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Pe eel) Lee cau en PN ere eestor Eo © Tuine temperature probes © smote detectors @ Vibration detectos © Fressuse sensors Wastsr cur v Ge) att stent teseming Yous. voutave 2 profession infofibristolgs | © 2 Bourdon Tube ‘C' Shaped with val Cross Section Limit Stop eeu ta) Question No.1/75 Question ID: 220004 Flag Question ©) ea eens © Tutsine temperature proves @ smote detectors @ Vivvation detectors @ Pressure sensors v Dee et ca Patented in Frence in 1249 by Eugene Bourdon, s Bourdon Tube is ¢ nonliquid pressure messurement device, widely used in processes where simple, inexpensive static pressure messurements sre needed, 29. Altimeters, It is one of the mast frequently used instruments for measuring the pressure of sil kinds up to pressures of 100,000 psi. A typical Bourdon of liquids end gases, including steam, water, and si tube contains a curved tube, open to extemal pressure input on one end, connected mechanically to an indicating needle on the ether end Imsae Assessment Statistics 1 Correct of 1 Score: 100% Question Statistics (Leave feedbsck on question) Times Answered: 10 1 ATP Forum} Average Score: 70% Pe eel) et ) Question No.2/75 — Question 1D: 220002 et nc) According to the range of pressure to be measured (low, medium, high), different types of pressure sensors are used. Classify the following sensors by order of increasing pressure for which they Puerto Pee ed pane ed EW Reet h® eeu ta) Question No. 2/75 Question ID: 220002 Pept tc) According to the range of pressure to be measured (low, medium, high), different types of pressure sensors are used. Classify the following sensors by order of increasing pressure for which they Posed Sees etd Pacey etd Fant je Lan EO) Drea al Bourdon tubes sre well suited to high pressures, and sneroid capsules well suited to low pressures. Assessment Statistics 1 Correct of 2 Score: 50% Question Statistics (Leave feedback on oues TPF: Times Answered: 9 Average Score: 44% Pe eel) et ) Question No.3/75 Question ID: 220003 et nc) An aneroid capsule: Bee ey eee ee tend eo oo ond 1 Ea 4. Is used for very high pressure measurement ‘The combination that regroups all of the correct statements is: Q24 Or. o.- You eeu ta) h® ‘Question No.3/75 Question ID: 220003 Pept tc) An aneroid capsule: eee acer Pa eee on eee PaO oe on ad Peston eod os ent een’ The combination that regroups alll of the correct statements ‘Aneroid capsules are well suited to messuring relatively law pressures very accurately. Question Statistics Times Answered: 5 Average Score: 77% Pe eel) ra CL econ’ ene fa manifold pressure gauge consistently registers atmospheric pressure, the cause is probably: © 4 very high atmospheric pressure @ Lest in pressure gsuge line @ Avery low stmospheric pressure © An sneccid capsule which is not properly calibrated eae ra) Sal Youll ovate bout becoming infofibristol gs eeu ta) RL ee es Bk) Hf a manifold pressure gauge consistently registers atmospheric pressure, the cause is probably: @ Avery high atmospheric pressure. @ Lest in pressure gauge line v @ Avery low stmospheric pressure @ An aneroid capsule which is not properly calibrated x eda Dee et ca The ling from the manifeld to the guage runs through s harsh environment. If lesk develops in the ling, the higher pressure in the manifold will leak sway before reaching the guage itself, which will therefore just indicate the atmospheric pressure, Question Statistics (Leave feedback on question) Times Answered: 10 Average Score: €0% Pe eel) ee esau en Sse era testa cect @ Atow rate, © centity @ Presure © Temecsture eae ra) Wastsr cur v Ge) att stent teseming Yous. voutave 2 profession infofibristolgs | © 2 eeu ta) Ce LEIS een sae Rie D ine hrc @ Atiow rate. © ausntty @ Presue v @ Tempersiure x eda Dee et ca Assessment Statistics 2 Correct of 5 Scor Question Statistics (Lesve fee: Times Answered: 10 [Post to ATF Forum} Awerage Score: 29% wit beDoming nal pilot on Pe eel) ra Lee esau ene The engine instrument utilising an aneroid pressure diaphragm is the: @ Foc! pressure gauge. © Oil temperature gsuge. @ Oil pressure gauge © Manifold pressure gauge eae ra) Sal Youll ovate bout becoming infofibristol gs eeu ta) RL eed Bk) ‘The engine instrument utilising an aneroid pressure diaphragm is the: © Fee! pressure gouge @ Gil tempersture gsuge. @ Gil pressure gauge @ Manifold pressure gauge. v eda Dee et ca Anercid eepsules sre well suited to messuring reletively low pressures very securstely, Assessment Statistics 3 Correct of 6 Score: 50% Question Statistics Lesve feedbsck on quest Times Answered: 10 [Post to ATF Forum} Awerage Score: 20% am about becoming al pilot @G=- You o2: Pe eel) ra CL Ce ae ene DN ee ee eae ae eer ee cea) ‘of a thermocouple can be directly graduated in temperature values provided that: @ The temperature of the hot junction remains the seme as the temperature of the cold junction @ The temperature of the hot junction is maintained constant @ The temperature of the cold junction is maintained constant. © The tempersture of the hot junction is msinisined st 1° approximately. Find us on Facebook YouGp 2° Bristol Groundschool Lid. Lower New Road, eeu ta) Lae eee Bk) De een ea ae ar near cay Cet et eee een eee ns @ The temperature of the hot junction remains the same as he temperature of the cold junction © The temperature of the hot junction is maintained constant @ The temperature of the cold junction is meintsined constant. v © The temperature of the hot junction is msintsined st 15% spproximately x ‘The hot junction is pieced where the temperature is te megsured. The cold junction is where the EMF is measured, and it must therefore stay st s constant temperature if the effects of tempersiure varistions at the hot end are to be celibreted. Assessment Statistics 3 Correct of 7 Score: 42.86% Question Statistics iback on question) Times Answered: 11 Average Score: 64% (ep) Lear stout becoming RM) so pilot Youtiiyy — Pe eel) ra Lee esau ene Cg eae Seen rete rece © Ram sir temperature (RAT) + 26% of the rem rise @ Static.air temperature (SAT) + 9896 of the ram rise. @ 25% of the static sir temperature (SAT) © 25% of the ram sir tempersture (RAT) eae ra) Sal bout becoming Youll ovate infofibristol gs eeu ta) RL eed Bk) ‘A temperature sensor has a recovery factor of 0,95. St eee ent ote © Ram air temperature (RAT) + 95% of the ram rise. © Ststicsir temperature (SAT) + 95% of the rem rise. v (@ 25% cf the static sir tempersture (SAT). @ 25% of the cam sir temperstuce (RAT). x eda Dee et ca Static sir tempersture is the ambient temperature of staticgir. But parts of an sircrsft st speed will be influenced by s higher temperature due to the effects of compression and friction. This incesse in tempersture is known as the “Ram Rise", snd it is messured by s “total sir tempersture probe" However, in practise these probes will not perfectly messure the incesse, and the "recovery rate proportion of the rise that is measured dicates the Question Statistics (Leave feedback on question) Times Answered: 9 Average Score: 22% Pe eel) ra Ee Lee ean ene ee eas @ Two layers of identics! meisis, one being longer than the other © Ajunation of two sissimiler metsis @ Severs! layers of identical metsls, but with different thickness © Two layers of identical metsls, both having the ssme size. eae ra) Sal Youll ovate bout becoming infofibristol gs eeu ta) Lee eed Bk) De nd © Two layers of identicsl metals, one being longer than the other. @ Ajunction of two dissimilar metsis v @ Severs! Isyers of identical metsls, but with different thiciness @ Two layers of identical metals, both having the same size, x eda Dee et ca Two mete! conductors of different types ere connected at two points, The same temperature gradient slong the two metals will preduce an electrical force where they meet, which can be