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Acetone-Butanol and
Fermentation of Sugars Prrocess

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Publicker Industries, Inc;, Philadelphia 2, Pa.

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production of acetone and butanol by the Weizmann sugar concentrations utilizable. The isolation of Clostridia ca-
THE process has been described in some detail by Killeft'er (15), pable of utilizing saccharine materials may be accomplished in
Gabriel (8), Gabriel and Crawford (9), and Prescott and Dunn many ways, One consists of the introduction of a small amount
(i?7). The original Weizmann organism (Clostridium acetobutyli- of soil, manure, roots of leguminous plants, cereals, decayed wood,
cum) was isolated with a view to breaking down starch to solvents. cornstalks, sewage, or river bottom mud into a sterile 4% sugar
Later investigators found it was possible to substitute up to 50% mash (sugar supplied as invert molasses) plus 4% ammonium
of the weight of carbohydrate with molasses. This procedure, sulfate, 5% calcium carbonate, and 0.3% phosphorus pentoxide
however, lengthened the fermentation cycle abnormally. (amounts based on the weight of the sugar). This mash is
In 1936, the first commercial application of a new fermentation usually tubed in 25-ml. quantities, using tubes 200 X 25 mm. in
utilizing molasses or sugar as the sole source of carbohydrate was size. These inoculated mashes are then subjected to heat shock
discovered. This fermentation proved to be more economical by placing the tubes in boiling water for 2 minutes. The heat
from a commercial standpoint for the following reasons: shock destroys most vegetative forms leaving the spores. The
tubes are cooled to 87° F. and then are placed in a desiccator
1. The mash is sterilized at lower temperature and is much
easier to handle. partly filled with moistened wheat or oats. A vacuum of about
2. The ratio of solvents is more desirable in that less ethanol is 29 inches is pulled on the desiccator and it is then placed in an
produced, with a corresponding increase in butanol. incubator at 87° F. for 24 to 48 hours. Normally, in 24 hours the
3. The fermentation is run at 87° F. instead of 98° F., provid- tubes begin to evolve gas, and the color of the mash turns to
ing a less favorable temperature for contaminating organisms.
4. Tanks and equipment are much easier to clean with water light tan. It is difficult to tell by the smell whether butyl or-
and steam, and less blockage of the stills occurs. ganisms are present, although they usually have a sweet butylic
5. Any residual sugar left in the mash can be utilized rapidly
by yeasts with the production of ethanol. This is of value only
when the fermentor has been contaminated in the early stages
and recooking is not desirable.
6. Molasses is normally cheaper than grains or starches.
7. High concentrations of sugar can be fermented with corre-
Table I. Names and Patent Numbers of Various
spondingly high yields in short periods of time. Saccharolytic Bacteria
U. S. Patent
Since this discovery in 1936, research on the fermentation has Names of Bacteria No. Patentee
progressed rapidly, with the isolation of numerous strains of
Bacillus saccharobutylicum-beta 1,725,083 Izsak (18)
organisms capable of carrying out this fermentation. The fol- Clostridium saccharobutylicum- 1,908,361 Izsak et al. (14)
lowing data are presented in an effort to bring up to date this Clostridium saccharobutyl-acetoni-
modern aspect of the acetone-butanol fermentation. Bacillus technicus
1,922,921 Loughlin (19)
Prescott et al. (28)
Clostridium viscifaciens 2,017,572 Sherman et al. (29)
Clostridium saccharo-acetobutylicum-
Microorganisms Used beta and gamma
Clostridium propyl butylicum
2,050,219 Arzberger (2)
2,063,448 Legg et al. (17)
Clostridium inverto-acetobutylicum 2,073,125 Stiles (80)
The cultures commonly used in the acetone-butanol fermenta- Clostridium saccharo-acetobutylicum 2,089,522 Woodruff et al. (88)
tion of sugars and sugary mashes are members of the Clostridium Clostridium saccharobutyl-isopropyl-
acetonicum 2,096,377 Loughlin (20)
genus. Each company engaged in the manufacture of acetone Clostridium saccharo-acetobutylicum-
and butanol by fermentation has numerous cultures which will alpha 2,110,109 McCoy (22)
Bacillus tetryl 2,113,472 Arroyo (1)
ferment sugary mashes. The majority of the cultures are used in P-bacillus
Clostridium propyl butylicum-alpha
2,123,078 Muller (24)
Muller (25)
patented processes. Various names are assigned to the organisms Clostridium saccharobutyl-acetonicum-
and their morphological, cultural, physiological, and biochemical liquefaciens 2,139,108 Arzberger (8)
Clostridium saccharobutyl-acetonicum-
reactions are described according to the descriptive chart of the liquefaciens-gamma and delta 2,139,111 Carnarius et al. (6)
Hall (10)
Bacillus butacone 2,147,487
Society of American Bacteriologists; other distinguishing charac- Clostridium celerifactor 2,169,246 Hildebrandt et al. (12)
teristics may also be listed. Numerous names are given in the Clostridium granulobacter acetobutyl-
icum 2,195,629 Muller (26)
patent literature for cultures falling into this group (Table I). Clostridium saccharobutyl-isopropyl-
acetonicum-beta 2,219,426 Loughlin (21)
The saccharolytic microorganisms are all spore-forming rods. Clostridium butylo-butyricum 2,386,374 Weizmann (82)
Their inactive stage consists of a rod containing a spore or a free Clostridium madisonii 2,398,837 McCoy (28)
Clostridium amylo-saccharobutyl-pro-
spore by itself. They are characterized by different fermenta- pylicum
Clostridium saccharo-acetoperbutyli-
2,420,998 Beesch et al. (5)
tions of carbohydrates, different ratios of solvents, and different 2,439,791 Beesch (4)
Present address, Chas. Pfizer & Co., Brooklyn 6, N. Y.

