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Crustal P -wave velocity and velocity-ratio study in northeast India by a

microearthquake survey

Article  in  Pure and Applied Geophysics · August 1990

DOI: 10.1007/BF00878082


24 105

2 authors, including:

J. R. Kayal
Retd. Deputy Director General (Head, Geophys), Geol Surv India; CSIR Emeritus Scientist, Jadavpur Univ., Kolkata; presently at the Institute of Seismological Research, Gandhin…


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PAGEOPH, Vol. 134, No. 1 (1990) 0033-4553/90/010093-1651.50 +0.20/0
9 1990 Birkhiiuser Verlag, Basel

C r u s t a l P - W a v e V e l o c i t y a n d V e l o c i t y - R a t i o S t u d y in N o r t h e a s t
India by a Microearthquake Survey

REENA D E 1 a n d J. R. K A Y A L 1

Abstract--The upper crustal (-<20km) P-wave velocity beneath the Shillong Plateau and
Nowgong area has been studied by the time-distance plot method. The P-arrival data of the shallow
( -<20 km) microearthquakes from three temporary networks are used, and the average velocity is found
to be 5.55 km/s. The velocity ratio (Vv/Vs) for the upper crust (0-20 km) as well as for the lower crust
(21-40 km) are determined by the Wadati-plot method and station-by-station method. The average
value obtained by the two methods is compatible; the Vv/V s ranges between 1.74 to 1.76. A generalized
seismic velocity model of the area is suggested by this study, which has been very useful for
microearthquake location.

Key words: Microearthquake, Wadati plot, station-by-station method, velocity-ratio, upper crust,
lower crust, precursor.


Northeast India, which is seismically one of the most active regions of the
world, is bounded by the Main Boundary Fault to the north, Dauki fault to the
south and the Naga Thrust to the east (Figure 1). Geological evidence suggests that
the Shillong Plateau has been uplifted as a block since Jurassic times to its present
elevation of about 600-2000 m (KRISHNAN, 1980; EVANS, 1964). During the past
century four major earthquakes of magnitudes more than 7.0, including one
devastating earthquake (Mag. > 8), occurred in the present study area which lies
between Lat. 25~176 N and Long. 90~176 E (Figure 2). Three microearthquake
surveys were carried out in the Shillong Plateau and Brahmaputra valley during
December, 1982-July, 1983, January-June, 1984 and January-July, 1985. Using
these data KAYAL and DE (1990) studied the microseismicity and neotectonics of
the areas in detail. The study revealed three seismically active areas; Tura, Shillong
and Mikir Hills. The general microseismicity was correlated with the active faults:
the Dapsi and Dudhnoi faults in the Tura area, and Barapani fault in the Shillong
area. The activity in the Mikir Hills area could not be correlated with any fault,

t Geological Survey of India, P-49 CIT Road, Calcutta-700 010, India.


91" 92* 93 ~ 9 l~e "

27" ~ , ~ / ~H.e_ I~ ' M. B. F. .~, ) ....S~ - ~ -.-

9~ - 9 9



250 I | 25*
90 ~E 91* 92 ~ 93 ~ 94*

Archoeon Gneiss ~ Proterozoic Shillong Group [ ; - ~ ' l G r o n i t e

~ Tertiary Sediments ~ R e c e n t Alluvium 9 Temporary Seismograph Sta.


Figure 1
Geological map of the study area. Inset: Key map of the region; H-R: Himalayan Range, A-Y-R:
Arakan Yoma Range. Shaded area shows the study region. M.B.F.: Main Boundary Fault, D.T.: Dapsi ~3
Thrust, Dh.F.: Dudhnoi Fault, D.F.: Dauki Fault, N.T.: Naga Thrust, B.T.: Barapani Thrust (modified rn
from EVANS, 1964). R=: Region 1 (Shillong region) and R2: Region 2 (Nowgong region).
Vol. 134, 1990 Crustal P-Wave Velocity Study in Northeast India 95

9 O" I[ 91" 92* 93" 94 +

27 e
0 '
e o

0 9 ~ 0,~
0 0 MIKIlt

{1 ~ ' 0 /
.A \.. .o
2%,,0 @
~.~0.. 9 0
o~ . . . . o~
0 50Krns
Depth Symbol i i i
O - 20 6 Oachar E.O.
21-40 0
> 4o 0 I I I

