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Database Security
Buyer's Guide and Reviews
April 2020
Database Security

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Database Security

Vendor Directory 4

Top Vendors 5-6

Top Solutions by Ranking Factor 7

Focus on Solutions

Imperva SecureSphere Database Security 8 - 10

IBM Guardium Data Protection 11 - 12

Oracle Audit Vault 13 - 15

Fortinet FortiDB 16 - 18

IDERA SQL Compliance Manager 19 - 21

CA ACF2 22 - 23

Sentrigo Hedgehog [EOL] 24 - 25

Trustwave DbProtect 26 - 27

DataSunrise Database Security 28

Protegrity Data Security 29

About This Report and IT Central Station 30

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Database Security

Vendor Directory
Broadcom CA Cleanup Imperva Imperva SecureSphere Database Security

Broadcom CA ACF2 Informatica Informatica Secure@Source

DataSunrise DataSunrise Database Security McAfee McAfee Vulnerability Manager for

DB Networks DB Networks DBN-6300
Oracle Oracle Audit Vault
Fortinet Fortinet FortiDB
Penta Security Systems MyDiamo
HexaTier HexaTier
Protegrity Protegrity Data Security
IBM IBM Guardium Data Protection
Trustwave Trustwave DbProtect
Vera Vera
IDERA IDERA SQL Compliance Manager

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Database Security

Top Database Security Solutions

Over 410,204 professionals have used IT Central Station research. Here are the top Database Security vendors based on product
reviews, ratings, and comparisons. All reviews and ratings are from real users, validated by our triple authentication process.

Chart Key

Views Comparisons Reviews Words/Review Average Rating

Number of views Number of times compared Total number of reviews on Average words per review Average rating based on
to another product IT Central Station on IT Central Station reviews

Bar length

The total ranking of a product, represented by the bar length, is based on a weighted aggregate score. The score is calculated as follows:

For each of Reviews, Views, and Comparisons, the product with the highest count in each area gets a maximum 18 points.
Every other product gets assigned points based on its total in proportion to the #1 product in that area.
For example, if a product has 80% of the number of reviews compared to the product with the most reviews then the product's points for reviews
would be 18 * 80% = 14.4.

Both Average Rating and Words/Review are awarded on a fixed linear scale.
For Average Rating, the maximum score is 28 points awarded linearly between 6-10 (e.g. 6 or below=0 points; 7.5=10.5 points; 9.0=21 points;
10=28 points).
For Words/Review, the maximum score is 18 points awarded linearly between 0-900 words (e.g. 600 words = 12 points; 750 words = 15 points;
900 or more words = 18 points).
If a product has fewer than ten reviews, the point contribution for Average Rating and Words/Review is reduced:
1/3 reduction in points for products with 5-9 reviews, two-thirds reduction for products with fewer than five reviews.

Reviews that are more than 24 months old, as well as those written by resellers, are completely excluded from the ranking algorithm.

All products with 50+ points are designated as a Leader in their category.

1 Imperva SecureSphere Database Security

9,778 views 5,869 comparisons 8 reviews 661 words/review 8.3 average rating

2 IBM Guardium Data Protection

15,497 views 7,243 comparisons 4 reviews 713 words/review 7.8 average rating

3 Oracle Audit Vault

5,330 views 3,005 comparisons 7 reviews 772 words/review 8.7 average rating

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Database Security

4 Fortinet FortiDB

2,445 views 1,325 comparisons 6 reviews 585 words/review 8.7 average rating

5 IDERA SQL Compliance Manager

1,019 views 442 comparisons 4 reviews 933 words/review 8.0 average rating


1,169 views 748 comparisons 1 reviews 560 words/review 8.0 average rating

7 Sentrigo Hedgehog

506 views 221 comparisons 1 reviews 199 words/review 7.0 average rating

8 Trustwave DbProtect

1,804 views 792 comparisons 0 reviews 1,202 words/review

9 DataSunrise Database Security

873 views 582 comparisons 0 reviews 0 words/review

10 Protegrity Data Security

779 views 615 comparisons 0 reviews 0 words/review

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Database Security

Top Solutions by Ranking Factor



1 IBM Guardium Data Protection 15,497

2 Imperva SecureSphere Database 9,778


3 Oracle Audit Vault 5,330

4 Fortinet FortiDB 2,445

5 Trustwave DbProtect 1,804



1 Imperva SecureSphere Database 8


2 Oracle Audit Vault 7

3 Fortinet FortiDB 6

4 IBM Guardium Data Protection 4

5 IDERA SQL Compliance Manager 4

Words / Review


1 Trustwave DbProtect 1,202

2 IDERA SQL Compliance Manager 933

3 Oracle Audit Vault 772

4 IBM Guardium Data Protection 713

5 Imperva SecureSphere Database 661


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Database Security

Imperva SecureSphere Database Security See 9 reviews >>

Imperva SecureSphere Database Security:

Audits all access to sensitive data.Alerts or blocks database attacks and unauthorized activities, in real time.Detects and virtually
patches database vulnerabilities.Identifies excessive user rights and dormant users, and enables a complete rights review
cycle.Accelerates incident response and forensics investigations with advanced analytics.