messured snd graduated to indicate the temperature. Question Statistics (Leave feedback on question) Times Answered: 9 Average Score: 55% Pe eel) ra CE CEI eee ene ee ees @ Asingte wire coil © AWheststone ridge connected to s voltage indicster. @ Two mets! conductors of cifferent type connected st tao points © Two mets! conductors of the same type connected st tec points eae ra) Sal bout becoming Youll ovate infofibristol gs eeu ta) Tee ee: | Pee) Coens @ Asingle wire coil © AWheststone bridge connected to s voltage indicator. @ Two mete! conductors of different type connected st two points, v @ Two mets! conductors of the same type connected st two points « eda Dee et ca Two mete! conductors of different types ere connected at two points, The same temperature gradient slong the two metals will preduce an electrical force where they meet, which can be messured snd graduated to indicate the temperature. Peel Ss 3 Correct of 10 Score: 30% Question Statistics Times Answered: 10 Average Score: 50% | Leave Feesbsc Thank you ving feedback. We will review your comment Pe eel) ra ee ee en | Peer nt Ore re ee berg eras eres et tee ee ee ee oe RC ee eats @ Sitondars + 20°C © Stsndsrs @ Sisndad + 10°C @ Standard + 20°C eae ra) Sal bout becoming Youll ovate eeu ta) Question No. 11/75 Question ID: 220014 Flag Question ©) Pe rec cn ete eg an eee Considering that the probe recovery coefficient is 0.84, the present weather conditions compared with the standard atmosphere are: @ stendera + 20°C @ stsnascs @ Sisndac + 10°C v @ Standard + 20°C x eda Dee et ca Remember that the temperstures are in *K and the answers are ISA deviations. IsA+40* TAT = SAT (1+ 0.2NF) SAT=TAT /(1+0.2 Kr NA) "ics your recovery factor TAT is-5 C, which is 268.15 K Pe eel) et ) ee RR ee ear et nc) rod E = electromotive force (emf) es tae cok cent Deer cug ‘The relationship that applies to a thermocouple is: EskxP fete @ gee Pe eee km a eeu ta) h® ‘Question No. 12/75 Question ID: 220012 Pept tc) es i aC) hot junction temperature Cee cug The relationship that applies to a thermocouple is: EsKkx? E=K-T E=KxSQRT (T) EMF produced by a thermacouple varies directly with the hot junction temperature. Question Statistics Times Answered: 7 Average Score: 57% Pe eel) et ) ee CER ea’ et nc) Given: eT Seen een tay Th =hhot junction temperature K= constant Bc eno O Eekxte @ E=KxTe @ E=KxTe © E=KxT eee est Puree peaersg eeu ta) h® Ce MR ee eee) Pept tc) Cd E= electromotive force (emf) perenne ta Resco Poon’ Be en E=Kx Th E=KxTo E=KxTo E=KxTh v EMF produced by a thermacouple varies directly with the hot junction temperature. Question Statistics Times Answered: 8 Average Score: 87% Pe eel) et ) Question No. 14/75 Question ID: 220014 et nc) At roe ty Sets TH0.2. NE THt140.2. MA THAI#0.2.N Ts=TH{ 0.2 NF An [eneng paces eae) eeu ta) h® Ce a eee ad Pept tc) Cd Pe nd Pete eer tad Set Tg Ts = Ti10.2. NF) Ts = Tt(1+0.2. MA} Ts= Tti(1+0.2. MA v Ts= Ti 0.2 NF) ETO) Drea a) just enother way of writing the TAT formula SAT (1+ 0.207] Question Statistics Leave Times Answered: 7 Average Score: 57% Pe eel) ra EEC esau ene Given: Mach number M = 0.70, Measured impact temperature =- 48 °C. The recovery factor (Kr) of eee ce Le eo eae ra) Sal bout becoming Youll ovate infofibristol gs eeu ta) RL eed Bk) CC Sao ot oe Reo gga ng Cen ee me Ur 45° © -' v eda Dee et ca Use the formula SAT = TAT /(1+0.2 Kr MF) Remember that the temperatures are in *K So SAT = 225 25/1+{0 2x0 85x0 49} = 207.28 °K, which is -85 °c So Rec pe ee Ee Lieto ele Question Statistics (Lesve feedbsck on question) Times Answered: 7 [Post te ATP Forum} Awerage Score: 7% You os Pe eel) ra IRC esau nd ene Dc ee een Conor @ Staticair tempereture minus compressibility effects in order to obtain the tetel temperature © Tote! sir temperature minus hinetishesting effects in erderto obtsin the static temperature @ Sisticair temperature minus kinetic heating effects in order to cbtsin tne totsl temperature © Total cir temperature minus compressibility effects in order to obtain the static temperature PT Facstcon G Tater You eeu ta) Lee ed Bk) ee eg on eon © Siaticir temperature minus compressibility effects in order to obtain the tots! temperature. @ Total cirtempersture minus kinetic hesting effects in order to obtain the static v tempersiure @ Ststiosir tempersture minus kinetic hesting effects in erder to obtain the totsl temperature. @ Total cir tempecsture minus compressibility effects in order to obtain the static x temperature. eet The TAT is the tempersiure reached when the kinetic hesting effects have inceased sistic tempersture. 31.25% Eee ale Pt Ue Question Statistics (Leave feedback on question) Times Answered: {Pest to ATP Forum) Average Score: 57% n shout becoming jonsl pilot Pe eel) ra CLEC eae Le ene Do emt cue Cre gd © outlet of ne combustion chamber © inlet of the high pressure chamber @ Inlet of the combustion chamber © Outlet ofthe high pressure stage of the turbine eae ra) Sal bout becoming Youll ovate infofibristol gs eeu ta) Pree oo Meee on ero Ed Flag Question ©) ‘The measurement of the turbine temperature or of the EGT is carried out at the: @ ouster of tne combustion chamber @ Inlet of tne nigh pressure chamber @ Inlet of the combustion chamber @ cvtetotine igh pressure stage of the turbine v eda Dee et ca ‘The highest temperatures ere found in the combustion chamber end if too high would melt the High Pressure turbine snd the air is too hot to be messured at this point. The turbine or exhaust gas temperature MAY be measured at the outlet of the turbine (in a single spool engine} but the inclusion of the phrase "high pressure stage” in the anewers suggests that there is alo a low pressure turbine. In such a case, the measurement of gases between the high snd lew pressure turbines would be refemed to in different terms to those sisted end the exhaust ges temperature would be messured st the low pressure outlet. ‘Therefore, the answer given is not necessarily corect 2s the question refers to only ome type of turbine ‘engine, however, this is how the examiner has written the question and you should opt for this answer. NOTE: If this question appears in an examination you should appeal it on the basis that itis imprecise and you are also requested te contact the Course Materials Team at Pe eel) ra IER ead ene De Conn tet ee Ecos. kn oa Pee @ Boxed on metallic pars: whose expansion/contraction is measured © Themocounies @ Based on metallic conductors whose resistance increases linearly with temperature © Capacitors whose capacity varies proporionslly with tempersture Find us on Facebook YouGp 2° Bristol Groundschool Lid. Lower New Road, eeu ta) Le eed Bk) Co tr on oh Eure i ony Cr @ 2200 on metallic parts whose expansion/contraction is measured @ Themocounies. v @ Based on metallic conductors whose resistance increases linearly with ‘temperature. © Cepacitors whose capacity varies proportionally with temperature x Thermocouples ere well suited to measuring temperstures over 2 very large temperature range. Assessment Stati Re Question Statistics (Leave feecbsct on question} Times Answered: 6 tte ATP Forum) Awerage Score: 06% n about beooring I pilot © fone YouTy Ys. Pe eel) ra CEM ace eae ene ‘The Static Air temperature (SAT) is: @ The outside air temperature measured by tne pitet probe. @ The smbiant outside sir tempersture @ The tst civided by the recovery factor. © The tempersture resulting from the sircraft motion in the sic eae ra) Sal Youll ovate bout becoming infofibristol gs eeu ta) Le eed Bk) DU oc od ©) The outside air temperature measured by the piiet probe. @ The ambisnt outside sir tempersture v @ The tat divided by the recovery factor @ The temperature resulting from the sircraft motion in the sit x eda Dee et ca Static sir tempersture is the ambient temperature of static-sir, before itis influenced by the sirctsft