odor. Some cultures give off hydrogen sulfide from the am- plated out on a special nutrient agar and the usual procedure for
monium sulfate; others smell butyric and some, highly pro- picking colonies, testing, etc., is carried out. Still another
teolytic. The cultures that appear to have fermented well are method of isolation is to take samples of various soils, roots, wood,
plated out on a special nutrient agar; the plates then are incu- cereals, etc., and introduce small amounts into a potato glucose
bated anaerobically for 48 to 72 hours at 87° F. Upon observa- mash. Then, these mixtures are heat-shocked for 1 to 3 minutes
tion of the plates numerous typical colonies are picked off and in boiling -water, cooled, and incubated at 87° F. This type of
carried through a series of tests for solvent production, types of mash not only provides excellent anaerobic conditions, but the
solvents and ratios produced, nutrient requirements, etc. The combination of the potato starch molecule plus glucose affords an
best solvent-yielding cultures are allowed to sporulate by incuba- excellent medium for the germination of spores of the saccharo-
tion for about 4 days, after which the culture is placed on a sterile lytic bacteria. After 20 to 24 hours’ incubation, the tube cultures
sand-soil carbonate mixture and dried at 87° F. for several days. are transferred to flasks containing 4% sugar supplied as invert or
This is the stock culture which remains viable for many years if blackstrap molasses, 5% ammonium sulfate, 6% calcium car-
properly stored. It is quite evident that not every sample of bonate, and 0.3% phosphorus pentoxide, based on the weight of
material tested will contain suitable saccharolytic bacteria for the the sugar. These flasks are incubated for 24 hours at 87° F. and
production of solvents, but natural sources containing them are transferred to several quantitative molasses flasks containing the
not rare. usual percentages of salts but with an increased sugar concentra-

