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Bataan Peninsula State University

Project in SSCI-110
Submitted by:
Maria Criselle G. Tala

Submitted to:
Sir. Ariel Magtanong Tamayo
The vital breath of prudent Education
Instills a virtue of enchanting power;
She lifts the motherland to highest station
And endless dazzling glories on her
And as the zephyr's gentle exhalation
Revives the matrix of the fragrant flower,
So education multiplies her gifts of grace;
With prudent hand imparts them to the
human race.
Where Education reigns on lofty seat
Youth blossoms forth with vigor and
He error subjugates with solid feet,
And is exalted by conceptions of nobility.
She breaks the neck of vice and its deceit;
Black crime turns pale at Her hostility;
The barbarous nations She knows how to
From savages creates heroic fame.
From out his lips the water, crystal pure,
Of perfect virtue shall not cease to go.
With careful doctrines of his faith made sure,
The powers of evil he will overthrow,
Like foaming waves that never long endure,
But perish on the shore at every blow;
And from his good example other men shall
Their upward steps toward the heavenly
paths to turn.
And as the mighty rock aloft may tower
Above the center of the stormy deep
In scorn of storm, or fierce Sou'wester's
Or fury of the waves that raging seep,
Until, their first mad hatred spent, they
And, tired at last, subside and fall asleep, --
So he that takes wise Education by the hand,
Invincible shall guide the reigns of

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