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Sheet metal productivity improvement through a new press brake design

Article · August 2014

DOI: 10.1080/20421338.2014.924269


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4 authors, including:

Khumbulani Mpofu Norman Gwangwava

Tshwane University of Technology Botswana International University of Science and Technology


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Sheet metal productivity improvement through a

new press brake design
a a a b
N Gwangwava , K Mpofu , N Tlale & Y Yu
Department of Industrial Engineering, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria,
South Africa
College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, North China University of Technology,
Published online: 20 Aug 2014.

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African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, 2014
Vol. 6, No. 2, 135–144, 924269
© 2014 African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development

Sheet metal productivity improvement through a new press brake design

N Gwangwava1*, K Mpofu1, N Tlale1 and Y Yu2

1Department of Industrial Engineering, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa
2College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, North China University of Technology, China
*Corresponding author, e-mail:
Downloaded by [Tshwane University of Technology], [Khumbulani Mpofu] at 07:04 29 January 2015

A new press brake design proposed as a reconfigurable bending press machine (RBPM) is reported. The design is a
means of increasing sheet metal bending productivity. Conventional press brakes are dedicated machines with fixed
capacity, but the RBPM has characteristics of a reconfigurable machine tool, which enables the new press brake to be
scalable, customisable and flexible. The RBPM design has two major objectives, namely geometric transformation and
productivity adjustment. Geometric transformation is achieved through vertical and horizontal reconfigurability, while
productivity adjustment is enabled by plug and produce devices. Geometric transformation allows sheet metal benders
to adjust the press brake’s height and length, thus improving the capability of the RBPM. This allows small-scale
manufacturers of sheet metal products such as door frames to be able to adjust their machines to produce various sizes of
products at low cost. A scaled-down prototype was made to specifications of 1.2 m total length and total capacity 30 kN
(3 tons) for bending aluminium sheets of up to 0.51 mm thickness.

Keywords: function driven object-oriented, press brake, quality function deployment, reconfigurable bending press
machine, sheet metal bending

JEL classification: D20, D24, D29, O30

Introduction customer needs whilst providing cost-effective solutions.

Sheet metal processing enjoys increased popularity due Key to achieving this is rapid and cost-effective reaction
to the fact that it incorporates environmentally friendly to changes brought by market forces. According to
processes with a low waste material rate, new and Koren and Shpitalni (2010), reconfigurability is a novel
improved processes and working methods have been engineering technology that facilitates cost-effective
developed, and improved tools for process simulation and and rapid responses to market and product changes.
control have become available. There are various sheet Responsiveness refers to the speed at which a plant can
metal processing operations, for instance, laser cutting meet changing business goals and produce new product
and bending, punching, deep drawing and redrawing, models. It enables manufacturing systems to quickly
bending, incremental forming, shearing and blanking, launch new products on existing systems, and react
stretch forming, rubber hydroforming, spinning and rapidly and cost-effectively. This article presents a design
explosive forming (Groover 2010). Due to the inexhaus- for a reconfigurable bending press machine (RBPM)
tiveness of the sheet metal forming processes, the scope using reconfigurable manufacturing system princi-
of the research is limited to press brake operations. ples. The RBPM is a new hydraulic press brake used
The sheet metal working industry is dominated by for sheet metal bending. Bending is used for shaping
small-scale entrepreneurs who manufacture products sheet metal parts that are in turn joined together through
such as door frames, household utensils and furniture. welding, fastening, or through self-locking mechanisms.
Competition is now stiff in the sector, characterised by The new design improves sheet metal forming produc-
unprecedented high-frequency market changes. In order tivity by increasing the press brake capability so that
to retain large market share whilst offering low-cost more processes can be finished on the press brake.
products, companies need to adopt strategies to reduce Through length reconfigurability the RBPM can be
time-to-market and low production costs. Noted market reconfigured to suit longer parts, while height reconfig-
changes include, but not least, high frequency launch urability enables parts with longer flanges to be bent.
of new product, existing parts design changes, fluctua- This increased capability cannot be fully achieved with
tions in product demand and mix, and changes in process conventional press brake designs. Low capability and
technology. On the baseline, both new and existing lack of flexibility on previous press brake designs meant
companies need to survive. They also need to improve that manufacturers need to make several small parts
continuously in order to keep pace with ever-growing that could subsequently be joined together to make the

