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HSS and GS Course Review : 2018-19

Grading (Easy/tough/Grade on
Course name Description Av) What will you learn
The marking scheme is not very direct but Easy - B on av Discusses about the various cinemas like the American Cinema etc.
random And different camera angles.
But it is an easy course and the grading is
also nice

Too many concepts, I'll suggest not to take it Easy grading, but not worth the risk Basically everything related to social science ( family,ethics, religion
if you are not going to attend classes ( if etc)
DYNAMICS OF SOCIAL CHANGE Mohan Kumar Bera takes the course, you
wont go after the first class)

Good course. Take it if you are interested in Grading is fair. B/B- on av (can't recall Different narrative styles, stream of consciousness, editing
the deeper meaning in literature and cinema. exactly). Few As. techniques, montage, film language like lighting, music, etc. Most
Geetha B ma'am makes the classes importantly, you will learn how to critically analyse a piece of art.
interesting however some of the topics are
quite abstract. The workload is not heavy.
CRITI ANAL OF LIT & CINE One assignment and one term paper, both to
be done in groups. One quiz at the end of
sem. Enjoyable course content and will help
you get a new perspective on both literature
and cinema.

Great course. Nilak Datta is an excellent Grading is fair. B/B- on av. Decent Modern fiction: As in literature from 1850-1950. Don't mistake modern
teacher and you will be introduced to a lot of number of As. to mean 21st century works. Analysis of literature while keeping in
concepts in a new way. The novels taken up mind the contemporary socio-historical context. ND will also
in the course are classics and quite introduce many 19th and 20th century philosophies which are very
engrossing. However, workload is quite interesting. You will also learn how to write a technical paper (much
heavy. 3 novels and a few papers to read, better than in TRW).
one assignment, 2 papers to write in addition
to mid sem and compre. Do not take the
course if your sem is packed. This course is
not everyone's cup of tea, however ND
makes the classes extremely interesting. Do
take the course if you enjoy reading and
writing and you are interested in analysing
literature through a socio-historical and
literary lens.

Great course. One of the litest courses. There Easy. Large number of people get A Basic vocal exercises. Few songs and kirtanams. Couple of ragas. In
is a misconception that only those who and A-. theory, you learn about important Carnatic musicians and some
already know singing/music can do well in this theory related to rhythm and the notes.
course. This is not true. Everything is taught
from scratch and the course sticks to the
basics. There is no expectation that all
students will be great singers and the
instructors appreciate effort. The practical
component is worth only 20% and rest of the
course is very scoring (as is the practical
part). Theory classes are very lite and the
theory can be mugged up one day before
exam. The practical classes are extremely
enjoyable and are like a break from CDCs. All
you need to do get a good grade in this
course is attend classes. No extra effort

It's a basic course on policies in India. It Pretty decent grading. If you do well in Policy making process and the bodies involved. It's a nice course if
covers the functioning of various bodies midsems and compre, you'll get an A- you are even slightly inclined towards civics and social sciences. The
involved in policy making and the entire easily. Grade on av- B- flow is maintained throughout the course and you'll enjoy reading for
course is designed to cover the flow of policy the exams.
making. Normally the instructor gives a
question bank and asks questions from the
list itself.

