves, but efforts to do this with
passing like water flowing around a rock. As visible light have been limited to flat, two-
a result, only the light from behind the dimensional systems because the shorter the
objects can be seen. The devices which are wavelength, as in visible light, the smaller
going to make us hide are invisibility the features of the man made metamaterial.
devices. Researchers at the University of
California at Berkeley, whose work is
funded by the American military, have
engineered materials that can control

light’s direction of travel. The world’s two

leading scientific journals, Science and
• The tiny structures embedded in the
metamaterial would have to be
smaller than the wavelength of the
electromagnetic rays you wanted to
bend. That's a tall order for optical
invisibility, because the structures
would have to be on the scale of
nanometers, or billionths of a meter.
It's far easier to create radar
invisibility, Pendry said: "You're
talking millimeters" — that is,
thousandths of a meter.

3.1 Xiang Zhang
Figure 1. Bending of light in meta-
Xiang Zhang the leader of the
researchers, said: “In the case of
There are some scientific catches that the invisibility cloaks or shields, the material
tale-tellers never had to worry about: would need to curve light waves
completely around the object like a river
• For a total invisibility effect, the flowing around a rock.”
waves passing closest to the cloaked
object would have to be bent in such
a way that they would appear to
exceed relativity's light speed limit.
Fortunately, there's a loophole in
Albert Einstein's rules of the road
that allows smooth pulses of light to
undergo just such a phase shift.

• The invisibility effect would work

only for a specific range of
wavelengths. "There is a price to be
paid if you want a thin cloak, in that
it operates only over a narrow range
of frequencies," Pendry said. Figure 2. Meta-material
• The cloak could be made to cover a An observer looking at the cloaked
volume of any shape, but "you can't object would then see light from behind
flap your cloak," Pendry said. it – making it seem to disappear.
Moving the material around would Substances capable of achieving such
spoil the effect. feats are known as “meta-materials” and
have the power to “grab” Advanced Technology Institute at
electromagnetic radiation and deflect it the University of Surrey.
smoothly. No such material occurs
naturally and it is only in the past few This is a huge step forward, a
years that nano-scale engineering, tremendous achievement. It's a careful
manipulating matter at the level of atoms choice of the right materials and the right
and molecules, has advanced sufficiently structuring to get this effect for the first
to give scientists the chance to create time at these wavelengths.There could be
them. The tiny scale at which such more immediate applications for the
researchers must operate is astonishing devices in telecommunications. What's
in itself. Zhang’s researchers had to more, they could be used to make better
construct a material whose elements microscopes, allowing images of far
were engineered to within about smaller objects than conventional
0.00000066 of a meter. The military microscopes can see. And a genuine
funding that Zhang has won for his cloaking effect isn't far around the
research shows what kind of applications corner. "In order to have the 'Harry
it might be used for, ushering in a new Potter' effect, you just need to find the
age of stealth technology. right materials for the visible
wavelengths," says Prof Hess, "and it's
3.2 Researchers at the University of absolutely thrilling to see we're on the
California right track."
Researchers at the University of 5. APPLICATIONS AND
California at Berkeley, whose work is FUTURE PROSPECTS:
funded by the American military, have
engineered materials that can control • There'd be plenty of applications
light’s direction of travel. The world’s in the civilian world as well ,
two leading scientific journals, Science even for rudimentary cloaking
and Nature, are expected to report the devices. For example, you could
results in near future. create receptacles to shield
sensitive medical devices from
3.3 Imperial College London disruption by MRI scanners, or
It follows earlier work at Imperial build cloaks to route cellphone
College London that achieved similar signals around obstacles.
results with microwaves. Like light, • Pendry's team proposed
these are a form of electromagnetic constructing all-over cloaking
radiation but their longer wave-length devices, the other research paper
makes them far easier to manipulate. describes a simpler method that
Achieving the same effect with visible would involve shaping the meta-
light is a big advance. materials into cylindrical
4. Cloak and shadow cloaking devices. The method
could also work to block sound
4.1Professor Ortwin Hess waves — like the cone of silence
on the "Get Smart" TV show, but
not as impractical.
6. Barrier in development of • Researchers at the University of
Invisibility devices: California Imperial College
• Although we have thorough
knowledge of theoretical •
concept of invisibility but •
we have not eough practical
implementation of these • Science Reporter,april,2005
• Meta-material still needs
more consideration and a lot
has remained undiscovered
and needs thorough study.
• Security concern is another
serious issue.
The paper is result of support, motivation
and guidance of Mr. Manoj Gupta, Vice
Principal, Poornima Institute of Engg.
And Technolgy, Jaipur , Mr Hari singh
Parihar, Mr Gourav Sharma, Mrs Gitika
Bhati, HOD, Electronics and Comm., ,
Mr. S.K Bairwa and my friends and

• Electronics for You, April,
2007Business week, August 5,

• The New York times magazine,

June, 2000.
• Researchers from Duke
University, USA

• Researchers from mperial

College London Findings of
Xiang Zhang

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