African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development is co-published by Taylor & Francis and NISC (Pty) Ltd
136 Gwangwava et al — African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 2014, Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 135–144

finished products. A prototype version of the RBPM was adjustments during the bending process, mechanical and
designed for bending aluminium sheets of maximum optical sensors have recently gained popularity. These
thickness 0.51 mm. Properties of the sheet material are sensors measure the bending angle during the bend
based on alloy 5052, temper H36 with tensile strength cycle and transmit this data real-time to the machine
255–305 MPa. The maximum length for the RBPM is controls, which can in turn adjust the process parameters.
estimated to be 1.2 m and the prototype was built from A back gauge is a device that can be used to accurately
two split rams of size 400 mm width, 830 mm height position a piece of metal so that the brake puts the bend
and 40 mm thickness. This gives an initial length of in the correct place. Furthermore, the back gauge can be
800 mm for the RBPM. Only one modular ram insert of programmed to move between bends to repeatedly make
size 400 mm width, 830 mm height and 40 mm thickness complex parts. Gupta et al. (1998) identified the trend
was used to test length reconfiguration. This brings the followed in machine tool design where, in order to offer
Downloaded by [Tshwane University of Technology], [Khumbulani Mpofu] at 07:04 29 January 2015

total length of the RBPM at full-length reconfigura- flexibility, higher accuracy, better quality control, higher
tion to 1.2 m. Height reconfiguration was tested on step degree of automation, and improved productivity, machine
increments of 50 mm in three stages, thus bringing total tool manufacturers are combining material processing,
height adjustment to 150 mm. The total height of the material handling and part positioning systems into single
RBPM prototype is 1 800 mm. Commercial press brakes integrated manufacturing cells, turning the cells more
are normally designed with minimum bed width of 1 m dedicated to present needs. In small batch manufacturing,
and height of 1.5 m. one of the biggest problems is the frequent set-up change
that reduces the overall throughput of the manufacturing
Sheet metal bending with press brakes facility. Gupta (2002) conducted research on forming
Bending is a metal forming process in which a force is part families for generating a shared press brake set up.
applied to a piece of sheet metal causing bending of it He developed a greedy algorithm to generate part families
to an angle and forming the desired shape (Eltantawie using a bottom-up approach. A system called bending
2013). The process is typically performed on a machine followers is also used to support and follow long sheet
called a press brake, which can be manually or automat- metal plates during the bending (Guimarães et al. 2009).
ically operated. To bend sheet metal, a bottom tool Automated bending cells composed of robotic sheet
(die) is mounted on a lower, stationary beam (bed) and feeders are now popular in sheet metal bending factories.
a top tool (punch) is mounted on a moving upper beam The robots with grippers replace skilled human operators
(ram) (Simons 2006). The opposite configuration is also because of the cost effectiveness and the decreasing
possible. A typical press brake is illustrated in Figure 1. number of skilled human operators in the recent labour
Some of the most common applications of sheet metal market (Aomura et al. 1999).
parts are automobile and aircraft panels, housings and Another noticeable trend is the use of an automatic
cabinets. According to Gupta (2002), customisation of tool change system, automatic gripper change system,
sheet metal parts to produce parts of varying configura- bend sequence simulation and offline programming.
tions and sizes is a very common occurrence in a sheet Wila (2011) introduced the ATC-G6 Gripper, which
metal fabrication scenario. The primary parameters that now makes it possible for robotic press brakes to bend
characterise the press brake are the pressure (tonnage), small batches of various products in random order fully
the working length, the distance to the back gauge, the automatically. However, there still remains no solution
work height and the stroke (Tlusty 2000). to meet new demand when parts to be bent are longer
than the original press brakes. A technique called ‘press
Productivity improvement trends in bending press tools brakes in tandem’, where two press brakes of the same
Modern press brakes are equipped with multiple-axis length and tonnage are mounted side-by-side, is currently
computer-controlled back gauges. In order to make being used to bend long parts. This technique is costly,
especially to small-scale enterprises because it requires
them to have many machines of similar specifications.
Hydraulic ram

