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The Legend of Malakas and Maganda

THEME: Denote a deeper meaning and truth

about Filipino culture.  Filipinos consider women to be Maganda - beautiful, sweet,
and soft; while men as Malakas - a strong and sturdy being to whom the family can
depend on at all times.
SETTINGS:Ilocos Region I, Philippines
CHARACTERS:Malakas and Maganda and Bathala(god),and the bird
POINT OF VIEW: this is how the first man being created or this is where they came
EXPOSITION:The sun rose, bright as a gold and the heavens were embellished
with clear blue skies. In a distance the full moon peeked amidst the darkness with
thousands of sparkling and twinkling stars.God gracefully lifted His powerful hands
and in just a snap, the earth was created. Trees and grasses sprouted from the lands
and fragrant flowers came into bloom.Oceans waved and surged; rivers outrageously
flowed. Birds flew freely in the skies and they rest to sing for a while.

RISING ACTION:God gracefully lifted His powerful hands and in just a snap,
the earth was created. Trees and grasses sprouted from the lands and fragrant flowers
came into bloom.Oceans waved and surged; rivers outrageously flowed. Birds flew
freely in the skies and they rest to sing for a while.God then created the world. It was
such a beautiful and pleasure paradise to behold!

CONFLICT:Malakas get angry to Maganda because he dint do her job properly

CLIMAX:shocked, hurt, and angered that anything should strike it, the bird
furiously pecked at the bamboo until it split in half. Out one section came a golden
bronze colored man named (Malakas) the strong one and from the other half came a
similarly hued woman named (Maganda)the beautiful one.
FALLING ACTION:The falling action is when they tried to survive
RESOLUTION:Malakas and Maganda reached the land of green islands. It
shone with the brightness of golden sun. The whole land was a vast of glistening
pearls of the east!There, in the Land of the Morning, Malakas and Maganda lived
together – the first parents of the Filipino race.

The Legend of Claveria's Apo Lakay-lakay

THEME: Despite living a happy life, they became greedy and unwanted.
SETTINGS:Region II Claveria Cagayan, Philippines
CHARACTERS: Apo Lakay, Apo Baket,The Ubing(their son), and Mang Bong.
POINT OF VIEW: do not be greedy because you may not know what will the world
throw to you, this world may turn upside ,down.
EXPOSITION: there was a family living in Claveria who got wealthy through
fishing. The couple who were on their golden age was blessed having a precious
young son. They love their son so dearly. Despite living a happy life, they became
greedy and unwanted.

RISING ACTION: an old man came across the father who was on his way home
from an abundant catch. The old man was starving so he requested the father if he
could spare a bite from one of the fishes he would cook. The father laughed off his
request. The old man said, "You'll regret it if you will not!". The father continued
walking until he reached home.

CONFLICT:while the couple were cooking that night, an old lady came
knocking at their door. The old lady pleaded for a bite of fish since she was very
hungry. The wife yelled at her exclaiming they have nothing to give. The wife keep
pushing her away. The old lady then gave a warning the couple would regret if they
won't give her. Unfortunately, the old lady went away empty handed.

CLIMAX: When food was ready for dinner, they found out that their son was
missing. They went out to search for their son, asking their neighbors for help.
Instead of going home, they spent the night at the shore waiting for the sun to rise.
That morning, they found their son across the waves in the east. Despite the tiring
night long search, they ran so quickly. They were heart broken to find their beloved
son turned to stone.

FALLING ACTION:the couple went back home weeping. The wife blamed her
husband for being useless and greedy. Suddenly, her husband turned into stone just in
front of her. She noticed the waves on her feet and slowly she turned to stone as well.