BlueCross BlueShield, eHarmony, EMF Broadcasting, GE Healthcare, Metro Bank, The Motley Fool, Siemens

IBM Guardium Data Protection vs. Imperva SecureSphere Database Security … Compared 59% of the time [See comparison]
Oracle Audit Vault vs. Imperva SecureSphere Database Security … Compared 13% of the time [See comparison]
Fortinet FortiDB vs. Imperva SecureSphere Database Security … Compared 8% of the time [See comparison]



Software R&D Company … 35% Financial Services Firm … 46%
Comms Service Provider … 12% Energy/Utilities Company … 15%
Financial Services Firm … 12% Comms Service Provider … 8%
Government … 5% Pharma/Biotech Company … 8%

1-200 Employees … 21%
201-1000 Employees … 18%
1001+ Employees … 61%

* Data is based on the aggregate profiles of IT Central Station Users reviewing and researching this solution.

© 2020 IT Central Station

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Database Security

Imperva SecureSphere Database Security Continued from previous page

Top Reviews by Topic

VALUABLE FEATURES See more Valuable Features >>

The features which are most valuable are from the security perspective. We do not have other specific tools for vulnerability
assessment. The package allows user activity monitoring. The second thing is for assessing the vulnerability of the database while it
is running. [Full Review]

The reporting ends up being the most visible feature even though the protection and automated blocking are as valuable. The
reporting is very flexible, and users can create any type of reports they want. It gives them insight into the information they need to
be effective at what they are responsible for. [Full Review]

The tool happens to be very intelligent when it comes to processing policies and sounding alerts. It allows us to implement policies
and measure actions against them, raising alerts accordingly. That is the best feature. [Full Review]


The most valuable feature is the protection from Botnets. The DDoS attack is one of the things that it protects against. The
functionality is very useable and easy to understand. It is also easy to update if you follow the instructions. [Full Review]


IMPROVEMENTS TO MY ORGANIZATION See more Improvements To My Organization >>

The ability to automate reports simplifies what an organization has to do. Even the in-built reports are quite useful. But
customization can make the product experience very specific and efficient. But besides that, clients like to compare industry
benchmarks and establish best practices. Report analysis can help with that. [Full Review]

It helps us look into who's doing what, particularly on databases related to critical applications. That's the way we see it as useful.
We've been using it for four or five years now, and it has been bringing in the value that we expected it to. [Full Review]


As we are very sensitive to financial impacts, this product provides great protection for our organization. It enabled us to monitor the
most critical DBA activities, and most critically helped us identify default accounts and passwords. Additionally, with this solution we
were able to block an external attack on our Oracle DB. [Full Review]

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Imperva SecureSphere Database Security Continued from previous page

ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT See more Room For Improvement >>

The GUI needs to be improved and made more user-friendly. This solution is a little complicated compared with other solutions for
database auditing because of the GUI interface. It will be much more competitive if the interface meets the standards of the other
vendors in the market. For example, the price of the IBM Guardium is very high, but it's user-friendly. On the other hand, the Imperva
Danish GUI is complicated. It is harder for us to generate reports. That's why we face some hurdles in operations. For security, the main
point is to report on any vi... [Full Review]

I think the support needs more improvement than the product. The support we get struggles a bit to provide solutions. They take
additional time to respond to support requests. The core of Imperva can sometimes be very slow. This mostly happens when you
turn on many alerts, if a lot of people log-in, or if you turn on auditing. It can get noticeably slow. Performance under a heavy load is
FredBbaale noticeably reduced. That could be because of scalability, but most of my major issues have to do with performance. I think it's
because they run an Oracle database ... [Full Review]

Comparing it with other products in the market, we definitely see that Imperva SecureSphere is head-to-head with the likes of
McAfee, IBM Guardium, and others. It's definitely good. The only challenge I see is that SecureSphere is deployed on servers or
databases which are held on physical infrastructure. However, there are databases which are hosted on cloud platforms and
Ajay- Imperva has a separate tool altogether for that, not SecureSphere. If an organization is monitoring databases which are on physical
as well as virtual infrastructure, running two ... [Full Review]