Reconfigurable bending press machine design

A 5 m full-scale RBPM was initially designed for
Back gauge bending mild steel sheets of maximum thickness 5 mm
and total capacity of 1 450 kN (145 tons). The total height
for the RBPM is 2.3 m. The start-up length at first config-
Sheet metal Punch uration is 2 m, and the press length can be increased by
Die 1 m at every reconfiguration step by adding a ram and
bed modular inserts. A hydraulic cylinder-holding pillar
module is used for every extension. The pillar holds the
Figure 1: Conventional press brake concept cylinder in position whilst the piston actuates the ram
Sheet metal productivity improvement through a new press brake design 137

for down-up strokes. The modular inserts, base and ram reconfigurable bending press tool hybrids, module type,
have a male tapered end on the left edge and a female constraints of the module, reconfiguration mechanisms,
groove on the right edge. This allows module inserts to components and module dependences (Gwangwava et
perfectly fit during reconfiguration. The joined inserts al. 2012). QFD is a customer-driven planning process
are firmly fastened together in order to achieve a rigid to guide the design, manufacturing and marketing of
structure. In order to test the functionality of the RBPM goods (Koufteros et al. 2005). The technique reduces
concept, a scaled-down prototype was made to specifi- the time for new product development as it allows
cations of 1.2 m total length and total capacity 30 kN companies to simulate the effects of new design ideas
(3 tons) for bending aluminium sheets of up to 0.51 mm and concepts, thus gaining competitive advantage. A
thickness. Height reconfiguration on the prototype is first house of quality (HOQ1) matrix was completed
achieved through standard height increments of 50 mm for the reconfigurability needs of the RBPM, followed
Downloaded by [Tshwane University of Technology], [Khumbulani Mpofu] at 07:04 29 January 2015

per extension up to a maximum of 150 mm (three steps), by constructing a function tree for the RBPM. Table 2
giving a maximum open height of 550 mm (400 mm shows the RBPM reconfigurability needs. The reconfig-
starting height  150 mm). Full specifications for the urability needs can be classified into two major catego-
full-scale and prototype RBPM are shown in Table 1. ries that define the RBPM design objectives, namely
The prototype model is denoted by RBPM 1.2*3 and the geometric transformation and productivity adjustment.
full-scale model is denoted by RBPM 5*145. Geometric transformation can be further categorised
into horizontal reconfigurability and vertical reconfigur-
Reconfigurable bending press machine design ability. Geometric transformation helps to adapt machine
methodology functionality by changing its geometry to fit the produc-
This section details the steps for developing reconfigura- tion of a new member of a family of parts, whereas
tion concepts of RBPM modules using a combination of productivity adjustment increases the production rate for
quality function deployment (QFD) and function driven the machine by adding machining devices. The article
object-oriented (FUDOO) methodologies. The FUDOO reports work done on geometric transformation because
approach enables bending press tool designers to define most aspects on productivity adjustment are already in

Table 1: Specifications for the prototype and full-scale reconfigurable bending press machine (RBPM)

