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Directions (1-3): Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow:
The extremists who have turned militant declare war against anyone with viewpoints contrary to
theirs; thus, declaration of war against a government is commonplace. In Egypt, they oppose their
government. Similarly in Jordan, they oppose their government. In Syria, Pakistan, Algeria, and
many other countries "Wahhabi-minded" groups oppose their governments as they have begun to do
in the Caucasus and Central Asia. The approach of these movements is to infiltrate mosques, Islamic
teaching centres, and charitable organizations from where they indoctrinate religiously oriented
people with their ideas and methods. They forcefully impose their views on weak societies, in hopes
of conquering one and establishing a base for further control. They justify their militant acts and
illegal means of financing their cause by claiming to wage a "jihad" for the preservation of Islam.

1. In which of the following country extremists oppose their government?

A. Algeria
B. Egypt
C. Algeria
D. All of the above

2. What is the approach of these movements?

A. Infiltrate Schools
B. Infiltrate Hospitals
C. Infiltrate Charitable organisations
D. None of the above

3. How do the extremists justify their actions?

A. By the means of violence
B. In the name of religion
C. In the name of jihad
D. None of the above
Directions(4-10):Choose the correct words to form correct sentences:
4. (i) We must (A) adapt/ adopt(B) our style of living to our circumstances.
(ii) He is natural (A) heir/ air (B) to their kingdom.
(iii) She left him in his marriage at his (A) alter/ altar (B).
(iv) Salman khan had applied for (A) bale/ bail (B)
5. (i) Ankit started to (A) bawl/ ball (B) at the shopkeeper.
(ii) He couldn‘t (A) bear/ beer (B) the pain of the gunshot.
(iii) Look for the (A) Beet/ beat (B) of the root.
(iv) (A) berry/ burry (B) is a fruit typical to the temperate.
c) ABBB d) AAAA.

6. (i) Roshan has got his (A) birth/ berth (B) reserved.
(ii) Gaurav (A) blew/ blue (B) the whistle to get some help.
(iii) DLF (A) bore/ boar (B) the burnt of loss of production.
(iv) Rishika gave birth to a (A) buoy/ boy (B) child.

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7. (i) The cause of accident was failure of the (A) break/ brake (B).
(ii) Roshini was flipping through (A) bridal/ Bridle (B) magazine.
(iii) Daniel consumed a (A) cask/ casqued (B) full of wine.
(iv) It is our fundamental right to (A) Cast/ caste (B) one‘s vote.


8. (i) The (A) sealing/ ceiling (B) of this room is too high.
(ii) The prescribed mode of payment is through (A) cheque/ check (B).
(iii) Piku struck the right (A) cord/ chord (B) with the audience.
(iv) Dinesh found the (A) cue/ queue (B) too long to wait for his turn.

9. (i) A sum of rupees ten thousand is (A) dew/ due (B) on him for payment.
(ii) Patients of terminal disease (A) die/ dye (B) of chronic infections.
(iii) She died because she had a high (A) doze/ dose (B) of sedatives.
(iv) Nowadays, the mobile phones generally consists of (A) duel/ dual (B) SIM ports.

10. (i) When caught as an imposter, Amit couldn‘t (A) feign/ fain (B) anymore to be a student.
(ii) The light in the room was too (A) feint/ faint (B) to see any object.
(iii) The cab driver charged two hundred rupees as a (A) fare/ fair (B).
(iv) It is a rare (A) feet/ feat (B) to achieve.


Directions(11-13):Identify the meanings of the given foreign words

11). Je ne sais quoi
A) evasive attitude B) upset with the world
C) an elusive quality D) generalised

12). Amicus curiae

A) exclusive B) something demanding attention
C) demeaning D) friend of the court

13). Angst
A) tension free B) anxiety
C) composure D) tedious

Directions(14-18):Identify the antonyms of the given words:

14. gather
a) quick b) fame

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c) chance d) scattered

15. alien
a) native b) direction
c) migration d) emigration

16. domestic
a) wild b) judge
c) tremendous d) order

17. frequent
a) down b) occasional
c) written d) plain

18. humble
a) attend b) session
c) proud d) roped

Directions (19-23):Identify the synonyms of the given words:

19. Aficionado
A. attacker B. protector C. admirer D. defender

20. Delirious
A. joyous B. pure C. chilly D. feverish

21. Docile
A. brisk B. reluctant C. calm D. energetic

22. Perilous
A. dangerous B. satisfying C. banal D. gratifying

23. Prosaic
A. inventive B. mundane C. redundant D. obsolete

Directions(24-28):Identify the meaning of the given words:

24) senility
a) young age b) full of energy
c) depressed d) deteriorated old age

25) monistic
a) person with beautiful hand writing b) doctrine of existence
c) person with dysfunctional hands d) person with dysfunctional fingers

26) semantics
a) psychological effects of words b)linguistic barriers
c) language proficiency d) drone

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27) odious
a) weapon b) brim
c) hateful d) oval shaped flower

28) autopsy
a) examination of a living body b) posthumous examination of corpse
c) syrup d) examination of cause of illness

Directions(29-33):Arrange the given statements to form coherent passages:

29. A. However their satisfaction soon turned to rage.
B. The criticism of the media was seen as a criticism of India itself, which is oddly amusing given
how the media is usually abused. But it was soon evident that the #GoHomeIndianMedia
demand elliptically referred to India‘s aid effort as well.
C. Nepal‘s editorials pointed out that many of the Indian rescue efforts were aimed at getting
Indians to safety.
D. The anger harked back to Nepal‘s old and simmering discontent about India‘s patronising ―big
brother‖ attitude in the neighbourhood.

30. A. Given that parties in India need less than 40 per cent of the vote share to win in most
B. the BJP has little incentive to aggressively reach out to Muslims and other minority
C. Even if it does, there is little chance that religious minorities, especially Muslims and
Christians, will vote for the BJP, given the history of mistrust and suspicion.
D. The similarity to the BJP could not be more obvious.
31. A. And if research and development are not restricted, Iran will continue to improve on that
technological capacity, all under the cover of a civilian nuclear program.
B. In return for giving up any acceleration of its nuclear program for a decade or more,
C. and it will still be left with the capacity and know-how to build on an industrial grade nuclear
infrastructure in the out years.
D. Iran will get major sanctions relief, an improved economy, and a better capacity to manage
public expectations,
32. A. Instead I‘m suggesting that unlike Israel-Egypt, the Iranian nuclear arrangement rests not on a
mutually agreed or authoritative basis.
B. The Egypt-Israel treaty was remarkable, perhaps arguably transformative.
C. But it was also a flawed process that has disappointed both sides.
D. My point is not to exaggerate the virtues and benefits of that Egyptian-Israeli enterprise or to
compare apples and oranges.
33. A. Let the negotiators have their negotiations and the politicians their politics.
B. And let‘s see what kind of agreement comes out in the wash.
C. Forget transformations, grand bargains, and strategic victories.
D. We‘re in the bazaar now bartering, haggling, and negotiating.