Table II. Ratios of Solvents Produced by Various Saccharolytic Bacteria

Sol vent Ratios, %
u. s. Butyl Ethvl Isopropyl
Patent No. Names of Bacteria Substrate alcohol alcohol Acetone alcohol
1,725,083 Bacillus saccharobu- Inverted molasses, 75 3 35
tylicum—beta CaCOa
1,908,361 Clostridium saccharo- Blackstrap molasses, 65-80 18-34 1-2
butylicum-gamma CaCOa
1,922,921 Clostridium saccharo- Blackstrap molasses, 64 36
butyl-acetonicum corn gluten, and
2,017,572 Clostridium viscifa- Inverted molasses. 66 3 31
ciens CaCOs
2,050,219 Clostridium saccharo- Cane molasses; de- 68-73 1-3 26-32
acetobutylicum—beta graded protein such as
and gamma ammonia, steep water
or distillery slop
2,063,448 Clostridium propyl bu- Inverted molasses, JNHa, 69-70 4-17 14-28 (mixture
tylicum CaCOs isopropyl and
2,073,125 Clostridium invert o- Louisiana molasses (in- 66-70 2-3 27-31
acetobutylicum verted), ammonium
salts or alkalies
2,089,522 Clostridium saccharo- Louisiana molasses, 68-73 1-3 26-32
acetobutylicum (NH4)2S04, and
2,096,377 Clostridium saccharo- Inverted molasses, de- Low pH, 30-38 Trace-10
butyl-isopropyl- graded protein 60-70; 2-20 10-30
acetonicum High
2,110,109 Clostridium saccharo- Cuban molasses, 68-73 1-3 26-32
acet-obutylicum- (NH4)2SÓ4, and glu-
alpha ten meal
2,113,472 BaciUus tetryl 74 6 20
2,132,039 Clostridium propyl bu- Inverted molasses, 65-70 3-4 5-10 16-20
tylicum-alpha (NH4)2S02, CaCOs,
KaHPÓí, and MgS04
2,139,108 Clostridium saccharo- Blackstrap molasses, 58-74 2-6 24-36
butyl-acetonicum- (NH4)2S04, CaCOa,
liquefaciens-gamma and P20&
and delta
2,139,111 Clostridium saccharo- Cuban molasses, 60-69 3-4.5 26-35
butyl-acetonicum- (NH4)2S04, CaCOa.
liquefaciens-gamma and P20&
and delta
2,147,487 Bacillus butacone Blackstrap molasses, 65 28
animal and vegetable
2,169,246 Clostridium celerifac- Inverted molasses, am- 60 2 38
monia, and CaCOs
2,195,629 Clostridium granulo- Molasses, corn gluten, 60-75 1-10 25-30
bacter acetobutyli- ammonium salts, and
2,219,426 Clostridium saccharo- Cane and beet molasses, 60-85 15-40 0
butyl-isopropyl -
(NH4)sSOi, and
acstonicum-beta CaCOs
2,398,837 Clostridium madisonii Cuban blackstrap, 75-76 4-6 17-20
NH4OH, (NH4)2S04,
and CaCOs
2,420,998 Clostridium amylo- Invert molasses, (NHi)i* 65-72 Trace 2-4 26-32
saccharobutyl-pro- S04, CaCOs, and P2O5
pylxcum or NH4OH and 2
2,439,791 Clostridium saccharo- Invert molasses, (NH4)2- 69-76 2-7 18-25
acetoperbutylicum S04, CaCOa, and P2Oe,
or NH4OH and P2Os

Another method of isolation is to macerate samples of rotten tion of 5 to 7%. After the quantitative flask cultures have
wood, seeds, or soil in sterile water, allow the solids to settle for a finished fermenting, one of each is analyzed for total solvents,
few minutes, and then utilize the supernatant liquid to inoculate a percentage of acetone, and yield on sugar. Those cultures which
mash consisting of 50 grams of degerminated corn meal and 20 have given good yields are then plated out, and pure cultures are
grams of dried liver per liter. The inoculated liver medium is obtained. The majority of the acetone-butanol sugar-fermenting
then pasteurized for 10 minutes at 177° F., cooled immediately bacteria are much larger in size than the starch-fermenting Cl,
to 87° F., and incubated for several days. The culture is then acetobutylicum. Most of them will ferment both sucrose and

