Pass Related Faqs: 1. Who Needs A Pass?

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TS Police Vehicle Pass Issue FAQs during Lockdown period Version 1.

Pass related FAQs

1. Who needs a pass?
a. No pass is required for travel to local petrol bunk, kirana or superstore, pharmacy etc.,
within a 3 kilometre radius of your place of residence.
i. However, you should present your proof of id and explain your travel when
asked by a lockdown enforcement authority and provide clarifications as
ii. You will also have to adhere to one family one-member policy wherein only one
member from a household is allowed to venture out, that too, only for buying of
essential items for living. As far as feasible, reduce need for venturing outside by
clubbing your purchases and buying them all at one go
b. No Pass is required if you have to undertake Animal Care, including, if you are a Pet Shop
Owner, Kennel Owner, Veterinary Clinic Owner, Cattle Farm Owner, Cattle Care Farm
owner, zoo worker and such [AND], if your establishment is within 3 kilometres of your
place of resident.
i. If the establishment is beyond 3 kilometres, you can apply for an Animal Care
Pass under Personal Pass Request online
c. No pass is required if owing to a Medical Emergency or a Police Emergency, you are
traveling by a 108 or are being escorted by Police Personnel or are visiting a Police
Station regarding a Police Emergency.
d. No pass is required in case of a death related emergency, where there is no time to wait
for a pass to be issued. Under such circumstances, please directly meet the SHO of your
Police Station and ask for a letter with appropriate details. The letter should be on the
official letterhead of the PS, along with multiple contact numbers. You should also retain
the receipt number of the application you have filed regarding issue of letter.
2. How many Kinds of Passes are there?
a. There are three kinds of passes currently:
i. A Personal Pass
ii. An Organizational Pass for its Vehicles
iii. An Organizational Pass for its employees not travelling in a Vehicle for which an
Organizational Pass for vehicles has been issued (Ex: Personal Vehicles of
3. What is a Personal Pass
a. Personal Pass is required in the following scenarios:
i. if you need to travel beyond the 3 kilometre radius for Health emergencies or
Death in family related reasons only.
ii. When you are a small business owner (ex: pharmacy or kirana store etc.) and
your establishment belongs to the exempted list.

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TS Police Vehicle Pass Issue FAQs during Lockdown period Version 1.2

iii. If you or your organization or group wishes to provide voluntary support to

citizens in various forms (including food and other services), you may apply for a
Personal Pass and mention "Volunteer Activity" as purpose. For issue of Vehicle
Pass for Volunteer Activities, please read under Volunteer Activities section of
FAQ for more clarity.
iv. If you are an employee working in an exempted organization (ex: Petrol bunk
etc.), you will need an employee pass acquired through your Employer.
Personal pass will be applicable only to Small Business Owners and not to
4. What is an Organizational Pass ?
a. An organizational pass is required when an exempted organization wants Travel Permit
for the following reasons:
i. For Vehicles carrying goods meant for the organization or delivering essential
goods as per exempted list for its customers
ii. For Employee Travel for official purpose by own transport and not through a
vehicle for which a Vehicle Pass has been issued
iii. For Vehicles that will carry its employees from place of residence to workplace,
and will meet the occupancy criteria applied during lockdown period.
5. How long does it take to issue a pass?
a. The Pass Issue authorities will attempt to process all pass requests within 2 working
days. Priority will be provided to organizations involved in essential services delivery.
6. What is the validity of an issued Pass ?
a. The Validity of the Pass will be mentioned on the pass itself
b. Currently, the provision is to issue a pass for a day, a date period or for the entire
lockdown, based on kind of pass being asked for
7. How many passes will be issued to individuals or organizations?
a. For organizations, the total number of Vehicle pass that will be issued will be equivalent
to not more than 1% of its total workforce in the state of Telangana.
b. For the purpose of calculation of workforce count, essential support staff who are off
role, and ordinarily work in the establishment can also be accounted for.
c. The total pass count will include Employee Vehicle Passes that will be requested by the
organization to enable Employees traveling by own vehicles for work. This cap is not
applicable for small business units such as kirana stores, pharmacy, clinics etc.
d. For Individuals, only one pass per reason per date window will be issued.
8. How do I Volunteer ?
a. We look forward to and welcome all offers to Volunteer. However, owing to the nature
of challenge that is currently being faced, Personal Pass for Volunteers will only be
released once the avenue to Volunteer has been identified and deemed as safe for all
b. The steps to be followed is provided herein.
i. To volunteer your services, you are first required to fill a Volunteer Form
available online here:
ii. Once you have filled the Volunteer Form, you will receive a copy of your
submission through email.

