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Career Development Plan

Career Plan: ______Business man____________

Step 1: Write down your primary career interest.

My primary career interest is to complete my IT, Maths and English course.

Step 2: Identify long-term professional goals (including positions desired within the company).

My Long-term professional goals

1. Run my own business

2. Become a business man
3. Spread my business in the world or become a large organization

Step 3: Identify the short-term goals that will contribute to long-term interests. (Write at least 3 short
term goals – leading to your long-term goals)

My Short-term professional goals

1. At least get a higher level degree in business studies.

2. Complete my master.
3. Become able to speak four or five different languages.

Step 4: List 2-3 activities that will help you reach each goal. Be sure to specify how you will
accomplish the activity, including any resources you might need, and when you will start and finish it.

Short-term Goal 1: At least get a higher level degree in business studies

Activity 1: Learn the basics of business.

Activity 2: Learn how to communicate with others.

Activity 3: Should be capable of doing negotiation.

Short-term Goal 2: Become able to speak four or five different languages

Activity 1: Start taking international language lessons.

Activity 2: Pick some words from the language, I want to learn and start using them in my daily life.
Activity 3: Make friends who speak that language.

Step 5: Describe tasks you are doing currently that would contribute towards your long term goal.

1. Studying about hardware and software computing system.

2. Learning how to make reports and quotation.

3. develop my speaking and listening better in English.

Step 6: Describe tasks you are currently doing that are not contributing to your long-term goals.
Suggest ways to minimize, eliminate them.

1. Watching TV

2. Playing video games

3. Spending my most of the time on social media

I can minimize/eliminate these, by keeping my self-busy in my tasks such as reading books this will
help me in future to learn more.

Step 7: Write down any skills, knowledge or experience you have that may directly or indirectly help
you in achieving your short-term or long-term goal.

Skills, knowledge, experience:

1. Worked as a product manager, my responsibilities were to monitor the products and keep their

2. I have worked as a sales men and I learnt to analyse the products and fix their prices.

3. I have also worked as a purchasing manager. In this job my responsibilities were to work out the
profit from every item and to negotiate the item prices when purchasing.

4. I am very capable of doing most of my calculations in my mind

5. I am able to make correct decisions when I am in any kind of stress/tension.

Step 8: Write down any additional skills, knowledge or experience you would like to acquire that may
directly or indirectly help you to achieve your future positions.

Additional skills, knowledge, experience desired:

1. Working as a junior accountant.

2. Become able to have a fluent communication.
3. Become a flexible personality.
4. Become an IT technician.

Step 9: Write down all the characteristics you will need to be able to work on the career you are
planning for yourself.

1. Hard working

A business man should be a hardworking man, and also needs to be capable of doing his work for
longer time. If a business man is a lazy man, and not is a hard working person, so he will suffer
business loss.

2. Honest

A successful business man needs to have an honest personality. He should not deceive anyone. It is
necessary to be honest, to gain people trust and develop the business.

3. Educated

Business is a complex activity and it demands an educated person. Who knows the business tactics,
so it is necessary for the business man to be educated? To understand the business complications, it
is important for a business man to be well educated. It is also important for a communications with

4. Discipline
A good business man should have a discipline personality. He should be punctual, dutiful and regular
person. He needs to be used to of doing his work on time, and don’t leave it for another day. He
needs to be an example for his employees.

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