RESOLUTION:To date, the two towering rock formations located in Taggat Lagoon
are known as Apo Lakay-lakay (Old Man) and Apo Baket-baket (Old Woman). Their
beloved son Ubing-ubing (Child) can be found in Sentinela Beach across Claveria

Legend of Alitaptap

THEME: having faith and treating others fairly

SETTINGS: In the valley of Pinak in Central Luzon, one of the islands in the
CHARACTERS:bulan hari, bituin, the people of Pinak,the Bathala and Alitaptap,
POINT OF VIEW: do not treat others unfair just because of their appearance or
status in life.
EXPOSITION: There was a deep large lake rich with fish. There, the people of
Pinak fished for their food, and always, there was plenty for all. Then suddenly, the
big river dried up. In the shallow mud, there wasn't a fish to catch. For months, there
were no rains. Out in the fields, the land turned dry. The rice-stalks slowly withered.
Everywhere in Pinak, there was hunger. Night after night, the people of Pinak prayed
hard. "Dear Bathala," they would recite together in their small and poorly-built
chapel, " send us rains, give us food to eat. For the people are starving, and there is
want among us!"
RISING ACTION:Then one black and starless night, the good Bathala answered
the prayers of the faithful people of Pinak. For suddenly up in the dark skies appeared
a blaze of gold! A beautiful chariot of gold was zooming thru the sky. The people
started to panic but a big booming voice came from the chariot soothing them with
words. " I am Bula-hari, and I have come with my wife, Bitu-in. We are sent to the
heavens to rule Pinak from now on. We have come to give you good life!" As Bulan-
hari spoke, the black skies burst open. The rain fell in torrents.
CONFLICT: the dry fields bloomed again. The large lake rose and once again
was filled with fish. The people were happy once more under the ruler ship of Bulan-
hari. Soon Bulan-hari and Bitu-in had a daughter. She grew up to be a beautiful
maiden. Such long dark hair! Such lovely eyes under long curling lashes! Her nose
was chiselled fine. Her lips like rosebuds. Her skin was soft and fair like cream. They
named her Alitaptap for on her forehead was a bright sparkling star. All the young,
brave handsome men of Pinak fell in love with Alitaptap. They worshiped her beauty.
They sang songs of love beneath her windows. They all sought to win her heart.
CLIMAX:But alas! the heart of Alitaptap wasn't human. She was the daughter of
Bulan-hari and Bitu-in, who burst from the sky and were not of the earth. She had a
heart of stone, as cold and as hard as the sparkling star on her forehead. Alitaptap
would never know love. Then one day, an old woman arrived at the palace. Her hair
long and dirty. her clothing tattered and soiled. Before the king Bulan-hari, Ba lo-na,
the old, wise woman whined in her sharp voice... that she had come from her
dwelling in the mountains to bear the king sad news. The news being that she saw the
future in a dream and it behold of their fate... the warriors of La-ut are coming with
their mighty swords to conquer the land, the only solution is to have a marriage
between Alitaptap and one of the young men, so as to have a heir to win the war
FALLING ACTION: At once Bulan-hari pleaded with his daughter to choose
one of the young men in their village. But how could the beautiful maiden
understand? Alitaptap's heart of stone merely stood in silence. Bulan-hari gripped his
sword in despair... " Alitaptap!" he bellowed in the quiet palace, "You will follow
me, or you will lay dead this very minute!" But nothing could stir the lovely young
woman's heart. Bulan-hari blind with anger and fear of the dark future finally drew
his sword. Clang! the steel of his sword's blade rang in the silence of the big palace
RESOLUTION:When it all ended, the beautiful, peaceful valley of Pinak had
turned into an empty and shallow swamp. At night, there was nothing but darkness.
But soon, tiny sparkles of light would flicker and lend glimmers of brightness in the
starless night. And so, the fireflies came about.

The story of Maria Makiling

THEME: heroism, love, compassion and promises that were fulfilled even after life.
SETTINGS:Mt. Makiling Laguna.Philippines
CHARACTERS: Maria Makiling, Juan, captain Lara,and Joselito
POINT OF VIEW: it is about loving your fellow people. If you have a grudge to
someone and carry it through out your whole life , it has no good destination, it
would not also be good to you.we must learn how to accept failure and forgive
EXPOSITION:Travelers coming from Manila going to Southern Luzon will
notice a mountainous mound of thick rainforest looming up ahead. The shape of the
mountain takes the form of a woman lying peacefully on her back. Every home-bred
Filipino can easily recognize this as Mount Makiling and the sleeping form of the
woman is that of the mountain’s goddess Maria Makiling.