at speed which will raise the tempersture due to the effects of compression snd friction. pe ee Eerie te ee Question Statistics (Lesve feedbsct on question) Times Answered: & [Post te ATP Forum} Awerage Score: 82% You os Pe eel) ra CEE eee eee ene Dae TUE © The impact sir temperature measured by the pitot probe. © The temperature resulting fom the sircraft mation in the aie @ The static sir tempersture (sat) multiplied by the recovery factor © The average temperature resulting from the temperature measure of the pitot and tat probes Find us on Facebook YouGp 2° eeu ta) RL eed Bk) Dae uu ©) The impact air temperature messured by the pitot probe. © The temperature resulting tom the sircraft mation in the air v @ The static air temperature (sal) multiplied by the recovery factor © The sverage tempersture resulting from the tempersture measure of the pitot « cand tst probes The sirceft st speed will rise the tempersture of the sir surrounding it due to the effects of compression and friction Assessment Stati s 6 Correct of 20 Score: 30% Question Statistics (Leave feecbsct on question} Times Answered: 6 tte ATP Forum) Awerage Score: 06% n about beooring I pilot © fone YouTy Ys. Pe eel) ra AEE saul ene Dae TUE © The average temperature resulting fom the temperature messure of the ptist and TAT probes © The static sir tempersture (SAT) multiplies by the recovery factor. @ The impact sir temperature measured by the pitot probe. © The tempersture resulting from the sircraft motion in the sic Find us on Facebook YouGp 2° Bristol Groundschool Lid. Lower New Road, eeu ta) RL ee eee Bk) Dae uu © The sveroge tempersture resulting from the temperature measure of the pitct land TAT probes @ The static sir tempereture (SAT) multiplied by the recovery factor. @ The impact sir temperature meesured by the pitot prabe. @ The tempersture resulting from the sircraft motion in the sir. v TAT = SAT — Ram Rise Assessment Stati Question Statistics Times Answered: € Average Score: 190% n about beooring I pilot Find eis YouTy Ys. Pe eel) ra EE esau ene Ce ee Etc @ Anereting curent © No power supply @ Direct cunent © Battery power eae ra) Sal bout becoming Youll ovate infofibristol gs eeu ta) RL ee ed Bk) To indicate a temperature, a thermocouple requires: @ Atemating curent @ No power suppiy v @ Direct curent © Betiery power. x eda Dee et ca Two mete! conductors of different types ere connected at two points, The same temperature gradient slong the two metals will preduce an electrical force where they meet, which can be messured snd graduated to indicate the temperature. Peel s 7 Correct of 22 Scor i) Question Statistics (Leave feedback on question) Times Answered: 6 Average Score: 50% Pe eel) ra EIR ecard to on on ee Rn og Pree ea es eae @ ermetatiicsvio © Themocourie @ Licuid expansion © Gos pressure eae ra) Sal bout becoming Youll ovate infofibristol gs eeu ta) RL eed Bk) Dt et CC en oe oR od Pee tea ee vas @ Fimetattiosrip @ Thermocouple v @ Liquid expansion © Ges pressure x eda Dee et ca Thermocouples are well suited to measuring temperatures over s very large temperature range. pe ee WM Lieto Bele Question Statistics (Lesve feedbsck on question) Times Answered: 7 [Post te ATP Forum} Awerage Score: 85% You os Pe eel) ra ee eee | Peer nt Bra ues @ Higher or equal to Static Air Tempersture (SAT); TAT is function of Mach number and SAT. © Lower than Static Air Tempersture (GAT); TAT is tunation of altuse ang SAT @ Higher cr equal to Ststic Air Tempersture (SAT): TAT is function of altituse and SAT. @ Lower than Static Air Temperature (SAT); TAT is function of Mach number ang SAT. us on facebook, Fase You eeu ta) SRL eee Bk) Bea ou Us @ Higher or equal to Static Air Temperature (SAT); TAT is e function of Mach v number snd SAT. @ Lower than Static Air Temperature (SAT); TAT is 8 function of sttitude and SAT @ Higner cr equal to Static Air Temperature (SAT): TAT Is e function ef sitituce and SAT. @ Lower than Static Air Temperature (SAT), TAT is 8 function of Mach number x and SAT. eet The sircatt st speed will raise the temperature of the 9 it due to the effects of compression and friction a eel oe Ble Pt Ue Question Statistics (Leave feedback on question) Times Answered: € {Pest to ATP Forum) Average Score: 82% n shout becoming jonsl pilot Pe eel) et ) Question No. 25/75 Question ID: 220025 et nc) BCG nn Deere ia) 2. Gives information independent of aircraff's manoeuvres and atlitude changes 3. Gives information all the more accurate as the tank is full Fee tet rr) ‘The combination that regroups all of the correct statements is: You eeu ta) h® Ce ERM ee ee) Pept tc) ann Dee ee ec) 2. Gives information independent of aircraft's manoeuvres and atfitude changes. Ree ee Pe eter oy The combination that regroups alll of the correct statements Flostiype guages messure the level of fuel ins tank, and so its volume, nat its mass, The fuel level will vary during mangevre as the fuel swirls eround inside the tank, Assessment Statistics 7 Correct of 25 Score: 28% Question Statistics Lesve feedback on question) Times Answered: 6 Post to ATP Forum! Average Score: 16% Pe eel) ra EMR ene ‘Conceming a fuel gauge system, a pilot is more interested by the: © Volume of tne fuel shan the mass of the fuel © Volume of the tuel than the density of the fuel @ Mass of the fuel than the volume of the fuel © Volume of the fuel than the permittivity of the fuel eae ra) Sal Youll ovate bout becoming infofibristol gs eeu ta) RL eed Bk) Ce non or ie ngs @ Volume of the fuel than the mass of the fuel. © Volume of the fuel than the density of the fuel @ Wiss: of the fuel than the volume of the fuel v @ Volume of the fuel than the permittivity of the tual x eda Dee et ca ‘The mass of the fuel decides how much energy it will relesse when bumt, The volume of a given mass of fuel will vary with its temperature and density. Paya) pe ee Ss 7 Correct of 26 Scor Question Statistics (Lesve feedbsct on question) Times Answered: & [Post te ATP Forum} Awerage Score: 22% You os Pe eel) et ) ee ee ee et nc) Given the following parameters, in a capacitance fuel gauge, the correct formula is: ern DE eae oan’ eee ad Capscitance =ExDxA Capscitance =E x D/A Capscitance = AxD/E Capscitance = ExA/D An [eneng paces eae) Pe Cee uct) eC) Cee eed Pept tc) CE Me ELE a Red a etry De eee ea od E = dielectric permittivity Cepacitence = Ex DxA Capacitance = Ex D/A Capacitance = ExA/D v TET) Dosen LeU} In 2 capacitance fuel gauge, the conect formule is: (Capacitance = (Dielectric Permittivity x Ares of Plates) / Distance between Plates Assessment Statistics 8 Correct of 27 Score: 29.63% Question Statistics Les 2 2 Times Answered: 6 Average Score: 26% Pe eel) ra IER ecard ene In a compensated capacitance type quantity indicating system, the contents gauge of a half-full fuel tank indicates a fuel mass of 8000 kg. If a temperature rise increased the volume of fuel by 5%, the Bereta Lesh eee @ incesse by 5% © Remsin the seme @ Decesse by 556 @ Mncesse by 10% eae ra) Sal bout becoming Youll ovate infofibristol gs Pe eel) eee In a compensated capacitance type quantity indicating system, the contents gauge of a half-full fuel tank indicates a fuel mass of 8000 kg. If a temperature rise increased the volume of fuel by 5%, the indicated fuel mass would: © incesse by 5%. @ Remain the seme v @ Decesse by 5% @ Inccoase by 10% x eee ra The compensated capacitance type quantity indicating system wes developed to indicate mess, not volume. [Simple flost-type systems messure volume, not mass) Pe eel) et ) Question No. 29/75 Question ID: 220029 et nc) Btn uo etd CEC) Pe ee oe ee oreo SR nec re Independence of indications with regard to temperature variations ‘The combination that regroups all of the correct statements is: Ou. @ 224 0: You Pe Cee uct) eC) Question No. 29/75 Question ID: 220028 Pept tc) DS Se ote od Serco pa eee ee