Working Motor Oil tank Side frame Machine

Capacity Speed (mm s−1) Open height Stroke Table width Throat gap
Model length output volume width height
(kN) (K; mm) (L; mm) (M; mm) (N; mm)
(mm) (kW) (l) Approach Working Return (C; mm) (H; mm)
RBPM- 1.2×3 30 1 200 1.1 13 100 10 80 1000 1 800 400–550 200 40 400
RBPM-5 ×145 1 450 5 000 37 304 160 10 130 1500 3 000 480–780 260 90 480

Table 2: Reconfiguration needs for the reconfigurable bending press machine (RBPM)

RBPM design objective/Reconfiguration category Reconfigurability need

Geometric transformation
Horizontal reconfigurability Extension of bending length
Bed extension
Ram extension
Movable end
Vertical reconfigurability Lower bed adjustment (up, down, tilt)
Upper beam/ram adjustment (up, down, tilt)
Open height adjustment
Cylinder stroke height adjustment

Productivity adjustment (increase or reduce rate and also impact on quality of bending)
Plug and produce Detachable hydraulic cylinders
Bend capacity (tonnage) adjustment
Multi-point hydraulic cylinder attachment interfaces (at extended bed length)
Bend followers (for long sheets)
Back gages (for long sheets)
Ram balancing (at extended bed length)
Sheet thickness measurement (heavy-duty bending)
Bend angle measurement
Programmable unit (CNC)
Sheet feed and handling (e.g. robotic unit)
138 Gwangwava et al — African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 2014, Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 135–144

existence. The reconfigurability needs and engineering further decomposition of the previous functions until
characteristics are then used to model the RBPM by first terminal functions are reached.
deducing the function tree, followed by the module tree Terminal functions from the function tree shown
as articulated in the FUDOO methodology. The function in Figure 2 are transposed into the module tree matrix.
tree should address the needs of the RBPM. Generating a module tree requires specification for a
Figure 2 shows the function tree generated hybrid structure. Structures available for the current
according to the rules of FUDOO methodology. The modelling process include three dominant types of
RBPM should satisfy functional requirements for sheet frames, namely C-frame or gap-frame, O-frame or
metal parts to be bent. The primary function of the RBPM closed-frame and pillar support. Further classification
is to bend sheet metal into different products that suit the can be single column or double column. With respect to
customer’s needs. The major function can be decomposed the horizontal, there are horizontal, vertical, inclined and
Downloaded by [Tshwane University of Technology], [Khumbulani Mpofu] at 07:04 29 January 2015

into level one functions, which include the following: (a) inclinable frame-presses. A C-frame hybrid structure is
hold the sheet in position, (b) precision determination– chosen for further development. Modules that implement
metrological precision measurements and control, and (c) the functions of the RBPM are illustrated by means of a
apply the bending force. The next lower level involves module tree in Figure 3.

Figure 2: Reconfigurable Bending Press Machine function tree

Figure 3: Reconfigurable Bending Press Machine module tree

Sheet metal productivity improvement through a new press brake design 139

Some of the modules in the module tree are The force will be evenly distributed among the three
explained as follows. The hydraulic power module is for hydraulic cylinders at maximum reconfiguration length of
provision of the required power to meet the reconfigu- 1.2 m. Hence the load on each hydraulic cylinder will be:
ration capacity requirements. Metrological modules F = 10.34 kN
(software and hardware) enable the RBPM to meet the
metrological requirements such as bend angle measure- Ram weight
ment, bend force calculator and thickness measurement. The total load on the beam will comprise the uniform
Productivity adjustment is met through pluggable devices load from the three hydraulic cylinders and self loading
that would require hardware configuration and device from the self weight of the beam. Figure 4 shows
detection for full functionality. These include back gages, a schematic illustration of the upper beam after the
bend followers and front arms. maximum reconfiguration at total length of 1.2 m. C1 to
Downloaded by [Tshwane University of Technology], [Khumbulani Mpofu] at 07:04 29 January 2015

