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Double Page Spreads

This double page spread uses the colours black, white and blue which I think work
really well together and aim at a male gender rather than female because of the
use of colours and photography of males which are aimed at males rather than
females. I like the use of the big picture on one side and the writing on the
other as it makes you know what you’re reading about. The use of the big title is
good ‘The Teenagers’ because it shows people exactly what they are reading. This
magazine would be aimed at the indy genre because of the clothing in the picture
that they are wearing you can tell that they would be into indy type of music and
the use of the picture makes it more clear to the customer about what target
market it aims at. The little red box looks good as it stands out from the other
3 colours that have been used mostly and it makes it look bold against the other
colours. The use of the column layout makes it easier to follow and also the
white and black writing and background makes it easy to read which effective. On
the left hand side of the spread is a large picture all sitting in different
poses which makes it look more effective. The main focus on the page is the image
because it allows the reader to know what the article is about visually. The
image is separated from the text so it makes it look much neater and professional
so it makes me think of putting an image on one side and writing on the other on
my double page spread. The use of having ‘NME loves’ in the middle of the page
makes people want to read it because of the band name that the target market
would find appealing and it makes them want to read it as they are a fan of the
band. On the right hand side the double page spread has a box called ‘everyone’s
talking about’ I think this is a really good idea because it makes the reader
want to read it because they will be interested in whats happening in that
specific music genre. There is a capital letter at the start of the writing so
that the reader knows where to start reading. The double page spread uses
different font sizes and styles which make it look visual rather than just
writing which may look boring. The little images make the page look more visual
and also cover up gaps that may be needed to be filled. The uses of quotes on the
spread make it more involving to the reader so I shall be using quotes on my
This double page spread uses the colours black, white and red which I think work
really well together because the black and white are neutral and the red makes it
look harsh against the plain background. The red stands out against the
background and makes you focus on the image and the red writing. The article is
aimed at the pop genre and is aimed at both male and female but mainly female.
The use of the quote as the title makes it more appealing and makes it seem more
inviting because it’s telling the reader the incite of the celebrity and her
opinions and facts about her. The use of the big picture on the right side and
the quote makes you know what you’re reading about and the use of the big picture
of Lily Allen shows the audience what they are reading about. The pose she is
doing looks as if she is bending over as if telling a secret so it makes the
audience feel as if they are being told something secretive about her so makes
you want to read it. The use of the little amount of writing is good because
people wouldn’t find it visually appealing if it had no pictures and too much
writing may make the reader feel as if they don’t want to read it. The use of the
column layout makes it easier to follow and also the white and black writing and
background makes it easy to read which effective. The text is separated from the
image so it makes it look much neater. There is a capital letter at the start of
the writing so that the reader knows where to start reading. The double page
spread uses different font sizes and styles which make it look visual rather than
just writing which may look boring. Using one image in the article makes it less
messy and makes you focus more on one thing rather than lots of different things
and it also makes it look more professional.
This double page spread uses the colours black, white and baby blue which I think
work really well together because they are light colours and the black stands out
so it makes it easier to read. The magazine aims at the pop genre because it has
the use of a pop duo ‘Mini Viva’ so it will aim at the pop genre and also the use
of what the duo are wearing makes it aim at the pop genre. The
use of the big picture on the right is good because it makes you know what the
article is about however, I don’t like the red background behind the duo because
it makes the double page spread look messy but this could have been used because
the space needed filling up or for decorative purposes, although it does stand
out from the light colours and makes it look bold. The use of the bold font
saying ‘Mini Viva’ shows use exactly what the article is going to be about. The
use of the column layout makes it easier to follow and also the white and black
writing and background makes it easy to read which effective. The duo are doing
quite seductive poses and the use of chocolate box makes it more sexual so it can
be aimed at the male gender. The main focus on the page is the image because it
allows the reader to know what the article is about visually. The text is
separated from the writing so it makes it look much neater and professional so it
makes me think of putting an image on one side and writing on the other on my
double page spread. The use of having the big bold writing saying ‘Mini Viva’ as
the title and the picture of the duo makes people want to read it because of the
band name that the target market would find appealing and they would be a fan of
the band. There is a capital letter at the start of the writing so that the
reader knows where to start reading. The double page spread uses different font
sizes and styles which make it look visual rather than just writing which may
look boring. The uses of quotes on the spread make it more involving to the
reader so I shall be using quotes on my spread and the use of the questions and
answers from the duo makes the reader feel more involved and as if they are being
let into secrets and gossip about the duo.

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