Perangkat 2 - NHT - Muhammad Izhar Mahendra - 035 - PBU 2017

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Pendidikan Biologi Unggulan 2017



Level of Education Unit : Senior High School

Subject : Biology
Class / Semester : XII/1
Main Material : Metabolism
Time Allocation : 6 x 45 minutes (4th meeting)

A. Basic Competences and Indicators

Basic Competences Indicators
3.2 Explaining the 3.2.1 Distinguishes the process of photosynthesis
metabolism between light reactions and dark reactions.
process as a 3.2.2 Analyze the factors that affect the process of
enzymatic reaction photosynthesis.
in the living
4.2 Arrange the 4.2.1 Planning an experiment regarding the
report of photosynthesis process.
enzymatic 4.2.2 Carry out experiments regarding the
mechanism, photosynthesis process.
photosynthesis, 4.2.3 Communicate the results of the experiment in the
and aerobic form of an official report.

B. Learning Goals
1. Through discussion, students are able to explain the photosynthesis process consist of
light reaction and dark reaction.
2. Through discussion, students are able to analyze the factors of photosynthesis process.
3. Through discussion, students can analyze the factors that influence the process of
4. Students can plan experiments about the process of photosynthesis.
5. Students can carry out experiments regarding the photosynthesis process according to
the steps made.
6. Students can communicate the results of the photosynthesis process experiment
through the activity of making an official report of the results of the experiment.

C. Learning Materials
Anabolism is the set of metabolic pathways that construct molecules from the smaller
units. These reaction require energy, known also as an endergonic process. Anabolism is
building-up aspect of metabolism, whereas catabolism is the breaking-down aspect.
Anabolism is usually synonymous with biosynthesis. Anabolism that uses light energy is

called photosynthesis, while anabolism that uses chemical energy is called
Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light
energy into chemical energy that can later be released to fuel the organisms' activities.
This chemical energy is stored in carbohydrate molecules, such as sugars, which are
synthesized from carbon dioxide and water. In most cases, oxygen is also released as a
waste product. Most plants, most algae, and cyanobacteria perform photosynthesis; such
organisms are called photoautotrophs. Photosynthesis is largely responsible for
producing and maintaining the oxygen content of the Earth's atmosphere, and supplies
most of the energy necessary for life on Earth.:
Equation for the type of photosynthesis that occurs in plants
6 CO2 + 12 H2O → C6H12O6 + 6 H2O + 6 O2
The process of photosynthesis occurs on two sides namely the light reaction (light
dependent reaction) and the dark reaction (light independent reaction).
a. Light Reaction (Light dependent reaction)
1) Cyclic reaction
2) Non-cyclic reaction
b. Dark Reaction (CO2 fixation)

Factors Influencing Photosynthesis

In this process, sunlight is absorbed by chlorophyll inside the chloroplasts of plant cells.
In order for photosynthesis to take place, the plant must take in carbon dioxide and
water. As a result of photosynthesis, carbohydrates and oxygen are produced.
The rate at which a plant conducts photosynthesis is not always the same. Various factors
influence the rate at which photosynthesis takes place, including the amount of carbon
dioxide present, the amount of water, the chlorophyll concentration, light intensity, and
temperature. These factors can increase the rate of photosynthesis. However, the rate of
photosynthesis cannot increase indefinitely. Once a certain level is reached, the rate of
photosynthesis no longer increases.
As temperature increases, so does the rate of photosynthesis. However, the rate will only
increase until the optimal temperature value is reached. If this value is surpassed, the rate
of photosynthesis will actually decrease. This is because photosynthesis is controlled by
enzymes. As biological catalysts, enzymes speed up the reactions that take place during
photosynthesis and have an optimal temperature range. When the temperature rises
above this optimal range, the enzymes begin to break apart and do not function as well.
In turn, the rate of photosynthesis decreases.

D. Learning Approach and Method

1. Learning approach: Cooperative Model with Numbered
Head Together (NHT) strategy
2. Learning method: Discussion and Presentation

E. Learning Media and Resources

1. Learning media : Laptop, projector, whiteboard, and stationery.
2. Learning resources :
a. Powerpoint presentation and picture about photosynthesis.
b. Biology Book for Senior High School (SMA/MA) class XII, Irnaningtyas,
Curiculum 2013, Erlangga.
c. Photosynthesis student worksheet using cooperative NHT approach.

