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Item :Trachea, Pleura & Lungs

Total marks : 44 pass marks : 30 time : 1 hr 30 mins

Q.01) What is pleura & pulmonary ligament ? Write the development of pleura. Give the nerve supply
of parietal pleura. (2+1+2)

Q.02) What is typical ICS? Draw & label a typical intercoastal nerve. What is cardiac dominance?

Q.03) Give the origin, course, branches & distribution of Lt coronary artery. (use diagram) (0.5 +1+ 2+

Q.04) Define Bronchopulmonary segment & respiratory unit . Draw & label the Bronchopulmonary
segments of left lung.(2+3.5)

Q.05) Write the major openings of diaphragm in a table with their vertebral level & structures
passing through them. Write the importance of their locations. Give the nerve supply of the diaphragm
on developmental background. (3+1+2)

Q.06) What is mediastinum? Draw & label the boundaries & contents of superior mediastinum .Write
on mediastinal syndrome.(1+3+1.5)

Q.07) Short note on(2+2+2+2) - a) Root of the lung b) Thoracic duct

c) Base of the heart d) sibson's fascia

Q.08) Explain anatomically / developmentally - ( 1+1+1+1)

a) Why the right lung infection is more common than left lung?

b) Manubrium sterni is used for bone marrow aspiration.

c) Right crus of diaphragm gets nerve supply from both phrenic nerve.

d) Cardiac pain ( angina pectoris) is referred to the precordium, medial aspect of left arm & forearm.

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