Cree nd Re en ee Et ced 4. Independence of indications with regard to temperature variations: The combination that regroups alll of the correct statements a ee ert a) Dee} Flostiype guages messure the level of fuel ins tank, and so its volume, not its mass, The fuel level will vary during mangewe es the fuel swirls around inside the tank, The volume of s given mass of fuel will vary with its tempersture and density Pt Ue S 9 Correct of 29 Score: 31.03% Question Statisti Times Answered: 6 rage Score: 100% Pe eel) ra CE EE end ene ‘The basic principle of a capacitance fuel gauge system is that the: © Cepccity of 2 copacitor depends on the nsture of the dielegtic in which it is immersed © Electomotive force of # capseity depends on the nature of the dielecticin immersed @ intemal resistence of s cepscity depends on the nature of the gieleczic in which itis immersed © Copecity of a cepacitor depends only on the density of the liquid on which it is us on PD Facstcor You eeu ta) RL eed Bk) De ee ee ee TE od @ spect of 2 capacitor depend an the nsture of the dielectricin which itis Vv immersed © Electromative force of a capacity depends on the nature of the dislecticin which it is immersed @ Internal resistance of s capacity depends on tne nature of the dielectrc:in which itis immersed © Copacity of 2 capacitor depends only on the density ofthe liquid on which itis x immerse eet The dislectric constant of fuel Pt Ue S 9 Correct of 30 Scorn cd Question Statistics (Leave feedback on question) Times Answered: € {Pest to ATP Forum) Average Score: 16% n shout becoming jonsl pilot Pe eel) et ) Question No. 31/75 Question ID: 220034 et nc) Aeterna Ree tne ete ud Dd 2. The indications are influenced by the aircraft attitude variations Se eed 4. The indications are influenced by temperature variations ec ae nt eee oy You eeu ta) h® Ce eR eee Pept tc) Ret eee ee neater Sed 2. The indications are influenced by the aircraft attitude variations Re UE ec ec cy Pe coe ee eg coer Ree The combination that regroups alll of the correct statements wo 1,2,3, 4. The flost-type is the simplest sort, measuring the level of fuel ate point in the tank. It has the disedvanateges listed es items 2,2 and ¢ in the question. Assessment Statistics 9 Correct of 31 Score: 29.03% Question Statistics Lesve feedback on question) Times Answered: 6 Post to ATP Forum! Average Score: 26% Pe eel) ra EEE esau ene The float type fuel gauges provide information on: Moss with the result that the indication varies with the temperature of the fuel © Volume with tne result nat the indiestion is independent of the temperature of the fuel @ Moss with the result that the indication is independent of the temperature af the fuel. © Volume with the result that the indication varies with the temperature of the fuel. eta Find us on videos facebook, esses eeu ta) RL ee ed Bk) Se eee ne et se ce ae ais @ Nose witn the result that the indication varies with the temperature of the fuel @ Volume with the result iat ie indication is independent of the tempersture of the fuel @ Noss with the result thet the indication is independent of the temperature of the fuel © Volume with the result that the indication varies with the temperature of the v fuel Ca Floattype guages measure the level of fuel in a tank, and so its volume, nat its mass. The fuel level will vary during manoeve as the fuel swirls around inside the tank. The volume of a given mass of fuel will vary with its tempereture and density. Assessment Statistics 10 Correct of 32 Score: 31.25% Question Statistics (Leave fes Times Answered: € ost 16 ATP Farum) Average Score: 100% Watch our Pe eel) et ) ee eed et nc) Se REL Re Oi Pet 2. Accelerations: Pecan De a ee cy cena poco red eeu ta) ‘The indication of a fuel float gauge varies with: Set’ Pano an Perc The combination that regroups alll of the correct statements is: w 1,23, wv EO) Drea al Flostiype gusges messure the level of fuel in s tank, and so its volume, not its mass, The fuel level will vary during manoewe as the fuel swirls around inside the tank, The volume of a given mass of fuel will vary with iis temperature and density Assessment Statistics 11 Correct of 33 Score: 33.33% Question Statistics Times Answered: 6 Average Score: 100% Pe eel) ra CL CELI saue’ ene Dee oh Le Seanad © Two dicsimiler metals joined together st ene end ently © Acspscitor with the type of dielectic @ Liavics with the varistions in tempersture © Two dissimilar metsls joined together st their ends. eae ra) Sal Youll ovate bout becoming infofibristol gs eeu ta) RL eee Bk) ‘The principle of capacity gauges is based on the capacitance variation of: © Tho cicsimitar metals joined together st one end only. © A cepscitor with the type of dielectric. v @ Liquids with the varistions in temperature © Two dissimilar metals joined together st their ends « eda Dee et ca The dislectric constant of fuel is twice thet of air and varies directly with density, So this type of quage gives an sccurste measurement of the mass of fuel in the tank. pe ee S11 Correct of 34 Score: 32.35% Question Statistics (Lesve feedbsct on question) Times Answered: & [Post te ATP Forum} Awerage Score: 26% You os Pe eel) ra Eee esau ene De eo kane Regn od © Ferss @ soue © wee. eae ra) Sal Youll ovate bout becoming infofibristol gs eeu ta) ee LGUs ee sail Be oo i Re ee gon @ Fane v @ sovle © Wet. « eda Dee et ca Named sfter Michgel Farady, the ningteenth century physicist Assessment Statistics 11 Correct of 35 Score: 31.43% Question Statistics (Lesve feedbsct on question) Times Answered: & [Post te ATP Forum} Awerage Score: wit beDoming nal pilot on Pe eel) ra Ce EMR esau ene When compared with the volumetric fuel flowmeter, the mass fuel flowmeter takes info account the cr: ©) Turulent flow in tne tine © Permittivity @ Density © Fresue. eae ra) Sal bout becoming Youll ovate infofibristol gs eeu ta) RL eed Bk) When compared with the volumetric fuel flowmeter, the mass fuel flowmeter takes into aecount the cre: @ Turoulent flow in the tine © Permittvity @ Density. v © Pesue x eda Dee et ca The volume of 2 given mass of fuel will vary with its temperature and density, The mass of the fuel decides how much energy it will release when burnt. Question Statistics (Lesve feedbsck on quest Times Answered: & [Post te ATP Forum} Awerage Score: 20% am about becoming al pilot @G=- You o2: Pe eel) ra CEI auc ene ee eo @ 4 permanent magnet tuming inside = non magnetic drag ove. @ A three chase generator connected to s synchronous motor. @ Asingle-chase generator connected to # ssynchroncus motor. © Asingle-chase generator connected to # synchronous motor. eae ra) Sal Youll ovate bout becoming infofibristol gs eeu ta) Lee eed Bk) Ce ae ea @ 4 permanent magnet turning inside @ non megnetic.crag cup. v © Athres phate generator connected to s synchronous motor. @ Asingle-chsse genersior connected to s ssynchronous motor. @ Asingle-chase genersior connected to s synchronous motor « eda Dee et ca ‘The cup is fixed to 8 spring so it cannot rotate but it is moved sgainst the spring by the magnetic field. An stisched pointer gives the rpm indication on s dial, depending on how much the spring is extended The other snswers refer to more sophisticsted electricsl tschometers Peel MMe Se Mea Question Statistics ve fee n question) Times Answered: 6 Average Score: 22% oe mi ae Pe eel) ra eMac esau ene ere nC Re end @ Reduce the rpm of each engine. © Reduce the vibration of esch engine @ Set several engines to the same speed © Achieve optimum control of onboard voltages eae ra) Sal Youll ovate bout becoming infofibristol gs eeu ta) RL eed Bk) eo CC Rae eas @ Reduce the rpm of each engine © Reduce the vibration ef each engine. @ Set severs! engines to the same speed v © Achieve optimum contol of on-board voltages « eda Dee et ca ‘Setting sll engines to the same speed on s