Figure 2
The epicentralmap of the microearthquakes,magnitude 0-3.5 (after KAYALand DE, 1990). Stars show
the historical large earthquakes.

geologically no faults are mapped in the area. Focal mechanisms of the micro-
earthquakes showed dominant thrust-fault mechanisms in all the above-mentioned
Travel times of the earthquakes contain information about their location and
the velocity structure. In the present study P-arrival data of the selected micro-
earthquakes are used to determine the upper crustal ( < 20 kin) P-wave velocity by
a time-distance plot. Further, both P and S arrival data of the earthquakes with
depth range of 0 - 4 0 km have been used to determine the velocity-ratio (Vp/Vs) by
two different methods: (a) Wadati-plot method and (b) station-by-station method.
The results of this investigation are discussed here.


Crustal P-Wave Velocity

A single layered upper-crust ( < 2 0 kin) is assumed. The P-wave velocity is
determined using the data of direct P-arrivals. The Tp(obs) i.e., observed P-arrival
96 Reena De and J. R. Kayal PAGEOPH,

for an earthquake can be written as:

Tp(obs) = T + AT + O R G (1)
where T = P-wave travel-time, O R G = origin time of the earthquake, and AT = the
time correction which incorporates the error due to changes in elevation and/or
geology of the seismograph stations. The corrections were needed for a few stations
only, as shown in Figure 1.
P-wave velocity is then determined from the slope on a plot of Tp(obs) versus
hypocentral distance (distance between station and earthquake focus).

Velocity Ratio (Vp/Vs)

(a) Wadati plot method. The well-known Wadati-plot method (WADATI, 1933)
determines the ratio of P-wave velocity to S-wave velocity (Vp/Vs). The technique
is to plot S-P times against P-arrival times recorded at different stations for a
particular event. The slope of the best fitting straight line is an estimate of the
average value of (Vp/V~ - 1) for the area containing the ray paths between the
event and the seismographs. The method is useful because it yields important
information about the velocity-ratio without requiring the development of travel-
time curves or the location of the source events.
Co) Station-by-station method. In the Wadati-plot method if the number of data
per event are small and if there is any significant change in the value of Vp/ Vs from
station to station, the slope of the regression line will change according to the
stations which provided the data for the event. To overcome these difficulties a
station-by-station method was developed by SMITH (1983). He used P- and
S-arrival data for a number of events in a relatively compact geographical area and
jointly estimated the average Vp/Vs values for the paths between the events and
each seismograph station. This method does not depend on the location of the
event either. The method is explained by the following equation:

VpPo.-- VsSij-(Vp - Vs)t i =e/j; i = l , m ; j = 1, n. (2)

In equation (2) Vp and Vs are average P and S velocities for the region
containing the events and stations. P/j and S Uare the P- and S-arrival times at the
j-th station of a network of n seismographs from the i-th event of a set of m events,
ti is the origin time of the i-th event, and ~g is the sum of the model error and
reading error.
Equations (2) is a system of not more than n • m equations in m + 1 unknowns,
Vp/Vs and ti. The 'least-squares' technique is used to estimate the unknowns. The
average of the errors 8ij is taken to be zero with the assumption that reading errors
have negligible bias. In our study, the average reading error is within 0.1 sec and the
ti is taken from the Hypo-71 computer solution as stated below.
Vol. 134, 1990 Crustal P-Wave VelocityStudy in Northeast India 97

Data Selection and Analysis

The earthquakes recorded by a 22-station microearthquake network during

December, 1982-July, 1983, January-June, 1984 and January-July, 1985 are used
for this study. Locations of the seismograph stations, along with the detailed
geology of the area, are shown in Figure 1. Origin time, epicentral coordinates
(latitude and longitude) and depth of the earthquakes were determined using the
HYPO-71 computer program of LEE and LAI-IR (1975). For initial location of the
microearthquakes the velocity of upper crust (0-20 km) was assumed to be
5.5 km/s and the lower crust (21-40 km) to be 6.5 km/s and the mantle (below
40 km) to be 8.1 km/s.
In this study, the microearthquakes within a depth range of 0-20 km are used
to determine the P-wave velocities of the upper crust. The P-arrival times have
been restricted to the seismograph stations which are situated within an epicentral
distance of 2 h, where h is the depth of the earthquake. The epicentral map of the
microearthquakes recorded during the above surveys is shown in Figure 2. The
survey area is divided into two regions: Shillong (R1) and Nowgong (R2). About
212 arrival times from 135 earthquakes in region R1 and 75 arrival times from 70
9 earthquakes in region R2 are used for the P-wave velocity study. The time-distance
plots are shown in Figures 3 and 4, respectively.
The data for the Wadati-plot method are selected on the basis of the following
criteria: (1) the events must have at least four S-P time intervals, (ii) the rms (root



