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Directions(1-5): Identify the meaning of the following foreign words

1. Au courant

A. metabolism B. digestion

C. up to date D. out of fashion

2. Autre fois convict

A. high fashion B. excretion

C. high society D. formerly convicted

3. Decrescendo

A. Ill will B.decrease

C. Illusion D. dread

4. Blitzkrieg

A. sudden attack B. war wounded

C. radiant D. ugly

5. Bijou

A. near death B. delicate

C. gloomy D. praise

Directions (6-7): Arrange the following statements to form a coherent passage:

6. A. It needed a bit of serious thinking and planning.

B. In many ways, this was an international relations disaster waiting to happen and was
foreseen by many.

C. Almost as soon as the Indian media heard of the earthquake, bad journalism began.

D. It started on Saturday morning with many anchors finding it difficult to fathom that an
earthquake cannot be covered like a cricket match or a film release.

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7. A. The Indian media also took huge umbrage to the fact that Pakistan had sent Nepal either
beef or packets of beef masala as part of their aid package.

B. It did not occur to any of our televangelists that it was up to Nepal to be offended or

C. This, in the eyes of many Nepalis, turned their tragedy into our geopolitical battle.

D. We just cornered the problem as our own, decided that Nepal was upset because it was a
―Hindu nation‖.


Directions (8-12): Identify the antonyms of the given words:

8. quietude
a) disobedience b) displeasure
c) disquietude d) illquietude

9. aristocracy
a) democracy b) society
c) liberty d) sovereignty

10. laity
a) glory b) clergy
c) care d) civility

11. celibacy
a) marriage b) endogamy
c) exogamy d) divorce

12. plebian
a) aristocratic b) artificial

c) attractive d) affirmitive

Directions (13-17): Fill in the blanks with correct choices:

13. A heavy investment is vital ______ the success of this plan.

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A. to B. for C. of D. with

14. No sooner did he enter ______ the room than he declared that he would not enter ______ the

A. into, into B. into, to C. to, into D. none of these

15. Ahmed is steadfast ______ his principles and will not therefore go out of the way to help

A. in B. with C. by D. to

16. The freedom fighters were indicted ______ rebellion.

A. of B. with C. at D. no word

17. She had qualified ______ a doctor before she started practice.

A. for B. as C. with D. herself as

Directions (18-24):Read the given passage and answer the following questions:

With the central food safety regulator ordering withdrawal of nine approved variants of Maggi,
Health ministry on Friday said it is of the ―confirmed‖ opinion that the product failed to adhere
to safety norms and assured that no compromise will be done on food safety. Union Health
Minister J.P. Nadda said that his Ministry had received the reports from all the states and after
assessing them it has come to the conclusion that the nine variants of Maggi should be recalled.
―We have come to the conclusion that the food safety and standards have not been adhered by
Nestle company and Maggi products and that is why we have given instructions that all nine
products (variants) should be recalled from the market,‖ Mr. Nadda said.

Asked about Nestle CEO‘s statement that Maggi was safe, Mr. Nadda said that his ministry has
gone through the reports which every state has sent to it and then reached the conclusion. ―We
have got the reports from every state now and we are of the confirmed opinion that the Maggi
product was not following the ingredients and the safety measures which were required and that
is why we have come to this conclusion that the product should be recalled from the market,‖ he

Coming down heavily on Swiss giant Nestle, the central food safety regulator FSSAI has earlier
ordered recall of all nine approved variants of Maggi instant noodles from the market, terming
them ―unsafe and hazardous‖ for human consumption. Food Safety and Standards Authority of

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India (FSSAI) also said that Nestle launched ‗Maggi Oats Masala Noodles‘ without approval and
ordered its recall, saying the company did not undertake risk and safety assessment for the

Mr. Nadda asserted that Nestle had also not followed the regulations of labeling while another of
its variant, Maggi masala oats noodles tastemaker, was in the market without prior approval of
the government which is why it too have been ordered to be recalled. ―I would like to assure
people of our country that no compromise will be done as far as the food safety and security is
concerned. All measures will be taken and all levels of security and safety of food will be
adhered to,‖ Mr. Nadda said.

Unfazed by mounting trouble over the alleged presence of lead and MSG in Maggi noodles,
Nestle on Friday said the product is safe but is withdrawing it from the Indian market as
―unfounded reasons‖ have created ―confusion‖ affecting consumer trust.

After Delhi, four more states — Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Jammu and Kashmir, Bihar and
Uttarakhand — have banned the sale of Maggi noodles, as the popular instant snack came under
mounting scrutiny over food safety concerns.

18. In which of the following states Maggi is not banned?

A. Jammu and Kashmir B. Bihar

C. Uttarakhand D. Uttar Pradesh

19. How many variants of Maggi have been withdrawn?

A. 6 B. 8

C. 9 D. None of the above

20. In which of the following countries Nestle is based?

A. India B. Singapore

C. Switzerland D. U.S.A

21. What is the attitude of the Maggi manufacturers on the controversy?

A. Despotic B. Careless

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C. Concerned D. Carefree

22. What is the controversy regarding Maggi masala oats noodles tastemaker?

A. High quantity of Lead

B. Lack of precautions in manufacturing

C. Presence in market without prior approval of the government

D. All of the above

23. Which of the following is the first state to ban Maggi?

A. Uttar Pradesh B. Delhi

C. Gujarat D. Bihar

24. What is the source of the given passage?

A. Interview B. News article

C. Blog D. Documentary

25. Audacious : Poignant :: Bold : ________________

A. Sentimental B. Pretty

C. Indignant D. Scornful

Directions(26-32): Identify the part that has an error. If no error, then mark D as your

26. According to Hume, it is not logic and reasoning [A] that determine our actions, [B] but
emotion. [C].

27.The ornate pillars and life-size statues [A] that the magnate has chosen to adorn his swimming
pool [B] are like a Greek temple. [C].

28. PK stepped aside just as he had secured [A] the Prime Minister's position, and, [B] in the
process, asserting his moral superiority. [C].

29. The racing champion having [A] made no mention in his speech of the mechanics [B] on
whom his success had depended. [C].

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30. The manager tried hard to effect a change in company policy, [A] but the owner, who
steadfastly refused to compromise [B], overruled him on every point. [C].

31. A similar trope for disgrace [A] that the word left carried over the right [B] can also be seen
across other Indian languages as well. [C].

32. A large section of the media actually turned into [A] either openly hostile, [B] or else totally
ignored Kejriwal. [C].

Directions (33-37): Identify the meanings of the given idioms:

33. An arm and a leg

A. Feeling well B. Injured C. Costly D. To have a fight

34. Far cry from

A. Scream B. Beg C. Unique D. Priceless

35. Wouldn‘t be caught dead

A. A great escape B. Would do anything for

C. Would never like to do something D. Scared

36. On the ball

A. Ready B. Understanding the situation well

C. Doing a work perfectly D. Under trial

37. Elvis has left the building

A. Show‘s over B. Show is about to start

C. Danger is coming D. Going out to enjoy

Directions (38-40): Read the given passage and answer the following questions:

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Despite the existence of large number of international organisations and agencies, having all the
resources to their rescue and the presence of various conventions, laws, treaties formulated for
the prevention of such incidents, the occurrences and reoccurrences of such heinous crimes pose
a question mark on the accountability and responsibility of these laws and organizations. The
only inference which could be drawn is that proper application and implementation of these are
not taking place. There can be a range of factors responsible for the non-execution of these laws.
The primary cause is that despite being referred as independent bodies, the driving chains of
these are in the hands of major superpowers who are their member states as well as the various
capitalists whose funds and donations make it possible to run such organisations. Whenever there
is requirement for a staunch action from them, there arises a conflict of interests between the
stakeholders where on one side there falls the needs and requirements of the people who suffer
from such incidences and the protection of whom was the motive behind the conceptualisation of
these organizations while on the other side lie the interests of these member states and private
capitalists on whose funds the organisation runs.