propeller sircrsft reduces the overall vibration and noise from all the engines combined , rsther than from each individual engine. pe ee S 11 Correct of 38 Score: 28.95% Question Statistics (Lesve feedbsct on question) Times Answered: & [Post te ATP Forum} Awerage Score: 26% You os Pe eel) ra CE EIS eens ene eee Cte ena @ Thee excocisted cynamas end 2 combined phonic wheel @ Trees seeea proves and s choniowheel @ A three-phase generator. « synchronous motor and # magnetic tachometer. © A speed probe snd s phonic wheel eae ra) Sal Youll ovate bout becoming infofibristol gs eeu ta) RL eed Bk) eo re a uk ad © Tree ascocisted eynames and s combined phenic wheel © Three speed probes and s phonic wheel @ A three-phase generator, s synchronous motor and 8 magnetic tachometer. v @ A speed probe snd « phonic wheel « eda Dee et ca In this design the brushless AC generator produces a three phase alierating curent, the AC frequency varies with RPM. This is tensmitted to the indicstar which Is 8 synchronous motor driving ¢ magnet, which then drives an aluminium drag cup. pe ee S 11 Correct of 39 Score: 28.21% Question Statistics (Lesve feedbsct on question) Times Answered: & [Post te ATP Forum} Awerage Score: 82% You os Pe eel) ra CE Eee eee ene Pee eet De ee eee Peng id @ &synonronous moter ming 2 drag cup. © Directiy 2 voltmeter. @ Directiy » gslvsnometer © Directly s crag cup eae ra) Sal bout becoming Youll ovate infofibristol gs eeu ta) Question No. 40/75 Question ID: 220040 Bk) es ree rire Dene a eerie ergs ed @ Asmenronous moter turing ¢ drag cup. v © Directly « voltmeter. @ Directly s gsivsnometer © Directly s drag cue « eda Dee et ca In this design the brushless AC generator produces a three phase alierating curent, the AC frequency varies with RPM. This is tensmitted to the indicstar which Is 8 synchronous motor driving ¢ magnet, which then drives an aluminium drag cup. pe ee eb Mela te Set ell cere Question Statistics (Lesve feedbsct on question) Times Answered: € Awerage Score: 82% Youll 2222 Pe eel) et ) Question No. 41/75 Question ID: 220043 et nc) Dr CO en oe eee Por gee gerd 2. The voltage is proportional fo the transmitier drive speed eo i cro Pee ee ere eae 5. The speed indicating element is an asynchronous motor driving a magnetic tachometer The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: Pe Cee uct) LC) Ce RR eee) Pept tc) RC rn ecg ergs Secor ee ag ce Pe es) Pe ee cc eo) 4. The speed indicating element is a galvanometor Pee eo Ue te a ce ud Lee reer ee oe een O25 - @12 @ 14 x @ Previous Question Dae etc In this design the brushless AC generator produces a three phase sliemsting curent, the AC frequency varies with RPM, This is trensmitted ta the indicetar which is e synchronaus motor driving 2 magnet, which then drives an aluminium de mie Question Statistics Times Answered: € (Average Score: 22% Pe eel) ra AERC saued ene pe Reo ua oie ue ace ee © infusnce of temperature an the indication © Generstion of spurious signsls at the commutstor @ High influence of line resistance on the indication © Necessity of « power supply eae ra) Sal Youll ovate bout becoming infofibristol gs eeu ta) Question No. 42/75 Question ID: 220044 Bk) CO eee un i oe a © intiuence of temperature on the iniestion @ Generation of spurious signals at the commutster. @ High influence of line resistance on the indication @ Necessity of = power supply. v eda Dee et ca The signal from the electronic tacho needs to be boosted, therefore it requires an sircraft power supply. pe ee Belt Se 0 ello by Question Statistics (Lesve feedbsct on question) Times Answered: & [Post te ATP Forum} Awerage Score: 20% You os Pe eel) et ) Question No. 43/75 Question ID: 220045 et nc) DC ED keme gets oe ORS orcas 2. Independence of the information relative to the airborne electrical power supply. 3. Freedom from any Spurious current due to the commutator. The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: eeu ta) eC) ee ee ee Remove Flag(6) —_—Flag Question (®) Dru oe Rem geet oe Ro ure ia 2. Independence of the information relative to the airborne electrical power supply. a ce gr toe Dee ane se ee eo nos Rt) Dene Uuy AD.O. generator tachometer is simple snd chesp, snd does not require sirccaft electrical power. The commutator produces spars, which can give spurious indication, Assessment Statistics 12 Correct of 43 Score: 27.91% Question Statisti Les Times Answered: 6 Average Score: 16% 4) | Leave Feedback Pe eel) ra Ce CEC saul ene See eee ccd @ The roior of a three-phase AC. generator. © The rotor of e'single phase AC generstor @ A notched wheel rotsting in front of sm electo-magnet @ A circular magnet with four poles eae ra) Sal Youll ovate bout becoming infofibristol gs eeu ta) ‘Question No. 44/75 Question ID: 220046 Bk) Dee eee eg ec td @ The rotor of e three-phase AC. generator. @ The rotor of s single phase AC generstor @ A notched whee! rotating in front of sn electre- magnet v @ A circular magnet with four poles « eda Dee et ca RPM can be sensed by = probe sited next to s toothed wheel, called s phonicwheel. The probe cesies magneticfield and detects the passage of the teeth by the changes induced in the field. This is calles an electronicor induction tacho. pe ee Bee tte tle Te ie Question Statistics (Lesve feedbsct on question) Times Answered: & [Post te ATP Forum} Awerage Score: 22% You os Pe eel) ra Question No. 45/75 Question ID: 220047 ene Se eeu ee ee Cee ora @ Rotstion speed of an asynchronous moter energized by an alternator © Frequency of the electric impulse crested by s notched wheel rotating ina magnetictield @ Mognetictield produced by a dynamo or an altemator. © Electromotive force produced by # dynamo or sn alternator Find us on Facebook YouGp 2° Bristol Groundschool Lid. Lower New Road, eeu ta) Question No. 45/75 Question ID: 220047 Bk) Sr eu Ee noo @) Rotation speed of en asynchrongus motor energized by an altemater. @ Frequency of he electric impulse crested by 8 notched wheel rotating in & v magnetic field @ Mognetic field produced by « dynamo or an alternator © Elecromotive force produced by s dynamo or sn alternator x @ Previous Ques RPM can be sensed by s probe sited next to s toothed wheel, called s phonic wheel. The probe cestes gs magnetic field and detects the passage cf the teeth by the changes induced in the field. This is called ‘an electronicor induction tacho. The frequency of the signal produced then drives a servo indicator. Assessment Stati reel ce Sel 0 eae Question Statistics (Lesve feedbsck on question) Times Answered: tto ATP Forum) Awerage Score: 60% n about beooring I pilot © fone YouTy Ys. Pe eel) ra EMER ee saul ene Den ee a nn gra {green arc). In the RPM range corresponding fo this small red arc the: © Fropelier efficienay is minimum at tis sting © Propeller generstes vibration, continuous rating is fortiien @ Rating isthe minimum usable in cuise © Rating isthe maximum possible in continuous mode TOUT ERe Tg Sal bout becoming Youll ovate infofibristol gs A ee eee CLAMS see cee sauce De ee ee ee ee egy {green arc}. In the RPM range corresponding fo this small red arc the: © Fropelier eticiency te minimum at this ting @ Propeller generstes vibration, continuous rating is forbicden v @ Rating is the minimum usable in cruise @ Rating is the maximum possible in continuous mode x eda Dee et ca ‘Operating with the propeller in the vibration band is to be avoided whenever possible. pe ee S 12 Correct of 46 Score: 26.09% Question Statistics (Lesve feedtsck on question) Times Answered: 5 [Post te ATP Forum} Awerage Score: 20% You os Pe eel) et ) Question No. 47/75 Question ID: 220049 et nc) ‘A Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC) can provide the following functions: a Ce a Pan ee Se ee 4. Management and protection of operation limits et ea The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: