Subject English I: Solangellie Arango Nieto

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English I

Title of the paper

unit 1/week 2: our first meeting

Author’s name (with ID)

Tatiana saary rojas Gómez

Id 658221

Teacher’s name
Solangellie Arango nieto

Cali, Colombia, 22 febrero de 2020

Our first meeting
Greetings and introductions

Choose the best answer:

1. When we meet a person for the first time we say: b.
a) Pleased
b) Nice to meet you
c) Enchanted
2. If someone says "Thank you", you say: "You’re: a."
a) welcome
b) well
c) nothing
3. Which answer is correct for this question: "Where are you from?”: b
a) Italian
b) Italy
c) Spanish
4. What is the meaning of "What do you do?”: a
a) What are you doing right now?
b) What do you like?
c) What is your profession?
5. When you want to get someone's attention you can say: a
a) Excuse me
b) Stop
c) Sorry

Put in order the following greetings

1. is/name/what /your/? __ _what is your name? ______________________

2. is/ name/ my /hello________hello my name is_______________________
3. to /you /pleased /meet _____pleased to meet you_____________________
4. ? /are/ how /you_________ _how are you? _________________________
5. ? / happening /what’s _____ what`s happening? _____________________
6. thank / fine/, / you/ I’m ____ I’m fine thank you_____________________
7. you /how /are/ old/ you/? ___ how old are you? ______________________
8. I /old/years/ten/ am ________ I am ten years old_____________________
9. from/? /where/ you/ are ____ where are you from? ___________________
10. you /where/live/ do /? ______where do you live? ____________________

Translate into English the following sentences

1.Él no es un estudiante_____________he is not a student_______________
2. Ellos son muy inteligentes. ________they are very smart_______________
3. Tengo 28 años _____________ I am twenty-eight years old_________
4. Esto es importante. _______ this is important__________________
5. Nosotros somos veterinarios ______we are veterinarians__________________

Write the numbers as English words

1. 123 - 8 = ____ one hundred fifteen_____________

2. 45 + 4 =______forty-nine_____________________
3. 86 + 7 =______ninety-three___________________
4. 14 - 1 =____ _thirteen______________________
5. 30 + 50 =_____eighthy_____________________

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