The next step consists of module classification so C3 represent the hydraulic cylinder piston centres.
that fully classified modules can be stored in the machine Surface area of beam = (1.2 × 0.6) – 3(0.1 × 0.3)
database for further use. – 4(1/2(0.05Sin45)^2)
= 0.6275
Design calculations ≈ 0.63 m2
This section shows calculations based on the RBPM Given that the thickness of the beam is 40 mm:
prototype of maximum length 1.2 m. Only one modular Volume of beam = 0.63 × 0.04 m3
insert will be used. ≈ 0.025 m3
The material to be used is machine steel.
Bending force calculations Density of machine steel = 7 800 kg m−3
The maximum bending force (F) to be delivered by the
machine at maximum reconfiguration is calculated as The mass of the upper beam is given by the following
follows (Timings 2008): expression:
F = Kbf (TS)wt2/D (1) Mass of upper beam = Density × Surface area × Thickness
where Kbf (a constant that accounts for differences where Volume (V) = Surface area (A) × Thickness (t)
encountered in an actual bending process) = 1.33, TS Mass of beam = 7 800 × 0.025
(tensile strength of sheet metal) = 305 MPa (based on Al = 195.78 kg
5052 and H36), w (width of part in the direction of the Weight of the beam = Mass × Gravitational acceleration
bend axis) = 1.2 m, t (stock thickness) = 0.51 mm, and D W = mg
(die opening dimension) = t*8 = 0.51*8 = 4.08 mm. = 1.92 kN
When D = t*8 is substituted into Equation 1, the Total loading on the beam = Bending force  Beam
rule of thumb 8 tons m−1 mm−1 emerges (Simons 2006), weight
therefore: = 31.03  1.92
F = 1.33 × (305 × 106) × 1.2 × (0.00051)2/(0.00051 × 8) = 32.95 kN
F = 31.03 kN Hydraulic cylinder calculations
At maximum reconfiguration, there will be three identical
hydraulic cylinders and the bending force will be evenly

Figure 4: Upper beam at maximum reconfiguration

140 Gwangwava et al — African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 2014, Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 135–144

distributed among these three hydraulic cylinders. Hence v = 100 mm s−1

the force to be delivered by each hydraulic cylinder (Fc) The flow rate during the closing stage becomes:
will be: Q = Av (4)
Fc = 31.03 kN/3 A = effective area (actual area from cylinder specifica-
= 10.34 kN tions = 1.77 in2 (0.0011419332 m2)
The force applied by a piston depends on both the Q = 0.0011419332 × 0.1
area. For the input stroke, the area is given by A. For a Q = 1.14 × 10−4 m3 s−1 = 6.85 litres per minute (LPM)
given pressure P to port X, the extend pressure available (1.81 gallons per minute; GPM)
is calculated as:
Fc = PA (2) (2) Working (pressing) phase
The most common range for industrial presses is v = 10 mm s−1
Downloaded by [Tshwane University of Technology], [Khumbulani Mpofu] at 07:04 29 January 2015