glucose, but some require complete inversion of the sugar or latter is then heat-shocked by placing it in boiling water for 90
molasses before fermentation takes place. The choice of an seconds, removing, and cooling immediately to 87° F. The heat
organism for acetone-butanol fermentation depends on the shock stimulates the spore, causing germination and, at the same
nature of the raw material being used, the ratio of end product time, eliminates the w'eaker spores. After the heat shock the cul-
desired, and other factors. Most acetone-butanol fermentation ture is incubated at 87° F. for 20 to 24 hours. At the end of 20
plants have numerous different cultures and strains available to 24 hours the culture is transferred aseptically to 600 ml. of
which will produce a variety of solvent ratios, some producing sterilized molasses mash of the following composition: 4% sugar
best in an invert mash while others are more efficient in black- (supplied in the form of invert molasses), 5% ammonium sulfate,
strap mashes. Table II shows the various ratios of solvents pro- 6% calcium carbonate, and 0.2% phosphorus pentoxide (supplied
duced by some of the patented processes. in the form of superphosphate). The amounts of chemicals are
all based on the weight of the sugar used. After transfer the cul-
Raw Materials Used ture is plated out to detect aerobic contaminants. The medium
is allowed to ferment for 20 to 24 hours at which time it is trans-
Many different raw materials can be used by the saccharolytic
acetone-butanol bacteria, but the classic materials are either
invert or blackstrap molasses. Invert, or “high test” molasses is
an evaporated sugar cane juice that contains all the original sugar
Table III. Typical Analysis of Some Fermentable
of the juice but most of it in an inverted form as a result of acid
Saccharine Materials
Invert Blackstrap Citrus Wheat
hydrolysis. Blackstrap molasses is the sirup that is left after re- Molasses, Molasses, Molasses, Hydrol,
covery of the crystalline sugar from the concentrated juice of % % % %
sugar cane. The typical chemical analysis expected of these Total invert sugar 75.6 57.8 48.8 54.6
Sucrose 25.9 35.0 20.7
materials is given in Table III. Other saccharine materials Total sugar 74.2 56.0 47.7 54*6
Reducing sugar 48.37 21.0 27.0 53.5
which can be used are sucrose, glucose, beet molasses, citrus Protein 0,81 2.2 4.1 3.6
molasses, hydrol, sulfite waste liquor, inverted starches, or starch- Ash 1.75 8.0 3.2 0.9
containing grains. Some of the saccharolytic organisms are ca-
pable of fermenting starch directly under suitable conditions,
producing almost full yields of solvents. Starchy mashes can ferred to a 4000-ml. Erlenmeyer flask containing 3000 ml. of the
also be hydrolyzed with acid or enzymes and fermented with the same type mash used in the preceding stage. Usually, about 3%
saccharolytic bacteria to obtain the better ratio of solvents. inoculum is used. After this flask has been allowed to incubate
for 20 to 24 hours it is used to inoculate a 5000-gallon culture
Fermentation Process tank, providing, of course, that no contamination has been de-
tected in any of the previous stages and the fermentation has
The modem fermentation is carried out using either invert or
appeared to be normal.
blackstrap molasses as the source of sugar. The molasses is The 5000-gallon tank is filled with about 4000 gallons of
mixed with water and steam to give a concentration of 5 to 7% molasses mash of a 6% sugar concentration with addition of the
sugar. If invert molasses is used, a small amount of super- same percentage of chemicals as used in the laboratory stages.
phosphate or monoammonium phosphate is added (usually 0.3% The 5000-gallon tank is inoculated aseptically with the entire
based on the weight of the sugar), and the mash is cooked in contents of the 4-liter flask, and the tank is agitated for 5 minutes
continuous cookers or sterilizers such as described and patented to mix the culture thoroughly. The tank is then maintained under
by Carnarius (7). Using this process, the mash is heated with a 15 pounds of sterile fermentation gas pressure to keep outside
steam injector and pumped under pressure through a series of contaminants from coming in and to create an anaerobic condi-
from four to six elongated, vertical pressure-detention tanks of tion in the tank until the fermentation can maintain its own
13,000-gallon capacity, moving downward slowly in each of these pressure. A close watch is maintained over the seed tank for
along a spiral path. When leaving the last tank the mash is changes in pH, acid, and brix, and the temperature is maintained
sterile. The following procedure is usually followed: at 87° F. by circulation of water or steam in the jacket of the
The entire cooking system is filled with mash and the system is tank. The titratable acidity starts low and builds up to a peak in
recirculated by means of pumping. A temperature of 225 F. is
approximately 18 hours; then in a normal fermentation, it starts
maintained for about 60 minutes, at which time the mash is con- to fall off. This point is known as the “break.”
tinuously withdrawn with the addition of fresh mash to the sys- After the peak acidity has been reached and declines, the fer-
tem. The cooked mash is pumped through sterile lines to a
series of double-pipe coolers where the temperature is reduced to menter is ready for transfer—usually after 20 to 26 hours of
88° to 90° F. If it is desired to cook a higher concentration of fermentation. The fermenter is transferred aseptically into the
sugar (8 to 9%), dilution water is added at 180° F. before the final fermentation tank of 60,000 to 500,000 gallons which is
mash is pumped to the coolers. As in the acetone-butanol fer-
mentation of starches all lines, coolers, valves, and tanks are filled with sterile mash. These final fermentation tanks are
thoroughly steamed and sterilized before use. The cooled mash usually of a pressure type, withstanding 15 to 25 pounds of steam
is pumped into a final fermentor of 60,000- to 500,000-gallon pressure, and are usually either cylindrical, spherical, or spheroid
capacity. At the same time the final fermentor is being filled, a in shape. The tanks are fitted with gage glasses, temperature
culture from a 24-hour culture tank is also being added to the
fermentor. There are two ways of filling the final fermentor. recorders, vacuum breakers, safety relief valves, and a manhole
One method is to add the culture and partially fill the fermentation cover for use in cleaning. Various percentages of inoculum are
tank with sterilized mash; then after a period of a few hours, add used ranging from 0.5 to 3.0%. In the final fermentor, am-
the rest of the mash. This method is known as a “deferred monium hydroxide is usually added as the source of nitrogen and
filling.” The other, and most commonly applied method, is to as a neutralization agent. Other nitrogen compounds such as
fill the tank in one filling, adding the culture at the start. The
advantage of using a deferred filling is that the culture multiplies ammonium sulfate, monoammonium phosphate, ammonium
manyfold before the remainder of the mash is added, thus speed- nitrate, and other alkaline substances such as lime or calcium
ing up the final fermentation and tending to suppress contami- carbonate can be used for additional neutralization of the acids
formed. Ammonia is preferred for such reasons as ease in
The handling of the culture or seed is very critical. The plant handling, cost, rapid adjustment of pH, and the fact that it does
bacteriologist must have on hand a pure stock culture of bacteria not have to be sterilized. Ordinarily, ammonia is added on the
in the spore stage. The first step is to remove some of these basis of the sugar present and 1 to 1.4% NEE is required. The
spores and add them to a sterilized potato glucose medium. The ammonia requirement varies with the type of mash and depends

