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Wa erFord

Study Abroad Program

Who: You!
What: Five-week
study abroad

Where: Waterford,

When: June 11 to July

16, 2020

Why: Earn six hours


or credit in history,
se d

political science,

English or


t S

For more information, contact:

Dr. Debra VanTuyll |

Communication Department

Email: dvantuyl@augusta.edu

Office: Allgood E119

Website: tps://usg-goes-global.via-trm.com/
What’s not included?

Program costs do not include tuition, the cost
of your passport, textbooks, spending money, or

What classes can I take?

transportation to or from the Atlanta airport

What's it going to cost me?

Communication: Travel Writing & Photogra-
phy and Fundamentals of Human Communi-
cation (COMM 1100/1110)
The program cost is still being set, but it is expected to political Science and History: Global issues;
be between $5,000 and $5,200. That includes airfair, History on Film: The Irish Stuggle for Inde-
but if you can find a cheaper fair or use airline miles, pendence; Special Topics in
you can usually cut the cost $1,00 or more.

Why study abroad in Ireland?

International Affairs: Irish Foreign Policy &
International Law; US History since 1865: The
irish American Experience
English: owrld Literature I & II; Travel Writ-
Ireland is a great place to experience a different culture ing: Exploring people & Places (English - Cre-
without extreme culture shock. Irish love Americans ative Non-Fiction)

Typical Field Trip / Activities

(really - they think of us as long-lost cousins - which
we probably are), they go out of their way to be helpful.
Life there is different from America, but no so much as
to make it impossible to navigate the culture. • Kilkenney Castle and St. Canice’s Cathedral

What’s included in the program cost?

• Waterford Crystal
• Tramor (beach resort)
• Rock of Cashel
• Cahair Castle
• Dormitory accomodations with private room &
• Swiss Cottage
bathroom at Waterford Institute of Technology
• Wexford Folk Life Center
• Meal plan including breakfast & lunch on class
• 1798 United Irishmen Museam
days (35 meals in total), a 100 Euro grocery gro-
• Dunbrody Famine Ships
cery card, welcome dinner, and closing reception
• RIng of Kerry Bog Village
gala dinner
• Lesson in how to make irish coffee

Can out-of-state students participate?

• Unlimited travel on the Waterford Leap bus system
• Activities & excurions listed below
• Health insurance policy
• An optional group
flight. The cost list- Absolute! In fact, out of
ed above includes state students pay the same
an estimate for the tuition as Georgia students
roundtrip airfare - $199 per credit hour -
• Access to WIT’s pro- which is a real
fessional & modern bargain. Most fees are
fitness center includ- waived for study abroad
ing workout equip- students as well. Out-of-
ment, fitness classes, state students apply to the
bicycle rentals, etc. University of West Georgia
• Some free days & as transient students. They
weekends to explore will also register for classes
Ireland or travel to through West Georgia.

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