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The EMBO Journal vol.3 no. I pp.

121 - 126, 1984

The binding of 6-demethylchlortetracycline to 70S, 50S and 30S

ribosomal particles: a quantitative study by fluorescence anisotropy

Bernd Epel* and Paul Woolley ticles only (Werner et al., 1975). The wide-ranging disagree-
ment may be due to experimental problems such as the
Max-Planck-Institut fur Molekulare Genetik (Abt. Wittmann), Ihnestrasse limited stability of many tetracyclines, which makes long-time
63, D-1000 Berlin (West) 33
methods such as equilibrium dialysis unreliable, the presence
'Present address: Institut fur Toxikologie, Versbacherstrasse 9, D-87 of weak binding sites, which demands exact and numerous
Wurzburg, FRG
*To whom reprint requests should be sent data-points, and the use of techniques which involve physical
Communicated by R. Garrett separation (e.g., nitrocellulose filtration) and thus risk
The binding of demeclocycline (6-demethylchlortetracycline) displacing the binding equilibrium.
to ribosomes and ribosomal subunits from Escherichia coli We describe here the use of fluorescence anisotropy to
was investigated by using the fluorescence anisotropy of the determine the degree of binding of demethylchlortetracycline
antibiotic to determine the extent of binding. Binding data (demeclocycline INN) to ribosomes and ribosomal subunits.
obtained from 70S and 30S particles differed fundamentally The tetracycline derivative chosen combines high biological
from those obtained from 50S subunits: the first two showed activity (150% compared with unmodified tetracycline;
a strong, specific interaction while the third did not. In addi- Brown and Ireland, 1978) with high stability in solution and it
tion, all three particles possessed weak, unspecific binding is strongly fluorescent. Anisotropy measurement is a techni-
sites. Computer-aided least-squares analysis of the data que particularly suitable for monitoring the extent of tetra-
yielded the following numbers of sites and equilibrium cycline-ribosome binding, since the mobility of the molecule
constants: for 30S, n, = 1, K1 = 2.2 x 106 M-1, n2 K2 = is reflected in its anisotropy, which rises when the small
0.029 x 106 M-1; for 50S, n, = 0, n2K2 = 0.035 x 106 M1; fluorophore becomes bound to the much larger ribosomal
for 70S, n1 = 1, K1 = 3.2 x106M-1, n2K2 = 0.082 x106 particle. The method is rapid, so that enough data-points can
M- 1. These data resolve current disagreement in the be collected in a reasonable time, thus reducing uncertainty
literature and are a prerequisite for quantitative studies of the due to the deterioration of the biological material; it is direct,
mechanism of inhibition by tetracycline of protein bio- so that physical separation is obviated; it is exact, since it is an
synthesis. intensive quantity and is not influenced by small variations in
Key words: ribosome/tetracycline/fluorescence/anisotropy/ the sample concentration.
antibiotic This work establishes the binding pattern of one strong and
many weak sites, with the strong binding site located (in
agreement with the results of photo-affinity labelling ex-
Introduction periments - see Discussion) on the 30S subunit. These data
are a pre-requisite for the investigation of the mechanism of
After certain penicillins, the tetracyclines are the most tetracycline action at the thermodynamic level, to be describ-
frequently-used broad-spectrum antibiotics. It is generally ac- ed in a later publication.
cepted that the main target of their action is the ribosome,
where they interfere with the binding of aminoacyl-tRNA in- Results
to the ribosomal A (acceptor) site, thus inhibiting protein syn-
thesis (Suarez and Nathans, 1965; Sarkar and Thach, 1968). Fluorescence characteristics of demeclocycline
In addition to their application in therapy, the tetracyclines Figure 1 shows the absorption, excitation and emission spec-
have frequently been used to block the ribosomal A site in tra of free demeclocycline dissolved in buffer at 5 mM
functional tests. In spite of the clinical and biochemical im- magnesium at 25°C. The binding constant for magnesium
portance of tetracyclines, little is known about the mode of and demeclocycline was estimated by fluorescence titration
their interaction with the ribosome. Their biological activity under these conditions to be 4900 i 250 M- 1, so the spectra
has been ascribed variously to multiple, weak interactions represent the complexed form (the uncomplexed demeclo-
(Fey et al., 1973) and to single, strong interactions (Tritton, cycline ligand does not contribute appreciably to the fluores-
1977; Streltsov et al., 1974, 1975). Several efforts have been cence). The quantum yield was determined as 2.2% and the
made to determine, by various methods, at least the number anisotropy as 0.121 4 0.005 at 25°C. Since demeclocycline
and the strength of the ribosomal binding sites for tetra- has a mol. wt. of 501, the fluorescence lifetime is therefore
cycline, but the results reported appear to differ widely (Table -
0.3 ns or less; this relatively short lifetime is consistent with
I). the low quantum yield.
Although the general trend of evidence seems to support Binding of demeclocycline to ribosomes shifts the emission
the assertion that the activity of tetracyclines in inhibiting maximum only slightly ( <4 nm) to longer wavelength. After
protein synthesis is associated with a single, specific binding an equilibration time of 15 min the anisotropy values of free
site (reviewed by Gale et al., 1981) on the ribosome, this site and bound demeclocycline are constant at 250C for several
has been claimed variously to be found on 70S and on 30S hours. A very small decrease in intensity during irradiation
particles (Connamacher and Mandel, 1965, 1968), on both was observed (<0.20/o during the acquisition of a spectrum).
30S and 50S particles (Day, 1966a, 1966b) and on 70S par- The anisotropy of bound antibiotic was calculated in-
Oc IRL Press Limited, Oxford, England.
B. Epe and P. Woolley