eeu ta) h® Ce eR ee eer) Pept tc) ‘A Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC) can provide the following functions: Seas nen ee oe Reece ca) pan ee eee too Re te Ee Cane Pe pee ee een con 5. Monitoring of the thrust reversers. The combination regrouping all the correct statements is: x cen ad Dro et oe al The FADEC has virtually FULL contral Assessment Statistics 12 Correct of 47 Score: 25.53% Question Statistics Times Answered: (Average Score: 60% Pe eel) ra CE EIS esau ene ‘Concerning the flexible take-off made, the temperature selected in the FMS is: @ Lower than the ambient airfield tempersture, in order to echieve e reduced power setting © Lower than the ambiant airfield temperature, in order to achieve an insreates power setting @ Higher ian the ambient sitieta temperature, n order to schieve sn increases power setting @ Higher than the ambiant sidield temperature, in order to achieve s reduced power setting. PT Facstcon G Tater You eeu ta) Question No. 48/75 Question ID: 220050 Bk) Concerning the flexible take-off mode, the temperature selected in the FMS is: © ower nen the ambient sificld temperature, in order to achieve e reduced power setting @ Lower tan the embiant power setting ifieio temperature, in order to achieve sn incressed @ Higner iran the embiant sirieis temperature, in order to achieve an incisssed power setting, © Higher then the ambient airfield temperature, in order to achieve @ reduced v power setting. eet Reduced power takeoffs are used in jet operations whenever full power is not required fer perfermance reasons, Setting & higher temperature reduces power settings, which reduces the EGT resched on take off , which increases engine life. Assessment Statistics 13 Correct of 48 Score: 27.08% Question Statistics (Lesve feedbsck on question) Times Answered: € Average Score: 50% Learn about beoming Pe eel) ra Ce EEE esau ene ‘Considering a modem thrust computer, during a steady climb: @ N1 te automatically sajuste as sirerah limbs and N2 remsins constant. © N2 is automatically sdjusted os sirccstt climbs and N1 remains constant @ Ni is automatically adjusted as sircrstt climbs @ Ni and N2 remain constant eae ra) Sal Youll ovate bout becoming infofibristol gs eeu ta) Question No. 49/75 Question ID: 22005 Bk) to mE mL © 11 ic automatically eajusted as sircrft climbs and NZ remains constart © N2 is automatically adjusted as sircratt climbs and Ni remains constant, @ Ni is automsticelly adjusted as sircratt climbs, v @ Ni and N2 remain constant x eda Dee et ca N1 can incresse es the sircraft climbs into colder end thinner air. pe ee S 13 Correct of 49 Score: 26.53% Question Statistics (Lesve feedtsck on question) Times Answered: 5 [Post te ATP Forum} Awerage Score: 49% You os Pe eel) ra ee EEE sau ene Sar oon aL © The ratio of the turbine outlet tote! pressure to the ambient totel pressure. © The ratio of the compressor outlet tots! pressure to the compressor inlet total pressure @ The ratio of the turbine outlet total pressure to the compressor inlet total pressure © The difference between the compressor inlet total pressure and the turbine cutie total pressure. eta Find us on facebook, esses videos eeu ta) RL eed Bk) Sea ern Le © The ratio of the turbine outlet total pressure to the ambient tots! pressure. @ The ratio of the compresser outlet tots! pressure to the compressor inlet totsl pressure. @ The retio of the turbine outlet total pressure to the compressor inlet totel v pressure. © The difference between the compressor inlet totsl pressure and the turbine x ‘outlet total pressure, Ca The EFR indication will be 1.0 when the engine is stopped, and 9 higher figure when the engine is Bt el S 13 Correct of 50 Score: 26% Question Statistics — (Lesve feedbsct on question) Times Answered: Awerage Score: 20% isos You = Pe eel) ra ee Ieee ee sauod ee) Sea tote oe © nuttiotying compressor discharge pressure by turbine inlet pressure. © Multiplying compressor inlet pressure by turbine discharge pressure. @ Divicing compressor discharge pressure by turbine discharge pressure. © Divicing turbine discharge pressure by compressor inlet pressure eae ra) Sal bout becoming Youll ovate infofibristol gs eeu ta) Reed Bk) Dad ©) multiplying compressor discharge pressure by turbine inlet preseu © Muttiotying compressor inlet pressure by turbine discharge pressure. @ Dividing compressor discharge pressure by turbine discharge pressure © Dividing turbine discharge pressure by compressor inlet pressure. v eda Dee et ca EPR is the ratio of the turbine cutlet tots! pressure to the compressor inlet tots! pressure, pe ee Question Statistics Times Answered: € Awerage Score: 100% (s° Yep Pe eel) et ) Question No. 52/75 Question ID: 220054 et nc) Dan ol Pe eae ee Rou ed Peete pa oy Pee eo Pee econ] De ee ea eee on Puree peaersg eeu ta) h® Ce a ea eed Pept tc) Be mee ce ce aed SMe pa Ree Ct eer aa’ Pett eo ose The combination that regroups alll of the correct statements The FADEG has virtually FULL control Question Statistics Lesve feedback on question) Times Answered: Average Score: 805% Pe eel) et ) Question No. 53/75 Question ID: 220055 et nc) BS me Ue eu cas a een Se Linc Pa ee eg noes eer] Pw Coe Pee eo De ee ea eee on eee est Puree peaersg Pe Cee uct) LC) Ce RR ee eer) Pept tc) De nme Loe te ai 4. Engine automatic shut-down if maximum N1 is exceeded Pa nc cern) Pa eis nec Pett eos) ‘The combination that regroups alll of the correct statements is: N1 of EGT limits may be exceeded when the engine is operating st ar around full power. To automatically shut down the engine in these circumstances would be extremely dangerous, Assessment Statistics 14 Correct of 53 Score: 26.42% Question Statistics Times Answered: ATP. Average Score: 605 Pe eel) et ) Question No. 54/75 Question ID: 220056 et nc) Ran ol Pe Ce Laer ce SRE Ce i) 2. Modifies aircraft airspeed in order fo allow for the lowest fuel consumption 3. Counters any yaw movement in case of engine failure 4. Provides thrust reverser control ec ae nt eee oy You eeu ta) h® Ce ee eer Pept tc) Bae mee ed See ea | 2. Modifies aircraft airspeed in order to allow for the lowest fuel consumption Pee en uct 4. Provides thrust reverser control The combination that regroups alll of the correct statements FADEC is an ENGINE control Question Statistics Lesve feedback on question) Times Answered: Average Score: 405% Pe eel) et ) Question No. 55/75 Question ID: 220057 et nc) Dec ed ee nL oer od Pa een 2. Can be used in sifuations where take-off can be executed without the need for full engine power 4. Can only be used with an auto-throttie ec ae nt eee oy You Pe Cee uct) LC) Ce ER eed Pept tc) De enn ee aed eu ene ey Pa eee an Pee eo ots ee eh ord Peet cn eee ‘The combination that regroups alll of the correct statements is: Reduced power take-off are used in jet operations whenever full power is not required for perfarmance ressons, The EGT reached on take off is reduced, which incresses engine Question Statistics Times Answered: Average Score: 100% Pe eel) et ) Question No. 56/75 Question ID: 220058 et nc) A en Le et ce rd Cee Pare eee tones oT Peete a Ce cr eS Ce oc on ec ae Rt eae er oy | Privacy eeu ta) h® Ce RR eed eer) Pept tc) Ree a ceed Oe et ery Peet ey Pe cd Pen eer Ty ee ee’ Poy The combination that regroups alll of the correct statements N1 can incesse ss the sircaft climbs into colder and thinner air. Question Statistics Lesve feedbact on question Times Answered: 6 Post to ATF Forum) Pe eel) ra CE EE eens ene DoE a ee gee @) Tachometer located on the shaft of the n2 compressor @ Temperature probes, one lacsted unsesm from the compressor inlet, and en other downstream irom the turbine outlet @ Techometes located on the shaft.of the n1 compressor. © Fressure probes, one locsted upstream from the compressor inlet, and the other downstream from the turbine outlet ta) Find