They have to put more focus on the administrative part of the application, especially on upgrades. There are a lot of packages to
download and install that you have to be knowledgeable on. For example, we tried to install a version, and it did not work. Then,
support had to become involved. They should add an application availability dashboard feature and should focus more on the
Sanjeet alerting mechanism. There is a problem with the integrations. I would also like to see improvement in the integration part of the tool.
Bhuyan This should be an easy process. For ... [Full Review]

PRICING, SETUP COST AND LICENSING See more Pricing, Setup Cost And Licensing >>

I don't know the exact prices because that is a function of accounting, but I know service is contracted on a yearly basis. We
purchased the minimal license for Imperva initially even though we have a lot of databases, but the license covered our needs. The
company has recommended increasing the licensing. There are additional costs depending on the features. For example, if we
Danish want to prevent something on the DV level we can't because we didn't purchase that license. If we want it, we can add it. Our main
goal right now is to enhance the license fo... [Full Review]

Licenses are yearly. We normally try to negotiate a perpetual license but separate annual support and maintenance. The pricing
over-all depends on the entry level. For example, if support and maintenance are about $20,000 - $25,000, the initial cost can be
five times more. It is less expensive for the company to maintain the client than to make the deployment. There are some additional
FredBbaale costs for add-ons and scaling. [Full Review]

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Database Security

IBM Guardium Data Protection See 1 review >>

The IBM Security Guardium portfolio empowers organizations to grow their business and prove compliance with smarter data
protection capabilities. It provides complete visibility, actionable insights, real time controls and automated compliance workflows
throughout the entire data protection journey, to support your most critical data protection needs.

IBM Security Guardium delivers discovery & classification, vulnerability & risk assessments, real-time monitoring & alerting,
encryption, advanced analytics and compliance reporting across structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data in on-prem
(including mainframe), cloud, and across hybrid cloud environments.


Imperva SecureSphere Database Security vs. IBM Guardium Data Protection … Compared 47% of the time [See comparison]
Oracle Audit Vault vs. IBM Guardium Data Protection … Compared 24% of the time [See comparison]
IDERA SQL Secure vs. IBM Guardium Data Protection … Compared 7% of the time [See comparison]



Software R&D Company … 32% Financial Services Firm … 46%
Comms Service Provider … 14% Insurance Company … 17%
Financial Services Firm … 10% Healthcare Company … 13%
Insurance Company … 6% Government … 8%


1-200 Employees … 12% 1-200 Employees … 24%
201-1000 Employees … 4% 201-1000 Employees … 11%
1001+ Employees … 84% 1001+ Employees … 64%

* Data is based on the aggregate profiles of IT Central Station Users reviewing and researching this solution.

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Database Security

IBM Guardium Data Protection Continued from previous page

Top Reviews by Topic

VALUABLE FEATURES See more Valuable Features >>

This solution has a lot of functionality and there are hundreds of use cases for it. We are talking about the database, which is the
main business core for the company that holds all of the data. The features used by any one customer are dependent on their
requirements and the relevant regulations. That said, IBM Guardium has a lot of capabilities, even compared to other solutions on
Securead44 the market. It can do everything from detection to prevention, and it provides reports about this as well. [Full Review]

IMPROVEMENTS TO MY ORGANIZATION See more Improvements To My Organization >>

One of our clients is a passport authority, and they were able to successfully apply this solution to detect corruption within their
organization. There had been some employees who had been illegally changing the status of some residents in return for money.
Once this solution was deployed, they detected that somebody was making those changes in the database, caught the people, and
Securead44 stopped it from happening again. It was a big finding. [Full Review]

ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT See more Room For Improvement >>

The biggest complaint that I hear from customers and users is that using this solution requires database skills, yet it is a security and
monitoring tool. Specifically, it is a tool that is used for monitoring the database administrator. The database expert will not want you
to implement control on top of him, so you instead need to utilize a person from security. However, security people do not have a
Securead44 complete set of database skills. So, there is always a gap in the administration and the person who is going to manage this tool. As
such, the person... [Full Review]

PRICING, SETUP COST AND LICENSING See more Pricing, Setup Cost And Licensing >>

In the past, the pricing of IBM Guardium was very complex. It was dependent on the number of CPUs and other things to support
the servers. Nowadays, things have changed. Pricing is dependent on the number of databases and the number of servers. The
licensing fees are paid yearly. One of the deployments that I know of had three databases, and the yearly fees are approximately
Securead44 $50,000 USD. There are some additional add-ons that are available, but I do not see many people taking them. There is encryption,
and there is a Guardium Inspection license, but... [Full Review]

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Database Security

Oracle Audit Vault See 7 reviews >>

Oracle Audit Vault monitors Oracle and non-Oracle database traffic to detect and block threats, as well as improves compliance
reporting by consolidating audit data from databases, operating systems, directories, and other sources.

