Final Ashutosh Ji With - Indu Nath Sharma Ji PDF

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In Memory of Late Sh.

Indu Nath Sharma Ji

• One of the greatest Traditional Astrologer ever lived

• Today I am writing about someone who was a

legend of legends in Astrology and to be a master or
genius in the field of Astrology is Big Thing in life
even for a single branch. Even other great astrologers
accepted his mettle as one of the greatest, the best
or extraordinary Astrologer he was in the most
branches such as speciality in Laghu Parashari ,
Jamini, Bhrigu, Parshna and Kinesics (Body reading).
• I am highly obliged and thankful to him that he
shared some very rare , secret and traditional
knowledge with me. Without getting that knowledge
I would be scrambling in dark in the some part of
astrology. There are very rare person in astrology
who know lot of astrological methods and use those
in daily routine and he was one those gems who had
this versatility.
• Once I was visiting to meet him and I saw that
Ramayana was lying wet on the table. I enquired that
how come Ramayana got wet. He said “Whenever I
read Ramayana I get carried away in my emotions
and tears start coming in my eyes and the book got
wet due to my tears. This shows the intensity of his
emotions and he was so simple and down to earth.
• He was none other than The legend from
Varanasi Indu Nath Sharma Ji he took his last
breath on Sunday 22.12.2019 morning 8.00
am few days before the eclipse. He was born
in Sagittarius Ascendant and when SUN
enters in this sign and as Saturn was already
present in the sign having aspect by Rahu so it
was a tough time for him to go through .
• This article shares some very rare techniques
from a great master Late Indu Nath Sharma Ji
a traditional astrologer. He learnt astrology
from his father with knowledge accumulated
from generations of traditional astrology.
• These techniques are so rare that it doesn’t
exist in any of the available books.
• Once I was sitting with him and a lady came to
him. He checked the Panchang and told her
that she came to enquire about the health of
her child. She also confirmed that wanted to
know about her child’s health. After that he
taught that technique to me with which he
told that lady about her child’s health. Here
below I am presenting that technique for the
reader’s benefit.
Moon In Cancer Zodaic
• One of his technique was when Moon is
placed in Cancer sign between 27 to 30
degrees whenever the Jupiter or Saturn
Antradhasa, which ever is more malefic
between both, comes as Antradhasa in the
first dhasa of the Birth dasa it will be
problematic for the health of child or can give
Moon Technique
Example 1st
7.12.2009 10.30 am Ranchi
• He was born with Moon in Cancer of 27
degrees and at the time of birth his Mercury
Mahadasa was running and on 03 April 2010
his Saturn Antardasa started . He fell down
from the bed and his head got seriously
Example 2nd
19.02.2019 08.59 AM Daltonganj
• He was born with Moon 28 degree in Cancer
he got suddenly sick on 19 march 2009 and
had to went to hospital, when Saturn Antra
dasa started on 16 Feb 2018.
• Once I was visiting Varanasi to meet him and
that time one of an astrologer, who is friend of
mine, asked me to show his chart to Indu Nath
Sharma Ji. While reading that chart he shared
another technique to me which is presented
Ju 9th from Ve
• Whenever Jupiter is placed in 9th House from
Venus the person will be married after the
third transit or third round of Jupiter. But
other yogas in the chart must also be
Astrologer’s chart
• Once he looked at an astrologer’s chart and
saw that Jupiter in 8th house in Capricorn
instantly said he is good by heart but always
have negative gossips around or false rumours
and after looking at other combinations he
will always be sick or having health issues he
also added that he will be away from his
father and father will also be long lived .
• He will be married late in life because of
placement of Venus with Saturn in 12th house and
Rahu is 8th from Venus.

• The native got married at the age of 37 years

after the third round of Jupiter.

• So, whenever Jupiter is placed in 9th House from

Venus the person will be married after the third
transit or third round of Jupiter, considering
others yogas as well in the chart.
At the age of 72 years

• If Jupiter is placed in own signs and

Saturn aspects (3rd , 7th or 10th) it then at
the age of 72 years one will face a life
and death situation or will have major
health problems or major accidents.
Chart 1st
Major Life threat at 72 years
• In the above chart Jupiter is placed in
Sagittarius Zodiac in the 4th House satisfying
first condition of the technique and 10th
aspect from Saturn is also present from 7th
House fully satisfying the conditions of the
• Thus ,this native face a major accident in June
2009 .
• There is another thing which he shared with
me about the rashi aspect in Jamini. Per the
normal convention it is said that “Moveable
sign aspects the Fixed sign and Fixed sign
aspects the Moveable sign and Dual sign
aspects each other.” But he shared the rare
fact about the sign aspects which I even used
in my book “Predict Every Thing Using a Rare
and Unknown Dasha” and readers can refer
to this book for more details
• One of my friend Mohit Verma, on my advice
met him on Jan 25, 2019. He asked him to
mention a number and name of a flower
which he predicted the both correct. Then just
looked at his chart and without looking at the
dasha he predicted that his problem will be
solved in June/July and his problem was
solved in first week of June,2019. That was
very amazing.
• He has a special and revered place in my heart
and I would like to offer tribute to Sh. Indu
Nath Sharma Ji. Soon I will be writing a book
as my tribute to give a glimpse of some rare
secret sutras which I was fortunate enough to
learn from him.
I am with the legend Sh. Indu nath sharma Ji

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