38. Which of these is a conclusion drawn by the writer?

A. Improper application of laws causes many of the problems mentioned here.

B. Presence of international organisationscauses many of the problems mentioned here.

C. Occurrences of heinous crimes cause many of the problems mentioned here.

D. Non execution of lawscauses many of the problems mentioned here.

39. What is the primary cause of failure of these international organisations?

A. Inefficient laws

B. Dominance of major superpowers

C. Non execution of laws

D. All of the above

40. Between which of the two there exists a clash of interest?

A. International laws and International organisations

B. Private capitalists and Sufferers of various atrocities

C. Officials of the organisation and major stakeholders

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D. Officials of the organisation and Sufferers of various atrocities


41. Which of the following is exclusively concerned with the credit needs of all types of
agricultural and rural development in India?
(a) IBRD
(b) RBI
(d) SBI
42. The prime Meridian does not pass through-
(a) Algeria
(b) France
(c) Niger
(d) Spain
43. Famous Bhakra Nangal Dam is built on which of the following rivers?
(a) Ganga
(b) Narmada
(c) Godavari
(d) Satluj
44. The minimum height of a plane mirror to see the full size image of a person is equal to __
(a) The height of the person
(b) Half the height of the person
(c) One-fourth the height of the person
(d) Double the height of the person
45. ‗Lajja‘ is a book written by____
(a) Salman Rushdie
(b) Taslima Nasreen
(c) Sunil Ganguli
(d) Rabindranath Tagore
46. Who among the following formulated and implemented the ‗Doctrine of Lapse‘?
(a) Wellesley
(b) Hastings
(c) Dalhousie
(d) Clive
47. In which one of the following sessions of the Indian Congress ‗Poorna Swaraj‘ was declared
the goal of Congress?
(a) Lahore
(b) Karachi
(c) Delhi
(d) Bombay
48. Which one of the following books was written by Bal Gangadhar Tilak?

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(a) India in Transition

(b) Gita Rahasya
(c) Gokhale-My Political Guru
(d) Discovery of India

49. The Adam‘s Bridge begins from:

(a) Dhanuskodi
(b) Mandapam
(c) Pamban
(d) Rameshwaram

50. The 2019 ICC Cricket World Cup will be held in ?

(a) Australia and New Zealand
(b) England
(c) South Africa
(d) West Indies

51. The ‗Eco Mark‖ Scheme was launched in 1991 to encourage consumers to buy products of
less harmful environment impact. Which one of the following consumer products is not
notified under this Scheme?
(a) Soaps and Detergents
(b) Paper and Plastics
(c) Cosmetics and Aerosols
(d) Drugs and Antibiotics

52. The ―Secretariat Building‖ of which State is known as ―Writers‘s Building‖?

(a) Assam
(b) West Bengal
(c) Maharashtra
(d) Karnataka

53. Who among the following was given the title ―Tut-i-Hind‖(Parrot of India)?
(a) Chandra Bardai
(b) Kabir Das
(c) Amir Khusrau
(d) Tansen

54. Which of the following ruler established embassies in foreign countries in order to develop a
foreign trade?
(a) Ashok
(b) Akbar
(c) Haider Ali
(d) Tipu Sultan

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55. Which of the following conference lead to the formation of IBRD (now World Bank) and
(a) Butterwood Conference
(b) Geneva Conference
(c) Brettenwood Conference
(d) Vienna Conference

56. Who was the first woman president of UN General Assembly?

(a) Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
(b) Golda Meir
(c) Sirmavo Bhandaranaike
(d) None of the above

57. The minimum number of Judges of the Supreme Court required for hearing any case
involving interpretation of the constitution is?
(a) 5
(b) 3
(c) 7
(d) 9
58. In which of the following states world‘s famous hornbill festival celebration held every year?
(a) Assam
(b) Nagaland
(c) Tripura
(d) Meghalaya

59. Which of the following is the India‘s first indigenously developed Light Combat Aircraft?
(a) Dhruva
(b) Lakshya
(c) Tejas
(d) Garuda

60. The smallest functional and structural unit of kidney is called as

(a) Neuron
(b) Nephron
(c) Granulocyte
(d) Reticulocyte

61. ISRO‘s PSLV-28 has successfully launched five satellites of which country?
(a) Germany
(b) United States
(c) Singapore
(d) United Kingdom

62. The "Turn the World UN Blue" global campaign was the part of -

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(a) United Nation's 70th anniversary

(b) United Nation's 75th anniversary
(c) United Nation's 60th anniversary
(d) United Nation's 50th anniversary

63. According to Swachh Bharat Survey 2015, which of the following cities is most clean city of
(a) Bangalore
(b) Chennai
(c) Mysore
(d) Pune

64. NBRICS Summit 2016 will be held in ?

(a) China
(b) South Africa
(c) Brazil
(d) India

65. Sextant is used to measure:

(a) weight of an object (b) height of an object
(c) length of an object (d) efficiency of sex diagnosis

66. Which one of the following pairs of goods is an example for Joint Supply?
(a) Coffee and Tea (b) Ink and Pen
(c) Tooth Brush and Paste (d) Wool and Mutton

67. Which countries are separated by the 49th Parallel?

(a) USA and Canada (b) USA and Mexico
(c) France and Germany (d) Russia and China

68. The National Judicial Academy is located at

(a) New Delhi (b) Hyderabad
(c) Bhopal (d) Bangalore

69. In which case the Supreme Court of India laid down that evidence can be recorded by Video
(a) Maneka Gandhi Vs Union of India
(b) M C Mehta Vs Union of India
(c) Pappu Yadav Vs State of Bihar
(d) Kartar Singh Vs State of Punjab

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70. The official language of the Union of India shall be Hindi in Devnagari script is mentioned in
(a) Article 341 (b) Article 342
(c) Article 343(1) (d) Article 344

71. Who was the author of the book 'Mudrarakshas'?

(a) Kalidas (b) Vishakadatta
(c) Banabhatta (d) Jayadev

72. 'World Investment Report' is an annual publication of

(a) I.M.F. (b) World Bank
(c) UNCTAD (d) W.T.O.

73. Which type of euthanasia is permitted by the Supreme Court in 'Aruna Shanbaug Vs Union of
India'. A.I.R. 2011 S.C. 1290?
(a) Active euthanasia (b) Passive euthanasia
(c) Voluntary euthanasia (d) Non-Voluntary euthanasia

74. Which of the following are quasi judicial bodies?

1. Finance Commission.
2. Central Vigilance Commission
3. National Human Rights Commission.
4. Central Information Commission.
5. Competition Commission of India.
6. Union Public Service Commission.
7. National Commission for SCs.
(a) All except 1, 2 & 6.
(b) All except 2, 4 & 6.
(c) All except 6.
(d) None of the above options are correct.