Nilak Datta, in each class, discusses 1-2 Good grading. In the second sem, out Course is about analysis of 3 novels, namely 1984 (George Orwell),
chapters and goes on to compare ideas to of a class of 25 odd people gave A to 4, Heart of Darkness (Joseph Conrad) and Brave New World (Aldous
recent times giving examples and sometimes A- to about 5-6 people. Attendance has Huxley).
diverting completely. Making the class boring 5% weightage, other evaluations are 2-
or interesting is upto you, because he doesn't 3 short papers, midsem and compre.
care if there are 2 students in the class, or 40,
and is in his own world during those 50
MODERN FICTION minutes. Philosophical discussions are
always on the cards if you're interested (Nilak
Datta always is). Great course if you're
interested in literature or a history fan. Don't
take if you can't stand someone speaking
continuously for an hour.
Basically the course is structured on the basis Grading is relatively easy I suppose. Basically the learning of the course lies in the classes that you attend.
of various small parameters related to Competition is stiff and very close. It's the more of the fun and joy that you take back from the class. As
creativity. Each such component in itself is During our time the topper was Av+18 I in such there is nothing of technical that one learns. The motto of the
small and fun. Everything that is taught guess. And the 8th person was with course is to be Creative and not Logical. So hence it's one really good
comes with an class exercise more like marks Av+12 who also was the last one course that gives you a much required break from the very hectic
school days. There is absolutely nothing to get an A. Top 7/8 people get an A. college life. Would recommend 100% to take it if you are lucky
special or creative that is required of you as a Then the competition becomes really enough to get it.
prerequisite. Every class ends with you stiff because everyone is so close. At
enjoying the last 50 minutes of it. Av there is a B-. At Av+2/3, you get an
There are a lot of evaluative components easy B.
involved and there are marks for attendance.
So going to class is necessary but once a
person attends the very first class, he or she
would attend the further classes not because
of the attendance but for the thrill and
CREATIVE THINKING euphoria with which the class is filled with.
Don't have to study much. Just like 4/5 hours
before midsems and comprehensive each.
The end of the course requires making of a
prototype of a model (ex -- dustbin, windmill)
in groups, more like a science exhibition
model just like the ones we did back in those
school days. Ending 3/4 weeks are solely
devoted in the making of this project which
might get tedious considering it being close to
Comprehensive exam, but it's very easily
manageable and this should hold you back
from taking this course if you can get it.
Recently it has been closing at a high PR
number. In overall, one should definitely go
for it if the PR is good.
This course is one of the best BITS Goa If you go to all the classes, and have a The main advantage of the course is exposure to new art. As a part of
has(as long as Geetha ma'am takes it). The decent amount of flair in writing, A is this course, you will have to watch and read stuff that you wouldn't
only catch is you ought to have decent almost sure. Watch out for group have on your own.
amount of interest in analyzing movies and assignments. Average marks fetch you
books. Not watching, analyzing. Yeah, those B or B-, depending on class strength This way, your area of art increases and you now learn to enjoy the
two are kinda different. and performance. aesthetics that were not apparent earlier. This, in my humble opinion,
Classes are chill. You'll enjoy them if you like should already arouse you; and if it doesn't, I'm afraid, you'll not enjoy
movies and books. the course, irrespective of the grade you get.
Can't afford to miss classes as attendance.

Also a big role of the group you form for the

assignments. So, watch out for lethargic
The classes are dynamic and the material to
be taught in class is in accordance with the
average interest of the class as the instructor
is highly careful of not imposing boring or
taxing things on the class.
This course is in somewhat resemblance with Tough, C or C- on av You will learn about various theories given by different analysts and
Dev eco. It revolves around the development would learn about the actual meaning of development. It gives an
of various aspects of society such as idea about many developments such as economic, social and political
economy, gender equality, environmental ones.
changes and political aspects.

