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Benchmark Ethical Dilemma

Janelle M Rodriguez

Grand Canyon University -NSG- 436

19 April 2020
Benchmark Ethical Dilemma

Nurses deal with challenges the minute they walk onto a shift until an uncertain time. It

can lead them to deal with ethical challenges between their morals and hospital policy. This can

lead to nurse burn out, resulting in them leaving their profession. One of the many dilemmas

nurses face is to either disclose the medical conditions and telling the truth to the patient versus

withholding information per the family’s request. In this essay, this dilemma will be further

discussed through analyzing, using decision model, and finding a resolution.


It is the right of the health care team to disclose the patients’ medical conditions by being

truthful and honest to the patient. To withhold their medical condition is fidelity and the patient

will lose trust within the health care team. “Withholding pertinent medical information from

patients in the belief that disclosure is medically contraindicated creates a conflict between the

physician’s obligations to promote patient welfare and to respect patient autonomy” (AMA,

2020). As nurses, they have a responsibility with the physician to provide truthful information to

their patient. When a family member wants to withhold the patient’s medical diagnosis, it can be

an ethical dilemma for the nurse and physician and cause stress as to what to do. It may involve

an ethical committee to assist in deciding what is best for the patient. As a future nurse, having

family come to me to withhold a patient’s diagnosis goes against my belief of having a patient

involved in their health care.

Ethical Decision Model

When it comes to resolving an ethical dilemma one can use the Seven-Step Guide to

Ethical Decision model to help come to a solution. It begins with stating the problem; Do I have
a conflict of interest with not disclosing the patients’ medical diagnosis per the family’s request?

The second step is to check the facts. Who is involved in the patients case? Many problems can

disappear upon closer examination of the situation while others can change severely leading to

step three. Identify the relevant factors internally and externally. How does this situation effect

the health care member caring for the patient, and how does this situation effect the patient?

Four, develop a list of options. One must figure out whom they should go to and what to say

(Mogk, 2019). The fifth step is to test the option that was formulated. Does this option provide

less harm, would they want this choice to be published in the news, could they defend this option

in front of a committee, would they like this option if they were adversely affected by it, what is

their colleague’s opinion on the option, what would the ethics committee say, and what will the

hospitals ethics or legal counsel say about this? (Mogk, 2019). Based on the first five steps, make

a choice and review how the healthcare member can reduce the likelihood of having to make a

similar decision again. By using the Seven-Step model it can help the nurse find a resolution.


Using the Seven-Step Model can help the nurse find a solution regarding this ethical

dilemma. Being the nurse in this situation, the author would want to discuss with the physician as

to why the diagnosis is being withheld. If the author felt that their job is to tell the truth, and as

the patients advocate, they felt it was being challenged, they would consult with the nurse

manager and the ethics committee. It would be difficult to treat a patient who was unaware of

their diagnosis, but they were being treated with medications dedicated to their diagnosis. As a

nurse, it their job to protect and care for the patient and find a solution that adheres to the

hospital policy and the code of ethics. If there is no resolution, the author would need to look into
their moral beliefs and see if they are able to treat the patient while still maintaining their duty to

be truthful.


It is the right of a patient to be informed and know their own medical diagnosis and the

treatment that will be provided. As members of the healthcare team, they have the duty to be

honest and protect the patients they care for. By doing so, they must be truthful and know their

moral beliefs in resolving ethical dilemmas.


AMA. (2016, November 14). Withholding information from patients. Retrieved from

Huber, D. (2017). Leadership and nursing care management - E-book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Mogk, D. (2019, March 11). Ethical decision-making. Retrieved from

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