75. The Theory of 'Social Engineering' was propounded by

(a) Austin (b) Ivor Jennings
(c) Roscoe Pound (d) Dicey

76. What are the minimum reservations prescribed by the Constitution for Women in Panchayats?
(a) 50 percent (b) 30 percent
(c) One-third (d) one-fourth

77. Which Article of the Charter of the United Nations permitted Right to Self defence?
(a) Article 2 (b) Article 51

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(c) Article 13 (d) Article 47

78. Which of the following is the trophy/cup associated with game of cricket?
(a) Durand Cup (b) Merdeka Cup
(c) Santosh Trophy (d) Duleep Trophy

79. Prof. Muhammad Yunus, the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize 2006, is the exponent of
which of the following concepts in the field of?
(a) Core Banking (b) Micro Credit
(c) Retail Banking (d) Real Time Gross Settlement

80. Government usually classifies its expenditure in term of planned and non-planned
expenditure. Identify, which is the correct definition of Planned expenditure:
(a) It represents the expenditure of all the State Governments
(b) It represents the total expenditure of the Central Government
(c) It is the expenditure which is spent through centrally sponsored programmes and flagship
schemes of Government
(d) It represents the expenditure incurred on Defence

81. Kanha Tiger Reserve is situated in Mandla District of

(a) Rajasthan (b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Chhattisgarh (d) Madhya Pradesh

82. Excise Duty is the tax levied on

(a) Production of goods (b) Import of goods
(c) Sale of goods (d) Profits on sale of goods

83. Who among the following is considered as Father of Indian Ballistie Missile Programme?
(a) A P J Abdul Kalam (b) Dr. H J Bhabha
(c) Vikram Sarabhai (d) Dr. Kasturirangan

84. The concept of 'carbon credit' was evolved from

(a) Earth Summit, Rio de Janeiro (b) Montreal Protocol
(c) Kyoto Protocol (d) Shanghai Protocol

85. Who among the following first deciphered the Brahmi script?
(a) William Jones (b) James Princep
(c) John Marshal (d) Macaulay

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86. Which one of the following is landlocked country:

(a) Bulgaria (b) Hungary
(c) Romania (d) Ukraine

87. This State contributes 70% of India's coffee and silk. Name this state:
(a) Karnataka (b) Assam
(c) Rajasthan (d) Punjab

88. The term 'ecology' was coined by:

(a) Haeckel (b) Odum
(c) Darwin (d) Linnaeus

89. Sextant is used to measure:

(a) weight of an object (b) height of an object
(c) length of an object (d) efficiency of sex diagnosis

90. East West corridor comprising National Highways connecting:

(a) Silchar to Probander (b) Kolkata to Mumbai
(c) Patna to Surat (d) None of these


91. What is the minimum number of square marbles required to tile a floor of length 5 metres
78 cm and width 3 metres 74 cm?
A. 176
B. 187
C. 540
D. 748

92. A number when divided by a divisor leaves a remainder of 24. When twice the original
number is divided by the same divisor, the remainder is 11. What is the value of the
A. 13
B. 59
C. 35
D. 37

93. A train travelling 25 km an hour leaves Delhi at 9 a.m. and another train travelling 35 km
an hour starts at 2 p.m. in the same direction. How many km from Delhi will they be
A. 437 ½ km
B. 436 ½ km

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C. 435 ½ km
D. 434 ½ km

94. Without any stoppage a person travels a certain distance at an average speed of 80 kmph,
and with stoppages he covers the same distance at an average of 60 kmph. How many
minutes per hour does he stop?
A. 25minutes
B. 15 minutes
C. 10 minutes
D. 26 minutes

95. A person can row a boat ‗d‘ km upstream and the same distance downstream in 5 hours
15 minutes. Also, he can row the boat ‗2d‘ km upstream in 7 hours. How long will it take
to row the same distance 2d km downstream?
A. 3/2 hours
B. 7 hours
C. 7.25 hours
D. 7/2 hours

96. The profit earned by selling an article for Rs. 900 is double the loss incurred when the
same article is sold for Rs. 450. At what price should the article be sold to make 25%
A. Rs 750
B. Rs 700
C. Rs 900
D. Rs 600

97. A man covered a certain distance at some speed. Had he moved 3 kmph faster, he would
have taken 40 minutes less. If he had moved 2 kmph slower, he would have taken 40
minutes more. The distance(in km) is:
A. 40 km
B. 28 km
C. 42 km
D. 48 km

98. A bag contains 6 red and 3 white balls. Four balls are drawn out one by one and not
replaced. What is the probability that they are alternatively of different colours?
A. 4/42
B. 5/84
C. 7/84
D. 5/42

99. What will be the compound interest accrued on an amount of Rs 10000/- at the rate of 20
percent per annum two years if the interest is compounded half yearly?

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A. Rs.4,400
B. Rs.4,600
C. Rs.4,641
D. Rs.4,680

100. One card is drawn at random from a pack of 52 cards. What is the probability that the
card drawn is a face card (Jack, Queen and King only)?
A. 1/13
B. 3/13
C. 1/4
D. 9/52

101. A monkey tries to ascend a greased pole 14 m high. He ascends 2 m in first minute and
slips 1 min next alternate minute. If he continues to ascend in this fashion, how long
does he take to reach the top?
A. 25
B. 24
C. 22
D. 30

102. Thirty men can do a work in 24 days. In how many days can 20 men do the work , given
that time spent per day is increased by 1/3 of the previous time.
A. 30
B. 28
C. 36
D. 27

103. The cost price of 20 articles is the same as the selling price of x articles. If the profit is
25%, then value of x is
A. 15
B. 16
C. 18
D. 20

104. The percentage profit earned by selling an article for Rs. 1920 is equal to the percentage
loss incurred by selling the same article for Rs. 1280. At what price should the article be
sold to make 25% profit
A. Rs.2000
B. Rs.2200
C. Rs.2400
D. Data inadequate

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105. A plane left 30 min later from the schedule time & in order to reach the destination
1500 km on time, it had increase the speed by 250 kmph from the usual speed, its usual
speed is
A. 700 kmph
B. 750 kmph
C. 250 kmph
D. 350 kmph

106. A certain distance is covered at a certain speed. If half of this distance is covered in
double the time, the ratio of the two speed is.
A. 4:1
B. 1:4
C. 1:8
D. 1:6

107. ‗P‘ liters of oil were poured into a tank and it was still r% empty. How much oil must
be poured into the tank in order to fill it to the brim?
A. (P × r)/(100-r)
B. P/(100-r)
C. 100P/(100-r)
D. 100P×r/ (100-r)

108. A sum of money is accumulating at compound interest at a certain rate of interest. If

Simple interest instead of compound interest were reckoned, the interest for the first two
years would be diminished by Rs. 20 and that for the first three years by Rs. 61. Find the
A. 8000
B. 6000
C. 10000
D. 12000

109. In Ujjwals‘s opinion, his weight is greater than 65 kg but less than 72 kg. His brother
doesn‘t agree with Ujjwal and he thinks that Ujjwal‘s weight is greater than 60 kg but
less than 70 kg. His mother's view is that his weight cannot be greater than 68 kg. If all
are them are correct in their estimation, what is the average of different probable weights
of Ujjwal?
A. 67 kg
B. 68 kg
C. 69 kg
D. Data inadequate

110. Three pipes A, B and C can fill a tank from empty to full in 30 minutes, 20 minutes, and
10 minutes respectively. When the tank is empty, all the three pipes are opened. A, B and

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C discharge chemical solutions P, Q and R respectively. What is the proportion of the

solution R in the liquid in the tank after 3 minutes?
A. 5/11
B. 7/11
C. 9/11
D.None of these


111. Which Constitutional Amendment revised the time period of 60 years for reservation of
seats for Schedule Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the Lok Sabha and Legislative Assemblies?

a) 72nd

b) 74th

c) 76th

d) 79th

(112) A Constitutional Amendment shall also be ratified by legislatures of not less than one-half
of the States by a resolution if it is meant to make any change in:

a) Directive Principles

b) Fundamental Rights

c) Amendment Provisions

d) Fundamental Duties

(113) The rule of passing resolution by 2/3rd majority of total number of members of the House
of Parliament is applicable in case of:

a) Disapproval of proclamation of emergency.

b) Approval of proclamation of emergency.

c) Amendment of the Constitution.