This is a fun course with lesser amount of Easy The concepts are easy and based on High School Social Sciences
technicalities or teaching and more of like poverty, democracy, public health, education etc
discussions and debates. High attendance is
not required. The content is lite and
examinations are totally based on the slides
and reading material provided. Questions in
the exam are paragraph based. Instructor is
really nice and cooperative. Course is divided
into three evaluative components : midsem,
write-up and compre. Overall easy grading,
lite content and not a very time consuming
An exhaustive course covering all aspects of B on Av though the grading is based on
public speaking including debates, speeches, efforts and improvement, not only on
group discussions and so on. For those your ability to do the evaluatives
lacking in confidence or those looking to
EFFECTIVE PUBLIC SPEAK polish their skills in the same it's one of the
best courses though it will require practise
and contribution from your side as well. Night
labs and endless support from Shalini Ma'am
are a boon.
Ms. Sarkar conducts her classroom in an Grading is decent. I got A- at 80.5/100 The course is theoretical and involves reading research papers and
open dialogue manner where everyone is free and I was like 10th in the class of 60. news articles about how the economical, political, sociological and
to talk about their opinions. Attending classes cultures aspects have changed over the past 200 years.
isn't compulsory but it is definitely of help. I
didn't attend classes and got an A- just by
INTRODUCTION TO GLOBALIZATION doing well on assignments and studying for
midsems and compre 15-20 minutes a day for
a week.
Overall - take it if you want a theoretical
course with just reading and no other
Ultra easy course which requires attendance. A at 84/100. Grading is very easy.(not First half would be similar to Intro to Philosophy explaining different
Prep for midsem and compre can be done a relative grading for A grade). Rest Av is philosophies by Socrates, Descartes etc. Second half would include
day prior. easy. common sense ideas about issues prevailing in the society like
Classes are boring, but Hareesh AG is a good abortion or euthanasia etc.Most of the stuff taught pre-midsem is
APPLIED PHILOSOPHY man (slightly sexist though). about philosophers and their ideas.
Attend classes, give 2 quizzes - 10 marks Post midsem, social issues like abortion, dowry, anesthesia, etc. are
each (easy 30 marks in the bag) considered and you have to present your views in the compre, which
Midsem is slightly tougher than Compre. is very easy if you look at some of the +ves and -ves before the
The Course doesn't actually involve much of Easy. I think the grade on av was B- Various forms of Creative Writing
"Creative Writing" but focuses on analysis of Differences between them
various forms of Creative Writing. It could be Analysis of the above and drawing inferences from between the lines
a prose, poetry, short story, a diary entry... Various perspectives to a piece of literature.
You get the picture. Expressing your critical Analysis of forms of Creative Writing.
Sometimes the Prof organized guest lectures,
for which you'll be informed in advance, and if
you happen to be strong willed enough to go
to that, sometimes you get bonus marks (2
out of a course total of 200) for attending that
specific class.
Otherwise, the lectures are pretty much
boring if discussion on different forms of
CREATIVE WRITING writing is not your cup of tea. However, the
evaluatives are the sole reason why you'd
want this elective. The Prof informs you 2
days in advance over mail about the quiz.
And the quiz consists of 1-2
article/prose/poetry which you have to
analyse and write about on the spot. It is quite
easy, as everyone had their own ideas and
inferences about the same so there are few
chances of making mistakes.
Compre and Midsem will have two parts. One
part will be totally MCQ, while the other might
require you to write your analysis of a piece of
This course has a good instructor but classes B- on Average. But the answers are The content of the course might be boring for many as it involves
tend to get very boring eventually. You can checked subjectively by him. history and politics involved in the Water bodies around the world.
manage without going to classes (literally South China Sea conflict, types of ports and Panama Cannal are
without going to a single one) but its always some of the interesting topics
better that the instructor knows you to get
good marks in project. The project plays an
important role and you should definitely go
and meet the instructor as much as possible
to show your project. Mugging up facts one
day before is ESSENTIAl to get good
marks.Sometimes there are open book
midsems but those are worse. If you plan and
attend classes before midsems and compre
plus do a great project (which is basically
meeting him a lot of times), it is really easy to
score well. Atleast 1-2 questions are always
repeated from the prevoius papers.

The classes are very interesting and the Both the marking system and the A little bit of history (renaissance, etc), types of governments,
instructor is very good. Discussions on many grading is very tough. One/two people concepts like types of power, Communism, Democracy, Feminism,
concepts take place and are very get an A. B-/C is given for marks Marxism,Anarchism, etc are discussed.
interactive.Evaluation is essay based and around the average.
MOD POLITICAL CONCEPTS open notes. Being able to write essays is very
important along with understanding class
material, to score in this class. Interest and
attendance DO NOT imply good grade in this
Good course with ample time given to each Tough. C on Av It is a course that will familiarise you with the different theories
topic. There are situational questions to be applicable in any situation and then try to take a deeper dive into a
solved in every class. Midsem, compre, more professional setting. Overall, there isn't much to learn that you
PROFESSIONAL ETHICS seminar and group discussions take up the don't already know. Presentation and group discussion activities can
evaluation component. I would suggest this be refined in this course
course to people who can devote time to it as
scoring marks is easy.
This course is taken by BDM. Going to Very good. B on Av. Basically the different rules and dimensions of culture and differences
classes is absolutely ESSENTIAL to get in the culture throughout the world. You will also learn about culture in
marks in this course. Also you have to be a workplace.
active in class and answer. She knows (by
name) the ones who do not go to classes.
Once you are in the good books of the
instructor you do not need to worry much. The
CROSS CULTURAL SKILLS best part about this course is you need to
study for only half an hour before both
midsems and compre if you have attended
classes. There is one boring field trip you
have to attend though. You will have to give 2
Presentations about your culture. Basically if
you are going to attend, go for this course.