Table I. Equilibrium constants reported for tetracycline-70S interactions at 10 mM magnesium

Method First (strong) binding Second (weak) binding Reference
K1 (M- 1) n, K2 (M- 1) n2
Equilibrium dialysis 1.29 x 106 0.72 5.7 x 102 509 a
Filter assay; concentration deter- 4-6 x 10 0.6-1 - - b
mined by fluorescence intensity
Two-phase partitioning 0.5-2.5 x 108 0.4-0.6 0.2-1.2 x 107 0.9 c
Equilibrium microdialysis 8.5 x 106 _ 7.8 x 103 - d
aStreltsov et al., 1974, 1975.
bTritton, 1977.
cLe Goffic et al., 1980.
dKozak and Zelinka, 1980.
was not higher than in a sample in which ribosomes and
demeclocycline were mixed at a corresponding, low concen-
tration. Moreover, titrations in both directions (ribosomes to
demeclocycline or vice versa) gave the same results.
Interpretation of binding data
Anisotropy was measured for increasing concentrations of
demeclocycline added to ribosomal particles at various initial
concentrations. These are shown for 5 mM magnesium in
Figure 2. Qualitatively, it is clear that: (i) for any given
demeclocycline concentration, the observed anisotropy is
greater for a higher ribosome concentration, since a greater
fraction of the antibiotic is bound; (ii) conversely, for any
given ribosome concentration, the observed, average aniso-
300 400 500 600 tropy decreases as more demeclocycline is added, (iii) the
Wavelength (nm) ability of 50S subunits to immobilise demeclocycline is con-
spicuously less than that of 30S subunits or 70S ribosomes.
Fig. 1. Absorption ( ) and fluorescence (--- -) spectra of The titration curves were evaluated quantitatively by least-
demeclocycline in the presence of magnesium (5 mM). The absorption squares refinement by applying the theoretical binding equa-
spectrum is shown in units of (mM)- 1 cm- 1 (Xu = 378 mm, tions for five different models of the number and kind of
E378 = 19 200 M- 1 cm 1) and the fluorescence spectra (left, quantum- binding site for demeclocycline on the ribosome: (a) one bin-
corrected excitation; right, uncorrected emission) in arbitrary units. The
difference between the wavelengths of the absorption and excitation max- ding site '1', with a binding constant K1; (b) two independent
ima is attributed to experimental error. binding sites 'la' and '1 b', with respective binding constants
Kla and Klb; (c) a large, unspecified number n2 of binding
dependently from each set of titrations and is well defined; sites '2', with equal binding constants K2; (d) one binding site
exactly the same value, 0.369 0.003, is found for ribo- '1,, with a characteristic binding constant K1, and a large,
somes and subunits at 5 mM and 10 mM magnesium, falling unspecified number n2 of sites '2', with binding constants K2
to 0.352 at 20 mM. Since the anisotropy cannot exceed 0.400, that are equal to each other but not necessarily to K1; (e) two
this value reflects a firm binding of the small molecule to the independent binding sites 'la' and 'lb', with different bin-
ribosome, with little segmental mobility. The use of different ding constants Kla and Klb, and a large, unspecified number
values for different sites in the computer fit (see Materials and n2 of sites '2', with binding constants K2 equal to each other
methods) was unnecessary. but different from Kla and Klb.
A second measure of the degree of binding is provided by The resulting optimum fits for 30S subunits with models
the relative change in intensity when the free fluorophore (a) and (c) are shown in Figure 3a and b. For these models,
becomes bound. This is independent of the anisotropy values. the fit is not satisfactory, whereas it is acceptable for model
However, the intensity data proved less reproducible than the (d), as shown in Figure 2a. For numerical assessment, the
anisotropy data (the intensity factors, defined below, had an normalised sums of residuals r were compared; r-values for
error of typically 10-20%o), perhaps owing to small adsorp- all models, together with optimised binding parameters, are
tion effects or titration errors. The intensity increase was given in Table II. Comparison of the models by inspection of
therefore not used to evaluate the degree of binding; although the fit or by the r-value criterion gives the following results.
the ratio of intensities of bound and free demeclocycline is re- (i) No agreement between observed and calculated aniso-
quired for exact evaluation of the anisotropy (see Materials tropies can be reached, if only one [model (a)] or two [model
and methods), this does not need to be so accurately known. (b)] binding sites are assumed. The best-fit theoretical binding
shows a curvature which is systematically too high (e.g.,
Reversibility of demeclocycline binding Figure 3a). This applies to all ribosomal particles.
In the measurement of equilibrium constants it is important (ii) If a large number of similar binding sites is assumed
to ascertain that a dynamic equilibrium is reached. This was [model (c)], corresponding to multiple unspecific binding of
tested by dilution experiments: anisotropy in a diluted sample the antibiotic, the data from 50S subunits can be matched
Tetracycline binding to nbosomes