Figure 1. Flow Diagram of Typical Modern Acetone-Butanol Fermentation Using Sugar Products

on whether or not stillage has been recycled. Blackstrap molasses Conditions for Fermentation
requires no phosphate and less ammonia than does beet molasses. The optimum temperature condition for the acetone-butanol
The ammonia usually is added to maintain the pH at 5.6 after
fermentation of sugars using saccharolytic bacteria is 87° F. A
the fermentation has reached about 16 hours of age. An initial
shot of ammonia may be added to the young mash to raise the range of 84° to 92° F. results in a fairly normal fermentation but
with changes in solvent ratio and losses of acetone at the higher
starting pH to 5.7 to 6.7. The acidity which develops drops this
temperature unless precautions are taken to scrub the gases with
pH to about 5.5 or less, whereas the rest of the ammonia is fed in water to remove the solvents. The organisms are strict anaerobes
over a period of about 8 to 10 hours. In the normal fermentation,
and produce their best yield under anaerobic conditions. A slight
all the ammonia is added within 18 to 24 hours. Table IV shows
head consisting of foam, proteinaceous materials, cells, and some
a typical final fermenter mash with addition of ammonia and
other fermentation features utilizing the culture Clostridium slime, may be formed in the molasses fermentation. It may be
advisable to maintain sterile carbon dioxide gas pressure on the
saccharo-acetoperbutylicu m.
Various percentages of ethyl grain stillage, butyl grain, or top of the fermentation until such a head and pressure are built up
in the tank. The pH may vary from 5.0 to 7.0 by the saccharolytic
molasses stillages may be used in preparation of the final mash.
These stillages supply additional nutrients and buffer the fermen- organisms. The usual starting pH is 5.5 to 6.5 and the final, 5.2
to 6.2.
tation. A better yield is obtained when stillage is used; less
foaming is noticed in the fermenters, and the buffer action in- Nitrogen Requirements
creases the amount of ammonia that can be added at one time.
The ratio of the solvents is changed, however, and more acetone The majority of the saccharolytic acetone-butanol bacteria re-
may be produced. More acetone is also produced by raising the quire degraded protein nitrogen for optimum fermentation. De-
temperature or by using blackstrap instead of invert molasses. graded protein nitrogen includes intermediate degradation products
Figure 1 is a flow diagram for the modern acetone-butanol such as polypeptides, amino acids, and the final hydrolytic product,
fermentation of sugars. ammonia, and its salts. Ammonia or an ammonium salt has been