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d) Impeachment of the President.

(114) The Article of the Constitution which automatically becomes suspended on proclamation
of emergency is:

(a) Article 14

(b) Article 19

(c) Article 21

(d) All of the above

(115) The idea of Concurrent List was borrowed in Indian Constitution from:

a) American Constitution

b) Australian Constitution

c) Canadian Constitution

d) Russian Constitution

(116) A writ issued to an inferior court on grounds of exceeding its jurisdiction or acting contrary
to the rules of natural justice it is called a writ of:

a) Quo Warranto

b) Habeas Corpus

c) Mandamus

d) Certiorari

(117) Who can establish additional courts for better administration of laws with respect to a
matter concerned in the Union List?

a) Chief Justice of India

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b) Parliament

c) High Courts of the concerned state

d) Concerned State Legislatures

(118) Disputes between states in India come to Supreme Court under it‘s:

a) Original Jurisdiction

b) Advisory Jurisdiction

c) Appellate Jurisdiction

d) None of the above

(119) All cases regarding the interpretation of the Constitution can be brought to the Supreme
Court under it‘s:

a) Original Jurisdiction

b) Advisory Jurisdiction

c) Appellate Jurisdiction

d) All of the above

(120) It is inappropriate for a petitioner in a Public Interest Litigation to:

a) Act pro bono

b) Mention only a single party as defendants

c) Withdraw PIL proceedings as a right

d) Ask for a complete ban on anything contrary to existing laws

(121) The concept of Public Interest Litigation originated in:

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a) USA

b) UK

c) Russia

d) India

(122) The responsibility for the enforcement of fundamental rights rests with:

a) Supreme Court

b) High Courts

c) All the courts

d) Both a and b

(123) Article 32 of the Constitution is also called as:

a) A fundamental right to enforce fundamental right.

b) The cornerstone of the democratic edifice.

c) A remedial right

d) All of the above

(124) Which article was described as ―heart and soul of the constitution‖ by Dr. B. R.

a) Article 14

b) Article 19

c) Article 21

d) Article 32

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(125) In case of violation of any fundamental right the Supreme Court shall have power to issue:

a) Writs

b) Directions

c) Appropriate Orders

d) All of the above

(126) The Special Marriage Act contains a special jurisdictional rule in respect of the:

a) Husband‘s Petition

b) Wife‘s Petition

c) Both a and b

d) None of the above

(127) Which of the following is not a ground of divorce under the Special Marriage Act?

a) Desertion

b) Cruelty

c) Adultery

d) None of the above

(128) Which of the following is a ground for divorce under the Special Marriage Act but not
under the Hindu Marriage Act?

a) Conversion

b) Seven years‘ sentence of imprisonment

c) Renunciation of the world

d) All of the above

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(129) A wrong to one‘s ownership of goods which involves misuse and appropriation of goods

a) conversion

b) false imprisonment

c) detinue

c) All of the above

(130) A mere detention without any wrong to the plaintiff‘s title is:

a) detinue

b) false imprisonment

c) conversion

d) none of the above

(131) Which of the following is trespass to goods:

a) Throwing stones on bike.

b) Shooting Birds

c) Injuring goods

d) All of the above

(132) Pointing a loaded pistol on another is:

a) battery

b) assault

c) both a and b

d) none of the above

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(133) Any direct invasion of a protected interest from a positive act constitutes:

a) Trespass to land

b) Trespass to goods

c) Trespass to person

d) All of the above

(134) Which of the following is an invalid defense in an action for nuisance?

a) Public Good

b) Reasonable Care

c) Nuisance due to act of others

d) All of the above

(135) Nuisance recognizes:

a) the concept of strict liability

b) liability based only on fault

c) liability based only on imputability

d) Both a and b

(136) Principle: Every arrested person has the right to be informed of the grounds for his
arrest and the right to consult, and to be defended by, a legal practitioner of his choice
Immoral Traffic Prevention Act lays down that if minors are found to be involved in prostitution,
then they shall be saved by the police. The police of Nayabganj got to know about a prostitution
racket being carried on in the heart of the city. The police conducted a raid and took some minor

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girls in their custody in order to remove them from the brothel. One of the minor girls, Anokhi,
invoked Article 22 and demanded a right to be represented by an advocate of her choice. Decide.

a) Anokhi will not succeed as she was involved in an illegal and immoral activity and hence
cannot invoke Article 22

b) Anokhi will not succeed as removal from brothel by the police does not amount to arrest and
hence Article 22 cannot be invoked

c) Anokhi will succeed as all citizens have the fundamental right to be represented by a legal
practitioner of their choice

d) Both (a) and (b)

(137) Principle: A person is said to "counterfeit" who causes one thing to resemble another
thing, intending by means of that resemblance to practise deception, or knowing it to be
likely that deception will thereby be practised.

Sumit, owns a copying shop, he copies an Indian currency note when successfully the note is
copied on a paper and resembles similar to original note. He further starts printing fake currency
notes on a large scale so that those printed notes bear the same value and deception could be
practised in the market. Is Sumit guilty of counterfeiting?
a) No, because anyone can easily distinguish between a fake and original currency note.
b) Yes, because he printed notes with intent to practise deception.
c) Yes, because Sumit had the knowledge that by copying similar notes deception could be
practised hence liable.
d) None of the above

(138) Principle: Total restraint on the liberty of a person, for, however, short a time,
without lawful excuse is false imprisonment

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Priyanka shifted to Delhi in pursuance of her appointment as a Professor at Hindu College. She
decided to travel from her place in Llakshminagar to Vishwavidyalaya by metro. She entered the
metro premises after swiping her travel card at the Lakshminagar Metro Station. Suddenly she
remembered that she had forgotten her documents at home. She rushed to go back. The rules as
to the exit from the metro premises required swiping of the travel card by any person who went
through. Priyanka refused to do so as she had not even boarded the metro and she felt that paying
the fare would be unjust. Thus, she was prevented from going back by the guard at the station.
Priyanka sued the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) for false imprisonment.

a) DMRC is liable for false imprisonment as they restricted Priyanka from going back and did
not allow her to exit

b) DMRC is not liable for false imprisonment as they were just following the rules of entry and
exit at the metro station

c) DMRC is not liable as Priyanka needed to be taught a good lesson for her refusal to pay the

d) None of the above

(139) Principle: An incorporated company under the Companies Act has a separate legal
entity and corporate liability.
A syndicate transferred a tea estate to an incorporated company and claimed exemptions from
―ad valorem‖ duty on the ground that they themselves were shareholders in the company.

a) The shareholders are liable to pay as the company is a separate legal person.
b) The shareholders are not liable to pay; it is a transfer from them in one name to
themselves under another name.
c) The shareholders are liable because everybody has to pay duty on a transfer or
d) None of the above.