Abu Dhabi Department of Finance, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Health, Educational Testing Service, Ryohin Keikaku Co. Ltd., SPC
Brasil, REDISA, Qatar Olympic Committee, Seneca College, Hunan Social Insurance Management and Service Bureau,

IBM Guardium Data Protection vs. Oracle Audit Vault … Compared 60% of the time [See comparison]
Imperva SecureSphere Database Security vs. Oracle Audit Vault … Compared 27% of the time [See comparison]
Fortinet FortiDB vs. Oracle Audit Vault … Compared 4% of the time [See comparison]



Software R&D Company … 42% Financial Services Firm … 38%
Comms Service Provider … 18% Healthcare Company … 13%
Government … 9% Comms Service Provider … 13%
Financial Services Firm … 7% University … 13%

1-200 Employees … 30%
201-1000 Employees … 35%
1001+ Employees … 35%

* Data is based on the aggregate profiles of IT Central Station Users reviewing and researching this solution.

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Database Security

Oracle Audit Vault Continued from previous page

Top Reviews by Topic

VALUABLE FEATURES See more Valuable Features >>

The ability to isolate the view and who has the rights to view the audit logs is valuable to us. Senior executives can check the
system, the IT team, the IT individuals, and the administrators. Another interesting feature is the ability to view the traffic by the IT,
as well as individual machines. This can help scale down trailing traffic on the network. It makes it possible to look into a traffic jam
AaronMase from a particular machine by MAC and IP address. Also, address administrators cannot go in and delete audit trails which would
otherwise allow users ... [Full Review]

The most valuable feature is the ability to create inbuilt reports for compliance, which have dealt with the rules made it easier. This
means that we don't have to develop them from scratch, which makes life so much easier. [Full Review]


The most valuable feature is that Oracle Access Vault is integrated with our SIM (Security Information Management tool), which
gives us a complete picture of what access is being provisioned in our organization. We do not use the interface provided by Oracle
Audit Vault, except to export the data into our SIM. [Full Review]

We have a situation for a bank as a client. We were able to deploy Oracle Audit Vault for them. The end-user is a key part of the
system in the information department. For maintenance, only one person is required and he's an admin. Oracle Audit Vault was
used extensively and our clients are quite comfortable with it. We believe the product will be used for a long time. [Full Review]

IMPROVEMENTS TO MY ORGANIZATION See more Improvements To My Organization >>

Generally, security is enhanced and monitoring traffic and data became possible using this solution rather than others. You can
audit and configure notifications so that you get notified when somebody accesses particular objects within the database. It's one of
the key features. [Full Review]

We were implementing this solution for our client, who was required to do PCI compliance. Their project was initially scheduled to
run over a year and a half, but by just deploying this product they were able to do the compliance reports within three months, so
the time to roll out was quite significant. The time was very short, which meant the turnaround time for compliance was much
MosesMoloi shorter and the value was realized, so that is one positive aspect that we experienced with our clients. [Full Review]

This solution acts as a complete data warehouse for our audit data. Anytime we need to search for details about what happened,
from a proactive monitoring perspective, or react to see what access permissions were granted or denied, we can look at this. We
have an alert mechanism implemented, and we also use some of the built-in reports. The reports are typically used by management,
Manish and we have a risk management dashboard. Management looks at the reports, and the indicators in them, to determine what level
the security has been at over the past month... [Full Review]

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Oracle Audit Vault Continued from previous page

ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT See more Room For Improvement >>

This kind of solution should supply more analytical data for the traffic that comes in. I think that that side is not as strong as some
other products. However, it is stronger in other areas and superior in some ways for security. The Oracle product monitors the
database and not the operating system as well which is an area that can use improvement. [Full Review]

One of the biggest challenges that we are facing is the inability to use more than one account for the platform, so the whole
organization cannot make their own compliance audits at their own pace. I think that's one feature that really is giving us a bit of a
problem. That is one of our biggest challenges. The fact that it doesn't audit the network is also quite a downfall for the product.
MosesMoloi Maybe it should be improved to allow one to log on to network devices and do audits to check compliance at that level. Finally, the
ability to integrate with wel... [Full Review]