F. Learning Scenario
First meeting (1x30minutes)
Learning Feasibility
Activity The Description of Learning Activity
(Time) Yes No
Opening Teacher greets the students and asks them to
(5 minute) pray together before the lesson start.
Teacher makes sure the class is ready enough to
start the lesson and asks the student’s presence.
Teacher gives an apperception by doing
discussion about metabolism material that has
been studied previously which is about
photosynthesis. The teacher asks about “where
do living things get food? How do plants
produce food and produce energy?”
Teacher states the goals.
Teacher conveys the learning model used for
today is Numbered Head Together (NHT).
Main Activity a. Phase 1 (Numbering)
(20 minute) - Teacher divides students into 3 groups,
each group consisting of 3-4 students.
Each member in the group is numbered 1-
- Students join their group members.
b. Phase 2 (Asking Questions)
- The teacher gives the worksheets to each
group that contains questions about
photosynthesis and students are work in
discussion with the group.
c. Phase 3 (Thinking Together)
- Every student in one group thinks together
and unites their opinions in answering
questions from worksheets and each
member in the group must really
understand the answers to these questions.

d. Phase 4 (Answering)
- Teacher calls students with a certain
number, then student whose numbers are
called invited to answer questions to
present the results of their group
discussions. Other groups are given the
opportunity to argue and ask questions
about the results of the group discussions.
- Teacher takes the results obtained by each
Closing Teacher guides students to conclude the material
(5 minute) and discussion that they have learn.
Teacher gives a follow-up task in the form
finding data about the procedures and objectives
of the Sach and Ingenhousz Experiments
(Individual assignments are collected 1 week
Teacher finish the lesson with the
encouragement words and regards.

G. Assessment
Strategy Form Instrument
3.2.1 Distinguishes the process of
Paper and Multiple
photosynthesis between light Attached
pencil test choice
reactions and dark reactions.
3.2.2 Analyze the factors that affect the Paper and Multiple
process of photosynthesis. pencil test choice
4.2.1 Planning an experiment regarding
the photosynthesis process.
4.2.2 Carry out experiments regarding
the photosynthesis process. Non-Test
4.2.3 Communicate the results of the
experiment in the form of an
official report.

Surabaya, April 23rd 2020

The Principle of Senior High School Biology Teacher

M. Izhar Mahendra S.N.

NIP. NIM. 17030204035


GROUP : CLASS : XII IPA ........
1. ............................ 4. ........................... DATE :......................
2. ............................
3. ...........................
3.2 Explaining the metabolism process as a enzymatic reaction in the living organism.
4.2 Arrange the report of enzymatic mechanism, photosynthesis, and aerobic respiration
1. Through group discussion, students are able to explain the photosynthesis process
consist of light reaction and dark reaction.
2. Through discussion, students are able to analyze the factors of photosynthesis process.

1. Write down the identity of your group in the available column.
2. Work on group to discuss the activities based on the worksheet.
3. You are permitted to use internet, books, or any others literature for searching the
answers, but donn’t forget to note the source below your answers.
4. If you find the difficuties, ask the teacher’s guidance.


1. Based on the figure above, write down the mechanism of photosynthesis in a brief!
2. What kind of experiment did by expert to prove the photosynthesis process? Explain in a
3. Explain the factors of photosynthesis process!
4. Link the question in the left column with the best answer in the right column!


1. Ingenhouze experiment proves that a. Water degradation
photosynthesis need.... b. stroma
2. Oxygen as the result of photosynthesis c. Chlorophyl bacteria
process is comes from.... d. Light
3. The formning of ATP in the photosynthesis e. Red
process take a place in..... f. NADP
4. In the non-syclic-phosporylation, it happens a g. bright
degradation of water molecules, dispensation h. Water
oxygen, and binding hydrogen by aceptors in
form of....
5. The beginning process of photosynthesis is.....
6. Light spectrum that more efficient for
photosynthesis process is....
7. Autotroph microorganism which can use the
sun source energy for doing photosynthesis
is ....
8. One of the substance as a result of
photosynthesis is oxygen that formed in the
reaction of....


Level of education Unit : Senior High School

Class / Semester : XII/1
Subjects : Biology
Main Competences (KI) :
KI 1 : Appreciating and implementing the lesson of their religion.
KI 2 : Appreciating and implementing the honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (mutual cooperation, cooperation,
tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and proactive and displayed as part of the solution to various problems in interacting
effectively with the social and natural environment as well as in placing self as a reflection of the nation in the association
of the world.
KI 3 : Understanding, applying, analysing, and evaluating the factual, conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive knowledge
based on the curiosity of science, technology, art, culture, and humanities with the insights of humanity, nationality, state
and civilization on the causes of phenomena and events, procedural knowledge in a specific field of study according to his
or her talents and interests to solve problems.
KI 4 : Cultivating, reasoning, presenting, and creating in the concrete and abstract realms related to the development of the self-
study in schools and act effectively and creatively, and able to use methods according to scientific rules.