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Principles for Ques. 140

A. An attempt or a threat to do corporeal hurt to another is assault

B. Intentional and direct application of physical force to the person of another is
Guddu and Tima are classmates and usually pull each other's leg or crack practical jokes to make
fun of one-another. One day as Guddu was about to sit on a chair, Tima pulled away the chair.
Due to withdrawal of the chair, Guddu fell down. Guddu filed a suit for damages against Tima.

a) Tima is liable for assault

b) Tima is liable for committing battery

c) Tima is not liable for either assault or battery

d) None of the above

141. Principle: Marriage of minors under the Hindu Marriage Act 1955 is not null and
Itisha filed a petition against her husband Vishal for maintenance in 1989. Vishal opposed the
claim on the ground that at the time of marriage, Itisha was aged five years and Vishal himself
was of ten years and their marriage is illegal. Will the wife succeed?

a) Itisha will succeed as the marriage was valid.

b) Itisha will succeed as both of them were minors.
c) Itisha will not succeed because the marriage is illegal.
d) None of these.

142. Principle: A tortious suit cannot be filed if the plaintiff himself is a wrong-doer

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Zaroon Junaid and Kashaf Murtaza studied together in Aligarh Muslim University. Zaroon loved
Kashaf and wanted to marry her. Zaroon decided to propose Kashaf at midnight on her birthday.
Kashaf was a dog-lover and had six pet dogs at her place. She had affixed a notice "Beware of
Dogs" on the main gate of her house. On Kashaf's birthday night, Zaroon climbed over the wall
of Kashaf's house and jumped in the compound. As soon as Kashaf's dogs saw him, they started
barking loudly. One of the dogs sunk its teeth in Zaroon's leg and bit him due to which he started
bleeding profusely. Zaroon sued Kashaf for damages.

a) Kashaf, being the owner of dogs, is liable for injury sustained by Zaroon

b) Kashaf is not liable as Zaroon has trespassed her property and thus he cannot claim damages
for his wrong action

c) Kashaf is liable because Zaroon could not read the notice affixed on main gate and thus he is
not at fault

d) None of the above

143. Principle: A promissory note is an instrument in writing signed by the maker to

pay a certain sum of money only to or to the order of a certain person.
Rishi promises to pay Yogesh a sum of Rs. 5000 through e-mail. Later, Rishi refuses to pay. Can
Yogesh sue him?

a) Yogesh can sue him as Rishi made a promise to pay him Rs. 5000.
b) Yogesh cannot sue him as this is not a promissory note.
c) Yogesh can sue him as this is a promissory note.
d) None of these.

Principles for Ques. 144

A. An unlawful entry upon the land of another without his permission constitutes

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trespass to land
B. Only the occupier of the land has a right to sue for trespass
C. The owner of land is entitled to a column air space above the surface and a column
of subsoil
Aahil Raza Ibrahim is a Nawab of Bhopal and the owner of a large area of land. It came to the
knowledge of Madhya Pradesh Mining Authority (MPMA) that a certain portion of land owned
by Aahil is rich in mineral deposits. So it wanted to buy the entire land. However, being from a
family of Nawabs, Aahil's ancestral land was a token of remembering the greatness of his
forefathers and therefore he was unwilling to sell it. The Madhya Pradesh Mining Authority
(MPMA) struck a deal with Aahil to get possession of only the subsoil of Aahil's land in order to
undertake mining activity. Aahil's land was situated near the Bhopal jail. A notorious murderer
Vikrant Yadav who was put up in that jail, dug an underground tunnel from the jail complex to
Aahil's land in order to escape. MPMA sued Vikrant for trespass.

a) Vikrant is not liable for trespass as he did not physically enter upon the surface of land

b) Vikrant is not liable as entry in the subsoil does not constitute trespass to land

c) MPMA can sue Vikrant for trespass in the subsoil of the land

d) Both, MPMA and Aahil can sue Vikrant for trespass to land

Principle for Ques. 145 to 147- Traffic in human beings and begar and other similar forms
of forced labour is prohibited and an offence punishable in accordance with law

Gulshan has been sentenced to a rigorous imprisonment for 8 years for brutally murdering his
wife by severing off her head with a 'gadaasa'. Gulshan was asked to do manual labor in the jail.
He was to be paid no wages for the work. Gulshan refused and contended that he has cannot be
compelled to work under protection afforded by Article 23 of the Constitution.

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(145) Is Gulshan's contention correct?

a) Yes, since he is being forced to work by the prison authorities without any wages

b) No, because he is under rigorous imprisonment and cannot refuse manual work

c) No, since a brutal murderer like him is not entitled to wages for his work.

d) Both (b) and (c)

(146) Assume that the prison authorities would pay an equitable wage fixed by the wage fixation
body, for his work. Still Gulshan refuses to work. Can he do so?

a) Yes, since he has a right to not be compelled to work under Article 23

b) No, since he is being paid equitable wages for his work and as he is under rigorous
imprisonment so he cannot refuse to work

c) No, since a brutal murderer like him cannot refuse to do manual labour.

d) None of the above

(147) Assume that Gulshan is an undertrial prisoner who is being tried for the murder of his wife.
He is asked to do some manual labour in return of an equitable wage. But he refuses pursuant to
his rights under Article 23. Will he succeed?

a) No, since all the prisoners have to necessarily follow the rules of the prison and hence he
cannot refuse to do the manual labor

b) No, since he is being paid an equitable wage for the manual work done by him in the prison

c) Yes, since an under trial prisoner cannot be forced to work against his will and has protection
under Article 23

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d) None of the above

(148) Principle: Nothing is an offence which is done by accident or misfortune and without
any criminal intention or knowledge in the doing of a lawful act in a lawful manner by
lawful means and with proper care and caution.
Riya was a star shooter of India and has an Olympic gold in shooting. While she was practicing
in a shooting range near the jungles of Orai a bullet hit the head of a shepherd, Billu, who
entered illegally into the shooting range to graze his cattle. Decide. Whether Riya is guilty of
a) Riya is liable for death as she could easily distinguish between the target and the head of
the shepard, Billu
b) Riya is not liable as it is done by without any criminal intention and she was practising in
a shooting range with proper care it was Billu who entered illegally.
c) Riya is not liable as she is an Olympic gold winner and it is Billu who came in the
shooting range.
d) Either (b) or (c)

(149) Principle: No child below the age of fourteen years shall be employed to work in any
factory or mine or engaged in any other hazardous employment

Nandu is a 10-year old child is an orphan who has nowhere to go. He has been employed in a
construction factory where he gets food twice a day and where he is allowed to sleep at night.
His employer- Vicky- does not pay him wages commensurate to the work done by him; he is
made to work for over 16-18 hours a day, and is severely beaten if he commits any mistake.
Nandu hears someone saying that child labor is an offence in India. He approaches a police
station to know what his rights are. Suppose that you are a lawyer sitting in the police station and
have heard Nandu's story. Advise him.