The reporting is an area of the solution that needs to be improved. Customized reporting is something that we are struggling with,
and it is quite tough for us. Every time we need to prepare a custom report, we have to involve the vendor. This is unlike other
solutions where the reports are easy to customize. Another problem with reporting emerges on the topic of compliance and certain
Manish international standards. The standard set of reports do not provide sufficient details for the PCS and ISO standards. It is important to
have better integration with ... [Full Review]

One feature that was missing when we tried to update was the network activity analyzer. We found a request going through the
database file before reaching the database. We don't have a database file in the middle. If it's possible to have that database file to
analyze what's going on inside the network, it would be better. Some of our customers were asking about the latency. When the
Cedric application wants to get to the database, the database file is going to give some latency in operations. The additional features we
Kitio need are to be able to have the data... [Full Review]

PRICING, SETUP COST AND LICENSING See more Pricing, Setup Cost And Licensing >>

On licensing, Oracle is very expensive. Oracle handles the licensing. I just do the deployment. Especially now that they are moving
towards the cloud, cloud licensing becomes very expensive. Maybe sales guys do not always advise customers better as to the
advantages, but customers generally have a fear of the costs of licensing for Oracle specifically. In terms of cost, in addition to the
AaronMase standard licensing fees, there are add-ons. It costs in resources and software as well as deployment to create and manage a
complete set of Cloud services, includi... [Full Review]

For the bank, the licensing cost is about $360,000, annually. For the value and cost of being compliant, the price is worth paying,
because then you don't get auditors coming in left, right and center. Our clients spend a lot of money, but they also get their
compliance guaranteed, so I think it's overall saving them money. There are no additional fees to pay. [Full Review]

This solution is definitely not expensive, and it is a small fraction of the overall database licensing costs. It is a simple add-on
license, but it is not perpetual so we have to pay licensing fees every year. [Full Review]


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Database Security

Fortinet FortiDB See 6 reviews >>

FortiDB software is a comprehensive database security and compliance platform that helps large enterprises and cloud-based
service providers protect their databases and applications from internal and external threats. Its flexible policy framework allows
you to quickly and easily implement internal IT control frameworks for database activity monitoring, IT audit and regulatory

Chunghwa Telecom

Imperva SecureSphere Database Security vs. Fortinet FortiDB … Compared 40% of the time [See comparison]
IBM Guardium Data Protection vs. Fortinet FortiDB … Compared 30% of the time [See comparison]
Oracle Audit Vault vs. Fortinet FortiDB … Compared 10% of the time [See comparison]


Software R&D Company … 35%
Comms Service Provider … 17%
Financial Services Firm … 12%
Outsourcing Company … 6%

* Data is based on the aggregate profiles of IT Central Station Users reviewing and researching this solution.

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Fortinet FortiDB Continued from previous page

Top Reviews by Topic

VALUABLE FEATURES See more Valuable Features >>

It's great to get out, it's flexible. They have some good ramping up for performance between different devices. The biggest thing, for
us lately, has been their cloud tools. They're like Intercept X from Sophos, where they'll test for ransomware. Fortinet has the same
sort of set up with their cloud devices. So your firewall picks up something suspicious, it sends it up to the cloud for analysis. We
Jason also have their in-house antivirus. Having different antivirus checkpoints throughout the network is a good thing as well. [Full

The solution overall is good. All of the features are useful and working well for us. The technical support provided is excellent. The
solution is very good at preventing intrusions. You can definitely rely on this solution to cover your security. The pricing of the
solution is fair. The interface of the solution is quite stable. [Full Review]

The most valuable feature is database security. This solution provides file-level protection. Automatic database discovery finds all
databases on the network, including those across subnet and WAN boundaries. [Full Review]


* The report that it generates is very good. It helps our security team. * The dashboard is very simple. It has an easy to use interface.
* For zero-day attacks, the signature is updated well. * It is easy to connect. [Full Review]


IMPROVEMENTS TO MY ORGANIZATION See more Improvements To My Organization >>

24 x 7 database activity monitoring captures all forms of database activity to detect erroneous or malicious activity. Database
auditing records all database activity for complete and accurate audit trails, with independent storage for additional security. [Full

In most of my organization, I must disable SSL encryption in a database for monitoring by FortiDB. Once I do so, FortiDB can get to
work and monitor the solution. [Full Review]


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Fortinet FortiDB Continued from previous page

ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT See more Room For Improvement >>