Directions (34-40):Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow:

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The difference now is that India‘s relatively new Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, came to office last
year with a broader vision of India as a global power, and a far greater affinity for the United States
than his predecessors. And at the same time, China has begun aggressively looking to project power
into the Indian Ocean and beyond, giving both the United States and India a tangible reason to build
closer ties, especially on defense matters.
Mr. Modi has also made domestic manufacturing of products including military hardware a priority
since taking office, and a substantial coproduction deal with the United States would be ―a
significant move forward,‖ said Sanjeev Shrivastav, an analyst at the Institute for Defense Studies
and Analyses, a research center based in New Delhi.
To stress the importance of maritime defense and manufacturing ties, Mr. Carter stopped in the
southeastern city of Visakhapatnam on Tuesday to see the headquarters of the Indian Navy‘s eastern
command, the first visit to an operating Indian military command by an American defense secretary.
There, Mr. Carter received a short briefing from the Indian commander, and quickly toured a frigate
that was designed and built in India (though its engines were purchased from General Electric, and
many of its other systems also came from abroad).
India is ―not only rising economically and militarily, but is also a regional security provider,‖ Mr.
Carter told reporters on Wednesday before he met Manohar Parrikar, the Indian defense minister, to
sign the defense framework. Earlier in the day, he laid a wreath at India Gate, a towering arch in the
center of New Delhi that commemorates the country‘s war dead.
Though American officials do their best to avoid actually saying ―China‖ when discussing the
Obama administration‘s so-called rebalance toward Asia, that country‘s growing assertiveness has
loomed over Mr. Carter‘s entire trip, which began eight days ago in Hawaii. There, he publicly
chastised Beijing for building artificial islands in the contested waters of the South China Sea, and
said American warships and military aircraft would continue to travel through skies and sea lanes
that China now claims fall within its territory.
Days later, he repeated those statements at an annual meeting of Asian defense officials in
Singapore, and outlined a broad American vision for all of the countries claiming parts of the South
China Sea, through which more than half the world‘s trade passes each year, to halt the building of
artificial islands and the militarization of existing outposts.
Vietnam, where Mr. Carter next stopped, has dozens of small outposts in the South China Sea, and
he did press officials there on a land-reclamation freeze (they were noncommittal). But the focus of
Mr. Carter‘s visit to Vietnam was on building closer ties to a country whose defense establishment
fears China but remains suspicious of the United States, as do many defense and security officials in
Mr. Modi, however, is eager to work with the United States. ―I think his close group of advisers are
very committed to it,‖ a senior American official said. ―But that doesn‘t always translate effectively
or immediately translate into the bureaucratic levels, and so that‘s a challenge that we face.‖
The American official and others who are taking part in the trip to India spoke on the condition of
anonymity at the insistence of the Pentagon, though they were not discussing classified matters,
sensitive internal deliberations or delicate talks with another government.
Despite the historical wariness between India and the United States, the tenor on both sides was
optimistic on Wednesday. The Pentagon now has a special India team meant to help senior officials
cut through their own bureaucracy, for instance, and American and Indian defense officials have
talked about exchanging technology on major military items, like jet engines and launch catapults for
aircraft carriers.
―Jet engines, aircraft carrier technology are big projects that we‘re working very hard on,‖ Mr. Carter
said, ―to blaze a trail for things to come.‖
India also seems to be overcoming its fears that if it works with the United States on major military
hardware, spare parts or other support will be cut off in the event of a conflict with Pakistan, a
longstanding American ally, said Mr. Shrivastav, the analyst.

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The two research projects announced on Wednesday definitely qualify as small. One is for a mobile
power generator that could use solar energy, internal combustion and other fuel sources. The other is
for advanced gear to protect soldiers from chemical and biological attacks. The price tag for each
project — $1 million, with each country contributing half — amounts to what would basically be
rounding errors in the government budgets of both India and the United States.

34. Which of the following is reason close ties between U.S.A and India?
A. Modi becoming Prime Minister
B. Chinese activities in the Indian Ocean
C. India‘s domestic manufacturing of projects
D. All of the above
35. Where is Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses situated?
A. Vishakhapatnam
B. New Delhi
C. U.S.A
D. China
36. What was Mr. Carter‘s attitude towards China?
A. He looked forward to building close ties
B. Keep a check on Chinese activities
C. Criticised Chinese invasions
D. All of the above
37. Which of the following is one of the research projects announced?
A. Mobile power invertors
B. Mobile power generators
C. Mobile power precipitators
D. None of the above
38. According to Mr. Carter in which of the following fields India is advancing?
A. Economics
B. Military
C. Regional security provider
D. All of the above
39. What was the reason of Mr. Carter to visit Vishakhapatnam?
A. Stress on military defence
B. Improve manufacturing ties
C. To see the headquarters of the Indian Navy‘s eastern command
D. All of the above
40. What is the source of the given passage?
A. A blog
B. A professional report
C. A research article
D. An interview


41. "Sleeping on Jupiter" Book has been written by

A. P. Flanagan B. Marlon James
C. Sunjeev Sahota D. Anuradha Roy

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42. Which three Indian languages were added in the ‗Eighth Schedule‘ in 2003 through the 92nd Amendment
of the Indian Constitution?
A. Bodo, Odia, Sindhi B. Odia, sindhi, Santhali
C. Bodo, Maithili, Odia D. Bodo, Maithili, Santhali

43. Which one among the following places is not an iron-ore mining area?
A. Badampahar B. Zawar
C. Bailadila D. Anantpur

44. Which countries are the signatories to India in the TAPI pipeline project?
A. Turkmenistan B. Afghanistan
C. Pakistan D. All of these

45. Who among the following was sentenced to fifty years imprisonment and transported to jail in Andaman
and Nicobar?
A. Udham Singh B. Bhai Parmanand
C. Vinayak Damodar savarkar D. Khudi Ram Bose

46. Which one of the following viceroys of India was murdered by a convict in Andaman and Nicobar islands
while he was on tour?
A. Lord Ripon B. Lord Curzon
C. Lord Mayo D. Lord Minto

47. Which country‘s military has launched the largest North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) airborne
drills in Europe since the end of the Cold War, to enhance ‗security and stability‘ in the region?
A. Canada B. The USA
C. The UK D. Finland

48. Identify the state having the lowest literacy rate among females from the following as per 2011 census?
A. Jharkhand B. Bihar
C. Uttar Pradesh D. Rajasthan

49. First country in the world, where sericulture started, is

A. India B. Japan
C. China D. Egypt

50. Which banana variety of Kerala has been accorded the Geographical Indication (GI) status recently?
A. Nendran B. Chowannur
C. Puzhakkal D. Wadakkanchery

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51. The first mammal to be domesticated by man was
A. Goat B. Horse
C. Cow D. Dog

52. Parsec is the unit of

A. distance B. time
C. pressure D. frequency

53. Which international airport became the first in the world on August 18, 2015 to operate completely on
solar power?
A. Biju Patnaik International Airport, Bhubaneshwar
B. Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi
C. Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Hyderabad
D. Cochin International Airport, Kochi

54. Which one of the following fuel in automobiles does not require spark plug?
A. Petrol B. LPG
C. Diesel D. None of the above

55. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

A. Ozone hole – Nitrous oxide
B. Global warming – Methane
C. Acid rain – Oxides of carbon
D. Minamata disease – Methyl mercury

56. Lalita kumarmangalam recently appointed as chairperson of National commission of women (NCW) who
was first chairperson of NCW?
A. Najma Heptulla B. Dr. Poornima Advani
C. Vijay Laxmi Pandit D. Ms. Jayanti Patnaik

57. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists:
List-I List-II
(Vitamins) (Deficiency diseases)
A. Vitamin B1 1. Sterility
B. Vitamin C 2. Beri-beri
C. Vitamin B12 3. Scurvy
D. Vitamin E 4. Anaemia

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A. 4 3 1 2
B. 2 3 1 4
C. 2 3 4 1
D. 3 2 4 1

58. International Day of Girl child is observed on

A.2 October B.5 October
C. 13 October D. 11 October

59. Who is/are the Arjuna awardees for 2015?

A. Sania Mirza B. MR Poovamma
C. Arunima Sinha D. All of these

60. Which one of the following is not a ground for proclamation of emergency?
A. War B. External aggression
C. Internal disturbance D. Armed rebellion

61. Which one of the following is not a purpose of Multi-purpose River Projects?
A. Inland navigation B. Reduction in water pollution
C. Electricity generation D. Flood control

62. Who has appointed as Managing Director and CEO of Mercedes-Benz India recently?
A. Roland Folger B. Eberhard Kern
C. Roland Kern D. Eberhard Folger

63. The relation between Union and States have been mentioned in the Constitution of India in
A. Part XVI B. Part XV
C. Part XI D. Part IX

64. To whom among the following a Judge of the Supreme Court will address his resignation letter?
A. The Chief Justice of India B. The President
C. The Vice – President D. The Prime Minister

65. ‗Modern Thought Leaders- Lal Bahadur Shastri Memorial Lectures (1997- 2014)‘ is authored by?
A. Atal Bihari Vajpayee B. APJ ABdul Kalam
C. Pranab Mukharjee D. M. Hamid Ansari