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a) Nandu can file a complaint under the Child Labour Act and get Vicky punished

b) Nandu can file a complaint against Vicky for battery and exploitation of labor

c) Nandu can file a writ under Article 24 for protection against child labor

d) Nandu can approach a child rights' organization for protection of his rights

(150) Principle: A defamatory verbal statement published to a third party of which the
speaker knew or should have known was false that causes injury to another person.

Bhavri Devi is an M.L.A of national party ―Bharat ki Betiyan‖ (BKB). She organized a public
election campaign rally from the stage in front of the media and thousands of people of
Rajasthan, who, gathered there to hear her speech. In the rally, she announced that this
government led by Jan Shakti Party is of scoundrels and bootleggers and should be taught a
lesson in this election by voting. Is Bhavri Devi liable for slander. Decide

a) Bhavri Devi is liable for slander as she has published a defamatory statement in public
intending to harm the reputation of the government led by Jan Shakti Party
b) Bhavri Devi is not liable for slander as she had made that statement only to win the
elections and not to harm the reputation of the government.
c) Either (b) or (a)
d) All of the above

(151) Principle: Unlawful interference with the use and enjoyment of the land of another,
amounts to nuisance

Tupur is the owner of a triple-storeyed house in New Delhi containing a large number of rooms.
She carried on the business of paying guests in this house by letting it to various people. A
considerable amount of income was earned by her as a result of this business. Aman, who had a
dairy farming business, bought the vacant plot next to Tupur's house and constructed a cow shed

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and a pig sty there. Owing to the stench from the pig sty certain rooms in Tupur's house
remained unlet and as the smell was unbearable for those already residing in the rooms, some
people left the place. This caused a huge loss to the income of Tupur and she filed a nuisance suit
for damages against Aman.

a) Tupur will not succeed as Aman was making a reasonable use of his own land

b) Tupur will succeed as Aman's action caused an unreasonable interference in the use and
enjoyment of her land

c) Tupur will succeed as Aman constructed a pig sty which is an unreasonable use of land

d) Both (b) and (c)

Principles for Ques. 152

A. Defamation is the publication of a false statement without any lawful excuse which
injures the reputation of another
B. Publication is the communication of defamatory matter to some person other than
the person of whom it is written
Khirad Ehsaan is a divorcee who has married Asher Khan. Her ex-husband Salim wrote letters to
Khirad in which he alleged that she was a witch and had by her sorcery caused the death of some
of his relatives. Khirad told about these letters and their content to Asher and filed a defamation
suit against Salim.

a) Khirad will succeed as Salim's letters will damage her reputation and cause her to be
shunned and avoided by the society
b) Khirad will succeed as the letters show the regressive and chauvinistic mindset of Salim
c) Khirad will not succeed as there is no publication in legal sense since husband and wife
are considered one under law
d) None of the above

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(153) Principle: A person abets an offence, who abets either the commission of an offence,
or the commission of an act which would be an offence, if committed by a person capable
by law of committing an offence with the same intention or knowledge as that of the

Anil, an employee of Red Meat Industries instigates Rohit, a co-employee of Anil in the
Redmeat Industries to murder Sumit the owner of White Meat Global Industries – Anil‘s
previous employer. Rohit refuses to do so. Is Anil guilty of abetting Rohit to commit murder?
a) Anil is not guilty of abetting Rohit as Sumit is alive and safe.
b) Anil is not guilty of abetting Rohit as he did not commit the offence
c) Anil is guilty of abetting Rohit.
d) Anil is guilty of abetting Rohit to murder Sumit which is an offence.

(154) Principle: Unlawful disturbance to possession of goods by an act causing damage to

the goods amounts to trespass to goods

Suresh, a teacher in a private school, commuted to his school by his new Bajaj scooter. He was a
very strict Mathematics teacher and punished the students who did not complete their homework.
One day as he was teaching in his class, a student- Aamir- started making fun of Suresh's
spectacles with his friends. Seeing Aamir and his friends giggling away, Suresh asked Aamir as
to whether he had completed his homework. On Aamir's denial, Suresh scolded him in front of
the whole class and punished him. Aamir decided to teach Suresh a good lesson. During recess,
Aamir drew cartoons and wrote funny comments on Suresh's scooter with a permanent marker.
Suresh sued Aamir for trespass to goods.

a) Aamir is liable for trespass as he damaged Suresh's scooter with a permanent marker

b) Aamir is liable for trespass as he damaged Suresh's scooter with a permanent marker and

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made fun of his teacher

c) Aamir is not liable for trespass as Suresh deserved this for his high-handedness with his

d) None of the above

(155) Principle: Nothing, which is not intended to cause death, is an offence by reason of
any harm which it may cause, or be intended by the doer to cause, or be known by the doer
to be likely to cause, to any person for whose benefit it is done in good faith, and who has
given a consent, whether express or implied to suffer that harm, or to take the risk of that
Arjun, a surgeon, knowing that a particular operation is likely to cause the death of Sanjay, who
suffers under the painful complaint, but not intending to cause Sanjay's death, and intending, in
good faith, for Sanjay's benefit, performs that operation on Sanjay, with Sanjay's consent. During
the operation Sanjay died. Decide.
a) Arjun is liable for Sanjay‘s death as he being a surgeon could easily save his life by
giving him pain killer medicine.
b) Arjun is liable for Sanjay‘s death because no reasonable doctor would operate for a
complaint of pain.
c) Arjun is not liable for Sanjay‘s death as the operation was performed in good faith and
without intention to cause death of Sanjay.
d) Only (A) & (C)

Principles for Ques. 156

A. Defamation is the publication of a false statement without any lawful excuse which
injures the reputation of another
B. All citizens have the right to freedom of speech and expression

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Tamil actor Ajay, director Ramalingam and producers Silver Fox Production were slapped with a
defamation suit for making a reference to the 2G spectrum case in their Tamil actioner "Kutty
Anna". The plaintiff, Subramaniam Anna- a politician- alleged that in 'Kutty Anna', Ajay mouths
a dialogue that goes: "We live in a country filled with people that have looted crores of rupees
using 5G waves." Subramaniam Anna contends that when the 5G case is still being heard in
court, then an allegation cannot be made that all the politicians involved in the scam are corrupt.

a) Subramaniam Anna will succeed the movie portrays all politicians in a poor light and
damages their dignity
b) Subramaniam Anna will not succeed as a director enjoys freedom of artistic expression
and speech and no direct reference has been made to any politician
c) Subramaniam Anna will not succeed as politicians are corrupt and the movie is just a
depiction of the real state of affairs in Indian politics
d) None of the above
(157) Principle: Private defence is an exception to tortious action
Mr. Rosenbund was the proud owner of two bulldogs whom he used to take out for an evening
walk daily. Colonel Kane, the neighbor of Mr. Rosenbund, was scared of dogs as they seemed
ferocious creatures to him and he hated them. One day while Colonel Kane was returning from
his training camp, he was chased by one of Rosenbund's bulldogs. Kane raised his gun at the dog
seeing which the dog ran away. Mr. Kane shot the dog as it was running away. Rosenbund was
devastated by the death of his dog and sued Kane for damages.

