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E-mail :
Phone Number : +213 558414645
Address : Cité des Amandiers 35006 Boumerdes Algérie

Paris-Saclay University

Object: Application for Master 1: « Electronique, Energie Electrique, Automatique M1 E3A – Site
Evry »

Professor Naïma AIT OUFROUKH,

I am sending you this email to support my application for acceptance into the Master 1 Program (E3A site-Evry)
proposed by your honorable University.

With a Master degree in Electrical Power Engineering, a Bachelor degree in Electrical and Electronic engineering
from (IGEE ex-INELEC) Boumerdes, and a professional experience as an Electrical Engineer, I am now versed in a
broad range of subjects related to this discipline.

By joining your program, I will have the chance to pursue my studies, specialize in the second-year program (PIE:
Réseaux électriques et énergies renouvelables) and follow a research and development career concerning the different
subjects related to this discipline.

During my Academic studies, I have learnt the basics and the fundamentals about Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, including, Analog and Power electronics, Programming, Signal processing, Linear systems, Electrical
Machines, Electrical Energy, Renewable Energies, Power System Analysis, Semi-Conductor physics and various related

In parallel to my studies, I was an active member in the scientific club of our institute. My main role was teaching
Python programming language and monitoring students in their learning journey. I have worked on different projects
based on Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning such as Road panel recognition system based on Cascade
Classifiers and an Intelligent Mirror based on Natural Language Understanding.

My final year project was about “Steady state analysis of six phases self-excited induction generators using Genetic
Algorithms for wind energy conversion systems”, which combines Electrical Engineering with Artificial Intelligence
to predict and calculate the steady state behavior and limits of this kind of generators.

Therefore, my carrier plan is to conduct researches on similar subjects integrating Artificial Intelligence in Electrical
Power Systems and Renewable Energies, such as the “Dynamic analysis of six-phases self-excited induction
generators” which is the continuity of my final year project, “AI-based Approaches for the optimization of Renewable
Energy Systems” and other different examples.

Professor, I believe that I possess the required tenacity and motivation to pursue my goals with sincerity, and that,
given the opportunity, I will not hesitate in my endeavor to attain my utmost potential to the best of my ability.

Thank you very much for considering my application. I am looking forward to your positive response. It would be a
valuable opportunity to study at Paris Sacley University.

Yours faithfully,

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