66. Which one of the following sports has been included in the list of sports to be contested in Rio Olympic,

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A. Karate B. Baseball
C. Squash D. Golf

67. Amalendu Krishna, mathematician worked in the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai has
won the ‗Ramanujan Prize for 2015‘. He has been recognized for outstanding contributions in which area?
A. Algebraic K-theory B. Algebraic cycles
C. The theory of motives D. All of the above

68. Ajanta caves are situated in Maharashtra at

A. Aurangabad B. Ahmadnagar
C. Jalna D. Mumbai

69. ‗Vijay Stambh‘ of Chittorgarh was got built by

A. Maharana Pratap B. Maharaja Udai Singh
C. Maharana Kumbha D. Rana Ratan Singh

70. Which of the following two cities are declared as Twin National Heritage Cities?
A. Baranasi & Haridwar B. Haridwar & Rishikesh
C. Puri & Konark D. Nashik & Nagpur

71. Nasik is situated on the banks of which of the following rivers?

A. Kshipra B. Tapi
C. Godavari D. Narmada

72. Scientists have discovered a new species in the human family tree in a South African cave. The new
species has been named as
A. Homo Egaster B. Homo Naledi
C. Homo Sapiens D. Homo Erectus

73. Senior Kannada writer and former Vice-Chancellor of Kannada University Dr. MM Kalburgi was shot
dead in Dharwad, Karnataka recently. Which award he had got in his life?
A. Sahitya Akademi Award B. Nrupatunga Award
C. Pampa Award D. All of the above

74. Who won the 2015 economics Nobel Prize?

A. Jean Tirole B. Alice Tirole
C. Angus Catton D. Angus Deaton

75. Which railway zone became the first zone of the Indian Railways to eliminate all unmanned level

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A. West Central Railway (WCR) B. North Central Railway (NCR)
C. North Western Railway (NWR) D. North Eastern Railway (NER)

76. Recently World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared that mothers and newborns are free from
tetanus at the time of birth in which country?
A. Pakistan B. Bangladesh
C. India D. Nepal

77. Who was the last independent ruler of Bengal?

A. Mir Jafar B. Shuja-ud-din
C. Siraj-ud-Daulah D. Alivardi Khan

78. Who is the captain of Pro Kabaddi League 2015 winner, U-Mumba?
A. Suresh Pathapalem B. Jeeva Kumar
C. Mohammad Ziaur Rahman D. Anup Kumar

79. Rajinder Sachar committee was set up to study the socio-economic and educational status of.
A. Muslims B. Other backward classes
C. Dalits D. Adivasis

80. Identify the East India Company officer who deciphered Brahmi and Kharoshti and gave new direction to
investigation into the Mauryan political history.
A. James prince B. W. Eck
C. James Wilson D. William Roger

81. India sealed the deal to acquire the ownership of a three-storey bungalow where Dalit icon and architect of
Constitution Dr. BR Ambedkar lived as a student in the 1920s. Where is that bungalow situated?
A. Jonesburg B. London
C. New York D. Paris

82. In whose reign did the Moroccan traveler Ibn Batuta come to Delhi?
A. Muhammad Tughlaq B. Sultan Balban
C. Alauddin Khalji D. Iltutmish

83. Which of the following emperor‘s grave is situated in India?

A. Babar B. Bahadur Shah II
C. Jahangir D. Aurangzeb

84. UNICEF appointed whom as its Goodwill Ambassador on August 26, 2015; who has focused on the
issues of vulnerable children and their communities?

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A. Novak Djokovic B. Saina Nehwal
C. Maria Sharapova D. Sania Mirza

85. Harihar and Bukka laid the foundation of the Vijaynagar Empire with the inspiration of
A. Ramanuj B. Tukaram
C. Vidyaranya D. None of the above

86. Where did Chandra Gupta Maurya spend his last days?
A. Puruspur B. Pataliputra
C. Kannauj D. Sravana Belgola

87. Which retired Judge of Bombay High Court, was sworn-in as the new Maharashtra Lokayukta recently?
A. C. Vidyasagar Rao B. Madanlal Laxmandas Tahaliyani
C. Madanlal Rao D. Vidyasagar Tahaliyani

88. Who is the author of the book ‗1965, Turning the Tides‘?
A. General V.K. Singh B. General B.M. Kaul
C. Lt General Harbaksh Singh D. Nitin Gokhale

89. Which country won the Sultan of Johor Cup hockey tournament on 18 October 2015?
A. India B. Britain
C. Pakistan D. Australia

90. Who have been awarded with the inaugural Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela Prize as part of the annual
commemoration of Nelson Mandela International Day?
A. Dr. Helena Ndume B. Jorge Fernando Branco Sampaio
C. Both (A) and (B) D. None of the above
91. Three friends P, Q and R are doing a certain work. P is 40% more efficient than Q, while Q
is 20% more efficient than R. P takes 10 days less than Q to complete the work. P starts
working alone and continues to work for 10 days; then Q takes over and works alone for 15
days. Now, R takes over and works alone, then in how many days can R complete the
remaining work?
a) 7.2 days b) 8 days c) 5 days d) 6.5 days

92. A cone of radius 3 cm and height 12 cm is melted and a sphere is made of the same. What is
the radius of the sphere?
a) 3cm b) 4.5 cm c) 9 cm d) 6 cm

93. What is the LCM of 3/5, 3/10, and 6/15?

a) 1 b) 6 /15 c) 1.2 d) 12

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94. The average of 98 children in a school is 13.5 years. Two new students of ages 14 and 13
years are admitted. What is the average of 100 students?
a) 13 years b) 13.75 years c) 13.5 years d) 14 years

95. A gives B a start of 15 m in a race and still completes the race 10 seconds before B. In the
time duration when A and B are both running, B covers 80m. If A is 25% faster than B, what
is the length of the race?
a) 95 m b) 105 m c) 100 m d) 99 m

96. A number ‗Z‘ is obtained by adding 1 to the product of x, y and 4. If x and y are two
consecutive natural numbers, then which among the following is definitely true about ‗Z‘?
a) It represents square of an odd number
b) It represents square of an even number
c) It represents cube of an odd number
d) It is the sum of two even numbers

97. A person wanted to multiply a number by 4/5, but instead he multiplied by 5/4. Find the
percentage error committed?
a) 50% b) 56.25% c) 36% d) 0%

98. What is the total number of ways in which 8 boys and 6 girls can be seated in a row such that
all girls are together?
a) 9! 6! b) 9! 5! c) 8! 6! d) 8! 5!

99. Of 135 students in a class, 60 play baseball, 80 play football and 75 play squash. 25 play
both baseball and football, 36 play both baseball and squash and 40 play both football and
squash. How many play all three sports if each student plays at least one sport?
a) 11 b) 21 c) 25 d) 31

100. Mixture A has milk and water in ratio 3 : 2, while mixture B has milk and water in ratio 4 :
5. In what ratio should mixture A and B be mixed together to get a mixture which contains
80% milk?
a) 1 : 1 b) 3 : 4 c) 1 : 2 d) Not possible

101. Given a two-digit number, what is the probability that the number is divisible by 10?
a) 1/8 b) 1/2 c) 1/9 d) 1/10

102. What is the mean (average) of reciprocals of 2, 4 and 8?

a) 7/16 b) 7/24 c) 14/3 d) 24/7

103. 0.0675 lies between the reciprocals of which of the following pairs of consecutive integers?
a) 14 and 15 b) 16 and 17 c) 15 and 16 d) 17 and 18

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104. The marks of Sanjay in Maths, English and Sociology were 60, 70 and 80 respectively. If
his marks in Maths increased by 20%, in Sociology by 10% and in English by 30%, then find
the final ratio of marks obtained in English to Sociology to Maths?
a) 72 : 91 : 88 b) 91 : 88 : 72 c) 91: 72 : 88 d) 88 : 91 : 72

105. A number undergoes the following operations consecutively: an increase of 20%, decrease
of 16.66%, decrease of 20% and increase of 16.66%. The final number is:
a) Bigger than the initial number
b) Smaller than then the initial number
c) Same as the initial number
d) Nothing can be deduced