from 1 000 psi (6 894 kPa) (68.95 bars) to 3 000 psi The flow rate then becomes:
(20 682 kPa) (206.85 bars) (Wila 2011). Some machines Qe = Av
operate at substantially higher pressures. Higher pressures Qe = 0.0011419332 × 0.01
may accelerate wear. A low pressure rating is selected Qe = 1.14 × 10−5 m3 s−1 = 0.69 LPM (0.18 GPM)
for the prototype (100 bars, 1 450 psi). For the hydraulic
system of an operating pressure of 100 bars, the effective (3) Return phase
piston area A is calculated below using Equation 2. v = 80 mm s−1
A = Fc/P Therefore flow rate during retraction is given by the
= 10.34 × 103/100 × 105 following calculation:
A = 0.001034 m2 Qe = Aa*v (5)
The effective piston area is used to calculate the
hydraulic cylinder bore diameter D as follows: where Aa is the annulus area (0.98 in 2 =
A = πD2/4 (3) 0.0006322568 m2) for the chosen cylinder.
Therefore the cylinder bore will be: Qe = 0.0006322568 × 0.08
D = √(4 × 0.001034/π) Qe = 5.06 × 10−5 m3 s−1 = 3.03 LPM (0.80 GPM)
= 0.036284004 m (36.28 mm) (1.43 in) Therefore the maximum flow rate of 6.85 LPM is
A low-duty cylinder model is selected because the considered for pump sizing.
maximum operating pressure is in the lower range. A Tie The hydraulic pump supplies the pressurised fluid
Rod Hydraulic Cylinder Catalogue from Bosch Rexroth for cylinder actuation. The following calculations are
was consulted for final cylinder selection. The following used in sizing the desired pumping unit. A vane pump
cylinder specifications were chosen: is to be used to power up the hydraulic system. Taking
• bore size is 1–1/2 in (38.1 mm) and piston rod a volumetric efficiency (nv) of 90% and speed rating of
diameter is 1 in (25.4 mm). 1 750 rpm (rating for the type of pump being considered),
• total estimated cylinder weight when fully closed is 5 we obtain the theoretical pump delivery based on the
× 1.1 = 5.5 lb (2.49 kg) following equation:
• total estimated cylinder weight when fully extended at nv = Actual pump delivery/Theoretical pump delivery (6)
full stroke is (5  0.3 × 7.87) × 1.1 = 8.097 lb (3.67 ∴ Theoretical pump delivery = Actual pump delivery/nv
kg) at full stroke = 1.14 × 10−4 m3 s−1/0.9
• total cylinder length when fully closed is 14.25 in = 1.27 × 10−4 m3/s−1 = 7.6 LPM
(361.95 mm) Theoretical pump delivery = 7.6 LPM = 2.01 GPM
• total cylinder length when fully extended – full stroke The pump displacement per revolution (Dp) is calculated
is 14.25 in fully closed length  7.87 in stroke = 22.12 as follows:
in (561.85 mm) Dp = Theoretical pump delivery × 60/Pump speed rating (7)
Dp = 3.6 × 10−4 m3 s−1 × 60/1 750 rpm
Pump sizing Dp = 4.34 × 10−6 m3 = 0.26 in3
Operating speeds for the prototype are given in Table 3. From the calculations above a hydraulic vane
pump with a rating of 1 750 rpm, a displacement of
(1) Flow rate in the rapid advance (approach) phase 43.4 × 10−6 m3 (0.26 in3), a flow capacity of 7.6 LPM

Table 3: Press speeds

Operating speed (mm s−1) Stroke Open height

Rapid approach Working Return (L; mm) (daylight, K; mm)
100 10 80 200 400
Sheet metal productivity improvement through a new press brake design 141

(2.01 GPM) and an operating pressure of 100 bars

(≈1 500 psi) is selected. ∴ Live load = 31 030 N  36.00 N
≈ 31 kN
Pump drive motor Checking the column at the ultimate limit state, the load
The pump needs to be coupled to a prime mover (motor). case is as follows:
The pump delivery is 6.85 LPM at a maximum system Axial load (Fc) = 1.4 × Dead load + 1.6 × Live load
pressure of 100 bars. The fluid power is calculated as ∴ Axial load (Fc) = 1.4 × 1.94 kN  1.6 × 31 kN
follows: ≈ 11.76 kip
Power = Q × P/600 (8) This total axial load is equally supported across the
where Q = the flow rate (LPM) and P = system machine length by three members; therefore the load in
pressure (bars). the vertical column is calculated as follows:
Downloaded by [Tshwane University of Technology], [Khumbulani Mpofu] at 07:04 29 January 2015