Twit Youth ons. Peek Cee roe mE eeu ta) Reed Bk) DO a eee @ Tachometer located on the shaft of the n2 compressor. © Temperature probes, ane locsted upstream from the compressor inlet, end en ‘other downstteam from the turbine outlet. @ Techometer located an the shaft of the n1 compressor. @ Pressure probes, one located upstream from the compressor inlet, and the other v downstream from the turbine outlet eee tea Preto cor EPR is the ratio of the turbine outlet tots! pressure to the compressor inlet tots! pressure, Pt Meee Se) TM ery Question Statistics (Lesve feeshsct on question) Times Answered: 5 [Post te ATP Forum) Awerage Score: 80% Yougthy ar Ende Pe eel) ra CE EE een ene Se ae a ane note et eye ees @ Fenrotation speed (or N1) or the EFR. © Fenrotation speed (or N1) or the tots! pressure st tne low pressure tureine outlet @ Fenrotation speed (or N1) or the total pressure at the high pressure compressor ‘outlet. © High pressure turbine rotation speed or the EPR. ta) Youth ons. Peek Cee roe mE eeu ta) SRL eed Bk) The two main sources of information used to calculate turbojet thrust are the: @) Fan rotation speed (or N1) or the EPR. v @ Fan retetion speed for N1) or the total pressure at the low pressure turbine ‘outlet. @ Fan rotation speed for Nt) or the total pressure at the high pressure compressor outlet, © High pressure turbine rotation speed or the EPR. x es ey Peete Older designs tended to use N1. Newer designs display EPR es well, and the pilot sets power using EPR Pt Meee Se) ele be Question Statistics (Lesve feeshsct on question) Times Answered: 5 [Post te ATP Forum) Awerage Score: 80% Find us on Facebook Yougthy ar Pe eel) ra Ee sand ene ten ooo kL © Oil pressure at ine fixed ccqwn of an epicycloidel reducer of the main engine gearbox, © Fresuensy of en impulse tachameter atteches to a tensmission sha @ Phase difference between 2 impulse tachometers attached to a transmission shaft. © CLentity of fight passing through 2 rackwheel attached to a tansmission shafi ta) Youth ons. Peek Cee roe mE eeu ta) RL eee Bk) Ru ee eee oo © Oil pressure at ine fixed own of an epicycaidal reducer of the main engine Vv ‘gearbox Or vency of an impulse tachometer sttsched to s trsnsmission shatt. @ Phese difference between 2 impulse tachometers attached to 4 transmission shaft. © CLentity of light passing through a rackewheel attached to a transmission shaft x es ey Peete Torque can very st constant rpm, so tschometers are unsuitable. Pt Meee Se) See hb Question Statistics (Lesve feeshsct on question) Times Answered: 5 [Post te ATP Forum) Awerage Score: 20% Jatch Yougthy ar Pe eel) ra Cs EEE esau ene CU oan Coc © Ratio prr7/p12. @ Patio ot2 / ot7 © Change in phase between the torque shaft snd the reference shstt © Change in frequency between the torque shaft and the reference shat. eae ra) Sal Youll ovate bout becoming infofibristol gs eeu ta) RL ees Bk) Ra ocd © Patio etti012 @ Retio pt2/ ptr. @ Chsnge in phase between the torque shaft and the reference shat v © Change in frequency between the torque shatt and the reference shaft. « eda Dee et ca Pressure retics are indicated es EPR, not torque. Question Statistics (Lesve feedbsck on quest Times Answered: 5 [Post te ATP Forum} Awerage Score: 20% am about becoming al pilot @G=- You o2: Pe eel) ra Meee sand ene Ce nO Re he Cees Mg oa @ Acoslerstion measured by the sensors, exoressed ing © Vibration perce exoressed in seconds @ Vibration frequency expressed in hz © Vibration amplitude st = given frequency eae ra) Sal Youll ovate bout becoming infofibristol gs eeu ta) Reed Bk) A vibration indicator receives a signal from different sensors (accelerometers). It indicates the: @ Acceleration measured by the sensors, expressed in g © Vitvation period exoressed in seconds @ Vitvation frequency exoressed in hz @ Vitxstion amplitude st 2 given frequency v eda Dee et ca The indicstion in the cocmpit is s measurement of amplitude, pe ee S 18 Correct of 61 Score: 29.51% Question Statistics (Lesve feedtsck on question) Times Answered: 5 [Post te ATP Forum} Awerage Score: 20% You os Pe eel) ra EEE cane’ ene ‘Any vibration displayed on an engine vibration monitoring system for a turbojet: @ incicates rotor imbslance © ‘:cirectly sraportions! to engine spees @ Varies inversely ss the square of the engine speed © |: presented without any smplificstion or filtering eae ra) Sal Youll ovate bout becoming infofibristol gs A ee TAGs en esau’ ‘Any vibration displayed on an engine vibration monitoring system for a turbojet: @ naicates rotor imbelance Vv © |: directly croportional to engine speed @ Veries inversely 5 the square of the engine speed @ 5 presented without sny amplification or filtering x eda Dee et ca ‘An engine that is damaged is likely to have rotor imbalance, and the vibration is an indiestion that it may fail, The pilot would be wise to restrict the power he demands from that engine, or shut it down if he is ina position to do so. Peel meee Se eae nay Question Statistics ve fee n question) Times Answered: 5 Average Score: €0% Find vs on o mn about becoming " Fepebook ju ional pilot Pe eel) ra EMC esau ene In an engine vibration monitoring system for a turbojet any vibration produced by the engine is: © Directly proportional to engine speed © inversely proportionsl te engine speeo @ Fed directly o the flight deck indicstor without amplification or filtering © Arplified snd filtered before being fed to the flight deck indicator eae ra) Sal Youll ovate bout becoming infofibristol gs eeu ta) RL eed Bk) In an engine vibration monitoring system for a turbojet any vibration produced by the engine is: © Directly proportional to engine speed. © inversely proportional to engine soeed @ Fed divectly to the flight deck indicstor without amplificstion or filtering © Arolitied and filtered before being fed to the flight dec indicstor. v eda Dee et ca It is filtered to remove unwanted frequencies. Vibration is not necessarily propertionsl to engine speed. pe ee S 19 Correct of 63 Score: 30.16% Question Statistics Times Answered: € Awerage Score: 100% (s° Yep Pe eel) ra ee CEI esau ene Br EU Re Reus © Fes cirectly to tne indicator in the Might deck without emplification or filtering. © Directly proportional to engine speed @ Abvays filtered to remove unwanted frequencies @ Inversely proportions! to engine speed eae ra) Sal Youll ovate bout becoming infofibristol gs eeu ta) RL eed Bk) ‘The output from an engine vibration transducer is: @ Fed cicectly to the indicator in the flight deck without amplification or filtering © Dveatly proportionsl to engine seees @ Abwoys filtered to remove unwanted frequencies. v © Inversely proportional to engine speed « eda Dee et ca Vibration is not necessarily propartional to engine speed. Question Statistics (Lesve feedbsck on quest Times Answered: 5 [Post te ATP Forum} Awerage Score: 20% am about becoming al pilot @G=- You o2: Pe eel) ra Cr EEC sanc ene en ee CE ae on @ A singlevire mete! winging © Two dissimilar metals joined together st ane end (called hat junction or measure junction), @ Two identical metals joined together at one end (called het junction or measure junction). © Two identical metals joined together at both ends {called hot and cold junctions). eta Find us on facebook, esses videos eeu ta) Lees Bk) Do ec io ood © Asinglewire metal winging © Tho cissimiler metals joined together st one end (called net junction or v messure: junction}. @ To identical metals joined together at one end {called hot junction or messure junction). © The identics! metals joined together at both ends (called hat end cols x junctions). Two metal conductors of different types are connected at two points. The same temperature gradient long the two metals will produce an electrical force where they meet, which can be messured and graduated to indicate the temperature. mic ics 19 