WatchGuard has a desktop-based admin tool, instead of doing everything through the web. I'm an old-school guy. I really don't like
web GUI interfaces. They're always slow and laggy and their design is restricted, whereas a binary deployment for an admin tool is
always faster, easier, more flexible. I would like that kind of functionality from Fortinet. In part, it's bias, because I'm familiar with it.
Jason But WatchGuard is a very flexible tool. It's very dated now, it needs to be worked on, but it is quite a good tool in that way. [Full

Some use case analyses could be improved. In some cases of port forwarding, the creation of LIPs needs improvement. For every
instance you have to create a new iteration. If there was an option by which you could create a LIP on a single console, it would be
helpful. [Full Review]

They need to improve the web filter to make it more user-friendly. The cost needs to be reduced. In the next release, I would like
this solution to include some phishing detection, to detect phishing activity on the network. I would like a way to keep users away
from my domain controller. If somebody wants access to the internet, it would have to be authenticated from the main controller, or
JoelSadomb if the user wants access for internal use. If the machine is not from the domain it is not granted access. [Full Review]

PRICING, SETUP COST AND LICENSING See more Pricing, Setup Cost And Licensing >>

It's relatively inexpensive in comparison to everything else that has the same functionality. If you're looking at SonicWall or if you're
looking at WatchGuard, their prices are about a third higher with relatively the same functionality. [Full Review]


The pricing has been fine for us overall. We don't find it overly expensive. It is about two times higher than what Sophos charges.
However, when you compare support and the scalability of the solution, it's much better and well worth the extra money. I'm not
aware of any additional costs on top of the licensing costs. [Full Review]

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IDERA SQL Compliance Manager See 4 reviews >>

IDERA SQL Compliance Manager is a comprehensive auditing solution that uses policy-based algorithms to track changes to your
Microsoft SQL Server objects and data. SQL Compliance Manager gives you detailed visibility to determine who did “what”,
“when”, “where”, and “how”, whether the event is initiated by privileged users or hackers. SQL Compliance Manager also helps
ensure compliance with regulatory and data security requirements such as SOX, PCI DSS, GDPR, HIPAA, and more. SQL
Compliance Manager goes beyond traditional auditing approaches by providing real-time monitoring, alerting, and auditing of all
data access, selects, updates, schema modifications and permission changes to SQL Server databases.

Hanger; AmerisourceBergen, CMS Energy, Manulife Financial, Patterson Companies, Pfizer, Rockwell Automation, TrialCard, Unum,
Verizon Communications

IBM Guardium Data Protection vs. IDERA SQL Compliance Manager … Compared 52% of the time [See comparison]
Imperva SecureSphere Database Security vs. IDERA SQL Compliance Manager … Compared 20% of the time [See comparison]
IDERA SQL Secure vs. IDERA SQL Compliance Manager … Compared 8% of the time [See comparison]

* Data is based on the aggregate profiles of IT Central Station Users reviewing and researching this solution.

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Database Security

IDERA SQL Compliance Manager Continued from previous page

Top Reviews by Topic

VALUABLE FEATURES See more Valuable Features >>

The ability to track activity including the SQL statements is definitely valuable. I really like how the database is laid out. It's
straightforward. I can query the back-end tables. I've made a few of my own email alerts based on the data and the tables. It's
accessible. That's very important. Also, one of the things that comes with SQL Server is SQL Server Profiler. We use IDERA SQL
Database1c8 Compliance Manager in that same manner to trace activity, and it does a good job of storing. Profiler is okay but it doesn't really
store it in one shot like Idera does... [Full Review]

IMPROVEMENTS TO MY ORGANIZATION See more Improvements To My Organization >>

Using it was just a security process that had to be done. We didn't change the way we were working or the way things are working.
It's just an additional process that makes sure everything is secured. It didn't change anything in our environment. It was just a need,
and the product does exactly what we needed. [Full Review]

The tool can track logins and login failures. I made my own alert so that if there is a certain number of login failures for a server, it
emails me. That is really useful. If I want logins to automatically lock out after a certain number of failed attempts, I can know when
that happens. It's a good security feature but it also helps because sometimes users are setting up their report or their service and
Database1c8 they lock out their account but they don't tell anyone. I can easily see that. It's really useful because, with over 100 servers, it's
difficult to... [Full Review]

I can't really give an example of how the product has improved the way our organization functions as a whole, but for me,
personally, a few years ago, it helped me diagnose a problem that we were having on one of our servers. It helped answer a
question, which was nice. [Full Review]

ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT See more Room For Improvement >>