a) Kane is not liable as he was only defending his own person and acted reasonably

b) Kane is liable as there was no real and imminent danger when the dog ran away and thus his
action was unreasonable

c) Kane is liable as he was justified in shooting the ferocious attack dog

d) None of the above

Principles for Ques. 158

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A. Unlawful interference with the use and enjoyment of the land of another amounts to
B. The test for injury caused is that not of a sensitive man but that of a reasonable
prudent man
Neel is the owner of a house with a big 'mango' tree planted by his grandfather years ago. The
tree is almost 30 years old and is home to a number of birds which keep on chirping all day long.
Mohit, who is Neel's neighbor, is quite disturbed by the chirrup of birds all day long as it does
not let him enjoy his afternoon siesta in his lawn. Mohit sued Neel for nuisance.

a) Neel is liable as the birds had their nests in the tree growing in his house

b) Neel is liable as the chirrup of birds hindered Mohit's enjoyment of land

c) Neel is not liable as Mohit is too sensitive to be disturbed just by the chirrup of birds

d) None of the above

(159) Principle: When two or more persons agree to do, or cause to be done, an illegal act,
or an act which is not illegal by illegal means, such an agreement is designated a criminal
Rajesh, Vikram and Sunil agree to break the Tihar Prison and make escape for the prisoners. In
persuasion of their plan they break the wall of the Prison and start shooting towards the prison
guards in the middle of their action they are caught by the Hoogly Intelligence Services (HIS).
Have Rajesh, Vikram and Sunil hatched a criminal conspiracy. Decide.
a) No, because they could not free the prisoners so no criminal act done.
b) No, because the no illegal act did happen hence, no criminal conspiracy.
c) Yes, because they agreed and did break the prison hence, liable for criminal conspiracy.
d) Yes, because they had fired with guns which is illegal hence, liable for criminal

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(160) Principle: Defamation is the publication of a false statement without any

lawful excuse which injures the reputation of another
‗Bharat ka Waqt‘ is a leading Indian daily with a readership of millions of people. It carried an
article on the first page of its entertainment section with a headline “OMG! Dipika Cleavage
Show!” and below it was a photograph of actress Dipika, a famous Bollywood actress, wearing a
dress with low cut neckline. In response to the newspaper‘s article, Dipika filed a defamation suit
against it stating that mainstream media outlets like ‗Bharat ka Waqt‘ portray hypocrisy by
talking about women empowerment on one end, and objectifying them on the other.

a) Bharat ka Waqt is liable as its article injures Dipika‘a image and reputation
b) Bharat ka Waqt is liable as its article objectifies women
c) Bharat ka Waqt is not liable as it portrays reality of movie stars
d) None of the above

Directions—(Q.161 to 165) In each of the questions below are given four statements
followed by three conclusions numbered I, II and III. You have to take the given statements
to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the
conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given
statements disregarding commonly known facts.

161. Statements : All fantastics are fancifuls. No fancifuls is deuce. Some deuces are morteins.
All morteins are albumins

Conclusions :
I. Some albumins are fancifuls
II. Some deuces are albumins.
III. No fantastics is deuce.

(A) Only I and II follow (B) Only I and III follow (C) All follow (D) Only II and III follow

162. Statements : Some crags are cliffs. All cliffs are browsers. Some browsers are flirts. All

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flirts are moats.

Conclusions :
I. Some browsers are moats.
II. Some crags are browsers.
III. Some cliffs are moats.

(A) Only I and II follow (B) Only I follows (C) Only II and III follow (D) All follow

163. Statements:All crooks are conjobs. Some conjobs are phloems.Some phloems are xylems.
No xylem is groovy.

Conclusions :
I. Some crooks are phloems.
II. Some groovys are conjobs.
III. No groovy is a conjob.

(A) Only I and II follow (B) either II or III follows (C) All follow (D) None follow

164. Statements : All cupolas are geodesics. All geodesics are fullers. Some fullers are
templates. No template is pontoon.

Conclusions :
I. Some geodesics are templates.
II. Some cupolas are pontoons.
III. No cupola is pontoon

(A) Only I follows (B) Only II and III follow (C) None follows (D) either II or III

165. Statements: Some lighthouses are discos. Some discos are lounges. All lounges are cafes.
No cafe is bank.

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Conclusions :
I. No lounge is bank.
II. Some discos are not banks.
III. Some lighthouses are cafe

(A) None follows (B) Only I follows (C) Only I and II follow (D) All follow

Direction for questions 166 to 170: In each of the following question is given a statement
followed by three course of action numbered I, II and III. You have to assume everything
in the statement to be true then decide which of the given courses of action logically follows
for pursuing.

166. Drinking water supply to New Bombay has been suspended till further orders from
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board following pollution of Patalganga river, cause by discharge
of effluents from some chemical industries.

I. The industries responsible for discharging effluents in to river should be asked to close down
II. The river water should immediately be treated chemically before resuming supply.
III. The Pollution Control Board should check the nature of effluents being discharged into the
river by industries at regular intervals.

(a) All follow (b) Only II and III follow (c) Only I follow (d) Only III follow

167. In one the worst accidents on railway level crossing, fifty people died when a bus carrying
them collided with a running train.

I. The train driver should immediately be suspended.

II. The driver of the bus should be trial in court for negligence on his part.
III. The railways authorities should be asked to man all its level crossings.

(a) None follows (b) Only III follows (c) Only I and II follow (d) Only II and III follow

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168. The vehicular traffic has increased so much in the recent past that it takes at-least two hours
to travel between the city and the airport during peak hours.

I. Non-airport bound vehicle should not be allowed to ply on the road connecting the city and the
II. The load of vehicular traffic should be diverted through various link roads during peak hours.
III. The departure and arrival of flights should be regulated so as to avoid congestion during peak

(a) Only I follows (b) Only I and II follow (c) Only II follows (3) All follow.

169. There was a spurt in criminal activities in the city during the recent festival season.

I. The police should immediately investigate into the cause of this increase.
II. In future the police should take adequate precautions to avoid recurrence of such a situation
during festivals.
III. The known ex-convicts should be arrested as precaution before any such festival.

(a) None follows (b) Only II and III follow. (c) Only I and II follow (d) All follow.

170. Due to cancellation of a huge export order for not adhering to the time-frame the company
is likely to get into incurring losses in the current financial year.
I. The office-in-charge of the production should be immediately suspended.
II. Attempts should be made to sell the goods manufactured to other parties.
III. The company should buy new machinery to maintain the time frame.

(a) None follows (b) Only I and I follow (c) Only II follow (d) all follow

Directions: (Q.171-175): Each statement below is followed by two possible assumptions.

Consider the statement and decide which, if any, of said assumptions are implicit in said

171. Statement: “In 20 years, Physics would become redundant because scientists will have
solved all the mysteries of the universe.‖ -Stephen Hawking.

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I. Physics is the science in which we study about the universe.
II. Most of the mysteries of the universe have already been solved.

(a) Only I is implicit (b) Only II is implicit (c) neither is implicit (d) both are implicit

172. Statement: For becoming developed the investment in human development must continue
because only with the help of more educational institutions of a high standard can the country
maintain the pool of talent.

I. A country can‘t be branded as developed if it lacks talented persons.
II. In the present scenario high- standard educational institutes are lesser in number than that

(a) Only I is implicit (b) Only II is implicit (c) neither is implicit (d) both are implicit

173. Statement: Urdu is neither the language of Indian Muslims only nor of all them. It is an
Indian language which belongs to all of us like all great languages.
I. Urdu originated and developed in India. II. Muslims believe that Urdu is their own language.

