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TLED 430

TPACK Template Mobile Applications Assignment

Mobile Application for Creating Mobile Application for Collaborating

Subject Reading

Grade Level 3rd Grade 3rd Grade

Learning Objective
3.6 The student will read and demonstrate 3.6 The student will read and demonstrate
comprehension of nonfiction texts. comprehension of nonfiction texts.

d) Ask and answer questions about what is f) Summarize information found in

read using the text for support. nonfiction texts.
e) Draw conclusions using the text for g) Identify the main idea.

support. h) Identify supporting details.

Activity For this exercise, students will download the app, For this collaborative exercise, students will
Buncee for Edu from the iTunes App Store on their cell download the Google Drive app on their iPads and
phones or iPads. The students will work on this section create a Google Doc and share with their group.
of the assignment individually. This assignment will They will work in groups of three. Each student will
take a week to complete. The students will work on be responsible for summarizing the story of
the non-fiction text provided about Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln into the document. They will
Students will read text during class to get an collaborate while at school or at home with each
understanding of the material. They will have many other to recognize the main idea of the text and
opportunities to read the text until they comprehend other supporting details in the text. It will be the
it. Students will use the text for support during the students’ responsibility to collaborate with each
creation of their presentation. Students will then other to complete the assignment. Student 1 will
access the app to create a story using a single slide or be responsible for identifying the main idea of the

up to three slides to interpret the story about story, student 2 will identify supporting details, and
Abraham Lincoln. Students will answer questions student 3 will identify the cause and effect of the
provided by the teacher such as “Why did John Wilks story. The students’ roles will be chosen by the
TLED 430

Booth shoot Abraham Lincoln?” and “Who did teacher. Students will be graded on participation,
Abraham Lincoln have a special bond with as a child?” content, delivery of the assignment, and their
in addition to their own telling of the story. Students understanding of the non-fiction text.
can get very creative with this app to add different
types of backgrounds, and items such as animation on
their canvas in the presentation. Students will give
their interpretation of the non-fiction story of
Abraham Lincoln and the teacher will evaluate
students’ comprehension of what they read. In their
presentation, students will also use the headings of
why, what, when, who, and how, to draw conclusions
and using their schema to give their representation of
the story they read. Students will share their
presentation with their teacher for grading. Students
will be graded on content, comprehension of the text,
and their presentation of the slide(s).

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