Agrani Bank SO

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Agrani Bank SO(2017) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

01.A dishonest merchant makes a 15% profit at the time of buying and a 10% loss at the
time of selling the goods. By doing so if the said merchant made a profit of Tk. 3500 on a
particular item, what was the real cost of the item sold?
#Solution: [Agrani Bank,17]
Let, Real Cost = C
AT 15% Profit SP= 115% of C
Applying MF,
115𝐶 23𝐶
= = 100×(23/20)×(9/10)-100= 3500
100 20
23𝐶×9  3.5%= 100
At 10% Loss Selling =  100%= 1,00,000[Answer]
Now, - C= 3500 #Alternative:

 7C= 3500×200 Gain = 15-10-(150/100)= 3.5%

 C= 1,00,000 Real Cost = 3500×100/3.5= 1,00,000
So, Real Cost = 1,00,000 TK[Answer]

02. A alone can do a piece of work in 30 days, while B alone can do it in 15 days and C
alone can do it in 10 days. If in every second day B and in every third day C help A in
doing the work, how many days will be required to complete the whole work?
A:B:C= 30:15:10[T]
A;B:C= 1:2:3[E]
Total Work = 30×1= 30
6 days work = 6×1+3×2+2×3= 18 unit
Remain = (30-18)= 12 unit
In 7 days = 1 unit
Remain = 11 unit
In 8 days = 1+2= 3 unit;Remain= 8 unit
In 9 days = 1+3= 4 unit, Remain = 4 unit
In 10 days= 1+2= 3 unit, Remain = 1 unit
In 11 days = 1 ; So Time= 11 days[Answer]
Agrani Bank SO(2017) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

03. Two trains, one from Dhaka and

another from Chittagong #Alternative:
simultaneously started proceed Let, One train Cover = D km
towards each other at the speed of 16
So Another Train Cover= D+60
km and 21 km per hour respectively.
As the trains met each other it was ATQ,
found that one tram travelled 60 km D/16= (D+60)/21
more than the other. Calculate the  21D-16D= 16×60
distance between Dhaka to  D=192 km
Chittagong. So Distance = 192+192+60= 444 km
#Solution: #Alternative:
They meet at a distance that is way Speed Ratio= 16:21
both will consume the same time. Time Ratio= 21:16
Let, The time = T Diff= (21-16)= 5
ATQ, 5==60

21T-16T= 60 1==12
 5T= 60 37==37×12= 444 km [Answer.]
 T= 12
Distance between Dhaka and Chittagong = 21×12+16×12= 444 km[Answer]
04. Sakib and Labib individually borrowed some Amount of money from a particular
bank from the same day at the rate of 20% SI. The Total amount of money paid by sakib
in 3 years as principle plus interest was the same amount of money paid by labib as
principle plus interest in 2 years. What was the ratio of their individual amount
Let, Sakib Principle = S
Labib principle = L
Sakib 3 years amount= Labib 2 years amount
20 20
 S+3×S× =L +2×L×
100 100
5𝑆+3𝑆 7𝐿
 =
5 5
 8S= 7L
 S:L= 7:8[Answer ]
Agrani Bank SO(2017) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

05. The perimeter of a square is equal to the perimeter of a rectangle. The length of the
rectangle is three times longer than is width having total area of 1200 sq.meter. What will
be the total cost if the total area of the square is covered with stones having a dimension of
50 cm.sq. each and if Rs. 50 is charged for placing a stone in the square?
Let, Length = 3L
Width = L
3L×L= 1200
 𝐿2 =
 𝐿 = 20
Length = 60 m
Width = 20 m
Perimeter of Rectangle = 2×80= 160
Side of Square=

= 40
Area of Square = 40×40= 1600
Number of stone= 1600×

= 6400
Total Cost = 6400×50= 320000[Answer]

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