What would really be nice is if it were a bit more flexible, in several ways. The assistant for creating rules is nice, as it looks like
Microsoft Outlook, but it's not flexible enough. What would really a good thing is if you could refer to an external list or table for
filtering on, say, certain applications, IP addresses, or host names; or perhaps even combinations of host name and application
Database5b name. Because in our environment, we're suffering from the fact that we have a huge amount of login events. A really huge amount
of login events. We have g... [Full Review]

There is an agent that collects the data on SQL Server. Sometimes it will stop collecting. I'm not exactly sure what's happening but I
have to go in and manually restart the agent. It would be nice if the central collection server could send a request to the agent to
restart. "Oh, you haven't collected data for a week or two, go ahead and restart." Whenever we restart the agent, it starts collecting
Database1c8 data again. I have my own script. It checks the data collection to see how old it is. If it's over two days stale then I restart the agent. It
would be ... [Full Review]

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Database Security

IDERA SQL Compliance Manager Continued from previous page

The set up is kind of clunky, in my opinion. It's not really intuitive. If they had either a smoother install or better instructions, that
would be nice. [Full Review]


PRICING, SETUP COST AND LICENSING See more Pricing, Setup Cost And Licensing >>

The pricing is pretty good. In terms of licensing I have more of a wishlist. If they had cheaper licensing for development, or free
licensing for development, that would be cool. [Full Review]


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Database Security

CA ACF2 See 1 review >>

CA ACF2™ for z/OS provides innovative, comprehensive security for your business transaction environments—including Linux,
UNIX and z/OS on System z—helping you realize the reliability, scalability and cost-effectiveness of the mainframe. CA ACF2
provides an Advanced Authentication Mainframe feature, system entry validation, resource control, auditability, accountability, and
administrative control. In conjunction with distributed security solutions from CA Technologies, CA ACF2 provides mobile-to-
mainframe enterprise class security and compliance management.


IBM Resource Access Control Facility vs. CA ACF2 … Compared 51% of the time [See comparison]
CA Top Secret vs. CA ACF2 … Compared 23% of the time [See comparison]
IBM Security zSecure vs. CA ACF2 … Compared 9% of the time [See comparison]

* Data is based on the aggregate profiles of IT Central Station Users reviewing and researching this solution.

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Database Security

CA ACF2 Continued from previous page

Top Reviews by Topic

VALUABLE FEATURES See more Valuable Features >>

The real-time reporting on the event logs is the only thing we need to use it for. The time it saves makes it very valuable to us and
our allocation of resources. [Full Review]


IMPROVEMENTS TO MY ORGANIZATION See more Improvements To My Organization >>

This product makes us more efficient because of the reports it provides. Without the product, extracting this information may take
us as much as several days. Instead, we can get it in real time. [Full Review]


ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT See more Room For Improvement >>

Any solution that would eliminate manual intervention further is a great improvement. A solution that requires less in the form of
manual processing saves more time and effort. The user access review could also be improved. It produces a lot of false positives.
Improvement that will minimize false positives and enhance the reliability of the results would be a welcome change. [Full Review]

PRICING, SETUP COST AND LICENSING See more Pricing, Setup Cost And Licensing >>

It is important to evaluate different products and come to an agreement among the IT staff as to what is most important before
going forward with a decision and implementation. Every solution has its own unique features and the popularity or brand of a
solution may not mean it is tailored to your environment. If you do a lot of planning and research, you'll get the right solution. [Full
Examin677 Review]

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Database Security

Sentrigo Hedgehog [EOL] See 1 review >>

McAfee database security offers real-time protection for business-critical databases from all types of threats: external, internal, and
even intra-database exploits. This software-based offering provides robust security, streamlined database security management,
and continuous compliance without requiring architecture changes, costly hardware, or downtime.

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC)

IBM Guardium Data Protection vs. Sentrigo Hedgehog [EOL] … Compared 55% of the time [See comparison]
Imperva SecureSphere Database Security vs. Sentrigo Hedgehog [EOL] … Compared 27% of the time [See comparison]
Oracle Audit Vault vs. Sentrigo Hedgehog [EOL] … Compared 13% of the time [See comparison]

* Data is based on the aggregate profiles of IT Central Station Users reviewing and researching this solution.

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Database Security

Sentrigo Hedgehog [EOL] Continued from previous page

Top Reviews by Topic

ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT See more Room For Improvement >>

Sentrigo needs to become more advanced like its competitors, Imperva or IBM. It needs to detect more attacks and do more
profiling of the database to learn its normal behaviors to sense violations. [Full Review]

Roi Nahari

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Database Security

Trustwave DbProtect See 1 review >>

Trustwave DbProtect is a security platform designed for consistent monitoring and management of enterprise databases within
the data center.