content. Different strains of bacteria may be found to differ

Table IV. Acetone-Butanol Fermentation of Bla slightly in their tendency to produce undue acidity or in their
Molasses susceptibility to alkali in the neutralization process employed for
Age, Gas Rate, NH40H J maintaining pH.
Hours pH Brix Units (28%), It has been found that the saccharolytic acetone-butanol bac-
1 70 teria also require various growth factors. Teodoro and Miekelson
2 5.55 Si 7
(SI) found in studying three different strains that two of these re-
4 5.45
5 quired only biotin for maximum growth and the third needed
6 5.45 8.6 *2 both biotin and p-aminobenzoic acid. Thiamine, riboflavin,
7 8
8 5.40 8.5 10
pyrodoxine, pantothenic acid, nicotinamide, and inositol were
10 5.25 8.0 12 *30 without effect.
11 13
12 5.15 8.0 14 ¿0
14 5,30 7.8
Contamination Problems
15 15 50
16 5.20 7.8 15 The contamination problem is of equal importance in the
17 16
18 5.30 7.5 17 *60 acetone-butanol fermentation of sugars as it is in the fermentation
19 18 70 of starches. The maintenance of sterile conditions throughout the
20 5.35 7.3 19 80
22 5.35
plant is necessary. All lines, valves, pumps, coolers, and tanks
26 5.65 6.5 21 must be thoroughly clean and sterile. The same contaminants
5.65 6.5
30 5.55 6.4
22 responsible for the downfall of the acetone-butanol fermentation
32 5.55 of starches predominate in the fermentation of sugars. These
34 5.30 é'.i lactic acid bacteria (such as Lactobacillus leichmanni, a high acid
36 5.35 5.6
38 5.35 5.2
40 5.35 4.6 forming organism; Lactobacillus mannitopoeum·; Lactobacillus
42 5.35 4.1 gracile; aiid Lactobacillus intermedium) react in the same way to
44 5,40 3.4
46 5.35 3.3 cut the yield of solvents. They also frequently cause a thickening
48 5.40 3.0 to take place in the mash. Bacteriophages affecting the sugar-
Fermentation Data
fermenting cultures are also encountered. The author has never
Volume of mash, gal. 200,000 found a bacteriophage that would affect both .the starch and
Concentration of sugar, % 6
Culture (Clostridium saccharo-aaeloperbutylicum), % 2 sugar-fermenting bacteria. The bacteriophages found in the
Total NHtOH (28%), gal. 730
Total mixed solvents, g./l. 18.57 acetone-butanol fermentation of sugars differ from those found in
Acetone, % 20.93 Cl. acetobutylicum fermentations in that they are usually de-
-Butyl alcohol, % 74.70
Ethyl alcohol, % 4.37 stroyed in 48 hours’ exposure to room temperature and light.
"Yield of total solvents from sugar, % 31.0
Residual sugar, g,/100 ml. 0.45
Residual ammonia, 11
Fermentation temp., 0 F. 87
Table VI. Effect of Addition of Ethyl Stillage to Acetone-
Butanol Fermentation of Blackstrap Molasses
Ethyl Total Yield on
found to give satisfactory results but it usually is preferred to use Stillage Neutral- Solvent3, Acetone, Sugar*·,
Flask Added, % ization G./L. % %
ammonia plus a higher form of nitrogenous material such as yeast
A 100 Salts* 15.83 29.2 33.3
water, steep water, or distillation slop in the fermentation mash in B 60 Salts 15.28 27.9 31.9
order to secure a maximum yield of solvents. The majority of C
40 Salts 13.78 29.5 28.8
Salts 13.43 27.5 28.2
these bacteria also require phosphate nutrients as do other types of E 100 1.3% NHs 15.23 26.5 32.4
F 60 1.3% NHs 14.92 28.1 31.3
bacteria. Many natural sources of carbohydrate contain suf- G 40 1.3% NHs 14.32 28.2 30.0
ficient amounts of phosphates but, in case of deficiency, this may H None 1.3% NHs 13.43 29.2 29.0
be supplied in the form of calcium acid phosphate, superphos- 0
Average results of two flasks.
Concentration of sugar, 5%
phate or monoammonium phosphate, or any other form of soluble 6
5% (NH4)aS04, 6% CaCOs, 0.3% P2O5, based on weight of sugar.
phosphate. In general, 0.2 to 0.4% of phosphorus pentoxide is
required based on the weight of the carbohydrate used. If am-
monium salts are used, 4 to 6% ammonium sulfate or its equiva- The only means of preservation of these bacteriophages is by re-
lent is necessary, based on the weight of the carbohydrate used. duced temperatures, preferably sealed in tubes at a pH of 6.9 to
If ammonium salts are used it is necessary to neutralize the excess 7.1. How the bacteriophage enters the fermentation process is a
acidity and maintain the proper pH with calcium carbonate— matter of wide speculation. Numerous theories have been de-
usually about 5 to 7% based on the weight of the carbohydrate is veloped, none of which has been proved. The bacteriophages
sufficient. If ammonia is used, 1 to 2% NH3 is sufficient, depend- affecting the acetone-butanol organisms have been found in the
ing on the composition of the mash and on the alkali or buffer soil, in rivers, in the air, and in some of the raw materials used.
In other words, they are widely dispersed. The presence of a bac-
teriophage usually becomes evident at approximately the eigh-
Table V, Material Balance in Acetone-Butanol teenth hour after inoculation.
Fermentation of Blackstrap Molasses The only immediate recourse to a bacteriophage attack is to
1001b. blackstrap molasses containing, lb.
substitute at once an immune strain. Most industrial fermenta-
Starting material:
Total solids tion plants keep on hand a large number of strains, new isolations,
Sucrose and invert sugar 57.0
Protein 3.1 and previously immunized organisms which can be tested rapidly
Ash 6.2 and substituted in the plant for the organism which has been
Fermentation data: Culture of saccharolytic bacteria used with 1.0%
NHs added in form of ammonium hydroxide affected. Various methods of selecting immune strains of the
Yields, lb.
Butyl alcohol 11.5 organism have been tried. Some methods have been patented—
Acetone 4.9
Puthyl alcohol 0.5 Legg (16) and Legg and Walton (18)—showing a process for
Carbon dioxide 32.1
selecting immune strains by repeated subculturing of the organism
Hydrogen in the presence of small amounts of the bacteriophage. Others
Dry feed containing (6 lb. protein, 6 lb. ash) 28.6
have found that by plating out the original strain and selecting