x .~ , , ~ x
x x~ ~'x'x

x x
xlX Vp = 5 " 7 8 4 - 0 " 0 0 3

0 I I i I , I , I J
0 I0 20 30 40 50


Figure 3
Time-distance plot for P-arrivals (Shillong region).
98 Reena De and J. R. Kayal PAGEOPH,




Vp 9 5"32+0.005

0 , I , I I I , I i I
0 I0 20 30 40 50


Figure 4
Time-distance plot for P-arrivals (Nowgong region).

mean square) residual for events must be 0.5 sec or less, (iii) P-arrivals must have
a residual of 0.5 sec or less and S-arrivals 1.0 sec or less and (iv) the range of
P-arrival times must be greater than 4 sec. Using these criteria, 49 earthquakes
from region R] and 21 earthquakes from region R2 are selected for two different
focal-depth ranges, 0-20 km for the upper crust (U.C.) and 21-40 km for the lower
crust (L.C.). (See Table 1 and Figure 5.) Figure 6 shows a few examples of the
Wadati plots.
In the station-by-station method two conditions are adopted: (i) epicentral
distance of the seismograph station must be 50 km or less and (ii) P and S residuals
value must be 0.2 sec or less and 0.5 sec or less, respectively. The average velocity-
ratio for each of the 9 stations in region Rl and 11 stations in region R2 are listed
in Table 2.

Discussion of Results

The time-distance plot shows two different crustal velocities, 5.78 _ 0.003 km/s
and 5.32 + 0.005 km/s, for the regions R1 and R2, respectively (Figs. 3 and 4). R1
includes the Archaean terrain of the Shillong Plateau and R2 includes the alluviated
Brahmaputra valley with sediments as thick as 3 km as well as Archaean rocks in
the Mikir Hills area. The marginal difference in the two observed velocities in these
two regions can be explained by the above geology. It is interesting to note that the
Table 1 <

Earthquakes used in Wadati Plot, and Vp/V~ values

Origin Time Lat. deg. Long. deg. Depth Md. No. Vp/V~ S.E.
Y M D H M S N E km P, S

Region 1
Depth 0 - 2 0 km
84 01 12 23 09 57.03 26-19.44 91-05.32 15.09 3.08 4,4 1.79 0.07
84 01 14 17 18 49.21 26-02.83 91-01.53 13.18 2.90 4,4 1.84 0.05
84 01 15 02 42 07.16 25-15.43 91-16.88 18.88 2.57 4,4 1.70 0.10
84 01 16 22 54 30.35 25-46.87 90-25.30 14.88 2.87 4,4 1.72 0.07
84 01 18 13 22 37.11 25-54.23 90-54.23 03.18 3.00 4,4 1.66 0.08
84 01 23 01 01 14.61 25 32.42 90-21.53 16.87 2.68 4,4 1.67 0.02
84 01 23 20 54 40.44 25-33.27 91-20.93 15.00 2.74 4,4 1.71 0.02 <
84 01 23 22 50 01.25 25-35.04 90-50.69 09.46 2.58 4,4 1.77 0.05
84 01 24 04 29 24.64 25-03.96 91-07.88 15.44 2.65 4,4 1.77 0.05
84 01 24 05 37 09.61 25-21.77 91-06.27 10.59 2.43 4,4 1.82 0.04
84 01 24 20 20 04.63 26-02.31 90-43.33 15.31 2.88 4,4 1.71 0.05 r