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TS Police Vehicle Pass Issue FAQs during Lockdown period Version 1.2

iii. You can enquire with your local police station for volunteering opportunities.
Once you and your Police Station in-charge is in agreement of what can be done,
there are two things to do:
1. You can apply for a Personal Pass for travel as a Volunteer here:
2. Advise your Police Station in-charge to send an email to the pass issue
authority of your area (SP District or Commissionerate) recommending
your offer to Volunteer
3. Once we have received both, your pass will be issued as per
requirement and you can actively help the community, while
maintaining utmost care, hygiene and precautions.
c. If you wish to provide volunteer services to more than one police station limits, or to a
larger area like an entire district, especially in supplying food and medicines etc., instead
of contacting your applicable Police Station, please contact your SP or Commissioner
Office, follow the same steps as above.
d. Personal Pass for Volunteers will only be released once the avenue to Volunteer has
been identified and deemed as safe for all concerned.
i. While rolling out your Volunteering efforts, ensure that you don't fall pray to
scams. Exercise caution.
9. What is a Pass Violation?
a. Individual Pass Violations
i. Forgery
1. If a Pass is found to be forged entirely or details of a pass is found to be
forged, it will invoke forgery related charges
ii. Timing Violations
1. The Passholder is allowed to undertake travel only during the time
window notified in the Pass. This means that when applying for a Pass,
you have to ensure that it covers the total time required. Also, adheres
to the curfew timings, if in place
iii. Purpose Violations
1. Where a Pass is being used for any purpose other than for which it is
issued, this will be deemed as a Purpose Violation
iv. Pit Stop Violations
1. To strictly ensure that cross community infestation is absolutely
checked, the pass holder should not stop mid-way between the Source
and Destination of travel as mentioned in the pass. This means that a
Medical Purpose cannot be used to shop from a Super Store on the way,
just because it was on the way! Such instance will lead to community
spread. Hence, no pit stops are allowed during the journey except for
fuelling of vehicle etc. Please do grocery and such essential purchases
only from neighbourhood stores and ensure that you do not drop in into
a friend or relative's pass using the Pass.
v. Validity Violations
1. Where the pass is used before or after the prescribed validity date, it
will be deemed as a validity Violation. Before undertaking any travel for
which pass is required, please cross check the validity of the pass in all

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TS Police Vehicle Pass Issue FAQs during Lockdown period Version 1.2