∴ Fluid power = 6.85 × 100/600 Axial load (Fc) per member = 11.76 kip/3
= 1.14 kW ≈ 3.92 kip
Motors do not operate at 100% efficiency, therefore A square column with nominal size 2 × 2 in is
factoring in an overall efficiency of 90% the power selected from column load tables. The column can carry
required is calculated as follows: an allowable concentric load of 21 kip at an effective
Power = 1.14 × 0.9 length of 6 ft (1 828.8 mm). Its weight per foot is 5.4 lb
= 1.03 kW (1.38 HP) and thickness is 0.25 in.
Therefore a standard motor of size 1.1 kW, four poles
and speed 1 390 rpm was chosen. Ram guide system
Hydraulic reservoir In order to avoid warbling of the ram during up-down
The recommended hydraulic tank volume is two times strokes, it is necessary to ensure that the ram is securely
the pump capacity. The reservoir capacity is calculated as guided by a low friction mechanism. This is especially
follows; necessary on the two ends connecting to the side frames.
VT = k × QE (9) During press brake bending, the central axis of the ram
where VT = reservoir volume, k = constant and and punch tip should be in the same vertical line with the
QE = pump flow rate. bed and die central axis. This ensures quality bending
VT = 2 × 6.85 with less deflection on the cylinder piston rod and the
VT = 13.7l = 3.62 gallons ≈ 0.0137 m3 machine frame members. Linear roller rail systems were
A rectangular prism-shaped reservoir is suitable found to be the best candidate for guiding the ram. The
for the RBPM. A ratio 3:2:1 is used to determine the complete assembly consists of steel runner blocks for
prismatic dimensions (Length [L]*Width [W]*Height mounting on the face of the ram. The runner block should
[H]). Using x to denote the unit dimension, the volume is be mounted from below so that the mounting screws drive
determined as follows: into the thickness of the ram. Two blocks are needed,
3x*2x*1x = 0.0137 one for each end of the ram. The engraved channel of the
x3 = 0.00137/6 block will run along the steel rail mounted on the face of
x = 0.13 m the side frame (mounted from above).
Therefore the overall dimensions are L = 395.04 mm,
W = 263.36 mm and H = 131.68 mm. The reservoir Reconfigurable bending press machine CAD models
should have a clearance for air space, therefore the This section illustrates CAD models for the RBPM.
revised dimensions are L = 400 mm, W = 270 mm and Various configurations can be generated from the
H = 140 mm. developed modules, by extending the height and/or length
of the RBPM. Figure 5 depicts a typical RBPM with
Cylinder-holding pillar design for height reconfiguration length and height reconfiguration.
A low-weight square-tube column is chosen for Figure 6 shows the length reconfigured RBPM. Only
constructing the holding pillar. The column length for the one modular insert is used to illustrate reconfigurability
holding pillar is 1 550 mm at maximum height reconfigu- but more inserts can be inserted in order to achieve more
ration and is subject to axial load from the end reaction length. Length reconfiguration is achieved through the
of the horizontal extending arm at an eccentricity of insertion of modular base inserts to extend the lower
1 000 mm from the narrow face of the column. The loads beam and modular ram inserts to extend the upper beam.
are: A hydraulic cylinder-holding pillar module is used for
Dead load: Ram weight + Cylinder weight at zero stroke every extension. The pillar holds the cylinder in position
Live load (imposed load): Bending force + Additional whilst the piston actuates the ram for down-up strokes.
cylinder weight at maximum stroke The modular inserts, base and ram have a male tapered
∴ Dead load = 1 920 N  24.43 N end on the left edge and a female groove on the right
≈ 1.94 kN edge. This allows module inserts to perfectly fit during
142 Gwangwava et al — African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 2014, Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 135–144