RISING ACTION:A hunter tells of his experience while in pursuit of a wild boar
who had tried to attack him in the deep forest of Mt. Makiling. As he was about to
strike the cornered boar, a beautiful lady with golden-brown skin and long flowing
black hair appeared and admonished him not to kill the wild pig. She patiently
explained with a kind voice that the attack launched by the boar, was only to protect
the mountain against intruders, who may one day take away all the trees in its forest.

CONFLICT: there are stories about hunters losing their way in the forest and
unable to find their way back home. Others, however, were fortunate to be chanced
upon by mountain climbers and hikers; albeit incoherent and unable to remember
their names or where they live. The only thing they can remember is a beautiful lady
who gave them food and shelter for the night.
CLIMAX:The beautiful lady invited him to have supper with her and a place to
rest for the night. The hunter felt humbled that despite being caught red-handed by
Maria, she still found it in her heart to be gracious. Nevertheless, the hunter made a
vow to Maria that he will no longer hunt any of the living creatures in Mt. Makiling
ever again, nor take down trees from its forest.

FALLING ACTION:Pleased at what she heard, Maria gave the hunter a

“salakot" or buri hat filled with ginger, to take home as present for his wife. Upon
reaching home, he immediately opened his back pack, to unload the heavy burden off
his back. The “salakot" fell off with a heavy thud and revealed golden nuggets
instead of ginger.

RESOLUTION:some stories like the legend of Maria Makiling tend to scare,

they had at least, served the purpose of keeping the rainforest well-preserved with its
ecology still intact.

The legend of Daragang Mayon

THEME: a tragic love story

SETTINGS:Ibalon,Region V, Philippines
CHARACTERS:Panganoron, Amihan, Daragang Magayon,Makusog and ,Patuga
POINT OF VIEW:a love that did not have a chance to grow and prosper
RISING ACTION:“Help! Help me!” she cried. Fortunately, her cries were heard
by Pangaronon (the proud one) and his bodyguard Amihan (the cold one).
Pangaronon jumped into the river and saved Daragang Magayon.
CONFLICT:Panganoron asked Makusog’s permission to marry Daragang
Magayon. But Makusog could not permit them to marry. Tribal law forbade marriage
outside of the clan. As tribe leader he had to enforce the law. Yet, as a father, he
wanted to make his daughter happy.

CLIMAX:Meanwhile, Patuga (the eruptive one) learned about Panganoron’s

intention. Patuga was the most ardent suitor of Daragang Magayon. For years, he had
been convincing her to marry him, but to no avail.One night, Patuga and his cohorts
kidnapped Makusog. Then, he sent word to Daragang Magayon that her father would
die if she did not marry him

FALLING ACTION: Without a choice, she acceded. Only then did Patuga
release Makusog. Soon Patuga and Daragang Magayon were wed. But in the midst of
the merrymaking, pandemonium broke out when Panganoron and his men arrived.
Fighting ensued between the two tribes. In a few minutes, Panganoron fatally struck
Patuga. However, during the skirmish, a poisoned arrow shot from nowhere, fell on
Daragang Magayon’s breast.
RESOLUTION:Panganoron rushed to her aid and as he knelled over the dying
Daragang Magayon, an enemy hacked his head off.