Strategy Form Instrument ATION HES
3.2 Explaining Cell - Reading the literature - Explain the meaning of Paper Multi- Attached 2 x 45 - Biology
the Metabolism : through textbooks in metabolism in living and ple Book for
metabolism Enzyme order to identify the things. pencil choice Senior
process as a - Enzyme components, - Identifying the test High
enzymatic component. properties and how components of School
reaction in - Enzyme enzymes work enzymes as metabolic (SMA/M
the living properties. - Read the literature processes in living A) class
organism. - How through powerpoints things. XII,
enzymes in order to understand - Mention the nature of Irnaningty
work. the process of enzymes as metabolic as,
catabolism and processes in living Curriculu
Carbohydrate anabolism based on things. m 2013,
catabolism : components, - Describe the workings Erlangga.
- Aerobic processes, results and of enzymes as - Power
respiration. place of action. metabolic processes in point
- Anaerobic - Through observation living things. presentati
respiration. using video learning - Identifying catabolism on and
media in order to find processes including picture
Anabolism: out the reaction of aerobic respiration and about
- Photosynthes photosynthesis which anaerobic respiration. photosynt
is includes lights and - Distinguishes the hesis
- Chaemosynt dark reactions. process of
hesis photosynthesis between
light reaction and dark
- Explain the nitrification
process as an example
of the process of
4.2 Arrange the - Result - Make a report on the - Decide problems Non-Test Product 7x45 - Biology
report of communicate results of experiments regarding the assessment Book for
mechanism, technique in order to mechanism of action of (attached) Senior
photosynthes communicate the enzymes, High
is, and results of experiments photosynthesis and School
aerobic on the mechanism of anaerobic respiration. (SMA/M
respiration enzymes action, - Decide hypotheses and A) class
experiment. photosynthesis and experimental variables XII,
anaerobic respiration. to be carried out. Irnaningty
- Identifying tools, as,
materials, and Curriculu
experimental steps. m 2013,
- Carry out experiments Erlangga.
according to the steps - Photosynt
made. hesis
- Analyzing the results of student
experiments. worksheet
- Summing up the results using
of an ezperiment. cooperativ
- Arrange reports of e NHT
experimental results approach
- Communicate the
results of the
1. Knowledge Assessment
Assessment Technique : Paper and pencil test
Instrument form : Multiple choice
Basic Competence (KD) : 3.2 Explaining the metabolism process as a enzymatic reaction in the living organism.
Goals :
7. Through discussion, students are able to explain the photosynthesis process consist of light reaction and dark reaction.
8. Through discussion, students are able to analyze the factors of photosynthesis process.

Table 1. Knowledge assessment sheet

Indicator Questions Knowledge Cognitive Answer Scoring
dimension process key
3.2.1 Distinguish 1. Following are the differences between the correct cyclic and non- Conceptual Distinguish (C3) B. Score = 1
es the cyclic of light reactions are… If your
process of Cyclic Non cyclic answer is
photosynth A. Involves photosystem I and II Involves photosystem I appropriate
esis B. Involves the wavelength 680- Involves the wavelength 400- with the
between 700. 700 answer key
light C. Products in the form of ATP, The product is ATP
reactions NADPH dan O2 Score = 0
and dark D. Photolysis occurs Water photolysis does not occur If your
reactions. There is no NADP reductase answer is
E. There is NADP reductase
2. The following events occur in the light reactions, except… Conceptual Understanding D.
e with the
A. Occurs in thylakoids (C2)
answer key
B. Photolysis occurs
C. The chemical energy produced is ATP NADPH2
D. Carboxylation, reduction and regeneration processes occur
E. Energy comes from light
3. The first compound formed on the binding of CO2 by RDP is… Conceptual Understanding A.
A. Phospoglyceric acid (APG) (C2)
B. Phosphoglycerate aldehide (ALPG)
C. Glucose
D. Adenin diphosphate
E. Amylum
4. The following are some of the reactions that occur when plants carry Conceptual Understanding D.
out photosynthesis : (C2)
(1) Photophosphorylation for ATP synthesis
(2) Photolysis of water
(3) Change of PGA to PGAL
(4) CO2 fixation
(5) Synthesis of organic compounds from PGAL
The sequence of reactions that occur in dark reaction is ...
A. (1)-(2)-(3) C. (3)-(4)-(5) E. (4)-(5)-(3)
B. (2)-(1)-(4) D. (4)-(3)-(5)
5. The reaction center in photosystem I is very sensitive to light with Conceptual Understanding C.
wavelengths…. (C2)
A. 680 nm C. 700 nm E. 760 nm
B. 860 nm D. 780 nm