various colonies they may isolate immune strains, or by placing for example, gives higher acetone ratios than Cuban molasses.
a nonimmune culture on a plot of open, unsterile soil and reisolat- The use of distillation slop generally increases the acetone ratio
ing the culture 6 months later, they may have an immune strain. and ammonia neutralization tends to give higher acetone ratios
The last procedure is the subject of a patent by Hanson (11). than those obtained using calcium carbonate neutralization. The
It has been the author’s experience that any culture which has use of higher temperatures also increases the acetone ratio. The
been properly immunized by suitable means loses some of its stillage obtained after distillation of the solvents has become a

Table VII. Feed Values Recoverable from Acetone-Butanol Fermentation of Blackstrap

and Invert Molasses
100 LbMVIolasses
Dry Matter
Kind of in Stillage. Dry feed, Protein. Analysis (Dry Basis), % Riboflavin,
Fractions of Stillage Molasses % lb. lb. Protein i Fat Ash y/O.
Total solids evaporation Invert 1.15 17.7 6.5 36.8 0.31 12.1 52
whole stillage Blackstrap 2.71 28.6 6.0 20.8 0.14 23.2 38
Solids recoverable by Invert 0.17 2.6 2.0 77.6 2.00 4.8 49
centrifuge Blackstrap 0.22 2.3 1.3 57.5 2.60 7.2 27
Dried effluent from cen- Invert 0.96 14,8 4.1 28,1 0.0 13.4 54
trifnge Blackstrap 2.50 26.3 4.2 16.0 0.0 25.9 37

activity. The fermentation is slightly slower, a somewhat lower major by-product. The normal dried stillage contains various
concentration of mash is fermented, and the solvent yield is vitamins: among them, B2 in amounts of 40 to 80 micrograms per
slightly less than was previously obtained by the nonimmune gram.
strain. Up to the present time no one has been able to increase the
The acetone-butanol fermentation of sugars by Cl. saccharo- riboflavin (vitamin B2) to the levels that have been obtained in
acetoperbutylicum is inhibited by the presence of 2.0 p.p.m. of the fermentation of starches with Cl. acetobutylicum. The stillage
copper ion and completely inhibited by 5.0 p.p.m. of copper ion. is suitable for admixing with other materials for animal feeds.
The maximum tolerated limit lies between 1.0 and 2.0 p.p.m. of The feed values recoverable from the acetone-butanol fermenta-
copper ion, varying for different strains. The addition of alumi- tion of blackstrap and invert molasses are shown in Table VII.
num, tin, iron, nickel, zinc, manganese, lead, cobalt, cadmium, The stillage may also be recycled into the fermentation in order
chromium, thorium, thallium, and uranium ions at 50-p.p.m. to supply additional nitrogen and buffer substances. The
levels had no effect on the fermentation. The addition of mer- molasses stillage has also been used in the manufacture of plastics;
cury from 7 to 50 p.p.m. delayed the fermentation for 24 hours. has been concentrated, dried, and burned to an ash high in po-
The addition of antimony at 50-p.p.m. level seriously reduced tassium; and has been used as a binder in foundry work.
the fermentation yield.
Literature Cited
Yields and Recovery of End Products
(1) Arroyo, R.. LT. S. Patent 2,113,472 (1938).