106. The sum of (-4)3 + (-3)3 + (-2)3 + (-1)3 + (0)3 + (1)3 + (2)3 + (3)3 + (4)3 is:
a) 0 b) 100 c) -100 d) None of these

107. What is the last digit of 16345?

a) 4 b) 8 c) 6 d) 2

108. A and B can complete a piece of work in 18 days and 22 days respectively. They begin the
work together, but B leaves after some days and A finishes the remaining work in 14 days.
After how many days did B leave?
a) 5 days b) 3 days c) 1.5 days d) 2.2 days

1 1 1 1
109. + + + is equal to
3+ 2 4+ 3 5+ 4 6+ 5
a) 6− 3
b) 6+ 2
c) 6−2
d) 6− 2

110. The integers 1, 2, …., 40 are written on a blackboard The following operation is then
repeated 39 times: In each repetition, any two numbers, say a and b, currently on the
blackboard are erased and a new number a + b – 1 is written. What will be the number left on
the board at the end?
a) 820 b) 781 c) 819 d) 780

111. Principle: Nobody shall make use of his property in such a way as to cause damage to others.
Any such use constitutes private nuisance, a wrongful act under Law of Torts.

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Facts: Somu is the neighbour of Momu. Somu rented ground floor of his house to Ronu who is
suffering from Cancer. Fearing from Ronu‘s disease, Momu‘s tenants started leaving Momu‘s
house. Momu filed a suit against Somu.
Determine the correct answer.
(a) Momu will win, because Somu knowingly caused him financial damage.
(b) Momu will not win, because private nuisance occurs directly between two people.
(c) Momu will not win, because Somu can‘t be held responsible for public misperception.
(d) Momu will win because Somu caused him private nuisance.

112. Principle: A person is entitled to use reasonable force for self-defence.

Facts: Anjul was living in a penthouse with his family. One day a group of goons broke open the
door of Anjul‘s house and there was scuffle between the intruders and the residents. Anjul took
out his pistol and fired a shot at one of the intruders. The shot did not hit the target and the goons
ran out of the house and by that time, the neighbours gathered in front of the house. Anjul in a fit
of anger came out of the house and fired at fleeing goons who by that time mingled with the
neighbours. The shot injured a neighbour and he filed a suit against Anjul.
Determine the correct answer.
a. Anjul is liable, since his action was not in continuation of self-defence;
b. Anjul is not liable, because he couldn‘t realise the possibility of hitting an innocent
c. Anjul is not liable since he can exercise his right of self defence.
d. None of these.

113. Principle: A person is liable in torts for his act or omission.

Facts: Lucknow Municipal Corporation undertook the task of renovating Hazratganj, one of the
prominent market places of the city. The renovation operation included installation of street
lights and a proper traffic signal system, cleaning of the area, road construction, painting and
repair the of old structures. The task was left midway due to a rift between the state government
and the municipal authorities. A lot of complaints and requests were made to the Municipal
Corporation by the residents of that area to repair an old clock tower in the Mayfair area which is
frequented by many people and which was in a dilapidated condition, lest it fall down and injure
the passers-by. However, the authorities paid no heed to the requests. On a stormy day in

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November, the heavy rain and the winds led a part of the clock tower to break down. The huge
chunk of tower fell down injuring many people and killing a few of them.
a) Municipal Corporation had stopped the work due to strike and was not responsible.
b) Municipal Corporation had a duty to listen to the requests and complaints of people and do
the needful.
c) Municipal Corporation is liable for omission of the repair work to clock tower.
d) Clock tower repair was not included in the renovation work and hence Municipal Corporation
is not liable.

114. Principle: Harm suffered voluntarily does not constitute a legal injury and is not actionable

Facts: Sultan was a huge fan of boxing and he was fond of watching boxing matches live. He
wanted to go for National Boxing Championship to watch his favourite boxer Khali in action.
Sultan bought the tickets of the first row. Khali‘s opponent Rex got aggressive during one of the
matches and jumped out of the ring to thrash Khali. Rex hit Sultan mistakenly and injured his
face badly. Sultan was rushed to the hospital where doctors informed him that his jaw bone had
been broken due to the heavy punch of Rex on his face. Sultan sued Rex for damages.
a) Rex is liable as he violated the sport rules by jumping out of the ring and hitting Sultan.
b) Rex is liable as he had a duty and an obligation to not hit the spectators.
c) Rex is not liable as Sultan‘s act of buying the tickets meant that he had assumed the risks
d) The organizers of the event are liable for the injury caused to Sultan.

115. Principle: A reasonable man is an ordinary, prudent, sensible person who uses reasonable
care to avoid injuring others. Every person is supposed to reasonably foresee the consequences of
their actions not by mathematical precision but by the standards of a reasonable man.

Facts: Ryan had a dog named Jazz. The dog had on previous occasions bitten many people. Not
only was Ryan unaware about the dog‘s biting habits, he also thought that Jazz was the
friendliest dog in the world. One day a mail carrier came inside the premises to deliver the post.
Jazz pounced upon the mail carrier and bit him. The mail carrier wants to sue Ryan.
a) Ryan will not be liable since he believed that his dog had been a very friendly animal and
thus he could not foresee that the dog would bite anyone.
b) Ryan will not be liable as the mail carrier had not given any intimation to the owner of the
house before entering.

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c) Ryan will be liable as he has not behaved like a reasonable man and that his subjective
opinion about his dog is immaterial.
d) Ryan will be liable as the mail carrier has been injured owing to the negligence of Ryan.

116. Principle: Reasonable foreseeability means whether a particular event could be foreseen by
the standards of a reasonable man and not by mathematical precision.

Facts: Mrs. Varun was standing 100 yards away from the Wankhade stadium. A cricket ball
coming out of the stadium travelled that 100 yards and hit her. When the ball left the ground it
was 20 feet high. It was brought on record that the ball had come out of the ground 6 times in 30
years. For this reason, Mrs. Sinha decides to sue the stadium authorities.
a) Mrs. Varun will win as such an event was known to the authorities.
b) Mrs. Varun will win as there was a possibility of the repetition of the event and hence
they could not reasonably foresee it.
c) Mrs. Varun will lose as she voluntarily took the risk and stood near the stadium.
d) Mrs. Varun will not win as there should not only be a reasonable possibility of the
event happening but also a reasonable possibility of the injury being caused.

117. Principle: When a person breaches a duty of care that he owes to another and that breach
causes a consequent damage the tort of negligence takes place.

Facts: A clock tower in Lucknow Chowk was maintained by Aman. He had not carried out any
repair work in the tower for the last three years and the tower was in dire need of repair work.
The tower collapsed one day and injured Atul who was a passerby. Atul files a case against
Select the most appropriate answer.
a) Aman is liable as he owed a duty of care to every passerby who walked near the tower and
this duty was breached when he didn‘t maintain the tower properly.
b) Aman is not liable as the liability would lie on the owner of the clock tower.
c) Aman is liable as he should have taken better care of the tower.
d) None of the above.

118. Principle: Master is liable for the wrongful acts of his servant done in the course of

Facts: Ram was an attendant in a petrol station owned by Piyush. Piyush had given specific
instructions to all his employees to not light cigarettes while working at the station and had even
imposed a fine for smoking inside the station. One day while a petrol truck of Gupta & Gupta
was filling the underground petrol tank at the station, Ram stuck a match to light up his cigarette
and threw it on the floor. As a result there was a huge explosion and along with the petrol station
the petrol truck was also destroyed. Gupta & Gupta files a suit against Piyush.

a) Piyush is liable as the explosion happened because of a wrongful act done by Ram who was
his servant.
b) Piyush is not liable as he had specifically asked his employees not to smoke at the station.

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c) Piyush is liable as he had only asked his employees to not to smoke but had not barred them
from lighting a match.
d) Piyush is not liable as it was entirely Ram‘s fault and he should be held liable.

119. Principle: Beneficiaries of a contract are entitled to sue and the concept of ‗privity of
contract‘ is not applicable in such cases.