84 01 27 03 40 47.90 25-54.81 91-22.40 16.36 2.82 4,4 1.81 0.03

84 01 28 01 02 16.80 26-08.21 90 17.14 16.63 2.76 4,4 1.81 0.08 Z
84 02 02 05 52 17.16 25-59.05 90-24.17 19.27 3.55 4,4 1.88 0.06
84 02 11 00 32 44.15 25 41.60 91-33.42 14.50 3.60 4,4 1.75 0.06
84 02 11 05 43 24.20 25-36.61 91-21.08 15.00 2.45 4,4 1.85 0.08
84 02 17 23 49 52.41 25-38.95 90-29.24 16.35 2.77 4,4 1.86 0.07
84 03 04 22 38 22.20 25-40.07 90-43.34 06.58 2.78 4,4 1.80 0.04
84 03 06 01 01 39.94 25-35.25 90-45.99 13.02 2.53 4,4 1.65 0.09
84 03 08 20 30 14.28 25-43.35 90-30.24 16.77 2.89 4,4 1.64 0.10
84 03 09 03 00 24.01 25 40.30 91 09.60 19.60 2.94 4,4 1.72 0.05
84 03 19 03 52 57.71 25-38.09 90-44.09 05.21 2.83 4,4 1.64 0.06
84 04 06 21 51 36.57 25-31.62 91-21.48 18.04 3.13 4,4 1.90 0.06
84 04 16 10 05 39.87 25-39.23 91-17.02 09.98 2.33 4,4 1.77 0.10
84 04 19 12 38 21.28 25-34.12 91-22.99 19.59 2.77 4,4 1.67 0.05
84 04 28 00 26 00.90 25-49.19 90-57.34 03.35 2.36 4,4 1.77 0.04
(Continued overleaf)
Table 1 (Contd)

Origin Time Lat. deg. Long. deg. Depth Md. No. Vp/V~ S.E.
Y M D H M S N " E km P, S

84 04 28 08 41 01.12 25-48.41 90-36.76 07.03 3.00 4,4 1.85 0.07

84 05 08 05 34 55.25 25-57.96 90-36.51 11.57 2.63 4,4 1.62 0.10
84 05 08 09 52 10.82 25-37.05 90-45.03 07.96 2.73 4,4 1.73 0.07
84 05 15 09 57 19.38 25-46.08 90-37.67 13.76 2.73 4,4 1.61 0.05
84 05 20 22 36 26.29 25-34.79 90-43.12 07.04 2.70 5,5 1.74 0.07
84 05 23 06 00 35.06 25-36.32 90-41.85 05.61 2.71 4,4 1.78 0.10
84 05 23 17 59 04.88 25-36.06 90-40.89 02.33 2.68 4,4 1.70 0.03 r
84 04 24 17 42 38.54 25-45.89 90-46.36 13.29 2.64 4,4 1.68 0.10
84 05 25 20 50 20.00 25-56.22 90-34.21 6.02 1.97 4,4 1.64 0.06
84 05 26 10 45 09.24 25-36.17 90-41.52 3.70 2.60 4,4 1.61 0.07 g~
84 05 26 23 16 31.35 25-56.41 90-19.81 14.48 2.52 5,5 1.62 0.I0 t~
84 05 27 06 00 13.86 25-39.48 90-47.05 15.56 2.55 5,5 1.64 0.10
84 05 29 22 40 58.71 25-35.98 90-42.41 3.69 2.46 4,4 1.72 0.03
84 06 01 02 47 28.95 25-59.09 90-42.98 18.58 2.50 4,4 1.62 0.10 g~
84 06 03 01 56 36.74 25-52.27 90-42.99 13.51 3.52 4,4 1.55 0.07
Depth 21-40 km
82 05 12 19 56 59.75 26-14.88 91-49.11 32.37 3.55 5,5 1.71 0.01
84 01 13 22 29 26.82 25-51.57 90-24.80 22.30 3.00 4,4 1.77 0.04
84 01 26 00 10 42.02 26-16.61 91-19.99 26.82 2.88 4,4 1.64 0.08
84 02 14 19 14 01.49 25-01.52 90-46.98 35.93 4.09 4,4 1.84 0.08
84 02 21 18 50 50.65 25-44.19 91-17.72 23.02 2.94 4,4 1.86 0.07
84 03 03 21 17 38.73 26-07.89 90-14.00 23.94 3.11 4,4 1.81 0.10
84 03 04 21 42 25.63 25-19.59 91-00.24 38.01 2.90 4,4 1.73 0.06
84 03 06 13 16 45.06 25-47.02 91-25.39 23.22 3.32 5,5 1.74 0.07 ~o
84 05 07 23 06 43,82 26-11.28 90-14.65 32.35 2.75 5,5 1.67 0.02
84 06 09 12 21 08.73 26-02.36 90-17.71 23.65 3.05 4,4 1.57 0.09