0.35 D 0.35 _
a G

0.25 r- * *
0.25 **5

0 *

0.15 *
* ~ - * **
0.15-~~ ~ ~
I-* 0.15
I -1
0.35~ 0.35
b b
0- *
L-- 0.25 L CL
0 0.25 * *
0 LA

~~ ~ *
< 0.5 * -* * *--
- * * * -
0.15 * *** _ 0.15 * *
1- I
0.35 0.35 -

**~ C C I
_ * T~~~~~

0.25* _ _ _ 0.25 -
---* -* *

0.15 0.1 5 - =* -* -* *
0 200 400 600 0 200 400 600
Demeclocycline Qdded (pmol) Demeclocycline added (pmol)
Fig. 2. Fluorescence emission anisotropy of demeclocycline in the presence Fig. 3. Some examples of binding models rejected on the basis of inade-
of ribosomal particles at 5 mM magnesium. (a) 30S subunits (bottom to quately good fit to the data. (a) 30S subunits, one binding site; points as in
top): 50, 75, 160 and 420 pmol. (b) 50S subunits: 76 and 190 pmol. (c) 70S Figure 2a. (b) 30S subunits, many equivalent binding sites; points as in
ribosomes: 75, 150 and 312 pmol. The sample volume was - 300 Il. The Figure 2a. (c) 50S subunits, one binding site; points as in Figure 2b. For
curves are the calculated best-fit curves for the appropriate binding models quantitative comparison, see text and Table II.
(see text).
very well [e.g., Figure 2; contrast model (a), Figure 3c]. As In summary, the binding data point unambiguously to
expected for weak binding, the number of binding sites and model (c) for 50S subunits and to model (d) for 70S and 30S
the binding constant cannot be determined independently of particles.
one another; equally good fits are obtained for all n > 10. Magnesium dependence of equilibrium constants
However, the product of n2 and K2 is well defined. If model For 70S ribosomes, additional data were collected at 10 mM
(d) is applied to the 50S subunits then the fit is still good but and 20 mM magnesium. The qualitative pattern of demeclo-
K1 has a low value, showing that the single binding site is cycline binding and the numbers of binding sites at these con-
redundant. If model (c) is applied to the 70S or 30S particles centrations were the same as those at 5 mM, but the
then the fit is poor and the theoretical binding shows a cur- equilibrium constants for strong and for weak binding are
vature which is systematically too low (e.g., Figure 3b). somewhat reduced at the higher magnesium concentrations.
(iii) Adequate fitting of the binding behaviour of 70S and 30S The equilibrium constants obtained from the relevant binding
particles is not possible unless strong binding together with models for all particles and magnesium concentrations are
multiple weak interactions is assumed [models (d) and (e)]. summarised in Table III.
Calculations based on one strong binding site (n1 = 1) and
many of a second type (n2 >5) allow good fitting of the Sources of error in equilibrium constants
observed 70S and 30S data. Moreover, if the more complex The calculated standard errors of the parameters obtained in
model (e), with nia = n1b = 1 and n2 large, is applied, then it the refinement procedure were low; most values lay between
simplifies during refinement to model (d) in that either Kia or 10o and 50%o and none exceeded this limit. However, various
Kib converges to a low value, insignificantly different from sources of systematic error can influence the absolute values
B. Epe and P. Woolley

