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Teaching Associate: Hollingsworth Tiblier Teaching Date: 2/4/20

School/Subject Area: Midway High Clinical Instructor: Robert Strumlauf

Standards: Objective:
§113.41. United States History Studies Since 1877 • Students will analyze a primary source
(One Credit), Adopted 2018. discussing the goals and problems in the
Montgomery Bus Boycott
(9) History. The student understands the impact • Students will organize their findings from the
of the American civil rights movement. The primary source reading into two columns,
student is expected to: boycott goals and obstacles.
Concepts Important to Know:
(D) identify the roles of significant leaders who
•Who is Claudette Colvin and why is she left out
supported various rights movements, including
of the mainstream historical narrative?
Martin Luther King Jr., Cesar Chavez, Dolores
•Did the citizens of Montgomery achieve justice,
Huerta, Rosa Parks, and Betty Friedan;
social transformation, and/or reconciliation as a
(I) evaluate changes in the United States that have result of their nonviolent direct action?
resulted from the civil rights movement, including •Some have described the Montgomery bus
increased participation of minorities in the boycott as the beginning of the civil rights
political process; and movement. Is that an accurate description?

Introduction: Pre assessment in the form of taking a poll of student answers to quiz questions
presented on the TV. Time Required: 10min

Activity: Students are constantly learning about how Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat in
Montgomery, the buses were desegregated, and the Civil Rights Movement was launched. This quiz
explores some of the myths surrounding the Montgomery Bus Boycott, and provides an opportunity
to learn about the strategic brilliance and courage of the African American community in
Montgomery. I will introduce the topic to students before beginning the “quiz”. Students are
instructed to take notes over talking points covered. I will ask for a student volunteer to help count
the number of hands raised in response to the quiz question being displayed. For example, after
displaying a question with the option choices A B C D, I will take a poll for how many students select
A B C or D and select the majority answer. After each question I will review why an answer or correct
or incorrect. The quiz website, after answering each question, the question and answers are
expanded on. For example, going through the quiz, I discuss Claudette Colvin and why Rosa Parks
was placed as the face of the boycott instead of her, I discuss the actions of Ida B. Wells, what
segregation on buses looked like and how it worked, Rosa Parks’ involvement in the NAACP, the
people behind the movement, opposition factors, and outside aid.

Preplanned Questions: The questions in the quiz and the corresponding student responses. What do
you already know about the Montgomery bus boycott/Rosa Parks/ Claudette Colvin?

Evaluation/Assessment: Gathering student answers and knowledge from quiz.

Body: Reading activity (primary source) accompanied with a chart for students to fill in as they read
Time Required: 25 min

Activity: Allow students to read the Alabama Movement for Human Relations (AMHR) newsletter
from December of 1955. The AMHR newsletter describes the situation in Montgomery and the
boycott goals. Ask students to identify the goals and the obstacles of the boycott using the T Chart
Handout. I take a copy of the primary and the worksheet and under the Elmo I model the
expectations through “I do, we do, you do”. First, I find an example of an obstacle of the boycott on
my own, Next, I ask students where I should look next for a goal of the boycott. Finally, I ask
students to get into groups or find a partner. I suggest students use a highlighter and annotate as
they read. I will ask the student to move into small groups or find a partner and read through the
primary source and fill out the chart together. I will suggest that they annotate as they go to make it
easier when filling out their chart. I will share with students that their responses do not have to be
complete sentences but I want a minimum of 2 responses for each column

Preplanned Questions: What are the goals of the boycott? Was this an example of nonviolent
demonstrations? What have you learned about Colvin’s involvement?

Evaluation/Assessment: The T chart worksheet for students to fill out paired with their primary
source reading. As I walk around the classroom, I will be checking to make sure students have put
evidence from the primary source in the appropriate column.

Conclusion: Collection of T Chart worksheet.

Required: 10 minutes

Activity: Discuss findings in worksheet in student groups and share with the class. When the activity
comes to a close, I will ask the small groups and partners to raise their hand and share some of their
responses. As students exit the class, I will collect their worksheets to check for completion and
understanding. I will return the worksheets to the students in the morning the next day. Along with
returning their completed charts the next day, students will also pick up a copy of my own notes from
the intro quiz. The purpose for this is for students who may struggle with writing information that is
being discussed rather than written on the board. Students will not be told that they will receive
these notes until the end of class, to ensure they take their own at the beginning of class.
Preplanned Questions: What did you gather from this assignment? Did you learn anything you
haven’t encountered before? Were there any misconceptions that were addressed?

Evaluation/Assessment: Exit ticket (collecting worksheets at door as students leave)

Differentiation/Accommodations: As determined by your students’ characteristics. (Pre-AP or

Special Needs)
Students with physical walking disabilities will not move to move into reading groups. Students
with physical disabilities will receive an already filled out worksheet . In sped students’ primary
sources, already have answers highlighted.

Materials: printed off papers (reading and worksheets), tv to display quiz, highlighter. -011.pdf (primary source) (worksheet)

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