(Continued overleaf)
Table I (Contd)
Origin Time Lat. deg. Long. deg. Depth Md. No. V?/V~ S.E.
Y M D H M S N E km P, S

Region 2
Depth 0 - 2 0 km
82 03 17 21 25 27.39 25-26.00 92-06.33 1.02 3.14 6,6 1.76 0.03
82 03 19 16 24 27.31 25-56.44 93-51.89 4.87 3.52 5,5 1.64 0.05
82 05 26 07 06 56.30 26-23.12 93-40.64 3.5 2.90 4,4 1.74 0.09
85 01 11 08 18 35.25 26 19.06 92-51.06 19.83 3.40 4,4 1.50 0.03
85 01 19 20 18 44.44 26-17.56 92-28.53 18.53 2.96 5,5 1.73 1.10
85 01 27 04 22 50.67 25-32.43 92-44.45 7.35 3.21 5,5 1.84 0.10
Depth 21 40 km
82 03 19 23 47 53.33 26-09.40 92-49.55 25.64 3.23 4,4 1.76 0.04
82 03 20 21 25 07.43 26-28.31 92-39.46 43.33 3.12 4,4 1.79 0.09
82 04 25 22 39 02.99 26-29.09 91-58.13 33.74 3.00 4,4 1.66 0.09
82 05 30 12 51 58.10 26-27.43 92-38.49 35.29 3.43 5,5 1.87 0.09 o.
82 05 30 23 29 28.26 26-34.29 92-37.92 40.33 2.70 4,4 1.82 0.09
82 05 31 02 41 14.82 26-27.50 92-39.39 36.53 3.15 5,5 1.80 0.08
85 01 20 15 11 03.30 26-59.28 92-32.61 40.37 2.92 4,4 1.63 0.08
85 01 21 17 31 58.47 26-42.05 92-35.51 31.82 2.79 4,4 1.73 0.09
85 01 26 15 17 34.01 26-10.19 93-13.38 35.00 3.60 4,4 1.80 1.10 Z
Depth 21 40 km
85 02 22 05 49 14.06 26-19.95 9 3 - 0.78 27.88 3.35 4,4 1.90 0.09
85 03 t7 23 02 16.85 26-43.67 92-31.56 24.09 3.09 4,4 1.78 0.02
85 04 17 22 46 14.93 26-33.23 92-33.14 34.09 2.89 4,4 1.68 0.08
85 05 05 04 39 18.56 26--18.40 93-27.37 49.55 3.20 4,4 1.77 0.09
85 06 23 00 51 58.60 26-25.96 93-28.92 23.86 2.43 4,4 1.90 0,09
85 06 27 14 25 59.18 26-23.26 92-54.82 25.11 2.68 4,4 1.63 0.07
85 07 23 02 55 17.47 26-31.51 92-44.95 38.61 2.53 4,4 1.68 0.06

Md = Duration magnitude, S.E. = Standard Error.

27" 1-
I I ~ I
9 0 50Kms
.... 0 I I I
= . . SNRI A I~n 9 9 AKHRA
Vs N O~--'W G 0 N G --
R,---~ vp 9 o ~; ej.,A 9
j ~
o 9 HTGR 0 B
e o SNGN o o ~9 o 9
o o o A
26" 2 _.~SBP CPrE I er,S~' ,... ~9 _
O.i~i -- 0 9 0 l i~LNI
BLSGo On IARGM Soil IOL L 0 N G - o
8"a" ~ " 9 o o . o ~ON~:U
GN.OL 0,, 0 ,. o o I UR U 1-
IToURA~ g,~ 0 ^ A I SO 9 0 . . . .
OO'~ A ~ o~TO NGSNAo~ BEEF 0 0 Depth(Kin)
~o~."~, WM~I~ , o oO o o ~< 2 0
~ t o , ~ o I _.~vV--~=-'"74(u.c)- 2, ~<,o
9 . ~ . ~ R2 Vp- 75" "
9 . ~..__7~-__., ~ _ , ~ - 9 rE.C; 9 S e i s m o g r a p h
' i ~ 0 g o u K I, I" O U I T~,~';.~ Stations
Z5 9 ' , , , . 1 . . . . . I , .\ ,'~" , ,. I , I . , ,
90" 91~ 92* 93 ~ 94~

Figure 5
Epicentral map of the microearthquakes used for the Wadati-plot. Station names are indicated, which
are referred to in Figure 6.