Table II. Comparison of optimum fits for various binding models (5 mM Mg; association constants in (JuM) 1, residual function r defined in Materials and
Model Figure K (n = 1) Klb (n = 1) K2 (n= 10) 104 r
30S One strong site 3a 3.8 --- 592
Two strong sites - 1.3 1.2 --- 70
Many weak sites 3b --- --- 0.10 531
One strong site
plus weak sites 2a 2.2 --- 0.029 27
Two strong sites
plus weak sites - 2.1 0.19 0.018 26

50S One strong site 3c 0.70 --- --- 509

Two strong sites - 0.30 0.30 --- 249
Many weak sites 2b --- --- 0.035 30
One strong site
plus weak sites - 0.041 --- 0.032 31
70S One strong site - 9.1 --- --- 951
Two strong sites - 2.3 2.5 --- 243
Many weak sites --- --- --- 0.20 317
One strong site
plus weak sites 2c 3.2 - 0.082 73
Two strong sites
plus weak sites - 3.3 0.042 0.078 74

Table HI. Summary of association constants for tetracycline with 70S However, the qualitative conclusions about the pattern of the
ribosomes and with 30S and 50S subunits binding, the numbers of binding sites and the trend towards
weaker binding at higher magnesium concentration are unaf-
Particle Mg concen- Strong binding Weak binding (n2 2 10) fected.
tration K1 n2 K2
(mM) (M- l) (M - l) Discussion
30S 5 2.2 x 106 0.29x 106 The results of this study strongly support the description of
50S 5 - 0.35 x 106 tetracycline binding involving a single, strong binding site and
70S 5 3.2 x 106 0.82x 106 a large number of much weaker sites. The anisotropy method
70S 10 2.0 x 106 0.68x 106 allows a determination which, as discussed above, overcomes
70S 20 1.1 x 106 0.40 x106
many of the experimental problems associated with determin-
ing the degree of binding. A weakness of the method is the
need for non-linear least-squares curve-fitting, but, as shown
above, it was possible to keep the number of parameters
of the equilibrium constants. (i) Small deviations from the 1:1 reasonably small. Quantitatively, our results are in best agree-
stoichiometry assumed for the strong interactions caused, - ment with those of Streltsov et al. (1974, 1975) (cf. Tables I,
for example, by the presence of partially inactive ribosomes III); the discrepancies between these and other results, such as
- would result in an artificially low value for the constant the variation in K1 by 3-4 orders of magnitude, cannot light-
K1. (ii) As mentioned above, the greatest single source of er- ly be explained away, but we believe that the anisotropy
ror lies in the intensity ratios for bound vis-a-vis free demeclo- method is particularly suited to the determination of
cycline. An inaccuracy in these ratios would affect the ab- demeclocycline binding, while its reliability is confirmed by
solute values of the constants not, however, the observed
- the conspicuous difference between the good (Figure 2) and
pattern of binding. (iii) For 30S and 50S particles, the the bad (Figure 3) curve-fits over a wide range of concentra-
assumption of a large number of arbitrarily weak sites of type tions of demeclocycline and of ribosomal particles.
2 (n2 > 10) cannot be falsified by the experimental data, since In this study we have for the first time attempted a quanti-
the assumption of a smaller number of weak binding sites (n2 tative comparision of the binding of a tetracycline by 70S,
= 4-10) would not impair significantly the overall fit and 30S and 50S particles; the conclusion that the strong binding
would be compensated for by a lower value of K1. However, site for demeclocycline is associated primarily with the 30S
the unambiguous result for 50S subunits suggests that this subunit seems unambiguous. The fact that the strong binding
assumption is correct for the other ribosomal particles as appears to be significantly (50%) stronger on the 70S particle
well. suggests that the binding site on the 30S subunit is located
By appropriate adjustment of parameter values it was sufficiently close to the 50S subunit to be influenced by it,
shown that each of the three sources of systematic error could even though no strong interaction occurs with the larger sub-
be responsible for an error in K1 and/or in n2K2 of up to 10%. unit alone. Predominant binding to the 30S subunit is consis-
Tetracycline binding to ribosomes