vi. Occupancy Violations

1. More than allowed number of passengers in the vehicle being used.
Please note that owing to Pandemic outbreak, the State has notified
scaled down occupancy for Cars and Bikes. Please follow the same. (Bike
- Max 1 Member, Car- Max 2 Members)
2. Passengers with no Personal Pass, traveling with an Individual Pass
Holder (All co-travellers should have personal passes in case of
Individual Pass).
vii. Personal Protection Wear Violations
1. Where the Citizen is found to be not taking adequate precautions,
including 6 feet distance between individuals, wearing of masks etc., this
will be deemed as a violation of personal protection norms.
viii. Assigned Route Violations
1. This section is to be read along with pit-stop violation scenario. Where
the Pass Holder is found to be travelling in a router other than that is
mentioned in the Pass
ix. Health Safety Violations
1. Where the Pass Holder is found to be displaying symptoms of a Flu,
which might be Covid-19, and is found undertaking travel to a purpose
other than visit to Hospital or returning from there with a Home
Quarantine Stamp, this will be deemed as a very serious Health Safety
Violation and the enforcement official will take appropriate action to
deal with the same.
2. As a Citizen, the first and foremost safety precaution is to ensure that
we do not end up spreading the disease among our communities. Let’s
work together and be sensitive around this super critical matter
x. Stop Violations
1. Any or all of the following will be deemed as a Stop Violation:
• Where a Pass Holder refuses to Stop when asked by an
officer appointed to enforce the lockdown conditions
• Where a Pass Holder does not voluntarily adhere to Social
Distancing norms at a Verification Stoppage
• Where a Pass Holder enters into an argument or other more
serious offences at a Police Verification Post
• Other issues as deemed reasonably bordering a violation by
pass enforcement authorities
b. Violations by Ancillary & Exempted institutions
i. Forgery
1. If a Pass is found to be forged entirely or details of a pass is found to
be forged, it will invoke forgery related charges
ii. Timing Violations
1. The Pass-holder is allowed to undertake travel only during the time
window notified in the Pass. This means that when applying for a
Pass, you have to ensure that it covers the total time required. Also,
adheres to the curfew timings, if in place.
iii. Purpose Violations
1. Where a Pass is being used for any purpose other than for which it is
issued, this will be deemed as a Purpose Violation

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TS Police Vehicle Pass Issue FAQs during Lockdown period Version 1.2

2. In case of Ancillary Institutions, if the end customer being serviced

should mandatorily be from the exempted list. Appropriate proof
such as a letter from such organization or equivalent, with clear
contact details of the customer should be made available during
Vehicle Checking exercise by enforcement authority
iv. Pit Stop Violations
1. To strictly ensure that cross community infestation is absolutely
checked, the pass holder (individual or vehicle) should not stop mid-
way between the Source and Destination of travel as mentioned in
the pass.
2. This will not apply to delivery services which have to make multiple
stops en-route. However, care is to be taken that community spread
is not facilitated by such frequent stops. All personnel on official
business on such vehicles to maintain hygiene protocols and ensure
contactless delivery to the extent possible
v. Validity Violations
1. Where the pass is used before or after the prescribed validity date,
it will be deemed as a validity Violation. Before undertaking any
travel for which pass is required, please cross check the validity of
the pass in all respects
vi. Occupancy Violations
1. More than allowed number of passengers in the vehicle being used.
Please note that owing to Pandemic outbreak, the State has notified
scaled down occupancy for Cars and Bikes. Please follow the same.
(Bike - Max 1 Member, Car- Max 2 Members).
2. Occupancy violation will also come into play when a vehicle is found
carrying an employee for whom no pass has been requested, or
when an employee is found travelling without an Employee ID
whose number corresponds to the pass issued
vii. Assigned Route Violations
1. This section is to be read along with pit-stop violation scenario.
Where the Pass Holder is found to be travelling in a router other
than that is mentioned in the Pass
viii. Health Safety Violations
1. Where the Pass Holder is found to be displaying symptoms of a Flu,
which might be Covid-19, and is found undertaking travel to a
purpose other than visit to Hospital or returning from there with a
Home Quarantine Stamp, this will be deemed as a very serious
Health Safety Violation and the enforcement official will take
appropriate action to deal with the same.
2. As a Citizen, the first and foremost safety precaution is to ensure
that we do not end up spreading the disease among our
communities. Lets work together and be sensitive around this super
critical matter
3. Hence, all employers to ensure frequent screening of employees to
ensure that those showing Covid-19 like symptoms are quarantined
ix. Stop Violations
1. Any or all of the following will be deemed as a Stop Violation:

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TS Police Vehicle Pass Issue FAQs during Lockdown period Version 1.2

a. Where a Pass Holder refuses to Stop when asked by an

officer appointed to enforce the lockdown conditions
b. Where a Pass Holder does not voluntarily adhere to Social
Distancing norms at a Verification Stoppage
c. Where a Pass Holder enters into an argument or other more
serious offences at a Police Verification Post
10. Is there a Pass Issue Workflow?
a. Yes, the same is pasted below:

End of Document.

Please cross check online at for latest version of FAQs. The current version details
can be found on top right header of the page.

Stay Safe

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