Vol. 134, 1990 Crustal P-Wave Velocity Study in Northeast India 103

R-I (1962)
3 19 1624
0:3 19 2 3 4 7

R - - 2 (1984)
OI 23 O I O I
Oi~ 21 ~850





NGSN - - 0

RSBP - -

WMNR- <~)

CPTL - - +


Figure 6
A few examples of Wadati-plot. The microearthquakes used are annotated; M: month, d: day, h: hour
and m: minute. Relative travel-times are plotted.

average upper crustal velocity for the whole area is 5.55 km/s, which is consistent
with the best fit value determined from using Hypo-71 by SAHA (1983), KAYAL
(1987) and KAYAL and DE (1990). The sheared crystalline rocks due to numerous
shear faults in the area may be responsible for the lower Vp (5.55 km/s) as
compared to the average upper crustal Vp of 6.00 km/s (CLARK, 1966).
In the Wadati-plot method, the average velocity-ratio (Vp/Vs) values for the
L.C. and U.C. in both the regions are almost similar; it varies from 1.74 to 1.76.
Spatial variation in velocity ratio (Vp/Vs) has been reported by AGGARWAL et aL
(1975) and KAYAL (1982) in other parts of the world. In this study no spatial
variation of Vp/V~ is observed either for shallow (U.C.) or for deeper (L.C.)
earthquakes. This implies that the Poisson's ratio of the crust in both regions is
Temporal variation of seismic-velocity ratio in and around a source regoin of an
impending large earthquake has been observed in many areas (e.g., AGGARWAL et
al., 1973, 1975; WHITCOMB et aL, 1973; OHTAKE, 1973; EVISON, 1975). In this
study the daily variation is plotted and shown in Figure 7. A moderate earthquake,
104 Reena De and J. R. Kayal PAGEOPH,

Table 2
Vp/V~ values: Station-by-station method

No. of Vp/Vs No. of Vp/Vs

Station data Upper Crust data Lower Crust

NGSN 23 1.73 + 0.07 7 1.73 _ 0.06
CPTL 22 1.74 ___0.05 12 1.72 _+ 0.06
RSBP 36 1.73 + 0.07 13 1.73 _.+0.07
ARGM 35 1.73 ___0.06 10 1.75 __ 0.04
WMNR 25 1.72 5:0.07 5 1.76 + 0.05
BLSG 3 1.73 + 0.03 2 1.81 + 0.02
BFTE 14 1.78 + 0.06 17 1.75 5:0.03
SNGN 7 1.78 ___0.06 8 1.82 _ 0.05
GNOL 2 1.76 + 0.06 2 1.77 + 0.04

BTLS 7 1.71 ::1:0.04 2 1.72 -4-0.03
KHRA 5 1.77 _+ 0.06 6 1.72 5:0.04
SLNA 4 1.77 + 0.07 10 1.73 5:0.07
BAMN 2 1.77 _-3-0.01 6 1.80 5:0.06
SNRI 6 1.77 + 0.07 11 1.77 + 0.04
NMKL 2 1.77 5:0.02 2 1.77 _ 0.01
CTBR 2 1.68 5:0.02 5 1.77 ___0.03
HTGR 5 1.78 + 0.07 3 1.73 _+ 0.08
BKLA 5 1.79 -I- 0.03 6 1.74 _+ 0.07
SLGT 4 1.72 + 0.07 5 1.78 _.+0.02
LNKU 2 1.72 5:0.07 2 1.81 _ 0.08

