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2‫اخطاء انكسار‬ ‫بصريات‬/‫مرحلة ثانية‬  ‫حسن عبد الهادي الجابري‬


Prism power is defined by the amount of deviation produced as a light ray traverses the
prism. The deviation is measured as the number of centimeters of deflection measured at a
distance of 100 cm from the prism and expressed in prism diopters (∆).

The path of a pencil of rays passing through a prism is bent toward the base of the prism to
form a real image

Q/ Draw (real and virtual) images are displaced by the prism

Real images are displaced by the prism toward the base of the prism

The prism forms a virtual image of a real object, and that virtual image is displaced by the prism
toward the apex of the prism.

Visual acuity: Assessment of the eyes ability to distinguish object details and shape, using
the smallest identifiable object that can be a specified distance (usually 6 m)

Visual field: Full extent of the area visible to an eye that is fixating straight ahead.

Visual angle: Is the angle subtended at the nodal point of the eye by the physical
dimensions of an object in the visual field.

2‫اخطاء انكسار‬ ‫بصريات‬/‫مرحلة ثانية‬  ‫حسن عبد الهادي الجابري‬

Example/ It has been observed that the two adjacent points can be seen clearly and
discretely only when these two points (A and B) produce a visual angle not less than 1
minute. The dimensions of the visual angle depended upon the size of the object as well
as its distance from the eye.

Figure: Visual angle (ANB) subtended at the nodal point by the physical dimensions (AB) of the object.

Components of Visual Acuity

1- Minimum visible: the ability to determine whether an object is present in the empty
visual field or not, is termed visibility or detection.

2- Resolution (ordinary visual acuity): is the discrimination of two spatially separated

targets. The minimum separation between the two points, which can be discriminated as
two, is known as minimum resolvable.

3- Recognition: An individual not only discriminates the spatial characteristics of the test
pattern but also identifies the patterns with which one has had some experience. An
average adult can recognize thousands of faces.

4- Minimum discriminable or hyperacuity: Refers to spatial distinction by an observer

when the threshold is much lower than the ordinary acuity.

Factors affecting visual acuity

The factors that influence the spatial resolution can be classified into physical and

Physiological factors are those which influence the processing of the stimulus and are
thus mainly observer related.

There is some overlap between physical and physiological groups:

Physical physiological
Lens Accommodation
size of pupil reflex control size of pupil

2‫اخطاء انكسار‬ ‫بصريات‬/‫مرحلة ثانية‬  ‫حسن عبد الهادي الجابري‬

Q/ Enumerate the stimulus factors that affecting V.A?
1- Luminance of test object.
2- Geometrical configuration of the stimulus.
3- Contrast of the stimulus from the surround.
4- Influence of wavelength of stimulus light.
5- Exposure duration of stimulus.
6- Interaction effects of the two targets.
Q/ Enumerate the observer factors that affecting V.A?
1- Retinal locus of stimulation.
2- Pupil size.
3- Accommodation.
4- Effect of eye movements.
5- Meridional variation in acuity.
6- Optical elements of the eye.
7- Developmental aspects.

Q/ why minimum resolvable is 1 minute of arc?

Because the clinical tests employed to measure the visual acuity are designed taken into
consideration the threshold of the one minimum resolvable.

Q/ why examination with eye chart is incomplete?

Because emphasizes on fovea vision, usually at one level of illumination, and adaptation at
one distance

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