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Nama : Nisfu Laili

NIM : D41180987
Golongan :B
Prodi : Manajemen Agroindstri
Matkul : Applied English (Review)

How to Read and Explain Charts and Graphs

charts and graphs are visualizations of data that are presented briefly. They very helpful
to see trends and amount of variation in the information that have been learned. A Trend
is the direction of changing data, for example, the average increase and decrease of a
human's age. If someone takes an IELTS test, they have to understand that. The below is
a type of graph type :

a. A Simple Pie Chart

The pie chart above shows every part and value of the page on English Hints on
several subjects. the biggest part of the page is vocabulary( including idioms, roots
& affixes), then is the vocabulary practice. In third page position there are three
variations of the subject consisting of skill ( reading, writing), test & games, as much
as grammer. And then page is lesson plans for teacher less then other pages.
b. Line Graph
Line graph is a type of graph that is generally used to describe a development or
change over time. In the line graph, the horizontal line is the X line and the vertical
line is the Y line. We must understand that the graph and its effect size are displayed
in studying the titles and labels of the x-axis and y-axis

Number of Antidepressant Mentions for Various Age Groups Over Time

The Line graph above displayed about gradual incrase in mentions antidepressant
drugs during visits to the outpatient department in 1993 to 2000. The vertical line
shows the number of outpatient visits and the horizontal line shows the period of time
(in this years) of the research. And the colored line the color shows the age difference
grubs. from the graph above illustrates that the highest value in the mention of
antidepressant drugs is from 45 to 64 years old. Followed by age group from 65 years
old. And third mention of antidepressant drugs is from 18 to 4 years old then more
by age grob under 18 years old.

c. Wages & Employment for Different Health Profision

The Chart above illustrates the comparison of employment and income
opportunities for nursing jobs in the U.S. The x-axis represents the number of jobs
available and the y-axis shows the average wage. The least paid job is Home
Health. Followed by workers as nurse assistants, orders, participants with an
average receiving under $ 30,000. Pharmacy technicians, dental assistants, and
medical assistants have the same average income but medical assistants have
double the prospect of employment opportunities between the two types of work.
LVNs and LPNs have wage and employment more than Pharmacy technicians,
dental assistants, and medical assistants. Radiologic tecths, Dental hygienists, and
Physical available have employment position less than Pharmacy technicians,
dental assistants but they have wage more than Pharmacy technicians, dental
assistants, and medical assistants. Regestired Nurses have wage as most as Dental
Hygienists, but they have highests employment position of all jobs in the health
department. And the last of jobs in the health departement Pharmacist have highests
wage of all jobs and have and little job position.

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