Facts: ‗Air Eagle‘-a private airlines- had a contract with Hotel Renaissance for the stay of its
crew. One of the co-pilots Mr. Puneet Bhatt who was staying there took a dive in the pool. The
pool design was defective and Puneet‘s head hit the bottom. He was paralyzed because of the
injury and died after 13 yrs. Puneet‘s legal representatives need assistance in deciding as to
whether or not they can file a suit. Help them decide.
a) Puneet was a stranger to the contract and thus his legal representatives cannot file a suit for
b) Puneet‘s legal representatives can sue Hotel Renaissance for the breach of contract as he was
the beneficiary of the contract.
c) Puneet‘s legal representatives can sue in torts where plea of stranger to contract is irrelevant.
d) Both (b) and (c)

120. Principle: Contracts with an illegal object are null and void.

Facts: Teja, a businessman and Gogo, a don entered into a contract for a sum of Rs 15 Crores to
kill Teja‘s business rival and step-brother Ramcharan. After committing to complete the task,
Gogo later on finds out that his daughter loves Ramcharan‘s son. Not wanting to hurt his
daughter, Gogo backs out and refuses Teja to kill Ramcharan. Teja wants to sue Gogo for breach
of contract. Decide.
a) Teja will fail as the object of contract was illegal hence, Gogo will not be liable for breach of
b) Teja will fail as he is filing a case against a don and this is not allowed in Indian law.
c) Teja will succeed as Gogo has not performed his part for which there was a valid
consideration also.
d) Teja will succeed as Gogo is a notorious criminal and the law will not hear his arguments.

121. Principle: A contract without consideration is void. When at the desire of one party, the other
party does something, the consideration is said to flow from the latter to the former.

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Facts: Sumit‘s house was on fire and his child was trapped inside the house. Aman, went inside
the house and brought the child out. Sumit promised to pay the rescuer Rs. 10,000/-. Leter Sumit
refused to pay the amount.
e. Sumit must pay for the service rendered by Aman.
f. Aman is not entitled to the payment, since he acted on his own.
g. Commercial considerations cannot be applied to humanitarian instincts.
h. Aman is entitled to the money because it‘s a post promise.

122. Principle: Law does not take notice of trifles.

Facts: Palash proposes to Kritika that both should go together to watch the movie ―Pyar Ka
Panchnama 2‖, on a particular day, the 9 PM show at Inox Cinema. Kritika agrees and assures
that she will reach at the venue at 8 PM. Despite the agreement, Kritika fails to turn up on the
decided day. Palash goes to the movie alone after paying double the ticket amount and files a suit
against Kritika claiming damages.

i. Kritika is liable for breach of contract as the issue is not trivial.

j. Kritika is liable only to the extent of paying for the cost of the movies ticket.
k. Kritika is not liable because there was no contract.
l. Kritika is not liable as the grounds are too trivial.

123. Statement 1: Every agreement consists of an offer and agreement.

Statement 2: Every agreement which fulfils the requirements of law becomes a contract.
Statement 3: Performance of the conditions of a proposal, or the acceptance of any consideration
for a reciprocal promise which may be offered with a proposal, is an acceptance of the proposal.

Facts: Yellow Kagaz Company advertised that they would pay 100 thousand rupees to any
person who used their drug for a certain time and yet contracted swine flu. The plaintiff
purchased the medicine, used it for the stated time but contracted the disease. Decide.
a) Only the disease has been contracted and not the contract, hence company is not liable.
b) Yellow Kagaz Company is liable as the contract was accepted by being acted upon.
c) Yellow Kagaz is not liable as there is no valid contract between company and the plaintiff.
d) Yellow Kagaz is liable as every agreement consists of an offer and agreement.

124. Principle 1: An invitation to treat is an expression of willingness to negotiate. A person

making an invitation to treat does not intend to be bound as soon as it is accepted by the person to

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whom the statement is addressed. While it indicates a willingness to deal, it is distinguishable
from an offer in that it lacks an intention to be bound.

Principle 2: When one person signifies to another his willingness to do or to abstain from doing
anything, with a view to obtaining the assent of that other to such act or abstinence, he is said to
make a proposal/offer.

Facts: Keeping in mind the aforesaid propositions, decide which of the following is an offer?

a) Display of a price tag.

b) Advertisement with the heading ‗for sale‘.
c) The quotation of terms by the trader.
d) Bids in an auction sale.

125. Principle: An agreement by way of wager is void and no suit lies for recovering anything
won by such wager.

Facts: Kim and Nina enter into a contract with Jay who is an expert in betting on horse racing.
Both pay him Rs. 5,00,000 to invest on a certain horse. Jay followed there instructions and won
the bet.
Select the most appropriate answer.
a) Jay will have to pay Kim and Nina as they have entered into a contract.
b) Jay need not pay Kim and Nina anything.
c) Jay just needs to return the amount of Rs. 5,00,000.
d) None of the above.

126. Principle: Where the death of a woman is caused by any burns or bodily injury or occurs
otherwise than under normal circumstances within seven years of her marriage and it is shown
that "soon before her death" she was subjected to cruelty or harassment by her husband in
connection with a demand for dowry, such death shall be called ―dowry death‖.

Facts: Nilabh married Nikita in 2001. Just after two months of marriage differences erupted and
Nilabh and his parents started treating Nikita with animosity. One of the taunts which would
always be thrown at her was that her parents didn‘t send enough dowry when the marriage
happened. This had a devastating effect on Nikita and she often went into depression during that
time period due to such taunts. Later after one year, things changed after Nikita delivered a baby
girl. The attitude of her in-laws and her parents changed towards her. But even a few years later,
she could not really forget the taunts that she had received from her husband and in laws soon
after marriage. Hence after raising her child for 2 years, she decided to kill herself. She died on
14th July 2004. The police booked a case of dowry death against Nilabh. Determine the most
appropriate answer.

a) Nilabh will be liable for he caused cruelty and harassment to Nikita and drove her to death.
b) Nilabh will not be liable as his attitude towards Nikita changed after the birth of the child.
c) Nilabh will not be liable as soon before her death, Nikita was not inflicted with cruelty and
demands for dowry.

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d) Nilabh will be liable as soon before her death, Nikita was inflicted with cruelty and
demands for dowry

127. Principle: Whoever, intending to take dishonestly any movable property out of the
possession of any person without that person's consent, moves that property in order to such
taking, is said to commit theft.

Facts: Shree, a very rich girl is busy in Durga Puja celebrations. She invites her friends to her
home for the festivities. Her friend Zamie sees a diamond ring lying on a table in Shree‘s house.
She takes the ring without asking or telling Shree about it with the intention of dishonestly taking
it to a jeweller‘s shop where she can sell it and get lot of money. Decide.
a) No, Zamie is not liable because it is foolishness on the part of Shree to leave a diamond ring on
the table from where anybody can take it.
b) Yes, Zamie is liable for theft as she had intention of selling the ring to jeweller in order to get
c) No, the ring was lying unclaimed on the table and hence the question of theft does not arise
d) None of the above

128. Principle: A person is said to do a thing fraudulently if he does that thing with intent to
defraud but not otherwise.

Facts: Krishna was planning to visit London with his sister Rachana. He kept his house and
favourite pet Golden Retriever, Bluto in trust with his sister‘s boyfriend Vishal, who assured
them to keep good care of their house and pet as his own. When, Krishna and Rachana left India,
Vishal decided to sell the house and dog. He donated the proceeds from the sale of house and
Bluto to an old-age home. When Krishna and Rachana returned to India they found that their
house had been sold and the Bluto had also been sold to their neighbours. Krishna and Rachana
sued Vishal for fraud. Decide.
a) Vishal is not liable for fraud as he has donated the entire proceeds to an old-age home and did
not use it for his own benefit
b) Vishal is not liable because he had other things to do in life other than just looking after his
girlfriend‘s house and pet.
c) Vishal is liable for fraud as he had breached a duty.
d) Both (a) & (b).