Attendance is not necessary for a good Between easy to medium. Fairly simple The specific concepts of economics that are utilised in the
grade. However, the prof is very well versed to get an A- or B. B- on average. development of a nation. Please attend the classes if you want. It is
with the subject and you can greatly improve Recheck never works with this dude. fun. If you can't, by heart everything and emphasize more on the
your general knowledge if you just sit and graphs and charts.
listen. If you're good at cramming and writing
long answers, this course is for you. The
questions are generally taken from previous
year papers. "Course will take you through
various theories of development (economic)."
Grading components:
1.Midsem: Tough paper. But the paper is
2.Compre: Easy paper but very lengthy. Have
to know all the concepts properly
3. ToT project: very easy to score above
25/30. Group project so choose your project
In general you need to study a little bit. Know
your graphs and figures. Try to score previous
years papers. You have to learn every topic
because all the papers are exhaustive of all
the topics.

Taken by Bidisha Banerjee. She's very sweet Av = B, av-1 = B- Emotions, learning theories, conditioning, vision, memory, problem
and very friendly. Takes feedback on what solving, cognition, structure of the brain, pathology, different schools
she's doing right/wrong and will listen to you of thought on psychology, attention theories. Will be given a flavour of
when you have some problem with her/the how modern psychology was developed over the past century and it's
course. There's a small 10 mark presentation, effects. Less emphasis on Freudian psychology.
10 marks for quiz, and 10 marks for attending
others' presentation. There's a lot of
memorization needed for the midsem and
compre, and the questions are not easy.
Attending classes is pretty much necessary
as slides are not well made. Classes are very
The course is taken by Dr. Rajiv Kumar In a class of 70, around 9 'A's and 11 A-. You
B onwill
Av learn about climate change, sustainability goals, energy and
Chaturvedi. He did his PhD in Climate climate policies, forestry and land-use change.
Change from IISc Bangalore and has more 15
years of experience in the field of climate
change. He is very chill, humble and teaches
very well. The classes very are engaging. He
explains topics taking references from current
news, research papers and tweets. This
course is very rewarding if you are into
geography and current affairs. There are no
marks for attendance but there will be graded
presentations with marks for attending others
presentations. Proxy is very easy and he
doesn't care much about it. There are a few
ENVIRON DEV & CLIMATE CH quizzes which he announces well in
advanced. He doesn't care if you cheat but
expects you to learn something out of this
course. Question banks are given by him
before Midsem and Compre and 80% of the
paper has the same questions from the bank.
Each class is like story telling - Attend and
listen through all of them you will easily top
the course.

The instructor is sweet as long as you attend Easy( B on av+1/2) Nothing much, could be helpful if you are regular.
her classes. If you take this course make sure
that you attend her classes, do not be under
INTRO TO CONFLICT MGMT the impression that there's no marks for
attendance. She is biased towards the regular
attenders and gives them good marks in the
evaluative components.
Symbolic Logic requires you to attend most of The grading is moderate like most other If you are looking for a concise course and don’t want to write 4 page
the classes. Before midsem and compre courses. You get a C at av and B- from long answers, this is the one to go for. Either your answer is right or
there will be one assignment/quiz each. There av+2 wrong so marking doesn’t depend on professors discretion. The
are no marks for attendance but course will strengthen your logical thinking and analysis with some
understanding the course and answering the similarities to boolean algebra of computers.
questions needs specific guidance from the
professor. For those who attend judiciously it
is a pretty easy course and one of the
humanity courses with fixed, non-open ended
answers. Prof. Reena Cheruvalath is strict
about attending the lectures and sets the
paper accordingly.

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