The tales of Halawod River

THEME: the Halawod is not just a piece of literary piece but also a source of
information about culture, religion, and rituals of the ancient people , showing us that
ancient Filipinos believed in the “sacred” in the importance of family honor and in
personal courage and dignity.
CHARACTERS: Labaw Donggon, Humadapnon and Dumalapdap,Alunsina, Captan,
Datu Paubari, Angoy Ginbitinan,priest Bungot-Banwa,Abyang Durunuun,Sikay
Padalogdog,Gadlum, Saragnayan
POINT OF VIEW:compassion means understanding the suffering of others and
wanting to do something about it.
EXPOSITION:The Halawod epic tells the story of the exploits of the three
demigod brothers, Labaw Donggon, Humadapnon and Dumalapdap of Panay
RISING ACTION:When the goddess of the eastern sky Alunsina (also known as
Laun Sina, "The Unmarried One") reached maidenhood, the king of the gods, Captan,
decreed that she should marry. All the unmarried gods of the different domains of the
universe tried their luck to win her hand to no avail. She chose to marry a mortal,
Datu Paubari, the mighty ruler of Halawod.
CONFLICT:Her decision angered her other suitors. They plotted to bring harm
to the newlyweds. A meeting of the council of gods was called by Maklium-sa-t'wan,
god of the plains, where a decision by those present was made to destroy Halawod by
CLIMAX:Labaw Donggon, the eldest of the three, asked his mother to prepare
his magic cape, hat, belt and kampilan (sword) for he heard of a place called Handug
where a beautiful maiden named Angoy Ginbitinan lived..The journey took several
days. He walked across plains and valleys, climbed up mountains until he reached the
mouth of the Halawod river. When he finally met the maiden's father and asked for
her hand in marriage, the father asked him to fight the monster Manalintad as part of
his dowry. He went off to confront the monster and with the help of his magic belt
Labaw Donggon killed the monster and to prove his feat he brought to Angoy
Ginbitinan's father the monster's tail.
FALLING ACTION:Several months later they came to a place called
Tarambuan-ka-banwa where they encountered the two-headed monster Balanakon
who guarded a narrow ridge leading to the place where the maiden lived.
RESOLUTION:Dumalapdap married Lu bay-lubbock Hanginun is
Mahuyokhuyokan and then took her home. Datu Paubari was very happy when he
was reunited with his three sons and he prepared a feast in their honor. After the
celebration, the three brothers left for different parts of the world. Labaw Donggon
went to the north, Humadapnon went south, Dumalapdap to the west and Datu
Paubari remained in the east.
Sicalac and Sicavay

THEME: Its lyric depict a romantic love , usually portraying the hopeless pleadings
of a lover willing to sacrifice everything on behalf of his beloved. It is a mournful
wail of the rejected lover or the broken hear-ted. It is a story of unrequited love.
SETTINGS: Central Visayas
CHARACTERS:Captan and Maguayan, Sicalac,Samar,Lupluban,Pandaguan,
POINT OF VIEW: the hopeless pleadings of a lover willing to sacrifice everything
on behalf of his beloved
EXPOSITION:there were two gods, Captan and Maguayan.One day, Captan
planted a bamboo in a garden. It grew and split into two sections, and stepped out a
man who was named Sicalac and woman named Sicavay
RISING ACTION:Sicalac asked Sicavay’s hand for marriage because there were
no other people on earth.She refused because they were brother and sister, having
been conceived out of the same reed.Sicalac persistently pleaded with her and finally
they decided to consult the tunas of the sea, the doves of the air and the earthquake,
who agreed that they should marry so that the world will be populated
CONFLICT::they decided to go ahead and got married
CLIMAX: they had a son named Sibo. Then they had a daughter named Samar.
Sibo and Samar had a daughter named Luplupan who grew up and married
Pandaguan, who was also a son of Sicalac and Sicavay. Lupluban and Pandaguan had
a son named Anoranor.Pandaguan invented the fishing net and he caught a shark
when he used it but the shark did not survive for long out of the water. He cried
loudly to the Gods
FALLING ACTION:The god Captan, sent the flies to find out why Pandaguan
was making such a loud lamentation but the flies refused to obey so they were
condemned to scavenge among filthy and rotten things from then on. Then, the god
sent the weevils and he discovered about Pandaguan’s grief and he struck him dead
by a thunderbolt
RESOLUTION: Pandaguan stayed in the infernal regions but the gods took
pityon him and brought him back to the world.Pandaguan discovered that his wife
Luplupan became the concubine of Maracoyrun.Pandaguan got angry and went back
to infernal regions, vowing never to return to the world.