3.2.2 Analyze the 6. Look at the table below! Conceptual Analyzing (C4) B.
factors that No Treatment Bubble*)
affect the 1 Direct sunlight ++
process of 2 Direct sunlight + 5 gr NaHCO3 ++++
3 Direct sunlight + ice cube +
4 Direct sunlight + warm water +++
5 Shade +
Based on the table above, the results of the analysis of factors that
affect the exact rate of photosynthesis are…
A. The factor that affect the rate of photosynthesis is temperature,
because the bubbles produced are quite high.
B. Factors that influence the rate of photosynthesis are sunlight and 5
gr NaHCO3 , because they produce bubbles that are high enough
C. Factors that influence the rate of photosynthesis are warm water,
because the oxygen produced is very high.
D. Light does not affect the rate of photosynthesis, because the oxygen
produced by the number of bubble differs.
E. Plants with direct sunlight treatment and shade have no effect on the
rate of photosynthesis, because the bubbles produced are the same
Scoring :
Maximum score = 6
Score = Total score of student X 100
Maximum score
2. Skill Assessment Sheet
Assessment technique : Product
Basic Competence (KD): 4.2. Arrange the report of enzymatic mechanism, photosynthesis, and aerobic respiration experiment.
Goals :
4.2.4 Planning an experiment regarding the photosynthesis process.
4.2.5 Carry out experiments regarding the photosynthesis process.
4.2.6 Communicate the results of the experiment in the form of an official report.

Table 2. Skill Assessment Sheet

Level of Education Unit : Senior High School
Class / Semester : XII / 1
Subjects : Biology
No. Basic Competences Material Indicator Assessment
1. 4.2 Arrange the report of Photosynthesis 4.2.1 Planning an experiment regarding the Product
enzymatic mechanism, photosynthesis process.
photosynthesis, and aerobic 4.2.2 Carry out experiments regarding the
respiration experiment. photosynthesis process.
4.2.3 Communicate the results of the
experiment in the form of an official
I. Product Assessment Sheet
a. Make an report on the results of the photosynthesis experiment.
b. Performed in groups within one week.

Table 2.1 Product rating rubric

No. Rated aspect Yes / No
Writing systematics
1. The report is given a cover containing the student’s group name, experimental title, and date of experiment.
2. Letters are written in Times New Roman font with size 12.
3. Consists of the title, problems, goals, hypotheses, literature review, experiment variables, tools and
materials, experimental steps, results and discussion, conclusion, and appendices.
4. The problems is written in the form of question sentences.
5. The problems contains two or more variables.
6. The problems questions two or more variables.
7. The goals are written in accordance with the formulation of the problem made.
8. Hypothesis contains temporary answers from the experiments to be conducted.
9. Literature review contains material in accordance with the experiments.
10. Experiment’s variables contain manipulation variables, control variables and response variables.
11. Manipulation variables written in photosynthesis experiments:
a. Ingenhouz’s experiment = NaHCO3, ice cube, warm water, and light intensity
b. Sach’s experiment = leaf treatment (covered with aluminum foil)
12. Control variables written in photosynthesis experiments: plant type, time of experiment
a. Ingenhouz’s experiment = plant type, time of experiment
b. Sach’s experiment = plant type, time of experiment
13. Response variables written in photosynthesis experiments :
a. Ingenhouz’s experiment = the rate of photosynthesis seen in the presence of bubbles.
b. Sach’s experiment = starch is seen from the leaf color indicator after lugol drops.
14. Tools and materials are written in accordance with what was used during the experiment
15. The steps of the experiment are written in the form of a flow.
16. The results are written in tabular form.
17. The table title.
18. The discussion is written in accordance with the results obtained and linked to theories and concepts that are
19. Conclusions are written concisely and in accordance with the results of the experiment.
20. The appendix contains pictures as evidence of the results of the experiment.
Report submission
21. Reports are submitted within one week after the experiment is done.

Score = Total of “yes” that student’s got X 100

Maximum score

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