ML = 5.8, Lat. 24~ N, Long. 92~ E, fixed depth 33 km, occurred on Decem-
ber 30, 1984 in the Cachar area (Fig. 2), which rocked the entire area and was
responsible for the loss of 20 human lives and considerable damage to property.
The microearthquake surveys, January-June, 1984 and January-July, 1985, were
carried out with a network within 100 km of the above epicentre. Figure 7 is
permissive of a period of low Vp/Vsratio prior to the earthquake, but this feature
is suggested by only a few data points on either side of the inferred low and cannot
be demonstrated as a precursor anomaly convincingly.
Velocity-ratio determined by the station-by-station method shows some variation
from station to station. It varies from 1.72 to 1.78 for the earthquakes of U.C., and
1.72 to 1.82 for earthquakes of L.C. in the Shillong region, and in the Nowgong
region it varies from 1.68 to 1.77 and 1.72 to 1.81 for the U.C. and L.C., respectively.
The average Vp/Vsvalues in both the regions, however, show good agreement with
the velocity-ratio values found by the Wadati-plot method (Table 3).
On the basis of above findings a generalised velocity model of the area is
suggested (Figure 8). The P-wave velocity of the U.C. and Vp/V,of U.C. and L.C.
are determined in this study. The P-wave velocities of the L.C. and the mantle M1


Cochor EQ
2.0 5~8 , ~ .....

Q k
0 _ _

~.~ ., o
1.6 f o

>= =

I-2 _.l I I. I I
I I I ! I Iw I I I I m t ' ' 5"
Jan. June Dec. dune Z
8 4 "lm -- I 9 8 5 ----~1

Figure 7
Temporal variation of velocity-ratio.
(R t ) (Rz)
Vp Vp
Vp = 5"78 , Vs = 1"74 Vp = 5 " 3 2 , =1"74 Vp = 5 - 5 5 , Vp - 1-74 ~q
Vs Vs
Vp v___p_ ,-..
Vp = 6"52 ( P ) , V-S = 1'76 Vp--6"52 (P), Vs-1'76 Vp = 6 . 5 2 (;~), Vp
Vs = 1.76
41 Kin.
M2 Vp= 8 " i 0 ( P ) V p : 8.10 ( P ) Vp= 8.10(P)
V p - B "57 Vp = 8.5T Vp: 8.57

Figure 8
Generalized velocity model of the area, Vp is in km/s.

Vol. 134, 1990 Crustal P-Wave Velocity Study in Northeast India 107

Table 3
Comparison of Vp/ Vs Values

Average Vp/V~ Average Vv/V~

Method Region Upper Crust Lower Crust

Wadati-plot R~ 1.74 __+0.06 1.76 _.+0.08

R2 1.74 • 0.06 1.75 • 0.06
Station-by-station R1 1.74__+0.02 1.76 ___0.04
R2 1.75 + 0.04 1.76 __+0.03

are the best fit values determined by the Hypo-71. The velocity of the mantle M2 is
determined by KAYAL and DE (1987). The existence of the M1 and M2 are,
however, taken from the model of KOSMINSKAYA and KAPUSTIAN (1976). The
proposed velocity model was very useful for location of the selected micro-
earthquakes, and it produced rms residuals within 0.3 sec (KAYAL and DE, 1990).


The upper crustal P-wave velocity, 5.55 km/s, has been determined by the
time-distance plot method using the P-arrival data of the shallow ( < 2 0 km)
earthquakes in Shillong and Nowgong areas. The low Vp value has been inferred to
the sheared crystalline rocks. Crustal velocity-ratio (Vp/II,) has been determined by
the Wadati-plot method and station-by-station method. The average values ob-
tained by the two methods are compatible; it ranges between 1.74 to 1.76 which is
a normal value for the crust (AGGARWAL et al., 1973). Neither spatial variation nor
depth variation of the Vp/V, is resolvable in this study. An indication of temporal
variation is speculated before the Cachar earthquake. Although the generalized
velocity model conjectured in this study gives good precision in locating the
microearthquakes, a detailed investigation of the velocity structure will be under-
taken by a 3-D ray tracing program in our future study.


We are thankful to Dr. S. N. Saha and Mr. S. Subrahamanium for the field
data, Mr. R. N. Bose and Late Dr. N. P. Dutta for their tremendous support and
encouragement during the study. We thank the Director General, GSI, for his kind
permission to publish this paper. We are also thankful to the reviewers for their
constructive comments.
108 Reena De and J. R. Kayal PAGEOPH,


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(Received July 18, 1988, revised May 15, 1989, accepted February 1, 1990)

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