The Legend of Mount Danglay

THEME: the swampy couple

SETTINGS: shores of Kabatok, in Samar island.
CHARACTERS:Dang and Mulay
POINT OF VIEW: she was being love too dearly by his mother to the point that she
has been spoiling her
EXPOSITION:Long time ago, a young couple Dang and mulay lived in the
swampy shores of Kabatok, their livelihood was catching crabs and shellfish and
crossing the Bay to a village in Samar island.
RISING ACTION:Dang ventured into the bay and said to himself he gathered a
pearl. He took a dive depth into the pacific ocean. He noticed that the ocean floor was
moving and he was surprised to find the giant crab as big as hill.
CONFLICT:Dang hurriedly back to kabatok and tell his wife Mulay and they
planned to catch the giant crabs. They built a crab basket that big as a hill.
That night, they capture the huge crab and they towed the big basket with all their
might. They were so triumphant and forgot one thing, a cover for the basket.
Suddenly, Dang and Mulay  fall to sleep. The big sea crab climbed out.
CLIMAX:The Couple awake and Dang attempt to kill it but its shell was too
hard. The crab pinned the couple and dashed them against the rocks. In her terror,
Mulay shout the word:   “TAKLUBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” 
FALLING ACTION:The next day, the people in the nearby town  found out a
dead bodies of the couple , Years passed, the site where the bodies buried they grew
mound, a hill, then a mountain
RESOLUTION:The people called the mountain “Danglay” means Dang and mulay .
The swampy sitio where the couple lived was called “Takluban” as the last scream of
Mulay and become tacloban.

THEME:a Magical colorful bird

SETTINGS:Maranao, Mindanao
POINT OF VIEW: a love to see the world in different point of view
EXPOSITION:The Sarimanok is a legendary bird of the Maranao people who
originate from Mindanao, a major island in the Philippines
RISING ACTION:. It comes from the words “sari” and “manok.” “Sari” means
cloth or garment, which is generally of assorted colors. 
CONFLICT: Manòk, which makes up part of its name, is a Philippine word for
chicken.The Sarimanok is derived from a totem bird of the Maranao people,
called Itotoro
CLIMAX:According to the Maranao people, the Itotoro is a medium to the spirit
world via its unseen twin spirit bird called Inikadowa.

The legend of Maria Cristina Falls

THEME:Maria Cristina falls in love with the prince and felt so much happiness
whenever they are together which lead the two to get married.
SETTINGS:Iligan City in the Mindanao region of the Philippines,
CHARACTERS: the mother, the father of Maria Cristina, the sultan and the witch
EXPOSITION:There was once a Sultan who gained fame because of his
daughter's beauty. The maiden's name is Maria Cristina. But Maria Cristina was
adopted, the said Sultan isn't her real father, instead her biological father is a
fisherman from the province of Romblon. Yes, they are poor but they are contented,
as long as they are all together, that's all that matters. Every rainy season, Cristina
would eagerly help her father on planting in their small piece of land..

RISING ACTION:That happened when one day the Sultan raided their town. All
the people scattered and went up the hill to hide. Cristina was so little back then that
she wasn't aware of what was going on around her. It didn't sink in to her young
mind. The Sultan's underlings saw her and abducted her but Cristina's father saw it
and gave a good fight. Sadly, her father got killed and she was taken away.

CONFLICT:there was a witch who was envious of Maria Cristina, of her beauty
and fate with the young nobleman. She vowed that the oncoming wedding would not

CLIMAX:She was in such a state when the ugly witch came from behind her. She
thought it was her fiance and it surprised her to see the ugly maiden instead.

"I loved him before he even came to know you. He's mine and your wedding will
never happen!" said the witch to her. "Go ahead and cry yourself out!"

FALLING ACTION:Hearing this made Maria Cristina cry even more. She didn't
know that despite her happiness with her beloved fiance, there is a raging heart she
isn't even aware of.

"You will never have the man I love. You just took him away from me. You are
going to turn into a mountain before your wedding day! And your tears will flow to
the town, heading to the sea," said the raging witch.