The most important products formed in the acetone-butanol (2) Arzberger, C. F„ Ibid., 2,050,219 (1936).
fermentation of sugars are n-butyl alcohol, acetone, ethyl alcohol, (3) Ibid., 2,139,108 (1938).
(4) Beesch, S. C„ Ibid., 2,439,791 (1948).
carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and riboflavin-containing feeds from (5) Beesch, S. C., and Legg, D. A., Ibid., 2,420,998 (1947).
the fermentation residue. (6) Carnarius, E. H., and McCutchan, W. N., Ibid., 2,139,111
In the normal acetone-butanol fermentation of sugars a ratio (1938).
of solvents of 68% butyl, 30% acetone, and 2% ethyl may be ex- (7) Carnarius, E. H., Ibid., 2.423,580 (1947).
(8) Gabriel, C. L., Ind. Eng. Chem., 20, 1063-7 (1928).
pected. Various factors influence the change in these ratios. (9) Gabriel, C. L„ and Crawford, F. M„ Ibid., 22, 1163-5 (1930).
The material to be fermented, the culture or strain of microorgan- (10) Hall, . E., U. S. Patent 2,147,487 (1939).
ism used, temperatures, use of stillage, contaminants present, and (11) Hanson, C. T„ Ibid., 2,085,428 (1937).
the addition of vaiious chemicals all serve to change the normal (12) Hildebrandt, F. M., and Erb, N. J.. Ibid., 2,169,246 (1939).
(13) Izsak, A., Ibid., 1,725,083 (1929).
ratio expected. From the fermentation, a yield of 28 to 33% on (14) Izsak, A., and Funk, F. J., Ibid., 1.908,361 (1933).
the basis of the sugar or approximately 1 pound of mixed solvents (15) Killeffer, D. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., 19, 46-50 (1927).
from 3.6 pounds of invert molasses is normal. In Table V a (16) Legg, D. A., L". S. Patent 1,668,814 (1928).
material balance using blackstrap molasses in the acetone- (17) Legg, D. A., and Stiles, H. R„ Ibid., 2,063,448 (1936).
(18) Legg, D. A., and Walton, M. T.,Ibid., 2,132,358 (1938).
butanol fermentation is shown. The actual yield of solvents (19) Loughlin, J. F„ Ibid., 1,992,921 (1935).
is subject to wide variation. Various samples of molasses of the (20) Ibid., 2,096,377 (1937).
same general type may be found to give different yields with the (21) Ibid., 2,219,426 (1941).
same culture of bacteria. Likewise, different types of molasses (22) McCoy, E. F., Ibid., 2,110,109 (1938).
will often be found to give substantially different yields. For ex- (23) Ibid., 2,398,837 (1946).
(24) Muller, J., Ibid., 2,123,078 (1938).
ample, beet molasses gives higher yields of solvents than any of Ibid., 2,132,039 (1938).
the types of cane molasses. It has also been found that supple- (26) Ibid., 2,195,629 (1940).
mentary nutrients such as distillation slop from an alcohol fer- (27) Prescott, S. P., and Dunn, C. G., “Industrial Microbiology,” 2nd
mentation of a saccharified grain mash may affect the yield ed., New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1949.
(Table VI). Nutrients of this type tend in general to increase the (28) Prescott, S. P., and Morikawa, K., U. S. Patent 1,933,683 (1933).
(29) Sherman, J. M., and Erb, N. M., Ibid., 2,017,572 (1935).
yield. Similarly, if ammonia is utilized in place of calcium car- Stiles, H. R„ Ibid., 2,073,125 (1937).
bonate to regulate the pH of the mash throughout the fermenta- Teodoro, R. R., and Mickelson, . N., Arch. Biochem., 6, 471-7
tion, the yield tends to be increased slightly. The solvent ratio (1945)'.
and yield also depend on a number of factors such as the particu- (32) Weizmann, C., U. S. Patent 2,386,374 (1945).
lar strain of bacteria employed and the composition of the mash. (33) Woodruff, J. C., Stiles, H. R.,
and Legg, D. A., Ibid., 2,089,522
Different ratios of acetone to butanol and ethanol may be ob- (1937).
Received for review July 10, 1951. Accepted April 7, 1952.
tained with different types of molasses. Puerto Rican molasses,

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