(a) Only I is implicit (b) Only II is implicit (c) neither is implicit (d) both are implicit

174. Statement: Provide midday meals to the children in primary schools to increase the number
of students attending schools.
I. Midday meals will attract the children to the schools.
II. Those children who are otherwise deprived of tasty food will attend the schools.

(a) Only I is implicit (b) Only II is implicit (c) neither is implicit (d) both are implicit

175. Statement: Salary cannot be the only criteria for deciding a person‘s potential.
I. Persons with equal potential are not necessarily paid equally.
II. Salary of a person is not linked only with the potential.

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(a) Only I is implicit (b) Only II is implicit (c) neither is implicit (d) both are implicit

176. Exports and imports, a swelling favourable balance of trade, investments and bank-
balances, are not an index or a balance sheet of national prosperity. Till the beginning of the
Second World War, English exports were noticeably greater than what they are today. And yet
England has greater national prosperity today than it ever had. Because the income of average
Englishmen, working as field and factory labourers, clerks, policemen, petty shopkeepers and
shop assistants, domestic workers and other low-paid workers, has gone up.

The passage best supports the statement that:

(A) a country‘s economic standard can be best adjudged by per capital income.
(B) a country‘s balance of trade is the main criteria of determining its economic prosperity.
(C) a nation‘s economy strengthens with the increase in exports..
(D) English trade has continually increased since the Second World War.

177. Satisfaction with co-workers, promotion opportunities, the nature of work, and pay goes
with high performance among those with strong growth needs. Among those with weak growth
needs, no such relationship is present - and, in fact, satisfaction with promotion opportunities
goes with low performance.

This passage best supports the statement that:

(A) satisfaction is an inevitable organizational variable.
(B) job satisfaction and performance are directly and closely related.
(C) relationship between job satisfaction and performance is moderated by growth need.
(D) every organization has few employees having weak growth need.

178. The only true education comes through the stimulation of the child‘s powers by the
demands of the social situations in which he finds himself. Through these demands he is
stimulated to act as a member of a unity, to emerge from his original narrowness of action and
feeling, and to conceive himself from the standpoint of the welfare of the group to which he

The passage best supports the statement that real education:

(A) will take place if the children imbibe action and feeling.
(B) will take place if the children are physically strong.
(C) is not provided in our schools today.
(D) comes through the interaction with social situations.

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of any of the contents of this work is a punishable offence under the laws of India.
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179. The press should not be afraid of upholding and supporting a just and righteous cause. It
should not be afraid of criticising the government in a healthy manner. The press has to be
eternally vigilant to protect the rights of the workers, backward and suppressed sections of the
society. It should also give a balanced view of the things so that people can be helped in the
formation ofa healthy public opinion.

The passage best supports the statement that

(A) press has a great role to play in a democracy.
(B) the press is the only means to project to the masses the policies of the government.
(C) the freedom of press is essential for the proper functioning of democracy.
(D) the press can be used by the governments as an effective media for the uplifiment of the
backward sections of society.

180. Throughout the ages the businessman has helped build civilisation‘s great cities, provided
people with luxuries and artists with patronage. and lift his fellow citizens to understand the
standard of living. In the last few centuries the businessman has seeded the Industrial Revolution
around the world.

The passage best supports the statement that the businessman:

(A) is accountable to the society.
(B) lives luxurious and comfortable life.
(C) is the beneficiary of the Industrial Revolution.
(D) has contributed to the growth of civilisation.

Directions for Questions 1 to 6: Find the next number/alphabets in the series:

181. 5, 10, 17, 26, 37, ___

a) 49 b) 50 c) 65 d) 82

182. 7, 25, 61, 121, 211, ___

a) 330 b) 297 c) 337 d) 345

183. 3, 14, 39, 84, 155, ___

a) 254 b) 262 c) 258 d) 269

184. A, F, K, P, U, Z, E, ___
a) I b) J c) K d) L

185. B F, E I, H L, KO, __

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a) NR b) NQ c) MR d) MP

186. NLK, JHG, FDC, BZY, ____

a) XUV b) XVU c) YUV d)

Directions for Questions 187 to 191: A number arrangement machine when given an
input of a set of numbers rearranges them following a particular pattern through a step-
by-step process and finally gives the output. Study the sample arrangement process
provided below and answer the questions that follow.

INPUT: 22 79 12 51 66 86 10
Step 1: 10 79 12 51 66 86 22
Step 2: 10 12 79 51 66 86 22
Step 3: 10 12 22 51 66 86 79
Step 4: 10 12 22 51 66 79 86
Step 4 is the output step.

187. INPUT: 434 336 546 101 65 95. What is the output for the given input?
a) 95 65 434 336 546 101
b) 65 95 101 336 434 546
c) 95 65 101 336 434 546
d) None of these

188. Input: 78 67 27 85 31 15 99. What is step 5 for the above input?

a) 15 27 31 67 78 99 85
b) 15 27 31 78 67 85 99
c) 15 27 31 67 78 85 99
d) None of these

189. INPUT: 34 78 45 89 46 90. Which step is the final step for the given input?
a) Step 3 b) Step 4 c) Step 2 d) None of these

190. Input: 13 76 108 11 41 97 168. What is the step 5 for the given input?
a) 11 13 41 76 97 108 168
b) 11 13 41 76 108 97 168
c) 11 13 108 76 41 97 168
d) Not possible

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191. Output: 12 36 45 78 97 109 156. What is the Step 2 for the INPUT whose OUTPUT is
a) 12 78 45 36 97 109 156
b) 12 36 45 78 109 97 156
c) 12 36 156 78 97 109 45
d) Cannot be determined

192. If in a certain code language RAHUL is coded as 18182112, then the code for LOTUS
a) 1215202119 b) 1215202118 c) 1115202118 d)

193. If in a certain code language VENUS is coded as 45531, then how is SATURN coded?
a) 112396 b) 2123195 c) 112394 d) 112395

194. If JASMINE is coded as 71 in a certain code language, then how is MERCURY coded?
a) 102 b) 104 c) 103 d) 105

195. There are three men A, B and C. A girl approached them. This girl would marry a man
who is single. When the girl enquired who among them was single, she got the replies-
A: B is married.
B: A is single.
C: B is single.
If it is known that married men lie while single men speak the truth, then whom would
the girl marry?
a) A b) B c) C d) Such statements are not possible

196. Five boys took part in a race, Rohit finished before Mohit but behind Gangadhar.
Ashwini finished before Smith but behind Mohit. Who won the race?
a) Rohit b) Gangadhar c) Mohit d) Ashwini

197. In a row of children, Bhaskar is seventh from the left and Moti is fourth from the right.
When Bhaskar and Moti exchange positions, Bhaskar is fifteenth from the left. What will
be Moti‘s position from the right?
a) Eighth b) Fourth c) Eleventh d) Twelfth

198. If the numbers from 1 to 60 which are exactly divisible by 3 are arranged in ascending
order from left, which would be the tenth number from left?

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a) 27 b) 30 c) 33 d) 36

199. Hanuman is fifteenth from the left end in a row of friends. Imtiaz is twelfth from the
right end and nineteenth from the left end. How many friends are towards right of
Hanuman in that row?
a) 12 b) 17 c) 18 d) None of these

200. A man is facing east. He turns 375° clockwise, and then turns left, then turns left again,
turns 575° anticlockwise and finally turns 200° clockwise. In which direction is he facing
a) East b) North c) South d) West

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