RESOLUTION:The twin falls looks like tears flowing from the eyes of the beautiful
maiden, and so the people named it after her, Maria Cristina.
The Story of Creation (B’laan)

THEME:the story of creation

SETTINGS:B’laan, Mindanao
CHARACTERS:Melu, and Tau Tana
POINT OF VIEW:Melu did not wish any assistance and a great argument ensued Tau
Tana finally won his point and made the noses
EXPOSITION: In the very beginning there lived a being so large that he cannot
be compared with any known thing. His name was Melu, and when he sat on the
clouds, which were his home, he occupied all the space above. His teeth were pure
gold, and because he was very cleanly and continually rubbed himself with his hands,
his skin became pure white. The dead skin which he rubbed off his body was placed
on one side in a pile, and by and by this pile became so large that he was annoyed
and set himself to consider what he could do with i
RISING ACTION:Finally Melu decided to make the earth; so he worked very
hard in putting the dead skin into shape, and when it was finished he was so pleased
with it that he determined to make two beings like himself, though smaller, to live on
it. Taking the remnants of the material left after making the earth he fashioned two
men, but just as they were all finished except their noses,
CONFLICT:Tau Tana from below the earth appeared and wanted to help him.
Melu did not wish any assistance, and a great argument ensued. Tau Tana finally won
his point and made the noses which he placed on the people upside down
CLIMAX:When all was finished, Melu and Tau Tana whipped the forms until
they moved. Then Melu went to his home above the clouds, and Tau Tana returned to
his place below the earth. All went well until one day a great rain came, and the
people on the earth nearly drowned from the water which ran off their heads into
their noses. Melu, from his place on the clouds, saw their danger, and he came
quickly to earth and saved their lives by turning their noses the other side up.
FALLING ACTION:The people were very grateful to him, and promised to do
anything he should ask of them. Before he left for the sky, they told him that they
were very unhappy living on the great earth all alone,
RESOLUTION: so he told them to save all the hair from their heads and the dry
skin from their bodies and the next time he came he would make them some
companions. And in this way there came to be a great many people on the earth.


The story of Bantugan

THEME: Bantugan returns to his own kingdom with loss of his sister but gaining the
people of Pan who are grateful to him forever.
SETTINGS:Island of Mindanao Valley of Rio Grande
CHARACTERS:Bantugan,the sultan, the sister, the boy and the Spaniards
POINT OF VIEW: the good prince of Bantugan is to be contented of what you are
and what you have . you don’t have to be jealous of the traits and success of others
because everyone is differently beautiful and can be successful in many ways
EXPOSITION:the Sultan of the Island had a beautiful daughter whom Bantugan
wished to marry, but the home of the Sultan was far off, and whoever went to carry
Bantugan’s proposal would have a long and hazardous journey. All the head men
consulted together regarding who should be sent, and at last it was decided that
Bantugan’s own son, Balatama, was the one to go. Balatama was young but he was
strong and brave, and when the arms of his father were given him to wear on the long
journey his heart swelled with pride. More than once on the way, however, his
courage was tried, and only the thought of his brave father gave him strength to

RISING ACTION: the weary lad came to a high rock in the road, which glistened
in the sunlight. From the top he could look down into the city for which he was
bound. It was a splendid place with ten harbors. Standing out from the other houses
was one of crystal and another of pure gold. Encouraged by this sight he went on, but
though it seemed but a short distance, it was some time before he at last stood at the
gate of the town.

CONFLICT: the Sultan begged him and promised that Bantugan might marry his
daughter with no other gifts at all save the statue of gold. Balatama put back the
statue into his helmet, and the air became calm again to the great relief of the Sultan
and his courtiers. Then Balatama prepared to return home, promising that Bantugan
would come in three months for the wedding.

CLIMAX:Now about this time a Spanish general heard that Bantugan was
preparing to marry the Sultan’s daughter, whom he determined to wed himself. A
great expedition was prepared, and he with all his brothers embarked on his large
warship which was followed by ten thousand other ships. They went to the Sultan’s
city, and their number was so great that they filled the harbor, frightening the people

FALLING ACTION:When the wife of Bantugan saw that her husband was no
more and that his warship had been destroyed, she gathered together the remaining
warriors and set forth herself to avenge him. In a few hours her ship was also sunk,
and in the place where it sank there arose the mountain of Timaco.

RESOLUTION:On this thickly wooded island are found white monkeys, the
servants of the Princess, who still lives in the center of the mountain. On a quiet day
high up on the mountain side one can hear the chanting and singing of the waiting-
girls of the wife of Bantugan.

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