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129. Principle: Blame worthy of state of mind is required to hold anybody guilty of a criminal

Facts: Rishabh was arrested for commission of theft of a limousine. When he was presented
before the court, his responses to queries were rubbish and appeared unconnected. He was
subjected to medical examination and was declared mentally unsound. The court then proceeded
to imprisonment of six months for the offence of theft.
Decide the correct answer.
(a) Decision is not legal as Rishabh was of unsound mind.
(b) Decision is legal as Rishabh has committed an offence.
(c) Decision is not legal as the imprisonment is not appropriate.
(d) Decision is legal as there was an offence.

130. Principle: Every person has a right to complete immunity of his person from physical
interference of others, except in so far as the contact may be necessary under the general doctrine
of privilege.

Facts: Raja was a terminal stage cancer patient, undergoing treatment at TATA Hospital. It was
made clear to everyone including the personal physician of Raja that he is going to die soon. At
that stage, the specialist doctor, in charge of the treatment, administered a drug which was at the
stage of experimentation without the consent of Raja. Raja died soon after the new drug
treatment. When the relatives of Raja came to know about this incident, they filed a suit against
the hospital and the doctor.
m. The doctor is liable, since he has acted without the consent of the patient.
n. The doctor is not liable, since he was motivated by the welfare of the patient.
o. The doctor is not liable, since it was in the general public interest that the new drugs
should be developed.
p. Facts are insufficient.

131. Principle: Every police officer may interpose for the purpose of preventing, and shall, to the
best of his ability, prevent, the commission of any cognizable offence. In making an arrest or
preventing a crime, a police officer must use only that much force as is required.

Facts: Rampal was a dacoit and often used to threaten people at gunpoint in order to extract
money from them. On the night of April 17th, he entered the house of Tiwari who was a Sub

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Inspector in the Uttar Pradesh Police with the intention to extort as much money as possible from
Tiwari. He entered the house late at night when Tiwari was sleeping. He somehow managed to
enter Tiwari‘s bedroom and suddenly realized that he had entered a policeman‘s house. But
having no option of retreat, he put a gun at Tiwari‘s head and told him to pay up 9 lakh rupees or
else he would shoot everybody in the house. Tiwari tried to resist but suddenly Rampal fired in
the air to give the impression that he would shoot Tiwari if he tried to act clever. Tiwari seeing
no option available left with him immediately took out his gun from his shoes and shot Rampal
in the chest. Rampal died within 5 minutes. Discuss the liability of Tiwari.

a) Tiwari is not liable since he only used reasonable and necessary force against the dacoit.
b) Tiwari is liable as he was not trying to prevent the commission of any offence as a police
c) Tiwari is not liable since he was acting in the course of his duty as a police officer and as
such all his acts are immune.
d) Tiwari is liable as he killed Rampal when he could have prevented it by using appropriate

132. Principle 1: In order to maintain independence of judiciary, primacy of the judiciary in the
appointment process has to be maintained.

Principle 2: Independence of judiciary is a part of the basic feature of the Constitution and
cannot be amended.

Principle 3: Any Act in violation of the Constitution can be struck down.

Facts: The Parliament of India passes and Act called the NJAC which will appoint judges to the
High Court and the Supreme Court. The members of the NJAC will be the Chief Justice of India,
the two senior most judges of the Supreme Court, the Law Minister and two eminent persons.
One of the provisions of the Act says that two members can veto a candidate‘s name. The law
gets challenged on the ground that it violates the basic feature of the Constitution. Decide

a) The Act is valid as there is always a presumption that an Act is always constitutional.
b) The Act is invalid as it affects the independence of the judiciary since it allows two non
judicial members to veto an appointment and take away the primacy of the judiciary in
the appointment process.
c) The Act is valid as it only strengthens the delicate balance between the Executive and the
Judiciary in the appointment process which is also a basic feature of the Constitution.
d) The Act is invalid as it does not define eminent persons and hence is void for vagueness
and thus liable to be struck down.

133. Principle 1: State Law - No person shall use plastic in any form for storing, carrying or
packing any food, and if thickness of such plastic is less than twenty microns, for any other

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Principle 2: Central Law – No person shall manufacture, stock, distribute or sell any plastic
which is of less than forty microns thickness.

Principle 3: If any conflict arises between a central and a state law, then the central law prevails.
This is the doctrine of repugnancy.

Facts: The state of Uttar Pradesh went to polls in the year 2015. The Swaraj Party came to power
with a thumping majority with 400 seats. In order to show their might, they decided to pass some
laws defying the laws made by the central government. The state government which had been
funded by the plastic mafias during elections, passed a law allowing plastic of above 20 microns
to be sold freely. Mr. Chaubey, who was an animal activist challenged the law in the High Court
of Allahabad. His contention was that polythene above 40 microns must be immediately banned
as cows consume most of the plastic that is thrown on the roads and eventually die of poisoning.
a) The state law will be valid as the making of laws is the sovereign power of the state
government which cannot be taken away from them.
b) The state law will be valid as state government‘s power to frame laws flows from the
Constitution and cannot be curtailed in a federal country.
c) The state law will be invalid as it can result in the death of many cows and hence would
be declared invalid in public interest.
d) The state law will be invalid as it conflicts with the Central law.

134. Principle: Every citizen has the freedom of speech and expression. Reasonable restrictions
can be made on this freedom in order to maintain public order.

Facts: Binayak is a social worker who has an inclination towards the ideology of the Maoists. In
one of his speeches he asked people to shun capitalist policies of the government and make it
their life‘s goal to make India a true socialist state. The government thinks that he might create a
dangerous situation which may result in an uprising. As a result he is banned from publishing
anything or giving public speeches. Is the government‘s action correct?
a) The Government‘s action is correct since his speeches might create public disorder.
b) The Government‘s action is correct since he has an ideological inclination towards the
Maoists which is well known.
c) The Government‘s action are wrong because no restriction should be placed on the exercise
of freedom of speech and expression only on the apprehension that exercising is may create
public disorder.
d) The Government‘s actions are wrong because freedom of speech and expression should not
be curtailed.

135. Principle: All citizens shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression subject to
reasonable restrictions.

Facts: Maha Maratha is a dominating and ruling political party of Mumbai. Its ideology is based

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on Marathi nationalism and Hindu nationalism. Being an extremist, chauvinist and fascist party,
it indulges in moral policing activities. These activities of Maha Maratha are criticized
vehemently by a national daily 'Daily News'. Maha Maratha has banned circulation, sale or
distribution of 'Daily News' in any part of Mumbai. ''Daily News' alleged violation of its rights
under Article 19(1) (a). Decide.
a) Fundamental right under Article 19(1) (a) is being violated since restriction on circulation has
the effect of restricting propagation of ideas
b) Fundamental right under Article 19(1) (a) is being violated since Maha Maratha is restricting
Daily News from publishing its views on their political activities
c) Fundamental right under Article 19(1) (a) is not being violated.
d) Both (a) and (b)
136. Principle: Traffic in human beings and begar and other similar forms of forced labour is
prohibited and an offence punishable in accordance with law.

Facts: Dhaniram is a poor farmer and a single father staying in Jharkhand. He experienced the
loss of a child due to starvation and decided that he must leave his children with his family and
go to Delhi for a job. Following what he believed to be a legitimate job lead, Dhaniram was sold
into domestic servitude to Mittal's family where he was made to work for 14-16 hours a day
without any food or wages and was brutally beaten and tortured. He was separated from his
children and prevented from sending home the money that he went to earn. Dhaniram was
rescued by an NGO 'Save Human'. Advise Dhaniram by choosing the most suitable option.
a) Dhaniram can invoke Article 23 to obtain freedom from Mittal and get him punished for
forced labour
b) Dhaniram can file a criminal complaint against Mittal and his family for the brutality inflicted
on him
c) Dhaniram does not have any remedy since he voluntarily agreed to move to Delhi in search of
a job
d) Both (a) and (b)

137. Principle: Under the Indian Constitution, every person shall have right against self-
incrimination, i.e. nobody can be compelled to give evidence against himself.

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Facts: Abu Azmi, an accused of coal scam case in India, was injected with a top secret
government chemical popularly known as truth revealed. As a result, Abu Azmi furnished a lot
of information against his involvement. Did the truth serum test violated his fundamental rights?
(a) No, as the police has the right to know the truth.
(b) Yes, as he was compelled for self-incrimination.
(c) No, because he was an accused.
(d) A and C both.

