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CIMCH Nursing Institute

1st batch Diploma in Nursing science & Midwifery ; Session : 2018-19

3rd - 6th Card completion MCQ Exam October - 2019

Sub : Anatomy & Physiology Full marks - 20 Time - 20 Minutes

Write ' T ' for true statement & ' F ' for false statement : 5 × 1 =
Anatomy : Write ' T ' for true statement & ' F ' for false statement : 5 × 1 = 05
11) The neurotransmitter Secreted at the motor end plates of
1) The cell membrane -
skeletal muscle is -
a) encloses components of the cell. b) regulates absorption
a) dopamine b) acetyl choline c) noradrenaline d) glutamate
c) gives shape to the cell. d) does all of the preceding
12) Justify the following statements -
2) A rib is a -
a) Cardiac muscle is found only in the wall of heart.
a) long bone b) short bone c) irregular bone d) flat bone
b) Smooth muscle is also called voluntary muscl.
3) Muscles of mastication are -
c) Skeletal muscle is attached to the bone by the tendons.
a) temporals b) buccinator c) mentalis d) masseter

3) The vessels that carry dexygenated blood back to the heart are - d) Cardiac muscle cells are joined at intercalated discs.

a) pulmonary veins b) pulmonary arteries c) superior venacava d) inferior 12) A person with type A blood has -
a) Anti -B in plasma b) Anti - B in RBCs
4) Layers of the heart -
c) Type B antigens in plasma d) Type B antigens in RBCs
a) Myometrium b) myocardium c) epicardium d) pericardium
13) During diastole in the cardiac cycle, the chambers of the heart
5) Following organs are part of the lymphatic system
a) lymph nodes b) thymus c) kidney d) spleen
a) relax & fill the blood b) a sharp increase in pressure
5) The components of the CNS include -
c) contract & push blood into Anam adjacent Chamber
a) brain & spinal nerves b) spinal cord & cranial nerves
d) a sharp decrease in pressure
c) brain & spinal cord d) sympathetic & parasympathetic system

14) Posterior pituitary hormones are -

Anatomy : Choose the best answer : 5 × 1 = 05

a) ADH b) oxytocin c) TSH d) GH

6) Longest & heaviest bone in the body -

15) Justify the following statements -

a) Tibia b) Fibula c) Humerus d) Femur

a) Oxytocin stimulates smooth muscles of uterus during childbirth

7) The normal pacemaker of heart is -

a) the SA node b) the AV node c) bundle of HIS d) purkinje fibres b) TSH stimulates parathyroid glands

8) Meninges is the coverin of - c) Prolactin stimulates milk production in the breast

a) lung b) heart c) brain d) kidney d) GH regulates tissue metabolism

Choose the best answer : 5 × 1 = 05

16) Normal pH of blood is about -

a) 8.4 b) 7.8 c) 4.7 d) 7.4

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