Built on a centrally managed and distributed architecture, DbProtect uncovers database weaknesses. This includes configuration
mistakes, identification and access control issues, missing patches, or any toxic combination of settings that could lead to
escalation of privileges attacks, data leakage, denial-of-service (DoS), or unauthorized modification of data held within data stores
– both relational databases and big data stores.

Pax World Investments, Crest Savings Bank, Magnolia Hotels

IBM Guardium Data Protection vs. Trustwave DbProtect … Compared 52% of the time [See comparison]
Imperva SecureSphere Database Security vs. Trustwave DbProtect … Compared 18% of the time [See comparison]
Oracle Audit Vault vs. Trustwave DbProtect … Compared 14% of the time [See comparison]

* Data is based on the aggregate profiles of IT Central Station Users reviewing and researching this solution.

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Database Security

Trustwave DbProtect Continued from previous page

Top Reviews by Topic

VALUABLE FEATURES See more Valuable Features >>

The competitive edge is that this is an agent-based solution. We usually provide network-level solutions, but if the server is
misplaced or removed then the control is gone. Since this is installed on the server itself, it is safer to use and there is more control
over the database. [Full Review]

IMPROVEMENTS TO MY ORGANIZATION See more Improvements To My Organization >>

This solution helps our clients to monitor their database use, and detect violations of the policy. There are three layers in the
software and they are all useful. They are: * Vulnerability management * User management * Privileged access management There
are many filters that you can put in place to avoid any data leakage or abuse of your database. All of the features in this solution are
Rashid really good. [Full Review]

ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT See more Room For Improvement >>

I think that they can do a lot more in terms of being able to control, or enforce policy, on a database. Right now they are really
amazing when it comes to monitoring, but for control it is limited. I can see exactly what is going on, but I can't take action. This is
true for the competition, as well. I would like to see more coordination for incident response. We have not been able to integrate
Rashid this product with a lot of standard incident response solutions, so an open API would help in this regard. Today we have to be able
to take action within se... [Full Review]

PRICING, SETUP COST AND LICENSING See more Pricing, Setup Cost And Licensing >>

The licensing fees, including support, are approximately $5,000 USD per database, per year. Without support, the licensing fees
are half of that, at $2,500 USD per year. [Full Review]


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Database Security

DataSunrise Database Security

DataSunrise Data Protection module is the primary tool defending the corporate databases against harmful

and hostile actions and be in compliance.

Armed with continuous traffic monitoring and advanced SQL analysis algorithms, DataSunrise detects the SQL injections and
unauthorized access attempts on-the-fly in the real-time. When DataSunrise database firewall reveals any security policy violation,
it blocks any malicious SQL query immediately and notifies administrators via available methods such as SMTP or SNMP.


IBM Guardium Data Protection vs. DataSunrise Database Security … Compared 44% of the time [See comparison]
Imperva SecureSphere Database Security vs. DataSunrise Database Security … Compared 30% of the time [See comparison]
Oracle Audit Vault vs. DataSunrise Database Security … Compared 10% of the time [See comparison]

* Data is based on the aggregate profiles of IT Central Station Users reviewing and researching this solution.

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Database Security

Protegrity Data Security

Organizations leveraging networked applications and services benefit

from the flexibility and convenience of being able to create and access

data across multiple devices and users. At the same time, sensitive

data, including health and personally identifiable information, may need

to be protected or de-identified to satisfy regulations or internal

privacy policies.

Protegrity Data Security Gateway addresses these

security, privacy, and compliance risks with advanced encryption and

tokenization to transparently protect sensitive data as it moves across

the network. By securing data in real-time as it is transmitted,

enterprises are assured that data automatically adhere to rules

governing sensitive data at all times.

Tr... [Read More]

A $4 billion retail conglomerate and holding company

BlueTalon vs. Protegrity Data Security … Compared 32% of the time [See comparison]
Informatica Persistent Data Masking vs. Protegrity Data Security … Compared 23% of the time [See comparison]
Oracle Enterprise Manager vs. Protegrity Data Security … Compared 7% of the time [See comparison]

* Data is based on the aggregate profiles of IT Central Station Users reviewing and researching this solution.

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Database Security

About this report

This report is comprised of a list of enterprise level Database Security vendors. We have also included several real user reviews posted on The reviewers of these products have been validated as real users based on their LinkedIn profiles to ensure that they
provide reliable opinions and not those of product vendors.

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• A list of enterprise level Database Security vendors

• A sample of real user reviews from tech professionals
• Specific information to help you choose the best vendor for your needs

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