reconfiguration. The joined inserts are firmly fastened allows for cylinders to be added or subtracted, depending
together in order to achieve a rigid structure. on the desired ram and bed length.
Unlike currently existing press brakes that have a Design analysis and evaluation
hydraulic tank mounted on top of the machine, supported The prototype performance testing was based on
across two side frames, the RBPM uses a stand-alone an aluminium specimen sheet of maximum thickness
modular reservoir tank unit to provide hydraulic power 0.51 mm and a tensile strength 205–355 MPa. The
during the bending process. This enables the machine specimen sheet bending process is as illustrated in Figure
to be reconfigured without constraints. The modular 8. Only one modular insert is used for length extension to
reservoir tank unit is shown in Figure 7. The tank has a achieve bending on a two- or three-cylinder press.
one–many flow divider unit to divide the flow from the Figure 9 depicts the FEA results for the side frame. The
power unit into multiple cylinders that can be added to pictures indicate that stress is more concentrated on the
Downloaded by [Tshwane University of Technology], [Khumbulani Mpofu] at 07:04 29 January 2015

form different configurations for the machine. Existing C-section of the frame. This is common behaviour for most
press brakes use only two cylinders, but the RBPM press brakes. A maximum stress of 102 MPa is experienced
compared to the yield stress of 325 MPa. The maximum
deflection is 7.47*10^−4 mm. These values are far less than
the maximum permitted values for press brakes.

Figure 5: Semi-split Reconfigurable Bending Press Machine

configuration mode Figure 7: Modular reservoir tank unit

Figure 6: Extended Reconfigurable Bending Press Machine configuration mode

Sheet metal productivity improvement through a new press brake design 143
Downloaded by [Tshwane University of Technology], [Khumbulani Mpofu] at 07:04 29 January 2015

Figure 8: Specimen sheet metal bending

The loading on the ram and bed are illustrated in

Figure 10. This is a uniformly distributed load encoun-
tered during bending the sheet metal. The deflection shows
the pattern of a simply supported beam with the curvature
that the beams take. The maximum deflection in the ram
is 9.9*10^−3 mm in the centre. The deflection experienced
may be considered insignificant. Stress analysis in the bed
shows that there are no major stress concentrations. The
stresses in the bed are lower than the yield strength and,
for the body, range between 96.026 kPa and 20.034 MPa.
The bed has a maximum deflection in the centre of
2.852*10^−3 mm. This deflection is very small and may be
considered as insignificant as the bed is also supported on
the floor.

An RBPM has been designed using a combination of
FUDOO and QFD methodologies. The design improves
sheet metal productivity by allowing easy machine adjust-
ment to suit new production demands. Longer sheet
metal parts can be worked on through the RBPM’s length
adjustment ability. The machine is weak at the joint
interfaces for the modular inserts, which increases deflec-
tion at larger bending forces. Future work will look into
improving the interface design so that deflection will be
minimised. The design provides a low-cost solution to
sheet metal working enterprises whilst enabling them
to have more flexibility. The design methodology used Figure 9: FEA for the side frame
can be widely applied to various design areas so as to
generate innovative designs.
Acknowledgements Aomura, S., Koguchi, A. and Niwa, Y. (1999), Automated
The authors are very grateful to the Tshwane University of and optimized process planning in sheet metal bending
Technology (TUT) for providing relentless support during the by a robot, in Kuzman, K., Balic, J., (eds), Conference
research; National Research Foundation (NRF), South Africa, Proceedings: ICIT ’99 International Conference on
for funding the research work; and the Technology Innovation Industrial Tools , 18–22 April 1999, Rogaška Slatina –
Agency (TIA), South Africa. Any opinion, findings, recommen- Maribor, Slovenia. Celje: TECOS, pp. 109–113.
dations and conclusion expressed in this material is that of the Eltantawie, M.A.E. (2013), ‘Design, Manufacture and Simulate
authors and TUT, NRF and TIA do not accept any liability a Hydraulic Bending Press’, International Journal of
whatsoever in this regard. Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, 2(1), 1–9.
144 Gwangwava et al — African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 2014, Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 135–144
Downloaded by [Tshwane University of Technology], [Khumbulani Mpofu] at 07:04 29 January 2015

Figure 10: FEA for the ram and corresponding bed

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