tent with the pattern of photo-affinity labelling of tetracycline Fluorimetric measurements were performed at 25°C in a 5 x 5 mm quartz
to ribosomal proteins (reviewed by Cooperman, 1980; cell. The buffer was: NH4CI 50 mM, Mg acetate, 5, 10 or 20 mM as in-
Goldman et al., 1980, 1983), in which the principal labelled dicated, dithioerythritol 0.1 mM, Tris.HCI 20 mM, pH 7.5 (cf. Luhrmann,
product is protein S7. In addition, a tetracycline-resistant mu- 1980). In most cases, increasing amounts (80-600 pmol) of stock solutions of
demeclocycline (5 mg/l; 10 AM) were added to a given concentration (between
tant of Bacillus subtilis has been found to contain a modified 0.1 and I AM) of ribosomal particles in 250 Al buffer in the optical cell. Im-
protein S10 (Williams and Smith, 1979), although the mediately before titration, the ribosomes or subunits were incubated in the
mechanistic relevance of this finding is not yet clear (Gale et measurement cell at 37°C for 5 min. After each addition of demeclocycline
the solution was allowed to equilibrate for 15 min at 25°C.
al., 1981). Fluorescence measurements were made in an SLM 8000 DS spectrofluori-
On the assumption that the strong binding site is responsi- meter with digital data acquisition (for details see Steinhauser et al., 1982).
ble for the effect of tetracycline upon tRNA binding, the This apparatus has a 450 W Xe lamp as light source and a double-grating ex-
equilibrium constants determined in this work can be combin- citation and single-grating emission monochromator. Polarised emission spec-
tra were taken with vertically polarised excitation at 380 nm; the emission
ed with reported constants (e.g., Holschuh et al., 1981) for range was 500-540 nm; excitation and emission bandwidths were 8 nm.
tRNA binding to the A site in order to calculate the concen- Exact background correction was applied by conducting simultaneous,
tration at which tetracyclines can displace tRNA. For ribo- parallel titrations with omission of demeclocycline. For each point the
somes and tRNA concentrations of 10-6 M notable in- anisotropy and the anisotropy-corrected total intensity were calculated; these
were then averaged over the measured emission range. Each data-point was
terference would occur at antibiotic concentrations around measured at least four times and the average value was used in the calculation
10-4 M. This is in agreement with the finding (reviewed by (below).
Brown and Ireland, 1978) that the selective anti-microbial ac- Curve-fitting was carried out on a Hewlett-Packard 9825 B calculator with
tivity of tetracyclines arises from the suicidal propensity of 23 kbyte store. The multi-parameter, non-linear least-squares programme was
bacteria to accumulate the antibiotics by active transport, adapted from a routine, originally written by G.M. Sheldrick at Cambridge
since the external concentration for bactericidal activity is on- University, which allows the simultaneous refinement of several parameters.
To carry out the curve-fitting, the binding equations were first formulated:
ly a few micromolar in vivo (Forth et al., 1977) and in vitro
(Fussganger, 1958). However, it does not presuppose a par- Ri + T Kj Ri.T (i = la,lb,2)
ticular mechanism (e.g., direct blocking or allosteric weaken- where Rj is a binding site of type i (cf. models (a) -(e), above), T is a
ing of the A site) for the inhibitory action of tetracycline. demeclocycline molecule and K, the associated binding constant. If the total
All three ribosomal particles show a large number of addi- concentration of ribosomes is [R]o and that of demeclocycline [TIO, then
tional binding sites which can be regarded as unspecific. The ni [R]o = [R]i + [Rj.-7 (i la,lb,2) =

weak binding capacity increases with the size of the particle and
(30S < 50S < 70S) and is, as expected, approximately ad- [T7 [R. 7]
ditive. The fact that n2K2 for 70S is somewhat greater than for [ITo = +