138. Principle: The Constitution requires the State not to deny to any person equality before law
or the equal protection of laws, within the territory of India.

Facts: State of Goa in India exempted the sale of certain specified goods from Sales tax, in all
restaurants having an annual turnover of less than Rs. 10 Lakhs and imposed a 10% sales tax on
the sale of those specified goods on all the shops located at Baga Beach of the City which is the
prominent market place of the city. Shop owners located at Baga Beach feels their equality right
(a) It is the violation of their right to equality.
(b) It is arbitrary on the part of the Government.
(c) It is not the violation of their right to equality as the government imposed the tax on
reasonable grounds.
(d) Shop owners should pay the tax so as to help fellow citizens through their earnings.

139. The states and the Union territories are specified in:
a) First Schedule, Constitution of India
b) Second Schedule, Constitution of India
c) Fifth Schedule, Constitution of India
d) Seventh Schedule, Constitution of India

140. ABC was born in India. His father is German, and his mother is an Indian of Norwegian
descent. Which of the following statements is true?
a) ABC is not a citizen, because his mother is not of Indian descent
b) ABC is a citizen, because India is a country with immense diversity
c) ABC is not a citizen as he is unlikely to learn an Indian language as his mother tongue
because of his parent‘s descent.

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d) ABC is a citizen, because he is born in India and one of his parents is an Indian citizen as

141. Piyush is an Indian. He subsequently acquires Pakistani citizenship. Which of the following
statements is true?
a) Piyush is no longer an Indian citizen because he is a traitor
b) Piyush is no longer an Indian citizen because India‘s foreign relations with Pakistan are at an
all time low
c) Piyush is an Indian citizen because International Law permits dual citizenship
d) Piyush is no longer an Indian citizen merely because he acquired the citizenship of another

142. Piyush loves bananas. But eating bananas offends the religious sentiments of the followers of
Minionism, who regard it as the sacred food of their Minion Gods, and believe that the act of
eating a banana by a mortal is blasphemous. The substance of which of the following
constitutional provisions can be used to file a writ to protect Piyush‘s right to eat bananas:
a) Article 21
b) Article 14
c) Article 12
d) Article 32

143. Siddharth was conferred the prestigious yadav-ratna award by a government department of
Uttar Pradesh for outstanding scientific research into male impotency. His award was nullified by
the state on grounds of being immoral. Under which article of the constitution gives Siddharth
the appropriate legal remedy:
a) Article 32
b) Article 226
c) Article 21
d) Article 14

144. Krishna was arrested by the Police after an act of public display of affection with his
girlfriend. It has been a week since his arrest, and Krishna has still not been produced before the
majistrate. Which of the following statements is true.

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a) A writ of habeas corpus is Krishna‘s best legal remedy
b) By indulging in a public display of affection Krishna offended cultural sentiments and does
not deserve to be released until his trial concludes
c) A bail application is Krishna‘s best legal remedy
d) Krishna‘s girlfriend should be arrested too, if the provisions of art. 14, Constitution of India
are to be implemented

145. Chetan loves to play football. While playing in his college field, a tackling defender fractured
the base of his spine. After two months of expensive treatment, the doctors conclude that he will
remain paralyzed from below the waist for the rest of his life. Which principle of tort law can
help the tackling defender evade legal liability?
a) Volenti non fit injuria
b) audi alteram partem
c) Respondeat superior
d) Pacta sunt servanda

146. The Preamble of Constitution of India promises which types of Justice to all its citizens ?
a) Social, Cultural and Political
b) Social, Economic and Political
c) Social, Religious and Liberal
d) Social, Economic and Cultural

147. When did constituent assembly adopt the Constitution?

a) 26th January, 1950
b) 26th November, 1949
c) 26th November,1950
d) 15th January, 1948

148. Social justice means?

a) Protection of interests of majority at cost of minority
b) Greater good of larger number of without accrual of legal rights of anybody
c) Establishing a utilitarian state
d) Protecting of poor at all costs

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149. Preamble forms part of constitution because it was separately passed after enacting provisions
had been passed. This was said in which judgment?
a) Keshavananda Bharti Case
b) Golakh Nath Case
c) Re Berubari Union case
d) Bal Patil vs. U.O.I

150. Preamble mentions liberty of thought, expression, belief and….

a) Movement and employment
b) Faith and religion
c) Worship and Faith
d) Work and movement

151. Which schedule of constitution states the provisions as to administration of Tribal Areas?
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7

152. Fundament duties are stated in which part of constitution?

a) Part IV-A
b) Part IX-A
c) Part IV
d) Part III

153. Which Constitutional amendment has been stuck down by Supreme Court in the NJAC
a) 100th
b) 99th
c) 98th
d) 101

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154. In Supreme Court Advocates on Record Association and Anr. V. U.O.I which judge gave the
dissenting opinion?
a) Khehar J.
b) Kurian Joseph J.
c) Chilameshwar J.
d) Madan Lokur J.

155. Who was the longest serving CJI of India?

a) Y.V Chandrachud
b) A.N Ray
c) Sudhi Ranjan Das
d) M. Hidayatuallah

156. Who will be the next CJI of India?

a) H.L Dattu J.
b) T.S Thakur J.
c) Dave J.
d) Khehar J.

157. X with a view to murdering Y enters Y‘s bedroom at night when Y is out of station. X is
guilty of?
a) Murder
b) House Trespass
c) Attempt to murder
d) No Offence

158. A purchased a stamp paper in the name of a person whose name he intended to forge. A is
guilty of?
a) Attempt of forgery
b) Attempt of cheating
c) Attempt of criminal misappropriation
d) No offence

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159. A woman ran to a well stating she would jump in it but she was caught before she could
reach it. She is guilty of?
a) Attempt of suicide.
b) Attempt of murder
c) Attempt of culpable homicide
d) No offence
160. Taking or enticing away or concealing or detaining a woman knowing or having reason to
believe her to be married, from her husband, in order that she may have illicit intercourse with
a) Prostitution
b) Abduction
c) Criminal Elopement
d) Abduction and Rape


161. A: India‘s original Sanskrit name is ‗Hindu-sthana.‘
R: India is the native place of Hindus and that is what ‗Hindu-sthana‘ means in Sanskrit.

a) Both A & R are true and R is the correct explanation for A

b) Both A & R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A.
c) A is true but R is False.
d) A is false but R is True.

162. A: Eating meat is against Indian culture.

R: Millions of Indian citizens consider it a sin to eat meat and many Hindu scriptures are
against killing animals.
a) Both A & R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
b) Both A & R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A.
c) A is true but R is False.
d) A is false but R is True.

163. A: The Supreme Court has struck down the NJAC act.
R: It was adjudged ultra vires to the constitution of India.
a) Both A & R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
b) Both A & R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A.
c) A is true but R is False.
d) A is false but R is True.

164. A: Students at FTII have been protesting the appointment of Gajendra Chauhan as Director.
R: He played Yudhishthir in the TV Serial ‗Mahabharata.‘
a) Both A & R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
b) Both A & R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A.
c) A is true but R is False.

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d) A is false but R is True.

165. A: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

R: Apples contain many nutrients.
a) Both A & R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
b) Both A & R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A.
c) A is true but R is False.
d) A is false but R is True.

166. A: There is saying that ‗An apple a day keeps the doctor away.‘
R: Apples have many health benefits, and have been considered amongst the healthiest of
a) Both A & R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
b) Both A & R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A.
c) A is true but R is False.
d) A is false but R is True.

167. A: Malala Yousufzai is a Nobel peace prize winner.

R: The Taliban shot her in the head but she survived.
a) Both A & R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
b) Both A & R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A.
c) A is true but R is False.
d) A is false but R is True.

168. A: Reservations policy is still a part of the Constitution after so many years of
R: Caste-based politics still gets many votes.
a) Both A & R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
b) Both A & R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A.
c) A is true but R is False.
d) A is false but R is True.

