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Item : Back of Thigh & Leg and Sole

Marks - 35 Pass marks - 21 Time : 1hr

Q.01) Why the semitendinosus & semimembranous are called true hamstrings? Give the origin, insertion,
nerve supply, actions of Biceps Femoris. (1.5 +2.5)

Q.02) Name the Extensors & Abductors of Hip joint.Write the attachment, nerve supply & action of Gluteus
maximus.Which site of gluteal region is chosen for I.M injection & Why? (1+ 2.5 + 1.5)

Q.03) Give the boundaries & contents of Popliteal fossa with diagram. 4

Q.04) Write the formation, course, distribution of Sciatic nerve.(use diagram). 4

Q.05) What is triceps surae? Why soleus is called peripheral heart? Enlist the muscles innervated by Medial &
Lateral plantar nerve.(1+1.5 + 2.5)

Q.06) Write short notes on - a) Plantar aponeurosis b) Tendo-achillis c) Flexor retinaculim (2+1.5+1.5)

Q.07) Tabulate Origin, insertion, Nerve supply & action of - a) Tibialis posterior b) Popliteus c) Flexor hallucis
longus.( 2+2+2)

Item : Back of Thigh & Leg and Sole

Marks - 35 Pass marks - 21 Time : 1hr

Q.01) Why the semitendinosus & semimembranous are called true hamstrings? Give the origin, insertion,
nerve supply, actions of Biceps Femoris. (1.5 +2.5)

Q.02) Name the Extensors & Abductors of Hip joint.Write the attachment, nerve supply & action of Gluteus
maximus.Which site of gluteal region is chosen for I.M injection & Why? (1+ 2.5 + 1.5)

Q.03) Give the boundaries & contents of Popliteal fossa with diagram. 4

Q.04) Write the formation, course, distribution of Sciatic nerve.(use diagram). 4

Q.05) What is triceps surae? Why soleus is called peripheral heart? Enlist the muscles innervated by Medial &
Lateral plantar nerve.(1+1.5 + 2.5)

Q.06) Write short notes on - a) Plantar aponeurosis b) Tendo-achillis c) Flexor retinaculim (2+1.5+1.5)

Q.07) Tabulate Origin, insertion, Nerve supply & action of - a) Tibialis posterior b) Popliteus c) Flexor hallucis
longus.( 2+2+2)

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