30S and 50S combined may, if significant, perhaps be at- where ni is therespective number of binding sites per ribosome.
tributed to the formation of unspecific binding sites in the Substitution of the [Ri. 71 terms following from the mass-action equation
crevice between the subunits. It cannot at present be excluded above and assumption of the numerical values for the parameters of binding
Ki and ni lead to four non-linear simultaneousofequations in which the only
that the weak binding sites have a function: even for a large unknowns are Rua, Rlb, R2 and T. Elimination the Rj leads to the single ex-
molar excess of ribosomes over antibiotic the weak sites, pression for T:
because of their number, account for 30- 40%0 of the overall
binding. [1 = [71 (1 + [Ro] Ki
-niI +Kj[71
In our study, the effect of an increase in magnesium con-
centration was to reduce the affinity of both strong and weak which is then solved for T by iteration, after which the other unknowns are
tetracycline binding by the ribosome. This is in agreement easily calculated.
with White and Cantor (1971). It also suggests - but does When the concentrations are known, the overall anisotropy <a> of the
not prove - that the tetracycline may be binding to RNA. solution is calculated from the anisotropies aj of the single species present by
There is some disagreement in the literature over the magnes- Weber's law:
ium dependence of inhibition of ribosomal polypeptide syn- aj fj cj
thesis by tetracycline: while Bodley and Zieve (1969) found no <a> =
Ef cj
inhibition of Phe-tRNA binding below 10 mM magnesium
and strong inhibition at all concentrations above this, Tritton where for each fluorescing species j the concentration is c. and the
(1977) found inhibition of poly(Phe) synthesis only below fluorescence intensity per unit concentration is f. Since the scale off; is arbi-
20 mM magnesium. Since a high magnesium concentration trary, we definef for free demeclocycline to be 1.00, so all otherf values are
generally strengthens RNA-RNA interactions and, according equal to the ratio of fluorescence intensities in bound and free states. is fA
therefore also called the 'intensity factor'.
to our data, seems to weaken tetracycline-ribosome inter- Thus, with the assumption of values for the parameters Ki, ni, and aj, thefj
actions, we could expect the primary effect of a high mag- overall anisotropy <a> can be calculated, as a function of [R]O and [ on- 1O
nesium concentration to be a reduction in the effectiveness of
then adjusted so
ly, for all the [RIo and values in a set of titrations
as to optimise the fit
(e.g., in Figure 2a). The
of calculated and observ-
tetracycline as an inhibitor of the binding of tRNA by the parameters are
ed < a > -values by the least-squares criterion. Of course, not all the
ribosome, in agreement with the result of Tritton. However, parameters needed to be refined: for example, the anisotropy of free
the exact mechanism of tetracycline action is not known; we demeclocycline was measured independently andforfixed in the refinement; no
shall discuss elsewhere the question of competitive binding difference was found between anisotropy values demeclocycline bound to
between tetracycline and tRNA. strong and to weak sites, so these parameters were constrained to be identical;
the intensity factor for site lb is indeterminate, since site lb does not exist, so
the constraint fib fa was imposed; intensity factors were determined in-

Materials and methods dependently as far as possible and fixed in the refinement; since n2 proved in-
6-Demethylchlortetracycline (Ledermycin' demeclocycline) was kindly determinate, its value was fixed (e.g., n2 10) sowereas to determine
n2K2 by
kept at fixed values of
donated by Cyanamid GmbH (Wolfratshausen, FRG). Ribosomes and ribo- refinement of K2; for final evaluation, nla and nib
somal subunits were prepared according to Hapke and Noll (1976) and Dijk
1 or 0. Since in most cases not all sites were included (some n 0) the
and Littlechild (1979). number of parameters refined was usually only two to four.
B. Epe and P. Woolley

Quantitative comparison of the quality of fit is given by the r-factor, defin-

ed by:
_E(<a>obs - <a>Calc2
( <a>ob,)2
in which summation is over all data-points.

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Received on 19 September 1983; revised on 17 October 1983


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