169. A: The PM has appealed to people of India to give up LPG subsidy if they can afford to.
R: It is economically difficult to make LPG affordable to the poor if the rich continue to avail
the subsidy.
a) Both A & R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
b) Both A & R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A.
c) A is true but R is False.
d) A is false but R is True.

170. A: Science is yet to acquire even a basic understanding of Dark matter and Dark Energy.
R: Dark matter and Dark energy are mystical concepts.
a) Both A & R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
b) Both A & R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A.
c) A is true but R is False.
d) A is false but R is True.

171. Statement: Nitish Kumar recently visited a so-called ―Tantrik.‖

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i) Nitish Kumar believes in the supernatural.
ii) Nitish Kumar is worried about losing the elections.
a)Only I follows b) only II follows c) both follow d)Neither follows

172. Statement: First writers, then artists and now scientists have been returning awards.
i)These people do not value national awards.
ii) The gesture of protest by doing so is no longer restricted to just one category of public
a)Only I follows b) only II follows c) both follow d)Neither follows

173. Statement: A man is running.

i) The man is in a hurry.
ii)The man has undergone displacement from his starting point.
a)Only I follows b) only II follows c) both follow d)Neither follows

174. Statement: ―Join the Army—Live life to the fullest!‖-An advertisement

i) Civilian lives are less fulfilling than life in the Army.
ii) Life in the army offers the opportunity for a wide range of activities.
a)Only I follows b) only II follows c) both follow d)Neither follows

175. Statement: The PM has announced that the Netaji Files will be declassified.
i) The PM wants to get votes in Netaji name‘s in the upcoming Bengal elections.
ii) The Government of India has the constitutional power to keep information hidden from
people under certain circumstances.
a)Only I follows b) only II follows c) both follow d)Neither follows

176. Should the private lives of public figures not be fully discussed in the press?

I.YES : The press has no right to invade the privacy of an individual, public or otherwise.
II.NO : Public figures must be used to curiosity about their private lives.
III. YES : The Press has a pressing need to be relevant and balanced.
IV. NO : Public figures are not very sensitive people.

a. Only I is strong b. All are strong c. All are weak d. I and III are strong.

177. Should Child marriages be strongly discouraged?

I.YES : This is an evil affecting those who need the most protection.
II. NO : The custom started with some justification behind it, that must be understood, and a fine is
III. YES: Strong and effective legislation is definitely a deterrent to such social crimes.
IV. NO : Child marriages are but children's play, after all.

a. I and III are strong b. Only IV is weak c. All are strong d. Only III is weak

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178. Does God exist?

I.YES : If he did not exist, we would not exist.

II.NO : There is no scientific evidence available.
III. YES : An idea of man exists, that idea is God.
IV. NO : Because he can control his own destiny.

a. Only I is strong b. Only II is strong c.ALL are weak d. Only III is strong

179. Should voting be made compulsory?

I. YES : Results will be more representative of the choice of the people

II. NO : Compulsion is no fun.
III. YES : Leaders will govern better.
IV. YES : India is a democracy.

a. I and II are strong b. I and Ill are strong c. Only IV is strong. d. Only I is

180. Is Advertising a wasteful expenditure?

I. YES : How many people can read?

II. NO : If it was wasteful, then nobody would advertise.
III. NO : Advertising industry employs a lot of people.
IV. NO : Pleasant pictures are worth a thousand words.

a. I and IV are weak b. Only IV is weak c. All are weak d. II and III are weak.

181. In a certain code language, TORQUE is coded as DTPQNS then how is PANIC coded in
the same language?
a) BHMZR b) BHMZO c) BGMZO d) None of these

Directions for Questions 182 to 185: These questions are based on the information below.
Five students – P, Q, R, S and T - participated in event ―GAMING‖ of their school. The
games were Poko, Uno, Carrom, Ludo and Checkers held in same order. Every one
participated in at least one game but there are two of them who participated in two events as
they enjoyed playing it since childhood.
Following is also known:
i. The person who participated in Uno, also participated in the 4th competition along with T.
ii. S didn‘t participate in first or last game.
iii. In the last game two students‘ participated one of them was R.
iv. P likes playing cards and thus he participated in Uno.
v. Q participated in the 1st game and the last game.
vi. S participated in a game which had as many games before it as it had after it.

182. Who among the following participated in two events?

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a) P & Q b) Q & T c) P & T d) Q & R

183. If P withdraws from one competition, then who among the following could be left alone in
some particular game?
a) Q in Checkers b) R in Checkers c) S in Uno d) T in Ludo

184. If not more than two students can participate in a game, and ‗Z‘ wants to participate in a
game, which game did he participate in?
a) Poko b) Uno c) Ludo d) Data insufficient

185. Who among the following participated in Ludo?

a) P b) Q c) R d) S

186. Three sisters are playing a game with their mother. They need to write a word and their
mother pays them some money as a part of a secret formula applied to these words. Pratika
writes ―sandal‖ and gets Rs 30, while Shreya writes ―lipstick‖ and gets Rs 56. Which among
the following could be the word written by Gautami, if she got Rs 42 from her mother?
a) eyeliner b) nailpolish c) kajal d) sindoor

Directions for Questions 187 and 188: These questions are based on information below.
A bag contains 20 red balls, 30 blue balls and 40 green balls of same size and weight. Akash
picks up one ball at a time from the bag without looking at the color of the ball.

187. How many minimum balls should Akash pick up from the bag so that he definitely gets all
balls of one color?
a) 87 b) 89 c) 90 d) 88

188. How many minimum balls should Akash pick up from the bag so that he definitely can
make as many as possible sets of ―TRIO‖? (A ―Trio‖ contains exactly one ball of each color)
a) 90 b) 80 c) 85 d) 60

189. In a certain code PEDESTRAIN is coded as KIWIHGIOEM, then how is CHOCOLATE


190. In a certain code DRONY is coded as GVTTF, then how is ALBUM coded in the same
a) DQGAT b) CPGAT c) DPGAT d) None of these

Directions for Questions 191 to 193: For each of these questions find the last term in the

191. 12, 145, 13, 170, 14, 197, 15, ____

a) 16 b) 226 c) 335 d) 224

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192. B1, C2, E6, H15, L31, ____
a) Q54 b) P56 c) P54 d) Q56

193. 12, 13, 25, 38, 63, 101, ___

a) 156 b) 164 c) 174 d) 163

194. A said to B – ― You are my son‘s brother‘s sister‘s daughter‖. How is B related to A?
a) Granddaughter b) Daughter c) Sister d) Sister in law

195. P said to Q – ― My father‘s father is your mother‘s father‖. How is P related to Q?

a) Siblings b) Cousins c) Brothers d) Data insufficient

Directions for Question 196 and 197: For each of these questions find the direction of B
with respect to A.

196. Ramesh walks 10 kms west from A, turns right and goes 3 kms and finally turns right and
goes 8 kms to reach B.
a) North b) North-east c) North-west d) West

197. Rahul walks 15 kms east from A, turns left and walks 10 kms, turns right and walks 5 kms
and finally turns left and walks 5 kms to reach B.
a) North-east b) North-west c) South-east d) north

198. Two ladies played a game of cards between themselves. The winner of each game received
Rs 10 from the loser. There were no ties. If at the end, one lady had Rs 30 as total profit, and
the other lady won at least 3 games, how many games were played between the two?
a) 6 b) 7 c) 8 d)9

199. A man has four cards with in his hand, facing him. The cards have a face value of 4, 5, 6
and 7. He is holding these cards in some order. To arrange the cards in ascending order of the
face values, the man takes the rightmost card and puts it to left end. Then he takes the third
card from left and puts it in left end. What was the original order of cards (from left to right)?
a) 5, 7, 6, 4 b) 5, 6, 7, 4 c) 6, 4, 7, 5 d) 6,7, 5, 4

200. Consider the following steps:

Step 1: Put x = 2, y = 1
Step 2: Replace x by x + y
Step 3: Replace y by y+1
Step 4: If y = 4, then go to step 5 else go to step 2
Step 5: Stop
Then the final value of x equals:
a) 7 b) 8 c) 9 d) 10

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