Correct of 65 Scor Question Statistics (Leave Times Answered: 5 [Post te ATP Forum) Average Score: 90% Vonbiiy Wate et Pe eel) ra EER ee san ene ‘The main advantage of a ratiometer-fype temperature indicator is that it © tsimple, © Caries cut an independent messurement of he supply voltage @ 1s vey sccurste © Can operate without sn electrics! power supply. eae ra) Sal Youll ovate bout becoming infofibristol gs eeu ta) RL eed Bk) Bo Eo cnn a @ issimale @ Corie: out en independent messurement of the supply voltage v @ bs very scaurste @ Cen cperste without an electrics! power supply. « eda Dee et ca Ratiometertype is ancther name for the varisble resistance type of thermometer Question Statistics (Lesve feedbsck on quest Times Answered: 5 [Post te ATP Forum} Awerage Score: 20% am about becoming al pilot @G=- You o2: Pe eel) ra EMR ee saad ene ‘The temperature measured by the CHT (Cylinder Head temperature) probe is the : @ Temperature of the exhaust gazes, © Temperature within the hottest olinder, depending on its pesition in the engine block @ Average temperature within the whole set of oylinders. © Tempersture of the carburstor to be monitored when the outside sic temperature is between -6°C and 10°C. ta) Find Twit Youth ons. Peek Cee roe mE eeu ta) Reed Bk) De en tei oor ron ean © Tempersture of the exhaust gases, © Tempersture within the hotest ojiner, depending on its position in the engine v block @ Average temperature within the whole set of cylinders. © Temperstuce of the carburstor to be monitored when the outside sic x tempersture is between -5°C and 10°C. eee tea Preto cor Individual cylinders will run at slightly different temperatures, depending on their position in the cocling flow. To ensure that maximum tempersture limits ere not exceeded in any oylinder, the probe will be placed in the one that runs hottest, Assessment Statistics 19 Correct of 67 Score: 28.36% Question Statistics (Leswe feedback on question) Times Answered: & [Post te ATP Forum} Average Score: 92% ster Yous) ee = Find : Forchook Pe eel) ra eMac esac ene Ce og Ree cen ao Rie nas @ 40 .A¢ voltage, the frequency of which varies with the RPM; the ingiestor converts the signal into square pulses which are then counted @ Atires phase voltage, the frequency of which varies with the RPM; the indicator is provided 8 motor which drives s magnetic tachometer @ Ar Acvoltage varying with the RPM: the indiestor ecfies the signal via s diode bridge and is provided with a voltmeter © ADC voltage varying with the RPM: the indicsior is plain voltmeter with « revimin, scale PT Facstcon G Tater You eeu ta) RL eee as Bk) Ce Serio gE eect ae ha UL as @ 40.46 voltage, the frequency of which varias with the RPM; the indicator ‘converts the signal into square pulses which are then counted @ Atnec-chaze voltage, the frequency of which varies with the RPM tne v indicator is provided with a motor which drives @ magnetic tachometer @ An AC voltage varying with the RPM the indiestor rectifies the signal via s diode bridge and is provided with a veltmeter @ A0C voltage varying with the RPM: the indicstor isa plain voltmeter with @ x revimin. scale eet Older technology. Pt Ue S 19 Correct of 68 Score: 27.94% Question Statistics (Leave feedback on question) Times Answered: € {Pest to ATP Forum) Average Score: 82% n shout becoming jonsl pilot Pe eel) ra MRC esa ene DE eet ho eee og @) The exact mass of water contained in the tanks © A mess equal to zero @ A mess equal to the mass of « same volume of fuel © A mass of water different from zero, but inaccurate eae ra) Sal Youll ovate bout becoming infofibristol gs eeu ta) Le eed Bk) DES ea Re RC ee gee een bend @ The exact mass of water contained in the tanks @ Amos equal to zero @ Armass equal to the mass of a same volume of fuel @ 4 mes of water different from zero, but ineccurste v eda Dee et ca The principle of capeciter gsuges is besed on the veristion in capacity of s condensor with the nature of the dielectric: Water has a different dielectric constant from fuel, so sn inaccurate mass of water will be measured, Peel 'S 20 Correct of 69 Score: 28.99% Question Statistics (Leave feedback on question) Times Answered: 5 Average Score: €0% Pe eel) ra ee | Peer nt Serres te a eae eee De ees The static pressure and the aynemic pressure, © The tots! pressure and the stetic pressure @ The dynsmic pressure and the static pressure © The tots! pressure and the dynamic pressure eae ra) Sal bout becoming Youll ovate infofibristol gs eeu ta) Ree eee Bk) ‘The air speed indicator is a diffential manometer measuring the difference between: @ The static pressure and the eynamic pressure. @ The total pressure and the ststic pressure v @ The dynamic pressure snd the static pressure @ The totel pressure and the dynamic pressure. x eda Dee et ca Tote! pressure minus static pressure gives 3 vsiue of dynamic pressure, which is indiested on the ASI sfter calibration to represent knots, pe ee S 20 Correct of 70 Score: 28.57% Question Statistics (Lesve feedtsck on question) Times Answered: 5 [Post te ATP Forum} Awerage Score: 20% You os Pe eel) et ) Question No. 71/75 Question ID: 220867 et nc) De oe en Ped 2. Independence of the indication relative to the variations of the aircraft power system if the De ig 3. Independence of the indication relative to the variations of the airoraft power system if the Cee a 4, independence of the indication relative to femperature variations De en Eee | Privacy h® Ce RRR etd Pept tc) De ee ee eed eeu ta) Rc LO) Sead 2. Independence of the indication relative to the variations of the aircraft power system if the Pn og 2. Independence of the indication relative to the variations of the airoraft power system if the Deer Eu Dee ea en eee Rr ad BS Assessment Statistics 20 Correct of 71 Score: 28.17% Question Statistics Lesve feedbect on question) Times Answered: 5 Po Awerage Score: 20% Pe eel) ELEM ace ead en 200 bar is equal to: © 200531 © 20000 psi @ woes! © 2000 esi eae ra) Wastsr cur v Ge) att stent teseming Yous. voutave 2 profession infofibristolgs | © 2 eeu ta) Question No. 72/75 Question ID: 221088 Flag Question ©) Pe ree © 200 p21 © 20000 81 © 200 oi @ 3000 psi v eda Dee et ca 1 ber=15psi 200 bar=200 x 15 psi = 2.000 psi This question has been developed from Student Feedback - NPA 25 Exam Instruments - September 2041. The optional answers may require verification. Question Statistics Leave feedbect on question) Times Answered: 5 Average Score: 190% Pe eel) CE EIS ease en oa od @ 200nFs @ tenPs @ 1000 nFs © 1013 nFe eae ra) Soe) Wastsr cur v Ge) att stent teseming Yous. voutave 2 profession infofibristolgs | © 2 eeu ta) ‘Question No. 73/75 Question ID: 221090 Flag Question ©) © 200nFs © 151Ps @ 1000 ns v © 1013hFs x eda Dee et ca 1 ber= 1000 hPa This question has been developed from Student Feedback - NPA 25 Exam Instruments -Gctober 2041. The optional answers may require verification. Question Statistics (Leave feedback on question) Times Answered: & {Post to ATP Forum) Average Score: 6% Pe eel) ra CEE saaed ene Eee eR Ce en oe Cen oo eg OQ o7 os @ 023 © 150 eae ra) Sal Youll ovate bout becoming infofibristol gs eeu ta) Eero ie RCE go e cog @ ox @ 082 @ 020 x (On CRP-S: In AIRSPEED Window, slign GAT (4! Pe eel) ra IRC ead ene Be eC ee tag © No units ere specities @ 1s On eae ra) Sal Youll ovate bout becoming infofibristol gs eeu ta) Lee ed Bk) ‘An engine vibration meter is indicating ‘4’. What is the unit of this indication? Om @ Wo units ere specities v @ Ps Oo x eda need The indicstion in the cockpit on the engine vibration meter is 8 measurement af amplitude, which is not indicated in units of sny specific type. pe ee S 21 Correct of 75 Score: 28: Question Statistics (Lesve feedtsck on question) Times Answered: 5 [Post te ATP Forum} Awerage Score: 20% You os

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